#something something modern cultivation... it would be so fun. so annoying to Serious cultivators who didn't like the sw comparisons
raisinchallah · 11 months
actually if anyone wants my more real thoughts sort of not joke thoughts on my very real categories of early modern queerbait, queerbait and post queerbait as well as movements within i would define the beginning of early modern queerbait as ranging from sometime in the 70s when fan culture was beginning and early slash fandoms like kirk/spock and starsky and hutch etc and that leading to in 1979 it becoming known enough that kirk/spock was actually addressed in the infamous motion picture novelization footnote which actually at the time inspired a lot of debate in fan spaces u can read some of the letters into various archived zines if it was totally shutting down the k/s fans and something to be mad about or if it was in fact showing support etc and is a complex interaction between fans and the people creating the works and so on and eventually leading into the 90s where fan engagement became even larger and connected with the internet and in general changing tides of television leading to more follow through and serialized elements that inspires greater fan devotion and theorizing leading into like the x files fans coining the term shipping and in general the deft back and forth they managed with constantly playing between hinting at a romance between mulder and scully but also not going too far to annoy people who were staunchly anti romance etc and shows like buffy cultivating a strong gay fan base and shipping culture while also managing to dabble in both actual gay characters and fun gay subtext as well as again creating an absolutely massive fanbase and levels of creator fanbase interaction that reverberate to this day... and then well theres xena :3 pushing the concept of gay subtext to its literal breaking point and pioneering techniques that will be used in future baits while not being bait itself but also the impact of its writers will be felt forever and i think a great example of gay people having fun behind the scenes a secret fuel of iconic queerbait nobody really considers (keep in mind later since one of the lesbian xena writer/producers was also a writer producer on house and some of the most subtext heavy episodes a somewhat inexplicable inclusion in the queerbait canon but fueled by the same great minds behind xena) and well the demarcation of this early modern period into genuine queerbait probably lies around 2008 with the beginnings of many iconic pieces of the queerbait canon but also that we are beginning to approach levels of gay characters on random network tv shows rarely seen before we approach the glee singularity another show of note since fan engagement and taking brittany and santana seriously by fans and the actresses themselves lead like something that was essentially a somewhat homophobic joke become like a serious major part of the show and like the tipping point from subtext to queerbait era i believe is the fact that like standard homophobic jokes stock standard from decades of tv well we were reaching a point of gay characters being more and more common on tv that it creates a situation where perhaps these jokes are no longer diffusing speculation about a characters sexuality but are in fact increasing it... leading to the queerbait era a confluence of increased more immediate fan engagement shipping culture becoming like fairly mainstream to the point it will be referenced in the shows themselves and increasing presence of gay characters across tv so what used to simply be normal subtext or homophobic jokes or in fact gay writers doing things just for funsies all coalesce into queerbait that we know and love its something with ever shifting definitions but has essentially created a canon of shows that define the concept for itself...
and now as we enter the post queerbait era which might begin after the ends of classics of the queerbait shows like supernatural or supergirl ending in 2020 and 2021 respectively though classic queerbait was obviously in decline earlier than that and that the shifting landscape of gay characters makes that special sauce that peaked in like 2012-2015 lose its luster i do believe the first post queerbait show to be riverdale which like intentionally jokingly engaged with the entire concept in a self aware way its not queerbaiting its saving the world wow so true post queerbait can also be active anxiety about being seen as queerbaiting and engaging directly with that in handling of gay characters that it has now entered general public discourse perhaps people have successfully bullied good omens into a gay kiss when it was so clearly designed to slot into the superwholock era but past its peak we shall see where this goes... anyways we shall see what lies in store for this field of study as other scholars devote their minds to this great task
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leatherbookmarking · 3 years
’A multitude of variously-colored sword glares rushed over’
it seems it’s in our blood to look at a sword and think ‘yknow what would make it cooler? GLOWING, AND ALSO COLORS’
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sapphicdalliances · 4 years
Hi, Yuletide writer! First of all, my sincere apologies in my delay of getting this letter written up at all, and my enthused thanks for being here!
