#sorry this turned into an eddie munson blog
milariskanavasi · 2 years
I mean… look at this a m a z i n g 30th birthday gift I got for myself that just came in the mail for my vans collection!
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mychem13 · 2 years
Did a sort of script rewrite for S4E9 of Stranger Things because I still can’t cope or even accept the way it ended, it’s not like a Y/n or reader fix-it, it’s literally a rewrite of how they could’ve finished off the episode. I hope it brings comfort to you as it does to me.
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nitro502 · 2 years
Eddie shows more personality in one season then the entire Wheeler family does throughout the whole series
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fromaliminalspace · 2 years
okay so, from what we’ve seen from vol2 trailer so far, it kinda looks like the fruity four plus the kids are driving somewhere in the Munsons' trailer could also be Eddie’s van though, doesn’t look large enough to be a trailer so i can be wrong but the point still stands and it got me wondering whether it’d affect the gate to the Upside Down in any way and, if yes, how. theoretically it’d be neat if there was an option to drive to any destination (which in this case appears to be the Creels’ house, with Steve, Robin, and Nancy going there in the Upside Down while Max, Lucas, and Erica reach it in, well, the Upside Up, as Eddie and Dustin guard the gate??) and be able to enter the Upside Down exactly where needed except now that the entire realm is stuck in 1983, the trailer would most likely just remain where it is over there. well, unless two people would drive it in the same place (or not necessarily the same) in the both realms. doesn’t seem to be the case here but an intriguing possibility on its own, at least looks like it for me
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also curious whether it’d be feasible to use walkietalkies between dimensions (or even within just Upside Down) without El’s powers but well ti already got too rambly on here
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acowardinmordor · 6 months
You Left Me - You Miss Me - Six
Sup, I finally wrote the next part. Mostly because of someone trying to find it via the fic finder blog, which gave me a big ol spike in anxiety about the lack of update.
Part One .... Part Four - Part Five
“Rob, no.”
“Don’t you tell me ‘no,’ Steven Dingus Harrington!”
“You can’t drive to Hawkins and kill the guy.”
“Oh yes I can! I'll take your bat with me!”
“Babe, you still don’t know how to drive, and I have work in the morning so I can’t take you.” 
“I’ll figure it out on the way!”
She wouldn’t. She wasn't going to drive to Hawkins. She would definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent kill Munson if she had the chance and Steve didn’t talk her out of it, but Robin wasn’t going to leave him alone when he’d had a breakdown an hour earlier. She wouldn’t let him sleep alone for the next few days, and she would go to work with him in the morning, and she’d probably skip her Stats class so she could stick by him after work too. 
It took Robin about thirty seconds to realize something had happened. 
That was the gap between her opening the car door, and Steve speaking. All he said was “hey, Robs” and she cut off her ramble about chlorofluorocarbons. The same way he could tell by the sound of her stirring soup, or which color eye shadow she wore, she knew immediately something had happened. 
She touched his arm.
And he had a breakdown in the college parking lot. 
Steve updated the tag on the side of the box and put it back on the shelf. He was,technically, working. Robin was ranting and using a tie-dye shirt as a prop. 
“You don’t need to crash our car trying to go kill a guy I’m not even mad at.”
“Ugh,” she flapped the shirt at him and slouched against the edge of the shelving unit. “Why not? Why are you not mad at him? How? I’m mad at him! He took the kids away from you! They’re annoying little shitheads but you loved them and he jus---”
“Rob,” he interrupted softly. He couldn’t get into that side of it right now. 
“Sorry. Sorry. But you’re not this nice, Stevie. You’re wonderfully bitchy and petty and it’s one of my favorite things about you, and I don’t get this. He sucks! This was super shitty! Why aren’t you mad at him for being an asshole?”
“It’s not his fault.”
“He said it was his fault!”
Eddie blamed himself, and maybe it was his fault, but it didn’t matter. Not in comparison.
“Are you going to inventory anything tonight, or is this just going to be me?”
“No! And why are you working?”
Because if he stopped, if he let himself turn his full attention towards it, he was going to fall apart again, and stupid as it was, checking inventory used up just enough of his focus that he couldn’t drown. Steve flicked through the stack of size smalls, and wrote it down on the list. “Uh, because we’re at work?”
“We both work tomorrow tonight and there is no way that Mary or Nick have ever looked at the stock sheets in their life, they aren’t going to look tomorrow either. No one will know.”
“I’ll know.” He glanced up to make eye contact for a second, and she caved with a groan. 
“If you were anyone but my soulmate, buddy…” She folded the shirt terribly, shoved it into the gap between the cardboard and the other shirts, and finally closed the box. 
Letting the silence settle gave Steve a minute to breathe, and reset himself without the rising tension. She knew that, and waited until, unspoken, she knew he was ready to keep going. 
“I am mad, Robs. I am. You know that it’s.. At the kids, and at Hopper, and at myself for agreeing to this stupid idea, but I’m not mad at him.” 
“Why does he get special treatment?”
Hearing how that sounded, he tried again, “No, uh. I’m mad at him, but, like, the same way you get mad when the grandma in the crosswalk is going really slow and then drops something and goes back, and you end up stuck waiting again even though you should have made it through the light before. Yeah, it sucks, but it’s not like grandma was doing it specifically to fuck with you. She’s just, you know, shopping or whatever. 
“It wasn’t like there was a friendship there that he betrayed. He did something for his own life and it was sorta sucky, and it sucks for me, but he feels really shitty about it, so I don’t think he meant for them to, you know, vanish.”
Robin thumbed down the stack of Levis, whispering the count as she went. Three more sizes got counted before she responded. 
“You carried him out of there. You saved his life.”
Steve hummed absently. “He wasn’t bleeding that bad. His trash lid kept most of them off. I panicked when I saw blood and picked him up.”
“And that doesn’t make you friends?”
“It’s not like I only saved him because it was him. Not like I stopped and thought about whether I should get the bleeding guy to the hospital. Lifeguard, remember?” 
The other half of the thought, he bit back. He’d had nightmares about Billy after Starcourt. Dreams where he could have saved him, and didn’t. Where he could have saved Max from having to see that, having to recover from that. He saw Eddie bleeding, he saw one of his kids screaming, and there wasn’t a thought in his head. Just the need not to let it happen again. Not again. Not Dustin too. 
He kept his eyes on the inventory form so she didn’t see that part. 
“Still think it should have mattered more. Life saving creates friendships.”
“He was unconscious. I know you don’t know much about how guys act with each other, but generally both dudes are awake when they become friends.”
She snorted at his weak joke, throwing her pencil at him. It wasn’t anywhere near her. 
“New record, champ,  that one wasn’t even close enough for me to pretend to dodge it.”
“Ugh, I hate you.”
“Love you too, Robs.”
He got through a full set of kids dress shirts in peace, counted and listed. Then he pulled down the crate of kid’s dresses, next on the list to check. 
The whole can of worms would tear open when, if, when Eddie showed up with something from the kids. There was no version of that day that wouldn’t end with him falling apart. If he skimmed them, if he burned them, if he read them, if he wrote back, if he refused to take them at all, it didn’t matter. He was going to fall to pieces. 
If they wrote and it was real, if it was petty, if it was anger, if it was grief, if it was gloating he was gone, if it was begging him to come back, if it was proof that it was always fake, always a temporary placeholder until they found someone they actually like. The imminent breakdown was going to be bad no matter what. 
Like those safety videos in school about seat belts. 
Like knowing the car crash was coming, knowing it couldn’t be stopped, and knowing that nothing he did was going to make it any easier to bear. Slow motion, watching a car come -- a beat up old van come towards him. No time to put on a seat belt, no way to brace for it, just accept that it was going to happen and hope you survived.  
Robin cleared her throat to get his attention, and Steve blinked back to himself. 
“Did, uh, did you say something?”
Robin watched him for a minute. He let her this time. It was easier to let her see what he was feeling than try to turn it into words, and he needed her to let it go for now.. 
“I’m going to skip my bio lecture on Friday afternoon.”
“Birdie, you don’t--” 
“You are going to call in sick at the skate rink. We are going to make snickerdoodles and brownies and the cracker bark thing, and order pizza, and we’re going to make ourselves sick eating too much, and we’re going to watch some random movie on mute and make up our own story and dialogue. Got it?”
“Got it,” he smiled.
And it wasn’t going to make it all better. Eating two pounds of butter in a day wasn’t going to make it easier when Eddie showed up, but it was like hitting pause on that video. Car crash was still coming, but he could look away for a while. 
Steve clung to the pass shelf from the kitchen as the expected car crash hit him on Monday. John, always eager for the chance to throw someone out of the diner, looked over Steve’s shoulder. It was a nice moment. A nice little thought before he had to face what he’d agreed to. If he asked, John would throw Eddie out. Literally. Nice image, but not the one he got to see.
Instead, he declined the offer, and grabbed the plates. 
“Gimme a minute,” he mumbled to Eddie, heading to the sweet elderly couple celebrating the birth of their second granddaughter with a leisurely breakfast. If he spent an extra minute talking to them, complimenting the polaroid of what seemed to be some kind of mashed potato swaddled in white and pink, it was to get a good tip, not because he was stalling. 
Eddie hadn’t moved when he got back. He was a step back from the counter, stiff, holding a paper grocery bag under one arm, eyes trained on the ugly teal of the stool’s seat.
“Well?” Steve asked bitchily, “Did you bring milk and eggs and bread, honey?”
He put it on the counter, clutching the folded top hard, like he was making sure it stayed shut. 
Like it was full of spiders or something. Mutual sentiment.
Steve grabbed it, tossing it onto the shelf where they kept personal belongings and the leftovers they’d called dibs on. He hadn’t expected Eddie Munson to be up to Franklin at eight am on a Monday. Eddie wasn’t a morning person. Steve thought he’d have a few more hours to brace. Now he had to deal with customers while that bag burned a hole in the back of his head. 
Luckily, Rebecca was serious when she said he could get mean with guests if he wanted to. Today wasn’t a want. It was going to be a necessity. 
Eddie was still standing there. 
“You can tell them I got it, or whatever,” he tried to dismiss him.
Something that looked like the tortured remains of a smile flickered on Eddie’s face. He gave up after a second and nodded too many times. “Thanks. Thank you. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, right?”
It took a minute for Steve to catch up to the question. 
“I haven’t said I’m going to answer them. Or open them. Or keep them.”
Eddie was quiet for a minute, still not looking up, and Steve’s Travel-Size-Robin was vibrating with the need to make him so they could guess what the hell he was thinking. 
“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mornings?” he repeated. 
“Yeah. Sure, yeah,” Steve gave up. 
Eddie left, and Steve did the entire day’s front of house prep before Susan got in, trying to keep his head away from that damn bag. 
Steve didn’t open it. 
He fell asleep in Robin’s bed, grateful he didn’t have other work that evening, and doubly grateful when she made him eat some crackers and drink some water before they passed out for the night. 
If he was waiting for the impact the day before, seeing Eddie again the next day was so unexpected that the crash whooshed past him without an impact. He didn’t sit down, and he looked a little rough, probably from driving to Franklin in the early morning twice in two days. 
“Do you have…?”
“No? No,” Steve boggled at him, “How could I have anything for you to even -- No. Man, no.” 
Eddie nodded. 
Eddie left. 
Steve stared at the bag instead of taking a nap before their shift in the stockroom. Didn’t open it, that was way, way beyond him, but he did manage to look directly at it, and it was only a few saltines, but he did successfully eat. 
Robin, angel, light of his life, soulmate and perfect person got in the car after class, handed him a kinda gross protein bar that she stole from an athlete in her class who she didn’t like, and made him eat it. 
She didn’t make him talk about the bag shaped elephant in their apartment, and she spent the entire shift explaining the way Ann Carson’s translations of Greek plays had totally shifted how people read them, making them more accessible, and how the push to do the same with Shakespeare was incredible. 
When he went to crawl into his own bed that night, she grumbled, brought her favorite pillow, and climbed in after him. 
Eddie walked in at quarter to seven, right after three four tops seated.
“Okay. Yeah.” Eddie looked small, probably because he was speaking at a normal volume, sounding like a normal human, which ran opposite to how Eddie was in Hawkins. He also looked like crap. 
“Why are you here, dude? You hate mornings. You don’t have to leave that early, I work until one.”
Eddie scrunched his face, but didn’t answer that. 
“No?” he asked instead.
Someone at table six shouted ‘waiter!’ 
“I’ll bring your coffee in a damn minute!” Steve yelled back, half turning with the carafe in his hand.
“Look, I don’t have anything for you. Nothing. You don’t need to waste your time. I haven’t opened it.”
“There’s more than one -- oh,” Eddie scrubbed over his face. “Okay. Yeah. Okay. Do-- Are you going to? Open it.”
Thinking about opening it made him want to run away to Canada. 
Thinking about never knowing made him want to puke. 
Whatever weird face Steve made was something Eddie could translate. He only raised his head for a moment, just long enough to look. But then he covered his face with both hands, taking a deep breath that shuddered on the exhale. 
“See you Monday,” he said as a goodbye.
“Where’s my coffee?” the same guy yelled. Steve didn’t have the energy to deal with customers and whatever the fuck was going on with Eddie’s early morning emotional mess. 
“Wait a second,” he complained to both of them at once. Steve grabbed one of the big mugs, the ones they used for the expensive hot chocolate, filled it with coffee, and set the pour jar of sugar next to it. He looked from Eddie to the cup, pointedly. “Don’t crash. Bring the cup back with you.”
The asshole yelled for him again, and Steve turned on the terrifyingly polite smile that Robin had helped him hone. Then he deployed it on the asshole at table six. 
We are headed towards Steddie, on a path that will, hopefully, not feel like I brushed off all this to get there. However. Wow, they're hurting right now. You can't have Eddie's pov yet, it would spoil things, but. just. trust me. ow.
Still don't do tag lists. Once I know how many parts it'll be, this will go to Ao3, promise.
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gemstone-roses · 4 months
New Year’s Eve.
Eddie Munson x Reader.
Summary: Eddie overhears you turn down an invite to Steve’s iconic nye party, stating you categorically hate the holiday, so, he invites you to spend the evening with him in his trailer instead.
Warnings; SMUT, 18+ only, p in v MINORS BE FUCKING GONE FROM THIS PLACE , mentions of drug dealing., anxiety, praise kink, hurt/comfort vibes, the holy trinity of my fics. Like soo much praise kink, fingering! This took forever to write but I’m proud of it ok. This work and this blog is intended for adults only. I am not responsible for what content you consume.
A:N - I wanted to post one more fic before the end of the year, I hope you all like it! Thankyou for all the love on this blog this past year, I am so happy my fics have been a source of comfort for some of you, I’m so thankful for all the love. it’s been a tough one for many, including myself, here’s hoping the next is easier on rveryone. Much love to everyone ❤️❤️
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“what do you mean you’re not coming!” Steve asks with mock affront, standing at the door of your trailer, your leaning against the door, steaming mug of coffee, untouched, you give Eddie a wave as he leaves his place opposite, he sends you a wicked smile and a wink as he leaves to do his dealings of the day.
You shake your head and chuckle.
“Steve, every year you ask me, every year I say no, my answer hasn’t changed and it won’t” annoyance creeps into your voice unintentionally. Steve opens his mouth feigning hurt before breaking out into a smile.
“Sorry, I just haven’t had my coffee yet, but I hope you have a wonderful party Steve” you smile, and he nods “I understand, I just have to ask you know? Maybe this year will be the year you come”. “You’ve said that every year since we’ve known each other haven’t you” you chuckle, and he nods, swiping his hand through his hair. “Anyway, lots to do, I better be off, have a good night” he waves you off before getting back in his car. You bring your coffee to your mouth, finally. “Spending New Year’s Eve alone sweetheart”? Eddie appears from the side of your trailer, his face in a huge grin you can’t help but smile.
“Yes”. You say. Eddies brow furrows, as he steps into your doorway, his aftershave invades your senses as he places a caring hand on your arm” can’t have that darlin, I’ll be back at 5, come hang with me” he’s says it so casually but the sparkle in his eyes says he’s desperate for you to say yes. You weigh up your options in your head, you were just going to go to bed early and hide under your covers, but the man in front of you makes your breath hitch whenever you see him, and that mouth,god. “Yeah, okay”. You say. And you didn’t think it possible but eddies grin gets wider. “Just come over anytime after five sweetheart” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence and you have to do everything in your power not to groan. “Okay” you whisper. And then he’s gone, leaving you feeling empty without his presence.
5 o clock comes quicker than you thought. Swiftly slipping on a black band tee you pull on a pair of comfy joggers and head over.
The door swings open before you can even knock. “Hey darlin” his eyes are sparkling again as he steps back and does a theatrical bow to show you in. You laugh at his actions as he shuts the door behind you.
“So, sweetheart, you gonna tell me why you hate this holiday so much?” He steps closer to you, his eyes wide with interest. You frown, anxiety pooling in your stomach. “Hey” he says softly. Fingers coming to cup your chin. You look at him, his soft brown eyes make your insides melt slightly. “Did I upset you” he asks and it’s so sweet and unexpected you can’t help but let out a small laugh. “No, god no, I just, it’s silly” you trail off, looking down at the floor. “Not to me” Eddie says softly, and you look up and once more think you might get lost in those eyes. He’s got a reassuring smile on his face, waiting. “I get this impending and unrelenting feeling of doom okay” you whisper, then shut your eyes as if you can hide from the words you’ve said. Eddies fingers caress your face gently. “That’s not silly” he whispers, cupping your face with his big hand. You lean into his comforting touch. “Thankyou”. You whisper, lifting up your hand and placing it on top of his. “You have the most stunning eyes” he mutters before recoiling slightly as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. “Erm”… he rubs the back of his neck chuckling. “So do you” you say simply. “Ha, thankyou, sweetheart” he laughs awkwardly. The tension in the air hangs between you, you look at Eddie, he looks at you and you think this might be it but then his brows shoot up and he says “Oh my god I didn’t offer you a drink I’m a terrible host” he says suddenly, tripping over himself to get you a soda. “It’s fine! Don’t worry” you assure him. He mutters sorry while he hands you the can and leads you to his room. “So, what would you like to do sweetheart” his grin has returned, and even though he’s asked you you know he’s got something in his mind. “I don’t mind, film?” You say sitting down on his bed pulling your legs up. Eddie stares, completely lost in the moment, watching you do something so ordinary, and you take his breath away. “What?” You ask, burning under his stare. “You’re fucking beautiful” he states. Your heart stops in your chest, mouth falls open and you don’t realise he’s moved closer, he’s sitting opposite you, his hands on your knees, he’s leaning forward slightly, a mix of weed and his aftershave once again enveloping you. You meet his eyes, full of adoration for you, his tongue pokes out to wet his lips and you can’t tear your eyes away. “Can I- kiss you?” He asks and your heart soars as you nod, he crashes his lips to yours and you forget to breathe. The kiss is gentle but firm, he wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you into him, one hand holds the back of your neck as he runs his long fingers up and down, sending shivers straight to your core. You moan and he stops, panting slightly, he keeps one hand at the back of your neck.
“Eddie” you breathe. “God your incredible” he says, swiping his thumb across your puffy lips, he leans into kiss your neck. He trails sloppy open mouthed kisses down to your collarbone, you writhe underneath him, each press of his lips causing your pussy to throb. “Eddie please” you moan.
‘What do you need sweetheart?” He mutters and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. “You” you plead, clenching your thighs together to get some, any, form of relief.
“Mm, say it again” he groans, fingers waiting at the edge of your joggers. “I need you Eddie” you moan, pushing your hips up to emphasise your point. Mischief dances across his face as he slowly removes your pants, smiling at the wet patch that’s formed in your panties. He taps his fingers across your clothed pussy, watching as your head falls back in both pleasure and frustration. He bends down, breath fanning over your clothed core. “I can’t wait to feel you come around my cock” he whispers, placing an open mouthed kiss over your dripping pussy, before hooking his fingers through your underwear and pulling them down.
Eddie leans over you as his fingers dance on your inner thigh, one hand bracing on the window behind your head. He bends his head, hovering his lips next to your ear” Spread your legs wider for me darlin” he groans, and then smiles as you do. “That’s it” he says, moving his hand toward your core. “So wet” he comments, pushing his finger inside your hole, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your clit. He moans as you clench around his finger instantly. “Mm fuck Eddie” you whine as he curls his finger inside you. He captures you in another kiss as he presses his thumb into your throbbing clit. “Ah, Eddie-“ you say, your orgasm fast approaching, he continues, alternating between circling and pressing on your sensitive button, pleasure begins to cloud your vision as he pumps his finger in and out of you, wetness dripping down your thighs.
“That’s it, good girl, come for me sweetheart” he soothes as your orgasm crashes over. He keeps rubbing gentle circles on your clit as you come down from your high, when you open your eyes he’s staring at you, awestruck. “You did so well for me” he praises and Eddie’s cock twitches in his pants watching your reaction to his words. “Eddie, that was amazing” you breathe, and he shoots a wicked smile at you that has heat flooding your body again.
“You okay”? He checks and you nod. “Drink this” he unscrews the cap on a bottle of water for you and places it to your lips. No one has ever bothered to be anywhere near as kind and considerate and your heart once again soars because of the man currently sitting between your legs. Eddie’s cock is painfully hard in his pants as he takes in your post orgasmic state. Sweat pooled on your face, your still panting slightly, come dripping from your pussy onto his bed, Eddie thinks it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
You sit up and pull him into you, his clothed cock pressing into your naked core. He hisses at the contact. “We don’t have to, it’s completely okay if you want to stop darlin” and once again your falling hard, the softness in his voice makes you want to cry. “I don’t want to stop” you say and Eddie places a gentle kiss to your lips before pulling his pants down. His cock strains against his boxers, you reach out and tease the head with your hand. Eddie groans, it’s feral and he places his hands on your shoulders as he nips at your neck. “Lie down for me sweetheart”. Eddie removes his underwear as you do, He positions himself between your legs as you lie back, head hitting his pillow. You push up to see his hard thick cock springing up against his stomach, precum leaking from the tip, it makes your stomach flip and your mouth water. Eddie pumps his cock a few times before rolling a condom down his cock. Eddie pushes gently on your shoulders so you lie back down, he taps his cock a few times on your pussy causing you to moan unexpectedly. He positions himself at your entrance as his hand cups your face. “You okay?” He asks, waiting for your answer before he does anything. You nod, taking a deep breath as you prepare for Eddie to push into you. “Can you go slow?” You whisper, cringing slightly, hoping you didn’t kill the mood. Eddies face softens, “of course I can baby, it’s okay, I got you” he soothes softly, his other hand rubbing the inside of your thigh. His hand comes to circle your clit slowly. “Look at me” he says, and you do. The smile on his face is otherworldly, it brightens everything around you as he studies your face closely, rubbing gentle circles on your clit as he slowly pushes his cock inside you. “Breathe, baby” he comforts as your walls clench around him. “Eddie” you whine, “You’re doing so good for me” Eddie keeps praising you until his cock is nestled deep inside you. Eddie groans at the feeling of you wrapped around him. He stays put until you speak. “Move” you whisper.
