#someone: tolkien never said hobbits look human
darklordsauron · 2 years
As always a list of bad things and good things (which expanded a bit).
Nori (the Harfoot we follow) seems to suffer from chosen one syndrome because she uses the typical line 'he fell here for a reason.' She thinks she is important but she is just annoying.
Her friend Poppy is just the plain comic relief and is also annoying. Like they just saw the 'stranger' (who probably is one of the Isitari) plummet to the ground and when Nori nears him, they start cracking up jokes. (Hobbits are jokey creatures but when things are serious they adjust themselves to the situation).
The stranger must be an Isitari because he sends fireflies into the air the same way Gandalf does with moths. If he is, it furthers Amazon's disrespect towards the source material because the Isitari made their appearance later in the second age in a different manner.
Once again I am forced to peck on Galadriel. This elleth (whom is shorter than the humans because Amazon has no respect for the source material) almost swam the whole stretch of the ocean between Valinor and 'Middle Earth' until she hitchhikes with knock-off Aragorn (Whom I think is Sauron).
There was a group of humans who rescued her, they're not important but yeah, their dialog is written with tragic stupidity. They call Galadriel a liar even though she said nothing that could be considered a truth or a lie. (Shows the limited capacity of the writers' brains).
Arondir (I rembered his name, yay!) is like the Amazon Spock/Legolas. Still a very 2D character along with his cliché girlfriend, Bronwyn.
On the subject of Bronwyn, she needs to get a babysitter or something for her son, Theo (something along those lines), cause boy gets himself in tons of trouble and he has some anger issues (plus he is a thief). I call it here first, Sauron is going to make him his disciple or something because he has the dark sword.
More non-Tolkien beasts are introduced. Most prominent of which is a dinosaur looking thing in the ocean.
The prop hammers the dwarf prince Durin uses when challenging Elrond is so obviously plastic and light. Even the actors can't make them look heavy or made of metal.
And why do the humans hate the elves? I know in the books they don't really trust or like each other but they were not outright enemies.
Still no respect for the source material or the legend, J.R.R Tolkien.
Kazad-dum looks absolutely gorgeous. The CGI is better in the second episode compared to the first. Well done on this.
Elrond, despite his awful haircut and his costumes for this episode sucking, develops personality in this episode and actually makes it into being a likeable character. Canonically, according to the books, he should be more modest (and definitely not politically ambitious).
Durin and Disa, despite her lack of beard, is the best and I will die for them. They truly capture the Dwarven spirit we are used to from Gimli and the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Disa is by far my favourite character as she has spunk and personality, which I believe all Dwarven women have.
Celebrimbor, despite looking older than his ancient, great-aunt Galadriel, plays his character rather coolly. He has this pompous but still lordly air around him that I can respect.
The orcs design is phenomenal. I can see where most of the budget went.
Now comes something I never hoped to address, fandom issues. Guys wether you hate ROP or like it. That's your opinion. Don't bully or judge someone based on this trivial matter. (I have noticed that some of the people who are more loyal towards the books dislike the show, and some of the people who fancy the movies more like the show.) If you like it, like it. If you don't like, then don't like it. Either way, no hate intended. This is just my opinion.
I have to admit my criticism over the first episode was harsh but as a die hard fan, they kind of deserved it (it's not like they're going to see my post anyway.)
Okay. That's all I have to say. See you again for episode 3.
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stygianpen · 1 year
What makes a great story?
If your aim is to take writing from hobby to profession, you have no doubt asked yourself “what makes a great story?” What is it that takes a story from enjoyable little diversion to a truly great read?
Human beings are creatures of pattern. In fact, pattern recognition is one of the things that defines our humanity. So, it only makes sense that successful stories will have some similarities in what makes them successful.
When I think about what makes a great story, my mind flits to classic archetypes, memorable characters, and relatable plot points — even if we’re talking about sci fi and fantasy. Lord of the Rings? Middle Earth may not be real, but the enduring bond between Frodo and Sam is something that affects us on a human level.
Today I’ve gathered together what readers and writers collectively think makes a story great.
5 Elements of a Great Story
1. Setting
I already mentioned Lord of the Rings so let’s continue with that, shall we? Tolkien is known for his detail and depth in every aspect of storytelling, including setting. I’d argue that The Shire itself is just as much of a character as the hobbits that exist within it.
Immersion is incredibly important in any novel — you want to draw your reader in and convince them to stay; and while a relatable character can do this, our egos can draw us even more to a place that we can picture ourselves in while reading.
So, rather than shoot of a quick“Sarah arrived home, exhausted, and immediately went to bed”, try something more along the lines of:The usually-easy walk up two flights of carpeted steps to her apartment door was exhausting. Upon opening the flimsy portal, she turned the multiple locks within to keep out unsavory elements of her neighbourhood and turned to face her surroundings: dimly lit and simplistic, the building had been built in the 1970s and was by no means her dream space to live. Still, it was home. She crossed the linoleum-tiled entryway making a beeline for her bedroom and collapsed on the unmade bed, immediately falling into a fitful slumber.
Point out elements of Sarah’s surroundings tell you a bit about Sarah herself too. Never avoid a good chance to characterize your settings!
2. Character
Why is the Harry Potter series so successful? There are many elements. Timing allowed a generation to grow up as the characters in the book did, the school houses created a feeling of team loyalty among readers, but most importantly, the archetypes of its characters gave everyone reading someone to relate to. But how do you create a relatable character?
In Jungian psychology, archetypes define a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern or thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches. By looking to these, you can avoid the Mary-Sue trap and build relatable characters that your readers can latch onto that are not simply reflections of the writer.
Harry Potter is The Hero. Dumbledore, The Magician. Fred and George — The Jesters. And so on. Character archetypes are the closest a writer can get to a cheat sheet for a winning novel — as long as they know what they’re doing in the other parts of their writing too.
3. Plot
Perhaps this goes without saying, but a good story needs a good plot. But, this is something that is easier said than done. There are a multitude of outline structures that you can find online if you do a bit of searching, but I really love the ‘Save the Cat’ method.
Blake Snyder was an American screenwriter who published the novel ‘Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need’ in 2005. The outline divides a plot into ‘beats’ that can be applied to any genre of writing well beyond the screenplay.
First, divide your story into three acts. From there, divide each act into scenes.
I’m going to be talking to you more about Save the Cat in a future blog but a resource I highly recommend to break down plot in your mind and apply it to your own story is savethecat.com’s listing of Beat Sheets.
4. Theme
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No, no, we’re not talking about a fevered elementary school paper about what we want for Christmas (sorry, couldn’t help it). We’re talking about the overarching theme of your novel — the message you want to get across, the meaning that you explore throughout your literary work!
Like with characters and plot, there are patterns when it comes to themes, tried and true options that tend to do the trick in pulling in a reader and helping them to relate to your story. Themes are nearly endless, as you’ll find if you take a spin through this listing, but five that you’ll see time and time again are:
Good vs Evil
Coming of age
Courage and perseverance
… I’ll also throw in a bonus, of ‘Revenge’, which can act as the darker side to your Redemption theme.
5. Style
Think about your top three favourite authors. I bet that as each name comes to mind, you also get a feeling about them, reflective of their works. My feeling for Chuck Palahniuk is very different from my feeling for Audrey Niffenegger. A comparison between the two could perhaps be described as sharp vs soft.
As a writer, you want to find your style. A writer’s style is their voice, so of all areas this is the hardest to advise on. But some tips I would suggest for bringing your own voice out would be:
Write in the point of view that feels right to you. Don’t let anything else influence this. If you are using a comfortable POV, your voice will have more room to grow.
Meditate on your prevalent internal moods. Are you by nature a positive person? Let that shine through. Are you anxious? Don’t hide that — allow it to colour your work.
Has a particular writer inspired your own writing journey? Start off by paying homage to them. An artist learns by tracing and copying — a writer can do the same. Eventually your own voice will make its way out.
Identify why you write. Is it just for fun? Is it for commercial purposes? Is it to get a deeper message across? The gravity or lack thereof should be felt in your words.
Ernest Hemingway once said: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
This applies very much to finding your voice. Don’t hide any part of yourself — let it come through in your writing and you’ll have cemented your style.
Prep your story formula and get writing!
I hope that this has given you a base from which to work on when crafting your next novel. As creative types I know it can be in our blood to go against the grain, but when it comes to honing your abilities as a writer, there’s nothing wrong with trying out methods that have worked for hundreds of others in the past.
Make them your own, find your voice, and I’m sure you’ll have a winning novel out in the world in no time!
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vitrines · 1 year
rant about lord of the rings under cut. i love it and it makes me eat dirt
something that i don't think about all the time but still consider a huge part of me is the lord of the rings. and i know this is true for a lot of people, because they're damn good movies (i read the books but i know the movies lots better. i am not a superfan i don't know crap i didn't read the similarion i just like funny little stories). but genuinely the music and the scenery and the MESSAGE is so resonant and specifically with frodo and sam good lord. like back when molly ostertang was writing hobbit fic i read it even though i hadn't thought about frodo n sam in years probably and god dang it was good. i really need to read that again btw. and they really are like that. like they really did that and in the books they really had frodo realize that some wounds don't heal and go off and they really had sam not follow him. and they separated them. and i was like that can't be it and checked deep into the footnotes of the last book and i saw that it said after sam had lived out his life he got to go over the sea and it felt like someone punched me in the throat.
i looked it up on quora (the most reliable source ever clearly) jsut to clarify the details of this and i just want to quote something that some random guy said there.
"But given the central theme of Sam’s loyalty to his master Frodo Tolkien would have wanted them to live their last few years together. And I suspect they both would have died together."
of course they would. god god god god god
"don't go where i can't follow" and he goddamn didn't. and he didn't. lotr is about sacrifice and lotr is about love. to me. and it is about devotion in the strongest sense of the word. i wish some day that i could create something as simple and eternal as that. for me fantasy is a way of extending the things that we as humans already feel and basically putting them on drugs and i love love love everything about it so much
i have never had an intense lotr phase and i've never done anything for it but please know i'm always thinking about it. not just sam and frodo eityher i'm thinking about all of them éowen my beloved her and faramir only straight couple with rights ever. and like the scene where faramir charges while pippin sings like the imagery is STUNNING and yeah that's all :3
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
was going to do a proper writeup on that lotr show after rewatching a ton of cast interviews from sdcc but I got lazy and my headphones are running out of battery fast so I'm just going to go over the few things that I remember that stuck out to me.
-I do believe the showrunners do understand tolkien or at the very least are very passionate about tolkien. not like "oh I love the lotr movies" but more like "I put elvish on the birth announcement for my child". which I think is promising. It comes down I think to how much their vision of tolkien aligns with my vision of tolkien or how much liberties they're taking with it, which is a thing that's always going to happen in adaptations especially in an adaptation when you have so many blanks to fill in. they really need to make an interview with those guys public, hearing them speak restored quite a bit of confidence with me.
-when they were speaking about parts they were excited to adapt and talked about the part where sauron puts the one ring on his finger for the first time and recites the poem and all the elves know at once they've been betrayed I was very interested to see how they'll tackle that. if they're passionate about it, they'll be able to bring those big moments to justice, which I am very much looking forward to.
-the actors were also very knowledgeable about tolkien to varying degrees - the actor for gil-galad could recite most of the gil-galad poem with only minor prompting. the actor for elrond is my favorite since he said his favorite age is the first age. he said something about how he's approaching second-age elrond primarily as an orphan, with huge expectations given his dad saved the world and is always looking down on him literally from the night sky, and how his complicated past ties into it, and it being so soon after having made his decision to live as an elf rather than as a mortal, and how that's influencing how he sees the world. which is incredible. he also made a comment at one point about the power of oaths in tolkien's universe which made me have to stop the video and hyperventilate for a few seconds because IF ONE PERSON KNOWS. IT'S ELROND. so I'm super looking forward to however much of that they'll portray of him when it comes down to it. (literally if we get a reference to the whole elrond being raised by sons of feanor thing I'm going to lose my mind.) uhh other than him, celebrimbor's actor was apparently a huge fan of lotr as a kid and he practiced writing with elvish script and wrote a play based off of it, which is very cute. elendil's actor could come up with a good amount of numenorean lore on the spot. all good things so far.
-bear mccreary who is doing most of the soundtrack talked about howard shore's influence, the example he gave was using some of the tones shore used with dwarves in a generally lost/grim setting given their position in the third age and bringing it to its full majesty in the second age with khazad-dum, which was very cool.
-I wasn't super satisfied with the answers the showrunners had during some of the q&a stuff primarily with why they're including harfoots, which was basically a "tolkien said hobbits didn't do anything but never said harfoots didn't", which, isn't the point. but as long as they don't make the hobbits tie in to all the other canonical stories and catch the attention of elves and men too much then I'll let it slide. someone also asked very indignantly why the star of feanor was on galadriel's armor which nobody really knew how to answer for a while, some stuff about how it wasn't necessarily the star of feanor, eventually the producer said it was a gift from someone else. I still don't think Galadriel would wear a star of feanor, but I do like the idea of celebrimbor gifting her armor (who, I assume, would be one of the few people still wanting to be associated with the feanorian star at this point).
-both the actors for theo and bronwyn (original human characters in tir-harad which is allegedly pre-mordor) discussed that part of their roles were dealing with being the descendants of the humans who originally betrayed the elves to side with morgoth. which. NIRNAETH ARNOEDIAD REFERENCE??? honestly I think that's very interesting if we're seeing the later ramifications of ulfang that fucker that got fingon killed. though again it's an issue of how much they'd actually be allowed to go into depth with the nirnaeth (probably not at all).
-overall mainly my opinions on the show remain about the same (very excited about some stuff, a lot more hesitant about some other stuff) it kind of mostly confirmed stuff I already knew but gave me a new reason to be interested in tir-harad and definitely gave me more reasons to be super invested in elrond I want to see that I want to see that incredible first age ramifications. anyways. that's all from me for now unless new news comes out
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penny-anna · 4 years
every so often I see these ‘eheheh tolkien never actually said hobbits were humanoid he just said they were short with hairy feet so they could look like anything’ and I’m like um
A young man he (merry) looked, or like one, though not much more than half a man in height... 
Tolkien, J. R. R.. The Two Towers: The Lord of the Rings, Part 2 (Kindle Location 3426). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle Edition. 
‘I will not hide from you, Master Peregrin,’ said Beregond, ‘that to us you look almost as one of our children, a lad of nine summers or so; and yet you have endured perils and seen marvels that few of our greybeards could boast of. I thought it was the whim of our Lord to take him a noble page, after the manner of the kings of old, they say. But I see that it is not so, and you must pardon my foolishness.’
Tolkien, J. R. R.. The Return of the King: The Lord of the Rings, Part 3: Return of the King Vol 3 (p. 23). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle Edition.
are you sure? he never said what hobbits look like? u sure about that?
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amerrierworld · 3 years
in dreams (pt 2)
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The Hobbit fanfiction
Part 1
Summary: You meet the Lady of Lothlorien for what you think is the first time, but she’s already very acquainted with who you are.
Characters: Galadriel x fem!reader, Gandalf
Word Count: 2,003
“Come along then, quickly,” Gandalf ushered you along, staff tapping the ground as he led you through hallways and stairways. You hurried after him, distractingly gazing at Rivendell bathed in starlight and moonlight around you.
“Where are you taking me, Gandalf?” you asked, squeezing the last bits of water from your damp sleeves. Your clothes were slowly drying now that the sun was gone, but the air was still comfortably warm.
“To someone who wishes to speak with you,” the Wizard spoke ominously, and you rolled your eyes. 
"Ah, very helpful.”
Gandalf shot you a glance over his shoulder. He led you to a winding staircase that opened up to a platform close to the mountain side, hidden behind forestry and waterfalls. There was a curious basin at eye level in the middle of the space, and you stepped closer, watching the dark water that barely seemed to move with the breeze. 
You wandered to the far edge of the platform, peeking through the occasional gaps of the water and seeing the bright moon staring back at you.
“Gandalf, there’s no one here- is it some sort of prank?” you turned around, “I don’t see why-”
You halted mid sentence. Gandalf had left, inconspicuously it seemed, and the figure standing across from you was none other than Lady Galadriel. Her blue eyes reflected starlight and brightness to the point where your own might burn at the sight of them. Her pale hands were clasped in front of her, a white dress shimmering with every movement she made. Your mouth went dry and you cast your eyes downwards.
“H-hello,” you stammered. 
“Greetings,” she said, softly. Softer than you could have imagined, a clear whisper still heard above the rushing of water. As you stared at your feet, she took you in. You shifted your feet around nervously, your clothing and hair still not fully dried from your skirmish in the fountain from earlier, and Galadriel felt a smile tug at her lips. 
You couldn’t see it, but her heart was thundering in her chest. There you were, bashful and uncertain about your meeting. She realized with a slight sadness that you probably had not had any of the visions she had over the last few years, otherwise you would have been reacting differently.
“Do you know who I am?” Galadriel asked, remaining in her place. Your eyes crept up to meet her gaze, again startled at how clear and bright her eyes were.
“Yes, my lady,” you murmured. “You are the Lady of Lothlorien, Galadriel.”
“The elf-witch,” Galadriel replied. You flushed, blinking rapidly.
“I didn’t- that wasn’t me who- the Dwarves, they were..”
You stammered defensively, until you saw the teasing gleam in Galadriel’s expression and you huffed. 
“I- I don’t think you’re a witch, my lady,” you added.
“No? Then what am I to you?” Galadriel questioned. “You seem to know who I am, clearly.”
“Well, yeah, of course,” you said, glancing down again. “Where I come from- I, I guess I know a fair bit about you.”
“Is that so? Enlighten me then.”
You blinked. “W-what?”
“Tell me what you know of me,” she ordered. You gaped at her, clearing your throat in surprise.
“Uh, o-okay. Well, I know your name is Galadriel here, but you have like, a lot more names than that. Just like Gandalf. You, uh, you’re really old and- wait, no, you’re not old, I just meant- damnit.”
You turned around to shake the nerves and watched the water and the moon instead. “You witnessed the Two Trees, right? The creation of the world, or something like that. Gosh, I can’t remember all the details, but that makes you, like thousands of years old,” you chuckled, “I’d be surprised if I even make it to one century, y’know?”
“You’ve got a husband, Celeborn- did I say that right? One of the Sindar, I think. And you, you’re one of the.. the- uh, Noldor? Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me. Lady of the Golden Wood and stuff. Oh! You have a child, right? Celebrian, Gandalf told me that was Elrond’s wife.”
You were rambling at this point, avoiding Galadriel’s eyes as you kept talking, trying to remember all your Tolkien knowledge. At the mention of her daughter, Galadriel felt her hands’ grip tighten and she took a deep breath.
“Galadriel..” you said, thinking. The Elf Queen felt a shiver as you said her name. “Or.. Artanis, right? Or, or, Nerwen. There- there was one more, Ata- Alata- uh-”
“Alatariel,” Galadriel whispered, remembering her old names, the old memories that came with it. She was frozen, watching you speak her distant selves into existence again, your ridiculous accent on Elvish names pushed aside for now.
