#song sun icons
paper-heartt · 2 years
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sunshyni · 6 months
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Eunseok × Você
Gênero: fluffy
w.c: 1.2k
n.a: eu tive essa ideia inicialmente com o Jungwoo, mas eu vi essas fotos do Eunseok e imediatamente soube que o plot estava destinado para ele.
WARNINGS: não gostei muito disso, mas eu não quis jogar fora porque gosto do cenário. Menções a Kento Yamazaki, Frozen (porque o Seunghan cantando “Vejo uma porta abrir” não deixa minha cabeça de jeito nenhum e ao anjo Gabriel (???). Jogadores de vôlei, desculpa ai se eu pequei com algum termo!
Boa leitura, docinhos! 💚
Eunseok sempre foi um garoto sossegado, espantosamente silencioso para um garoto do colégio, falava com todo mundo desde que não fosse a pessoa que toma a iniciativa, fazia parte da trindade divina masculina da escola composta por ele, o encantador Sohee e o irritante Seunghan, cobiçados pela grande maioria dos estudantes, você no entanto só tinha uma quedinha por um deles. Eunseok tinha certo grau de miopia e às vezes perdia suas lentes de contato em algum dos treinos dos um bilhão de esportes que ele praticava, forçando-o a utilizar óculos de armação retangular e levemente grossa, como Kento Yamazaki em “Wokatoi”, e você meio que o achava atraente demais com o adereço, torcendo para que, sei lá, as lentes de contato fossem magicamente magnetizadas para a caixa de areia do gato mais próximo.
Naquela tarde ensolarada você descobriria que Eunseok não era o único que manifestava sinais bastante evidentes de TDAH.
— Merda — Você praguejou baixo, segurando a ponte do nariz com as pontas dos dedos enquanto a mão vazia te impedia de encontrar a areia fofinha, embora sua cabeça latejante dissesse que aquela era a melhor escolha a ser feita. Como líder da equipe de vôlei feminino da escola, você estava indo bem até o segundo e penúltimo set, nenhum devaneio lascivo rondando sua mente, absolutamente nenhum pensamento embaraçoso contendo mãos bobas e ágeis, mesmo quando a do Song estalou contra a de Wonbin num high five animado, tudo estava correndo dentro dos conformes, mas aí Eunseok suspendeu a camisa até a altura da testa secando o suor e oferecendo a plateia uma visão privilegiada do seu corpo magro e atlético.
E sabe como é, né? Entre levar uma pancada de bola de vôlei e deixar-se fascinar pela centésima vez pelo garoto que você venera desde o fundamental – e que raramente é tão exibicionista assim – ou jogar seu esporte favorito tirando proveito das suas habilidades conquistadas através de anos de prática, existe um consenso universal sobre a primeira escolha.
— Ei, você tá bem? — Eunseok ajoelhou-se ao seu lado, plantando a mão firme em seu ombro como se estivesse cumprimentando um dos caras do time, com a diferença de que o peso te deixava nervosa. Lentamente, você elevou os olhos, fazendo-os percorrer da camiseta onde se lia “Team Seok” na parte de trás, até as mechas de cabelo castanho-claro que se grudavam no rosto suado e de volta para o olhar arregalado de aflição, Eunseok resplandecia de uma forma tão absurda que para você não seria demasiado ilógico se ele estivesse ali apenas para alertá-la de que teria um filho sendo virgem.
— Sim — Respondeu, depois do que pareceu um século e uma comparação bem óbvia com o anjo Gabriel — Tô só um pouco zonza.
— É, sua testa tá começando a inchar... — Ele constatou, com o cenho franzido de preocupação. Atrás dele, sua parceira de jogo assistia toda aquela cena de filme adolescente, com os braços cruzados e as sobrancelhas elevadas, afinal nem mesmo uma torção no tornozelo te fez perder os últimos dez minutos do set no campeonato interescolar, imagine então quão desprezível deve ser uma bolada segundo seus critérios — Sohee deve ter algum gelo. Vamos lá, você não pode ficar debaixo desse sol quente.
