#some korea stuff
circlique · 9 months
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Hey hetalia tag, it's been a while! I kept saying I would do it so I finally did: I opened a redbubble shop! So if you want, you can go on there and see what hetalia stuff I have to offer. It's mostly stickers and buttons but a few are available as prints too. I tried to include some characters who don't get a lot of merch (like the ever-elusive Greenland and Mongolia!) to give people with rare faves a chance to finally have something of them.
Please let me know if there's existing art of mine you'd like to see turned into stickers and buttons or whatever! I appreciate your support.
>>> Redbubble Shop <<<
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lopposting · 2 months
Korea Game awards Game Director interview transcription <Lies of P>
Source (KR)
Hey so, I went through some Korea Game Awards stuff. It looks like there was a lot of content recorded for the event, but it doesn't really seem available online. I did find this interview with the director uploaded by a ruliweb user. It ended up being more of talk related to the industry and not all that related to LoP, but I figured I might as well share it since and I had gone through it anyway [and who knows, this could all be lost media one day!].
On LOP winning GOTY - South Korea
The Metacritic score was honestly higher than he expected
Talk about expanding the console games industry in Korea. Again, in South Korea - a leading world of PC Bangs and E-Sports, MMORPGs reign supreme! [Reading around the k-net supposedly LoP is notably one of the first major south korean developed single-player console title? I want to write about this more]
Influenced by other console, single player titles like Naughty Dog's Uncharted Series. [me: I love you, NG's The Last of Us.]
I'm pretty sure that based on his answers he will continue to spearhead the Lies of P IP
Send me an Inbox if you have a correction or see possible error/clarification needed!
[The "footage" doesn't seem available so it's a little hard for me because we can't hear the phrasing, so it's my best guess]
Hello, nice to meet you, I am Choi Ji-won, general director of Lies of P [Jiwon Choi]
What games have you participated in developing so far? Asker Online, and just recently I was in charge of Lost Ark. [note: MMORPG and he did combat direction]
What do you think are the virtues of a good developer?
Above all, I think it's being clear and unwavering in direction
To what extent have I achieved compared to my goal? I think I've achieved about 80% of it.
I think the remaining 20% area
I want to at least overcome that level of fun I had, and the remaining area is one where the goal is to explore new fun
To do that, you have to put in a lot of effort, enjoy the game a lot, and talk a lot with your fellow development colleagues to achieve the fun you want
I want to get into that zone This is really honest
What advice can you give to juniors who want to become developers? Above all, you must become a gamer 'Does that fun really move you?' And do you want to give this feeling to yourself by becoming a developer?' I would like to take this opportunity to tell you once again that it is more important than anything to make an effort just to have fun
Why did you become a game developer? I've been a console game fanatic since I was young So, while enjoying famous masterpieces in console games, I also want to create a game that can provide this kind of fun I think it would be The Uncharted Series at that time I think I was able to analyze why this was fun while playing So I decided to become that kind of developer
What do you think about the Metascore rating results? [note: I'm assuming they're talking about the metacritic score, which is a critic aggregate (Lies of P currently sits at an 80)]
I'll be really honest about this too I thought it was a better score than the score I received. [Note: This is what he says, but I think what he means is "It was a better score than the one what I was expecting"] When I saw the evaluations of the metascore I realized I was only thinking about a small aspect and thought, 'I was [too] focused on the completion of just this area' But now, 'I need to think about a broader field and focus on it again.' It was that kind of experience
What is your ultimate goal as a developer?
Rather than being a developer who receives positive reviews from users, I actually want to remain as a developer who has a positive influence on other fellow developers in the field I hope to become someone who can serve as an opportunity to further improve and develop the development culture and development capabilities of our country's game industry
How do you feel when you receive positive and negative feedback?
(If you think positively) Thank you But I think we should never be satisfied with that (When receiving negative feedback) More and more, there were instances of reflection from a gamer's perspective like ‘Okay. I should have been more in his shoes.’
Any last words you would like to say? I don't think this award is ever meant for me I think this is an award given to everyone on the team I will take this as a sign to work even harder in the future We will continue to do our best to become a developer that can provide only fun and emotion
안녕하세요 반갑습니다 <> 총괄 디렉터 최지원 입니다
Q: 그동안 개발에 참여하신 게임은 ?