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and fandom-specific notes and prompts can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Romance -- anything up to and including plotless shippy drivel
Short fics, or even collections of tiny fics
Long fics too, so I guess what I mean is, don’t feel pressured either way
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom tropes
Am also hella on board with misunderstandings, drama or angst as long as there is a happy ending!
I’m deeply okay with AUs, and most likely would be down for any modern, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender swap, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore! My favourite settings include mundane/urban fantasy (witches! werewolves!), anachronism-stew-with-magic western fantasy jumbles, and disney’s Tangled.
Specific tropes I love:
Proposal fic
Wedding fic where the couple getting married is not the main couple
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes who are still in love/getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Shipfic where two or more couples are contrasted
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Provision and caretaking (acts of service!)
Aggressive matchmaking/wingmanning by an enthused friend
Hanahaki, or any other improbably dramatic instances of Cannot Spit It Out
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I also love a/b/o, especially the kind that emphasises on scent safety and contains little to no actual sex
I’m not as into:
Political or social intrigue, mysteries, complex magical plots — by no means a dealbreaker, but not high on my list of priorities
First person narration
Soulmate AUs specifically
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings
Fandom specific info starts here!
Princess Tutu - Ahiru, Fakir
I’ve loved Ahiru/Fakir for years and years — they are both very strong, willful but compassionate characters, and the way they intersect is just so sweet to me. While I would be ravenous for any tutu content, gen included, I really would be particularly delighted with some overtly shippy fic for this one, I hope that’s okay!
Modern AUs: vet science major Ahiru + English major Fakir meet in theatre club?
Step Up-style remix where they become somewhat-unwilling dance partners because their regular partners are somehow indisposed and work better than expected
That one ending fix-it AU where Fakir writes her back into a girl and they retire into the village, the one we all have in our treacherous hearts, i will never get enough of these
Fakir and Ahiru’s relationship progression as observed by the other members of the school/town
Or mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list! For this ship, I would like a maximum rating of T, please!
I love every ship in this manga equally but perhaps I love Kou/Naoya more equally than the other two? They are just so kind and so silly, and so sweet to each other in exactly the way both of them didn’t realise they were missing! Honestly, anything with these characters that’s along the lines of canon would be delightful; the particular energy of misfits realising that they don’t have to be alone is something very dear to me.
Accidentally dating ft. Kou and Naoya, or, “and you’ve made out how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s not technically a bromance.”
5 times Hirotaka and Narumi almost, almost kissed, and 1 time they did; the unresolved romantic tension may kill me and it would be worth it
What Hirotaka and Narumi taught each other (apart from the more mundane gaming and life skills, i believe that she taught him how to smile and be loved by others, and he taught her how to be loved by herself!)
Smutty domesticity ft. Koyanagi and Kabakura — a lazy Sunday, laundry in the sun, fucking on the couch, everything easy with familiarity
The fantasy/MMORPG AU, where Hirotaka is the lazy but brilliant crown prince, Naoya the hapless but beloved second prince, Koyanagi his spymaster and Kabakura the captain of the prince’s guard; Narumi his childhood friend-cum-betrothed, and Kou a mysterious archer who saves a distressed Naoya from bandits in the village?
The gang tries to play DND. We finally find a game that Naoya is good at.
Or mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list!
Nezha - Oubing
I feel 100 different ways about this movie and 88 of the ways are SO CHINESE. The filial piety, the familial sacrifice, the friendship! I do believe that Nezha and Aobing are in love, I hope this is a reading of the text that we share, but if not, gen about their friendship/rivalry would also be well-recieved.
Aobing has been practicing bigu (a cultivation style that is meant to remove one’s need for food or water) since he was born; Nezha introduces him to food, and other creature comforts — do they have BEDS in the dragon palace for example?? Buddhist-style cultivation is very ascetic and difficult, but Nezha is so wild and full of feelings and love!!
Modern AU: delinquent Nezha and prim, proper exchange student Aobing
Modern AU addendum: nobody believes Nezha when he says he’s got a hot boyfriend in Taiwan and thinks that he has made Aobing up
Arranged marriage/political fantasy AU where the prince of dragons is given to the most controversial heavenly general in an effort to improve both families’ social standing
For a gen prompt, if you want to do something about Nezha and/or Aobing’s relationships to their fathers, debts and affections and resentments, that too would be lovely!