— O que foi que você fez, hyung? — Eunseok manteve os dedos entrelaçados com os seus até chegarem no restaurante de frutos do mar (atraindo muitos olhares, bocas abertas e rostos perplexos), Sohee trabalhava lá nas férias de verão como garçom, todavia quando o pessoal do colégio decidia marcar reuniões no estabelecimento com a intenção evidente de atazaná-lo, o pequeno palco para apresentações tornava-se inteiramente dele e algumas músicas coreanas e internacionais eram entoadas no embalo de uma plateia animada.
— Pensei que você fosse imbatível. Como a mulher maravilha — Seunghan girou o banco alto de forma a ficar de frente para você e Eunseok, especificamente nesse recesso ele tinha se interessado pela vaga de salva-vidas do clube e vivia encharcado com a quantidade de garotas que encenavam quedas e afogamentos apenas para serem resgatadas pelos braços malhados, mas Seunghan costumava ser atencioso com as crianças e suas famílias — Que foi? Sua cabeça dura não te ajudou dessa vez?
— Cala a boca, Seunghan — Como punição, Eunseok confiscou o copo de um drink azul da mão do amigo e o pressionou sobre sua lesão, fazendo você chiar pelo contato do copo gelado contra sua pele e pela proximidade repentina do atleta, sentada no banquinho elevado feito Seunghan ao seu lado, Eunseok se encontrava nitidamente em pé, entre as suas coxas, no entanto ele parecia bastante absorto e responsável pelo pequeno calombo na sua testa para reparar no seu peito subindo e descendo numa velocidade fora do normal.
“Talvez ele estivesse tão perto porque não enxergava muito bem”, seu coração se encheu de esperança com a possibilidade dos óculos entrarem em ação assim, de repente.
— Toma, coloca isso — Sohee estendeu gelo enrolado num pano de prato para substituir o improviso de Eunseok, pelo canto do olho, você percebeu uma conversa não verbal entre os dois integrantes do trio, Seunghan indicava você e Eunseok com a cabeça enquanto Sohee aparentava não entender do que se tratava, até que seus olhos amendoados cresceram numa clara constatação, como quando você descobre que o príncipe Hans não passa de um canalha em “Frozen” — Sungchan hyung tá com uns três palitos de picolé premiado. A gente vai atrás dele.
— Picolé de graça — Seunghan bateu no ombro de Eunseok ao passarem por nós e deixarem apenas o barulho das crianças animadas nas piscinas, e o bater de talheres em mesas distantes do bar. Internamente você se questionou porque aquela atitude insinuava tanto suspense, porém foi incapaz de estudar os fatos quando o hálito mentolado e doce do garoto alcançou suas narinas ao soprar suavemente:
— Por que você não sacou? — Você engoliu em seco, sentindo a febre chegar quando Eunseok pôs a tentativa de bolsa térmica gelada sobre o balcão.
— Saquei o que?
— A bola — Ele sorriu pequeno, optando por dar um tempo para o inchaço e só fitar os seus olhos, suas pupilas se expandindo a cada frase proferida.
— Me distrai — Um ponto de interrogação surgiu no lindo rosto de Eunseok, você ajudou-o afastando o cabelo liso para poder contemplá-lo melhor, mal acreditava que admitiria aquilo — Com você.
— Comigo? Por que? — Eunseok exalava curiosidade e ansiedade, no entanto, dessa vez, quem não percebia o impercebível era você que só conseguia enxergar o rosto sereno e impassível do rapaz, afinal essa era uma de suas especialidades: fingir a mais plena placidez mesmo surtando por dentro.
— Porque... Eunseok, olha, eu sei que você escuta isso todo dia mas... — Durou dois segundos, mas os lábios de Eunseok estavam sobre os seus, agora a boca rosinha brilhava um bocado devido ao gloss que residia nos seus lábios, você pensou que fosse desmaiar quando a mão masculina afastou seus cabelos da nuca e permaneceu bem ali, massageando a pele, fazendo o dedão repousar deliciosamente no centro da sua garganta.
— Gosto de você desde o fundamental — Declarou, irrequieto, piscando e alternando o foco das íris.
