#soooo will assume that maybe it was a spell/magic went off to reveal the memory to Wren? ]
sonorusgloom · 2 years
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⏰ for a memory from my muse’s past
- ⏰ !
-⏰ for a negative memory
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The grip on the Beasts lantern tightens as a old memory resurfaces from the depths of his mind. Many of them have either been buried or have been forgotten, either of the two are preferable for the Beast. For what reason would he drag them to the surface? More so the one that some how still feels like his chest being crushed.
“ It is insteresting what one would ignore when survival is on the line“
The Beast slowly admits as he glances back to the fire crackling inside of the Lantern. The ancient memory of holding tight his lantern, whispering a useless mantera that he’ll find a way out of the Forest. 
Oh his hands may shake, the skin becoming putrid as it melts off in globs, bones revealed though its ivory hue turning to bark of a tree, and horns twist and weave into one’s mistaken for branches. Attention glued on the light offered from his lantern, if he just focuses on the light then he can ignore the pain that wrecks his body. 
Eyes soon flicker back to Wren as he cocks his head towards the side, those bright eyes of his having grown dull at the memory that seems stubborn to haunt him. 
“ Funny, I can not recall how long it has been yet the feeling remains the same that it still haunts me to this evening “
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