#someone give me a name to blame for such sucky designs
articroses · 4 years
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You’re killing me Marvel. You’re actually killing me.
I don’t care about the ironic commentary: Snowflake is more of a name you’ll give to a pet panda bear on Webkins than an actual hero.
Anyway, I gave them a little redesign
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I’m not good in names but Sleet or even Permafrost is better in my opinion.
The gauntlets around their arms help them aim their projectiles better. Also, I gave them ice picks, because why not.
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Questions and Answers and Homes
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##  Aizawa POV ##
I watched with growing dread as Nedzu picked through problem child’s file.
He really did just figure out his quirk, his first update for having a quirk was two weeks before school started.
He apparently updated it again just this weekend, noting a few additions and changing the name.
I was not happy.
Fuck I’d made the kid hurt himself on the first day just to use his quirk!
“What do we do?” I asked Nedzu.
“Why, we teach him! If his quirk does increase his mental capacity we’ll have to check, and of course hone whatever skills it helps with the most.”
Nedzu was studying the file carefully.
“His scores are pretty mediocre for someone with a mental enhancement quirk though,” he murmured, sipping his tea.
I frowned, what did that mean, was he saying problem child lied about that? Or something else? Did problem child hide his smarts? Why would he do that?
“Oh well!” He chirped, “We’ll just have to wait and see, hmm?”
I glared, that was the opposite of what I wanted.
“Do bring him by tomorrow after the memorial service, I’ll have a test ready for him.”
I sighed, “Fine, whatever. Also, check the cameras for outside my classroom right after classes let out, some students were causing trouble and harassing my kids.”
He looked up, a strange gleam in his eye.
“No need to worry Aizawa! I’ll deal with the one’s bothering your… students.” He grinned at me.
I nodded and quickly left, Nedzu was in a strange mood and no one wants to be around for that.
##  Tomura POV ##
I hummed, studying my Otouto’s file.
His quirk, Enhancement. Allowing him to enhance himself physically and mentally, too subtle to notice previously as it was limited to mental enhancement, but recent stress triggered his quirk’s evolution and gave him the capability to use it physically.
Does that mean the Otouto was never truly quirkless? Or did his quirk come slowly?
I studied the other notes.
Physical enhancement of a high degree, but special training needed to make his body able to handle the enhancement, otherwise the backlash breaks the bones. Troublesome.
Otouto would definitely be able to master it, and if it is a mental enhancement…
“Well Tomura, what does it say?”
I looked up at Sensei’s screen.
“Of course, sorry Sensei. His quirk is called Enhancement. It says he had it all along but it just wasn’t noticed cause it was enhancing him mentally, so he just looked smart.”
Sensei frowned, “Strange, I checked him for a quirk myself, to insure the doctor was correct. I didn’t sense a mental enhancement, or any quirk at all… then again…”
He trailed off and I perked up, “Sensei?”
“Well, I was unable to sense my brother’s quirk as well, perhaps the drawback of my quirk is being unable to sense family’s quirks. So perhaps he did have one and I just couldn’t sense it… I will have to think on this.”
Sensei shook his head and tilted it back towards me, “Continue Tomura.”
I nodded, “Says it recently evolved due to a mix of stress and physical training, giving it the physical aspect that I saw. Downside noted is that the backlash breaks his bones as his body can’t handle the stress.”
“Stress?” Sensei said sharply.
I frowned over the report, “Yeah, I don’t know. It doesn’t say what the stressor was.”
Sensei looked displeased, can’t blame him. Apparently Otouto was put in a situation sufficiently stressful enough to make his quirk evolve.
That’s not good and someone’s gonna die.
“Well, it is an interesting quirk nonetheless. The implications of its capabilities.”
I grinned as Sensei trailed of for a second.
“Yeah?” I questioned.
“What all can it enhance? Could he enhance his healing with it? His strength is an obvious part, but could he enhance his muscle strength as well to counter the backlash? Can he focus the enhancement? Can he enhance other’s skills? Share his strength with them? How does he gain the power to enhance himself? Does it build up over time? Or does it draw from something around him? Does he need an external force and hasn’t realized yet? I will need more information to insure he is able to train his quirk to his full potential.”