— Eu gosto de você desde o fundamental — Vocês sorriram simultaneamente e Eunseok deixou outro beijo sutil nos seus lábios, te roupando a consciência da gravidade e te fazendo sentir como se estivesse flutuando no planeta Terra e não num satélite natural como a lua.
— Então a gente vai ter que competir pra ver quem gosta mais de quem — Você abraçou o corpo dele, um tanto espantada com o fato de que aquilo era real e desceu do banquinho alto para respondê-lo:
— Quem beijar mais vence.
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arrchhive · 9 months
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like or reblog. enjoy babies.
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sun and moon
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siixkiing · 1 year
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“If you think you better then battle me~”
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septembersghost · 11 months
Burning Love montage has been stuck in my head all day and made me think of you!
was it because the every elvis second twt just did that section?
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rent free in my head. shout out to the entire creative team, and especially austin butler, the man that you are, catherine martin, the woman that you are!!!
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hexellent · 6 months
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"Man, these little weirdos sure are havin' fun! Maybe we can get one of them to jo--"
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"You're no fun Zoro."
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robertdenir0sgf · 11 months
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ayoyoungg · 4 months
Real talk: why did we never get an IGAB remix that had a dance break in the middle (using the iconic point choreo) 🤔🤔🤔
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permanentreverie · 1 year
i think you manifested this 🥹😭
nooo it is 10:31 am I cannot cry 😭😭 they literally give me the biggest brainrot it's not fair
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jgracie · 11 days
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masterlist | rules
❝ hellooo !! i absolutely in love with your works !! may i request percy with the song “i want it” all by lana del rey, specially this part of the lyrics:“do you think you'll kill for me one day?" / “yes of course I will, my darling” ? perhaps a mention of dark percy ? 😋 ❞ — 🦇
in which percy would kill for you one day
pairing slightly dark!percy jackson x reader
warnings house of hades spoilers? that’s when this is set, violence (percy bloodbends)
on the radio . . . i want it all (lana del rey)
After experiencing Tartarus together, you couldn’t help but notice how Percy changed. He used to always be able to crack a joke, even at the worst of situations, lightening the mood and raising your spirits. However, now he’s more… serious. Tartarus seemed to harden him up - his eyes, once a bright aquamarine colour, were now of a dark blue-green hue, like the depths of the ocean that even Poseidon wouldn’t venture
You still loved him with all of your heart. He was your precious boyfriend, after all. And besides, you probably changed a lot too after that. Anyone would if they were forced to hallucinate their boyfriend abandoning them like you did. The image the Arai had planted in your head that day, a curse sent your way by a girl you didn’t even know, haunted you. You never wanted to feel that alone and isolated again
Percy knew this. It was part of the reason why he became more protective, more territorial. Watching you wander Tartarus aimlessly, your voice cracking as you begged for his touch and being able to do nothing about it shattered his heart. After that experience, he vowed to never let you out of his sight 
The other members of the Argo II could tell that something had changed between you, too. However, they kept a safe distance, not wanting to interfere in case they made it worse, unable to even fathom what you must’ve gone through in Tartarus
For the most part, though, your relationship was good. Other than the nightmares and protectiveness, the two of you stayed the same iconic couple you are, and as time progressed, Percy felt himself becoming more relaxed, no longer needing to be by your side every second of every day
That was until the ship got attacked. You’d been having a couple days of pretty safe travel ever since you got out of Tartarus, and while you did enjoy simply being able to catch up with all your friends on a boat in the ocean, you should’ve known that something would come along to ruin this for you
It was early in the morning, and you were on watch duty along with Leo, who was manning the ship whilst adding some updates to Festus. The salty air made you think of Percy, and you found yourself suddenly longing for his touch, knowing how much he’d enjoy watching the sun rise over the horizon
“You can go get Percy if you want, Y/N, I’ll be fine here,” Leo mumbled. For someone who claims he’s better at understanding machines than people, he sure was good at reading your mind. Recently, you noticed he’d also been acting differently. According to Hazel, he found a girl he loved (NOT calypso guys don’t worry 🩷) while he’d gone missing, but for some reason he couldn’t bring her with him
You thanked him and were about to make your way to your boyfriend’s room when you suddenly heard a voice yell, “I will take revenge on you, wretched son of Poseidon!” You turned, finding yourself face-to-face with none other than the bane of Poseidon, Polybotes
“You think you can just leave Tartarus as you please? I, Polybotes, will make you pay!” The giant continued. Your feet seemed to be cemented to the ground as you stared at the giant, mouth open in a mix of shock and fear. He was supposed to be in Tartarus, how could he possibly get here? Of course you couldn’t have a moment of peace. Why were you stupid enough to think that maybe, just maybe, you could relax until actually having to fight Gaia herself? 