<애스커 온라인>, 직전엔 <로스트아크> 프로젝트를 담당했습니다
Q: 좋은 개발자의 덕목은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
무엇보다 뚜렷하고, 흔들리지 않는
방향성을 제시하는 것이라고 생각합니다
Q: 내 목표정에 비해 어는 정도까지 달성했나요?
약 80% 정도는 달성했다고 생각을 해요
남은 20% 영역
본인이 느꼈던 그 재미 이상을 넘어서
새로운 재미를 추구할 수 있는 영역이라고 생각을 합니다
그러려면 정말 노력도 많이 해야 되고
게임도 많이 즐겨야 되고
같은 개발 동료분들과도
원하는 재미를 정말 많이 한 방향이 되도록
대화도 많이 해야 되거든요
저는 그 영역에 도달하고 싶습니다
이게 정말 솔직한 겁니다
Q: 개발자가 되고 싶은 후배들에게 해줄 수 있는 조언은?
무엇보다 게이머가 되어야 됩니다
그 재미를 통해서 본인에게 정말 감동이 되는가?'
그리고 이 감동을 본인도 개발자가 돼서 선사하고 싶은가?'
진짜 재미만을 위해서 노력하는 게
무엇보다 중요하다는 것,
다시 한번 이 자리를 빌려서 말씀드리고 싶습니다
Q: 게임 개발자가된 계기?
저는 어렸을 적부터 콘솔 게임 덕후였습니다
그래서 콘솔 게임에서 유명한 명작들을 즐기면서
나도 꼭 이런 재미를 줄 수 있는 게임을 만들고 싶다
그때는 <언차티드 시리즈>일 것 같아요
플레이하면서 이게 왜 재밌는지를 분석을 할 수 있었던 것 같아요
그래서 그러한 개발자가 되기로 결심을 하게 됐습니다
Q: 메세타스코어 평점결과 에 대해서 어떻게 생각하시나요?
이것도 정말 솔직하게 얘기할게요
받은 점수보다는 더 나은 점수라고 생각을 했었어요
그 메타스코어에 대한 평가 내용들을 봤을 때는
납득이 가더라고요
작은 영역에서만 생각을 했었고
'그 부분에 대한 완성도만 봤었구나...'
근데 이제는 '더욱더 넓은 분야까지도 생각을 하고,
또 정진해야겠다.' 그러한 계기가 됐었습니다
Q: 궁극적인 개발자로서의 목표가 있다면?
유저들에게 좋은 호평을 받는 개발자이기보다는
현업에 있는 다른 동료 개발자들에게
긍정적인 영향을 미치는 개발자로 사실 남고 싶어요
우리나라 게임업계에 대한 개발 문화나
개발력이 더욱더 개선되고 발전하는
그러한 계기가 될 수 있는 사람이 되었으면 좋겠습니다
Q: 긍정적 & 부정적 피드백을 받을때의 기분은?
(긍정적으로 생각해주시면) 감사하죠
하지만 그것으로 만족해서는 절대 안 된다고
생각을 하고 있습니다
(부정적 피드백을 받으면) 더욱더 게이머 입장에서
'아차, 제가 더욱... 더 그분의 입장이 되어야 했었구나'라고
반성을 하는 경우도 많았었습니다
Q: 마지막으로 하고싶으신 말은?
이 상은 결코 저에게 주는 상이 아니라고 생각을 해요
팀 모든 분들에게 주어지는 상이라고 생각을 하고
앞으로도 더욱더 열심히 하라는 뜻으로 받아들이겠습니다
오직 재미와 감동만을 선사할 수 있는
그런 개발자가 되도록
계속 최선을 다하도록 노력하겠습니다
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I just had the horrifying thought of an Idolish7 Korean Dub where the i7 boys are played by BTS and -
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marleneoftheopera · 1 year
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Some good Phantom moments from 2022:
Phantom anniversaries! Broadway’s 34th anniversary also marked Emilie Kouatchou’s first official principal Christine show (which also made her the first black principal Christine on Broadway).
Sydney Harbour! The first outdoor production of Phantom, complete with a chariot, fire, and ‘Point of No Return’ in the rain.
Unofficial photos! Melanie Gowie (London Phantom dresser and former Carlotta) and Greg Mills (Broadway swing) continue to stun with their unofficial backstage/onstage photos.
Live performances! Probably the biggest one was at the Queen’s Jubilee.