On the other end of the spectrum, i’m down for PWP with xeno tropes re: aobing’s dragon anatomy! So long as the top/bottom roles are not too strictly defined, i just like it when they’re equitable or switch!
And of course, feel free to mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list!
Kazetsuyo/Run with the Wind
I didn’t tag any characters because my favourites were not in the list, and of course because I do love everyone, but my personal priorities are in order: Shindo, Musa, Haiji, Kakeru, Nico-chan, Yuki, the bombastic twins, and then everyone else. The spaces between those positions are very small so if you happen to have a passion for a character/ship lower on the list, worry not, there is limitless affection within me for everyone!
Shindo should get to take Musa to see the snow… he deserves that
He also deserves to run the ekiden again in his fourth year and not be sick and actually win section 5!
I do think Kakeru and Haiji are most definitely soulmates — if you choose to focus on one or both of them, I really do believe they are in the romantic kind of love, is the thing!
Perhaps their relationship, an inevitable drifting together, as perceived by everyone else in aotake?
Or Haiji comes to Kakeru’s graduation, all their tenderest affections still unspoken, and somehow, without any premeditation, by the end of the day they’ve kissed
You know what I think? I think Hana-chan likes and is capable of dating both of the twins, and I love that for her
Or gen canonverse with everyone (or just everyone you care about) taking turns caring for Nira and reflecting on the race!
As above, please feel free to mix it up with the tropes in my general list!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
I only selected Seo and Waka because they are simply my top priority, but if you want to serve a side of Chiyo/Nozaki and/or Hori/Kashima and/or Seo and Kashima being beautiful best friends and/or Mikorin being a beautiful himbo who we are delighted to have here, i would not complain at all!
Absolutely anything about them being goobery oblivious idiots in love would be perfect, such as:
5 times they went on a date without realising, and the time they realised
Everyone else literally just thinks they’re dating and they are completely clueless
Or on the other end of the spectrum, everyone tries desperately to set them up/matchmake for them, not realising that they’ve been going steady for four months
A hanahaki AU would be particularly hilarious with these two, I feel
Urban fantasy AU where Waka is a hapless monster hunter and Seo is an annoying but deeply harmless werewolf who’s been terrorizing his town??
Regency or faux-regency AU where Waka is literally like “drive by your rival’s estate slowly so that she may seethe with jealousy at the loveliness of your new hat” and Seo is like “oh goodness, he is courting me. What a fool. What an absolute buffoon.” and challenges him to a swordfight
Fairytale AU where Seo believes she must rescue the prince from the tower and deliver him back to the kingdom capital, and the prince, who had not realised he’d been kidnapped, thinks Seo is a usurper from a rival kingdom who must be supervised all the way back to the kingdom capital to be served her justice
Or anything else equally romcom-y, and of course, as always, throw in as many tropes as you like!
Thank you for reading this whole mess of a letter, and I sincerely hope I haven’t bored you too much. The most important thing to me is that whatever you end up writing, you are able to enjoy the process at least somewhat, and deliver a fic that you like! I can also be found on twitter at @hawberries_ (for art) and @popplioikawa (for general ramblings), and if you have any desire to send an anon ask to this tumblr with questions, i’m actually not sure if that’s allowed but i’d be happy to get some! Thank you again, and happy holidays!
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adriata-archive · 6 years
stars may collide
Because Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir gave me major Feysand feels and you know I just had to do it. Some quotes are directly pulled from Tessa x Scott interviews because how are those two even real?! 
Part Two now available.
for @helloetherealsunshine for always indulging my fic ideas and @swishandflickwit for all of the Tessa x Scott reblogs and inadvertently inspiring me
Modern figure skating AU. Rating: T  Word count: 2.7k...this was supposed to be a short drabble and got out of hand real quick
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(2014 - Sochi, Russia)
She’s shaking, and whether it’s from the cold or from nerves, she doesn’t know. Rhys knows, though - he always knows - and runs a hand down her back before gently taking hold of her hip and turning her so she has to face him.