“Y/N, look out!” Leo yelled, pulling you out of your trance. But it was too late. The giant picked you up, his nails digging into your back, forming crescent shaped gashes. Your nose scrunched at the smell of him as he took a good look at you before laughing (his breath smelled even worse. You had to fight the urge to vomit all over him)
Tears welled up in your eyes. You were completely helpless, with no weapon on you and your limbs still aching from your time in Tartarus. This was it. This is how you’d die. The giant was squeezing you so tight you could barely breathe, black spots beginning to obscure your vision. You sent a quick prayer to your godly parent, asking them to keep your friends safe on the rest of this quest, before you succumbed to the darkness
The last thing you remember seeing is a flash of bright blue - the ocean
“Thank Gods you’re awake! We’re all so worried about you!” Hazel exclaimed as soon as your eyes were open. Looking around, you noticed you were in the makeshift infirmary section of the ship, bruises littering your body
You turned to face Hazel, your eyebrows furrowed, “what… happened?” You asked, trying to push your memories of the incident with Polybotes to the front of your mind, but ending up with nothing, “I remember I was captured by that giant, then I saw the water move, then… nothing.”
Hazel was suddenly incapable of holding eye contact with you, unsure if she should tell you what happened or not. In the end, she decided on the former, knowing you’d pull it out of Percy eventually if you had to
“The water moving was Percy’s doing. We all showed up after hearing the commotion and when he saw you in Polybotes’ clutches he went… kind of crazy. I’d never seen him like this before, Y/N, it was a little scary. He willed the water to move him up to Polybotes’ height and demanded he let you go. When he didn’t…” Hazel stopped for a second, shuddering. What did Percy do? After seeing the way he handled Akhlys in Tartarus, you knew there was a side of him that he kept buried deep inside. Did it come out again?
You placed a gentle hand on Hazel’s, giving her a kind smile which willed her to continue, “he started controlling Polybotes’ blood… he made him choke on his own blood, Y/N, we’ve been spending the past five hours cleaning that up.”
At the sound of voices coming out of the infirmary, Percy barged in, nodding at Hazel before holding you tightly in his arms. You hugged back, glad to see that he was okay. Smiling at both of you, Hazel waved goodbye and left, knowing you two needed a moment alone
“Hazel told me what happened,” you said once Percy pulled away, still keeping your hand in his. At this, he looked at the ground in shame, remembering how much his treatment of Akhlys had scared you in Tartarus
Rubbing circles into your hand, he said, “I’m sorry, Y/N, my fear and anger got the better of me. I don’t ever want to lose you, you’re literally my soulmate. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. Feeling your face become warmer as a bright smile made its way onto your lips, you said, “it’s alright, Percy. Thank you for saving me. I genuinely thought I was going to die then.” At this, Percy’s brows furrowed and the grip he had on your hand tightened
An aura of power exuded from your boyfriend, and when he said, “you wouldn’t die, not with me here. I’d kill for you, baby, you understand that, right?” You knew he meant it. If giants didn’t have to be defeated by both Gods and demigods working together, Polybotes would definitely be a mere pile of dust in Tartarus right now
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daintcas · 1 month
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lady killers ˗ˏˋ rafe cameron !