Eddie thrusts into you slowly, one hand gently splayed across your lower stomach as he rocks his hips back and forth, your hands grip the sheets beneath you as Eddie’s cock reaches a spot inside you that makes your head spin.
“Mm eddie- you moan as your second orgasm builds, every nerve in your body tingling at his actions
“You feel so amazing clenching round my cock like this darlin, you’re takin me so well” he soothes, your pussy clenches at his words and Eddie moans as you squeeze his cock. “Fuck Eddie I’m gonna-
Eddie’s cock pulses as he feels you clench harder. “Eyes on me darlin” he whispers. You meet his gaze and your head clouds with pleasure again “Good, I got you, your okay, come for me baby, drench my cock, come with me, fuck!” he groans as your pussy tightens around him as you release around Eddie’s cock just as his own orgasm crashes over him.
Your ears ring as you hear muffled praise fall from Eddie’s lips, his touch grounding you as your mind clears. “You were incredible” Eddie whispers, drawing patterns on your hips with his fingers. You smile at the sight in front of you. “Eddie” you croak, voice hoarse. “Yeah darlin” he asks, and the sight of him, sweaty, curls stuck to his face, his face flushed with heat, you wish you could engrave it into your mind forever. “Can we stay like this forever?” You sigh. And Eddie chuckles before grabbing both your hands and fitting them in his. Forever sounds amazing with you”. He whispers, catching your lips in a heated kiss as fireworks light up the sky above.
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Ok so, ever since I’ve discovered your blog I’m addicted, how you manage to make me love Eddie even more than I already did is beyond le but somehow you did it! I just noticed that your requests were open and was wondering if you could write Eddie with fem reader who’s like, hyper affectionate; she just need to have some sort of physical contact with him even if it it’s just touching his arm or something else. And when she wants affection but is worried to be annoying by asking she does a simply thing where she rest her head against his back or arm?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
A/N: Hello friend! Thank you so so much for this request! I’m so sorry that it took so long, my mental health hasn’t been great so writing has been hard for me on top of how busy life has been. But this request hit SO close to home as I am constantly looking for affection from my loved ones and I’m just hyper affection in general, I love writing this. I really hope you like it!
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You had always been considered “touchy”, you always wanted to be touching the people you love. Person, to be more accurate, as currently the only person you really cared about touching was your boyfriend Eddie Munson. You were always trying to hold his hand or arm, hug him, kiss him, really any sort of affection you could get from him.
Currently you were in his bed with him, both of you reading different magazines as a mixtape he made for you played softly on the stereo. You were itching to touch him, feeling exceptionally touch starved today. But you were trying to hold back, worried that you were annoying him with your constant need for affection.
You had been with each other all day, practically attached to Eddie’s hip as you went about your day. You held his hand when you would walk anywhere, wrap yourself up in his arms when you would sit next to each other, lean up for kisses whenever you could. You were like his little shadow, following him in hopes that you’d get to touch him again.
Eddie had never, ever, made you feel like your affection was unwanted or annoying, yet your insecurities made you second guess that he liked it. Your mind would sometimes scold you for how needy you felt, telling you things like: “He just hugged you, don’t annoy him by asking again!” “He’s been holding your hand all day, give him some space!” And now, as you stared at the magazine in front of you, itching to be held by your boyfriend, it was telling you to leave him alone.
“You okay baby?” Eddie's voice rang out, breaking you from your thoughts.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m okay. Why do you ask Eds?” You said quickly, whipping your head to the side to look at him. Soft eyes full of adoration found yours and you tried not to melt.
“You haven’t turned the page in like fifteen minutes. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked with a gentle smile. His hand came up to cup your cheek lightly, thumb caressing the apple of your cheek soothingly.
“I just got distracted, don’t worry about me Eds.” You said with a smile of your own, not wanting to bother him.
“If you're sure, baby.” He smiled before pecking your lips quickly and going back to his magazine.
You smiled from the small dose of affection he gave you, relieved that he initiated it with you. But you wanted more, you wanted to be in his arms snuggled into his chest, your favorite place to be. You loved hearing his heartbeat as it thumped against your ear, you loved the way his scent clung to you after and how you could smell him on your clothes for days, you loved hearing the low rumble in his chest when he would hum or talk to you. You just loved being close to him.
You sighed quietly as to not alarm him, giving into your desires. You looked over to him as he read and leaned your head against his arm. A silent plea Eddie knew to mean that you wanted his attention and affection.
You heard him chuckle as you screwed up your eyes, “There she is. My baby want some lovin’?” He cooed as he put the magazine on his side table and pulled you into his arms, resting you against his chest gently. You heard him chuckle again as you nodded your head against him with a little excited “mhmm!”, happy to be in his arms finally. “I’ll always have lovin’ to give to you sweetheart.” He laughed as you seemed to almost burrow into him further.
He grabbed your leg and pulled it over to the other side of his body so you were effectively straddling him as you cuddled into his chest. “There you go, I want you as close as possible sweet thing. We can stay like this all night if you want, okay?” He asked, rubbing up and down your back as he placed soft kisses into your hair.
“Thank you baby.” You mumbled against his shirt. “I love you so much Eddie.”
“Oh I love you too sweetness. So fuckin much.” He said, you could hear the smile pulling at his lips as he spoke. You let out a dreamy sigh as he started to hum along to the song that was playing as he continued to rub your back, he was just as ecstatic to have you in his arms as you were to be there.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 month
Bitchy popular reader x Eddie, enemies who fuck and idiots in love, jealousy, angst and fluff, 18+ blog so mdni.
Eddie is waiting for you in one of the disused classrooms in Hawkins High. He's perched on the desk, long limbs stretched out, an endearing goofy smile on his face as you walk over to him, quietly shutting the door. He gets up and tugs you to him.
"You're lucky I was able to sneak away Munson, I'm sure the girls are getting suspicious, not helping with that hickey you left on my neck" you chastise him.
Eddie looks smug as hell as you say this. "Well I could leave them on your breasts or between your thighs instead" he replies in a husky tone which makes arousal pool in your lower stomach. You tug him to you and kiss him.
He backs you up against the wall and you wrap your legs around his waist, moaning as his fingers dig into your backside and he sucked on a particular sweet spot of yours on your neck.
"If you keep moaning like that princess someone's going to catch us" Eddie murmurs as he kisses along your jaw, soft moans issue from the both of you.
"We wouldn't want that would we?" You reply sweetly and your nails dig into his back causing a groan of pleasure to leave his lips.
In public you and Eddie were enemies, the two of you couldn't stand one another so that was fine. Until the barbs, teasing and heavy tension exploded one night into the most mind-blowing sex.
Since then you couldn't get enough of one another and snuck around in private, away from the prying eyes of Hawkins High gossip chain.
Here the two of you could let your desires run wild, you couldn't stay away from Eddie and he couldn't stay away from you either.
"What the fuck?" the door bursts open and Sasha, a new member to Hellfire is staring at you both, her mouth falls open. She's gazing at the two of you stunned.
"You and you" she points to you and then Eddie and then appears momentarily speechless. You sigh and distentangle yourself from Eddie.
"Uh, Sasha hey" Eddie waves and you smirk amused as Sasha's face goes impossibly redder and redder. You fix your clothes and hair and apply your lipgloss, the one Eddie loves the taste of and wait for the kick off.
She's still spluttering and you grow impatient as you wait for her to say something. You give her a little wave and she swears under her breath.
Fuck could she just say something because you were cold and Eddie's lips were still looking very inviting, all kiss bitten and a little swollen. Involuntarily you shiver and Eddie notices, picks up his jacket and wraps it around you.
The gesture is so unexpected and gentle that it surprises you. Sasha makes a strangled sound in her throat and instead of blowing up at Eddie, she storms out and Eddie sighs.
"I'll handle it princess" he follows her out and you wait for him to come back, eventually you make your way to where they are as Sasha's voice raises.
Sasha frowns, "You know I had a bit of a crush on you, that's why I joined Hellfire. Not that it matters now. You're with her" she huffs. You feel a tiny bolt of jealousy and glare at her.
Ah shit Eddie sighs,. Hewas afraid of this. He knows he has to be as gentle as possible turning her down. "Look, I'm sorry Sasha but I only see you as a friend, that's it. I don't feel that way about you, sorry"
"I get that, I understand that Eddie but why are you even with her in the first place, you could have picked anyone else. She's from the dark side, popular and can be bitchy when she wants to be, like what the hell?" Sasha demands to him.
Eddie can't explain it, he can't explain why he's so drawn to you, how he can't stay away.
" It's just sex. It doesn't mean that much" you feel like you've been punched in the stomach when you hear Eddie say that.
Just sex. That's all you were? You will yourself not to cry and walk past Eddie and Sasha, toss his jacket to him and don't say a word. Eddie must be able to read your expression because his own face falls.
"Sweetheart" he calls after you but you ignore him and get in your car. It's only when you're back at home that the tears finally flow freely.
If you didn't mean anything to him then maybe you should just move on, stop this shit between you and Eddie goes on longer and longer.
The longer it goes on it will only increase your heartbreak when it ends. You can't risk that.
Sasha spends half the day glaring at you and Eddie, Eddie spends most of it trying to to talk to you.
Eventually you grow tired of his attempts and talk to him. "Alright Munson, if you want sex then just say or not" you snap and he looks taken aback.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He hisses, the tension rises between the two of you, it's so thick that you feel like you can't breathe. Stubbornly you hold his gaze and shrug.
"Nothing, what would be wrong? Of course you want to talk about sex or some shit like that. It's all I am to you and good for, right?" Your friends round the corner and you use this as an excuse to get away from Eddie and those stupidly pretty, big brown eyes.
There's a party at Jason's tonight you'd much rather be anywhere else right now. Jason is acting like his usual douchebag self, which darkens your mood even further.
Not helping matters is that Eddie's here, doing his usual dealings. Not that it bothers you that he makes money this way, it's to lessen the burden on his uncle which you think is sweet.
No, you're pissed at the fact that he's here at all, you've avoided him all day at school and now you have to avoid him here too. What could you say to him that didn't end with him either laughing at you or outright rejection. It wasn't appealing to you in the slightest.
Hurt by the fact that you're nothing but a fuck buddy to him you distract yourself and flirt with Jackson.
The flirting draws the attention of Eddie who stills and watches you and Jackson like a hawk. You ignore Eddie's silent fuming, even if it does give you a little thrill.
But you mean nothing to him so why does he care?
You sip your beer and nod your head to the music, catch up with your friends until a very irate Eddie catches your eye again and jerks his head to the door. He wants to talk.
Swallowing your nerves, you down your beer and walk past him, he follows you and you can see the jealousy written all over his face.
Once you're far away from the party Eddie rounds on you, "What the fuck was that? Jackson Reilly, are you fucking kidding me?" He sneers at you.
"He's nice to me" you shrug and his cheeks darken in anger. Brown eyes flashing dangerously.
"So I'm an asshole to you huh? You want a small dick fucker like him?" you shake your head and fold your arms across your chest, protecting yourself.
"No you dingus, I want you but you made it very obvious how you feel?" he looks to you confused and you move closer to him, frustrated that he's forgotten what he said.
You glare at Eddie and mimic what he said to Sasha "It's just sex, it doesn't mean that much. So you won't care if I'm with someone else then, no?" Eddie swallows and reaches out to you.
"I didn't mean that. I opened my big mouth to try and salvage the situation and I said dumb shit" you pout still feeling down about the whole thing.
"You still said it. So obviously you must think like that" he softens and he tugs you close to him, you smell the faintest hint of smoke and Eddie's cologne. You're favourite scent.
"No. No I really don't" he admits to you and the way he sounds, the affection for you is clear as day in his voice, it does things to your heart. You feel yourself soften slightly. Just slightly.
"How do I know you're not lying?" you murmur and try to hide the vulnerability in your voice. He shakes his head.
"I would never lie about things like this princess" he says sincerely and you believe him, rest your head on his chest.
"Shall we get out of here?" you nod at his suggestion, just wanting to lose yourself in him for a while.
Much later Eddie is fucking you on the hood of Jackson's car, his eyes meet yours and his hands tighten in yours as you both reach an explosive orgasm. It takes your breath away.
Eddie's lips shakily press to your forehead and his hand reaches up to stroke your cheek.
"This does mean something to me sweetheart, more than you know" he kisses you again and it sends your heart racing. As do his words, because you know that this means something to you too.
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bvtbxtch · 10 months
Angry Heart | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (Part 2: Graduation)
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Series Summary: Your best friend Chrissy Cunningham always got everything she ever wanted, even you new friend and crush Eddie Munson. When Chrissy does the unthinkable, Eddie is left to pick up the pieces alone... or is he?
Chapter Summary: Ditching Eddie and Chrissy might have been the best decision you ever made. You were now graduated, had a great group of friends and a new found confidence. But even though it was a great choice, you still felt a piece of your heart missing. With a few mysterious phone calls and a box full of things, maybe you were right in feeling a little cautious about your choice to leave the metalhead alone.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson x Reader (eventually), reader and Chrissy are friends but have a fallout. Minimal usage of Y/N
Series warnings: MDNI 18 +, Smut, fluff and angst (everything all rolled into one beautiful shit show), mentions of drugs and alcohol being consumed, overall adult language and theme. By clicking the read more, you agree that you are over 18! Ageless and minor blogs who interact will be blocked.
Word Count: 11.5k (SORRY)
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON THIS LITTLE STORY. Thank you for being patient with me as well. I was not anticipating in it taking a month to get this part out but I have had some health issues that really had to take precedent first before I could relax and start writing. Thank you so much to everyone who reached out to see if I was okay <3 I did just want to mention that after this part, I will NOT be adding a taglist. You are all so incredibly supportive but I have been (still) getting DMs and replies about being on the taglist and I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I will be making a masterlist and when I do make that, I will add everyone from the AH taglist <3 thank you for understanding!!
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
June 1986
You had awaited this day for what seemed forever. You had planned what life after high school was going to look like for you since you were in middle school. Chrissy had infiltrated your plans as soon as you met; you often imagined the two of you moving to Indianapolis, or even to New York. You would get a shitty little apartment together and you would find jobs working in bookstores or coffee shops and have next to no money, but you would be together, and you would be on your own. Eddie also quickly ended up being part of your after school plans. He would move with you, or maybe get an apartment with Gareth and Jeff and then the five of you would go on adventures all over whatever city you overran. That was one of the things you loved the most about Eddie, his ability to find adventure wherever he went and whatever he was doing. Maybe there would be some opportunity for you and Eddie to finally get together-
The two people you never saw your life without were now but distant furniture in your mind. The past month brought you a lot of clarity. You actually hadn’t talked to either Eddie or Chrissy since the day after prom. Chrissy had come up to you the next day, pale face and dark circles around her eyes, but she still was glowing somehow. She laid her head next to your locker and greeted you with a lovestruck sigh.
“Wasn’t prom just an absolute dream?” You slammed your locker and rolled your eyes at her, which made her jump. “What’s up with you?” she pouted. “I want to tell you all about my magical night-”
“Yeah Chris. I know all about your magical night. Okay?” You snapped. She was taken aback. “Go talk about how magical your night was with someone else, got it?” You turned on your heel and walked away from the blonde. You were too angry to be sad. Too empowered to cower under her influence. You deserved better and you knew it. 
“Woah, woah! What is going on? Did I do something?” she jogged after you. You let out a dry laugh and turned to face her. 
“‘He only kissed you back because he felt bad for you” You mocked. Not breaking contact while the light drained from her eyes. Suddenly, her vision clouded with tears. In her drunken haze, she had forgotten the confrontation in the hallway. She knew she shouldn’t have said what she did. Deep down, she knew it was a lie, but she was too insecure to confront Eddie about his feelings for you. Driving you away was easier than her feeling like she was second best.
“Y/N I-”
“You know what Chrissy? I really thought that we were going to be friends forever. I really thought that you would have my back through thick and thin. But you showed me your true colors. You don’t care about me. If you did, you wouldn’t do what you did.”
“Did what I did? You kissed my boyfriend!” She yelped.
“Who you treat like shit, Chrissy! You kept him a secret so you could let Carver think that he had a chance of getting in your pants last night. You immediately took Eddie’s side when he told you what happened, and not trusting your best friend of over a decade.” She shook her head at you in disbelief
“A real friend would have been happy for me to find someone like Eddie -  who makes me happy, and pulls away when he tries to kiss you.” She poked 
“A real friend wouldn’t ever pursue a boy who I’m obviously in love with” It slipped out. You didn’t mean to tell her. You both stood staring at each other through wide, glassy eyes. You took a few breaths and your gaze hardened. 
“I should have said this to you the night you kicked me out of your house. I should have said this to you last night when you let me down. You are a shitty friend, Chrissy Cunningham, and you’re a shitty person. Don’t talk to me ever again.” Before she had any time to respond, you turned and strutted to your next class. Your heart hurt, but it felt so good to be confident enough in yourself, to be able to tell her how you really feel. She was done growing and flourishing, you had just started.
Eddie was too cowardly to come talk to you about what happened. He was so painfully in love with you, he couldn’t stand to see you get hurt again. So he admired you from afar, secretly cheering you on, as Chissy now interlocked her arm with his down the hallways. He was tired of making wrong decisions so he let the decisions be made for him. He couldn’t help feel a pang of desperation as graduation grew closer and closer, and the one person he wanted to be around drifted further and further out of his reach.
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You slipped on the scratchy green polyester gown, refusing to fasten your cap to your freshly curled hair until you got to the school. Your wedges felt foreign in comparison to your regular Reeboks and you were compulsively checking your compact mirror to ensure your lipstick was perfect. You were so excited to get the formal convocation over with to go party at Gareth’s house. You strolled into the gym to be greeted by a group of drama friends, you all shared niceties and took a few pictures with the polaroid you toted with you. You had formed a small circle of friends in the last month of classes. Although they weren’t Gareth’s cup of tea, he was happy to invite them to the afterparty if it meant that you had more incentive to be there with him. Since cutting off Eddie and Chrissy, you spend way more time in the theatre during lunches and with Gareth afterschool and before Hellfire. Old you would have hoped that Eddie saw and was jealous. New you didn’t give half a shit. 
You heard a familiar voice call your name and as you craned your neck to make eye contact, you broke from the crowd to run into Gareth’s embrace.
“Wow, Emerson! Thought I would never see you in a cap and gown!” You teased, but beamed up at him.
“Shut up… You look great” he smiled back at you. You quickly took your camera from around your neck and held it up to get both of your faces in frame.
“One for the books” you quipped. He rubbed your back affectionately as the microphone on the stage squealed. You found your seat and begrudgingly put your cap on. As you scanned the chairs for any more friends, your eyes fell to the door, where Eddie and Chrissy came walking in hand-in-hand. As angry as you were, you were happy to see Eddie finally succeeding in graduating. It brought warmth to your cheeks and a small smile to your lips. What you didn’t expect is for him to make eye contact with you. You froze. His gaze was soft, almost yearning. He raised a hand to you and offered a small grin. You waved back, too stunned to smile. He looked good. He looked happy. It filled you with melancholy for a moment before you broke eye contact and put your thoughts back together. You were here to succeed for you. You had friends that loved and appreciated you for you. You were going to go run amuck in a new city and find other people who loved you. And it all started here and now. You were going to grab that diploma, get blasted, and get the hell out of Hawkins. 
Your name was called and you walked across the stage. A louder-than-you-were-expecting applause erupted, along with whoops and hollers from Jeff and Gareth, and the hellfire freshmen that were in the audience. You bowed as your tassel was flipped and caught gorgeous brown eyes staring up at you again, clapping wildly and grinning. He was genuinely proud of you, you could tell. He was sorry, you could tell. When it was his turn to walk the stage, you were one of the few that clapped for him. But you stood up and gave him a loud cheer. You were proud of him, he could tell. As he hopped down from the stage, he ran up to Chrissy’s spot- where she held her diploma in her manicured hands  - and picked her up. He planted a kiss on her lips while he ran out of the gym. As much as you have grown, you wished it was you he was kissing, carrying out. You let the thought leave as their silhouettes vanished. It was time to party and forget about feelings. 
Gareth’s house was bustling. Music was blasting throughout the house and it was rattling in your ribcage. Your head was swimming with the ‘punch’ you had already consumed while playing flip cup and beer pong. You laughed with your friends, so truly glad to be able to forget about the impending doom of real life and have fun with your favorite people. You slinked your way through the crowd over to Gareth, who was tending the punch bowl. He smiled at you and handed you another solo cup. 
“Having fun?” he asked. You wrapped your arm around his waist and rested your head on his chest. He threw his arm around your shoulders, putting a little too much weight on you. He was drunk as well. You giggled
“This is the best party. Thanks for hosting, Garebear” you slur.
“Woah woah, Garebear? Absolutely not.” he scolds, pulling away from you. You let out a full chuckle as you clink your cup with his and down your drink.
Your night progressed to telling embarrassing stories in the living room over a game of Jenga. Your head was spinning and as much as you liked this feeling of weightlessness, you were afraid you were going to drift away. You pushed off of the couch and weaved your way through the crowds to the back door. You slid open the screen and you were gratefully met with a cool summer breeze. It was still warm, but the wind gave you goosebumps. You sighed with content and closed your eyes as you leaned onto the deck’s banister. 