You turned to face her again, blushing but nodding. “I must sound like a fucking creep. I just know a lot of things, I suppose. Not just about you! Gosh, I’m not a stalker, I promise. I just know about.. Middle Earth.”
“I see.”
Silence filled the space for a moment. Galadriel’s head was spinning with thoughts, unsure how to tell you how she knew about you.
“My lady,” you breathed quietly. “Why did you ask me here? Gandalf said he wanted to bring me to someone who needed to speak to me.”
“I know you, Y/N,” Galadriel said in response, startling you at the sound of your name on her lips. “More than you realize. More than I understand.”
You frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Galadriel felt flushed, and she approached the basin in the centre. 
“You know of the mirror?” she asked. You nodded. She beckoned you closer. 
You obediently dipped your head to look at your reflection. Slowly, ripples formed and the image shifted. Galadriel appeared in a hazy mist, turned away from you, but wandering as if in a dream. 
She was reaching out to something, following a figure that was just out of reach. Slowly, your face appeared, and you were looking at yourself through Galadriel’s eyes. You were running through Lothlorien’s trees, snapshots of your life back home appearing. Your memories were being replayed back at you, but you could sense that Galadriel was witnessing them with utter confusion, was only enraptured by your eyes and your echoing laugh.
The last image you could see Galadriel reaching to touch your own face, and a tingling formed along your cheek as you watched, before a flash overtook your vision. With a gasp, you fell back, catching yourself before your head hit the floor. 
Galadriel looked slightly apologetic as you lay, gasping, your cheek feeling a bit numb. You scrambled to your feet, trembling. 
“What does that mean?” you asked, eyebrows furrowed. Galadriel took a deep breath, watching you from the other side of the basin. 
“Elven companionships, when special, are akin to a special bond. Most common in marriages, I have only ever shared a bond with my husband. It is an expected feeling, a foretelling before you even meet that person. But when you do, you know it, and you feel it.”
She turned and was slowly pacing in front of you. You watched her significant profile as she spoke, and felt an ache pull inside your chest. 
“I believe these dreams tell me that you and I, though you are not of elf kind, share a bond like that.”
Her blue eyes flickered to you. You held her gaze this time. “You have been in my dreams for nearly some decades now, Y/N. You may not have even been alive when they started, but as you are now is how you always appeared to me.”
You stared, blinking. “What.. what does that even mean? Are we married?”
Galadriel chuckled, like the ringing of a bell. “No, dearest. Not quite. It is a connection between beings, an understanding beyond words.”
“I don’t understand,” you breathed. “You-you’re this amazing powerful elf who’s super old and wise, and I’m just a human!”
“A human from another world. There are none like you.”
“But it doesn’t make sense! I didn’t come here expecting this! I joined the quest to- to..” You bit your tongue.
“No one expects their futures, Y/N. It simply happens.”
“Easy for you to say! You knew this was going to happen.”
Galadriel shook her head. “I never knew who or what you were, or where you would come from. But something drew me to Rivendell, other than Lord Elrond’s call to the White Council here. I thought it be related to your Dwarvish friends and their dragon, but it was more than that.”
You felt pale, and a little weak in the knees. The look you and Galadriel shared felt like a piercing stab inside of you, opening up your soul and mind to her. You expected her to read your thoughts, but you felt nothing probing or digging around your brain. Perhaps she couldn’t, with you.
“Magic,” you whispered at the feeling. Galadriel smiled, her eyes crinkling, and you nearly melted on the spot.
“This world has lots of it.”
She stepped closer to you. She was tall, God she was tall, but you didn't mind. You couldn’t resist drawing a hand up to hers, and the minute your fingertips brushed her, a sharp electric shock coursed through your veins. The both of you gasped and a tingling feeling remained in your hands.
“I cannot recall anyone who has ever experienced a bond like this,” Galadriel whispered. This time you noticed her chest rising and falling quicker than you thought, and her pupils were starting to grow as she watched you. “I don’t think any of us will ever understand it.”
“That’s fine by me,” you responded, your fingers twitching. A beat. “Can I kiss you?”
Galadriel blinked, and a blush filled her cheeks. But, regaining her composure, she cheekily responded, “I don’t see how you’ll be capable of that from where you stand.”
Realizing she made fun of your height, you snorted at her. You turned so you stood up on the steps of the pedestal that the basin was on. Still a bit shorter than Galadriel, you got up on the tips of your toes and pulled her closer. 
The contact felt like an electric current again, numbing your toes and fingers, making your heart stutter and your body feel alive. Galadriel’s hands grasped your upper arms and you cupped her face, gently bringing your mouths together.
A breathy whimper escaped her, much to your delight. Long fingers dragged up from your arms to your neck and held you there, coolness soothing your heated skin. 
She arched her body into you and you raked your fingers through her long golden hair. When you pressed your hands to the base of her skill and tugged gently at her tresses, she gasped, loudly, and pulled away. You stumbled back a bit and nearly tipped the basin behind you over, the water sloshing over the rim. 
Shaking, you lifted your fingers to your mouth, feeling the tingles and numbness left behind there. 
“That’s what magic feels like?” you asked. Galadriel nodded slowly. Her eyes cast up towards the moon and a realization hit her.
“I must leave you, Lord Elrond is expecting me,” she said. Her voice was ragged and low. 
“Will I see you again?” you asked. “How long are you in Rivendell?”
“As long as you wish,” she whispered, coming up to you again. This time she led the kiss, holding you firmly. You tasted the sweetness of her mouth and groaned a little. 
When she pulled away she seemed satisfied by your response and lifted your hands, kissing your knuckles with a brush of her lips. Then, she briskly turned and left you there, astounded and more than a little aroused.
A/N: Yay elf love! I have no idea how true this holds to Tolkien lore, but who cares. If there is an interest for Part 3, whether it be smut or no, let me knowwww! I loved writing this, flustered Galadriel is my fave.
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“The Azure Sky” - Chapter 4 - Lego Elves
Shadows to the Brightest Flame: Series
- The legacy of Lumia’s influence is scarred eternally into the lands of Elvendale. Burdened by a prophecy foretelling her demise and need for a successor, she watches for one capable of such power. Yet her enemies are working steadily to undo all she’s labored so long for, and it is millenia too late to make peace. 
Emily Jones, heir to Eimileen, is a bold girl dedicated to protecting Elvendale, but the world she has grown so fond of is not so black and white as it seems, and the titles of Guardian of Portal and Guardian of Light may hold darker legacies some ancient elves have worked tirelessly to hide. 
In conjunction with the extended version of the Guardian of Light prophecy I wrote previously
Basically a rewrite of all of the Lego Elves & Secrets of Elvendale storylines with an additional arc beyond the Season 4: Into the Shadows. There will be a varying degree of deviation from canon.
Technically a crossover with Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion in terms of worldbuidling, as I set Elvendale as being north of Middle-Earth, cause this is fanfic and I can. So there will be mentions of the Noldor, Sindar, Silvan, and some Tolkien characters, but they will be mostly background. Definitely not an issue if you aren’t familiar with the Middle-Earth fandom; everything will still be easy to understand. 
Book 1: The Azure Sky
Grieving over the unexpected death of her grandmother, Emily Jones is accidentally trapped in another world. Befriending a few young elves in an attempt to find her way home, Emily discovers many secrets about her grandmother’s past, but for every truth she learns two more questions take its place, leaving her vulnerable to darker force inhabiting this realm. 
A rewrite of Unite the Magic
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Emily watches the golden light of early sunset reflects upon the surface of the ocean, changing shape and hue as the waves roll. The gentle rhythm is soothing, distancing her from the events of the past couple of weeks.
Peaceful, content.
She shifts her position on the wooden bench. She feels the edge of a splinter catch the hem of her shorts, sighs.
It’s all too real to be a dream.
The admittance is not as terrifying as it should be, being trapped in a strange world, but it certainly a beautiful one, vibrant, angelic. A part of her truly would rather stay here a thousand years than suffer another day on Earth, a voice that cares not whether they succeed in finding a way to return her home.
That wistful dream shatters when she thinks of her parents and her little sister, Sophie, wondering where she could be, having only gone to wander in her grandmother’s garden. They would never learn the truth, the mystery forever haunting them.
She leans her head over, watching the water, frowns. “Have we stopped?”
“No, Em,” Azari calls from above the cabin. “We’re just going so fast you can’t feel it.”
“Actually,” Naida corrects, “We’ve stopped. The wind’s died down.”
“Oh! I could build a windmill! Or some wings…” Aira bubbles.
“Someone’s desperate to build something,” smirks Azari.
Farran raises an eyebrow. “Aira, you control the wind.”
Aira pouts. “Fine.” She stands at the bow, raising her hands towards the sky. She starts to sing, or screach. The other elves clamps their hands over their ears as her voice raises in volume. A gale gathers above their heads and with the final note floods the sails. The boat begins to cut across the water.
Keeping her eyes on the map, Naida guides the water telekinetically. Azari makes her way down, sighing with boredom. “How much farther is it…” The boat stops.
Aira frowns. “That gale should have kept us going…”
“It’s alright,” Naida soothes. She strides over to let down the anchor. “We’re here.”
“But where is here, exactly? All I see is a bunch of ocean,” Azari questions, “No offense.”
“The map wouldn’t lead us astray.” As the water elf finishes, new runes appear on the righthand corner of the map.
“The deep shelters all things from curious eyes
Fates of those who should not have dared the sea
Graves graced with the memorials of strangers
Bones piled high and crowned with mermaid’s tears.” Naida reads aloud.
“Well that doesn’t sound foreboding,” Farran chuckles nervously.
The water elf ignores him and turns to the human girl. “Emily, what do you think of all of this?”
Emily shrugs, feeling once again as though she were being tested. “Well, I can barely believe I’m on a boat with elves and in a land with mermaids to begin with, but um, I remember my grandmother telling me that mermaid’s tears were pearls.”
Naida’s eyes shine with approval. “Well remembered.” She turns and bends down, lifting an ornamental rug to reveal a viewing port in the bottom of the boat. Through the glass a shipwreck can be seen. It is strangely arrayed, fully covered in coral and other sea plants, but the wood seems perfectly preserved, almost petrified. The reef extends up a rocky mound towering above the fragmented structure. Intermixed with the coral are hundreds of bones, separated and scattered but perfectly intact, even the skulls. Atop are nestled a group of large oysters, their shells muted in typically muddy greys and browns.
“So the key is inside an oyster?” Emily asks. “That’s kinda cool.”
Farran frowns. “Yeah, but how are we going to get it?”
“I can try,” Naida offers, but their is hesitancy in her voice.
“Wait, you’re going to try and walk down to the bottom of the ocean?” Azari looks incredulous. “Have you ever tried sustaining your magic that long?”
“I’ve come close,” Naida reassures, “And there aren’t a lot of other appealing options.”
“We could get help!” Azari argues.
“No, the fewer people who know what we’re doing, the better.”
“Why? Every elf in Elvendale would give their right hand to help the descendant of the fifth sister!”
“We still don’t know for certain that Emily is related to the fifth sister. The evidence favors that conclusion, but not to the satisfaction of every inhabitant of this continent. And even if we could prove it, the Sisters made enemies by making that portal. We could be endangering Emily’s life.”
“What enemies? Aside from some disgruntled elves on the southern border and a few skeptics, the portals weren’t really controversial.”
Naida frowns. “I don’t actually know,” she confesses, “Only that was what Nuala said, that they made enemies of those who were once their allies. She never explained more than that.”
“Well, I for one don’t think you should risk your life over shadows and boogeymen,” Azari responds. “Farran?” she asks, assuming his support.
“Actually,” Farran nervously runs his hand through his hair, “I agree with Naida. We shouldn’t get anyone else involved.”
The fire elf looks shocked. “Aira?”
Aira laughs nervously, “I don’t know? In the end shouldn’t it be Naida’s choice what risk she takes?”
Azari’s face hardens to one of disbelief. Ever the rebel of the group, she never imagined a day would come when her friends approved of something she considered too dangerous. “I guess I’m outvoted then,” she mutters.
Feeling guilty, Emily opens her mouth to speak on Azari’s behalf, but Naida has already begun forming a tunnel in the water and stepped off the side of the boat. They hold their breath as she wanders down, the tunnel growing until in envelopes the tip of the coral mound covered in oysters. The largest of the group opens its lid, revealing a bed with two shiny white pearls and a blue metallic key. 
Naida grasps the key, flinching as the oyster clamps its shell suddenly closed. Face beginning to strain with effort of maintaining the magic, the water elf hurries back to the surface. She nearly collapses onto the deck, but brushes off the other elves’ help. “I’m fine, just a little tired.”
“That was incredible,” Emily exclaims. Aira and Farran resound the praise. 
Azari crosses her arms, but her frown cracks into a smile. “That was kinda awesome.” Naida returns the compliment with a hug, which the other elves quickly join. Emily stands awkwardly off to the side. 
“So,” Azari’s voice travels from inside the group, “When are we gonna eat? I’m starving.”
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mrallnight57-blog · 3 years
The Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 15
      As Litias told the story of Billbo H Hero. The two of them had made there way to the fourth floor. Once there. Litias took Jenny to a room at the end of the hallway, this was the room that Litias slept in.
    Jenny had listened to Litias's story, yet she still had many questions. Once the two of them got into the room. Litias went to her bed, and began pulling a trunk from underneath her bed. That's when Jenny started asking questions. "So this Billbo, he was some kind..."
     Before Jenny could finish the question. Litias turned to her and cut her off. "Shhhh! Don't say his name. He might hear you, and neither one of us are prepared to face him. No... from this point on, just call him The Hero.
      Jenny raised an eyebrow. "He is more like a monster."
     Litias got up into Jenny's face. "No, pretty one. I'm the monster. I am the Dark Witch, the all powerful Ruler of Mordokia!" Litias paused for a moment. Then begrudgingly said in a low voice. "Ex-Ruler of Mordokia."
   Now Jenny was beginning to become more curious about Litias, but she knew that would have to wait for later. Right now she needed to get all the info she could on Billbo, or Litias preferred name for him, The Hero.
     Litias opened up the trunk, and her demeanor changed. It was as if this strange creature was genuinely happy.
     Litias pulled out a old parchment, and more excitement came over the creature. Jenny even picked up a little giddiness in Litias's voice as she spoke. "Ah yes! This is when he battled the ogre king!" Litias put the parchment down, and grabbed another one. This made Litias even more giddy. This is when he found the treasure of Goldoff!" Litias grabbed another parchment with her other hand. The creature's eyes widen, and she got even more excited. "Oh!!! This is when he battled the two headed dragon Korn Tello!!!" Litias gave Jenny the look of someone who had just came out of a fan convention. "Did you know The Hero was only ten years old, when he defeated his first dragon!?!"
      Jenny's eyes widen. "He slayed his first dragon, when he was ten years old?"
     Litias quickly shook it's head no. "Not slayed. Defeated. Korn Tello was still alive, the last time I was on Mordokia." Suddenly Litias spoke in a somber tone. "The Hero didn't believe in killing. Thought everyone deserved a second chance. That is why the Dark magic makes him do it. A punishment for interfering with the Difias's quest.
      Jenny was carefully watching Litias. She couldn't help but feel as if Litias, the creature who claimed to be a dark witch, seemly admired The Hero. Litias was acting like a child telling it's new best friend, about their favorite super hero. The only difference was, Litias was unlike any child Jenny had ever seen, and the creature's favorite super hero threatened to kill everyone in the building.
      Jenny kept her eyes on Litias as it continued to rummage through it's trunk. Not knowing much about Litias, and it's relationship with The Hero. It made her wonder if the two of them had ever met. As Jenny was about to ask the question, Litias cut her off. "No. I've never battled The Hero. He was before my time. You forget pretty one. This all happened over two thousand years ago."
     Jenny's eyes widen. She never actually ask the question, plus now she wanted to know how old Litias was, but before she could inquire, Litias spoke again. "I'm one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven years old." Jenny's was in complete shock. Litias then followed it up by saying. "Apparently, for my kind, that is very young."
       Litias was still pulling out stuff from her trunk, and Jenny was becoming more dumbfounded, it was at this point she thought about Gothic Mirror, and knowing it was this creature that probably taught him everything he knew. She came to the conclusion, Litias could read her mind. Jenny was going to say something, but Litias interrupted her again. "Yes Pretty One, I can read your mind."
      "Can you stop!?!" Jenny finally got a word out, and was becoming frustrated.
     Litias gave Jenny a look of a scolded child. "Meaah. I'm just making sure you don't try to hurt me."
     Jenny settled down. "I'm not going to hurt you."
     "Good." Litias seemed happy with Jenny's response. Then added. "It's not like you could anyways." Trust me when I say, many heroes have tried, and I humiliated every single one of them."
     Jenny smiled. "Well all of them except, you know who."
      Litias shrieked. "Meeaaaah!!! I was never suppose to fight him, and now he is here!"
     The two of them had a awkward moment of silence, but after a few moments, Jenny began speaking. "Look... If you want me help you defeat him. Then I still need some information. So I can fully understand what I am up against.
     Litias gave Jenny a look of annoyance. "Why would you help me Pretty One? I'm a creature of pure evil, and he is a hero."
     Jenny folded her arms. "Well The Hero said he was going to kill everyone if I don't stop him, and you haven't."
     Litias gave a faint laugh. "Not yet."
    Jenny gave Litias a dirty look, and Litias said. "Fine. What would you like to know?"
     Jenny unfolded her arms, and gave Litias another dirty look. "Don't read my mind this time. I want to actually be able to ask the questions."
    Litias, once again acted like a scolded child. "Fine... I see you take the fun out of everything, don't you? Ask your questions."
    Jenny was trying to think what she should ask first. Everything about Litias and it's story seemed unbelievable. Finally she decided to ask some basic questions.
"So I know the hero isn't a demon, what is he exactly?"
      Litias growled, then the creature began mumbling in a language Jenny didn't understand as it stared at the floor. Finally the creature looked back at Jenny, and began speaking. "I hate to have to explain it this way. Have you ever seen," Litias gave a look of disgust. "Lord of the Rings?"
      Jenny let out a bit of a chuckle. "Yeah. I watched it with my dad as a kid. I really only watched it to spend time with him. It was one of his favorite movies." Litias gave another look of discuss. Then Jenny had a epiphany. "Bilbo was the name of one of those little guys, you know, the one with the r.."
     Litias quickly cut her off. "Stop!!!" Litias seemed to be getting angry. "That damn Tolkien! He got everything wrong! For fuck sake he thought Billbo was a Kender, and even misspelled his name."
    Jenny raised an eyebrow. "Kender?"
     Litias rolled her eyes. "Excuse me. I guess you would call them hobbits."
      "Is there a difference?" Jenny asked.
      "Yes." Litias replied. "You see Hobbits, went on a quest, to destroy the one ring in a volcano. Kenders would trade the one ring for a stock of celery."
     Jenny wanted to laugh. She even wanted to ask some follow-up questions about these creatures, but realized she was getting off topic, and needed to refocus. "So if The hero is not a Kender, or whatever. What is he?"