Raoul’s, Raoul’s, and more Raoul’s! While John Riddle killed it in Titanique, Jordan Donica, Paul Schaefer, and Jason Forbach all took turns as principal Raoul. Jordan’s return also marked the first time more than one black actor was in the trio at the same time on Broadway.
Restaged Tour! After being put off for a year, the Australian Restaged Tour finally opened featuring former London cast members Josh Piterman, Amy Manford, and Bridget Costello.
Non-replicas! Several non-replicas had performances this year, including Hungary. Budapest also had (or eventually will have) their first big cast change since the production opened over 20 years ago. 
Korean production! Cast was officially announced for Phantom’s return to Korea.
Chinese production! The first production to actually be performed in Mandarin.
Diversity, Role Swaps, AND New Productions! Besides seeing some real progress in diverse casting across the board, there were also tons of former cast members that returned to various productions (mos tof the time due to Covid cases). Australia saw Josh Robson (Sydney Harbour Phantom) as Raoul and Claire Lyon (former World Tour Christine) show up in Melbourne. They both had to re-learn the show as it’s different staging and did so in less than two days.
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endercasts · 4 months
gonna be interesting to see if the lck cl en cast can manage to keep the same chill vibes in 2024 as this year. with most likely more new fans watching because of rekkles and a move away from twitch due to twitch korea shutting down that seems difficult.
youtube chat was already a mess this year, with messages about gambling etc (banned topic) and a lot of non-english chatters. the casters did not have mod permissions there to snipe gambling talk or player insults. maybe it gets better due to twitch chatters moving over but it's not like the viet (?) chatters will just disappear. I really liked the vibes of the lck cl stream this year and of the co-streams of the previous years so I hope they can manage to keep things nice and friendly
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byzeloforzelo · 9 months
Whats wrong with his staff?
I'm just talking about my personal experience with the person running that acc and their comment that didn't sit Right with me on how the managers don't like working with latam after they asked me and I told them the prices for my country were a bit expensive [bc here they usually would have to lower the prices by much]
but it might just be me being too sensitive idk
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thistransient · 1 year
the plurality of (hu)man
Me last night: Sure, why not go down to Ximending by myself and volunteer to have this rigger I just met tie me up and hang me from the ceiling of a crowded bar Me this afternoon: Inconsolable due to minor misunderstanding with the fruit shop cashier Me this evening: Totally consoled after having a nap and finally going to Carrefour late enough to get the Japanese mochi bread on sale
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jellypawss · 9 months
it’s taking me so long to learn Spanish bc I got Korean on my list like 🫣 when’s it my turn
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wonwoonlight · 9 months
Everytime younger girls call me jiejie/unnie I melt a little🥹🥹🥹
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pepperf · 2 years
Me: I am learning to let go of perfectionism. I am learning when it’s not necessary to exhaustively research every aspect of a fic, and that in fact it’s often just a procrastination tool. I’m learning that I get more written when I can let these things go, and that in fact no one is really that concerned about the minor details, in fact my desire to show that I Have Done Research often results in the addition of unnecessary and distracting details. I am learning that, in the end, I often edit these things out, or never use them.
Also me: Okay, this online course in Korean philosophy is only 4 weeks long, and it would give such depth to this throwaway line for this minor character in one scene of this extremely frivolous and self indulgent fic...