“Having fun?”
Your eyes shot open and you looked over your right shoulder. In the shadows of the small outdoor light, you saw a tall, slender figure, and the outline of long, frizzy hair. Your smile faltered. He stepped into the light and took a drag from his cigarette
“Yeah, um… Sorry for disturbing you” you turned to walk back into the house
“Wait-” he grabbed your shoulders and turned you to him. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt like you were going to be sick. You were too close; Intoxicatingly close. You could smell the cigarettes on his breath.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” You blurted out. He pulled his hands away and took a step back like you had burnt him. He looked guilty but sorrowful.
“Uh, we decided to go to different parties tonight.” He mumbled. You chuckled and glared into his soft brown eyes. 
“So she didn’t want you to ruin the vibes of her ‘perfect party?”
“No, that’s not it! I just- I wanted to come here because… well because I miss you, and I miss hanging out in a group and I just wanted to come apologize, and, and I knew you wouldn’t hear me out if she was here too.” he panted. You could tell from his pleading eyes that he was serious. Your shoulders relaxed. 
“Eddie, you don’t need to apologize to me, for anything. You got everything you’ve wanted. You graduated, and I am so, so proud of you for that. You got your band and your sheep. And… you have Chrissy. She’s a hot commodity... and you’re lucky to have each other. So you have nothing to apologize for.”
“But I hurt you-”
“And I’m over it. Look, I have no ill will against you, Eddie, but I think we just need to run in different circles for a while.” You murmured, eyes glued to your converse. 
“I-is… is that what you really want?” Eddie took a step towards you. 
NO “Yeah. I have a really great group of friends that love me for me. They don’t need anything else from me but me.”
“You’re still hanging around with Gareth, right?” Eddie hardens. 
“Yeah. I am. He’s been the best friend I could ask for. He takes good care of me.”
“I’ll make sure he keeps taking care of you. I’ll kill him if he hurts you…”
“Save it, Eddie. I am so over your knight-in-shining-armor bullshit. You hurt me. You don’t get to decide who I hang out with or how I’m treated. You had a choice… You chose. So… deal with it.” The alcohol gave you more courage than you needed, but you weren’t mad. You were at peace. You turned and went back to the party. You didn’t realize, but that was just the way you needed to end your night. Closure and clarity. You returned to your spot beside Gareth to play another round of flip cup. Eddie selfishly couldn’t take his eyes off you. When he saw Gareth pick you up in a congratulatory hug, he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t stand picturing your story with Gareth and not him. So he slung back his last beer and stormed out the front door. 
July 1986
The Hideout was never your favorite place to be. It looked like nothing more than a shack from the side of the highway that cut through Hawkins. Half of the lights on the neon side were burnt out, you doubted they had been changed since the joint opened in the 50s. The small bar had a few booths as well as tall bar tables, which were moved to create a makeshift dance floor in front of a dingy stage. The drum kit and microphones barely fit onto it, but you were sure that the ragtag group that made up Corroded Coffin would make it work. They always did before. There were three pool tables in the back of the space, behind the dark linoleum island bar. They had definitely seen better days, most of them missing pieces of velvet or pockets missing nets to catch balls underneath them. They were usually used for bikers or regulars to sit girls on them and make out. The bar smelt stale, like rotting wood, old beer and sweat. There are many places that you would rather be, but when your best friend begs you to make their regular crowd of 10-11 people (including staff) a person or two bigger, you go. Gareth treaded the idea of you coming to the show lightly, as you had not talked to their frontman since the graduation party. You felt no ill will and really didn’t mind being around him. You got your closure, and you were there for Gareth. No need to think too much into it. 
You had seen Eddie around Hawkins in the last month. You had gotten a job at Family Video and would regularly work with Steve and Robin, who Eddie frequented. Your heart didn’t hurt when they talked about him anymore, and when he occasionally showed up to Family Video, or you saw him in Starcourt, or in the grocery store, you gave him the same curt but friendly smile every time. He understood the boundaries that you had given him. Friendly, but not friends. He always smiled back, but his heart sank. He missed you more than you could know.
You shuffled yourself into the closest booth to the stage and waited in soft anticipation. You hadn’t been to a Corroded Coffin show in months. It felt odd but familiar. You ordered yourself a rum and coke and absently sipped it as you listened to the Johnny Cash record that was playing on the jukebox.
You heard the door swing open behind you and a bubbly chuckle ring out through the bar. A sound that you definitely would not picture hearing in a place like this. You turned around to see Chrissy. Of course she would be here. Her strawberry blonde hair was curled in perfect ringlets and was held away from her face with a ribbon. Her long legs were framed perfectly under her light pink romper. Her waist beautifully cinched with a thick purple belt. Her lips were lusciously painted a glossy pink and her lashes were manicured to be wispy. She looked perfect, far too pretty to be here. Behind her followed Tiffany and Sarah. The trio picked a bar table that skirted the dance floor, across the bar from you. You, like most of the men in the building, followed their figures to their seats and Chrissy stole a glance at you. She looked at you and waved but you looked away, sinking a large gulp of your drink. 
Chrissy had reveled in the fact that her prom stunt had secured her some extra attention for the last week or so of school. Everyone seemed to be talking about her in the hallways and although not all of it was good, she thought it was better to have people talking bad about you than not at all. Suddenly, all of the jocks were at her locker, or fighting to sit with her at lunch, desperate to show her that they were better than the freak she had somehow landed herself with. The attention shot her ego and popularity to an alltime high and she became the queen bee of Hawkins - there was no more sharing or cliques, everyone was under Chrissy’s spell. Everyone thought of her as either generous for going to prom with Eddie, or a down-to-earth girl next door because she kept associating herself with him. It made your stomach roll but she continued to smile sweetly at everyone in the hallway. She often let her gaze linger on you too long. She had everything she thought she wanted those last weeks of highschool. Everything but her best friend. And little did she know, the newfound fame didn’t reach beyond the month of June and the hallways of Hawkins High.
As she sat at her table, her manicured nails wagged at men who were ogling her from the bar behind her. She flashed a devious grin to her friends and waltzed over to the bar. You watched closely. Last time you had heard, she was still with Eddie… There's no other reason why she would be here. You heard her boisterous laugh once more as she strutted back to her table, a cocktail in her hand. You never would have thought that Chrissy would be the type to take advantage of anyone, but then again, in the past few months, you watched the person you thought you knew the best change into a stranger in front of you. You rolled your eyes and focused your attention to the glass in your hand. 
You suddenly heard the humm of an amp and the vibrations of a bass being strummed. You looked up to see your friends taking the stage; All but Eddie. You cheered excitedly for Jeff, Gareth and Tommy but your heart pounded wildly in anticipation for the lanky metalhead that was missing. The few stage lights flickered as the energy and volume of the instruments rose and they began their set. Right before he started singing, Eddie sprang onto stage. There sure wasn’t a huge crowd, but everyone cheered as he appeared. You felt a lump in your throat as you watched the men perform, your eyes never leaving Eddie’s form. You felt your temperature rise what felt like 10 degrees. There was no doubt that he had charisma on stage, that is where he was born to be; But you felt all too emotional looking up at the man that you used to call your best friend. The man you thought that you might be in love with, the man that you thought you found closure with. You let yourself feel the waves of emotion flow through you with the music as you rocked back and forth with the rhythm. When applause erupted, you let your mind quiet with the music. The lights came back on and you grabbed your bag and your glass and got ready to return it to the bar. As you got up to leave, you noticed a gaggle of green letterman jackets had pushed their tables next to the one Chrissy and the girls were sitting at. Your anxiety spiked. You hadn’t talked to any of the jocks since prom and were fine with being the pariah of the group, but the fact that none of your friends were with you now made you feel nervous. You peered at the group from the other side of the bar and watched as Jason leaned in to whisper something into Chrissy’s ear. She slapped his arm playfully and giggled. You felt sick. You couldn’t wait for the boys to get their gear so you could say your goodbyes.
“Well, how’d ya like it?” The familiar voice instantly broke the tension in your body. You turned and gave Gareth a peck on the cheek.
“It was awesome, rockstar! You all were great” you say to Jeff and Tommy who were now sitting at the bar. They smiled and raised their fresh beers to you.
“So, you wanna get out of here? After party at my place. Got beer and the shit you like.” he wiggled his eyebrows at you. As much as you wanted to celebrate their show, you needed quiet. You needed to just go home and shower off the gross conflicting feelings you had.
“As tempting as that sounds, I think I just need to go home tonight, Gar.” he studied your face. The sheer amount of time that you had spent with him meant he could read you like a book. He scanned the dingy room and found the source of your anxiety. His gaze hardened at the green jackets infiltrating their space. 
“They better not have said or done anything to you, I’ll kill them-”
“No no no they didn’t, just weird to see them all here” you reassured. Both of your gazes softened as you found the dark battle jacket amongst the lettermen. Eddie was scoffing loudly and flailing his hands. After a fantastic show, you expected to see him beaming, but his face was set in a hard scowl.
Eddie was slowly losing his patience. He had practically begged Chrissy to come to his gig tonight. He knew that there would be potential for the Hideout to start paying them for regular gigs if they brought in a crowd, but this was the opposite of what he wanted. When he was on stage he met with two pairs of eyes, your beautiful bright eyes and her glazed over blue ones. He was disappointed to see one of them. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you the whole set. He had forgotten how much he missed having you in the crowd. He could feel your energy from 20 feet away. It made him want to perform better. When he looked over to Chrissy’s table, he lost his spark. She looked disinterested. She was busy gabbing to her friends the whole time. Then, when he saw the meatheads walk in, he wanted to jump right off the stage and end the gig right then. But he pushed because at least they would be helping their audience numbers. Once Eddie took a moment to mentally prepare himself in the green room after the show, he plastered on a fake smile and sauntered over to Chrissy. He went to give her a chaste peck, but she turned her face for him to kiss her cheek. 
“My lipgloss, Ed!” She giggled. Eddie rolled his eyes, shot her a sickly sweet smile and planted his lips on her cheek. The girls sitting next to Chrissy oohed and ahhed and the jocks kept to their own conversation, but their presence seemed like it was to mock him. He instantly got caught in his own head, wondering if their intent really was malicious, or if he was just reliving past high school trauma. He was pulled out of his trance when Chrissy’s manicured hand pulled on the lapels of his vest. 
“Hey, rockstar! I’m talking to you!” She teased. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.
“Sorry, babe. What were you saying?”
“There’s a party out at Lover’s Lake, Jason’s parent’s cabin. Do you want to drop off your band stuff first then we can head out? We can grab some blankets and just sleep in the back of the van because I don’t know about you, but I want to be fully alone when we-” she blabbed, Eddie cut her off by taking her wrists in his hands. 
“Woah, woah! I told you, the band is having their after party at Gareth’s house. You promised me we would be there. Come on, Chris.” Eddie pouted. She had been ditching him more often to go out with other people. He tried not to let his insecurities get the best of him, but it felt like he was losing her interest. This was something he wasn’t going to budge on. This was his night. She was supposed to be there for him. He couldn’t help but think that if it was you in Chrissy’s place, there wouldn’t even be a debate. He wouldn’t have even had to ask you to show up in the first place.
“Oh, come on. Don’t you want to go out to the cabin?” She searched for any kind of agreement she could get from any of the jocks. They either politely smiled at her or avoided her eye contact. The invitation was for Chrissy not Chrissy and Eddie. “It’s going to be, like a million times better than sitting in Derek’s-”
“Gareth’s” Eddie seethed. 
“Gareth’s - whatever - Gareth’s dusty garage. It’ll be romantic. We can have the whole ride up there just you and me…” She cooed, she moved her lips to the lobe of Eddie’s ear “and I can tell you how wet you made me watching you up on that stage” she whispered. Eddie knew that he should be turned on. But he was so angry with her that he couldn’t oblige her. Not this time. 
“I’m not budging, Chris. We need to go to the afterparty. I need to be there with my boys, too. We have cause to celebrate and this is really important to me.”
“But, Eddie…”
Eddie was tired of the games, he was fed up with her tonight. 
“Either we go to Gareth’s together, or we won’t be seen at any parties anymore.” Eddie challenged. He hated that he had to give her an ultimatum but if that’s what it took., then so be it. He didn’t want to be the tag along. Not tonight. Chrissy’s stare hardened at her. He had never challenged her like that before. 
“Alright, Munson. You win. We’ll go to your little party.” Eddie rolled his eyes and told Chrissy he was going to check in with the rest of the band to see what the plan was. She nodded and Eddie turned away, giving the rest of the table a tight smile. He moped his way over to where you and Gareth watched silently. He seemed to light up a bit when he saw your inviting smile.
“Hey, congrats rockstar. You did an amazing job up there” You wrapped a hand around Eddie’s bicep. Eddie felt a shiver run down his spine at the contact.
“You think so? Thanks.” Eddie blushed. He was always one to be so sure of himself, this lack of confidence threw you off. 
“Hell yeah I think so! It was the best show I have seen you guys do yet!” You exclaimed. 
“Are you gonna come to the afterparty?” Eddie asked, hope splayed in a smile across his face. 
“No, I gotta sit this one out. I have to open Family Video tomorrow.”
Eddie looked dejected. He was so happy to see you in the crowd, he had hoped he would be able to talk to you at the party and really apologize.
“Trust me dude, we’re all bummed. I’ve been trying to change her mind for the past 15 minutes. I even offered to call Robin to ask her to cover myself!” Gareth offers. You give the men a sorry smile. 
“You’re gonna have a great time without me! It’s your night. Don’t let me ruin it.” God, you were so selfless. He couldn’t help but admire you in the dim light. So kind and so beautiful. It wasn’t fair how things ended between you. He was an ass. You turned away from him to walk to the door after sending kind waves to the band.
“Y/N” Eddie grabbed your wrist and pleaded with his chocolate eyes. You got lost in them almost immediately. You knew what you felt when he was on stage and you’re pretty sure he knew and felt it too. “Wait, please come to the-”
“Eddie! Are we going or what?” you hear a shrill voice from behind the man staring down at you. Chrissy looked pissed (in more ways than one). Her hands rested on her hips and she tapped her foot on the ground as she swayed. Eddie groaned and let go of you. The heat in your chest quickly faded. You peered around Eddie to smile tightly at the blonde. Her eyes widened and softened at your gesture. She slowly raised her hand to wave to you. You looked back to Eddie.
“You-you better go” you smile sadly at him. “You’re girl’s waiting for you. Have fun tonight, Eddie. Again, you deserve it.”
For the second time, Eddie watched you walk away and he fell into the impatient arms of a girl that he thought  he loved. Eddie’s eyes were glued to your figure as you slipped out of the bar into your car.
As you got in, you let out a big sigh and punched your steering wheel. You knew you made the right choice by leaving and not entertaining anything with the man that trapped your heart all over again, but it would have been so easy to fall back into his arms and pretend like Chrissy didn’t exist. But you didn’t want to stoop to their levels. You didn’t want to get trapped in what was easy versus what was best for you. So you turned the key in the ignition and you quietly drove back to your apartment, retiring to a warm bath and a book, before crawling into bed and letting loneliness and the thought of Eddie on stage singing to you lull you to sleep. 
September 1986
Your first summer of freedom did not follow the plan you thought you had perfected before graduating. Some of those things on your list looked similar, but with different people. You often went joyriding with Steve and Robin after closing Family Video and spent long nights out at Lover’s Lake with old drama club friends. It felt liberating that you didn’t feel a hope about a certain mop headed boy, even though you had been frequenting band practices and summer Hellfire meetings to casually see him as much as possible. You found some independence and even though you often felt lonely without Eddie and Chrissy, you knew you were doing fine without them.
You had just gotten home from a shift at Family Video. The last bit of humid summer air kissed your skin. You shrugged off your vest and other clothes and tossed them into your hamper before starting a steaming shower to wash away the day. You had been looking forward to treating yourself to a face mask, a steam and ending the night by curling up into bed with the newest Stephen King novel. You flopped down on your bed, dawning your favorite oversized tee shirt from your dad’s auto body shop and a pair of sleeper shorts. Your hair was tied loosely in a towel and your face felt clean and soft. You sighed with content as the night was finally yours. You don’t remember how long it took, but you dozed. You awoke to the record you had started playing being long hushed; your glassy eyes opened in accompaniment to the shrill ring of your phone. You grabbed at it and groggily answered. You were greeted by preppy sobs ringing through your ear. 
“Y-Y/N” Chrissy wailed. You could smell the alcohol wrecking her through the phone. “I-I need you to tell me I’m not a bad person.”
You paused and almost laughed to yourself. “Chrissy, why are you calling me?”
“I, I just need someone to tell me that I am not a bad person, okay? No one likes me anymore.” You could hear hiccups between her sobs and shuffling from whatever party she was at.
“It’s late, Chrissy. You should go home and go to sleep-” You move to hang up the phone but her cry stops you. 
“I did a really bad thing, Y/N and I need someone to tell me that I’m worth keeping around because no one likes me anymore. No one wants to talk to me and no one looks at me and I want boys to look at me and like me and-”
“Chrissy you have the boy that you love right now. What are you talking about? You have everything you could ever want…” You scoffed. 
“Y/N, I, I don’t think I love Eddie. I don’t think I ever did.” Chrissy whispers. The phone stays quiet save for the party behind her. Her sniffles break the silence every few moments.
“What did you do, Chris?” Your head was spinning. How could she not love Eddie? One of the easiest people on the planet to love. He was the boy who knew how to make anyone feel special and wanted just by looking at them. He would drop anything and run to Chrissy if she ever needed anything and you knew that for a fact. You knew that he was eager to take others’ pain away and make it his to help. He was perfect, a treasure that deserved to be protected at all costs, not be treated like this. Eddie was probably alone in his trailer right now, worried about his girlfriend, or waiting to give her a ride home, while she’s calling  you to tell you that she doesn’t love him? How dare she? You wanted to believe that the girl that you used to know was still in there somewhere. That Chrissy would never do anything to hurt someone that she cared about - even if she didn’t love him…
“Well.. there’s this party going on and, and all the old jocks are here you know? A-Aand Jason and I, well like we were always ‘will they won’t they’ you know? And i saw him at this party and Eddie was being a total jerk and didn’t want to come with me and he just doesn’t look at me like these guys do and-”
“What:” you scoff. “Like a piece of meat?”
“Y/N please. Like I am wanted, like I am attractive. Like I am a prize, okay? Eddie looks at me, but it doesn’t feel as good as when Jason or Andy or Patrick looks at me - like in high school-”
“Chrissy, that’s really fucked up and pathetic. Why are you calling me?”
“Because you’re my best friend - well, you were… and I-I-I miss you, I shouldn’t have stopped being your friend, and I’m sorry I let stupid Eddie come in between us.”
“Stop. Chrissy, Eddie didn’t come between you and me, You came between Eddie and I, and the shit you pulled was fucked up. So tell me what you want so I can get off the goddamn phone and I can rinse the disgusting feeling I have off for talking to you about this-”
“I cheated on Eddie”!” She blurted out. “I’ve been cheating on Eddie for months now. And I’m a bad person but it feels so good to be wanted, Y/N I can’t explain it.”
“I-I don’t know what you want me to say, Chrissy. That’s fucked up, even for you. You have been the lowest of fucking low, but I never thought you would be the type of person to totally fuck up your relationship like that. I don’t know why you wanted to call and tell me this, but I don’t feel sorry for you. Not in the slightest. Goodnight.” You slammed your receiver down on your phone and felt tears prick at your eyes. Not your Eddie. Eddie doesn’t deserve this. You sat in contemplative silence - unwilling to believe the conversation you had just happened.Your phone rang again and you jolted in panic. 
“Hello” you whispered. 
“Hey, Y/N… Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up” You heard his gruff voice and your breath hitched. 
“E-Eddie, why are you calling me?”
“Sorry, sorry I just - I’m kind of freaking out because I haven’t heard from Chrissy in like three days and I just got a call from her I think and she was sobbing your name before the line went dead… I - I was just wondering if she had called you or if something happened I guess. This is stupid I shouldn’t have called you” He sounded exhausted and like he had been crying. 
“Eddie, are you okay?”
“Are you okay?”
“I… I don’t know. I’m just tired of these disappearing girlfriend tricks I keep getting fucking trapped in.” He lets out a dry chuckle. 
“I don’t know where she is but I think I know where to find her… I’ll let you know if I hear anything. Okay?” You hear his long sigh over the phone and you wish that you could forget the boundaries that had built up between you and run to him. Tell him that you were there for him and kiss away his pain. Your heart was breaking for him (even though you couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction… you had warned him.).
“Hey, Sweetheart?”
“What’s up, Eddie?”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry about everything-” you heard his voice crack.
“Eddie, it’s okay-”
“No. It’s not.” he cut you off. “I’m so sorry for the shitty person I had been. I fucked up one of the good things I had in my life because I got selfish, and in my own head. I never wanted to hurt you.. I - I just… I don’t know why I chose her. I wanted it to be you so badly, but I forced it.. And I just hope that I can convince you to be my friend again someday.”
“We’ll see what we can do, Ed.” with that you clicked your phone back to the receiver and threw on a flannel. Although you hadn’t been in quite some time, the only place that the meatheads frequented was the Carver residence on the other side of town. You never felt your place there, but you knew how to navigate it. You hastily started your car and set off for your destination.
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Jason’s street was littered with abandoned station wagons and empty solo cups. You could hear the music blasting from the beginning of the cul de sac - your head already began to pound. You snaked your way to the end of the manicured driveway and slammed your car door shut. You trudged to the open front door, keeping your head down. As you passed through waves of people, you could feel stares into the back of your head and giggles of your name. You scowled and trained your eyes to search for a pair of tanned legs and a blonde ponytail. You paused in the kitchen, desperate to find Chrissy and your chance to leave when you felt a hand wrap around your waist and warm breath sneak up to your ear.
“I didn’t remember inviting you to my party… outcast” a baritone voice huffs.
“You didn’t, Carver… I’m picking something up and then I will be out of your hair. Don’t let me ruin your night.” You pull away from him but his grip on your waist becomes bruising. 