      "He's an Elf." Litias stared at Jenny as she answered her question. Then followed it up with. "At least Half-Elf, but it has always been up to debate, what the other half was."
     Jenny thought about it for a moment, then asked. "I thought Elves were short and fat."
      Litias shook it's head. "No, those are dwarves."
      Jenny was now scratching her head, then she snickered. "Well I prefer the Elves that make cookies, or Christmas presents." Litias just stared at Jenny. Then Jenny followed it up by saying. "Sorry. I tend to make jokes in stressful situations. It's how I keep my sanity.
     Litias continued to stare for another moment, until finally the creature went. "Ha." Then it went back to staring at Jenny.
     Jenny thought about her next question. As Litias sat on the end of the bed. Jenny decided to sit next, to her, but left space between them, before she asked her next question. "You said The Hero, was half elf. Could the other half be human?"
      Litias let out a hard laugh. "That is the problem with you humans. You all want to be part of everything. Earth is the only world I have been to that has humans. Yet when you fools make up stories about my world, you arrogantly put yourself in as the hero."
     "Is that so?" Jenny replied. Jenny scooted just a little bit closer to Litias. "Tell me this then. How are we telling stories about your world, if humans have never been there?"
     Litias let out a little growl, which caused Jenny to move away from the creature. Then Litias began to answer. "You been around the crystal, haven't you?" Jenny nodded. Litias continued. "That sickness you feel, the dread, and nightmares it gives when someone is exposed to it. The crystal has been on earth for over two thousand years. Even though the ones who are closest to it feels it's effects immediately. The orra it gives off still travels. It's possible that over time you humans had succumbed to visions, which turned into stories, creating a entire genre.
Basically, I'm saying, what you humans call fantasy, was once my reality."
      Jenny was now thinking about the story Dan told her earlier. "I heard that those visions, turned nightmares, may have droven some to suicide."
      Litias smiled. "You mean like one of the archeologist that found the crystal?" Jenny nodded, realizing that Litias had probably read her mind again. Litias snickered. "Don't lose any sleep over it. After the man died. It was discovered that he had a large amount of child pornography on his computer."
      Jenny's eyes widen. The only thought going through her head now was, damn! Even when trapped in the crystal. He still found ways to kill bad people.
     Jenny shook that thought out of her head, then came to a realization. "So you're telling me that dragons, elves, dwarves, and ogre all exist?"
     Litias gave a slight smile. "Yes... In one form or another."
      Jenny sat there in shock. Normally she would think that the person she was talking to was insane, but considering the fact, the person she was talking to wasn't even human, made everything it said, far more believable.
        Litias stood up and walked to a door that was in the room, she opened it up and it lead to another room. As Litias entered the adjacent room, Jenny followed her. Once in there Jenny noticed Litias had a desk. Litias picked up a parchment that was on the desk and began looking at it. Jenny looked around the room and saw another bed, she then sat down on the foot of that bed and asked. "Is that another one of The Hero's story?"
      Litias turned it's attention back to Jenny. "You're funny pretty one. You must think all I do is sit around, reading stories about The Hero."
      Jenny smiled. "Well you could have fooled me."
     Litias frowned. "It's a spell. Similar to the one that put The Hero in the Crystal. I'm going to need to memorize if I'm going to battle the hero."
      Jenny raised an eyebrow. Why did Litias have that spell on it's desk? Did Litias think there was a possibility of The Hero escaping the crystal tonight?
      Jenny didn't want to think about it to much, she was once again letting herself get off topic. She needed to focus, and figure out what she was truly up against. "Look if we are going to work together, I need to know what kind of powers The Hero has."
      Litias put the parchment down, and began pacing around the room. "He has many. He is extremely strong, and fast. He can summon his legendary weapon out of thin air. Any ability he sees, he can mimic it, and do it better. He can transport himself anywhere he wants. He can even read the soul of anyone he meets."
     Jenny stared at Litias. She was completely puzzled about the last thing, the creature said. "What do you mean, he can read soul of anyone he meets?
      Litias stopped pacing and let out a sigh. "The Hero can look inside one's soul, and see everything they have ever done. Everything they have said. All the knowledge one person has, can become his in a blink of an eye. Afterwards the victim will become disoriented, feeling as if hours have just passed them by."
      After listening to Litias, she began to mumble. "That's how he knew everything about me."
     Litias watched Jenny for a moment, then the creature asked. "Is there anything else you want to know? If not, I need to return to the task of memorization."
      Jenny looked at Litias. "So with soul ability, he can judge whether someone is good or evil, and he will kill the one's he deems evil first, right?"
    Litias growled. "Yes, that's why he can't know I'm here."
    Jenny shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about him coming for you anytime soon. He has plenty of other bad people to deal with tonight."
     Litias eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
     At this point Jenny realized that Litias probably wasn't fully aware of everything going on. "The Gothic Lights are putting on a concert, with a popular band, and has hired a really nasty motorcycle gang to be their security. They are doing this to promote the arrival of the Demon.
       Litias began freaking out. "No!!! That fool Travis promised he would only have a few of his followers here, when I gave him the contract!"
     Jenny didn't understand how Litias didn't know what was going on. "How did you not know about the concert?"
      Litias, who was now enraged, yelled at Jenny. "I was asleep!!!"
      Jenny gave Litias a confused look. "You must have been asleep for a long time not to know about this."
      "Yes!!!" Litias screamed. "I've been asleep for the last six months!"
     Jenny's eyes widen, but before she could inquire further, Litias continued speaking. "I can go many years with out sleep, but at some point I have to recharge my magic. I went into hibernation six months ago. During that time, Travis was suppose to be working on away to get me the crystal, now I see he has been far more busy than I expected."
      Jenny interrupted Litias. "He killed a person, to bring you that crystal."
      Litias looked to be bothered by what Jenny just said. She stood silently for a moment, before mumbling something in a language Jenny didn't understand. Then Litias spoke in English again. "That is none of my concern. My concern is to trade contract for the crystal, and to take my prizes. Once that is done, I will leave your world."
      Jenny raised an eyebrow again. "Prizes? Besides the crystal, what else was he suppose to get you?"
      Litias smiled. "Nothing, I was going to retrieve my other prize myself."
       Jenny became worrisome. "Where is this other prize?"
      Litias laughed. "Don't worry pretty one, I already have it now."
      Jenny knew it was pointless to keep asking her about the other prizes, because the creature apparently didn't want to talk about it, and she knew she couldn't make her. There was still a big problem though. The contract, she couldn't let it get into the hands of Travis, Aka Gothic Mirror.
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oftincturedwords · 3 years
For the unique writing ask: 18 (+ loved your answer on (I think it was) 1, about the platonic love. I totally agree with you ^^)
unique writing asks🖋️ : accepting !
18. What writers have inspired you with their use of language? What are some of your favorite quotes?
i’m glad to hear more are of that opinion , thank you for saying so ! platonic love is just as important as romantic love , it’s sad that it’s usually brushed off as not or that it must develop into romantic love to have any merit.
&& i’m so happy that you asked this question ! i was really hoping that someone would send this one in , so thank you !!
one author who inspires me in my writing is patrick o’brian because of his descriptions in his writing. i love the detail he places in describing a scene ! i’ve hear some say he’s too descriptive but i love that , it’s truly helps me see what’s happening in my minds eye & i think a lot of authors nowadays rely on the reader to fill in the blanks or just assume what’s happening / the finer details of a scene / the microexpressions & subtle notes within body language or tones. which is fine , but i do much prefer & feel all the more inspired when i read an author’s in-depth descriptions. ( not to mention i love the dynamics between aubrey & maturin <3 ) he inspires me to add how much detail i want , that no amount of detail is too much.
favourite quote(s) : “ For a moment Jack felt the strongest inclination to snatch up his little gilt chair and beat the white-faced man down with it ; ” — Master & Commander ( book 1 ) , it’s thought by jack about stephen upon their first meeting , this line never fails to make me laugh when i read it because stephen can be so pretentious & jack just wanted to enjoy the music agdjfkglg but hey they turn out good friends in the end
““ Jack, you've debauched my sloth. ”” — H.M.S. Surprise ( book 3 ) , said by stephen when he came back from a lesson in teaching bonden to read to find that jack had got his sloth drunk on grog & cake , it’s just a very funny line & i find the interaction between jack & the sloth rather adorable the entire thing. although i don’t condone his actions in giving the animal alcohol , that is bad.
i fear this post would get too long if i were to quote my favourite descriptions from patrick o’brien or any more quotes from him , but i will mention another funny one is when stephen basically trips over the ship’s cat down a hatchway & when i believe it was a wombat of stephen’s tried to eat Jack’s hat , when jack called stephen to help him , the doctor just said it wouldn’t hurt the wombat ahdkflglg. another sweet one is when jack accepts hollom as midshipman even though there’s hardly room on Surprise for him , jack suspects hollom is near tears at the look on his face & changes his mind.
another author who i very much love is j.r.r. tolkien. again i love his attention to detail in describing things. as well as all the detail he placed into his world building for his books , creating his own languages & all the names / maps , events , theology , etc. that he created or took influence from to create middle earth & all its content. plus the overall stories ( meaning the hobbit & lotr ) are inspiring in themselves. as well i love his words choice / sentence structures , it’s reads wonderfully & archaic when i love ! he inspires to me add details that some may not think of & to add detail wherever i see fit.
favourite quote(s) : “ All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ” — The Fellowship of the Ring , The Lord of the Rings ( book 1 ) , i like this quote because it simply sums up that our time is important & we must do our best to spend it how we see fit because it is our time & our life. I just remember this quote being very impactful to younger me when i first read it & it still rather is.
i love all the scenes in two towers with gimli , legolas , & aragorn as well. not a specific quote but their interactions are some of my favourites , their dynamics & path are something i can always reread & never tire of <3
again there are several quotes i could take from tolkien’s works to say here as a favourite , but this answer is already so long. i apologise. this is a topic i could converse about over countless hours.
as well i want to mention c.s. forester because his descriptions on sailing are very good & too i like that hornblower is a very flawed yet brilliant character who battles with low self esteem , he just seems a very real character. so it’s definitely an influence to ensure characters i write aren’t glorified to the point of being without flaw or always choosing the correct course the first time. let your character screw up & make mistakes , have doubts & be human. that’s what he inspires me to do when i write. ( as well bush & hornblower <3 love those two )
favourite quote(s) : directing you to this post of mine so as not to add more words here but it’s very much one of my favourites.
too i love the scene between hornblower & kennedy in Mr. Midshipman Hornblower when they get caught by bolton being absolute dorks. it’s nice to see a lighter side to hornblower. same with the scene in Lieutenant Hornblower after bush hear that hornblower has been promoted & they drink , bush is still recovering & gets a bit drunk so hornblower is helping him away & bush is just grinning & singing ‘he’s a jolly good fellow’
&& some honourable mentions since this response is getting rather long ; jane austen , mary shelley , charles dickens , bram stoker , leo tolstoy , william shakespeare , john flanagan , neil giaman , terry pratchett , c.s. lewis , alexander dumas , oscar wilde , ernest hemingway , madeline miller , f. scott fitzgerald , tim o’brien , & etc. so many others.
*please note that it is the writing of these authors that i adore & take inspiration from , this does not i particularly praise the author as a person
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idjitlili · 4 years
Legolas x reader
I am so tired I stayed up till 5 am last night reading so sorry if this shit. It is shit, Idont know what happened
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Imagine somehow being teleported into Tolkien’s ,the hobbit, and you end up meeting legolas and Thranduil. In which you insult thranduil, Thorin is sorta your daddy.
You have been travelling with the company since the trolls tried to eat everyone. You had quite literally came out of a floating , flame coloured line. Only to walk into the tree. A troll had picked you up and attempted to eat you as-well , but you really didn’t care, as you was focusing how your head hurt from the tree.
After explaining your situation to Gandalf , which he ended up believing that you weren’t from here, due to your clothing, and strange sayings. Plus the evidence that all the dwarves and a Hobbit had seen you magically appear.
Thorin didn’t like having a teenage girl , with barely any self defence skills , to come with on their adventure, mission, thing. Yet he felt like he had to protect you from harm, surprisingly since you saw how he treated Bilbo. Uh basically he’s your dad.
The first night with the company , they had all offered you blankets , food (lucky Bombur makes a lot.) , the princes had given you some of their extra tunics. Which they had a lot because dwarves likes to wear layers. Too bad they weren’t green.
Dori acted like a mother to you , he would make sure you ate , and even got Ori to make you knitted goods. The dwarves thought you you would freeze to death , as dwarves didn’t get as cold as humans. Something to do with their build or something, you recall Balin telling you.
You became quick friends with Bilbo, he was interested in where you were from, and what it was like there.
Kili and fili teased you for your weird obsession with potatoes, as you mostly ate them, and you even had gone far enough to make a potato ring. (I actually did)
Now you and the company are In Mirkwood forest , unaware to what is going to strike, soon.
Kili and fili ,stood either side of you in a protective manner. For hours the company had been walking through Mirkwood, Thorin denying any assumptions that they were lost.
You grunt , at the blisters that are forming on your feet , that are sweating in your trainers.
“My legs hurt.” You moan , quietly dragging out hurt.
Kili scoffs at you , “your legs are longer , imagine how mine feel.”
You look at Bilbo who is lagging behind,
“Well you can’t say anything , Bilbos legs are as long as my dick.”
“OI y/n, i dont have no legs.”
“I never said that , my dick is hugeeeeee.”
“You don’t have a dick .” Bofur responds loudly , with annoyed tone.
“How would you know if she had a dick. You haven’t seen it.” Kili responds sending you a wink.
“Yeah thank you , my dick is in my head.”
“How would it fit though?” Fili inquires , with a confused facial expression.
“I meant my personality you jensen Ackles , and John travolta blend!” You reply smirking to yourself .’Boom roasted’ not that he would get the joke.
Unknown the rest of the company Bilbo had climbed up a tree to look for a way out of mirkwood. The air felt limited in the poisoned forest , you felt chills go up your back, shivering slightly.
“Thorin...” you speak slowly, as you spot a eight legged spider, approach in the distance. It was bigger than a sheep, teeth like knives, beads for eyes.
Thorin grabs you and makes sure you are behind him, before you know it , all the dwarves plus you are surrounded. You unarmed, stay close with thorin , so you don’t die.
Suddenly the spiders are everything, no escape, the spiders are travelling down by webs and pulling up the dwarves , who don’t see it coming because they are too busy fighting the ones on the ground. When they are pulled up , they are wrapped into a webbed cocoon.
Thorin grabs a hold of you and pulls you into his jacket , then you are both slung up into the air, you become dizzy from being wrapped up in the webbing. Then you and thorin are in just stuck. For what it seems like forever.
Until , you feel yourself falling down slowly from the trees, the cocoon is ripped open by thorin. You get up looking around there are several, other cocoons with dwarves crawling out of them. You look around to see there are still spiders everywhere, you look to the floor and see thorins swords , picking up quickly you pass it to him. he nods with appreciation and passes you a dagger.
I guess you have no chance but try to help , otherwise the others will die because you were too scared to take a chance.
‘You miss 100% the shots you don’t take -Wayne Gretzky-Michael Scott -y/n l/n’
Before you can even look around for a target , you are rugby tackled to the ground, by a disgusting excuse of one of Morgan freeman’s creations.(I think he’s god uh)
You pull your arm out of its grasp, with your ,sorry thorins dagger in hand , before the poison from the spider can be injected. You stab it the face , its body goes stiff around you curling. You push it off gagging at its texture, you pull yourself off the floor only to be tackled again.
This time the dagger had been knocked out of your gasp , desperately you try to reach it buts in use, the creature pushes you down hard. You pull up your leg and kick as hard as you can, it lands on the left of you. You finally able to grab the dagger going to kill the spider, but someone beats you to it , FIring an arrow through its head.
You look up to see a blonde dude, why is he wearing leggings. Weirdo, your brother accidentally put your leggings on ,once and ripped the crotch how he didn’t notice
he doesn’t own leggings. I do not know.
Snapping you out of your thoughts , you are dragged up, dagger snatched out of your hand, and you are roughly pushed towards the group.
“Don’t you touch her again , or I’ll make sure your everlasting life does t last.” Thorin snaps at the ginger elf that had man handled you. What a bitch.
“Oh is this human your girlfriend?awwe.” The blond elf snickers at Thorin, kili and fili gag at the thought of their uncle being in a relationship.
“Uh princess , yeah you with the dance pants. Treat the king of erebor with a little respect. Assbutt.” You glare at the blond, who tended at your words. Haha loser.
“There is no king under the mountain not will there ever be.” He replies , scowling at you.
“Yes , there will be , princess.” He scoffs.
The blonde elf that you soon discover his name is legolas ,and he is the kings sOn.
Bilbo was missing , aand the company were led to the woodland realm. You could only hope that he would find a way for us to escape.
You and Thorin were spilt from the other dwarves, we were brought to the king. He stuck a deal with Thorin who declined. This king was as dickhead , and narcissistic. Legolas is stood next to you just in case you tried anything .
“Take him alway, ill take to his girlfriend now.” The woodland king states to his guard smoothly.
You scoff.
“ I am literally 18, you perv.”
You feel his ice eyes , stare at you , judging , your whole life, your clothing.
“You are not from here are you,child?” He must of noticed your keanu reeves shirt.
“tell me why you travel with these dwarves.”
“Why, I like them.”
He scoffs “they are scum, pigs , thieves.” He growls at you , circling you.
“Oi princess , this is your daddy?” You ask legolas who refuses to meet your eye.
“ all I can say is, at least thorin actually loves me and he’s not even my real dad.” Thranduils jaw clenched so hard that he probably could bite your head off.
“We are NOT talking about my son we are talking a bout you.”
“ okay listen here you self obsessed prick, I don’t give a shit about what you want, so cut the shit and get to the point.”
“ I want you to get my the gems of starlight,Thorin won’t expect it from you, I’ll let you all go.”
You feel bad for legolas his dad is soulless, makes him do everything while , he sits on his throne , acting like Gaston.
“No, I am not doing that to my friends, If you wasnt such an asshole and helped Thorin when Azog attacked them he probably would’ve given them to you. But you didn’t. So you suck”
Thranduils faces fled with red , he was angry he whipped his head to towards you.
“Get her to her cell now, legolas.”
“Just saying who risks their own sons life on a forest that clearly can’t be saved,”
“My sons well being doesn’t concern you. Human.”
“You clearly haven’t got love with son. You need to get yourself a girl mat-“
you are interrupted by a slap in the face.
“Well that was a girly move, who slaps , go punch me instead.”
Legolas pulls you out of the rooms quickly, not allowing things to worsen, walking you towards the cells.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
He stops and looks at you,” because he will probably execute your friends.”
“Doubt it , he wants them gems , then he needs someone to kill the dragon.” You speak carefully walking down the stairs.
He hummed in response.
After you walked into your cell,you turned and smiled at him. You knew he wasn’t as mean as he portrayed himself as.
“Uh sorry for making fun of your trousers ,” you whispered so thorin didn’t hear , he would skin him.
He smiled lightly “sorry my Ada slapped you.”
“It was a bitch move not going to lie. “ you reach up to my face that still stung, You grin.