“Yes Sensei,” I nodded.
Sensei always makes excellent points, there’s a lot about the quirk we don’t know. Otouto probably knows more and is keeping it off the record, but it would be helpful to know more so that we know how to help him.
But if Sensei is correct about the scope of Otouto’s quirk then Otouto will need a lot of training…
“Shouldn’t we just pick him up now? He’ll need training and we can teach him here. Away from those filthy heroes. Obviously they’re not teaching him right! I mean, his quirk is hurting him! If they were teaching him how to control it then he wouldn’t be having those kinds of issues with it!”
“I know Tomura, and I want Izuku here as much as you do.”
I nodded, staring intently, of course Sensei does, Otouto is his precious son after all! He wants him safe more than anything.
“We simply need more information.”
I slumped.
“The Sports Festival will let us analyze him, see his strengths and weakness’s, let us see how he acts around his classmates. It will give us a large advantage in knowing what to focus on in teaching him plus allow us to see how he interacts with any friends he’s made. His safety comes first, but we mustn’t forget about keeping him happy either.”
I sighed, that’s true.
“I guess. But I want him here now!”
Sensei smiled, “As do I, but we must be patient.”
“None of them are worthy of Otouto, he’s worth more than all of them combined.”
“He is, and we’ll make sure he’s well aware of that when we retrieve him.”
“I need to figure out his room for when we do get him. He’ll need a soft space, plus of course video games. Otouto will only get the best.”
I need to start deciding now don’t I? What if Sensei changes his mind and decides to get Otouto sooner?
I heard a soft laugh, “Very well. Tomura, you should design and gather the supplies for Izuku’s room there with you. He’ll likely stay in your base for a while.”
I perked up. “Really!?”
“Yes, gather whatever think necessary for Izuku. He’ll also want some notebooks I’m sure.”
I grinned, “Yes Sensei! He’ll have everything he needs and more!”
I’ll need to find out all the details, I know his favorite food is Katsudon, does he have a favorite snack though? A favorite dessert? I know he loves Pokemon, so I’ll get some of the side games he doesn’t have yet. Yeah, a full gaming system for him would be best I think.
Oh, he’ll need clothes, not like we can just raid his house. His mom would probably be upset. So clothes, and soft blankets, lots of pillows.
He likes heroes but maybe we can compromise, and I can get him some vigilante merchandise? It’s close enough right? Maybe some underground hero merchandise? It’s less common but the underground heroes aren’t nearly as sucky as the show off ones.
Okay, he’ll need some electronics, a computer and stuff. Don’t want Otouto getting bored!
There’s so much to do and so little time.
“Kurogiri! We have stuff to do! Get ready to go out.”
##  Izuku POV ##
I shuffled slightly.
Tsu nudged my arm, glancing up at me. I offered her a weak smile.
The Memorial was today, the one for Mineta.
It was… stressful.
The other students finally seemed to remember that a student died, and they were all shooting our class looks. I’m very thankful that the class was hiding me and Tsu from view.
I swallowed as Principal Nedzu came up to speak.
“The year has only just begun, and yet we have already lost a student.”
His expression was solemn.
“His loss is a great tragedy, he stood by his classmates during the attack and in the end, he died for it.”
Well he didn’t exactly stand by us, more like he tried to flee at every opportunity but…
“Mineta Minrou was only a student, like the rest of you. He should not have been in such danger at his age. We will all mourn his death. Hold your silence for a moment in memory of Young Mineta Minrou.”
No one spoke.
“Thank you.”
His gaze swept around to study the students, “Now, I know there has been some discussion as to what happened during the attack. I am going to clarify it now.”
Everyone went silent.
“The villains that attacked used a being called Nomu to fight All Might. This creature is safely in holding now so there is no need to worry about it! The two leaders of the villains managed to escape before they could be captured due to one of them having a warp quirk. The other has a     quirk that allows him to disintegrate things. Currently the limits of his quirk are unknown, though it likely relies on touch. Both of them are extremely dangerous. The rest of the villains were unfortunately broken out by the warp villain, but the police were able to question them first.”