“Feyre, darling, listen to me. Once we get out on that ice, it’s just us in the rink, just like practice. Nothing else matters. No one else matters.”
His voice washes over her and Feyre shuts her eyes tight for a second, nodding as Rhys pulls her close, her forehead connecting with where his shoulder meets his neck. He’s effectively shielded her from the crowd and the glare of the lights on the ice and as she breathes in the familiar smell of him, she allows herself to relax.
“I’m good. I’m ready,” she says, and is rewarded with a wide grin before they both slip into the roles of their characters, their masks for the night as they step out onto the ice.
Somehow, Feyre stops herself from looking out into the crowd, stops herself from seeking out a face that she knows won’t be there. She won’t dwell on it, won’t dwell on the way he had scoffed when she’d asked if he’d be cheering her on in Sochi, won’t dwell on the way he had never kept his promise about celebrating her birthday late because she’d been stuck at the rink with Rhys the day of. She won’t let Tamlin ruin this, not today.
Instead, she focuses on Rhys.
Rhys, with his steadfast reassurance, with his casual touches and the quick kisses he places on her cheek, her shoulder, her forehead, wherever he can reach, both on and off the ice. Rhys, along with his inner circle of friends that she knows are cheering for her as much as they are for him, with his overwhelming and unfailing support through it all.
Feyre takes a deep breath, and then the music starts.
They go back home with silver.
She tries not to be discouraged; they had skated what she considers their personal best, and besides, she’s always had a fondness for silver - it reminds her of their skates, the rhinestones adorning her costumes, the stars, and now, the necklace Rhys had given her on her birthday, just a few months ago.
She’s pretty sure that was the first and only time she’d ever seen Rhys blush, him practically shoving the box at her and skating away before she’d had time to even say thank you. She’d caught up to him with ease, crashing into him from behind and wrapping her arms around his middle, and promised she’d never take it off.
Feyre doesn’t like to think about what she’d do without him.
She’d put on her first pair of skates at the age of five in a desperate attempt to keep up with Nesta and Elain and earn their mother’s approval, and when their mother had died not two years later and both of her sisters quit, only Feyre kept with it. That was the year she’d been paired with Rhys, and she’s been stuck with the annoying prick ever since (not that she’s complaining).
Tamlin’s look of disapproval flashes in her mind as Rhys expertly fields yet another question about their (lack of a) romantic relationship. She bites back a comment about how chemistry during a routine doesn’t always translate to chemistry in real life; Rhys has always been better with the press anyways. He starts talking about how she’s his best friend, how she’s been his best friend for all of the thirteen years they’d been skating together, when he was just a scrawny nine year old and she’d been an even scrawnier seven year old.
“Practice must be extraordinarily time-consuming for the two of you to build the kind of chemistry you have on the ice. Do you have any tricks for getting through a particularly grueling session?” the reporter asks, and Feyre snorts as she recalls the time Rhys had shown up to practice on Halloween a few years back with bat wings and devil horns.
“We joke a lot, especially if one of us is having a bad day, just to ease the tension,” Rhys says, nudging Feyre with his elbow as if he knows exactly what memory she’s thinking of (he probably does - sometimes she thinks he can read her mind).
“People have noticed that you tend to be the jokester, while you, Feyre, tend to be a little more serious.”
“Feyre’s actually hilarious. I think some people would be surprised,” Rhys says before Feyre can bark out whatever sarcastic reply is on the tip of her tongue. “A lot of people know she’s a genius. She’s very smart. But she has a great drive as well. So she has a pretty good combo, fun to work with, best business partner ever."
Feyre smiles, Rhys effectively dissolving all traces of her annoyance the way that only he can. She turns her head to face the reporter, her grin suddenly slipping into something much more conspiratorial, as she says, with a dramatic sigh, “The sad thing is after thirteen years I still find Rhys hysterical. You should hear some of his puns.”
The reporter tries to mask her shock at Feyre’s quip, but Feyre doesn’t notice because her eyes are on the ridiculous faces Rhys is making.
Her eyes are always on Rhys.
Another day, another interview.
While Feyre tolerates these meetings and handles them with just as much professionalism, if not ease, as Rhys, today is different. Today, she’s in a bad mood.