“I have no doubt you are going to escape.” He whispers.
“Yes sir. Stay safe princess,savvy?”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” you let out , as the water in the river splashed you hard in the face.
“Why is this so fun, yet we are still being hunted.” You throw up arms like you are on a ride in a theme park, until an arrow flies at yodu and almost hits you.
You turn to see legolas , you wave to him. He just keeps running after you and the dwarves , saying our butts , see he was a good dude.
Because of you distracting legolas , he couldn’t see an orc going to hit Tauriel. She got punched square in the nose , falling into legolas , whodidn’t see it coming and fell in the water.
For elves being graceful, that wasn’t ,but fortunately he landing in the water right near you. You reach in the water and some how pull him up so he’s holding onto the barrel. You lean back so it doesn’t tip his way. Still does. He’s stuck in the water with you. You offer him a smile.
“How was your fall?” You ask him.
“Into the water ? Amazing.” He replies grunting.
‘No falling from heaven”
“Oh.” He blushes
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queenaryastark · 4 years
Why do think Jon can't or won't have any romances if he died and is resurrected? Like uh... erh you think he physically won't be able to uh get it up again so he'll never have a sexual relationship again or do u mean that you think he won't be able to emotionally form romantic attachments or...? I deff think Jon is going to be darker after and all that but i think him inhabiting Ghost might result in him being slighty different than Beric and Stoneheart. Idk what is ur speculation on it? Thanks!
I agree that if Jon is dead, his experience will be slightly different from Beric and Stoneheart since his consciousness has probably already transferred into ghost. But even there, the mind of the human starts to fade. That’s the beauty of GRRM’s work. There are always consequences, even with magic involved. Or especially when magic is involved. We don’t know how long he will remain in Ghost or what shape his body will be in when he returns to it. So while Jon might not lose as much of his personality as his predecessors, he will still be a fire wight. Though, tbh, with Jon being the third fire wight, it doesn’t seem like GRRM’s style to have him be in better shape than the other two. If anything, just as Stoneheart is worse than Beric, it seems like Jon would be even worse. Here are GRRM’s words on this element of his series:
GRRM: “Part of it was also, it’s the dialogue that I was talking about. And here I’ve got to get back to Tolkien again. And I’m going to seem like I’m criticizing him, which I guess I am. It’s always bothered me that Gandalf comes back from the dead. The Red Wedding for me in Lord of the Rings is the mines of Moria, and when Gandalf falls — it’s a devastating moment! I didn’t see it coming at 13 years old, it just totally took me by surprise. Gandalf can’t die! He’s the guy that knows all of the things that are happening! He’s one of the main heroes here! Oh god, what are they going to do without Gandalf? Now it’s just the hobbits?! And Boromir, and Aragorn? Well, maybe Aragorn will do, but it’s just a huge moment. A huge emotional investment.
And then in the next book, he shows up again, and it was six months between the American publications of those books, which seemed like a million years to me. So all that time I thought Gandalf was dead, and now he’s back and now he’s Gandalf the White. And, ehh, he’s more or less the same as always, except he’s more powerful. It always felt a little bit like a cheat to me. And as I got older and considered it more, it also seemed to me that death doesn’t make you more powerful. That’s, in some ways, me talking to Tolkien in the dialogue, saying, “Yeah, if someone comes back from being dead, especially if they suffer a violent, traumatic death, they’re not going to come back as nice as ever.” That’s what I was trying to do, and am still trying to do, with the Lady Stoneheart character.”
Interviewer: “And Jon Snow, too, is drained by the experience of coming back from the dead on the show.”
GRRM: “Right. And poor Beric Dondarrion, who was set up as the foreshadowing of all this, every time he’s a little less Beric. His memories are fading, he’s got all these scars, he’s becoming more and more physically hideous, because he’s not a living human being anymore. His heart isn’t beating, his blood isn’t flowing in his veins, he’s a wight, but a wight animated by fire instead of by ice, now we’re getting back to the whole fire and ice thing.” -- Time
So based on GRRM’s words, we can rule out Jon having an experience anything close to show!Jon where his death was only a benefit. He essentially used it as a “Get out of the Night’s Watch Free” card, even though that line of reasoning makes no sense. Him dying and being reanimated as a zombie would not result in him being physically and mentally the same, nor would it lead to everyone being fine with what he is. He would either be killed as a deserter or burned as a wight.
So as for Jon not having a chance for romance in my opinion, I would rule it out both emotionally and physically. 
As an animated corpse who has lost a degree of consciousness, I have my doubts about him being able to form new meaningful relationships. Beric and Catelyn have become hyper focused on the last goals they had before dying. Since Beric’s goal didn’t include his fiance, he barely remembers that he has a fiance, let alone anything about her. Nor does he remember where his home is. All he is about is carrying out his last orders which were to enforce justice on the Mountain and stop the Lannister’s terrorist acts on the common people of the Riverlands. So that’s it for him. Catelyn seems to be in a similar situation where her last act was to kill a Frey while also thinking of her lost children. So she is looking for Arya while murdering every Frey she can find and extending that vengeance to Jaime since Roose delivered his regards as he stabbed Robb. Stoneheart has lost a great deal of who she was to the point that she can’t hear reason, not even with Brienne. 
Jon’s situation has to be similar. His dying thoughts were of Arya and planning to meet Ramsay Bolton in battle. It stands to reason that his diminished mind would center on that, unless his time in Ghost allows him to focus on something or someone else. 
As far as physically goes, based on Beric and Stoneheart, Jon’s heart wouldn’t be beating so no blood flow would be going through his body, he wouldn’t need food since his digestive system wouldn’t be working, and he wouldn’t even need to sleep. Essentially, he is not alive and has no normal bodily functions. Unless he dies with a permanent terminal erection, a part of physical intimacy is out. He could probably still give oral if he’s able to keep hydrated for that purpose. Sorry, TMI. In short, in my opinion, if Jon is dead emotional and physical romance are out. But JMO.
That’s one of the reasons I’m still open to the possibility that Jon isn’t dead. Before the show killed and resurrected the show version as Gandolf the White 2.0, his status was up for debate. There were many who steadfastly believed he was alive. GRRM even said in an interview that whether Jon was dead or alive was up for debate until the next installment. Since he essentially brushed off the interviewer’s attempt in the quote above to redirect the discussion to undead!Jon and went on to discuss Beric, that suggests that canon Jon’s status is still undetermined. And there are a lot more possibilities for him if he’s alive. 
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vintagedaydreams · 4 years
The Story That Never Ends (Part ONE-The Hobbit)
Alright, people! I have an absolutely freakin’ awesome person that is going to be collaborating with me on this Never-Ending Story. Give it up for @ramblingwritings​ who is awesome enough to be with me on this out of control wagon! This is just the first part of The Hobbit section– I am working on the other half and will have that updated soon! Once that happens, the next fandom install can be written and uploaded. 😊
This is going to be the story that jumps from Fandom to Fandom as the Reader dies in each. SO, it will be long and probably never really finished. Who knows. There are so many Fandoms to do this with!!
(If you have a Fandom you’d like to see in it, feel free to drop a line! We have a list going already. But beware, you may be roped into writing some of it if neither of us are familiar with that Fandom! LOL)
Warnings: language, some violence/disturbing imagery (battle, wounds, etc), fantasy (is that an actual warning at this point?)
So without further ado…
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  You were born as you, a human, lived in present time and had knowledge of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
You liked all the races, Elf, Man and Dwarf – and sometimes Wizard – but you had really fallen in love with all of the Company of Dwarves during The Hobbit storyline. One in particular!
You had been on your way home from a friend’s house where you had all binge-watched the movies, when a drunk driver hit you. You laid there, broken and bleeding and in so much blinding pain you were sobbing, before you felt darkness finally take you.
You jerked awake, a cry of pain on your lips, but saw that you were in a bed and a room that looked familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.
A dream. You just had a bad dream.
Then you heard voices coming from somewhere else in the house and you swung your legs out from under the covers to get up and saw…hairy feet?!
And then, two sets of memories came hurling at you.
Your life as you remembered: your job, your family, your friends, your slight Tolkien obsession, the walk home, the pain…
And then another set: your life as a Took, running wild with other fauntlings, climbing trees and having adventures, being thicker than thieves with one cousin of yours in particular – Bilbo, your second set of memories helpfully supplied, while the other side of your brain was floundering at the implications.
What was going on?!
And then you were bombarded by a male Hobbit – a Hobbit! – one set of your memories recognized as your Took father and you were bid to hurry up, your coming of age birthday party was that day and there was so much to do!
As you got ready on auto-pilot, you sifted through your memories and yep, you had the last 33 years all there as your life as Juniper Took.
Boy was that going to take some getting used to. No one seemed to be acting any different towards you, but you were definitely out of sorts which thankfully your family chalked up to your excitement of being of Age and able to go and do whatever with no one to ask permission of.
Uh, yeah, that was great too – considering that you’d felt that way long before you became a Hobbit. Thank goodness you “woke up” when you were of Age and not too long before!
And thank goodness you were a Took! That alone could explain away a lot of your oddities you were sure were going to pop up with double memories and the ridiculous amount of confusion you were feeling.
When Bilbo showed up at your party, himself a few years older than you, you were sad to say that you inner fangirled and actually had your favorite Hobbit worried and wondering what on Middle Earth was wrong with you.
You promised to visit him the next day and spent the rest of the party just listening to the instincts and memories of your Took self to not draw too much more attention to yourself. (Thank goodness the Juniper before you got two sets of memories already picked out all the presents for the Hobbits there. You wouldn’t know where to begin as confused as you were now.)
You wanted to listen to your Took side and fully embrace being Juniper Took, but how could you when you could still remember all of your life as a human? And you felt as if you’d been plucked from your life as a human to being thrust into being a Hobbit and how could you just…forget all of who you were and become a Took fully?
You’d lived through your life as human, but you only had memories of living through your life as Juniper Took. Didn’t that mean you were Y/N first and Juniper second?
You’d given yourself a mega headache by the time the party was over and even though you didn’t sleep at all, you were knocking on Bilbo’s door bright and early, worked up into a horrible state – even though your Tookish side was warning  you that it was far too early for any Hobbits to be up after the late hour of the party last night.
Bilbo had blearily opened the door, though both sides of you were pleased to see that his tiredness vanished in the wake of your -probably awful- appearance.
He’d invited you in, got breakfast started and then…then you’d broken down.
“Bilbo, I think I am…crazy.”
The proper Baggins’ blinked at you from the kitchen counter where he was slicing up tomatoes. “Juniper,” he snarked, and you flinched at the unfamiliar name, though he missed it when he looked back down at his counter, “all Tooks are crazy. You’ve known that since you were born – and the whole Shire is aware of it as well.”
Apparently, he was expecting some snarky remark – at least that part of your personality remained the same – but when none came, he looked back up at you.
“Juniper?” he asked and this time, he didn’t miss the flinch you gave. Suddenly, he was standing right beside your chair at the table.
“What is it? Why do you think you’re crazy? What happened?”
You looked up into warm, worried amber eyes and felt tears gather in your own.
“Does this have anything to do with how…odd you were acting yesterday?”
You nodded miserably, finding your gaze landing on the dress you were wearing. Catching sight of your large, furry – furry! – feet you felt a few tears fall down your face.
Who were you now? Not fully Juniper, but certainly not Y/N anymore. You really couldn’t fit in anywhere! Not with two sets of memories, one feeling more real than the other Tolkien one.
“Bilbo…I…” You heaved a sigh. “Perhaps it’s best if we just forget about it.” You didn’t need your close cousin, or one of your favorite characters, to shun you now. The rest of the Shire was only loosely mentioned in the books and movies – Bilbo was the only real tie to the life you knew before at this point!
“Jun—listen here, Favorite Cousin,” Bilbo said firmly, cutting off the use of your Hobbit name when you winced and changing it to the title you’d both bestowed on each other as young fauntlings years ago, “I can see that something is wrong. I’ve been worried since last night, though I thought maybe it was just you finally getting your freedom. But that obviously isn’t it. So tell me: what is it? What is going on?”
Taking a deep breath, you looked up and found both sides of your mind not able to help trusting the warm, gentle Hobbit beside you.
So you told him everything. It took all day and many meals, but you unloaded all of your past life, your present fears and how lost you felt at the moment.
Bilbo had responded by quizzing you on past memories you had of the both of you and you passed with flying colors. Though he looked just as heartbroken as you when you admitted, with a sob, that while you had the memories, you didn’t remember doing them. It was like watching a movie of someone else’s life, just with a lot more detail.
And then, you had to explain what exactly a movie was, which actually made Bilbo believe what you thought as a crazy story.
But then, no Hobbit, Took or otherwise, was able to come up with such things as the life and the technology you described from your…past life.
The thought of your past life made you start crying all over again.
You’d lost your friends, your family, your life, both figuratively and literally.
Bilbo seemed properly appalled for you and had done his best to comfort you.
And he really was good at that.
It wasn’t until you began to tell him that you…well, you knew what was going to happen, that he seemed to be a little less believing.
At first.
“Wait. What do you mean I am going to leave the Shire and travel with a company of Dwarves? Dwarves! And I’m going to go willingly and do what to a dragon?!”
You gave a slight giggle, swinging your now somewhat beloved furred feet as you both sat in the much more comfortable chairs in front of Bilbo’s fireplace.
“Exactly what I said, Bilbo,” you smiled, taking another sip of the delicious tea your cousin always had on hand. (That was one thing you were quite content to embrace about being a Hobbit – the seven meals a day thing was glorious.) “You meet Gandalf the Grey, or…re-meet him I guess?, then the Dwarves and agree to go on their Quest with them. It is an amazing adventure for you. I think…well, I don’t think you’d be complete without it to be honest.”
Bilbo just stared at you, mouth agape before he suddenly hummed and leaned back further into his chair.
“Alright. Say that…say that I believe you, Juniper.” Your flinch was much less pronounced now, though Bilbo still paused.
“There was another name you went by in your…other life, wasn’t there?” the observant Hobbit asked gently, and you found yourself sniffling a bit.
“Yes. But…I’m not that person anymore, apparently.”
“I think you are,” Bilbo said quietly after a moment. “You’re just as much her as you are Juniper. Maybe even more so. You said yourself that you had memories of us throughout the years, memories of your life here, but no memory of actually doing it. But…you remember doing all those things you told me of in your life as a Man, right?”
You nodded slowly. “Yeah. It feels…wrong to just embrace Jun-Juniper so readily when I don’t really feel that I am her. Regardless of how I look or where I am.”
There was silence before Bilbo suddenly jumped out of his chair, startling you.
“So! What do I call you?”
You looked at him in confusion, but before you could open your mouth he continued, “Your name in your other world. What was it?”
“Y/N,” you said after a hesitant moment. “It was Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Well, I don’t think we could get away with calling you by your last name here, not with you being a Took all this time in everyone else’s memories, but I could definitely call you Y/N. No one would blink at a new name, we’ve certainly called each other all sorts of names throughout the years. This would just be another of our oddities.”
The Hobbit before you suddenly swept into a deep, polite bow. “A pleasure you meet you, Y/N. Bilbo Baggins, at your service.”
No matter what your Took side said, though it didn’t put up really any protest at all, you flung yourself out of the chair and into Bilbo’s arms.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you practically sobbed, the sound of your own name the only grounding thing you had here.
Bilbo had sent a letter to your family and had invited you to stay with him for awhile. No one questioned it – everyone in the entire Shire knew of the Took and the Baggins who had made a right nuisance of themselves since they met when you were born.
And wasn’t that an odd thing to think of? Bilbo was older than you but you knew about a lot of his life that not only had happened but that was going to happen.
An evil thought crossed your mind.  Perhaps… a little event changing would not be too amiss on the adventure you were going to wiggle your way into with the Company? By your calculations, you still had quite a bit of time left – Bilbo was only a few years older than yourself – a respectable forty to your newly christened thirty-three.
If the Company wasn’t supposed to come until Bilbo was fifty…well, that gave you ten years to try and make your gentle Hobbit a bit more burglar and less ‘grocer’. And if Thorin could find it in himself not to be a dick straight away, well, it’d make your job all the easier. Why couldn’t Bilbo stay in Erober? Why couldn’t the Thorin line survive the Battle of the Five Armies?
Besides, you’d been thrown into this Juniper Took’s body for a reason. And even though you didn’t remember Bilbo being close to really anyone other than the Gamgees in the book and movie, you and him obviously were still close, even before you got another set of memories.
So, if you were thrown here and were already this close to the main character, might as well change a few things up, right?
It only took you two months to not only grow as close to Bilbo as you had been before you’d added more memories, but also to convince him that an adventure right now, when you weren’t on a time frame, was a really good idea.
You’d needed someone to confide in so much, you’d brought Bilbo into your confidence about everything. Minus your more radical plot changing ideas. It’d be better if he came to the conclusion to stay in Erober on his own.
But he now knew every detail of not only the Company, but the Lord of the Rings storyline too. And he was not thrilled about his coming nephew in the line of fire and danger if he could help it.
He’d agreed that once Erebor was retaken in a decade and some change, he’d help destroy the Ring he was going to pick up along the way.
You’d been adamant that some things had to happen, some bad things. Otherwise, if the Company wasn’t attacked by goblins, how was he supposed to find the Ring Gollum had?
(You’d also wrangled a promise out of Bilbo that he was take you with him, contract be damned, when the time came.)
But for the moment, you were off to see the Elves in Rivendell, as it was the closest.
You had a plan. One that you obviously told Bilbo about as well.
If you two could travel a bit, befriend at least some of the elves, men, what have you, that you’d meet up with on the way to the mountain, maybe the journey would be easier is some spots. Not just for Bilbo, (and yourself), but for the poor Dwarves who had been driven out of their home for decades now.
Bilbo had been almost beside himself hearing about the plight of the Dwarves and their lost home. You’d practically had to hold him back from leaving for the Blue Mountains to find this soon-to-be-king Thorin and start early.
You managed to talk him into not doing that, since it’d screw everything up. No, best to just familiarize yourselves with at least part of the journey’s roads and meet some hopefully helpful characters beforehand.
Though befriending Elves wouldn’t endear either of you to the Dwarves, especially Thorin, but…well, they were Elves and Bilbo was over the moon. Once you’d mentioned Elves, well, it was all you could do to make sure you both actually gathered supplies for the journey, rather than just run out the door.
If you knew that Bilbo’s excitement for the Elves would be this bad, (and you should’ve), you would’ve mentioned Elves two months ago.
Honestly – who was supposed to be the elder of you two? You or him?
You finally got everything situated and had only just left the Shire when who should you both come across but Gandalf the Grey.
His timing really was uncanny at times.
“Bilbo Baggins and Y/N Took. I should have known.”
You and your cousin, (that still took a little getting used to), just gaped at the older, wizened man.
“What….oh! You must be Gandalf then?” Bilbo asked first, (since he didn’t remember him at all from meeting him so long ago), while your brain was still trying to catch up to the fact that the wizard had called you Y/N, not Juniper.
Bilbo cottoned on to that too, because his brow furrowed and he leaned over the pony he was somewhat successfully riding to mutter to you, “That is a little creepy. Like you said. Does he know everything?”