He looked around, “The villains are dangerous, and they won’t hesitate to harm you and were capable of bringing down two pros. If you run into any of them your best bet-“
I shook my head.
Principal Nedzu was talking still.
“Now then, that is all that I can share with you about the attack. Please do not question your fellow students on it as it was a very traumatizing event.”
I swallowed, oh I hope no one questions me about it.
“Remember children, some of your fellow students just lost a classmate. Be kind, the students are recovering from their loss. If any of you are found to be bothering them,” He smiled brightly but I felt a shiver go down my spine, “You’ll regret it!”
They dismissed us shortly after.
I went to find Aizawa-Sensei.
##  Tsu POV ##
I sat quietly with Hound Dog. Midoriya and Aizawa-Sensei dropped me off before heading out, Midoriya apparently has to complete a test with Nedzu while I’m talking to Hound Dog.
The therapy session started out fine.
He asked me how I was feeling, fine, how classes were, fine, how did I like the hero course, it’s fine.
Then he moved onto the USJ incident.
Asked me how I felt about it, asked if I wanted to talk about the details, asked if I was alright, how I was holding up.
I answered as best I could.
It had been scary, I couldn’t believe that we’d been put in danger like that.
I still didn’t understand why the one villain called Midoriya Otouto. But I’d promised not to speak about it till Midoriya knew more.
So, I answered, I kept it vague, told him an outline of what happened.
“How do you feel about Mineta?”
And I broke down.
He sucked, I didn’t like him, he was groping me right before that.
But I didn’t want him to die.
I tried to stifle my cries, but Hound Dog gave me tissues and gently rubbed my back.
Mineta died right in front of me.
It could’ve been me.
It would’ve been me.
Except Midoriya told him to leave me alone.
And he did.
###  Izuku POV ###
The Test had been hard, lots of questions, lots of different scenarios, there was even a quirk analysis section (that was my favorite part honestly).
It wasn’t as hard as it could’ve been. I might have kept the grades a bit lower in school to avoid attention from the worst bullies (last thing I wanted was for them to try and make me do their work for them and get blamed for plagiarism on top of everything else) but Dad made sure that I had everything I needed to learn a lot. And sometimes he would send mini-quizzes in the letters, so I always made sure to do the reading he gave me.
Plus, it was from Dad, how could I not do it? He was sending me something to do, even though I was a useless quirkless child at the time he still did extra to humor me, even if just for mom. I refuse to let him down more than I already am or well, was.
So yeah, the test was hard, but Dad’s quizzes can be harder. For once I didn’t change my answers to wrong ones though, I’m trying to claim I have a quirk that enhances my mental capacity, if I do badly they’ll realize I’m lying.
Now I had to go back to class. After that is lunch and I have my meeting with Hound Dog then. That was fine, I brought some of the snacks Dad sent me in the care package with my bento today. I was excited to try the Cheez-Its Dad sent me. I’d try the Pop-Tarts another time.
Class was boring, just English lessons.
Present Mic was good at making it interesting most days but today I just have way too much on my mind.
“Midoriya! How do you say ‘The wind sent the rock across the placid lake.’?”
I answered it, barely paying attention.
Dad wanted me to learn English a while ago. I was fluent enough to be able to respond to his letters in English and talk to him on the occasional phone call. I was also alright at Mandarin, Russian, and French. But not fluent. French was the hardest but Dad wanted me to learn them. I could write in them and say some words but not much more… And I was going off track again.
I’m not excited for the therapist appointment. What was I going to say? Oh yes he died and I didn’t see it cause the Nomu was right in front of me? That I didn’t even realize he was dead till Tsu told me?
Ugh I was not looking forward to it.
The bell rang, jolting me out of my thoughts.
Right, time to go to Hound Dog. Aizawa-Sensei was waiting for me at the teachers’ lounge, he led me to Hound Dog’s office.