Today, the last thing she wants is to talk about her love life, so of course that’s the very first question she gets asked.
She feels, more than sees, Rhys’s annoyance, because they both know how sexist this is, they’ve both noticed how she’s always the one who gets drilled about her relationship status while he gets asked the questions about the technical elements of their skating and their partnership, but he’s smart enough to let her fight her own battles.
That doesn’t stop him from trying to come to her rescue.
Feyre’s blindsided by the question, because why in the name of the Mother does anyone care if she’s introduced Tamlin to Rhys? Don’t these people have anything else to concern themselves with?
Rhys clears his throat, all too aware that Feyre is one second away from (metaphorically) ripping out the reporter’s neck. (At least, he hopes it’s metaphorically, because he’s seen how creative Feyre can get with her skates.)
“I think Feyre just tries to keep her personal life and her skating life separate. I know I personally struggle with balancing skating and a semblance of a social life.”
And just like that, Rhys redirects the journalist’s attention back towards him, giving Feyre enough time to catch her breath and cool her head. All the reporter gets after that are short, clipped answers, none of the laughing and teasing that interviews with Feyre and Rhys normally contain, none of the banter that they are known for, and she feels a small sense of smug satisfaction that the article will suffer because of it.
That small sense of smug satisfaction disappears when Tamlin texts her about the article a few weeks later, a text which includes a line about how she should get a new skating partner because he just isn’t comfortable with her spending so much time with Rhys.
Feyre gapes at her phone, sputtering even though Tamlin can’t see or hear her, and starts typing furiously, backtracking more than once as she tries to fully convey the sheer idiocy her boyfriend’s rather unfortunately showcased. She starts with the fact that not a year ago, Tamlin had made a dismissive and downright homophobic comment about how all male ice skaters had to be gay, and goes into a rant about how difficult it is to find a partner like Rhys, how much time and energy she’d have to put into cultivating that kind of chemistry with someone else, without the benefit of skating with them since childhood there to ease along the process. She skips over how, with Rhys, the connection had been instantaneous, and instead includes several paragraphs about how Tamlin has no right to dictate who she does and does not spend time with, especially (but certainly not limited to) when it comes to her career.
Tamlin shoots back a few paragraphs of his own, and it’s when he disparages their Sochi silver medal that she snaps and breaks up with him.
Rhys finds her in the rink, even though it’s 5 in the morning and their practice doesn’t technically start until 7. He watches silently as she tries - and fails - to land a triple axel, and when she finally skates over to him, he presses a cup of coffee into her hand and a kiss to her forehead and doesn’t ask any questions. Instead, he grabs her phone and opens up her playlist (his had been the first fingerprint programmed in when she’d caved and finally upgraded), and plucks the still steaming cup of coffee from her hand. Feyre opens her mouth to protest, but then Stay by Rihanna comes on and she’s rolling her eyes but taking his hand nonetheless.
He lets her skate out her frustration and heartbreak, and at the end of their routine, when they’re pressed flush against each other and they’re both trying to catch their breath, Feyre allows herself to reflect on the unexplainable, natural, instinctual connection between her and Rhys for quite possibly the first time ever.
(2018 - Pyeongchang County, South Korea)
This time, they’re the favorites to win gold.
Feyre tries to focus on that instead of the flip in her stomach every time Rhys lifts her so that her legs hang over his shoulders, her hands cupping his face for the briefest of seconds before he’s whirling her back towards solid ground again. They had agreed together - always together - that the original move was a bit too suggestive for an Olympic audience and decided to tone it down, but even the edited version is enough to leave Feyre aching with want.
Ironic, considering how much praise they’d received for all of their unbridled chemistry on the ice for the entirety of their professional career, emphasis being on the ice.
She’s struggling to slow her heart rate down when she glides to a stop in front of their coach, affectionately known as tiny ancient one, and while Amren is small in stature, Feyre has no doubt she can still out-skate the majority of the Olympians competing this year.