“I am honored that I have been spoken about,” Gandalf cut in, eyes twinkling. “And no. Alas, I do not know everything, but in this case, I think, I may know just enough.”
You were aware you were an odd sight, a female Hobbit, Took or no, astride a pony in breeches and a blouse and vest, and gaping quite unattractively at the wizard.
But…he’d called you by your real name!
Well, it definitely made things easier if he already knew everything. There were still things you had probably forgotten to tell Bilbo – it was hard to remember every little thing between four books, six movies and all the years of your previous life. Not to mention the thousands of fanfictions.
Yes, there was probably something you had forgotten to pass on – Gandalf knowing everything already would be so much easier.
“Off to see the Elves?” Gandalf asked from his own horse and you and Bilbo both grimaced.
“Yes,” you muttered after a moment, “that is creepy.”
The wizard laughed.
“And yet, you know more than I about events about to unfold.”
“Yes, but I have a good excuse,” you said somewhat petulantly. “And I don’t have any idea what’s going to happen in the next ten years. Only when the Company arrives. Before that I’m just as lost as everyone else.”
“Then this will be good for the both of you,” Gandalf decided with another eye twinkle. He really was starting to remind you of Dumbledoore. Huh. Dying and ending up in the Harry Potter world would have been fun too.
“Perhaps you would allow a lonely old man to accompany you on your travels. It has been some time since I’ve seen my old friends in Imladris.”
You and Bilbo exchanged another glance and then you both shrugged in tandem. The past few months, you had been speaking with Bilbo not only about your life as human you and the story of what was to come, but also more in depth about the memories you had as Juniper.
You had never felt closer to anyone than you did you Bilbo. And, he’d told you one night, he felt closer to you now than he did when you were just Juniper with only Juniper’s memories.
Cousins, nothing. You and Bilbo acted like twins, despite the age difference.
“Sure, Gandalf,” you said with a grin, “we’d love the company. Might as well get to know you well know, yes?”
You three started off again and then Gandalf cast you a sidelong look.
“I assume you’ll be joining the Company then in a few years’ time?”
You gave as innocent a grin as you could with Took blood, “What on earth would make you think that?”
Gandalf chuckled yet again.
“Two burglars for the price of one. I think Oakenshield will find that acceptable.”
Gandalf’s eyes widened a bit when Bilbo didn’t react at all – no questions, no concerns, just a placid smile.
“He knows all about the Company and the…Adventure then?”
You gave a grin, not even bothering with trying to be Innocent. “Yup! Gandalf, I can’t keep secrets from my brother!”
“Cousin,” Gandalf corrected, though it was more a question and you felt something warm unfurl in your chest when Bilbo spoke up, “Brother.”
The three of you traveled slow and sedate, giving Bilbo, (and yourself), much needed practice on the ponies. It wouldn’t do for the Company to see you as burdens right off the bat. Better to lull them into a false sense of security first.
Gandalf was ridiculously helpful once he realized that you and Bilbo both planned to help the Company as much as possible.
You didn’t tell Gandalf all, but just enough for him to understand that the Dwarves were going to have a hard journey. But that you and Bilbo were determined to spend the next ten years trying to smooth the way as much as possible and learn as much as you could to actually be helpful. Right from the start.
Arriving in Rivendell was amazing for both you and Bilbo. While you had seen it in the movies, it was so much more magical and breathtaking in person.
Bilbo wasn’t fairing any better, being in absolute awe himself.
Lord Elrond came and greeted you by your human name as well and you gaped, once again, unattractively at the Elf lord.
Gandalf knowing made sense but how did – then you remembered Elrond’s gift of foresight.
“You saw me coming!” you pretty much accused the Elf lord, much to Bilbo consternation and Gandalf’s amusement.
“I did, Lady Y/N,” Elrond affirmed, his own amusement shining through. “Myself, as well as Lady Galadriel, saw what would happen to you in your own world and how you would come to be here in ours. I must say, you have shown remarkable adjustment to the situation. And much quicker than we had imagined.”
You flushed, but sent a very thankful, meaningful look to Bilbo.
“If it wasn’t for my brother, I wouldn’t be half as adjusted,” you murmured and gave a soft laugh as you saw Bilbo flush as well. What a pair you two were.
“Come,” Elrond said after a moment, “you are most welcome here, for as long as you wish. I have seen great things in store for the both of you.”
Bilbo looked at the Elf lord in surprise. “For the both of us?”
You snorted before Elrond could answer.
“Bilbo. I may be from another world, well…half of my mind may be from another world, but you are the main character! If anyone should be asking if we both have great things in store for us, it should be me. Not you. Besides, I already told you at least part of the great things you have in store for you.”
“Yes, Master Baggins,” Elrond said with a gentle smile, still with amusement dancing in his eyes, “great things are in store for the both of you. But before we get into any of that, you must be tired. I imagine that traveling this far, and on ponies, is different for you both. Come, let us show you to your rooms and get you settled.”
It hadn’t taken long before you and Bilbo were both settled, fed and asleep in your rooms. It had been a long journey, even though Gandalf had not been in any hurry and you had had frequent stops and rests.
The next morning at breakfast, Bilbo had laughed at how much he had appreciated a soft bed after only a week on the road. He admitted, as you agreed wholeheartedly, that it was a good thing you were both traveling now and getting used to this before the Company arrived.
Ten years sounded like a lot to the human half of your mind, but the Tookish half didn’t seen daunted. Ten years wasn’t much to a Hobbit and you had to use the next years well.
The journey to the Elves had given both you and Bilbo a yearning for more adventure and an excitement for the Company’s journey.
When Elrond suggested you stay for awhile in Rivendell to get familiar with it and its people, you and Bilbo both readily agreed.
After all, that was the point of all this traveling – to try and make the journey as easy as possible for your soon to be Dwarven companions.
“You and Bilbo are quite brave to undertake all of this extra journeying,” Elrond had said one day as he found you standing on the balcony of your room. Honorifics had been dropped the second day you were all there – mostly for your benefit. It wasn’t your fault that honorifics weren’t a thing in your world, or high in priority for the Took side of you either!
“I’m not sure brave is the best word,” you laughed, turning to the Elf lord beside you. “But I wasn’t sure I could stay in the Shire any longer. A few months was bad enough with my…confused state. And I’d been at Bilbo’s almost the entire time – we needed to get away. I couldn’t go…home.”
Because your home was worlds away.
A large hand settled gently on your shoulder.
“Galadriel and I have been watching you since before the day you awoke here in this world. You have shown remarkable bravery, Y/N. Your world is a lot different than ours and while the Took side of you is helpful in settling you here, we are aware of how torn you feel. How…unreal this body and the memories of Juniper Took are to you.”
The Elf lord paused for a few moments, though his hand did not leave you.
“I had elves ready to come to the Shire and take you here so we could help you adjust, but Galadriel had sent a message to tell me that she had foreseen your Took side’s cousin – Bilbo – helping you and becoming an invaluable companion. We were both pleased, though not shocked as we have come to know you before and after you awoke as Juniper, that you chose to use the next few years to help smooth the way for your Company. Erober is almost ready for its rightful ruler to return. It does our old hearts good to see how you and Bilbo are preparing yourself for the journey. You shall be invaluable to them.”
You blinked back tears, feeling a small piece of yourself settle. Elrond and Galadriel, they knew. Yes, Bilbo knew about your time, but only because you had told him. The two Seers knew of your time, of who you were because they had seen it. They knew you.
And it was a wonderful feeling.
You felt yourself get pulled gently into Elrond’s embrace and let loose a soft sob.
“I miss technology,” you muttered into his chest and the answering chuckle, the knowledge that Elrond knew what you were talking about without you having to explain it, made you sob just a little bit harder.
Elrond had escorted you to dinner, (seriously, best thing about being a Hobbit was the enormous capacity for food!), and then you and Bilbo had gone to the library to begin some research.
Just wandering around the whole of Middle Earth was not probable, especially with Orcs, Goblins and bugs out there, so you both needed to learn as much as you could bookwise. At least for now.
You also didn’t want Bilbo to be presumed dead, so no super long adventure yet. Hopefully, with you and Bilbo taking short adventures that turned into longer and longer adventures, Hobbiton would be used to Bilbo being gone and he wouldn’t have to chase down his silverware. (You were dying to meet Galadriel, Haldir and Thranduil, but you could be patient. …Probably.)
All of the Elves had been ridiculously nice and welcoming.
You and Bilbo had found kindred spirits in Elrond’s twin children; a bond that the majority of Rivendell looked on with good natured suspicion. You and Bilbo were terrors in your own right, but coupled with Elladan and Elrohir’s pranking…well. Rivendell was a bit livelier while you were there.
Being Elrond’s children, the twins knew of your…origins and had question after question for you. But they were also observant and kind enough to see when it pained you to speak of what you’d lost and they’d find excellent ways to distract you. (You felt kind of bad that Lindir was so traumatized so many years before the Company came, but as he seemed to have a soft spot for you Hobbits, you didn’t feel bad enough to stop.)
Both you and Elrond had felt it better that Estel not see you. At least, not at this time. He wasn’t even two decades yet, had a few more years to go, and really, you didn’t trust yourself around how adorable he was.
Being as small as you were, (and that was another thing that had taken some time to get used to!), it wasn’t hard for you to avoid the human young man. Though you couldn’t help but sneak a peak as often as you could without getting caught. You were right – he really was just too cute! Arwen was going to be one lucky lady.
You and Bilbo had been in Rivendell for almost two months when you decided that you’d need to head back to the Shire. Reminding Bilbo of the trouble he would have getting his stuff back from those who thought him dead after his trip with the Company, Bilbo quit arguing and was more than willing to head back. (He had to admit that your idea of slowly getting the Shire used to him being gone for months at a time would be beneficial in the long run.)
Gandalf accompanied you all the way to Bree and then you and Bilbo were on your own back to Hobbiton. You had already sent word to your parents that you were unofficially having adventures and now living with your honorary brother. Your parents, proud and adventurous Tooks that they were, were overjoyed that you’d come into your own adventures – and drug along a Baggins too! You secretly thought they were just thrilled he was ‘embracing’ his Took side.
“I think,” Bilbo’s voice cut you from your musings, “that we have had a very successful first two months of Adventuring.”
You gave a laugh, both of you so much more at ease on your ponies than you were when you first started. Elladan and Elrohir had been more than willing to teach you the Ways of the Pony.
“Yes, Bilbo. We did good. Very good. Those notes you took about the people and the copies of the maps in Elrond’s study – those will give us a good place to start for a game plan. Then, maybe in a month or two, we’ll head out again!”
“In a month or two?” Bilbo said, somewhat disbelieving. “I would have assumed you’d want to head out as soon as we found a good direction!”
You gave the Hobbit you seriously loved like a brother a small smile. “I’d love to, but…well, let’s ease into this just a bit. Not just for our sake but for the Shire’s. Give them a little time to get used to the fact that a proper Baggins has been corrupted by his Took relative. And a month at least will give us a solid foundation of where to go and a good rest. Neither one of us are quite used to this, Bilbo.”
The Hobbit riding beside you puffed on his pipe a few more times before nodding decisively. “Another brilliant idea, Y/N. Besides it will give me some time to see what I missed taking care of before we left last time so I can do better this next time around.”
You grinned, feeling the excitement that never truly left you, bubbling up again. Oh, to have such a willing travel partner!
You and Bilbo stayed in the Shire for exactly two months. In the beginning, you listened to your Tookish instincts and made yourself and Bilbo present all over Hobbiton. At the market, at the Green Dragon, everywhere you two could. It showed that Bilbo was still a respectable Hobbit, at least somewhat, and that you were still the wacky Took they all knew. (Even though you were more different than any of them could ever possibly know.)
After Hobbiton had gotten over your sudden disappearance and reappearance – and for such a scandalous thing as an adventure of all things! – you and Bilbo stayed in Bag End more often than not, pouring over his drawings and notes to see what the best route would be. You didn’t know every route exactly that the Company was going to take, but you did know major landmarks.
So you and Bilbo crafted a couple of routes that Company could possibly take and hit those landmarks, as well as a couple of routes the Company could take to avoid a few of those landmarks, (like the Trolls).
“I’m not 100 percent sure,” you murmured thoughtfully one day, puffing away at a pipe that Bilbo had gifted you with your first month here, “but I think that the whole journey only should take a few months. Frodo and Sam take about six months to get to Mordor to destroy the ring, and that’s with a few months stay over in Lorien and Rivendell.” You shot a grin at Bilbo. “Seems like a love of Elves is genetic.”
Bilbo snorted in amusement before turning back to the maps spread out on his dining room table.
“So, only a few months then to get to Erober for us as well?” You both looked at the maps before Bilbo suddenly looked up at you with a wide grin and sparkling eyes.
“We could potentially take the trip multiple times, on multiple routes before the Dwarves even get here!”
You blinked at the once respectable Hobbit – you had created an adventurous monster!
“That is not a bad idea,” you mused thoughtfully, puffing away. Granted, it would be far too dangerous of a trek for two Hobbits by themselves, but if Gandalf, or even an Elf or two went with you…
“I wonder if Elrond would let his sons come with us. Or another Elf or two,” you continued to muse. At Bilbo’s furrowed brow, you started to point out places on the map.
“The Misty Mountains are far too dangerous for us to go on our own. And the Trolls,” you pointed to a spot marked by Rivendell, “doubly not good. Our soon to be companions are going to be a huge help, Bilbo. Alone, you and me? We’d not last more than a week. Especially not through Mirkwood.”
You gave a shudder. Giant spiders you could well do without.
Bilbo hummed in agreement and the two of you lapsed into silence.
A knock sounded on the bright green door and Bilbo huffed before he went to answer it.
“It’s not even tea time,” he grumbled as he passed you and you giggled at his surliness towards anyone the last few weeks that interrupted your planning.
You heard the door open, but nothing else. No greeting, so well wishes, no grumbling.
Feeling uneasy, you slowly crept to the doorway to the dining room so you could peak around the corner.
“Haldir!” you exclaimed, old fangirl tendencies rushing to the surface. Forgetting all propriety, (did Tooks even know what that was?), you flew passed Bilbo and collided with the Marchwarden’s legs.
Bilbo stared at you in shock, but thankfully, the Elf who’s legs you were embracing, just chuckled.
“I have never doubted my Lady’s word, however I must admit I was a bit…hesitant to believe. I’m glad to see my faith in my Lady was not unfounded. You are Y/N and you already know all about me and the Lady’s Woods, yes?”
You didn’t even let the blush that tried to work its way onto your cheeks see the light of day. So you were brash and literally just glomp attacked an Elf. Haldir. Marchwarden.
Who cared?!
“Yup!” you chirped, drawing a chuckle from Bilbo as well. “I do know you, Haldir.” You took a few steps back, getting a better look at Haldir and the small party of Elves standing a few feet behind him.
“Won’t you please come in?” Bilbo offered, taking a step back out of the doorway and grasping your sleeve to pull you with.
You went with him easily, still grinning. Sue you. You freakin’ loved Lorien’s elves. Especially this particular one.
“Thank you, Master Baggins,” Haldir said smoothly, entering past you both. The few other Elves followed and you and Bilbo shared a look that would have been followed by an excited high pitched squeal if you were alone without Elven visitors.
In no time, food was prepared, Elven guests were attended to and Haldir was finally explaining what he was doing in the Shire and at Bag End, when he had never met either of you before.
“We have an audience with the Elvenking Thranduil,” Haldir began, “but do need to see Lord Elrond before we arrive in Greenwood. As we had to cross the Misty Mountains anyway to reach Imladris, my Lady Galadriel suggested we stop by and see if you both would like to accompany us. She has informed myself and my small party here as to your plan for the next few years. It is admirable. My guards and I saw no reason to not lengthen our journey by a mere few weeks to come and escort you all the way to Greenwood, should you wish it.”
Thankfully, you were not the only Hobbit gaping this time. Bilbo’s jaw was also hanging down practically to his waistcoat buttons.
The Elves said not a word while they waited for your response, but you could feel the amusement radiating from all of them.
Clearing your throat, you squeaked out, “Yes! We would be honored to accompany you.”
Bilbo finally shut his own mouth, nodding along with your statement. Honored indeed – this was perfect! Just what the two of you were needing!
Haldir bowed his head in acknowledgement.
“Excellent. We would like to get started as soon as possible; as soon as you can set your house to rights.”
“Well,” Bilbo said, throwing a grin at you, “we’ll be ready by tomorrow morning then. We’ve been preparing this house to be vacant ever since we got back a couple of months ago.”
Haldir’s eyes twinkled as he looked from you to Bilbo and back again.
“We are glad to hear it,” he murmured with a small smile.
You and Bilbo just had a few more odds and ends to tie up, both with the neighbors and around the house before you got to packing for your journey.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, the Elves had slipped in to the Shire mostly unnoticed and so you were able to let the neighbors know simply that you off again on another adventure.
This time, few brows were raised, though there were some head shakes.
For the hundredth time, you were thankful you were shoved into a Took’s family line! How boring it would be to live all your long life in such a nice, but boring place as the Shire!
The next morning, right before daybreak, the Elves, Bilbo and yourself headed off towards Rivendell once again.
The Elves had mentioned that they were on foot as they were used to it with the close, tall trees of Lorien, though they mentioned that they could get some ponies and horses at Bree, should you both prefer it.
You and Bilbo had both elected to stay on foot – as long as the Elves wouldn’t mind the slightly slower pace.
At the elegantly raised brows, you had mentioned how often the Company would have to walk. Might as well get used to it on at least part of your journey at some point!
That started off some questions from the Elves and you and Bilbo both willingly answered them all. Elves were a calm race that you both trusted implicitly to not go and try to bungle things up. It wouldn’t hurt to have them know some of the finer details, and indeed, they actually contributed quite a bit of useful information.
Along the way, they all pitched in to help you and Bilbo learn of both edible and medicinal plants. Being Hobbits, (one of you perhaps more of a true Hobbit than the other), you and Bilbo took to learning more about plants like ducks to water. Bilbo, begin a Baggins, did have more knowledge than you did as a Took, but even he learned new things along the way to Rivendell.
Your stay in Rivendell was much shorter than last time. Only two nights while Haldir met with Elrond and you and Bilbo enjoyed the Elvish comforts.
Elladan and Elrohir found you the last night you were there, having just come back from Orc hunting. You were once again on the balcony of your room, looking out over the beautiful city.
“Y/N!” they greeted in tandem, making you smile fondly. These two did remind you of the Elvish version of Fili and Kili – you were getting more and more excited to meet the Company, even though not even a year had passed yet!
“Greetings, my Twin Terrors,” you grinned as they stopped in front of you, greeting you happily.
Elladan gave you the puppy eyes as his hands rested on your shoulders and with a good natured eye-roll, you nodded.
With a wide grin, the Elf reached down and picked you up. It was a habit they had formed the last time you were here – carrying you around and manhandling you onto chairs or tables.