“Thanks.” I mumbled.
He studied me, “I’ll be here at the end of lunch to bring you back to class. Don’t forget to come to the teacher’s lounge after your last classes to meet with the detective about what happened.”
I nodded, mumbling an agreement, before turning to open the door.
Hound Dog was nice, his quirk was super interesting to I wonder exactly what he gets out of it? Is he human that’s like an animal or animal that’s like a human? My hands itched to pull out my notebook, but I forced the urge down.
“How are you doing today Midoriya?”
“I’m okay,” I murmured, shifting in my seat.
“You can pull out your lunch, I know it’s a bit difficult having to see me during your lunch hour.”
I nodded, pulling out my bento with the leftover Katsudon and the bag of Cheeze-Its.
“How are your classes going?”
I swallowed my bite, “Um, the-they’re doing okay.”
“Struggling in any?”
“Not really.”
“Do you have a favorite?”
I thought for a moment, “Math? It’s a struggle sometimes which is fun…”
Hound Dog nodded.
“Are you enjoying the hero course?”
I perked up a little, “Yeah! I really love learning to be a hero, I never expected to be able to get in right away. My original plan was to go through the sport’s festival.”
Hound Dog frowned, “Oh? With your quirk it seems like you’re more than able to be a hero.”
I shifted, “Well, my quirk only… it only became obvious recently. Before I was considered quirkless.” I looked away.
Hound Dog didn’t say anything for a moment, I nibbled at one of the Cheeze-Its, it’s good.
“That’s impressive.”
I blinked, “What?”
“You were planning to become a hero even when you were thought quirkless, that takes guts. You’re really brave, and clearly determined, to do that.”
I flushed, “Ah, well, I just- It’s not- I’m-“
Hound Dog chuckled, “Don’t undermine your strength pup.”
I nodded.
“Did you have plans for the kind of hero you were going to be?”
“Yeah, I was, I was gonna be an underground hero. No quirk meant no being flashy….”
He nodded, “True.”
I swallowed, “Ah well, I was gonna try to become an analysis expert. Um, I know they’re kinda rare, but my dad does analysis’s, I don’t know for which company but he’s good at it. He helped me learn a bit about it and I really enjoy it…”
Hound Dog blinked, “Oh? Have you still been doing it?”
I nodded, “Uh yeah, I try to…”
“Tell me a bit about one of your classmates quirks?”
I straightened, mentally going through the quirks my classmates have and which I have some info on right now.
“Uraraka has a quirk called Zero Gravity but that isn’t quite right because there’s more to it then just cancelling gravity. After all, there’s air resistance, friction, air pressure, and other forces involved as well. It seems more like her quirk reverses momentum or enhances it or something along that line. Her quirk lets her decide the momentum almost. She completely cancels the velocity of the object, even when it’s falling.  When she touches stuff, it floats up and drifts if it was just sitting there, which shouldn’t happen unless a force was exerted on it. But if she moves it, it just keeps moving till it hits something. Plus she seems to almost be able to control the amount that she affects the object that she touches.  That doesn’t line up with Zero Gravity.”
I paused for a breath.
“But moving away from the exact way her quirk works, the potential for it is massive. She’s limited right now on what she can move but she can easily keep an opponent from escaping with just a touch. She can lift practically anything, making her an ideal rescue hero. If she could add thrusters or something of similar nature to her costume then she could make herself weightless and use the thrusters, or a grappling hook at the least, and fly around. It would extremely increase her mobility.”
I faltered, noticing Hound Dog’s wide-eyed look.
“And um… yeah.”
“… Well… That is… very thorough. You’ve obviously put a lot of thought into this.
I flushed, “Ah well… Quirks are interesting?”
He nodded, making a note.
“Well, it’s fairly impressive how much you’ve thought about it.”
I gave a weak smile.
“How are you adjusting then? Have you… analyzed? Your own quirk?”
I nodded, “Um, yeah, I uh, I’m still figuring it all out… but uh, I’m working on it?”
He nodded, offering me a gentle smile. Or well, gentle for him.