“Aww, come on, outcast. Why don’t we party like we used to. You’ve been hanging out with the freaks for too long… Forgot how to have fun. Why don’t you let me show you what you’ve been missing, huh?” Jason spun you around so his piercing blue eyes were boring into yours. 
“I would literally rather poke my eyes out with hot knives. Where’s Chrissy”
“Oh, god you really are a desperate frigid bitch, aren’t you? You know I didn’t want to believe Chrissy when she told me but, I guess she was right” The blonde sneered. 
“Yeah, yeah, Jason. I get it. Go take your steroids and show the rest of your friends how manly you are… I’m not interested. Now do you know where I can find her, or did you lose the brain cells for facial recognition too?” Jason stared at you slack jawed, then his grin slid across his face. It made you sick.
“Well, when I left her an hour ago, she was - ahem - cleaning herself up in my room. Feel free to go look there if you’d like… But be warned, you might not like what you see up there.” He giggled. He brought his face into your cheek and your blood froze. He puckered his lips and planted them to the side of your face. 
“It was… so good to see you again, Y/N. Glad to see you really did peak in high school… ugh and that says something, doesn’t it?” He breezed past you to leave you to physically recoil and regather. You wanted to turn around and leave… fuck Chrissy and fuck all of these people… but you had to do this for Eddie. You turned to the staircase facing the kitchen and pace up. Although it had been a long time since you had been in the Carver house, you still felt like you could clear the top floor in a good time. You past couples pressed against hallways and huddled into rooms. You hear giggles and beds creaking and girls crying, but no Chrissy. 
You were ready to give up hope, having tried all of the door handles and being met with locked doors or your apologies for intruding. The last door at the end of the hallway opened as you went to reach for the door and you were met with the girl you had been searching for for the last ten minutes. Her eyes widened in horror and relief to see you. She looked like a mess. Her usually neat slicked ponytail was slated on the side of her head, flyaways crowning her. Her eyes were glazed over eyes were smudged black with mascara and eyeliner. Her flush in her cheeks made her intoxication very apparent and her lips were kiss-swollen and smudged. She sported one of Jason’s old Hawkins raglans in replacement of whatever tiny top she had worn to the party. You felt bad for her at first sight; pity running through your veins as her lips quivered. Her paused tears resumed as she wrapped you in a hug. 
“Thank you so much for coming, Y/N. Thank you so much.” she sobbed. 
“Yeah, Chris. This is fucked. Let’s go, okay?”
You guided the girl down the stairs and out of the house - refusing to look anywhere but the floor in case Jason returned to try and claim you as a prize again. Chrissy had blabbered nonsense all the way to the car while you tried to prevent her from going horizontal. You closed her door and paced back to your side of the car. You were greeted with silence and the smell of vodka.
“Who else, Chrissy?” you whispered. 
“Who else did you fuck, Chrissy?!” you yelled, your eyes never left her figure, her eyes did not leave her feet. 
“It was just Jason… tonight.”
“For fucks sake! Are you kidding me?”
“Can we just go? I know I’m a piece of shit okay? But some of us need the attention! Okay! I’m not alright with walking around feeling like I am fading away into no one and that no one cares who I am anymore! I want someone to look at me like other girls get looked at! I want to be like you where you can find other friends and you can go out and be effortlessly yourself and everyone loves you!” “What the FUCK are you talking about? You have a boyfriend, Chrissy. He should be the one that makes you feel like that. HE looks at you like that! He is the one that you should be loving because he loves you!” Chrissy let out a dry laugh.
“Oh come on now, Y/N you and I both know he doesn’t love me. He doesn’t look at me like that because he is too busy looking at you like that! You had me and you had him and it wasn’t good enough! So we both needed to settle for second best! And I am just not okay with being second best anymore!”
“You are the one that gave me up for all your popular friends, you and Eddie both chose each other over me! And look who is here picking up the pieces after you handed yourself out to the basketball team, and while your own fucking boyfriend traverses the streets of Hawkins because he has no idea where you are! I was fucking right. You both deserve each other.” You shoved your car into drive and rolled your car into the road. Chrissy silently sobbed while you focused your eyes on the night ahead of you. 
Your ride was long and awkward. When you pulled up to your house, Chrissy seemed surprised. 
“I can’t let you go back to your house like this, Chris. We need to get you cleaned up.” She nodded a silent thank you and the two of you retreated to the second floor of your house. You got Chrissy a change of clothes and a toothbrush while she was in the shower and put her alcohol drenched outdfit in the wash. You waited for her in your room. When she sheepishly entered, you gestured to the bed you had made for her on the floor. She settled into her blankets and an awkward silence covered you once again.
“Thank you, Y/N. I don’t know why you’re being so nice to me… I don’t deserve it.”
“I know, Chrissy. But you need someone to help you make a couple good decisions tonight. That was a fucking mess, at Jason’s” You heard her breath catch in her throat. “You have to tell Eddie what’s been going on, Chrissy. And he’s going to hate you. But you can’t do that to him. You might not love him but you and I both know that he deserves better than this.”
“I know,” she conceded quietly. You laid your head on your pillow. Your alarm clock read 3:39am. You tossed and turned in your sleep all night, pictures of Eddie’s heartbroken face haunting your dreams. 
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You awoke to Chrissy folding blankets and stacking pillows onto your dresser.
“Hey, morning. How are you feeling?” you croaked. 
“Well, I’m here and that’s a way better place than I thought I was going to be staying” Chrissy chuckled dryly. “Thank you again for last night, Y/N. I really owe you one.”
���Don’t mention it. I just hope that if the roles were reversed you would do the same for me.” The air between you seemed palpable, it reminded you of when Chrissy would be doing the very same thing after a weekend long sleepover. You both gave each other testing smiles and short giggles.
You dropped Chrissy off after stopping to get coffee for the two of you. Chrissy looked at you apologetically and unclasped her seatbelt. 
“Thanks for the ride” she offered
“Welcome. Good luck with Eddie” you mumbled. As badly as you felt for your old friend, you could not wait for her downfall. She didn’t deserve Eddie and he didn’t deserve to be hurt like this. But the light of old times seeping through the walls that you had rebuilt felt nice, even if it was artificial, fleeting. You flashed the girl a comforting smile.
“Thanks. I think I’m really going to need it. I really fucked up.” she looked down and began to pick at her nails.
“But this might be a learning lesson for you at least. I hate to say it but Karma can be a bitch sometimes.” you grab her wrist and squeeze. Your hands warm her veins and she relaxes into your touch. She pats you on the hand as she wriggles out of your car and trots to her door. She looks back at you before she closes the door behind you. She really stares into you as she raises a hand and waves. It was goodbye for good.
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You got cut early from your shift at the video store.You were little to no help to the gorgeous head of hair working with you anyways. You tell Steve about your night, about Chrissy’s admissions and your call with Eddie. You were unsure of what your expectations were at this point. You call with Eddie shifted the dynamic of friendly strangers and you again found yourself battling between easy choices and choices that were good for you. Luckily for you, you were wasting time with Hawkin’s most eligible bachelor and love-life-advice solicitor.
“I don’t know, Y/N all I’m saying is there are so many guys in this town that would actually take you out and treat you right, you don’t deserve this shit” the boy quipped. You loved how honest Steve could be. He had quickly given you more examples of what a good friend looked like. “Like what about that Gareth kid?! Have you seen the way he looks at you? Worships the ground you walk on. Get a guy like that” Steve folds his hands on his hips. You scoff at him. 
“Gareth and I are just friends. Trust me, we’ve gotten into all of that relationship stuff a long time before.” Steve’s eyes grew to saucers. You giggled. “It was one kiss this summer and both of us knew it wasn’t gonna happen, okay?” You rolled your eyes as you slid a box of freshly rewound tapes to him.
“Alright, alright - poor guy. I’m just saying. Munson? He should be old news. He and Chrissy deserve each other…” 
“Maybe I should test drive a guy like you then, Harrington?” you sneered. He dropped the box, his back turned to you but you could tell his cheeks had flushed. “Or…Hargrove?”
“Alright enough!” Steve chided. You suppressed your giggle. “You think you’re so funny, huh? I just worry about you, that’s all.”
“I know, Steve. Trust me, I wish I could move on. The two of them do deserve each other… But every time I think of them making up and going back to being good,  it makes me want to rip my hair outI can’t stand it.”
“Damn kid. You really are down bad” Steve jabbed you in the side of the arm and you shrieked. “If you really feel that way then I guess you gotta let him know.”
“What if they do get back together and I laid it all out for nothing? Or what if I’m old news to him, Steve? I cant handle that…”
“Dude, if he makes the same mistake as he did at prom he won’t just have Gareth to deal with, okay? He’ll have me, Buckley and half of the Family Video clientele coming after him.” Steve glanced at the clock and gestured to the door. “Now get out of there and fix your bullshit life” he winks. Your smile lightens your whole face. You grab your bag from behind the counter and scurry out the door after planting a kiss to Steve’s cheek. He was left to the fluorescent aisles, shaking his head. You really did deserve better.
You pulled into your driveway, ready to spend the afternoon in Gareth’s backyard smoking weed and watching as many horror movies that you could before inevitably passing out. As you sauntered up to your door, you realized your plans for the day had been eviscerated. Sitting on your front step was a cardboard box that had been taped together neatly. Sitting on top of the box laid a note scrawled with purple ink:
“Y/N, I didn’t know who else to trust with this, and I am so sorry to ask.
Please take this box and give it to Eddie if you see him. I can’t bear to give it to him myself and I can’t tell anyone else about what I did. 
Thank you for being such a good friend even when I didn’t deserve one.
You let out a large sigh as you picked up the box and opened your door. You didn’t want to call Eddie, you were scared to find out how much he knew. Part of you wanted to leave the box on the doorstep for him to quietly pick up without notice, but you knew that your heart couldn’t handle knowing he was so close and you did nothing. So you picked up the receiver to your landline and dialed a familiar set of numbers.
“Hey champ! When you coming over?” A peppy boy answered. 
“Hey, Gar. Something came up and I don’t think I can come over.”
“What did he do, Y/N?” Gareth’s tone hardened immediately. You could feel his anger radiating through the telephone.
“Nothing, it's more like what Chrissy did…” You spent the next half an hour telling Gareth about your encounters yesterday. Gareth huffed bitterly in response. Eddie Jeff and Gareth hadn’t been the same since their gig at the Hideout. Eddie began dodging band practice to be with Chrissy. He sacrificed DND campaigns and hellfire meetings to hide under the bleachers to go to the mall with Chrissy, or go to dinner with the jocks. Eddie became the most popular recluse. The three musketeers became strangers and the practices they had now - if any - were full of tension and unfamiliarity. Jeff and Gareth resented Eddie for the way his world revolved around Chrissy, and Eddie resented the two for not being happy for him, for not supporting him in what he wanted. In the middle was you. Eddie longed to be close to you again, but Jeff and Gareth refused to let him too close, you wouldn’t be hurt again, at least not on their watches. Although hostility ran high, all of you craved so much to be a group again, to be able to forgive and forget. But as all of you had figured out, that was much easier said than done.
“I’m coming over. I don’t want you to be alone when he shows up.”
“Gareth, I will be fine. I need to talk to him anyway” Your voice got quiet
“Talk to him about what?”
“I-I just need to know what happened between him and Chrissy. I need to know what that means for me, Gareth. I’m sick and tired of wondering if it could happen.”
“Y/N that’s a bad idea. We should just be done with him”
“I know, Gareth. He doesn’t deserve us. But I’m tired of being strong and stubborn.  I just need to talk to him. I need to see him.” There was a silence over the phone. Gareth’ heart broke for you, but he knew that he couldn’t protect you from this.
“If anything happens, you give me a call and I will be over in 5 minutes.”
“Yes, sir.” You chuckle.
“Hey, now! I mean it”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I love you, you know?” there was a loud sigh over the phone.
“Yeah I know. I love you too.”
“Everything’s going to be okay.”
“It has to be.” With a click, you were left to listen to the dial tone. You place your phone down and get yourself ready. You didn’t know when Eddie would be over, but you wanted to prepare before he did. 
You sat in the shower until the water ran cold. Your skin felt scrubbed free from any imperfection, but it felt tight with stress. You forced yourself to make food but could barely eat. The rest of your evening consisted of staring at the same open page in your book while reruns of Match Game bled through the living room. The sun had set, along with the hopes that you would get closure tonight. Later, you heard the rattle of an engine outside accompanied by the thrash of Ozzy Ozbourne. You shot off the couch and toed your way to the front door. On the other side, you could hear a cacophony of swears and pacing footsteps. A few moments later, three hesitant knocks on your door. You took a couple of breaths and turned the handle. You were greeted with a tousled mop of hair and fair skin. His jeans hung low on his hips and he wore a thinning band t-shirt. His pale arms gripped his shoulders, flashing patches of inky figures across his forearms. His face, usually soft and blushing, looked pale. Dark circles encapsulated his coffee coloured irises. His nose was red and his lip was quivering. As awful as he looked, he was so tragically beautiful, like a muse. His lips still puckered and dared you to dart out and kiss them. His frame towered over yours and threatened to encapsulate you whole. You wanted nothing more. You gripped the inside of your doorframe in grounding, afraid you were going to evaporate into the cooling evening.
“Eddie, Hi” You squeaked. The boy looked dully at you as you took in his appearance. “I-I saw Chrissy’s note… the box is just inside I’ll-” You turned to leave but Eddie’s sigh held you in place.
“Fuck the box, Y/N” Eddies voice was just above a whisper. It rattled as if he were scared that if he spoke too loudly, the whole world would collapse in on him. His eyes lined with tears again. “What happened last night?” He demanded.
“I found her at a party… she had called me and, well I couldn’t just leave her there so…I took her home with me and she told me she was a bad person…” your eyes were trained to the floor. “I took her home in the morning and then the box was waiting for me after work, so you might have to fill in the rest of the blanks for me.”
“She fucked me over. That’s what happened! She went out and she fucked half the basketball team while I fucking waited for her to come back into my fucking arms! I tried to give her everything but nothing was ever good enough!” Eddie seethed. “ ‘I need more attention, Eddie’ or, ‘come out to this party, Eddie’ ‘ I want to do this instead, Eddie.’ ‘Why aren't you more like Jason, Eddie?’ FUCK I should have fucking known better, but I’m the fucking freak, I don’t get what I want. I don’t deserve to be happy because this is partially my fault too…” Eddie fisted at his hair while he paced on your front step. 
“Eddie. I don’t know what to say-”
“You don’t need to say anything but I told you so. That’s what I fucking deserve. You shouldn’t be sitting here pitying me. You should be laughing at me” Eddie whimpered. You had never seen him so small, so fragile. You wanted to rub the tension out of his shoulders and kiss his furrowed brows until he looked like your Eddie again. 
“Yeah but I’m not because I care about you Eddie.” You reach out to touch him but he pulls away like you burned him. “I’m really fucking sorry that this happened. No matter what I think of you, you don’t deserve this.” Eddie stopped in his tracks and trained his eyes on your meek figure. You shuddered when you looked up and made eye contact with him. Your eyes were wet and his eyes were pools of sorrow, But his gaze held a foreign glimmer to them. You let Eddie study you in silence. 
“What can I do to make it better?” 
“I… I don’t know, Eddie. That might be a conversation to have with Chrissy and you-”
“I’m not talking about me and Chrissy.” Eddie held his gaze on you as he stepped closer to you. He smelt of weed, beer and cheap aftershave. 
Swiftly, the boy grabbed your cheeks and collapsed into you, smashing his lips with yours. As much as your brain screamed at you to push him off, your bones melted in with his, finally giving into the temptation that your body so desperately craved since your kiss in the theatre. Eddie’s weight moved you backwards into your house and he closed the door behind him. His hands migrated down your torso to your waist as he spun you to pin you back up against your front door. You moaned into his mouth as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip. Your hands found their way to Eddie’s chest and you gripped his shirt. He was shaking. It felt like there were only two of you. Kissing Eddie was the most natural thing to happen. Every move he made, your body had the perfect response. He gripped your hips as you slid your hands around his neck into his hair, earning a moan from the metalhead. A pit in your stomach formed at his lips vibrating against yours and you thought your legs would give out. Eddie pressed his body deeper into yours and you swore you could feel his heartbeat in your own chest. As much as you wanted this moment to last forever, you pulled yourself away from him, his eyes still closed and lips slightly parted, also very much in shock as to what had just happened. You gaze up at him as tears unwillingly spill down your cheeks. A mortified expression painted Eddie’s face, immediately thinking that he had overstepped again. He waited for a slap to the face or for you to push him away and begin yelling. But you looked up at him through your glassy eyes and his heart backflipped. His hands returned to your cheeks, thumbs desperately swiping at your tears. 
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Eddie, we can’t lie to each other. You and I both know I’ve been waiting for you to do that for a long time” a sad smile crept across your face.
“Fuck. I’ve been doing this wrong the whole time. I’ve wanted you this whole time, Y/N. This whole time, not a day has gone by where I wish I could go back to prom night and make the right choice. I am so fucking sorry.”
“I accept your apology, Eddie. But I don’t forgive you” Eddie’s heart sank. The flush he had earned left his face. His hands dropped to your wrists and he gripped tightly, like he was afraid you were going to disappear in front of him. “Not now at least. You fucked me up, Eddie. I waited for you and I watched you break my heart, and I will not be anyone’s second best ever again. I won’t be your second place again.” Eddie shook his head in understanding.
“What can I do? Please tell me what I can do.”
“You can work on how to make good choices again, Ed. Be my friend first. Prove to me you deserve that. Because I am not okay with being a rebound either. Prove to me you want me and this isn’t just a way to get over Chrissy, because my heart can’t take it.” you sob into him and he wraps you into a hug.
“I promise you, sweetheart. It’s you. It’s always been you, and I will spend the rest of my days proving how much I need you.”
“Okay, Eddie. I believe you.” You pull away from him and step away from him. “But we can’t do that again.” You both were too afraid to say anything more, so you stood in silence, taking in each others’ space. Eddie then reached for the door.
“I, I should really go, I guess. I’m not sorry for kissing you, but I’m really sorry if it upset you.” You grab the hand that Eddie had on your front door. 
“Eddie, I know you aren’t exactly sober right now, or in the right state of mind to really be alone. So as your friend, I would really like it if you stayed here tonight, so I know that you’re okay.”
“As a friend?” 
You nodded firmly.
“I would really like that,” Eddie smiled softly at you.
“Let’s go put a movie on and try and get some sleep.” You grabbed Eddie’s hand and led him up to your bedroom. Eddie climbed onto your bed as you leaned over your TV and punched in The Shining. You joined Eddie on the bed, both of you under the farthest edges of the blanket, too scared to cross a thin boundary that had been set. 
“Yeah, Ed?”
“I was wondering If I- If It would be okay, could I maybe hold you?” Eddie murmured into his lap that he was staring at. “I just feel really cold. I don’t mean anything by it I promise. I just need… to feel something good.”
Wordlessly, you shuffled over to the middle of the bed. Eddie followed suit. You slid down so your head leaned on his chest, his arm draped down your back, his fingers drew circles  on your hip. Your arm wrapped around him as a silent reassurance that you were not going anywhere. The steady pounding of Eddie’s heart and the rise and fall of his chest quickly lulled you to sleep. Eddie spent next to no time watching Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall, too busy studying every detail of your body that he could see. As he heard your soft sighs signaling you had fallen asleep, he silently cried into your temple. 
Eddie Munson knew he was an idiot, that he fucked up. As much as his heart broke, he couldn’t help but be willing to break it over and over again if it meant that he got to call you his one day.
taglist: @mxcheese @anislabonis-love @zenathebeautiful @h-ness1944 @nymphetkoo @tlclick73 @darknesseddiem @nega-omega @them-cute-boys @eggo-segual @browneyes528 @ali-r3n @micheledawn1975 @partydulce @eddies-puppet @elvendria @itsjustwous @littlemisslovestoread @kjcmama @chloe-6123 @navs-bhat @loveforreading @thegirlthatsfalling @metalhead-succubus @moth-maam56 @ohmeg @secretdryrose @cloudroomblog @harmfulb1tch @buckybarnessweetheart @littlelunarfox @duncanhillscoffeecups @deathnote6666 @fangirling-galore @eddiesguitarskills @alexa4040 @arsonfrogger@sleepydragonx @batkin028 @eddiemunsonsgf22 @stairwaytozai@littlestarfighter03 @kimmi-kat@bleachbetch@sashaphantomhive@maybeitsthemoon @sluggzillaa @siriuslysmoking @littleesilvia @munsonssecretblog@dreamerjj @goth-cowgirl-03@middle-of-the-earth @idkatee@animechick555@hargrovesswifee@fall-myriad@foreveranexpatsposts
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harrywavycurly · 9 months
Fake Husband Eddie Munson AU Part 3: Not Him
Part 1: here
Part 2: here
Tag List: @alana4610 @fluentmoviequoter @alicentswife @vivalasv3gan @goth-cowgirl-03 @yujyujj @slowgabinaburninroom @zaddyskye69 @manda-panda-monium @ckeeks4563 @raven-rust @adaydreamaway08 @nikkisheep @flawiette @knmendiola @corvusskid @itsmadamehydra @saramelaniemoon @winchestergirl87-blog
A/N: I have one more little epilogue type update for this little story and really I’m so glad y’all enjoyed it and I hope you’re happy with the ending ✨
*Eddie just knows he’s not leaving until you forgive him*
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“You’re such an idiot.” Eddie mumbles to himself as he rushes up the steps of your front porch. “God how the fuck do I fix this?” He asks himself as he runs a hand over his face and lets out a sigh. “Just tell her the truth.” He whispers as he reaches into the pocket of his work overalls and pulls out the skull ring the bartender tossed at him.
“What exactly is the truth Eddie?” You watch him jump at the sound of your voice and you have to hold back from laughing because he nearly dropped the ring that he held in the palm of his hand. You stand up from your rocking chair so you can lean against the railing crossing your arms over your chest. Eddie turns his body so he’s facing you and he feels his heart drop when he sees your eyes are glossy and red letting him know you had been crying and it was all because of him.
“I’m so sorry.” You roll your eyes as Eddie takes a small step towards you. “I don’t even know how it happened.” Eddie tries to find the words to explain himself but he’s coming up short as he rubs at the back of his neck.