Unlike Bilbo, you really didn’t mind being carried or helped onto ponies, beds, tables, etc. You found yourself still thinking you were your human height more often than not, especially now that everyone you spent time with called you Y/N instead of Juniper. So extra help to get front point A to point B, especially in a ‘tall folk’ city – that was perfectly fine with you!
Placing you on his shoulders, Elladan headed out of your room and down the hall, he and Elrohir pestering you with questions about what you were doing here.
As soon as you told them, they both ground to a halt.
“You’re going to Greenwood? Across the Misty Mountains?” Elladan gasped and you flicked him in the forehead.
“Elladan,” you started, sickly sweet, “I know you’re not about to protest that I can’t do it.”
“Well…no,” the twin hedged and you flicked him again.
“And I know that you’re not implying that Haldir and his wardens can’t protect Bilbo and I—”
“Of course not!” Elladan said vehemently and you grinned, wrapping your arms around his head.
“Good!” you chirped. “I am glad to hear it.”
“However,” Elrohir cut in, “you should still be prepared.”
You looked down at him from your perch on Elladan’s shoulders.
“What? Prepared? How?”
Elrohir and Elladan shared a grin before they announced, “A weapon!”
Surprisingly, it didn’t take much for both Elrond and Haldir to agree that you and Bilbo both should have some weapons.
You grinned at Bilbo’s face but causally just said, “Sting.”
Bilbo gave up his protests after that. Haldir and his wardens had already sworn to teach you as you travelled to Greenwood and it would give you all something to do while you walked that far.
Before the night was out, you and Bilbo each had weapons – Bilbo an Elven sword, (that you already claimed once he found Sting years down the road), and you with two Elven daggers.
You were actually quite excited to learn how to use them. You were not going to be useless when the Company came around! (And if there was a certain bald dwarf you had been thinking of the more you and Bilbo talked about the Company, and that same bald dwarf you wanted to show you could hold your own to, well, that was for you and you alone to know. Besides, it would be years before you saw any of the Company. By then, you’d probably forget what they all looked like with no visual reminders anywhere.)
You all left Rivendell the next morning, Bilbo up in front of the line with a few of the Elves telling him stories of Lorien, and you and Haldir more in the middle, enjoying each other’s company and silence. You were only a few hours away before Haldir finally turned to you.
“Y/N,” he said suddenly and you looked up at him with a grin.
“Yes, Haldir?”
“I noticed that in Imladris, last night, Lord Elrond’s sons seemed to…that is…,” the Elf trailed off and you frowned in thought before suddenly laughing.
“You mean they liked to carry me around? Yes, they found it incredibly amusing last time we were there a few months ago. Their favorite past time according to them.”
The Elf’s brows rose. “And that doesn’t offend you?”
You giggled – something you never did as a human. Must be a Hobbit thing.
“No,” you assured, “it doesn’t offend me at all. I am used to being much taller, you see, and especially in places made for taller folk, it’s actually quite nice to not have to walk all the way.”
You threw a glance at the back of Bilbo’s head with a grin. “Though, I think I may be one of the only Hobbits that feels that way.”
“And why, do you think, the Sons of Elrond found such delight in carrying you?” Haldir asked a moment later and you gave a shrug.
“At first, I honestly thought they were doing it be annoying,” you confessed, delighting in Haldir’s chuckle, “but…I don’t know. They just seemed to do it all the time the last few weeks were there and I guess I got used to it too.”
There was silence again for awhile before you felt a hand on your shoulder. Quizzically, you turned to look up at Haldir who was smiling down at you.
“May I?” he asked and you laughed with a nod.
You’d gotten some looks when Haldir first lifted you up, though instead of putting you on his shoulders, he carried you bridal style in his arms. Which was fine with you. It was much easier to talk and you could admit that you were still not used to traveling as much as you were.
Teasingly, you called to Bilbo to see if he wanted a ride as well, and when one of the Elves moved as if to pick him up, you all laughed at his indignant squawk.
Well, you and him did differ in a few obvious ways.
Haldir and a few of the other Elves carried you on and off and your trip to Mirkwood. You did try and walk frequently, but after all, you still had about nine years to get used to traveling. If the Elves didn’t mind carrying you, well, you wouldn’t mind being carried!
Bilbo was holding up very well. While the Elves set a decent pace, it wasn’t anything as rushed as what the Company would be doing later on, so it was easier for both you and Bilbo to get used to it.
It wasn’t until the morning after you all camped at the edge of Greenwood, while you were all packing up to enter the gloomy forest, that you approached Bilbo about being carried himself.
“Absolutely not,” he denied, curls flying with his shaking head. “I am not going to be carried like some—”
“Careful,” you sing-songed to him. “Don’t offend me now, brother.”
Bilbo fondly rolled his eyes. “I have absolutely no issue with you being carried. In fact, I think that pretty much every male you come into contact with has some desire to protect you or something and feels better about being able to carry you around. But, I am not going to join in!”
“Bilbo,” you said quietly, seriously, “we’re at the edge of Greenwood. Now called Mirkwood. You remember the awfulness I told you about that is in Mirkwood? This is not a place you’re going to want to walk. And even if it was, this is not a place we’re going to want to stay in any longer than we have to! The forest is not good, Bilbo. Not good. Please? Would you just allow yourself to be carried until we reach the Elvenking’s palace?”
You pulled out the puppy dog eyes you discovered you excelled at a month into knowing Bilbo. You only used them in very dire situations – you didn’t want him to become immune.
Bilbo glared at you for a moment before heaving a sigh.
“Alright,” he grumbled, crossing his arms. “Alright. You haven’t led us astray yet, or kept anything from me. If you…if you think it’s really necessary, then I will let someone carry me.”
“Excellent choice, Bilbo,” Haldir said as he walked up to you both. All the Elves were ready to go and waiting. “We are ready if you two are.”
You finished tying up your pack before you were scooped up into Haldir’s arms.
Bilbo was still grumbling as another Elf scooped him up into his arms.
You tried to smother your giggle as Bilbo continued to mutter under his breath. You had meant it – it was good for Bilbo to not walk through Mirkwood. But…boy, were you still going to enjoy this!
It didn’t take long for Woodland Realm Elves to catch up with your procession.
Lady Galadriel had already sent along a message to inform King Thranduil that you and Bilbo would most likely be accompanying her Marchwarden, so you were not a surprise to the scouts.
However, they surprised you. One minute, you were in Haldir’s arms, looking around at the tall trees, dark they were, and the next, you were staring into the very close face of a very familiar looking Elf.
“Legolas!” you greeted with a large grin. The blonde Prince blinked, exchanging a glance with Haldir before turning his eyes back to yours.
“You know of me, Little One?”
You blinked too, for a moment. Oh. Seems Lady Galadriel hadn’t told them of you. Well, it was going to be different having to explain all of this again. And…how much to tell the Woodland Elves? After all, there was no love lost between them and the Company… And while Thranduil was one of your favorite Elves, he was actually the root cause of quite a few problems. Not to mention that the Company pretty much hated him…
“Uh, yes,” you said after a delayed moment. A very delayed moment that was a little worrying, if the tightening of Haldir’s arms around you was any indication.
Okay, you could admit it. The whole ‘let’s visit Mirkwood’ idea was actually not one of your better ones. Since Thorin and Co. never told Thranduil exactly what they were doing and where they were going, it stood to reason that you shouldn’t just blurt out their plans like you did to the Lorien Elves. Since Lorien wasn’t even on the way to Erober, they didn’t matter but Thranduil? Oh, he mattered.
Double shoot.
“Legolas, my friend,” Haldir’s voice brought you out of your increasingly panicked musings, “it has been a long road. Perhaps we may continue this in a more comfortable venue?”
Legolas spared you one more glance before nodding and saying something in Elvish and you all moved out.
‘Nice job, Juniper,’ you hissed mentally to yourself. ‘How the hell you gonna get out of this one?’
Maybe Haldir and his Wardens would play along – you and Bilbo could claim you were just here for an adventure! Of course, you know, you’d have to explain exactly why you’re tagging along with a Marchwarden doing his duty, and how you got invited along in the first place, since you’d never met them before… Hey! Now there’s an idea!
You can tell Thranduil about who you are, but just tell him that you took Bilbo along with you to explore the area you’d read about and seen in movies! No mention of the Company, no mention of Erober.
Perfect! Sorta. Granted, Thranduil would figure out you kept things from in in about nine years, but it’d be better than betraying Thorin’s confidence before he’d actually even given it to you. Hopefully Thranduil would be okay with you leaving out some information… You’d hate to have him turn against you in nine years. He really was one of your favorites.
Now, the only problem: how to get Haldir, the wardens and Bilbo to all follow your lead without actually telling them to follow your lead.
Legolas wasn’t stupid. Suddenly shouting to ‘not say anything except for the fact that we’re traveling for funsies’ probably would garner some attention.
Triple shoot.
Your mind had been in a whirl since you met Legolas, trying to figure out all the ways this could go wrong, (and there were quite a few), and then come up with a plan to bypass those ways. In this, you were less successful.
Thankfully, Thranduil was kind enough to have you all escorted to room to rest for what remained of the day before having an audience with the Lorien envoys and meeting his other guests.
You were able to corner Bilbo, as well as Haldir and the other Elves, and told them you’d like to run point on this. Haldir and his wardens agreed easily that your business here was your own – if the Elvenking wanted to know, he could ask you and Bilbo himself.
That part taken care of, you took Bilbo aside, (you were put in adjoining rooms), to quietly hiss to him that he was NOT to mention the Company. You and your origins, sure. And he could say that you and him were just traveling to the places that you’d read about, seen in movies, etc. That would, hopefully, be enough to satisfy Thranduil.
Bilbo was hesitant at first, (lying, even by omission!, to an Elvenking was not really good practice), but when you reminded him that Thorin did not want his quest known, and reminded him of the….slight bad blood between the Dwarf and Elf, Bilbo was suddenly very passionate about keeping all details of the Company to himself.
You had to grin to yourself at that. Okay, so maybe you had been talking up Thorin a bit to Bilbo. Nothing too personal, just enough that Bilbo was growing attached to him, his family and his plight. And hopefully wouldn’t be so put out by his demeanor.
This ‘manipulating the plot’ thing was actually going pretty well – and you still had nine years left!
You were brought dinner in your rooms, were able to wash up, and then you both turned in. You had been informed by Haldir, on his way to his own room, that King Thranduil was going to summon you both to meet with him the next morning. Neither Bilbo nor yourself wanted to screw something up because of sleep deprivation.
Early bed time it was.
19 notes · View notes
cloudravine · 4 years
I was tagged by @watermelonsugarhii to do two ask games, thanks so much darling! 😚💞🌸
Song titles
Rules: only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people
Artist: Howard Shore (composer of the LOTR/Hobbit soundtracks)
What’s your gender? A Very Respectable Hobbit
How are you feeling? Hope and Memory
If you could go anywhere? Lothlórien
Favourite mode of transportation? The White Rider
Your best friend? Samwise the Brave
Favourite time of day? Evenstar
If your life was a tv show? The World is Ahead
Relationship status? May It Be
50 questions you’ve never been asked
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? purple
2. A food you never eat? a couple of vegetables I don’t like (tomato, onion, bell pepper, olive) if I can avoid it + all seafood except for fish
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? always too cold! ❄️
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? getting out of the shower and making breakfast
5. What is your favourite candy bar? not sure they count, but Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Caramilk <3
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I think once to a boring soccer game shfgjs
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? something about my cat being annoying, cause she’s asked to go outside 3-4 times today and every time I open the door for her she changes her mind smh 😂
8. What is your favourite ice cream? that changes according to my mood of the moment, but usually very dessert-y stuff like cookies & cream, cookie dough and blueberry pie 😍 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? drinking water atm
10. Do you like your wallet? yes, it’s a Hobbit one I’ve had for a few years and it’s perfect for me in terms of practicality and aesthetics 😌
11. What was the last thing you ate? two peanut butter toasts for breakfast
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope, haven’t bought any new clothes in a long while actually
13. The last sporting event you watched? probs some bits of ice hockey while watching TV with my step-dad (yes I know, very cliché for Canada haha) 
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? where I live we mostly eat salted popcorn with butter, and that’s the one I like the most
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my very good friend Paweł 💜🌈
16. Ever go camping? not so much anymore, but I really like it and have been wanting to plan a camping trip with friends for a while! 🤗
17. Do you take vitamins? no, I tried taking multivitamins recently but it wasn’t doing it for me
18. Do you go to church every sunday? absolutely not fhdsgf, I only ever go to church for special occasions and/or concerts
19. Do you have a tan? nope haha
20. Do you prefer chinese food or pizza? both, please don’t make me choose 😭
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? I try not to drink anything with a straw bc it gives me stomachaches rip
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? all sorts of colourful stuff with funky patterns (unicorns, flamingos, cats, etc.)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I havent driven a car in like 5 years or something sfhsdg, but back then I don’t think I did
24. What terrifies you? lots of stuff which might be too heavy for this ask game: pain, loneliness, the cruelty and stupidity of human nature, the destruction of our planet... 😪
25. Look to your left, what do you see? a window giving to a little tree on the side of our house 🌳
26. What chore do you hate? cleaning the shower/toilet bye
27. What do you think of when you hear an australian accent? my mind’s literally blank hahaha
28. What’s your favourite soda? Crush Orange I think
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? depends, sometimes I like to take food away with friends and eat it somewhere nice outside 💞
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my step-dad
31. Favourite cut of beef? none, I’m not crazy about meat tbh :/
32. Last song you listened to? Rita Ora & Liam Payne - For You (One World: Together at Home performance) 💛
33. Last book you read? I’m currently reading Ut og stjæle hester by Per Petterson and The Story of Kullervo by J. R. R. Tolkien 🌸 
34. Favourite day of the week? Friday/Saturday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? mmm maybe, but only with a lot of concentration 😅
36. How do you like your coffee? non-existent lmao
37. Favourite pair of shoes? haven’t had nice shoes in years rip so idk :(
38. At what time do you normally go to bed? 10-11 PM
39. At what time do you normally get up? 6-8 AM
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrise ☀️
41. How many blankets are on your bed? one fluffy blanket
42. Describe your kitchen plates? white with nice textured borders, got them together with my mum a few months ago!
43. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? MEAD SDGFGSHJ I love feeling like a badass Viking 💁
44. Do you play cards? not often enough
45. What colour is your car? I don’t have one, but my parents’ cars are blue and red
46. Can you change a tire? haahahaha that’s a hilarious question 😂
47. What is your favourite state/province? well to answer for my own country I’d definitely go with my province aka Québec 😊✨
48. Favourite job you’ve ever had? working at the city library
49. How did you get your biggest scar? don’t really have any scars
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? it’s 9 AM so haven’t had a lot of time to do that yet haha, but maybe promise my mum I was gonna make lunch today?
I’m tagging @technicallysideacc @amantisegreti @sunflowrhaz @softlikelou @hiccoops @vilounelle @ireallysawanangel @tobeakingbesideyousomehow @jungkookofficials @loveisbraveryx @winteraell @marrymybed to do whatever part of this you want 🌷💚
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the-jade-cross · 3 years
Journey to Middle Earth - Chapter 10
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Summary – What if JRR Tolkien never gave Thorin a love story… because the person that was meant to be Thorin’s was not yet born when he wrote the Hobbit? Sara journeys from her world to Middle Earth after an accident, with a mission. To change something about the Hobbit story… but she is not sure what. What she does not know is that while trying to prevent something from happening, something new might arise between her and the dwarf prince….even if it is not on the agenda!
Warnings – None, no explicit scenes, some kissing, violence, frightening creatures, mentions of abuse.
Pairings – Thorin Oakenshield x OC
Sara watched in wonder as the black and white ponies frolicked and pranced around in the pasture. She still couldn’t believe she was there, sitting atop the chopping block, staring at the bright green grassy hills, sprinkled with the lives of Beorn’s farm animals.
Even after all the things she had seen and done since entering Middle Earth, she was still astounded that it was real. A part of her often feared that she had dreamt it all up and she would wake up at the worst moment, only to find herself in bed with her brothers jumping on her to get up and make them breakfast.
Their favorite breakfast was jam on toast with whatever leftover cold meat in the fridge, a glass of juice and a piece of fruit. Except Ryder who chose milk over juice.
Sara wondered what it would feel like to wake up to find this all a dream. Would she feel sad? Probably. Even if this was a dream, she had made many friends in the company and it felt so real to her that if it all was just a dream, it would hurt.
She hadn’t really thought about what she would do if she woke up to a dream. A part of her felt like she would be happy to see her brothers again but at the same time, she would lose the family she had found in the company and not only that, Pierce was dead. And if the deepest, darkest dread of the possibility that Axel, Ryder and Omar did not survive was true… Sara would be alone in the world where dragons and dwarves were just stories.
The girl was brought from her thoughts by a huge shadow that appeared over her. spinning on the chopping block, she had to look way up at the tall figure of Beorn. He had his axe in one hand and three logs in his other.
Sara gulped. She could barely lift one of those boulders of wood and he was holding three in one arm!
“You are one of them,” the man growled in his deep voice. “One of the people I chased here.” Sara gulped again and hopped off the block only to feel like a hobbit next to a mountain, “Yes Mr. Beorn.” The giant tilted his head at her, “You are not a dwarf. What are you?” “Oh…. I’m a human…. I am just very short,” The girl explained.
The man studied Sara a moment, “You look strong for a human lass. I see why you haven’t died yet.” Sara smiled, relieved at the king tone in Beorn’s voice though she wasn’t sure if his words were meant to be a compliment. He reminded her of Mason. He hated other male dogs and male humans but adored females of any kind. Maybe that was just a guy thing.
“Can I help you with anything? As a thank you?” The girl inquired.
Beorn considered the objects in his arms and Sara was sure he was thinking about how each of them were almost larger than her.
“I have to chop this for indoors. If you wouldn’t mind stacking the chopping’s….” The skin changer suggested.
Sara beamed and even though Beorn did not smile at the girl’s joyful face, his face softened.
A few minutes later, Thorin slowly came to when he heard the panicked, hushed whispers of his two nephews nearby. Cracking his eyes open, he saw them peering out one of the barn’s windows, whispering to each other.
He sighed. Those two were going to be the death of him. He rolled over and reached out his arm to find Sara’s body but only groped air. He was up in an instant, realizing that the girl hadn’t rolled away but was nowhere to be found! Jumping up, he stormed over to his nephews and the two jumped when his deep voice boomed in their ears.
“Where is Sara!?”
Both boys pointed out the window and Thorin saw what they had been watching. Outside in the backyard was a giant of a man, probably two heads taller than Gandalf. He was slamming his axe into the chopping block, splitting huge logs in a single blow.
Standing next to the giant was Sara. She looked a sight with a bed head, her red hair a mess and the short curls flopping into her eyes that were shining. She was picking up every split log Beorn cut and piled them between two posts with a bunch of other chopped wood.
Standing next to the skin changer, she looked like a toddler next to her large father.
Thorin was amazed at how content and comfortable she seemed around the huge man and even when the axe struck the block, she didn’t jump.
Thorin saw Beorn’s lips move occasionally as he asked Sara questions and the girl would happily reply, a smile on her lips and a light in her eyes.