“Alright, have you made any friends?”
I blinked at the sudden shift in subject.
“Uh, yeah, um, Tsu, Tsu and Uraraka are friends…. I think.”
He nodded, making another note.
“Have you talked to anyone about the USJ incident yet?”
I winced, diving right in then.
He studied me, “You don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want, we can meet as many times as you need.”
I shook my head, “No, no…. It’s okay. Um, I haven’t… haven’t talked to anyone yet… I uh, I have a meeting with the detective after this…”
He nodded, “Alright, how did you feel about it?”
“Scared,” I looked away, “Nervous. We all almost died… Mineta…. He…”
“It’s okay, it’s a hard subject, and you saw the death. That isn’t easy.”
I shook my head, “I didn’t see it.”
He blinked, “Oh?”
“The Nomu, it was in the way. I didn’t see it. Didn’t even realize…” I hunched in on myself.
“I see… that still can’t have been easy, to be right there, with two of the high ranked villains trying to kill you.”
How do I tell him that the villain stopped when I asked? How do I say that the villain did not try to hurt me? Could I say that?
He kept talking, coaxing me to talk about the events more. To discuss how it felt.
I answered him as best I could, he stopped a subject any time I seemed too worked up. We ended up jumping between the USJ attack and my Junior High and what it was like being diagnosed as quirkless and what I did for hobbies.
It got easier to talk when we left the subject of the USJ.
Then lunch was over and Aizawa-sensei was walking me back to class.
That was nerve-wracking, but I’m glad I did it. I felt surer of myself now. I would not let that happen again, I wouldn’t let someone be hurt right in front of me without me noticing. I would be a hero, a good one.
##  Naomasa POV ##
I settled down to talk to Midoriya Izuku, Toshinori’s successor. Toshinori said he’d be sitting in on the meeting to.
I quirked an eyebrow when Eraserhead brought the kid in.
I hadn’t gotten the chance to see more than his file yet, he was smaller than I expected.
He mumbled to the teacher who nodded, settling down in the seat to the right of Midoriya. Toshinori took the other one.
“Hey kid, how are you today?”
“Hi Al- Uh- Toshinori-san!”
“Wait you know him Toshinori?” Aizawa’s eyes narrowed on Toshinori.
I sighed, best to interrupt for now at least, give Toshi some time to come up with an excuse.
“Hello Midoriya-san, I’m Naomasa Tsukauchi. I’m covering the USJ incident case.”
Aizawa swung to glare at me.
“Hi,” Midoriya mumbled, peering up at me shyly.
“How are you doing today Midoriya-san?”
“I’m alright.”
“I’m glad.” I shuffled my papers and smiled gently at him, “Before we begin I need to let you know that my quirk Lie Detector will let me tell if you lie, so speak only the truth.”
He nodded, eye’s sparkling suddenly, “Yes sir,” He murmured.
‘How does he know when they’re lying? Is there some sense? A sound? A feeling? And can he turn it on and off at will? Can he tell when they’re withholding information or just when they don’t speak a truth? Does it work for truths in general or if they phrase the answer carefully can they slip past it? Can they complete the sentence in their head to trick it?’
I blinked as he mumbled out an analysis of my quirk, that was…. Impressive, and mildly scary.
I cleared my throat and he flushed, ducking his head.
“A thorough analysis Midoriya-san, but now let us move on to the questions.”
He nodded.
“Tell me what happened when you arrived at the USJ.”
He swallowed, “So we got there and Thirteen was talking to us when the lights suddenly sparked, that was likely because they cut the alarms and communications, probably through someone with an electric quirk, I believe he had a run in with Yaoyorozu and the others with her later on. Then the fountain acted weird for a moment, faltering and then the spray stopped momentarily, a purple portal made by the warp villain appeared and covered a large area to let the villains, and the Nomu, walk out. It’s also likely that this was the last group brought in as the villains were scattered already around the facility.”
I frantically wrote the notes down, looks like his analyzing wasn’t just for quirks.