“I can tell you exactly how it happened.” Your voice is harsh as you stare Eddie right in the eyes as you stand up straight and take a step towards him all of a sudden making your front porch feel extremely small. “You got so caught up in whatever you were doing at work that you forgot about me.” Eddie doesn’t miss the way your voice cracks a bit as you speak making him look down at his feet because looking at you when you’re on the verge of tears is too much for him. “Wanna know how I know that? Because this isn’t the first time someone’s forgotten about me because something more important came up …so please tell me Eddie…what was it that got you so distracted?” You watch him lift his head up but instead of looking at you he turns his head so he’s look in the direction of his van that’s parked in your driveway.
“A minivan.” You almost don’t hear him due to his voice being almost a whisper. You just nod your head as you let out a scoff making Eddie look at you and the way your porch light glows he’s able to see a few tears escape your eyes.
“A minivan? Really?” Eddie tries to close the space between the two of you but you’re quick to take a few steps backwards away from him. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this again.” You watch Eddie reach his hand out for you but you just shake your head and cross your arms over your chest.
“Do what?” He asks as he watches you look down at your feet.
“Be with someone who doesn’t care about me or…have time for me.” Eddie feels like his heart is about to break into a million pieces because he knows who you’re comparing him to and it kills him because he knows just how poorly Jason treated you and he doesn’t ever want you to think he’s anything like him.
“I do care about you and I absolutely have time for you.” Eddie needs you to hear him so he bends down so you’ll look him in the eyes. “I am so sorry sweetheart…I swear it won’t happen again…I’m not him okay? I had tonight circled on my calendar and everything.” You just let out a huff as you wipe your eyes.
“Yet you still didn’t show up.” Eddie knows he deserves this, it’s his fault he didn’t make sure he got off work in time to meet you at the Hideout by six, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less seeing you upset at him. “Just go home Eddie.” You whisper as you take a seat back in your rocking chair as you look down at your hands in your lap.
“No.” Is all he says before he’s closing the distance between the two of you and dropping to his knees right in front of you and picking up your right hand in his so he can place his skull ring back on your ring finger. “I’m not going anywhere…call Hopper if you want but I’m not leaving.” You look from the ring to his eyes as he gives you a little smile. “I fucked up but I swear…it won’t happen again and honestly I’d be fine with proving that to you for the rest of our lives but…that seems like a little much to say considering we haven’t even had our first date yet.” You just shake your head as a soft laugh escapes you making Eddie smile.
“Whose fault is that huh?” Your voice is playful as you look back down at the ring on your finger.
“Oh it’s my fault…but I’m here now so…what do you say? Will you let me take you somewhere?” You can hear how hopeful he is and you know in your heart he isn’t anything like Jason and he’d never hurt you intentionally.
“Okay.” Eddie smiles as he brings his hands up to cup your face. “Don’t make me regret this.” You whisper as you lean into his touch and Eddie just nods and leans in to place a kiss to your forehead.
“You won’t..I promise.” You smile as he kisses your cheeks. “Oh and one more thing.” You raise an eyebrow as he drops his hands from your face so he can grab your hand that has his ring on it. “I’m going to need you to stop trying to give this back to me.” He explains as he twirls the skull ring around on your finger a few times.
“Then I need you to stop being an asshole and never make me sit in a bar for two hours waiting for you ever again.” Eddie just nods his head as he places your hands back in your lap.
“Deal.” With that he leans in and places a kiss to your lips making you smile as he pulls away. “Now how about we go have ourselves a first date Mrs. Munson.” You just laugh as he stands up and reaches his hand out to help you out of your chair.
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milariskanavasi · 2 years
Omfg guys, I’ve posted the first part and prologue of my Eddie Munson-fic on Ao3! I will post it here on tumblr tomorrow as well. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll post it here (main acc) or a separate. Until then, I hope you’ll like it (if so, please leave some kudos).
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loveshotzz · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: Eddie hooks you up with an eighth after showing up to his place strapped for cash.
Warnings: Just horny for Eddie to play with some tiddies. Virgin Eddie, slight perv! Eddie. Corruption kink if you squint. 18 plus No Minors!
Author’s Note: I dedicate this to my sweet gorgeous wife @myobmaya for helping me create this story with our many late night whoring sessions about Eddie. I love you bb 💖
Tag List: @snapped-chopstick @bimbobaggins69 @sammararaven @dixontardis @hanahkatexo @heyyimmisunderstood @anxietybbie-blog @skyfullofsong123 @briistrash @thicksexxualtension
Eddie’s eyes are trained on your tongue as it slides over the adhesive seal of the rolling paper. The way you were looking up at him through your lashes while you did it felt intentional, feeling it in the way his jeans tightened.
Adjusting himself subtly in his seat on the couch, it didn’t help the fact the you happened to be on your knees in front of him. Leaning over the table slightly not to spill any weed on the floor giving him the perfect view down your tank top. It had been a particularly hot summer day, causing there to be a light sheen of sweat on your skin from your walk over here. He watched a drop slowly slide down from the nape of your neck to the curve of your cleavage and he couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight.
“Thanks again Eddie, I really owe you one for this.” Your sweet voice breaks his focus, brown eyes meeting yours trying to comprehend the words that just left your mouth.
The knowing smirk tugging at your lips makes his face heat up, scarlet spreading from his neck to his cheeks. He’d been caught.
“Quit being a perv Munson.” You tease, you’d be lying if his wandering eyes didn’t go straight to your ego. Eddie was cute. A flustered Eddie was even cuter.
“Sorry! They’re just kind of out right now.” He tries to reason with you but even he knows that’s not a real excuse. Rubbing his hand down his face he tries to shake the image of what he thinks your tits look like out of his head.
“What exactly is out right now? Care to elaborate?” Cocking your eyebrow you play dumb, twirling the joint in between your fingers as you light it.
Eddie’s eyes widen not expecting you to put him on the spot like this. Leaning forward he starts rubbing the tops of his thighs nervously. He can feel his palms getting sweaty through the holes in his jeans.
“Come on, really? You’re gonna make me say it?”
Taking a hit from the joint you let the smoke fill your lungs, leaning your head back slightly your eyes catch the bulge in his pants he’s trying to hide.
“I don’t know what I’m making you say Eddie.”
Getting up from your place on the floor you walk around the coffee table taking another long drag. Eddie’s eyes are everywhere as he takes your curves in, approaching him like an animal stalking it’s prey. Eddie just happened to be very willing prey.
Standing between his spread out legs you lean forward one hand pressed to the couch cushion beside his head. Your other holds out the joint for him to take. From this angle everything he was doing his best not to look at was right in his face.
Gulping loudly Eddie tries his best to keep his eyes connected to yours but when he looks over to grab the joint he just can’t help himself.
“Are you talking about these Eddie?” Your eyes shoot down to the tops of your breasts and then back up to his eyes, his hyper focused stare never meets your gaze. The joint in his hand collecting ash threatening to fall onto the couch.
When his knee starts bouncing nervously you decide to give him a break, smirking you pull yourself out of space his shoulders visibly slump relieved.
“Jesus Eddie, it’s like you’ve never seen a woman’s tits before.” Snatching the joint from his hand you ash it for him before taking another long drag looking at him with curious eyes.
His face somehow turns an even deeper shade of red and his chocolate orbs still won’t meet yours as they search for anything else in the room. The realization that Eddie “The Freak” Munson might be a virgin baffles you.
The handcuffs in his room, the confident demeanor mixed with being a slight asshole to every one, on top of the fact he could play guitar. Getting laid shouldn’t be a problem for someone like him, at least that’s what you had assumed.
“Look, it’s not like women are exactly lining up at my trailer door sweetheart.” He finally gives when he looks up at you.
A part of you feels bad for taunting him, but an even bigger part was turned on by the aspect of how worked up you must be getting him with all of your teasing. The small crush you harbored mixed with the way his eyes couldn’t stay off your body made you feel bold. Besides he was giving you free weed and smoking you up, it’s the least you could do.
Before you can overthink it to much, sticking the joint back into your mouth you use your hands as leverage on the denim of his shoulders, straddling his lap. The feeling of his painfully hard erection is clear as day under the soft fabric of your biker shorts. Your own arousal starting to collect in your panties, it takes everything in you not to grind your hips against him.
“Holy shit I-“ Eddie’s eyes look like they might pop out of their sockets, hands twitching at his sides unsure if he should touch you or not.
“Well, you scratch my back.” His stare is disbelieving as he watches you pull the half way smoked joint from your lips and place it between his. “I’ll scratch yours.”
Eddie takes a drag as you watch the gears in his head start to turn as you slowly push the straps of your tank top down.
“Hey, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, it’s just an eighth you buy from me all the time.” It almost makes you laugh how much of a gentleman he’s still trying to be when the erection pressed against your swollen clit seems to get even harder.
“I know I don’t have to Eddie, I want to.” Smirking you start to pull your top down revealing the lace underneath.
“Jesus H Christ.” he gasps joint dangling loose from his mouth.
Sucking your bottom lip between your teeth you can’t help the way your own face heats up at the hunger that’s dancing around his brown eyes devouring the newly exposed skin.
You can feel the heat of his calloused hands tentatively rest on the tops of your thighs. Scared if he really touches you, you’ll change your mind. Taking the joint thats dangerously close from falling out of his mouth, twisting slightly you lean your body back to reach the ashtray, the new angle pushes him in between your folds the sensation making you gasp. His cock twitching in response underneath you.
“Are you trying to fucking kill me?” He groans throwing his head back, eyes closed with his brows knitted tightly together. The sight of him so fucked out already makes you clench at nothing. “If you’re trying to get free weed for life, it’s fucking yours.”
The laugh that bubbles up from your chest sounds almost evil. You were enjoying this way too much. Reaching behind, your fingers start to working the clasps of your bra. Eddie catches the light noise of your actions and his eyes are back on you. His fingers on your thighs start to dig themselves into the soft meat of them, watching you slowly slip the last bit of fabric away from his view.
Eddie has to actively remember how to breathe when you’re fully exposed to him. Somehow you’re even more gorgeous then whatever late night fantasies of you he’d indulge himself in. Your tits were better then the ones in the magazines he jacked himself off to, even better then the ones in the pornos. They were real and right in from of him and god did he hope you’d let him touch them. He could feel the zipper start to press into the sensitive head of his cock, his fingers digging themselves even deeper into your thighs, nails biting into your skin.
“Still with me?” Placing your hands on top of his, you try to get his attention. His fingers flex relaxing slightly at the sound of your voice, and you can tell he has to try and tear his eyes away from your chest. They are unrecognizable when they meet yours, almost like his pupils had taken over any trace of brown. There’s no control when your hips roll against his, the intensity in his stare making you need friction.
“Fuck me.” Eddie’s voice comes out low with a loud breath exhaling through his nose.
Fingers wrapping around his, you tug at his tight grip. Letting go he lets your hands guide his to your chest, disbelief written all over his face.
“Do you want to touch them Eddie?” Your question makes his eyes roll in the back of his head, a low groan leaving his throat.
“Jesus, you think you have to ask sweetheart?”
Leaning forward keeping his wrists in a tight hold away from where he wants them. You get close enough for your lips to brush against the shell of his ear. Lingering you let your breath tickle against him, enjoying the way he shudders against you.
“No, I just wanted to hear you say it.” He can hear the smirk in your voice before your lips wrap tightly around his earlobe sucking gently. At the same time you press his big hands to your chest, nipples perking up instantly against his palm.
“Holy fucking shit, Jesus fucking Christ ” The intensity of it all almost becomes too much for Eddie, worried if you move even slightly he’ll cum.
Eddie takes a minute to gain his composure, now convinced you were a succubus here to take his soul. He would gladly give it to you, that and all the weed in his trailer if that’s what you were after.
With your hands returning to their place on his shoulders. Eddie squeezes the plush softness of your breasts, feeling the full weight of them in his hand. Fingers spread out, gripping and cupping, pushing them together and pulling them apart. He was like a kid playing with a new toy.
Curiously he pinches one of your hard nipples between is finger tips, the sensation making you whimper and grind against him.
“Eddie-shit.” You close your eyes when he does it again, letting yourself continue to find the friction you desperately need against your clit. You can feel Eddie press his hips up helping you feel all of him, his big doe eyes watching you fall apart under his touch. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of confidence grow in his chest, you liked what he was doing.
“Yeah? You like that?” Eddie does it to both nipples at the same time, making you close your eyes taking your bottom lip between your teeth. All you do is nod unable to find your voice.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” He says it in a way like he’s talking to himself.
He pushes them up from the bottom before smashing them back together, your hard nipples almost touching. His face gets close enough that you can feel the heat of his breath on your skin, when you look down his eyes are staring up at you, and you already know what he wants to do.
“You can suck them if you want baby.” The pet name leaves your mouth far too easily. You don’t even know if he catches it, his mouth warm and ready capturing one of your pert nipples as soon as you give permission.
Sucking hard he roughly jiggles the one that’s not occupied by his mouth, completely losing himself in them. When his tongue swirls around your areola you don’t know who’s eyes roll harder in the back of their heads.
“Jesus, Eddie you sure you’ve never done this before?” You gasp when his teeth gently tug.
Humming Eddie just shakes his head refusing to break his mouth away from you. You can feel the delicate skin start to bruise under his busy mouth as he starts working on the other one.
Abandoning all self control you start grinding down on him with no shame, your arousal becoming too much to handle. Closing your eyes, he brings your breasts back together his tongue darting from one nipple to the other. Trails of salvia coating them, Eddie doesn’t think he could ever get enough of this as he starts bucking up meeting your thrusts. He can feel your pussy lips wrapped around his length through his denim and he thinks he might lose his mind.
The sound of his ringed fingers harsh smack to the side of your boob makes your eyes snap open. The sting adding more to the pool of slick in your underwear. Eddie’s looking at you through half lidded eyes, his hormones completely taking over. Maintaining eye contact with him you grind down on his erection painfully slow with all of your weight.
Arching an eyebrow, the confident boy you know comes out at your reaction. Slapping them again with more force and you can’t hold back anymore feeling yourself close to getting off on his hard on. His eyes watch amazed as your stretch marks dance across your skin with each slap.
“I want to fucking live in there.” He groans pushing them together one more time, as his face inches closer. You brace yourself for the onslaught of his tongue again.
When it never comes you look down confusion written all over you features. Before words can even leave your mouth he shoves his face completely between them. Moaning loudly at contact pushing himself even further into the folds of your breasts, his nose brushing against your sternum as he rubs his face all over the softness of your skin. His big fingers grip them tight against his face not worried about the lack of oxygen. Inhaling deeply, the scent of your sweat mixed with your arousal soaking through your shorts is so sweet he knows he’s close to cumming.
The animalistic noises that start coming from buried between your breasts makes your wetness pool so much that each movement of your hips feels like your gliding. Watching Eddie completely lose himself in your body was now your number one kink, silently refusing for this to be your last time watching him fall apart underneath you.
Leaving his shoulder one of your hands tangles themselves into his messy waves, you knew he wasn’t going to hear a word you said to him right now. Yanking back with enough force not to hurt him, his head peels from your chest with a loud pop of his lips. Mouth slightly open his full lips are swollen and pink, a light sheen of his own spit coating them. With lids half closed he looked drunk. Just when you thought you couldn’t possibly get any wetter.
“I wanna kiss you when I cum.” You pant, your hips bringing you closer to the brink. The blissed out look on his face almost enough to send you over the edge right now.
Eddie moans loudly when your lips meet his with force, your tongue slipping into his open mouth. He tasted like weed and your strawberry body lotion making your brain hazy, your want becoming all consuming like his.
When his tongue meets yours it’s your turn to lose control, untangling your fingers from his hair you push him back against the couch scooting yourself up on his lap. His hands find their way back to your chest, fingers greedy for more. The new angle mixed with his rough touches send you straight to your high, your body shuddering against him as it crashes through you. Fingers digging into his battle vest, moaning his name into his mouth.
“fuck, fuck, fuuuuck” Breaking from your mouth Eddie’s shuddering beneath you, his firm grip on your tits becoming hard enough you know they’ll be hand shaped bruises in the morning. In this moment watching him cum completely at your mercy, you could care less. Touching your tits had made the mean and scary freak of Hawkins a whimpering mess underneath you.
When Eddie finally catches his breath, his chocolate eyes look like the ones you had grown so fond of again. His fingers start to relax but they still don’t leave their place.
“So, you literally never have to pay for weed again.” He finally gives, goofy grin that makes your heart flutter gracing his handsome features.
Throwing your head back your laugh echos through his trailer, the Judas Priest record that had been playing finally cutting off.
“I’m gonna hold you to that Munson.” You tease, looking down at him. Eddie looked like a man at complete ease, the first time you’d ever seen such a relaxed expression on his animated face.
“You can hold me anytime you want Princess, trust me.” His grin never leaving, his hands finally show you mercy landing back on your thighs.
Leaning forward with one hand cupping his cheek, your thumb drags across his plump bottom lip. Even after everything you can still hear his breath hitch under your touch.
“I know I can.” Cockiness drips from your words before claiming his swollen lips one more time.
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rainylana · 1 year
“Pinky promise.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: you can only keep it in for so long without him knowing how shitty your life had been, and when the dam breaks, he’s there to help.
warnings: reader’s parents are getting divorced and has siblings, mentions of unhealthy eating habits and exhaustion, angst to fluff, talk of panic attacks, reader has a breakdown:( language.
a/n: hey there:) i know! it’s been a while since i posted and i’m sorry for that. i just didn’t feel like writing. but here i am:) it! i missed you all!:))) drop by in my inbox for any requests or questions or anything! i’d love to hear from you<3 i’m really happy with how this turned out and i hope you love it as much as i do! it tugs on the heart strings:)
@phantomxoxo @imdoingbetternow @eddiemania @eddiemunson @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @rovckwell @delilahtaylorsverson @aa-li-yah @ches-86 @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @kellysimagines @blowing-mikey @underthebatcape @lillianofliterature @noturmom15 @supercalifragilisticprincess @tripthlightfantastic @edzmunsonswife @itiscj @hearts4laura @livasaurasrex @mic429 @avobabe87 @flowers-and-tsukki @lexthemess21 @nothisispatric @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @fvcking-gxddess @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @justaproudslytherpuff @no0neknowsm3 @cosmic-lavender @your-starless-eyes-remain @bellasfavoritesweatpants @antigoneidk @averysblog @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @chaos-incorp @kaqua @softyutae @ahzysauce @imangy @ultimate-sdmn-trash @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @catherinnn @cheri86
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Eddie didn’t know how bad it was. And it wasn’t because he was oblivious or not smart enough to see. You were just that good of an actor. You truly knew deep down that he would not berate you for feeling the way you did, but the last thing you wanted to be was seen as an unstable girlfriend just looking for attention. But things really had been bad, and it all seemed to pile up on each other.
You found yourself getting mad at little things, your anxiety ticking away like an explosive ready to detonate. Your dreams were plagued with nightmares that lasted all night long, and damn it, you just found it hard to get up in the morning.
But Eddie, the poor boy, didn’t have a clue about your struggles. You kept up a smile at all times. You laughed and played your part like you were supposed to. Just because you were having a difficult time didn’t mean you had to bring down his party, or anyone else’s, for that matter.
It’s just your parents divorce was finally getting to you. You were happy they were calling it quits, as were your siblings, but the days up until it’s finalization was brutal. The fighting and screaming was endless and your siblings were scared and didn’t understand. You couldn’t concentrate in class and you failed a test that you’d thought you were going to pass. You were having panic attacks almost on the daily. You spilled grape juice on your white socks. It was just one thing after another.
Of course, Eddie did know about your parent’s separation, but any time he brought it up, you chalked it up to him believing you were taking it well. You were a good actress. Today however, your dam would break, because you could only take so much.
“You didn’t bring me a surprise snack today?” Dustin’s big eyes widened in a playful sadness that quirked your lips up in a smirk. “But you always bring me a surprise snack! What else am I going to have for dessert!”
“You’re cleaning out my girlfriend’s pantry, Henderson.” Eddie’s chair tipped backwards as he threw a pretzel at his friend across the cafeteria table. “Can’t you bring your own shit?”
“Sorry, bud.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, looking in your empty lunchbox. “If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my stuff too.”
Eddie internally frowned and scooted his snack over to you, pointing so you could eat. Gareth was rambling on about the movies playing at the cinema that weekend, so you didn’t speak to interrupt him, but you smiled softly as you picked up a pretzel. The cafeteria buzzed with loud conversation, making your head hurt worse than it already did. You weren’t eating as well as you should be, and you knew that wasn’t benefiting your mood, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to.
You felt guilty for being dramatic. You were being dramatic. Others had it worse, that was always what you told yourself, so there was no reason to wallow in your own misery. But god, all you wanted to do was lay your head on the table and plug your ears so hard that they bled and you wouldn’t have to hear a sound.
So instead, you forced yourself to smile and eat, leaning over to squeeze Eddie’s hand while Gareth continued holding the talking stick.
Your fingers were tapping anxiously against the steering wheel of your vehicle, head thrown back as you tried not to loose your shit. It was almost seven o’clock in the evening. You were parked outside of the school debating whether or not to go inside to find Eddie. Tears were rolling down your face, nose stuffy and crusted from your previous meltdown.
Your little sister came to you crying again, talking about how she’d overheard your parents screaming about who was going to have custody. It was the same old tune between them. You didn’t worry about custody, but the kids did, and that didn’t make it right. They were too young to hear that kind of thing and if absolutely broke your heart. She’d cried in your arms until she fell asleep in your bed, and then you broke.
It was just so stressful. Every little thing seemed a million times harder to accomplish. Simple tasks seemed almost unbelievable to approach. You just wanted a good nights sleep. You didn’t know how you ended up outside of the school, but Eddie was there. It was hellfire night, and damn it, you just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him. You tried to wipe your tears as best as you could, wrapping your flannel sleeves around your torso as you scurried into the school. You had a quick walk to your step as your heart beat loudly in your ear.
Just the sound of his voice was enough to calm you, and you leaned against the door to take a few deep breaths and to wipe at your face. You began to regret coming over. He was having fun. His voice was loud and booming, the puppet master commanding his puppets to follow his every wish. You were about to ruin it.
