#sorry for the lower quality submit mods
shittysawtraps · 2 years
hello, local produce packager.
for years you have been wrapping fruits such as bananas and apples inefficiently, wrapped in a plastic container despite their own natural armor. well today, it will be you who is wrapped in plastic.
you are currently locked in a machine that will activate in 30 minutes and start to slowly rotate to wrap you in plastic, until you no longer have access to the air around you. to escape, you must perform surgery on the turtle in front of you, which you may notice has a few... plastic accessories lodged in itself, caused by people like you.
successfully save the turtle from these plastic deformities and you are free to go. if you tun out of time or the turtle dies, well I think you can surmise what happens then. good luck.
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dr-transparents · 3 years
How do you submit multiple images in a submission?
Okay that's gonna be tricky because Tumblr really just fucking sucks.
You pretty much do that like on any other post. You'll have a limit of 10 images, but hey. That happens.
You'll need an external site of sorts. I use Discord, but you can also use Imgur or DM yourself the image on Tumblr (not recommended, as Tumblr will lower the image quality, but hey. if you can't do it otherwise, that's an option). Or to convince your browser that you're on mobile.
Tumblr media
Paste the link here. Now do that again. And again. Til you have all your transparents in a single neat post.
You can also convince Tumblr that you're using a mobile browser via dev tools. On Chrome it's F12 and then this sort of tablet/smartphone icon. I have no idea how about other browsers. I use Chrome for all devtool-related things because I don't understand my main browser, Firefox.
Tumblr media
Hope that helps
EDIT: Ah. Insert the images one by one. As in, paste a link, then click insert, then repeat. Sorry for the confusion
-Mod Firanka
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boku-no-boys-zine · 5 years
Will excerpts automatically be scored lower for being part of a larger piece? Additionally, will we lose points for using romantic examples? If so, would the point loss be for romance as the central theme, or for including a ship at all? (Sorry for the barrage of questions. ^^; I want to really gauge my options before submitting my application)
We don’t use a strict point system. It’s less that points are being taken away and more you are trying to impress the mods with your writing ability. An excerpt that contains a complete scene and stands alone will not negatively impact your chances. However, an excerpt that is clearly in media res and cannot be appreciated or understood on its own isn’t going to give us a good sense of your writing ability. Likewise, a story where the focus is romance doesn’t count against you as long as you are showing us you are capable of good characterization, engaging dialogue, strong description, etc.
Your goal is to show us pieces that will make us think “Wow, I would pay money for this quality of writing, and our customers likewise would be pleased with receiving writing of this quality in a product they paid for.” What writing will best reflect that is up to your own discretion.
-Mod Lee 
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Okay so I hope you don’t mind me submitting instead of going to the ask box but I have a lot to say and I was exceeding the word limit. Anyways I’m trying to figure out if I’m an ESFP or ESTP–first off I’m only 16 so most of my functions are pretty underdeveloped. I’ve always been a pretty feelsy person but I’m also logical and sometimes have a hard time expressing my emotions outwardly. Like if someone is crying, I’ll want to comfort them but I won’t know how so I’ll just stand there awkwardly. And if someone gives me a present and I love it, I have a hard time trying to convey how much I love it. I also rarely cry in front of people. But I am more expressive in lower pressure situations, like regular conversations with my friends when I’m telling them how I feel. And sometimes I say the wrong thing without thinking it through and people act shocked or offended (this was more when I was much younger). But lately I’ve been putting a lot more consideration into how I come across to people and trying to develop Fe-like qualities. For example, yesterday I was driving my mom’s car and when parking in a parking lot, I accidentally ran a bit over the curb (? Or whatever that thing is called in store parking lots that divides the spaces). And I freaked out so after backing out and correcting it, I was pretty upset and trying not to cry (like I said, it’s rare for me to cry in front of other people, especially my mom, and if I do then it means I’m extremely stressed about something most likely unrelated). But then I thought, I needed to convey to my mom that I was sorry, so instead I let the tears out and even forced a few more, hoping it would trigger a more merciful response from her (it did). This made me wonder, was this a Fi-Te related decision or was it Ti-Fe? It’s hard for me to discern whether my turning on the waterworks was an act of manipulation ([unhealthy] Fe) or just a way of accomplishing a task (Te). I might be completely misunderstanding these functions and definitely have a lot more to learn, but I was just wondering if you had any insight :-D
it’s ti-fe, id say you’re a low fe user/an xxtp type, but i only say that because of the ‘manipulation’ you mentioned, the rest of the stuff you mentioned is practically useless to me in determining your type as it’s entirely behavior as opposed to the motivation and cognition behind it
-mod bry
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