“Then the one in charge, the villain covered in hands, yelled asking where All Might was. The teachers told us to run while Aizawa-sensei went to fight the villains there, the majority of them were mutant type quirks from what I saw, but the warp villain managed to reach us. He ended up transporting us around the facility after Kacchan and Kirishima tried and failed to attack him. I ended up in the shipwreck zone with Tsu and Mine-“
He faltered for a moment, before swallowing and continuing on.
“Mineta.” He paused for breath, “I landed in the water and Tsu saved me when a villain with a shark head mutation, who was able to breathe above water as well as below so it can’t be a full mutation but he didn’t seem able to turn it off which is interesting so perhaps-“
“What happened next?”
He flushed, “Right, um next we used our quirks to destroy the ship and cause a small whirlpool, using- using Mineta’s quirk to bind everyone together and Tsu getting us out of there while I made a shockwave.”
I nodded, he gives a pretty good outline of events.
Toshinori was looking at him worriedly.
“We landed by the shore, near where Aizawa-sensei was fighting. We watched the hand villain use his quirk on Sensei, it seems to be a five point contact quirk, he had to put all five fingers down to do damage, a disintegration quirk, works very fast…”
He stared at his hands, which were fiddling with a nice pen.
I scrambled to write down his thoughts on the villains quirk, Orochi still hadn’t gotten back to us.
“Um, right, so then the Nomu attacked, um, it hit Sensei hard and the disintegration villain started talking about how strong the Nomu was. He talked a lot of gamer speech, roleplay game speech mainly. But then the warp villain returned and told him someone got away and he said they would leave…”
He bit his lip.
“It’s okay,” I said gently, “take your time.”
He took in a deep breath, “So then he came at us, he stopped before he touched us though, said something softly then turned to Sensei and said Sensei was cool for stopping his attack. I attacked to get him away, but the Nomu got in my way. It started to grab me and then All Might arrived.”
I nodded. “We know what happened from there but is there anything you feel you should add?”
He shook his head, fingers deftly putting the pen back together.
“Alright, thank you for your time. I know this was hard.”
He nodded.
“Well, I have everything I need. Take care of yourself Midoriya-san.”
I gathered my things as Aizawa led the kid out.
“Well?” Toshinori asked.
I sighed, “Nothing really that we didn’t know. Though his thoughts on the Tomura Shigaraki’s quirk are certainly welcome, he seems good at that analysis thing.”
“Ah, yes I suppose he’s alright at it. I hadn’t really thought about it.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Analysis experts are few and far between Toshi. You should encourage him, it could be a big help to both him and other heroes.”
Toshinori nodded, “Yes, he’ll have time for that, but for now we’ll need to work on his quirk. He needs to get strong enough as quickly as possible.”
“The world won’t fall apart if he’s not ready when you retire, it lived for a long time without a symbol of peace and can do it again if it needs to.”
Toshinori sighed, “I know…. I just worry.”
I smiled, “Let the kid live, it’ll be okay Toshinori. Want to have dinner tonight?”
He nodded, offering me a wane smile, “I’d like that.”
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You know what really fucking sucks in the bandom?