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"man i'm a lady killer, if i want her i'mma steal her" / g-eazy
pairing. dealer!rafe cameron x innocent(ish)!reader
summary. his constant cycle of partying with privilege grants him anything he wants, until you show up to break the pattern.
contains. alcohol and drug use, tension, sexually suggestive, implied age gap, cliffhanger
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the lifestyle comes with its perks, constantly surrounded by pretty girls who were more than willing to follow him upstairs. direct access to any substance he wanted, displayed messily across the polished coffee table at all times. not to mention the adrenaline-boosting boom of a surrounding party in some kid's ridiculously expensive house - thrown almost nightly.
it became a normality for him, whether or not he realized how unhealthy his habits may be. blinded by the attention, money, and already through-the-roof addition of popularity, the boy let himself be overcome by it all. but hey, isn't this how you're supposed to live life after graduation?
you, on the other hand, were never overly thrilled at the idea of occupying your time with what seemed to be an endless string of these things. that being said, it wasn't an unfamiliar scene after having wasted a couple of saturdays with friends before.
you also weren't one to deny the opportunity for a good night. which is why you didn't put up much of a fight when none other than sarah cameron insisted on your presence at a party she was hosting in her family's mansion.
she was friendly enough, but not to the extent of being by your side for the duration of the whole night because of an invite most likely given out to everyone in her contacts - that part had you a bit nervous. the idea of being stranded in a room full of highly intoxicated kids you hardly knew.
all precautions were eventually thrown out the window when you found yourself getting all dolled up in the bathroom mirror. mascara turning out perfect over a flawless base, hair down and flowing neatly, a strapless pale pink sundress you'd bought with sarah weeks ago tying it all together.
with one final application of lipgloss over expertly lined lips and a brief pose checking your reflection, you were headed out. fresh acrylics plucking your keys from the household bowl and looking down at your phone to check the time just as it rings, stopping your hand from unlocking the front door.
a sigh escapes you as you juggle everything in your hands to bring the device to your ear after blindly swiping to answer. a loud shout of your name has you flinching and furrowing your brows in confusion - and maybe annoyance. "yeah? hello?"
"c'mon, i'm outside!" a girl all but yells and it isn't until you hear a sweet, enthusiastic laugh that you recognize the voice.
"sarah?" you ask, though already having discarded the keys and slipped on your shoes lying ready by the doormat.
"let's go! i've got a party to entertain," the words are followed by the muffled sound of her shifting around, and you take it as your grace period to get outside before she takes off.
throwing open the door and hurrying down the steps of the front porch, you can't help but smile at the girl sitting in the driver's seat of a black jeep. beaming over at you, she hangs up the phone and ushers you over to the otherwise vacant car with a flailing hand.
the trip to tannyhill is filled with wide smiles and giggles over speakers blaring iconic summer songs. windows rolled down to take in an orangey-pink sky from the setting sun - which almost distracts from how sharp sarah takes what seems to be every turn in town.
the suv eventually comes to a stop after sliding down into the basement garage that screams wealth, right past all the cars lined up along the street. sarah hops out and offers a toothy grin while tossing her sunglasses in the center console.
"i'm so happy you're finally at one of my parties," she says while taking your hand and eagerly leading the way upstairs, her own dress swaying as she walks.
"me too," is all you offer in response, too entranced by the new level of rich that surrounds you while following blindly.
the mansion feels more like a maze as sarah leads you down and around hallways not yet crowded with partygoers. but, the blasting of music that vibrates the house says otherwise.
moonlight quickly replaces the sunshine, making visibility near impossible as you enter where the mass of everyone is. still hand in hand with sarah, you take the chance to look around.
between all the groups in the kitchen and on a makeshift dance floor, it's someone sitting among a circle of couches and chairs that has you doing a double take. turning back the second time is when you recognize the boy with his eyes still glued on you, wiping under his nose, to be rafe.
you don't miss the lazy smirk he shoots before sarah tugs you back to reality, finally dropping your hand and turning to stand face-to-face with the same excited smile.
"you'll be fine if i go say hi to a few people?" she asks, glancing across your face to genuinely gauge your feelings.
"'course. thanks, sarah," you answer convincingly enough that she's scurrying off to talk with whoever awaits her presence.
the best option you conclude is to go straight for the drinks. a quick scan of the counter and you're grabbing a red solo cup to fill with the first bottle you can get your hands on.
"better take slow sips of that," a voice behind you says, low and close enough to know it's you they're addressing. startled, you turn around, only to be face to face with rafe cameron. he must notice the way you tilt your head up with wide eyes, because he takes the opportunity to eye you up and step closer.