Everyone’s eyes looked up when the door creaked open, and a wide smile beamed onto Eddie’s face at the sight of you. “There’s my princess!” He clapped his hands. “Come on, come on, we’re just getting started.” He waved you over.
The lights were dim enough that he couldn’t see the emotions on your face. You dug your nails in your palm was you walked over to his throne, smiling your best at the boy’s greetings. When you got to Eddie’s side, his free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he shook dice in his other hand. You had a lump in your throat that continued to build.
“Eddie,” You said softly, your voice cracking as you looked down bashfully. “Can I talk to you?”
He peeked up a little but didn’t look at you fully. “Yeah, baby, just give me one second.”
You melted more into his side, bringing up your fingers to naw on. You felt like you were going to faint. Your eyes began to burn and you squeezed his shoulder. He laughed loudly at everyone’s dismay at the roll of his dice. He looked up at you to see you laugh, but he wasn’t met with that. His eyes narrowed and his lips parted at the sight of your tearful eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He panicked, scooting back in his chair.
Your face crumpled and you shook your head, crossing your arms shamefully in embarrassment. You looked so small and you hated yourself for it. He grabbed your elbows and scanned over your face, gulping in his own anxiety.
“Y/n, hey-” He looked over to the door across the room, and he cupped your cheek and turned you around to guide you to privacy.
Once he shut the door, leaving the guys confused and whispering back and forth, he turned around and stepped toward you. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He frowned deeply, voice an octave higher in concern.
You only buried yourself in his arms, sobbing in his shoulder like a little girl who couldn’t find her parents. Ironic.
“Hey, hey,” He wrapped his arms right around you. “What happened? What’s going on?”
It felt so nice to be held by him, like all your problems were going to melt away like snow in the spring. “Everything.” You blubbered against his jean jacket, his chin tucked aside of your head. “It’s everything, Eddie. Everything’s falling apart.”
He squeezed you tighter when you let out a string of wincing sobs, eyes narrowed in confusion at your sudden breakdown. “What’s falling apart, baby? Talk to me. Tell me what happened.” He rubbed your back soothingly.
You pushed your face into his chest so you didn’t have to breath, squeezing your eyes shut and your nose scrunching up where it hurt. You shook your head, whimpering, and he rocked you softly as he held the back of your head.
“Did someone hurt you?” He spoke with a protective tone.
You shook your head quickly. He didn’t need to start anymore fights. Your head pounded from the lack of air you allowed yourself, and Eddie’s eyes narrowed when you gulped loudly. He gently pulled you away and widened his eyes at your pale face. “Take a breath, baby.” He cupped each side of your face.
Your waists ghosted each other’s and his elbows nearly touched your shoulders as he held your face, wiping away tears as you sniffled and carried on. “I’m sorry.” You spewed, sobbing in his grasp.
“No, no,” He shook his head, whispering softly with a breath. “Don’t. You’re okay.”
He waited a minute for the color to return to your face, holding and softly rocking you as you tried to control your emotions. He wiped away each tear and tucked away strands of your soft hair. Once you began to calm down, you could barely look him in the eye.
“It’s my parents.” You blinked down to his stomach. “They’re fighting.”
“Fighting?” He rubbed the space behind your ear.
“A lot.” You forced out with a shake in your voice. “Like..like all the time and the kids are scared.”
Eddie’s heart swelled when you wouldn’t look at him. This sudden admittance about your family was shocking. As far as he had known, it was going smoothly.
“Bethy is worried about who’s going to custody over us,” Your eyes burned and you pressed your hand against your face, sobbing. “Eddie, all they do is fight. It’s constant and- and I don’t know how to make the girls feel any better. I feel so guilty and it’s- it’s not my job to make them f-feel better. Mom and dad should be doing that.”
Eddie rubbed up and down your arms as he listened to you, soft brown eyes pierced with concern and worry.
“And i’ve been having panic attacks.” You burned shamefully, barely looking up at him through wet lashes. “I keep waking up in the middle of the night just- just terrified and I don’t know why. My heart races so fast and I feel so..so freaked out and it scares me so bad.”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist, his thumb circulating your brow. “I can’t eat and I just- I just feel so tired all the time. My grades are slipping and I don’t even have fucking energy to take a shower.”
You covered your face with your hands and looked up to the ceiling with a groan. “And I spilled grape juice on my socks.”
It took Eddie a minute before he could figure out his next move. You didn’t blame him. You dumped a boatload of information on him when he’d fully believed everything in your life was peachy keen. He sighed deeply in guilt before he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him.
“Fuck- baby, I’m so sorry.” He sighed regretfully, burying his face in your shaking shoulders. “I didn’t realize things had gotten so bad.”
“It’s not your fault.” You sank into him. “I’m the one who’s been keeping it from you.”
“Why?” He kissed your temple, rubbing up and down your back.
“I didn’t want to bother you with my..well, my shitty life. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
Eddie pulled away to lift your chin up toward him, his eyes looking into yours. “You’re my girl, y/n. I’m always going to worry about you. I wish you would of told me about all this. I would have helped you.”
“I know.” You whimpered shamefully. “I’m sorry.”
“Quit that.” He gave your head a little shake, rocking your waist gently. “You have nothing to apologize for. You just need to tell me these things, okay? If you’re suffering then I want to know about it.”
God, he was amazing. You felt foolish for not letting him take care of you sooner. You blushed and leaned your forehead on his chin, groaning softly as your tears dried. “Why are you so perfect, Eddie? I’m an ugly mess.”
He ignored your statement with a roll of his eyes, shifting his weight and moving to lean against the cement wall, allowing you to fully and comfortably relax against him. “How long have you been having panic attacks?” His legs were kicked out slightly, yours atop of his as you cuddled his chest.
“A few weeks.” You said with a shameful mutter. “I thought I was having a heart attack at first. I got so close to going to the hospital.”
Eddie closed his eyes in disbelief. “Jesus, baby, I’m so sorry.” He hugged you. “Please, promise me you’ll let me know when you start feeling that way, please? I hate that you’ve been suffering alone.”
You nodded and held up your pinky, Eddie’s chest vibrating with an amused chuckle. He brought up his hand and wrapped his larger, callused finger around yours and gave it a gentle shake. “Pinky promise.” You kissed the tip of his finger.
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cxrsed-angel · 1 year
as best friends do| eddie munson x fem!reader
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word count: 1k
warnings: drugs (weed), mentions of smut (but no actual smut yet my blog is 18+ but i’m just reiterating this 18+ only MDNI, (both eddie and reader are in theirs twenties)
A/N: i know i promised joel taking care of drunk!reader but this came out when i trying to get through writers block so i hope you enjoy this not proofread fic that i wrote in one sitting. (also ive never been high so sorry if some things aren’t accurate
gif credits:@/ lukepattrsns
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"wanna make an adult movie” you blink slowly trying to understand what eddie has just asked you
you imagined a gory, violent horror movie with fake blood and everything. Which would be fun to do, he was extremely creative so youre sure he would have a good script.
“like m-rated horror film or like a porno” it’s quiet as you wait for eddie to answer the air thick, the ocean documentary is the only thing keeping it from being dead silent. eddie takes another hit of the joint before passing it to, he exhales slowly before answering.
“a porno” you turn and face him not knowing if he was joking but the look on his face was serious.
suddenly the room felt thick and hot and the shorts you have on feel too short, your face feels hotter and swear you’re hearts beating so loud he could heart it.
“okay i think that’s enough weed.” you stand up from the couch needed to get water and create some distance between you and eddie after what he just said.
“oh come on you haven’t thought about it before” he leans back against the coach nonchalantly like he wasn’t asking you to flim a sex tape.
you shake your head laughing, you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation you’ve known eddie for almost 4 years yet he still manage to surprise you.
“no eddie i haven’t thought about filming porn with my best friend.” you couldn’t believe him.
you watch him get up from the couch and make his way to the kitchen and leans over the counter.
“what about when you were sucking my cock in the back of the van a few weeks ago.” you open your mouth to argue but he doesn’t give you a chance.
“oh before that when i was fucking you in the bathroom after my gig hmm?”
“well um still that’s different—” you stutter as he cuts you off again as he approaches where you’re standing.
“what about when you got that new skirt the other day and let me fuck you in was it because you looked to pretty in it i couldn’t resist was that different too?"
he steps closer to you trapping you between the counter your leaning against and his body, he moves a piece of hair that had fallen in front of your face, you don’t know why you were so nervous what the fuck was that weed you smoked, he stares into your eyes for a few minutes waiting for you say something but you stayed silent your brain unable to argue only think the times he mentioned and all the times that he didn’t mention.
but suddenly he backs away, “but i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable so just forgot i mention okay sweetheart” he smirks and takes your water and sits back on the couch and puts on a movie.
he knew you, he knew the affect he had on you and that you wouldn’t forget it, it had started out as a one time thing, you were both virgins and wanted to get it over with, you both promised to not make it weird after just friends helping each other out, but that one time had turned into basically an unspoken best friends with benefits situation.
you roll your eyes at how he know how to mess you with you, you sit back on the couch next to him and watch the movie. but you were still thinking about what he said.
“your not just asking cause you’re high right.” eddie takes his eyes off the movie and looks at you.
“no no been thinking about for while actually the weed just made me less nervous to finally ask.” he pauses reading your face “but like i said don’t worry about okay.” he places a hand on your knees rubbing it reassuringly and he turns back to the movie.
“i didn’t say no” but that has his attention back on you.
“oh so you’re saying yes.” you see the smile starting to form.
“not necessarily, do you have a shitty plot line?” you ask not really wanting to play a sexy nurse or something.
he frowns shaking his head “no no just me and you like usual just happens to be a camera” you open your mouth but he’s seems to know what you were gonna say.
“steve has a camera he said i could borrow even comes with a stand” you raise your eyebrows at how much thought he has put into this.
“and harringtons okay with us using his camera for porn.” eddie scoots and places an arm around the back of the couch and pulling you into close.
“well don’t get cum on the camera and he wouldn’t even know right, and you’re not a squirter—well that one time—“ you shove him away lightly before he continue.
“oh my god you said you wouldn’t talk about that time” he laughs and pulls you back into him.
“i’m sorry babe but it’s was so hot and you’re face after was so cute you were so embarrassed and shy“ he continues to teasing but makes up for by kissing your cheek, like best friends do right?
you roll your eyes and scrunch up your face pretending to be disgusted, which only makes him kiss you more placing kisses all around your face.
“Eddieee stoppp!”’ you beg in between giggles.
he stops for a second looking between your eyes and your lips before aggressively placing his lips on yours you’re surprised but you quickly melt against the familiar feeling closing your eyes and embracing the kiss, his hand move you off your sit on the couch into his lap, resting on your ass and squeezing it every now and then, you run your hands through his hair in the back lightly tugging it, you continue like this until you both can’t breathe.
he looks at you with his brown eyes blown with lust “so that’s a yes” you nod more quickly than you intended.
“yea it’s a yes— so are we like um gonna do it now” you ask as you start feeling yourself getting wetter and more turned on.
he lets out a small laugh “i don’t have the camera now sweetheart but i’m glad you’re excited i’ll ask steve about later this week ok?” his hands slowly rub up and down your back as you nod.
“okay” he catches the slight disappointment you were trying to hide.
“hey that’s doesn’t mean we can’t practice right.” he suggests before kissing your neck occasionally sucking on it knowing it would leave a mark.
you nod as you get up from his lap, grabbing his hand and leading him to his room, to “practice” for filming a sex tap, you know as best friends do.
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eddiebun · 2 years
puppy love • part two
mini series ; part two, find part one here
pairing ; eddie munson x fem!reader
summary ; lovesick y/n has fallen head over heels, complete infatuation with the scraggly-haired metal head who drops her off at school every morning and takes her home after.
genre ; angst, fluff, smut, smitten!reader has heart eyes for heartbreaker!eddie, !! flashbacks/memories in all italics !!
warning ; this content is 18+ only. explicit sexual content (minors away !! grrr), fingering, oral f receiving, pantie kink? m! masturbation, bullying, petty behaviour, family issues, drugs, consuming alcohol, reader fits into eddie's clothes, panic attacks, insecure reader who pines for eddie who gets bitches and sleeps around. dumb, both reader and eddie are dumb but like does he really not know how reader feels? maybe he’s being cruel.. yeah he’s kinda a dick in this.
wc ; 11.1k strap in
fairy note ; putting all my heart into this, feedback and interactions are greatly appreciated. thanks twice and ive, gg playlist in general for getting me through this long part of puppy love oh my- also this isn't full proofread yet, sorry. i don’t have a taglist but i do have a blog that you can turn notifications on to know when i post a new fic, click here ♡
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“I guess I could say hi to her..”
You had left the Hellfire Club room behind the theatre class with your shoulders slumped, a quick goodbye paired with an excuse to Eddie. You felt detached and put off, but you had your last class of the day— in about 2 minutes so there was no time for any of those sappy feelings getting in the way.
Turning hallways and skipping a couple of steps up to the floor of your maths class, successfully reaching it on time, and setting yourself down at the desk where you normally reside.
You didn't even notice that Lori was in her usual spot— the desk in front of you, until you heard her joyful giggle, Eddie's proposition to you whirling around in your head like a cruel taunt you just couldn’t shake.
But alas, you had already told your puppy-eyed friend— that you were in love with, that you’d talk to her for him and you didn’t go back on your word.
"thought it would be nice for you to make a new friend too since you're stuck to me."
What did Eddie even mean by that? Sure, you didn’t have many friends and you weren’t even super comfortable around all of Eddie’s friends yet, still taking time to open up with them and yeah, you’d always come running to him when something had happened, good or bad but that’s what friends did and he’d welcome you with open arms no matter rain or shine. It didn’t make sense, why would he suddenly sound so hostile now? Like you were suddenly a burden he wanted to brush off.
You didn’t like this Eddie very much.. your Eddie might’ve been irritatingly oblivious to how flirtatious he was, absolutely blind to your genuine feelings, gestures and purposeful routines that included him but, he was never mean.
You swallowed down the nervous lump in your throat and reached out to tap Lori’s shoulder to get her attention, seeing her turn around and all the previous joy drain from her face, looking like you had just killed her entire family and it took you by surprise but you were used to plenty of two faced people in Hawkin’s High.
“Hi.. sorry.” you spoke up, rubbing your arm out of comfort, “I was just wondering where you got your bag from, it’s really cute.” you weren’t lying but you were exaggerating, under any other circumstances, you would have never had enough confidence to muster up asking any popular kids questions, though it helped that she wasn’t surrounded by her poesy right now.
“Oh..” her face softened up at the flattery, looking down at her bag before back ahead at you, expression a lot more relaxed now, “My daddy got it for me in a department store in the City.”
“Oh, cool, I like it.” you smiled, “Um, you like my friends band right? Corroded Coffin.”
Her eyes went wide and she nervously laughed, shaking her head, “I don’t know what that is.” her eyebrows furrowed and oh boy, she was a terrible liar.
You blinked a couple times, stuck on how to progress anything if she was just going to play pretend, “Well, my friend has this band and he saw you the other night—“ she cut you off, reaching over to squeeze your hand, “That wasn’t me sweetie.” her tone was condescending.
She turned away and you rolled your eyes, oh well, you tried. Maybe Eddie did get mixed up with another girl, not Lori.
“Here’s that department stores name.” She turned back around to hand you over a piece of ripped paper she had scribbled on, ‘talk to me when school ends, go to the restroom, not here xoxo’
When you went to look back up at her you saw she was already facing back towards the front, you were in disbelief but you reminded yourself that people like this weren’t nice and given the opportunity they would rather laugh in your face then hear you out. So of course Lori Fisher wouldn’t dare be caught talking to you in front of her friends, especially not about Eddie Munson out of all people.
You didn’t even know why you were even bothering, you were helping the guy you had been fawning over all year hook up with some preppy girl in your class, it didn’t make sense even to you but Eddie’s harsh words hung heavy on your heart. You had somewhat convinced yourself that this would be a fix, just to keep pleasing him, you had messed up somehow along the way, right? What if you had really upset him? You couldn’t stand the thought of Eddie being upset with you, especially to the point where he didn’t want you around as much anymore.
Once class was dismissed you were gathering your things when you heard Lori announcing to her friends that she had to rush home early today, catching the way she glanced at you before heading off.
You followed behind her a little before the both of you were in the toilets, the rest of the students heading home or out with their friends for the day.
"We can talk here, it's better," she spoke up, looking in the mirror and adjusting the ponytail on top of her head, “So did Munson like.. tell you I was there?” she asked, still looking ahead at the mirror.
You just nodded, unsure of where she was going with this, “You talk to him a lot don’t you? Kinda thought you two were together or something.” she scoffed out a laughter, “But here you are.. asking if I like his band and how Eddie saw me.” she titled her head, tapping her chin as though she was thinking.
“He likes me doesn’t he?”
You honestly had somewhat drifted off into your thoughts somewhere between her speculating, shaking your head back to reality before laughing nervously, “Something like that.” you muttered.
“Interesting..” she cooed and you couldn’t read her expression, what was on her mind.
Yes Lori, the boy you’ve fell head first into love with was interested in her, and here you were like a fool, mind clouded in doubt and worry but you didn’t act, you never did, like a complete coward.
“There’s a party, y’know Chance? Big muscled guy on the basketball team? Well, he’s holding one tonight, you wouldn’t be a doll and ask if Eddie could come? It’s like bring your own alcohol but he could bring drugs instead, that would work.” she nodded eagerly at her suggestion, scribbling down an address and shoving it into your hand.
Lori wanted you to be the messenger and invite Eddie to some High School party? You didn’t even get a chance to question her, watching her gasp once she checked the time.
“Gotta go! See ya, okay?” she grinned before rushing out of the toilets.
You glanced down at the address written on the paper before stuffing it into your pocket and walking out of the school building, Eddie would be there waiting in his car to drop you both back off home.
“Jesus H Christ!” he jolted, sitting in the drivers seat with rolling papers between his fingers and his little lunchbox full of drugs on his lap— which nearly went flying when you startled him with your sudden presence.
You plopped yourself down in the passenger seat and laughed under your breath, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” you looked over at him and he relaxed, shaking his head,
“No, you’re good, don’t worry.” he chuckled, putting away any drug paraphernalia and starting the car, “Y’wanna come over and listen to some new songs I learned? Picked up ice cream for us too.” he told you proudly but you hesitated.
“Really?” you asked which he laughed at, “Yeah? Why’re you saying that?” he asked, confused since the both of you always hung out you never double checked with him, you’d normally jump at the offer or suggest plans first.
“Nothing m’ just checking.” you shrugged it off, his words still ringing in your head but if he said it was okay then you believed him.
He patted your thigh and kept it resting there after starting the car and pulling it out of the school parking lot, headed out the gates and home. Once Eddie has pulled up outside the trailer you followed him in, feeling the warmth of his palm still burning at your thigh.
The both of you got comfortable in his room, Wayne out on his night shift so Eddie didn't hold back in giving you a couple personal performances with his guitar whilst you say back against his headboard, watching his fingers swipe skilfully plucking and striking the strings of his beloved instrument.
“You learnt all of those songs over the week?” you leaned up, blinking up at him in surprise, “Mhm? Not to brag or anything but i’m pretty good right?” he jokingly winked before setting aside the instrument on the stand and joining you on his bed.
“So.. you’ve been looking like something’s been on your mind since you got in the car and you barely even touched the ice cream I bought for us.” he pointed out, reaching over and squeezing your hand in your lap, big brown eyes watching you.
You laughed quietly, an awkward attempt to quell any nerves at his apprehensive questioning, "Nothing serious." you shook your head, shrugging it off dismissively but of course, Eddie only gravitated further towards you, head leaning to the side knowingly and the feeling of his thumb swiping along the back of your hand had a nervous lump building in your throat.
You didn't have to tell him, right? If you just said something like, Lori wasn't that interested, kinda mean, you wouldn't even be lying.
Ultimately you decided against that, opting to just tell him and see what he made of the situation, you didn't take Eddie for desperate so you somewhat had hopes that he would deny any sort of party invite from her.
"Well.. Lori, we talked a little but not in front of everyone, she didn't wanna do that," you glanced up at him, seeing him listening intently, "So yeah, we talked and she basically asked me to invite you to one of the basketball players parties tonight." you explained, prying out the crumbled up paper with his address on.
You watched the way Eddie's eyebrows furrowed as he uncrumpled the paper and read the address, a disgruntled expression on his face, "She invited me?" he peeked back up at you.
"Mhm, talked about bringing your own alcohol or drugs too," you shrugged before a sigh left your lips and you laid back against the bed, "you're not going right?" you asked him, looking up at the ceiling.
It was silent, uncomfortably long silence, peeking your head up and resting up on your elbows as you studied his expression, "Eddie." you called out.
"I could check it out.” you watched him shrug and your eyes went wide, mouth dropped open a little.
“You wanna party with people that bully you?” you questioned him, watching him roll his eyes in annoyance— like you hadn’t made a completely fair point.
“She invited us Y/N, I don’t see why she’d do that if she was like the others.” he tried to reason but it only made you more frustrated.
“Okay, let’s say she isn’t like that, that she’s a total sweetheart who has this little risky crush on you,” you cooed out in a forcibly sweet tone, “that means her friends are still assholes, whether she’s nice to you or not, she’s putting you in a room full of people that despise us just for breathing— oh and she didn’t invite us, Eddie, she invited you.”
Eddie clearly didn’t like that response because he glared at you like you had just said the most heinous thing, “You’re being dramatic,” he combed his fingers through his hair, a habit he had when he was stressed, “I said I’d check it out! Besides, I’m not a baby, I can stick up for myself.” he scoffed.
“Why?” you asked, completely baffled, “Is it that worth it?” you spoke quietly but it was audible enough for Eddie to hear, his eyes still boring into you.
His expression had turned somewhat sour when he spoke up again, “Ohh, I get it, this is because I told you it would be nice if you made a new friend too?” he laughed as though he had it figured out.
You stared at him, blinking a couple times before standing up, you weren’t going to do this, bicker with Eddie whilst he speculated and turned this on you.