Prejudice. I'm sick and TIRED of seeing this shit so i'm making a long post about it. Now, i'm not calling y'all out that have given the music a shot but it's just not for you, but u respect the band and the fans. I'm calling y'all out that judge this band SO HARD because of a stereotype of the fandom. Listen the fuck up: the skeleton clique IS cringey sometimes. I know, there are 12 year-olds that are in the fandom that are self-entitled dicks. There are also young adults who are art students and have gotten into college because of a top inspired piece of artwork. So HOLD UP: I think we all need to step back and get some rules about how we treat an entire group of people. 1. DO NOT JUDGE A CLIQUE MEMBER BECAUSE THEY CLAIM TOP SAVED THEIR LIFE/MEANS A LOT TO THEM/ ETC. If you are a fan of any band, especially one in the emo trinity, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Being a fan of the band means you are someone who knows a lot about the band (dont judge them because they know Tyler and Josh's birthdays), you care about the band, and more often than not you have a special connection with the band. Most fans (OF ANY BAND) feel as though that band helped them through a rough time, so don't give clique members shit for saying that. 2. DO NOT HATE THE CLIQUE BECAUSE THEY'RE EXTRA (WHETHER OR NOT BECAUSE OF THE SLASHED Øs) OR THINK, AS AN EMO TRINITY FAN, THE CLIQUE IS EXTRA BUT YOU ARE NOT. Ya like Brendon Urie? Your fandom calls him Daddy. Panic! At The Disco, and Sinners in general, are S O E X T R A. THE BAND NAME LITERALLY HAS AN '!' IN IT. Sinner Daddy™ is so fucking extra he wears tight leather pants and gold jackets. Ya like MCR? Don't fucking tell me Gerard Way isn't extra, and do NOT tell me that you are obsessed with that band but they didn't save your life/mean a lot to you. Like FOB? Petey boi is quite extra, i mean short pink hair and EVERYTHING with the design of his own tattoo?! FOB literally did essentially a movie comprised of music videos and the entire time they just threw new symbols in because they wanted to. All of these bands are also over-the-top angsty so dont blame the clique for that either. 3. STOP HATING ON THE GODDAMN BAND AND NOT GIVE THE MUSIC A CHANCE BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEIR FANS!!! Don't like Blurryface? Fine, that's okay! But listen to self-titled, listen to Vessel, listen to Regional At Best. I, personally, love top musically and lyrically. You don't have to like the band, you don't, but you sure as hell don't get to call the music "shit" because u dont like it or because of their fans. You also dont get to call it "shit" because you heard one song on the radio a bunch and it's mainstream now/you're sick of that one song. I cant stand pop music, but i have REASONS, EDUCATED REASONS as to why, and i dont go around calling pop music "shit" or calling their fans "shit" because they like pop. 4. DO NOT ASSUME THAT SOMEONE FITS THE STEREOTYPE YOU HAVE ASSIGNED THE CLIQUE THE SECOND THEY SAY "I like Twenty One Pilots". Ive fallen victim to this SO MANY TIMES and im not even in the clique! I just like the music! There are people like me out there, but there's also talented, creative people who are musicians, artists, writers, and other types of creators who are inspired by top, love top, and are in the fanbase. And most of them arent even "cringey"! Theyre really talented, give them a shot!! Guys, I'm serious about this. Sure, the fandom can seem sucky on the outside, but Panic! At The Disco is literally a cult with songs about a band member who's moved on from the dead ship. Their fanbase idolizes a broken and burnt guitar and holds a LONG ASS fanfiction as gospel. You also can't say "milk" without the entire fanbase giggling or wincing. BUT SINNERS ARE GIVING THE SKELETON CLIQUE SHIT?! Twenty One Pilots is a GOOD band. They are, I really do enjoy their music. Sure, sometimes the clique can be toxic, but I think that's for the clique to work out and for you to not assume everyone who listens to the music is like that. Y'all flipped shit when Gerard died his hair or Pete cut it and bleached it or literally any time Brendon changes his style. Let the clique freak out about Tyler shaving his hair and Josh dying it. If you are a stan/in the emo trinity fandom, guess fucking what: the clique is your little sibling. It can be cringey, but so can you. Stop judging it and educate it, help it become a healthy non-toxic environment instead of making fans/ex-clique members ashamed of where they came from. Please, guys, reblog this and let's STOP judgement and prejudice against the clique. Isn't that what Tumblr is about? Breaking down stereotypes and supporting everyone, especially those not liked by the masses? Aren't we supposed to help each other? If you weren't in the emo trinity fandom and you stepped back to see how you act, you really think you wouldn't seem cringey? I feel like the motto of any fan should be "don't knock it 'till you try it." Top is a great band. Top deserves respect and so do their fans. I'm not saying they can't be shitty at times, but we can be too. Even if you don't like top musically, they do deserve respect for their hard work and their fans deserve not to be judged. Sorry for any mistakes/shitty grammar, I was mad. That is all. Have a great day. ❤️
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