#sorry about the beakfast posts
littlemissfundip · 7 years
Nah. FUCK neurotypical teachers of disabled students. The actually good ones are few and far between, if they even exist at all. I would not trust your mom at all, no matter how good you think she is. People who get called "great amazing teachers" abuse disabled students all the fucking time. But no one will believe it because no one ever truly listens to disabled kids. Fuck that teacher, fuck all the neurotypicals who teach disabled kids.
I hope people don't misinterpret my post about police in the schools. I am in no way saying all teachers are a blessing and should automatically be trusted. I have been on both sides of some very nasty teachers and I am very much aware that there are plenty of teachers who should not be teachers (I could do a whole seperate rant on my theories about that phenomena)What I was saying is that teachers on the ground level often get the blamed for problems with the system. It makes it so hard to tell the good from the bad and hobbles the good. I mean who's fault is it that a bunch of neuro divergent students get shoved in a class together with one teacher and only one support worker if they're lucky? Why is grade 6 testing still a thing when it helps nothing and only causes more anxiety for students? Why are beakfast programs a nightmare to impliment? The education system is so broken and no one in government seems terribly interested in fixing it. Only cutting and slashing until nothing is left.To whomever my anon is I am sorry that you've had such a bad time with whatever school system you were in. You deserved better than that. All children (but especially neurodivergent ones) deserve better than that.
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My mum ships cuddles
Mum: If Benedict and the other guy with the pleasant looking face (she meant hiddles) were gay they would make a really cute couple
Me: ...
Mum: What?
Me: You ship Cuddles.
Mum: ...
Me: This is going on tumblr
Mum: Don't you fucking dare
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So this morning over breakfast my mother decided to randomly ask if the queen ever goes to starbucks and the first thing that popped into my head was *shows up fifteen minutes late to her coronation with starbucks*
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