“Do you think we should go rescue her?” Kili whispered.
“She doesn’t look like she needs saving Kee,” Fili observed. “The guy seems rather intrigued by her. she is probably safer than we are.”
“Why?” the other brother inquired, “Because she is the one standing near the giant with an axe?””
Fili chuckled, “No, because she is a woman and women have a way of making men more at ease than other men. Besides, Sara’s smile could melt a mountain of ice.”
Thorin gritted his teeth at Fili’s words. He knew that Sara was nice like that to everyone but he hated it that Fili was right about Sara’s smile. He wished she only showed him her smile… he didn’t even like it when she showed it to the rest of the company because she melted their hearts and brains (in Kili’s case).
“Good, you’re up,” Gandalf said as he approached the three. “Sara has been out there for the past hour. Hopefully since she has befriended Beorn, this will be easier.”
When Gandalf old the dwarves to wait for his signal as he went out with Bilbo, Thorin knew he would have to wait to get out there to Sara. What was worse, the wizard told him to come out last. They seemed to be out there forever when Bofur finally recognized the “signal” and they started to stumble out. Thorin came out last to find Gandalf giving the company death glares, Bilbo hiding behind the wizard.
Beorn stood with his axe in his hands, glaring while Sara looked confused with an armful of wood in her arms.
Beorn glanced at Thorin before turning to Sara, “They’re your friends?”
Sara smiled and nodded and Thorin saw Kili let out a sigh of relief as if he had feared that Sara would dub them her sworn enemies.
“We need to talk,” the skin changer said to Gandalf before turning back to the girl, “Thank you for helping.”
Sara beamed and Thorin had to bite his tongue to keep from growling.
“We will be staying here the night,” Gandalf announced. “Beorn has agreed to give us supplies and ponies for the journey to Mirkwood. Get some rest. We leave at dawn.” the dwarves all sighed and beamed with relief. Finally a chance to rest and have some fun.
“Come on lads!” Dwalin hooted. “Time to get dipping!”
Before Gandalf or Thorin could object, the whole company including the hobbit had darted out the back door for the little river out back. Gandalf glanced over at Sara who was sitting on the top rung of one of the stalls, petting the head of the furry cow who resided there.
“Are you not going to join them?” the wizard asked with a smile, knowing full well why the girl hadn’t moved.
Sara glared, “Considering that my undershirt got ripped to be used as bandages for my side and my jacket happens to take hours to dry, I will not be joining. I cannot possibly be a man who is inclined to walk around shirtless.”
Gandalf chuckled, not filing to notice that Thorin stood in the corner in the shadows listening in, a blush on his face from what Sara had just said. Just then, Beorn emerged from one of the back rooms with a small bundle in one hand. he held it out to Sara who took it confused.
“It is the smallest shirt I’ve got… thought it may still be large on you…” the skin changer explained.
Sara smiled and took the clothes form him, “Thank you Beorn.”
The large man walked off silently but with a soft look in his dark eyes. Sara hopped from the gate and skipped out of the house. She saw that the company were further upstream so she headed downstream to where no one could see her.
Stripping her clothes away, she laid them in the water, placing a rock on them so they wouldn’t flow away but under the water so the water would soften the crusty blood and mud caked clothes.
Feeling exposed, she submerged herself under the water. Luckily, she had ended with an extra pair of underwear when she entered middle earth and the people of Rohan had equipped her with a few pairs so she changed into a clean pair of underwear and a new bra. When she emerged from the water, the water around her was a reddish brown so she climbed out. Realizing that she didn’t have anything to dry herself with other than the clean shirt Beorn had given her, she shook herself off in an attempt to dry. She was just reaching down to grab her now clean but soaking wet clothes when she heard someone clear their throat behind her.
Spinning around, she felt her face go red when she saw Thorin standing about twenty feet away from her, one hand on the tree next to him as he watched her with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Thorin!” the girl squeaked, grabbing the oversized shirt and hugging it to her chest in an attempt to cover herself, turning her back to him. “What are you doing?”
“I came to check on you,” Thorin replied, his voice closer now meaning that he was approaching her.
Sara tried to get her shirt on but couldn’t tell the difference between the sleeve and the head holes since they were so large and found herself stuck. Finally, Thorin gripped the shirt and helped her pull it on. the shirt was very baggy and fell to her mid thighs, the sleeves looking long on her even though they were short. The shoulders of the shirt were wide and left one of her shoulders bare. When Thorin didn’t move his hands from where they rested on her shoulders, Sara was about to say something but froze when Thorin leant forward.
He pressed his chest snug against her back, trailing one hand down to her waist. The other he reached up and pushed her wet curls to the side, exposing her neck to him. Sara shivered when his hot breath touched her neck and his hand gripped her bare hip through the shirt.
“Thorin,” she said, surprised when her voice came out in a hoarse whisper.
Thorin buried his nose against the back of her ear, pressing a kiss there. “Hm?” he whispered back.
Sara gasped when Thorin’s hand crept beneath the hem of the shirt, brushing his hand over her smooth skin.
“You were thinking of home weren’t you?” Thorin whispered against her skin as he ran his lip over the rim of her ear. “This morning….”
“How did you know?” Sara whispered, her breathing becoming uneven as Thorin’s warm hands caressed her bare skin.
Thorin buried his nose in her curls and inhaled her scent, “The way you spoke and acted since we got here… like you were seeing a ghost.”
IN other circumstances, She would have thought about how Thorin was practically a ghost to her since in the movie he was dead. However, she could barely think straight. All she could comprehend was the loud pounding of her heart against her chest… the feeling of Thorin’s taut muscles against her shoulder blades.
“Being here… in such a peaceful place reminds me of home. I was just thinking about what I would feel if… if this all turned out to be a dream and I woke up to find you all gone…” Thorin’s hands stilled and Sara realized that he was holding his breath. Dreading what she would say.
“What would you feel?” he whispered.
Sara sighed, “I would feel conflicted. I honestly do not know if my brothers would be alive… if they were I would be happy but if they were dead… I would be hurt… even if they were alive I would feel hurt because I left this place and all of you behind… I do not know if I would be able to move on… even if you were okay with my leaving…”
Thorin’s grip on her waist tightened and he spun her around to face him. Sara realized that because she had turned around so quickly when he had appeared, she hadn’t noticed that he had shed all his clothes except his boots, pants and white shirt. His hair was slightly damp, having just come from swimming with the others.
Grabbing one of her hands, Thorin lifted it and placed her palm over his heart. Sara’s mouth parted at the feeling of his pounding heart.
“Does this sound like I want you to leave? That I wouldn’t dread every day that you were not in?”
Sara let her hand trail across his chest till it came to rest against the parting of his collar before slipping beneath the material to touch the roughness of his skin. Thorin’s breathing caught in his throat as Sara’s cool fingers stroked the skin of his chest, wishing that the whole shirt would just disappear…. Not to mention the shirt keeping Sara as covered as possible.
“And what would you feel if I stayed?” she whispered, standing on tiptoe to press her front against his chest before brushing her lips across the skin of his collar bone in a teasing manner like he had done to her.
Thorin seemed to snap when her plush lips touched his neck. Reaching down, he grabbed her neck and pulling her closer, he crushed his damp lips on hers. Sara felt her legs buckle at the urgency of the kiss, holding onto his forearms to keep from falling over.
Thorin’s hands gripped at the material of the shirt she wore, pulling it up slowly to reveal her navy blue boxer shorts and a strip of her stomach before they parted, panting and their pupils blown.
“I wouldn’t let you go,” Thorin whispered. “And if we don’t stop, I might do something I shouldn’t… yet.”
Sara pulled away not before pressing a chaste kiss to his swollen lips. A the two began to pull their clothes on, Sara realized what Thorin had said: I might do something I shouldn’t… yet.
Sara was so distracted the next morning by thoughts of the day before that she could barely register what was happening as the company packed up and made to leave. The whole company sensed her distracted state but only two people knew the origin of her behavior and those two people were Thorin and Gandalf. Thorin had not expected Sara to realize the core meaning of his words he had so carefully chosen at the riverbed in the hopes of eliciting a reaction from the girl that would, whatever her reaction was would give the dwarf some sort of hint as to what her reaction would be if he had stated the deepest secret hopes of his heart more plainly.
However, her reaction puzzled him and he did not know what to make of how she was behaving. Gandalf however did not know what Thorin had said but after perceiving how Sara acted in her alone time and around Thorin, he was able to deduce what the gist of the conversation had been about. The way Sara looked at Thorin in wonder and puzzlement when he wasn’t looking indicated that whatever Thorin had said had awoken a confusion in the girl. And when Sara’s eyes widened, her cheeks heated up and how she quickly averted her eyes the moment Thorin met her gaze told Gandalf that the words of the dwarf prince had flustered the usually calm girl. When Sara was alone was the time the wizard saw what Thorin did not. The spark of hope shining in the girl’s eyes, clouded by worry and concern in the way her brows furrowed.
Of course, since only Gandalf seemed to understand the situation, the rest of the company saw it fit to keep a watchful eye on the red head, not just because of her behavior but rather because of the fact that when Oin asked Sara to fetch some water, the girl had absent mindedly walked towards the pastures, in the opposite direction of the stream, too distracted by her thoughts to realize where she was going. Fili and Kili were following the girl like double shadows in such a way that whenever Sara turned to the left or the right, she head butted one of them.
Thorin was perched atop his pony, waiting for the others to mount and for Gandalf to finish speaking to Beorn. He saw his two nephews trying to help Sara get her things loaded onto her pony and Thorin knew that they would bicker over who she rode with since Beorn was short one pony. In that case, Thorin urged his pony over to the three and nudged the two boys away with his boot before reaching down to Sara. The girl looked up at him and her eyes widened.
She was about to look away when Thorin grabbed her wrist. “if you don’t climb on, I’ll throw you over my saddle,” he threatened.
Sara did not know that his threat was just teasing playfulness because from the hand motions Fili and Kili were giving her, she deduced that the threat was fatal.
The girl took his hand and Thorin lifted her onto the horse in front of him, much to Sara’s embarrassment.
“Gandalf,” Thorin called. “Time is wasting.”
As they trotted off across the pure green countryside, Thorin sensed Sara’s tense state. He had both hands on the reins, Sara’s hands gripping the pony’s mane.
Pretending to not do it on purpose, Thorin bunched the reins in one hand while he slid his free hand along Sara’s pant leg that clung perfectly to her legs now that her pants were clean.
Sara shivered under his touch and Thorin smirked when she instinctively leant back against his chest. Keeping his eyes on the company ahead, he rested his chin on her shoulder. He was glad that the only ones behind him who could possibly see what he was doing were Balin and Dwalin who knew better than to comment on Thorin’s behavior especially around Sara.
“Why are you avoiding me?” he whispered, brushing the tips of his fingers against the inside of her wrists.
Sara’s heartbeat increased and she bit her lip to keep from making an inhuman noise. This movement didn’t go unnoticed by Thorin who gritted his teeth.
“You better answer or I am going to turn you around and kiss you senseless,” he growled in her ear, trying to not look at where her teeth dug into the pink flesh of her bottom lip.
Sara blushed and letting go of her lip, she spoke, “I didn’t know what to make of what you said yesterday…” “Which part?” Thorin whispered against her skin, planting a kiss on the bare skin by her shoulder.
“The part… where you said you might do something you shouldn’t…” Sara whispered.
Thorin hummed, indicating that he was listening, “And?” he asked, kissing her neck.
“What did you mean by ‘yet’?” Sara finally asked.
Thorin stilled before breathing against her ear, “I meant that I am sorely tempted to show everyone and everything that I love you. But to do it now would be immoral.”
“Then… what is the difference between the now and later?” Sara asked.
“The difference,” Thorin whispered in a growl, “is that in the near later something might occur that makes it not immoral.”
Sara stilled, her thoughts earlier having been confirmed by those words, “You mean…” “Exactly,” Thorin whispered, kissing her neck again. “The only thing stopping me is the fact that we are being hunted by Azog as of the present and the fact that I do not know how I would be received by the other party.”
Sara tried to stop the huge grin that appeared on her face but to no avail. He might as well have just asked her to marry him.
“Well…” Sara said with a smile in her voice. “What are you going to do to keep all the other males away from the other party until the opportune moment and your courage arises?”
Sara felt Thorin stiffen behind her in surprise and she smirked. She felt him brush her hair from her neck before locking his lips on her soft flesh beneath her ear and sucked. Sara gasped and had to cover her mouth to keep from moaning as Thorin left a mark on her neck right where her hair could cover it. Sara shivered before touching his thigh that was pressed against her leg. Thorin buried his face in her shoulder to muffle his growl.
“Well then, we better hope the girls stay away… because I do not really like to share.” Thorin’s grip on her thigh tightened and the rest of the company swore they heard Thorin growl a string of curses in Kuzdul but when they looked at him to see his eyes darkened and Sara’s face alight, they thought it better to not ask.
The air around the company felt stiff and heavy as if the usually weightless air had overeaten and had gained weight. Thorin lifted Sara down from her pony and set about unsaddling the pony.
Sara stared up at the tall looming trees. She spied Gandalf looking at the statue of Galadriel. Sara knew what lingered ahead in the forest. Why did spiders have to be at the top of her most dreaded fears? Right up there next to snakes?
Suddenly Gandalf strode back towards the ponies, “not my horse! I need it!”
“You’re not leaving us,” Bilbo said in more of a question than a statement.
“I wouldn’t unless I had to,” the wizard assured the little hobbit.
Sara frowned. The wizard was off to look for the tombs in the mountains of the nine wraiths. He would end up at Dol Goldur where… oh gosh!
“Gandalf!” Sara cried, rushing over to him without even thinking.
The tall wizard looked down at the girl who whispered something only Gandalf could hear. When she pulled away, the wizard smiled knowingly at her before mounting his horse.
“No matter what happens, stay on the path. Don’t leave it. if you do, you’ll never find it again. I’ll meet you on the overlook. Do not enter the mountain without me.”
Sara frowned. Was the line the other way around?
“No matter what may come, stay on the path!” The wizard hollered as he rode off.
As the man rode away, Sara felt someone touch her shoulder and turned to see Balin standing there.
“What did you tell him lass?” he asked.
Sara shook her head, “Something I probably shouldn’t have. I might have just altered history.”
Everything was hazy as Sara came to. The first thing she thought was how she ended up there. the last thing she remembered was Thorin telling everyone to keep walking…moving where? All she remembered was trees… and no path… Path! Oh no, they lost the path! But hat meant…
Sara sat upright, only to realize that her vision wasn’t hazy but blocked by the filmy substance wrapped all over her body!
“Oh gross!” she groaned, peeling the webbing from her body.
It would take hours and water to clean all the webbing from her hair. It literally felt like every time they cleaned up; they were dirty the next day!
“Where’s Sara!?” a voice called, sounding like Thorin.
“I’m here!” Sara called out, only to have someone grab her hand and pull her to her feet.
“I’ve got her!” Fili called over to his uncle, keeping his hand on Sara’s elbow to support her.
“More are coming,” the girl panted, still lightheaded from the fumes of the forest and from having been hung upside down by the spiders.
Fili patted her cheeks to wake her and it worked until a thought dawned on her and her eyes widened.
“Kili!” she gasped.
Fili looked around immediately for his brother until he saw his dark-haired brother off in the distance fighting off a giant spider… unarmed!
Fili’s hand had barely released Sara’s arm when another hand grabbed her hand, and everything changed. It looked like everything had become gray and foggy and there was a buzzing sound all around Sara. She wondered why this seemed familiar until it dawned on her.
Looking at who was holding her hand, she saw Bilbo staring at her just as surprised as she was.
“How is this happening!?” she whispered to the hobbit.
Bilbo shook his head and whispered back, “Whenever I touch someone when wearing it, nothing happens… it must be because you are from another world… I wonder… are you invisible right now too?”
Sara looked around and saw the fuzzy figure of Fili running toward them but looked everwhere but at Sara and Bilbo.
“Sara!” the blond dwarf cried. “Where are you!?”
Sara looked at Bilbo and nodded, confirming their suspicions. When Bilbo touched Sara, she went invisible too. Sara was about to let go of the hobbit when she spied the white figures of elves surround the company and begin to empty their pockets.
“What do we do?” Bilbo whispered.
“Wait till the elves take them away and we follow,” Sara whispered back. Carefully, the two walked towards the dwarves and elves and Sara saw Legolas questioning Thorin. THE LEGOLAS! She was actually looking at the real deal!
Sara heard the elf yell something in elvish and the dwarves were pushed off. Sara saw Bofur say something to Thorin which made the dwarf look around in concern and she knew he was looking for her and Bilbo. The hobbit squeezed her hand and Sara nodded.
“Time to go.”
Sneaking after the company and into the Woodland kingdom was not as hard as Sara thought, except for the part of not making too much noise. Luckily, elves didn’t leave thingsaround that one could trip on which made this feat much easier.
When the dwarves were dragged off into their prison cells, Sara knew that in a few moments, Thorin would be taken to meet Thranduil before the Keeper of the Keys would venture to the cellar.
In that case, when the elves locked Thorin up, Sara waited for Legolas and the other elves to leave to inform the king about the guests before approaching the dwarves’ cells. Sara nodded to Bilbo who released her hand and the girl rounded the corner to reveal herself to the imprisoned company.
“Sara!” some of the dwarves whisper yelled.
“You’re here!”
“How did you not get caught?” Balin asked.
Sara smiled as she approached Thorin’s cell to find the dwarf prince rushing to the bars to look at her in surprise.
“I have my ways. Bilbo and I are going to find the keys and get you out so sit tight,” she explained.
Thorin reached through the bars of his cell when she approached and touched the girl’s cheek with his rough calloused thumb.
“I am sorry these things keep happening,” he muttered to her.
Sara smiled and shook her head, “You cannot control what happens Thorin. I doubt even I can.” Thorin bowed his head, ashamed of the state Sara found him in. Reaching through the bars, the girl grasped Thorin’s jaw in her hands and lifted his head to look at her with those pericing blue eyes.
“You want to know how I fell for you so quickly?” she asked. “So easily even though you are the most stubborn and big headed dwarf in the world?”
She was well aware that the whole company was listening in rapt attention to whatever she was saying but she really didn’t care.
“Back home, whenever I heard your story, all these things happened but no matter what, you kept going. You kept fighting and kept leading your kin no matter the obstacles or embarrassments. That is how I grew to love you. Not for your downs but how you always rose up again.”
The company all softly agreed to the girl’s words but Sara was watching a soft smile growing on Thorin’s lips and how his eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“Mahal, I love you,” he muttered.
Sara smirked before leaving her face against the cold bars and planting a soft kiss on his lips before stepping back. Releasing his hands, she stepped back toward the darkened corridor where she could hear Bilbo’s breathing where he waited for her.
“Whatever you do Thorin, try to not curse in Kuzdul too much when you see Thranduil.”
With that, she sank into the shadows and allowed Bilbo to grab her hand, completely missing the chuckles from the company and the surprised expression on Thorin’s face.