There’s a light touch on her waist, followed by Rhys suddenly appearing by her side and tugging her closer to him until her head is on his chest and his nose is in her hair. Their runthrough of their routine had been absolutely flawless, and she’s just as proud of him as she knows he is of her. Amren leaves them to it, muttering about how they’re disgusting and complaining about their unprofessionalism without any real heat behind her words. Feyre feels more than hears Rhys chuckle and presses even closer.
“Careful, or you’ll prove all of the conspiracy theories about us being secretly married right,” Rhys teases, even as his hands ghost over her sides and he kisses the top of her head.
Feyre chokes out a laugh and catches one of his hands, interlocking his fingers with hers as she leads him out of the rink. “They are right, prick.”
“Yes, but they don’t know that.”
They break the world record and the first thing Rhys does is launch himself onto the barrier of the rink because tradition is important, Feyre darling.
It’s a close call between them and the team from France, but they’ve done it, they’ve won a gold medal, and now they can finally relax.
After the press interviews, of course.
But Feyre feels like she is flying, and not even the most obnoxious reporter can bring her down. Rhys peppers her face with kisses once they’ve both got their guards on, and while he keeps it chaste in front of the cameras, she sees the intent in his eyes as he makes his way to her neck just long enough to let her know what his plans are once they’re safely back in their room (his room, technically, because no one knows about the rings tucked away in her makeup bag and locked up in the safe, but what the officials and the public don’t know won’t hurt them).
The first thing everyone does is congratulate them on their spellbinding performance, a few reporters purposefully mentioning the way they’d both sung the words to Moulin Rouge as they skated their personal best. It’s Feyre who laughs away this comment, informing everyone that it’s a good thing nobody else could hear Rhys while they were on the ice, because for all of his talent interpreting and being moved by music, her partner is hopelessly tone-deaf.
“You two have previously called the other your best friend in interviews - what’s it like skating with someone who knows you better than you know yourself?”
“She’s a pretty fantastic person,” Rhys says, positively beaming at Feyre while she ducks her head. “I would never even think about skating with someone else. She’s my partner, my equal in every way.”
Feyre thinks that’s the end, and it’s pretty obvious from the way the flashes of cameras start going off that the media had thought so too.
“She’s creative, from the beginning of time,” Rhys continues, either completely oblivious to the blush rising in Feyre’s cheeks or actively ignoring it. “She can move like nobody I’ve ever seen. She's very, very selfless; she's a people pleaser. But my favourite things I think have really just gotten even better in the last couple of years and that's her drive, that's her commitment to being an athlete.”
“Rhys, you’re known for only ever having good things to say about your partner, but Feyre, you’re usually a little more reserved in your interviews. What do you have to say about Rhys?”
“Rhys is the most disciplined, driven athlete I've ever met. There's a fierce competitor deep within and the passion and the raw talent that is there — the ability to move and hear music and interpret it — is unlike anyone else I've ever seen on the ice,” Feyre admits, and she means every word. Rhys is surprised, and he’s never surprised, so she plows on. “And I think because he wears his heart on his sleeve people feel so drawn in and captivated by his performances. He's generous, thoughtful and extremely insightful. He's able to understand the glide of the blade differently. It’s been amazing to live this Olympic journey with my best friend.”
Rhys twines his fingers with hers and pulls her hand up to his mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to it as the photographers snap as many pictures as they can.
“Someone pointed out a while back that you always hug each other before every routine, without fail. Is that to calm nerves, reassure each other?”
“That’s actually something we’ve done for several years now really just to feel our timing together, find that synchronicity and get our breathing in unison. Just really to feel that connection and to emphasize the chemistry and togetherness that we hope to create on the ice,” Feyre says, more than happy to answer a question about something other than her feelings about Rhys.
“Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say you certainly achieved that. Congratulations again.”
Feyre and Rhys thank everybody and pose for a few more pictures, and when they get their medals and he kisses her temple, she knows that’s the image that’s going to make the headlines.
“So I’m generous, am I, Feyre darling?”
Feyre rolls her eyes and threads her fingers through Rhys’s hair, tugging his head back down against her thigh as she squirms underneath him.
“Don’t make me seem like a liar now.”
Rhys’s chuckle is low as he finds her free hand and takes it in his, the gold glint of their wedding bands shining in the dark.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, wife.”
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