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yisanged · 1 year
the japanese-korean stuff is always just this weird elephant in the room.... idk. a lot of the times the stuff like in that one orv arc is just really uncalled for but at the same time it doesn't feel right ignoring all the bad blood there just to say oh this is hashtag problematic or whatever. idk it's not a topic i know as much about as i maybe should what with being a usamerican with parents that have made no great efforts to keep me super tied to korean culture other than just like. the food. but it's hard to get good information on it with all the polarized uninformed biased opinions out there. my parents themselves aren't the most impartial sources either. idk idk. whatever
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tardis--dreams · 11 months
Tried calling the doctor's office 16 times today and then decided to just stop trying and hope they'd call me if there was anything wrong with my blood results- well. they called me (:
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foxcassius · 11 months
jiwon is so nice.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
my favourite thing abt tumblr mass-finding out about the origins of the “poor little meow meow” phrase is a couple of people in the tags, who listen to things like, i assume, punk or rap, going “oh so THIS is what people got so emotional over? wow they wouldn’t last a day over here” or “ah, this, yeah a couple of guys from our side did it too”. refreshing
#i feel like it would also benefit people to realize that like. the fact that kpop is FULL of random phrases and more and more groups promote#overseas to the point of having the hour of their comeback be convenient for the US rather than just korea... absolutely DOES NOT!!!#DOES NOT!!! mean they all speak perfect (or even reliably passable) english and are knowledgeable about the things english-speaking#internet cares about. every once in a while there's a new twt storm because some idol says or does something insensitive and hurtful to a#group of their fans and its like. well yeah it's a horrible feeling but i cannot overstate how many of these idols just Don't Know Shit#like. idk. black people. i'd say most kpop idols -- who are just some guys and not tumblr/twitter users -- associate black people with like#music artists. rappers. they're cool and they have those cool braids! i'm doing a rap song and i want to be cool like them! lemme put on#those braid extensions! yahoo! <-- everyone hated that.#this is not to say that koreans are wee little babies who shouldn't be held accountable or that they're all stupid#but even despite kpop's insane worldwide popularity i doubt any of those idols are getting worldwide-flavoured sensitivity training#they're all perfect at saying cloyingly sweet bullshit to their fans -- i will love you all for the rest of my life! bro WHO would believe#that it's so embarrassing just sing your fucking songs -- but that's it! hell the younger groups are even bad at knowing how to act in thei#OWN country; with older idols complaining that the newbies talk to them casually (not using the polite language like you should) or even#flat out ignore/don't saw hello or bow to them. twt people are like 'korea has the fastest internet in the world' aye and they use it for#games and teenage internet stuff; not educating themselves on things they know nothing about#the sermon was 100% unintelligible to myg and he just picked it because it had a Tone that must have fit the image of the song in his mind#it's like all those people getting 'chinese' tattoos that say stupid shit like pork belly or baka gaijin or a bunch of misspelled character#tilted by 90 degrees#like i myself didn't know about the cult leader until the sample drama. so#some kp/op fans are absolutely rabid though. especially on twt#shrimp thoughts
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
my problem is that i wanna keep adding muses but i have so many already and the muses i wanna add rn are characters that most people :' ) won't be familiar with :' ) which makes figuring out interactions for them a lil harder BUT i love them...... i love them
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mejomonster · 2 years
In Your Heart is a cdrama bl, actual bl with kissing and not censored, that was made this year. It's about two high school best friends who fall in love. Me and @killerandhealerqueen have seen the first couple eps, I'm not sure if anyone's finished watching it.
YoYo English Channel on youtube is adding it! I'm not sure if they'll be cutting scenes or it will be the full original show, but I wanted to mention this because I am not sure if I've seen this show on any other major streaming platforms yet. It's cute and I'd recommend the watch
#rant#in your heart#warning: the very beginning has a forced kiss that is mid arguement that is then rewinded from. implying thats a future event#if u have seen oldschool cdrama bl this is not gonna surprise you but its worth noting#i found In Your Heart really fascinating? on one level its cdrama actors and people involved so a xoncious choice#to try and make an uncensored gay show in 2022 which is admirable and im already very happy for#then its also a refreshing mix of oldschool cdrama bl feel and more modern stuff like whats coming out of Thailand and Korea#its got that sort of grounded reality bite to it i feel cdramas do better. cdramas are good#at people and plots that feel more grounded and real because theyre just a bit messy (by design)#in a way polished kdramas dont tend to be.#but then irs also a much lighter plot than Till Death Tear Us Apart or Addicted or Advance Bravely#its just 2 best friends in love. its not some huge enemies to lovers with spies like tdtua or advance bravely#whats real and heavy is the life moments like Go Ahead#is their realistic family situations and school situations and way of handling bullies#whats realistic is their classmates. their social lives#then the thai like fluff comes in. in that this show ultimately leans optimistic. its opening music#video suggests fluff and happy endings to come.#its i think a really cool example#of how if cdramas could get into doing more uncensored bl#they would be doing high school pulps too! and college pulps! fluffy ones with a bit of a bite of reality#which theyre good at! if they could#and how they are evolving still. this is much fresher idea wise than advance bravely and older stuff#at the same time? it is q bit sad. because In Your Heart does GOOD#and it really emphazises to me how if Guardian or Word of Honor#had been Allowed to just be explicitly gay. how well that couldve been done#how cdramas Could make epic fnatasy productions with queer main characters Explicitly if they had the ability
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