Sara clung to Bilbo’s hand as if her life depended on it. Basically it did because if she let go, she would become visible and at present, she and Bilbo were down below in the cellar surrounded by elves. The only thing standing between them and being discovered was a pile of barrels and the ring’s power.
Sara had to admit that she hated the idea of using the ring and had almost suggested to Bilbo about not using it but then she remembered that Bilbo’s actions played a part in what would happen in sixty years during the Lord of the Rings.
If Bilbo didn’t use the ring like he did in the book and movies, Sauron wouldn’t have the power he did in the Lord of the Rings, meaning that it might alter what and when things happen in the quest of the ring, possibly saving some people but it might also result in Sauron winning. Sara wasn’t willing to risk that.
“How do we get the keys without them realizing?” Bilbo asked Sara in a hushed whisper.
“Wait a moment. They’re almost drop drunk. Then we can snatch them,” Sar whispered back. “Then we need to find a way to escape through the gate.” Bilbo whispered.
Sara frowned. What about the barrels? Then it dawned on her: her presence there changed things.
“What about using the barrels?” She asked. “They’ll float downriver and through an ungarded gate.”
Realization dawned on the Hobbit and his eyes widened. He practically had all the answers right next to him.
“Is that how we escape in the story?” he asked, curiously.
Sara nodded, “Though I am starting to wonder if it matters anymore.”
After waiting for another ten minutes, the elves were snoring in a drunk stupor and Sara released Bilbo’s hand to walk over and grab the keys.
“We must hurry,” she whispered when she wrapped her fingers around them. “We need to get them out before Tauriel notices they’re missing.” Bilbo grabbed her hand, bringing her back to the world of invisible but didn’t bother to ask who Tauriel was. He figured she was someone he would soon meet.
As the two silently treaded back up to the dungeons, Sara felt a strange sense of concern wash over her. Technically she was experiencing the vents of the second movie of the Hobbit. They were almost to Erabor….just a week or so… how was she going to accomplish the one thing she came here to do? And that was save the sons of Durin. When they reach the mountain, Sara could try to make a plan or set a trap in the three designated areas of future death… but what if she couldn’t? She only had five bullets left in her pistol. For all she knew, the bullets might not kill an orc like Azog or Bolg! Heck, bullets didn’t always kill humans but Azog managed to live with an amputated arm without any hitches. She didn’t have extra gunpowder so she couldn’t blow them up even if that idea had occurred to her.
Sara stopped her worried thinking when Bilbo released her hand and everything flooded into focus.
“I’ll wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn!” Bofur whined from his cell ahead.
“Not stuck in here you’re not,” Bilbo announced softly, poking his head around the corner and the dwarves leapt to their feet.
“BILBO!” Balin cried happily.
“Sh!” Sara scolded as she took half the keys from Bilbo and began to unlock the other doors. “There are guards nearby!”
Sara managed to release Fili, Kili and Balin before she came upon Thorin’s cell to find him holding the bars in both hands and staring down at her petite form with icy blue orbs.
Sara felt herself blush beneath his fierce gaze as she fumbled with the keys and managed to unlock the door. She had barely pulled the keys from the hole when Thorin blew the door open and grabbed her around the shoulders, holding her to his chest so hard she feared her ribs would pop.
“Sometimes I wish the company was not always within hearing and seeing distance,” He grumbled in her ear, his deep voice reminding Sara greatly of Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher especially in how his chest rumbled in his rough tone.
Sara chuckled, aware that there were several dwarves watching them.
“Do not wish for things so lightly Thorin,” She whispered into his chest.
Thorin pulled away and looked at the girl with a smoldering look that sent a chill down Sara’s spine.
“What makes you think that I don’t want to be utterly alone ith you without the constant eavesdropping and stares?”
Sara felt her mouth go dry and heard Fili and Kili snickering behind them.
“I am almost inclined to agree with you,” Sara whispered in his ear, a smirk on her face.
Sara felt his body tense when her lips brushed his beard before hovering over his lips without touching.
“Sara, we need to get going.” Bilbo whisper yelled.
“Coming,” Sara whisper yelled back, pulling away from Thorin just when they were about to kiss, their lips not even touching. Sara scurried over to where the hobbit stood, leaving a flustered Thorin behind.
“Easy Thorin,” Dwalin chuckled as they followed Sara and Bilbo down the stairs. “You look about ready to kill someone.”
Thorin grumbled under his breath but Dwalin heard it, “I’ll kill the hobbit if he interrupts us like that again.”
When they tiptoed down into the cellar, Sara snuck ahead to check to see that the elves were still asleep while Bilbo tried to assure the company that coming to the cellars was part of the plan.
“Into the barrels,” Bilbo whispered.
“Are you bonkers?” Kili hissed. “They will find us!”
“No, they won’t!” Bilbo assured the dwarf but when he didn’t move to say anything else, Sara spoke up.
“Just get in the bloody barrels!” She whisper-yelled.
When the dwarves began to mutter amongst themselves about the possible outcomes of listening to Sara and Bilbo, both girl and hobbit turned to Thorin for guidance. He was watching the whole exchange and his eyes landed on Sara’s meaningful gaze before he snapped his eyes in the direction of the company.
“Do it.”
As the dwarves began to scramble into the barrels, Sara bit down on her lip. She was not in favor of climbing in one of the barrels and being jostled around but if she stayed behind with Bilbo, she would have to jump in the water and then find a barrel.
Scanning the stack of barrels, she noticed that there were two spares. Good. One for her and one for Bilbo. She scurried over to where Bilbo stood when all the dwarves suddenly poked their heads out of the barrels.
“What do we do now?” Bofur inquired.
Sara smirked but tried to hide it behind Bilbo’s back.
“Hold your breath,” the hobbit suggested before grabbing the lever and pulling it.
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Han Yuna Masterlist
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*This is my default information on Yuna; however, most of it can change based on the scenario (AUs)
*Faceclaim is Kim Hyuna (quite obviously for anyone who’s into kpop)
*Last Updated: 5/27/20
Stage Name: Yuna (유나)
Birth Name: Han Yuna (한유나 )
English Name: Krista
Group: Pandora // Solo
Other Members: Son Taeyeon, Park Soojin, Lee Sunbin, Park Minhee
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-rapper, Maknae
Agency: YG Entertainment
Birthdate: May 15th, 1994
Debut Date: October 17th, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: 
Nationality: South Korean
Father: Han Kyungsoon
Mother: Lee Eunbi (deceased)
Brother: Han Jaehee [older by three years]
Stepmother: Jang Miyeon
She was born in Mokpo and moved to Ilsan when she was three
Her mother, who was a freelance writer, passed away when she was seven years old from cardiac arrest
Since she’s the only girl in the family, her father, a university professor, was very fond of her, sometimes to the point of favoritism, which caused a rift between her older brother and herself
Since age ten she took part in a children’s performance team in her neighborhood, which is where she came to love dance
Soojin wanted to be an idol since she was young
When Yuna was twelve, her father remarried to her stepmother, Jang Miyeon
Because she was young then, Yuna didn’t like Miyeon and rebuffed her stepmother every time she tried to be friendly, but Miyeon was continuously kind to her
Due to her aloofness toward Miyeon, Yuna and her father grew apart, resulting in them arguing more and more frequently
Her older brother, Jaehee, didn’t like their stepmother either and also argued with their father over the matter, which resulted in them becoming closer to each other until they were almost inseparable
Yuna says that once she and Jaehee began to get along, he looked after her very well - walking her to school, making sure she slept and ate enough, helping her with her homework, etc.
In 2005, Yuna auditioned at YGE by dancing to S.E.S’s I’m Your Girl and singing to Uhm Jung Hwa’s Poison, and passed
Her father, whom she still had a strained relationship with, was lukewarm towards her career, wanting her to study instead, but her stepmother and her older brother supported her
Yuna met the other members – Minhee, Taeyeon, Soojin, and Sunbin – in early 2006
After Pandora’s debut on October 17th, 2006, Yuna began to realize that she had been unfair to her stepmother, but never brought it up for pride’s sake; she did, however, become less cold to Miyeon, although still maintaining a large distance
Due to the awkwardness between her and her father and stepmother, she spent the majority of her years as a trainee and many years after debuting in the dorms with the other members
When she did visit her family at home, there was considerable tension between herself and her family, with the exception of with Jaehee, who always welcomed her warmly
For years, she continued to debate on apologizing to Miyeon for being so unaccepting of her at first, but she could never quite make herself do it
When Yuna was eighteen, the university that her father worked at closed; Jaehee had already moved out, too, and her father and her stepmother were going bankrupt, but they kept it from both her and Jaehee
Yuna found out, though, and used her money to open them a barbecue restaurant in Ilsan; the restaurant was successful
After the restaurant’s success, Yuna finally managed to tell Miyeon that she was sorry for the way she treated her at first; Miyeon accepted her apology and helped her mend her relationship with her father, too
The other members of Pandora are like sisters to her, because she’s known and worked with them for so long
The Bigbang members are all like older brother to her, though she’s especially close with Daesung
She’s the acknowledged best at aegyo in Pandora, having some naturally cute mannerisms
Yuna is close with Sojin and Yura of Girl’s Day, Sohee (formerly) of Wonder Girls, and Choa (formerly) of AOA
She’s acquainted with all of Super Junior and friends with Heechul, Kangin, Yesung, and Siwon
Yuna is also friends with all of SHINee
She’s close to 2NE1 and Blackpink, especially with Minzy in the former and Jisoo in the latter
In college, Yuna majored in political science
Yuna is the type of person who has very focused parameters; she doesn’t really pay attention to anything that doesn’t affect her or those close to her
The things that Yuna is interested in usually have to do with astronomy, biology, economics, or philosophy
Yuna is a good driver
Some of Yuna’s favorite books are The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien,  For the Most Beautiful by Emily Hauser, 1984 by George Orwell, Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan, The Moon Over the Mountain by Nakajima Atsushi, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Yuna has an IQ of 171
Since childhood, Yuna has played the piano
Yuna is bad at putting on makeup, being the second worst at it in Pandora after Taeyeon
Yuna is introverted and likes spending time alone, she finds a good balance between time to herself and time with other people; Taeyeon once said that she envies Yuna for being able to walk on that thin line
Yuna’s favorite variety shows are Knowing Bros, Happy Together, Running Man, and I Can See Your Voice
By her own admittance, Yuna can be rather impatient and she doesn’t have the self-control of people like Soojin or Taeyeon; according to her, it can make her annoying to deal with sometimes
She thinks it’s a little scary how Taeyeon and Soojin can keep their composure so well
Yuna is someone who often wears her feelings on her sleeve; she doesn’t like hiding things, so she lets people know when she’s upset, sad, or anything of the like 
She often lets her feelings get a rise out of her and regrets it later
Yuna is agonistic
She believes in aliens but she doesn’t think that human beings on Earth will ever be able to have contact with them because of the sheer vastness of the universe
Her MBTI type is
Yuna is bisexual and an LGBTQ+ supporter
She’s popular in variety shows because of how laid-back she is; almost nothing that the hosts say to get a rise out of her succeed in fazing her
Generally she talks enthusiastically on variety shows, but she’s hard to fluster
She also likes to fire teasing and smart comments on a rare blue moon, but they’re very well-done and hilarious, which is exacerbated because she doesn’t do so often
Yuna’s favorite foods are tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, and tteokguk
She’s not very good at holding her alcohol; in fact, a cup is usually enough to get her tipsy
Yuna is a morning person; she usually likes to go to bed early and wake up early, which sometimes leads to her struggling during irregular schedules
Her favorite animal is the dolphin
She’s not very competitive and especially hates putting physical exertion into anything
According to the other members, Yuna is the type to get really emotionally involved while dating, and can get somewhat fixated on her partner; because of that, she sometimes gets her feelings hurt
Yuna has a bad tendency to just push away things that are stressing her out, which leads to bad procrastination habits
Still, she strikes a fairly good balance between her work and her leisure time, which is why she often worries about Taeyeon, the resident workaholic and perfectionist of the group
She loves to read, and she’s fairly sure it’s because her mother read to her very often when she was a child
Because of Taeyeon’s tendency to be experimental and change the concepts and genres of their discography frequently, Yuna and the rest of Pandora have been noted for being “concept chameleons” by some
Yuna can speak Korean (from growing up in Korea) and and Mandarin (from school and working abroad) fluently, and she’s good at English, Japanese, and Indonesian
Yuna is a somewhat controversial figure in South Korea because she (and the rest of the Pandora members) is more outspoken about her concerns regarding the double standards against women in the industry as opposed to men, as well as South Korea’s sexism in general; she has also delved into topics such as LGBTQ rights and the stigma against idols dating
Yuna’s ideal type: “I think anyone who’s there for me would satisfy me in a relationship. If I had to pick a quality I would say that I prefer people who are dedicated. I really find it admirable when someone commits wholeheartedly to something.”
Cho Kyuhyun/Han Yuna
Love Disease, part i // Angst
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idk-loving-kpop · 5 years
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FYI SUPER LONG POST!  You have be warn, but still show it some love. okay!
OKAY!!! Super excited!!! Cause 1 this is the LAST ONE I have before I open my ships again. 2 I LOVE doing my “triple threats” with BTS. Okay cause after Super Junior, BTS is my bias group (no thanks to my friend who ask me to go to their concert, literally I went to their concert & became a fan of them because I saw them live.)  
This person sent me the request via messaging ... She requested Selca, Written & Astrology.
When people request all 3 ships this is how I do them.
1st : Selca - To me easiest ones you can do. I base it on looks & vibe.
2nd: Written - How person describes his/herself looks & personalities.  The more details the better. JUST DON’T START WRITING YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY. *lol*
3rd: Astrology -  This take me the longest to do because especially if I have to compare DOB.  And I have to check astrology signs for the members, which at this point I have some memorized, but some I don’t. 
----------------------------- LET US BEGIN  -----------------------------
I'm 5'4, slim thick/hourglass figure (a uk size 8 but my breast are +DD and my waist is 24 inches so it gets hidden by my boobs a lot which is honestly kind of annoying), I have brown eyes, and naturally dark brown hair buts its bleached platinum blonde and its shoulder length.
I am a ambivert. I can be outgoing when a want but its usually around people i'm comfortable around or familiar surroundings. but I can also be quite withdrawn and shy especially around someone I like. I have social anxiety which makes me a lot more quiet around new people or in situations which involve public speaking (I even start shaking because my anxiety levels spike so high). I love music and am always singing. I can't dance but I really love dancing and at one point wanted to be a dancer but I never really got a chance to take any lessons or anything so...yeah. I'm a creative person so I enjoy art such as drawing and painting when I feel motivated to. I love love love reading my favourite book is probably The hobbit by Tolkien. tbh i'm interested in anything that tickles my fancy. I'm a huge nerd! Anime, memes, vines, manga, video games I love it all. My fave video games are interactive ones like Tomb Raider, Outlast, Uncharted, Dead Space, etc. I'm studying History and Archaeology at Uni and museums are my second home. Although I am quite soft spoken and kind hearted (I literally cry if something on tv is heart-warming or sad like if a dad and his son have a heart to heart and hug or something) BUT I am also outspoken. My BS meter is low so if someone is chatting shit about something i don't agree with such a racism. sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, men staring or harassing women or girl, etc I have to say something. I just can't sit there and let it be. I am quite outdoorsy I love working out, running, martial arts, football, etc. I grew up going football club and taking karate and MMA so I've always been pretty active. also lowkey i'm a huge tree-hugger (literally and mentally) I once bumped into a tree and hugged it and said sorry....I studied Geography in High school and sixth form so i'm very passionate about the environment, animals, etc. P.S. I LOOOVE ANIMALS mainly cats overall I am a huge sucker for animals. I'm also a older sibling so i'm quite protective of the ones I love and literally would do anything for them or to protect them. I have insomnia so i'm a night owl but I've always been like that I usually only sleep for about 4-5 hours and i'm good to go. I love having deep conversations late at night with my sister, thinking about trippy things like what the meaning of life is and if aliens exist or if planet of the apes actually happened and what would we do? I also really enjoy movies; mainly horror movies even though they scare the shit out of me, I still watch them. Also i'm all about girls supporting girls. Girl power all the way. I also south Asian so desi culture is also very important and very prominent in the way I behave. I usually speak a mixture of Urdu and English in my sentences as opposed to just speaking one language at a time. I really love languages so i'm also learning Korean and i'm studying latin at Uni. i think that's all.....i'm pretty sure i left something out but it feels like I've been typing for years so i'm going to stop now...soz if this is a lot. also i wrote this as fast as i can so i apologise for the spelling and grammar mistakes
Damn ... I didn’t know how much you wrote until I copied & pasted on the post . *lol* ... It didn’t seem that long when I was reading it.  Ok, so I put in bold stuff that stood out to me ok.  
FYI shout to all the girls w/ big boob problems ... I have the same issue it is really annoying.  I joke w/ my friend all the time that I would give her half of my boobs / body fat cause she is skinny a flat . *lmao*
I can’t help myself so I will make some comments ... I am the same way, I can’t sing or dance (even though I am Latina) but I do it anyways because ever sine I was little I love music & boy groups. So I will keep on doing me. I have a great work environment that we do that at work sometimes too. I’m not a talented in the arts what so ever. But I have always loved and appreciated them. 
That is so interesting that you are studying that in Uni. History has always been my favorite subject, quiet a nerd when it comes to almost got a perfect score on my state test when I was in school (fyi I hated school but I liked learning). Not many people study that in Uni/College. 
The tree incident made me laugh so much ... Again your not alone cause I sure do have a picture when I was on a high school trip of me hugging a tree. *lmao* 
The meaning of life, is different for everyone.  We can’t have functioning society without everyone doing their own part.  Everyone life means something, no life is great than another life. 
Aliens do exist.  Our universe is so big for just the human race to exist. Also I grew up watching Star Trek and I like watching Doctor Who. 
If planets of the apes happen I would die.
When I read “girl power” literally said it like Spice Girls with the peace sign & everything …
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Okay I will shut up now & get to the ships …
Western Sign:  Pisces    Eastern Sign: Tiger “Ideal” Partners for Pisces: Cancer and Scorpio “Ideal” Partners for Tiger: Horse and Dog
BTS Selca – JHope (Aquarius / Dog)
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BTS Written – RM (Virgo / Dog)
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BTS Astrology – Suga (Pisces / Rooster)
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Western – Suga
Eastern – RM & Jhope
 Comparing DOB Suga matched better, followed by Hobi a close second and then Namjoon.  
 Shout out to V who came in 2nd place on my Selca & Written.
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Stray Kids Selca – Hyunjin (Pisces / Dragon)
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Stray Kids Written – Lee Know (Scorpio / Tiger)
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Stray Kids Astrology – Lee Know (Scorpio / Tiger)
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Western – Lee Know & Hyunjin
Eastern – Lee Know
  And NO I didn’t plan it like this it sort of just happen.  And yea it is a lil freaky that Astrology ships kinda had the answers to Selca & Written … For Stray Kids couldn’t find much of their personality or ideal type so I kinda based it on hobbies more than anything. Probably has the years go by & they do more interviews and stuff, I can better match them with people.
Hope you like your results.
And let me know what y’all think! 
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