“Oh so it is?” he stood up, “It isn’t even that big of a deal! I didn’t say it maliciously.” he shook his head but you weren’t even listening to him, grabbing your bag and stepping into your shoes.
“Shut up, I’m against it because I told you, those people aren’t nice people Eddie— besides! she doesn’t even like me so to hell with any ideas of friendship!” you raised your voice.
“No! You’re just overthinking it and making it into this big fucking thing like this will end the world or something I mean come on Y/N! Grow up!” he grabbed the bag you were holding to make you stop for a moment and listen to him.
“I’m looking out for you!” you poked your finger into his chest, glaring up at him and your breathing had gotten heavier, the whole situation working you up.
“Oh my! My hero, saving me from big bad Lori and her asshole friends like I totally don’t deal with that on the daily, seriously loosen the fuck up.” he scoffed and you felt your heart pang in your chest, why was he making you out to be so evil?
“Whatever, have fun— prove me wrong, I don’t care anymore.” you laughed weakly, grabbing your bag out of his grasp and storming out of the trailer.
The whole thing had you stunned, feeling like you couldn’t even breathe properly and like your whole world was collapsing on you. You had never yelled at each other like that and Eddie normally heard you out but this time he had been so mean and stubborn, all over something that— in your eyes — was going to backfire massively for the both of you.
You got home and kicked off your shoes, falling face first into the couch in the living room, “Bad day?” you heard your Mom speak up, peeking her head out from the kitchen. She walked over when she heard muffled sniffling against the pillow.
You spent a little while like that, shedding tears onto the pillow whilst your Mom stayed beside you, only raising your head to wipe at your swollen eyes, “Eddie, he’s not being very fair.” you croaked out, voice unstable.
“Hmm? How so my love?” your Mom questioned, watching you sit up properly and she grabbed a couple tissues, handing them over.
“He asked me to talk to someone he’s interested in b-but I tried to tell him I don’t think it’s a good idea because they're not nice and neither are their friends and he got all defensive.” you sniffled out in between hiccups, “You know I like him but.. it’s not even that, I care for him before anything!” you enthused.
“I know, I know..” she frowned, sighing at the situation you had explained, “Well, I know it might not be pleasant to think about but let him carry on, do what he wants to and he’ll soon come crawling back apologizing once he realizes, I’m sure he’s just being headstrong.” she shook her head, “He cares about you too, he’s just making poor decisions he has to learn from himself, there’s only so much fixing you can do Y/N.”
You knew your Mom meant well and she was being rational but you could but anything but that, you just couldn't shake the horrid feeling— probably because you were head over heels in love with him. With your heart pounding in your chest anxiously and your mind conjuring up the worst scenarios your friendship would end in, you had to distract yourself before you got yourself further worked up over the boy.
Your Mom even offered to stay home from work instead of heading to her night shift so you could both watch movies, but you refused, feeling like it would have been too much of a burden on her.
Now, with the night approaching 9 PM already and your Mom out of the trailer, and the one you loved most was off trying his best to, how you saw it, replace you, you turned to the kitchen and reached up to a top shelf, plucking a bottle of wine out and cracking the cap open to fill a glass.
It was stupid, everything felt so stupid and maybe yes, you were a little dramatic but Eddie was your everything, he had taught you so much about yourself, his presence alone had made you feel so comforted, and he genuinely listened. You had never felt like your problems were real enough until Eddie assured you that it's okay and it's not selfish to be upset, to complain, and to want to scream at the top of your lungs sometimes and he had promised he'd be there, to cheer you on, to lend a shoulder to cry on or to distract you from any hurt you were going through, he never wanted you to go through that again, he told you that you wouldn't have to.
So maybe that's why this hurt even more.
"Hey, freak, that your girlfriend?" one of the basketball players, Alex, called out mockingly, just wanting to provoke him, "she sure looks the part, wonder if she's as freaky in the bedroom as she looks."
Eddie lost his cool, his arm around you dropping from your shoulder as he turned back around and got up in Alex's face despite your protesting and tugging at his arm, "Don't fucking talk about her like that alright man? What is your problem—"
He got whacked in the face, fist flying at his cheek, feeling him knock back into you, Alex fleeing as soon as he caught sight of a teacher, fled like a coward, not that Eddie would've probably jumped on him back, he didn't scrap, that wasn't like him but he didn't just stand there all the time letting people walk all over him— especially not you.
"Oh my god, Eddie are you okay?!" you screeched out after catching a breath from stumbling back with Eddie, your hand still squeezing at his arm.
You went back to him with his trailer that day-- skipping your lessons just for him, full-on nurse mode even though it was only a busted lip, insisting that he should just rest and you'd look after him, "Y/N, it's not that bad," he shook his head dismissively, eyes blinking down at you as you kneeled in between his legs, holding a damp towel to his lip, "starting to think you just like me or something." he'd jest playfully.
"Shut up stupid, why are you saying that?" you whined, probably poutier looking than you should've been, for an obvious joke.
"You just wanna take care of me and love up on me all day." he'd coo playfully and you felt your hands get clammy despite holding the icy cold towel.
"You've gone crazy Eddie Munson, sure you didn't hit your head too?"
You felt like you had only blinked and a matter of hours had passed, sitting on the floor with your knees against your chest and you had opted to drink straight from the bottle instead of your glass now, "Stupid.. Stupid, dumb, gorgeous Eddie Munson," you grumbled drunkenly to yourself, "I mean really? What do I not have? I-I want him so bad." you slurred out, banging your head back against the mattress on your bed.
You didn't even hear the soft knocking on your window until it grew louder and you finally thought you had lost it, hearing things and becoming paranoid.
"Y/N!" you heard a muffled voice and whipped your head around in the direction of the window, eyes going wide when you saw Eddie. You pushed yourself up but were very unsteady on your feet, getting to the window with the help of grabbing everything around you for stability.
Pushing the window open, you were swaying back and forth a little and squinting at him in your drunken haze, "What?" you bleated, seeing Eddie already push himself into your room, "No, nu uh, Eddie, get out." you complained, but he was already in your room.
"Drunk? Why're you drunk?" he questioned, noticing your incessant hiccups, and slurred words, and the empty bottle laid on the ground. He grabbed your hand and sat you down on the bed, watching the way your lips downturned into a pout, quietening up suddenly.
"Why're you here.. the party." you mumbled, glancing down at your hands in your lap, his hand still grasping gently at your wrist.
"Y/N it's 1 AM, besides, I didn't wanna stay long, needed to see you." he shook his head, waving his hand like he didn't want to talk about it.
In truth, as soon as Eddie walked through the door and greeted Lori, it was clear as the night grew, what her intentions were from the start.
At first, Lori was pleasant, cute even and she buttered Eddie up with endless compliments and questions about his band she saw at the diner that night, to Eddie she seemed sweet, and yeah, her friends all gave him the nastiest of looks and snide comments but they didn't seem to interfere too much and Lori didn't give it any thought either, to him it was just nice that she was joining in with the cruel remarks.
“Did you bring that stuff?” she squeezed his arm, sweet smile making her eyes crease, “Oh, um yeah but we don’t have to do anything.” Eddie hesitated but pulled out the little baggies of weed and assortments of pills from his pocket, hearing her gasp, “Ooh fun!” she winked.
“You don’t mind? I can make it up to you later.” she leaned in, pecking his cheek and swiping the various tiny plastic bags from his hand.
He didn’t exactly have a say in it, he was stupid but not that stupid, he knew saying no, suddenly going all cold and storming out the party flooded with football and basketball players, with his ‘fun’ he’d just displayed to her, wasn’t going to work and she knew that too. Lori always got what she wanted, with a sweet over-exaggerated smile and forcibly high tone.
"Y’know, you’re like.. not as weird as I thought you'd be, kinda cute." a drunken Lori cooed, eyes big as they looked up at him, "That Y/N though, I mean even though you're out of my league, shit she's like the bottom of the barrel-kinda out of your league!" she burst out into laughter.
His face scrunched up in disbelief, he didn’t care about the drugs anymore, how much money he would lose or how Lori had just used him— probably just to impress her friends. No, this was unbelievable, this was bullshit and downright cruel.
He pushed Lori a couple steps away from himself and shook his head, “Are you serious?” he grimaced, “You think that’s actually funny saying that disgusting shit about her?” he scoffed.
“Oh c’mon, lighten up!” she groaned, eyes rolling which only got Eddie more frustrated.
“You’re fucking fake, how can you be so proud and walk around like that confidently? It’s ugly and I hope it bites you in the ass, fuck you.” he watched the way Lori’s face scrunched up in disgust at his words.
“Oh fuck you, like you have any room to talk, get the fuck out freak!” she suddenly yelled, jabbing her finger into his chest and Eddie didn’t say another word, wanting nothing more than to get away from her and her disgusting mouth.
“Fucking bitch..” he scoffed under his breath, luckily stepping out of the door before anyone caught on to the situation and jumped him.
He felt bad, like a scolded puppy dog when he rolled up to Y/N’s trailer, knocking on her window and ready to be I told you so'd but if he didn’t he knew she would’ve avoided him the whole weekend, would’ve probably even walked to school on Monday too and he just couldn’t have that.
“You’re ruining my night,” you hiccupped, “well actually you already ruined it but now it’s doubly ruined.” you breathed out shakily and Eddie sighed, nodding knowingly.
“I know and—“ you glared at him and he stuttered his words, jumbling them up nervously, “I was too harsh and I should’ve heard you out instead of freaking out on you, whether I went or not I shouldn’t have treated you like that, at all!” he squeezed your hand in his to bring his point home.
“You’re mean.” he watched your eyes drop back into his lap and suddenly heard a weak sniffle. Eddie gulped back a nervous lump in his throat, feeling his heart pang in his chest, he had really fucked up.
“Oh no.. Y/N,” he spoke out softly— cautiously not to make you further upset, “I’m sorry angel, I'm really, really sorry.” he frowned, leaning in closer but you just recoiled.
“No, please stop that.” you shuffled away, crawling to the end of the bed and curling up, “Stop calling me that a-and touching me like that, my head, it messes with my head and my heart hurts.” you whined, feeling like you couldn’t catch your breath.
“Y/N I don’t know what you mean if you don’t talk to me..” he pleaded with his eyes, giving you your space since he didn’t want to overwhelm you, “I know I messed up, I can only prove to you it won’t happen again, I cherish us so much you have no idea-“
“No! You have no idea!” you snapped, sitting up and he could see your whole body tremble with every drawn-out breath you took.
“You’re so sweet and caring and then you step all over me like everyone else! Getting me to do this and that because you know that I will because you know I like you.” you were just spewing words at this point, “It’s not fair, none of this is fair, and—“ you found yourself letting out another sob, “I don’t like this, I don’t like it anymore, hurts too bad. I do everything I can but it’s not enough for you to look at me like I want you to.” you squeezed your arm nervously, feeling loose tears drip down your cheeks and your head felt so heavy.
“So please just go, leave— don’t want any pity or apologizes, just stupid puppy love, a dumb crush, it’ll pass.” you whimpered out brokenly, mostly saying that to ease yourself but you knew how pathetic you looked saying this was nothing more than a dumb crush when here you are bawling your eyes out like this and confessing in front of him after some wine? It was pitiful.
It was silent for a little while and you had buried your head into your arms, rocking yourself back and forth comfortingly. You heard shuffling around before feeling Eddie tugging you into his embrace which rumbled another sob past your lips, reaching out to grip his shirt in upset and frustration, “Why..” you whispered out, “Why can’t you just leave?” your voice was hoarse and scratchy from your stuffy nose and glassy eyes but his hold on you didn’t let up.
“I can’t..” he shook his head, voice hushed, “It might be selfish but I just can’t, I don’t want to.” he frowned, tilting your chin up and wiping away the dried tears on your cheek. Eddie breathed out, gently pushing your head back against his chest and rocking the both of you gently, “I know that you’re tired of hearing it but I’m so sorry.. for making you confused, hurt, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.” he squeezed you.
“I guess my words, actions came off strong but..” he closed his eyes, squeezing them together, “that’s not a bad thing.” your eyebrows furrowed at that, ready to pull away and curse at him properly this time but he continued speaking, “I mean.. things are confusing but I like it- I mean, I like us, y’know..” he was awkward, scratching behind his head nervously.
He notices you shake your head and he anxiously laughed, “Can we talk about this in the morning? You’ve been drinking and crying, you need some sleep.” he kissed the top of your head and you melted, almost forgetting everything that had previously gone down tonight.
“I don’t deserve it but hear me out, please?” he looked down at you, big twinkly brown eyes and you felt your heart break for what was probably the hundredth time, nodding in compliance.
“We’ll talk and we won’t leave the room until everything is off our chests and good, okay?” he cupped your face and you couldn’t do anything but nod once again, completely drained— not be able to muster up any more complaining or tears.
Eddie smiled, giving you one more squeeze in his warm embrace before he pulled away, to your dismay, almost audibly whining at the lack of his warmth and comfort.
“Can you stay at least.. I know I said leave but it’s okay.” you spoke quietly, eyes avoiding his as you crawled up your bed and under your covers, “Want me to tuck you in?” he asked, watching you nod with your eyes peeking out from under the sheet.
He walked over, taking the corners of the duvet and making sure it was snugly tucked against you your frame, grabbing one of your plushies and even placing it under the covers beside your head.
Eddie grinned, pleased at his work before walking over to grab the blanket and cushion on the chair in the corner of your room. He tugged off his vest and kicked off his shoes before laying himself down on the floor, head resting on the little pillow and pink blanket draped over himself, “G’night angel.” you heard him softly call out.
Your eyes closed and the next time you opened them was when you felt the sun spilling in through a crack in your closed curtains, grumbling nonsense and burying your head further into the pillow in protest of the sun.
You heard Eddie’s hoarse voice as he groaned out, “Morning..” he said in between a yawn, sitting up and pressing his hand against his lower back, aching from the hard floor beneath him all night.
“I grabbed you some water.” he spoke up, pointing towards the glass beside your bedside table and you didn’t hesitate in gulping down the liquid relief, you had a dull headache, it could’ve been way worse considering drinking and crying all night but you got rather lucky.
“Can I come up?” he asked from the floor and you tried not to smile, shuffling to sit up against the headboard properly, “Mhm.”
Eddie crawled onto the bed and relaxed against the soft mattress and sheets that smelt like you, “Sleep okay?” he asked quietly and you nodded, knowing he was just trying to process all of last night.
“Can we talk about what happened?” he looked over at you at the top of the bed, “If you want to of course.” he added.
“Yeah, I want to.” you bit your bottom lip in between your teeth, anxiously biting at the skin, “I’m sorry, I know I overreacted, blabbering around about a crush and stuff, was really stupid and I was just being over emotional like— you shouldn’t of listened to anything I said.” you laughed nervously, fiddling with loose threads on your sheets.
Eddie frowned, aware you were only trying to cover yourself, probably embarrassed but that’s not what he wanted to hear, the last thing he wanted to hear was you taking any of it back.
In truth Eddie had spent the most of the night on the floor, staring up at the ceiling and playing countless scenarios and made up conversations in his head of how to tell you he liked you, he wanted to give it a chance but he was just scared to commit, make anything official. His mind was racing, wondering how he could keep someone so dear to his heart like you, how to make you happy, how to make you know you’re loved— of course he knew he fulfilled that as a friend but in a relationship? that was completely different and so much more intense and he was terrified to screw that up, what if he broke your heart for real or you broke his? He couldn’t cope with that.
“No, no, it’s okay.” he smiled, reassuringly reaching out and grabbing one of your hands, fiddling with your fingers, “Even though you were mad at me, it's understandable.” he laughed quietly, shaking his head before continuing, “I just feel like we should really talk about it, I don’t wanna upset you anymore and I need to make sure you’re okay and that we're on the same page.” he looked you dead in the eye but you couldn’t hold his gaze, too embarrassed still by last nights messy drunken confessing.
You were fearing the worst, rejection— you'd be told that in simple words, you weren't what Eddie wanted, he'd never be able to see you that way, you basically braced for impact.
Your lips pursed together and you took a deep breath in and out from your nose before lifting your head, eyes wandering aimlessly around the room to try and muster up any courage you could, eventually just blurting it out under your breath, "I do.. I do like you, more than a friend,"
You didn't hear him say anything and your eyes were now fixed back onto your lap, breathing picking up nervously, "And I'm sorry, I've been probably coming off way too pushy and overbearing, clingy, annoying— everything." you laughed out bitterly through a trembled breath, your whole chest feeling like it was tightening up in fear of the worst, "But genuinely that's not the reason I ended up being worried about Lori- I won't go into it, you know how I feel." you muttered, not wanting to speak on Lori and upset Eddie if he had a good night with her at the party, even if he came back to you after.
"Y/N," Eddie called out but you kept your head down, 'oh god here it comes' that little voice in your head spoke, the one that never rooted for you, "Look at me? Please." his head titled, wanting to meet your eyes.
You hesitated but eventually subdued the big wave of unease making you feel defeated already, your eyes looking back up and catching his and he noticed how your lips downturned and your eyes were a little swollen from crying last night, crying because of him.
"Can you give me a chance?" you heard him ask, hesitant and he even looked nervous himself which oddly put you at ease a little, you shook your head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "I mean like, we can try it, us, together." he swayed his hands between the both of you to emphasize what he was trying to say.
Eddie was asking to take your friendship further, a relationship.
You blinked a couple times, almost forgetting to breathe before you came back around, and a small laugh came out, honestly in pure disbelief, "Like.. Like boyfriend, girlfriend kinda thing?" you pointed to yourself and then Eddie.
Eddie nervously laughed, scratching behind his head and nodding, "Mhm, something like that would be great."
"You really like me or you're just saying this?" you asked, scepticism dripping in your tone, as much as you liked Eddie you wouldn't let yourself get played around if he wasn't going to show the same energy as you back.
"No- I mean, yes, god, yes I really mean it and no I would never fool you about like that, I respect you Y/N, and last night, you deserved so much better than how I acted." he reached out, squeezing your hands in his and you relaxed, watching him and listening intently, "Uhh, I mean last night was just so dumb.. and I should've listened and I've had you doubting yourself since I got you chasing around Lori for me and I hate that I did that, I'm sorry, I'm a fucking asshole." he squeezed your hands, tight and you heard him scoff, frustrated with himself.
"So, you don't like Lori? I mean.. it's nothing like a serious crush or whatever?" you studied him, wanting to read his expression, you noticed he did seem genuinely worked up at how things went.
"I don't like Lori, I was just chasing after something that seemed like a fun risky idea but it wasn't real, none of it or the people are. It's stupid." he shook his head, looking like he was in his head for a moment and you wanted to question him, wondering what happened last night but he spoke up again,
"But I have the real thing, right here, right in front of me, waiting for the longest time and I've been too foolish to act on it because I'm a coward in all honesty," he threw his head back with a sigh, "scared I'll mess it up, that you'll end up hating me and we'll be left as nothing, I can't lose you." he looked back ahead and he was frowning, he looked uneasy.
"We can take it day by day, it doesn't have to be all at once and nothing has to drastically change like we're getting married tomorrow or something." you laughed, happy when you saw Eddie's lips upturn into a smile.
“So you don’t wanna marry me?” he gasped dramatically, clutching his heart and frowning to which you giggled at, nudging his arm, “Y/N Munson.. hmm doesn’t sound as cool as my name but I still like it.” he further teased before shuffling himself closer to you.
“Day by day, yeah?” he spoke quietly now he was closer and you could smell that strawberry conditioner you had left over in his bathroom, mixed with cigarette smoke lingering on his clothes.
You nodded and felt his hand come up to cup your cheek, leaning in and pressing his lips to the top of your head as his arms moved down to clasp around your waist securely, your back hitting the bed as you felt his weight on top of you and his face resting at your neck.
You breathed him in, hand reaching up to comb through any knots in his hair, you cuddled like this before but now your heart was calm and Eddie had just asked to be your boyfriend.
“You know I really am sorry about yesterday right? I’m not just saying that. I’ll do better.” he spoke against your neck and you nodded gently, fingers untangling one of his curly strands.
“Mhm, I know,” you spoke quietly, feeling like anything else would hinder the comforting atmosphere you both needed to be surrounded in.
“Hey..” he spoke quietly, head leaning up and chin resting against your shoulder as he blinked up at you, “You’re so pretty.” he winked and you felt your face get warm from the compliment, eyelashes fluttering as you glanced at him before anywhere else in the room to settle your heart that was pounding right underneath where his head was resting.
The two of you didn’t leave bed till evening aside from going to pee or grab snacks here and there, the both of you just spent the whole Saturday in each other's embrace, talking about anything that was on your minds.
With it being Saturday it meant no school tomorrow either and the both of you could laze around in each other arms- Eddie even suggested you both skipped Monday in favor of going out on a date and you were almost tempted but you knew your Mom would find out.
So the first date moved to Sunday, tomorrow.
You picked out something cute, the colors matching you perfectly and you thought Eddie would appreciate that too, paired with those shoes Eddie helped you pick out, it was the perfect date outfit.
Stepping out of the trailer you saw Eddie already waiting, leaned up against the car and holding a bunch of flowers, grinning ear to ear already as you approached him, taking in his outfit, he had black denim pants on but this time they weren’t distressed, still fitted him nicely and he kept the belt on, on his upper half he had a white printed t-shirt on with a black opened button down on top and he looked great, showed off his arms that were decorated in tattoos, that you adored so much on him and you didn’t miss the long necklace he wore hanging from his neck, making you feel a little light-headed from how attractive he looked.
“You look so cute, ah Y/N, you'll break my heart." he dramatically gasped, taking in every single little detail you had put into your outfit before noticing your eyes lingering on him, "I know, I know I look ridiculous, this whole date thing is kinda new to me too.” he laughed, handing you the flowers, “Picked those up in record time, only nearly jumping like two red lights?” he chuckled.
You knew Eddie liked to fool around but it was true, he didn’t go on many dates or fully invest time into finding someone to fall for but you didn’t question it and if anything his nerves made you feel better about your own.
“So! Bowling and then ice cream parlor?” he double-checked with you, watching you nod excitedly at the plans, “Follow me, m’lady.” he cooed playfully, opening the passenger door and letting you hop in before he rushed around to the driver's side and started up the car.