"you friends with sarah?" he asks as you set down the bottle of alcohol on the counter behind you, nodding casually - even with the way he's watching your every move so intently.
"mhm," you muster up, naturally a bit nervous standing under the mercy of 'kook prince' himself.
"yeahhh.." he draws out while taking a greedy eyeful of your whole being, tongue pressed to his cheek and making no effort to hide his arrogant smirk. there's a pause before he's nodding back towards the lounge he was previously sat without taking his eyes off you - your body. "y'wanna come with me and try the good shit?"
you look down at your cup when he taps it, swishing the cheap liquid while thinking over his offer. it doesn't take long before you're looking back up with a hesitant shake of your head and a small smile, murmuring, "don't think so.. not really my thing."
he tsks and shakes his head, taking it upon himself to ease the cup from your hand and positioning himself closer. he tilts his head to purposefully look down on you and get in your face, a smirk still present as he speaks lowly, "aww, c'mon. i'll keep you safe."
a nervous laugh and involuntary flush of your cheeks has you unable to refuse. rubbing your lip with a shy nod - admittedly not the most well-thought-out decision - and he's got a hand on your lower back to guide you, following close enough behind to allow his eyes to flicker subtly below your dress.
you approach the collection of seats, wary but not completely oblivious. rafe sits you down on a loveseat, hand moving to wrap around your waist and pull you to his side. the attention from this boy blurs the scene around you, rolled bills on the table, and various baggies with a particular white substance.
"so, um, what's the.. 'good' stuff?" you ask tentatively, looking up at him and shifting in the seat.
"'s all right here, baby," his grin is almost malicious and his eyes shamelessly drop to your lips. removing the arm around you, he spreads his legs and lifts his hips to fish for something in his back pocket.
you take the opportunity to look around at his company and it's no surprise to find topper and kelce among other random guys - even a couple girls who admittedly look a bit older than you and sarah. before processing the thought, you're looking to rafe for reassurance.
he, however, is focused intently on setting up a line of powder on your side of the table with a sharp black card. he sits back with a satisfied grin and looks over at you. "first one's free."
you stare up at him with big, cautious eyes for a moment before turning to the intimidatingly thick string of white.
he chuckles and uses a finger to smudge the neat line, collecting a less daunting amount on the digit. a nod of his head signals he wants you closer, so you do, positioning your body to face him.
snaking a hand to hold firmly behind your neck, he tilts your head back only slightly and prepares to bring his finger to your nose. a raise of his brow asks for permission and you nod.
the substance shoots through you unexpectedly quick which has you screwing your eyes shut and wincing. the reaction only amuses rafe and he moves the arm around your shoulder and tugs you into him once again.
finding solace in the embrace, you allow yourself to sink into his chest - an unsafe level of vulnerability. everything is loud, the booming of music and people feeling increasingly suffocating.
rafe laughs again, smirking in a way that now seems taunting. he takes a good look at you before leaning in to let his warm breath brush against your ear. "y'know, you're real pretty."
that's when you really think about what's happening right now. laying against rafe cameron - who for one reason or another seems to have taken a liking to you. the drug pumping through you and butterflies in your stomach has your heart beating with excitement.
it also has you fluttering your lashes up at rafe with a dopey smile, telling him all he needs to know. all it took was a dot of coke and he's got you right where he wants you.
"why don't you let me take you upstairs?" he presses in a way that shows the line has worked a million times before.
but who are you to turn him down? there's no denying how tempting he is and your attraction towards him. but instead, you shrug and look around in search of sarah.
it takes a minute before you catch her eyes and are met with a concerned yet angry expression. she's quickly by your side and pulling you up from the couch, glaring down at her brother.
"leave my friends alone, rafe." with that, sarah is tugging you away and back through the crowd. your hazy state makes it hard to resist, but you manage to look back at the boy on the couch. he's sitting back, clearly amused but not deterred.
a wink is all he gives before paying his attention back to his friends, leaving you to wonder what all of this meant.
one thing about rafe, though, is when he sets his sights on something - someone - he gets what he wants. he knows he will, and you're no exception.
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