You were so happy and the date hadn’t even really begun yet, you just knew you could do anything with Eddie and feel so warm and content inside, it was a feeling you cherished more than anything.
Your first date was everything you had hoped for and more, it wasn’t any different than any other time you had fun plans together- and that’s exactly how you wanted it, it proved that nothing would change, you were both comfortable around each other still, no high expectations that everything would happen all at once, way too fast— yes, a few shy giggles here and there when Eddie said something extremely cheesy but it was all perfect.
You were finishing up — not really, the both of you would spend the night with each other — the date at the local ice cream parlour, Eddie asking for both of your favourite flavours whilst you sat down in a booth, swinging your feet in absolute blissful joy, you did it, Eddie was yours, this was really happening and you weren’t just daydreaming.
You snapped out of your gleeful thoughts when you saw Eddie in front of you, holding the two cups of ice cream, “Uh uh.” he complained when you reached out for yours, cooing at the cute little frown on your face, “Obligatory boyfriend deed, I gotta feed you this ice cream babe.” he snickered and you rolled your eyes at his antics, not missing the way your heart clenched at the new pet name. Feeling him poking the wooden ice cream spoon at your lips, you obliged, tasting the creamy delicious treat, humming in approval at the taste before plucking the spoon out of his fingers and scooping some up for him to try now.
"Mmh.." he hummed, pondering over the taste like some expert, "Too sweet, so I guess it's perfect for you." he smirks, your nose scrunching as you shook your head and grabbed the small ice cream cup from him.
It was about 8 PM when the both of you headed on back to the trailer park, opting to follow Eddie back to his room this time, hearing him playfully coo about how he had been surrounded by your evil little plushies and menacingly tidy room all weekend.
You sighed and rolled your shoulders back once you were in Eddie's room, happy to be in the comfort of just each other and 4 walls again, you flinched when you felt a shirt come flying at your face, scowling at him when you dragged it away from your head.
It was his Hellfire shirt and you looked at him, confused— sure, he let you stay over before, in his shirt and some shorts, but never his Hellfire shirt.. and no pants.
"Put it on dummy, it'll look cute." he cooed like it was obvious, as you stood there, staring down at the infamous shirt.
"Okay, well turn around pervert." you jokingly glared at him and he obliged, turning around with his hands up.
You kicked off your date clothes and pulled the Hellfire shirt over your head, turning around when you were decent, "Mmh'okay." you nodded, still seeing him facing the wall and you laughed, "You can look, dummy."
When he turned around, his eyes went wide, taking in one of his fantasies he had thought and admittedly had countless wet dreams about, and oh god, it was better in real life. Eddie had to clear his throat to get himself composed, "Yeah— uhm.. wow," he chuckled, hand combing through his hair, "you look really fucking cute, c'mere.." he sighed, sitting himself down at the edge of his bed, legs spread wide open.
His reaction had your hands clammy, digging your nails into your palms and biting on the inside of your lip, gradually stepping over the thrown-about clothes and cigarette packets on the floor until you were standing between his legs.
"You okay?" he asked, head tilted to the side and accessing your demeanor, the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
You nodded, giving him a shy smile before you took a hold of his hand, pressing small, delicate kisses to the back of it which had his heart fluttering in bliss, "You're so gorgeous." he pulled you closer with his hand in yours.
"Can I kiss you?"
Your heart stopped, breath hitching when you looked at his eyes to find him already staring up at you with the sweetest little hopeful expression on his soft features.
"Mh, yes— please." you stuttered out, embarrassed by how flustered you sounded which only made him grin wider, pulling you smoothly onto his lap.
His hands came up and cupped your cheeks delicately, scared touching you too suddenly would startle you away like a baby deer but he relaxed when you nestled your cheek further against the warmth of his palm, one of your hands even coming up to reassuringly squeeze his arm.
"Cute." he mouthed, barely audible as you watched the way his eyes fluttered close, following suit and in no time you felt his soft plump lips molding with yours as if it was completely natural, like you had done this a million times before but you hadn't and your heart proved that, racing and pounding out of your chest like crazy. You got kind of self-conscious that you were just sitting there stunned, so you let yourself relax as best as you can, enjoying the sensation of the soft, slow, and purposeful movement of his lips on yours, it felt like paradise, better than any daydreaming you could've conjured up in your head.
When he pulled away a little he noticed the way your eyebrows furrowed, displeased from his withdrawal, chasing his lips and initiating the kissing this time, gaining some confidence which only spurred him on more.
You could've spent hours like this, attached to him, with your legs either side of his lap, your hands gripping his arms and your lips meshed with his, hearing delicious sighs leave his mouth.
"Keep going.." you spoke, breathy and feverish.
His eyes were lidded once they opened again to look at you properly, one of his hands at your hips, squeezing subtly, "Are you sure?" he spoke faintly under his breath, watching you nod and feeling your fingers drag through his hair encouragingly, "I like it, I really like it." you whispered, lips claiming his once more.
You felt greedy, swallowing up every piece of affection he gave you but you couldn't help it, he was making you giddy, your intense yearning having felt like it had led up to this.
"Mmh.." you whimpered under a broken breath, feeling him trail his velvety lips down towards your jawline, your eyes squeezing shut in concentration, not wanting to make any further embarrassing noises- didn't wanna disturb his wandering kisses.
"Can I touch you more?" he muffled in between pecking and leaving open-mouthed kisses that were trailing towards your neck.
"Please.. a-ah, please do." you ignored the way your whole body was burning up, gripping his shaggy hair in between your fingers and tilting your neck to the side.
Next, you felt his hands lifting up his shirt you were wearing and you couldn't help the whine that slipped from your lips, he was so very warm, hands laying rest on your bare waist, rubbing soft circles on the skin with his thumb as his kisses strayed more and more from innocent, feeling his tongue flick against a certain part of your neck that had you jolting in his lap.
Eddie thought you were the closest thing he could get to any sort of heaven, the cute little mewls you let out, the way he could feel the goosebumps under his fingertips, and oh god, you smelt so good he thought he would've gone crazed.
But, he kept his composure, wouldn't let himself do anything that wasn't complete concentration, and care for you, even if his jeans felt tight, denim fabric biting at his skin, he just wanted to draw every little pleasant sound and quiver out of you.
"More, more please." you hushed out against the top of his head and he was so overjoyed, you were being so vocal and every little please had him suppressing the urge to drop everything then and there and completely indulge, no, he wouldn't do that, he had all the time in the world and this was just the start.
You felt your hips lifting a little and you fluttered your eyes open, feeling reassured once you felt your back hit his bed and Eddie leaning over you, leaning in and dragging his thumb along your bottom lip, “You’re so beautiful, all mine now hmm? Never letting you outta my sight.” he smirked, tongue poking out of his mouth.
“This okay?” he asked, moving your legs open so he could kneel in between them and you felt the cold air biting at your bare skin, the thought of being so close to him, only your white undies and his Hellfire shirt preserving you from being completely exposed.
“Mhm, it’s okay.” you breathed out, hands taking a hold of his and squeezing, you would’ve told him by now that this was all okay, that he didn’t need to keep asking but you just found it so sweet and endearing, wanting to keep giving him sweet affirmations.
Once he was settled in between your legs he had leaned further down and your arms found place comfortingly around his shoulders, pressing delicate kisses into his neck before he tilted your chin up to catch your attention, “We can go slow, nothing all at once,” he assured you, licking his swollen-kissed lips, “can I play with you tonight? i’ll make you feel so amazing.” he promised and you felt the way his fingertips danced along your outer thigh enticingly.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat, your eyes wide but soft, looking at him with so much trust, you nodded, leaning back in against his neck, “I’d love that Eddie.” you faintly spoke.
Eddie was smug, enjoying every little second with his full attention span on you, mind clouded with only you so when he watched your hands find purchase at the bottom of his Hellfire shirt you were wearing, his breath hitched, your stomach and white panties coming in to view and you were so much more than a dream in your boyfriend's eyes.
“This okay? M-maybe we can leave the shirt mostly on for today if that’s okay?” you asked hesitantly but watched him nod.
“Whatever you want baby, it’s okay.” he placed soft kisses at your lips, fingers soothing along your stomach and watching the way you quivered in surprise, “Tickles.” you giggled, legs kicking a little and he grinned, cute, he thought.
“Sorry.” he scrunched his nose up adorably before repositioning himself until his head was above where it felt warm the most and you took a deep unsteady breath, “Ah, sorry.. you just look really good down there.” you blurted out, hearing Eddie chuckle as his hands found purchase at your thighs, softly pressing his thumb into the skin whilst he started littering open mouth, wet kisses on the other.
“You’ll tell me if you want me to slow down or stop, m’kay?” he mumbled against your skin, more like a demand than a question though he briefly glanced up at you to see you nod in agreement.
You were squirming a little already underneath his wet hot mouth, his hand coming up to rest at your lower abdomen to ease you and it helped but oh gosh did it make things feel ten times more intense.
“It’s okay, I got you, baby, I got you.” he kissed upward your thigh before leaning up a little and tucking his fingers under either side of your panties, pulling them down and embarrassingly you clenched your thighs together when you felt a string of wetness attached to the fabric.
“Sorry.” you bit at your lip before relaxing, his soft milk chocolate eyes easing you.
“Shh, i’m about to eat you out and you’re apologizing for being turned on by it?” he chuckles before ducking his head against your thigh, “You’re so cute.” he hummed.
“Can’t help it..” you complained, hearing him hum again, in acknowledgment.
“Let me take care of it princess.” he spoke gently, voice dripping with desire and you would’ve curled up into a ball and screamed at how attractive he was if he wasn’t in between your legs right now.
You relaxed again and let him throw your underwear over his shoulder, laying forgotten about amongst many other thinks in his room. You didn’t even get a chance to think because you felt his thumb swipe against your sensitive clit, legs trembling under him and you heard him giggle.
Eddie Munson was going to be the death of you.
His kisses got closer and closer to where you needed him most and it had your voice strained, desperate, hearing your sweet whimpers pick up in your throat, just cooing tauntingly at you.
But when he finally licked up from your slit to your bundle of nerves you could’ve cried right then and there, his tongue flattened against you, and this time your hands flew into his hair, grasping desperately, “O-oh— nghh, Eddie.” you gasped out.
He glanced up at you through lidded eyes and you couldn’t hold his gaze for too long, the way his tongue was licking up into you and twisting and flicking around you had your eyes rolling back and it hadn’t even been that long, the sight was pure filth, the most delicious and intoxicating kind.
Eddie could spend all day like this, in between your shaky thighs, tongue lapping up everything your delicious cunt gave him like he was a starved man, but he just wanted you to feel your best and he wanted you to know he was the one doing that for you, making you tick, squeal and shake with just a few movements of his tongue.
Eddie had you feeling completely euphoric, his hands manoeuvring your thighs up onto his shoulders, squeezing and gently pinching the soft skin.
His tongue got messier and messier and he shook his head in between your thighs, lips wrapped around your clit and suckling, exaggerating every little lewd sound his tongue made against you and it had you feeling in felicity, countless broken hiccups, moans, and chants of his name falling from your lips, drool seeping past the corner of your mouth.
“Think I’m— uh! Eddie— oh my god, close, m’ so close.” you shrilled out and Eddie didn’t take a breath, keeping his tongue and lips attached sloppily to your clit as he bought his hand up, fingertip swiping a mixture of your juices and his salvia up and down your slit before slowing pushing a finger in inch by inch.
You could feel the tip of his nose pressing against your skin as he attentively licked and suck at your clit, his finger alone being enough to feel like you could burst any second, and when he added a second, curling them up against that mushy spot inside you, you sobbed out, thighs squeezing your his head and back arching off the bed.
“Ah! Eddie, nghh! c-cumming.” you gasped out breathlessly, feeling the way his tongue lapped you up until you got too sore and sensitive, whining at the discomfort.
You breathed out, chest rising and falling as you laid there with your thighs trembling as Eddie pushed up, off of your burning heat and pressing soft and gentle kisses to your neck to which you giggled at, finding the gesture sweet.
“That was so fucking hot, you have no idea.” he rasped against your neck and you looked down at him through tired eyes, leaning in and pressing your lips to his, tasting yourself on his tongue.
Eddie laid there with you, noticing all the days— and nights excitement had caught up on you quick and your eyes were closing and your head nestling at his chest for comfort. He stayed, kissing the top of your head and letting you rest for the night since you both had classes in the morning.
Though, that didn’t bother Eddie himself and he had a rather— big, problem to sort, to himself, in the bathroom.
Slipping out of the bed careful as to not disturb you, remembering he had thrown your panties to the floor so he didn't miss an opportunity to pick them back up on the way to the bathroom, closing the door behind himself, sitting himself down after pushing his pants and briefs halfway down his thighs, cock still burning red and the prettiest pearl of precum at his flushed tip as he wrapped one leg of your panties in between his fingers and the other around his cock.
His hand was heavy and sluggish, taking a strong grip at the base of himself and stroking as he leaned back, your moans and the sweet taste of you bouncing around in his head and at the tip of his tongue, which helped greatly with getting himself off, plus the feeling of the fabric brushing up against his cock was doing wonders.
If you would’ve seen him like that you would’ve dropped to your knees, absolutely folded in front of him, he looked gorgeous with his loose hair strands sticking to his face and his blissed-out glassy eyes desperate for some relief.
“A-ah— Y/N, oh baby.” he hissed through his teeth as his stroking picked up and he would’ve thought it to be a little embarrassing feeling so quick to blow his load already but seeing you like that had his mind all jumbled and cock begging to be touched, till he was drained.
He lost it, desperately bucking his hips up into his hand and strips of pearly white cum landing all over his stomach, the pretty sticky substances dripping down his tummy.
Eddie cursed out as he caught his breath, grabbing a towel and cleaning himself up, kicking off his pants, and opting for just a clean pair of briefs, stuffing your panties into his underwear draw.
Once his situation had been sorted he wandered back towards the bed, happy to see you still off in dreamland peacefully and he didn’t waste any time in joining you, pulling you against him until your back was flush with his chest, kissing upwards along your arm until he landed a firm kiss to your cheek, “G’night sweetheart.”
You woke up the next morning when you heard ruffling around, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and watching Eddie pushing up his pants as he kicked his foot around the floor to find his keys, picking them up and stuffing them in his pocket.
"Eddie." you called out, voice laced with sleep and his head whipped round, eyes softening at the sight of you awake,
"Hi, sweetheart," he cooed before laughing-- nervously, "don't wanna alarm you but we might have like— hmm, 10 minutes to get to first class?"
You jumped up, "Eddie!" you yelled this time, tone not so soft as you rushed around to pick up something, anything decent enough to wear, throwing on one of his shirts and your skirt you picked out for the date last night.
"M' sorry, god, you just looked so cute and peaceful, it would've been cruel to wake you but I was going to.. eventually." he winced, rubbing his arm.
"It's okay, let's just go hmm?" you reassured him, not wanting to waste any more time just to get scolded by Mr. Thomas in the early morning.
You both hastily rushed out of the door, jumping in the passenger seat and groaning at your frazzled appearance in the mirror, "Ew." you grumbled and Eddie frowned,
"Don't say that about my girlfriend." he scolded playfully, squeezing your thigh before pulling out of the trailer park and going the usual direction to school.
Memories of your date and more risky activities had flooded back to your mind, knowing you would've been away with the fairy's daydreaming about it all day it class and you were kind of excited.
This feeling was so new, yeah you've liked Eddie for a long time but you never had him like this. It felt like you had gotten swept off your feet, dancing on clouds and starring in your very own romance movie, everything was so serene.
When you got pulled out of your thoughts, seeing Hawkin's High in front of you, of course, it was a bummer but turning to see Eddie with a sweet grin on his face, leaning in for a kiss you reciprocated, made everything worth it, you got to do everything and anything ten times over with who your heart had been longing for.
"Have a good first-class okay angel? I'll see you at lunch, maybe even sneak by your class at second period." he smirked, watching you playfully roll your eyes as you hopped out of the car and gave him a sweet wave as you parted ways.
Luckily you were on time despite Eddie's shenanigans and also first class normally didn't drag on for too long, which was good because you weren't fond of Maths— wait, you had Maths first and Lori would be there, like usual.
You didn't even think about that until you were walking up the stairs to the classroom but you just breathed, relaxing and chanting reassuring words in your head, you didn't have to be a messenger anymore, besides they didn't even know anything and they probably wouldn't find out unless they actually cared to do some digging.
You walked with your head down until you got to your table, settling yourself on the uncomfortable chairs and grabbing out any supplies you needed.
But it wasn't that easy, never was.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N!" you heard her grating voice, violating your eardrums but you forced a smile, nodding her way.
"You should've come to that party the other night, your friend is crazy." she cackled, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion, she was adamantly against talking to you in public, and now all this?
"He's a little weird y'know, sensitive too," she rolled her eyes before continuing, "but it's all good fun-"
"Lori, it's okay, I don't need to know." you cut her off, watching any previous emotion drain from her face, hearing a scoffed laughter.
"Well!" she huffed, "I just thought you would've like to know what he said." she dramatically flung her hands up defensively, "Sorry for trying to help a girlfriend out." she murmered.
"What? What are you even talking about.." you sighed, Lori's energy and back and forth draining you already.
"Oh no.. it's a lot, I don't wanna upset you— I just, y'know, we gotta look out for each other, some of these guys are heartless." she jutted her bottom lip out, looking genuinely worried which made your stomach churn.
"What did he say Lori? you're scaring me." you spoke quietly.
"We were just talking, about school, graduating, and friends and I let him open up, he seemed like he needed to talk so I let him but, it got weird," she sighed, clutching her hand to her chest, "He told me he couldn't see any of his friends in his future, that they were all just hopeless and pathetic, that they'd be stuck in Hawkins forever." she shook her head, recalling the event, "So I bought you up," she shrugged, "because I thought the both of you were close but he just started complaining, going on this wacky rant about how insufferable, clingy and dependent you are on him- I mean isn't that crazy?!" she gasped, "Who says that about their best friend? What a dick! I even decided to kick him out of the party eventually, sending his ass home not even a little past midnight." she snickered before softening her expression once again.
She reached out, grabbing a hold of your hand and squeezing, "I know what it's like to be pushed aside and stepped all over, treated like shit for doing everything you can, it's awful, I'm so sorry." she frowned.
You ripped your hands from Lori's, abruptly storming away from your desk, chair knocking over in the midst of it all. You just needed to go, get away, anywhere but here, this building, these people.
Your stomach bubbled with anxiety and you felt like you couldn't breathe, eyes stinging with tears as you stumbled towards the bathroom in a complete panic.
Why would he do this..
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Just A Cold~ E.M
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Author's Note : why thank you lovely, you make my day too. I just got over the flu so this was a great idea to request me <3
Anonymous asked:
I had this idea and I was wondering if you could write it?
Eddie comes home to you sleeping on the couch wrapped up in a ovwrsized blanket. You could do it cuz you were staying up for him, or you could do it where you are sick and fell asleep while watching cartoons and there is medicine and tea or soup on the table next to you.
Your blog is amazing and you make my day ✨️
Eddie walks through the doors of the trailer, ready for you to greet him with a big hug and a kiss and when you don't appear, he frowns as his eyebrows scrunch up together in worry.
" Sweets?" he calls out to you. His eyes fall onto the bundle on the couch wrapped in blankets with only your head popped out. He takes notices of the many cups near the sink filled with tea bags and medicine on the counter. He sees from one bottle, some of it has dripped and spots the spoon that you used.
There a few napkins on the floor around you. He takes notices of the TV running on commercials, chuckling to himself knowing you had stayed up waiting for him watching cartoons.
Why didn't you call him to tell him you were sick? He would of came home earlier.
He shrugs off his boots as he makes his way over to you. He kneels down on the floor on his knees as he brings his hand towards your head to feel if you have a temperature.
" Oh baby.." he says feeling your head is very hot. " My poor baby.."
He picks up the tissues on the ground, not really caring if they had your snot on it or not. He carries them to the trash before putting the cups into the sink and he would wash them later.
He looks around the medicine you have been taking.
A sound of your sneeze causes him to look up at and notice you sit up to take another tissue from the box near the floor. You groan as you grip your head.
" Sweetheart" you hear your boyfriend voice causing you to pause from taking the napkin. Your head turns to where his voice came from seeing him standing there with his hair tied back in a low bun, with his overalls on. There is grease on them and on his cheek too.
" How was work?" you ask with a small groan as you pull the blankets up to your chin. " Work was fine, why didn't you call me to tell me you were sick, baby?"
You shrugged, another sneeze and another groan.
" I called Steve, he came to bring me medicine. He wore like these big glasses and bandana over his nose and gloves too when he came in-"
Eddie shook his head as he cuts you off, " You called Harrington instead of your boyfriend?" he pouts as he walks over to you and kneels besides you.
" 'm sorry Eds, but I didn't wanna bother you at work" you brought the blanket down that he can see your pout.
" It's okay, sweets. Next time if your feeling sick, you call me. I don't care where I am at or what I'm doing. You're my priority"
" I love you" you tell him, a small cough comes from you.
" Have you had any food? Drank anything?" he stand back up with his hands on his hips. " I had some crackers and juice" you sniffled, wiping away with the sleeve of your shirt.
" Why didn't you call Wayne? Im sure he would of came over to look after you"
" I didn't wanna bother him, he's done so much for me already" you laid back down. " I wanted you, my pretty boy" he pauses in his steps when he makes his way back to the kitchen, his cheeks going red at the compliment.
" I'm here now" he says offering you a smile.
" Aren't you going to shower?" you ask noticing he was still in his work clothes. He glances down and shakes his head, " You're more important to me right now. I need you fed, taken your medicine, check your temperature and I need you in bed."
" Just let me take care of you, sweets"
" Okay, but I was I was going to say that I can't wait till the day I get to marry you, Munson" you cough as you groan, gripping your head.
He turns to the fridge as he opens it, getting the things he needed to make you something to eat.
" Soon, sweets" he notices that you had fallen back asleep. He looks towards his closed door hoping that the box he has hidden in his drawer is still hidden.
He was planning to marry you the day he met you. You were the love of his life.
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