#soulmates immune to quirks
chimielie · 10 months
what it is
summary: Oikawa x Reader. he makes it out of the friendzone (with some help)
word count: 1.3k
cw: nothing, oikawa in glasses
a/n: i wrote this in under an hour while heavily caffeinated?;!;!4& brain melting
“You’re late,” you say with a grin. Oikawa Tooru pouts at you, his team jacket folded over his arms. He’s already changed out of uniform, you notice; must have exchanged it for a white t-shirt and slacks in the locker room.
“I was swarmed,” he claims as the two of you start to walk together. You roll your eyes and don’t even bother making a jab about his popularity with the girls (and people of all genders, really). At this point, you’ve accepted that deranged fans come with the territory of being friends with the volleyball team captain.
You met Oikawa on the first day of your first year at Aoba Johsai and had been friends ever since. Even though you had no interest in the sport at first, his love for volleyball was infectious. He had even roped you into being the team’s manager. You still weren’t sure how he had pulled that off, but you didn’t mind too much—you’d grown to love the team and the sport too, in your own way.
Despite your closeness, you’d never really understood why he had a fan club, especially as a teenage school athlete. You expected his popularity to grow when (not if) he went professional, but the idea of swooning over some guy you had pre-calculus classes with was totally foreign to you. It was a running joke among your friends that you were immune to Oikawa’s looks and charming magnetism (and, honestly, to all four of the team’s upperclassmen. You could acknowledge how objectively attractive they all were even though none of them seemed to fit your niche).
Sometimes, you caught Oikawa making strange expressions while your friends teased you about not liking him. It felt like you were the only one who noticed these kinds of things, sometimes. You really liked being able to read him so easily: both of you had saved each other under the contact name “Platonic Soulmate” in your phones.
You chalked up the weird faces to your friend’s first-rate ego, and even though you knew that the notion of one person not being desperately in love with him wouldn’t scratch the surface of his self-esteem, you always found yourself taking his hand surreptitiously or leaning your head on his shoulder when you did see him looking mopey. He always perked up, after that, and all would be sunshine again.
Today, everyone else had bailed on you when you suggested a joint ice-cream-and-study-date before next week’s exams. Iwaizumi had claimed that Oikawa was too loud and always distracted him, so he couldn’t seriously try to study together. Matsukawa had to babysit and refused to bring the brats, as he affectionately called his siblings, to get sweets. Hanamaki had just quirked his eyebrows at you and said, “I don’t feel like third wheeling. Thanks, but no thanks.”
You hadn’t really understood what he meant, but you hadn’t questioned it.
Oikawa had almost begged off to do some solo practice, too, but you’d made a fuss about nearing the end of your high school experience and worrying that you would fall out of touch when volleyball became his whole life (even moreso than it was now!), and he’d caved with an overdramatic sigh and a soft look that told you he wasn’t all that mad about your guilt-tripping.
You’re broken from your thoughts when you reach the ice-cream shop, Oikawa jabbering in your ear about some drama you can’t keep up with.
“And then she told me—ah, I can’t read the menu. You know, they were late refilling my contact prescription this month, so I’ve been carrying around my glasses, I hate it. So unflattering.”
You worry your lip as you stare at the flavor chart, barely listening to him talk.
“I’m sure it’s,” you start, turning to him as he slides the case out of his pocket and puts the frames on his face in a smooth motion. “Um.”
The glasses are not unflattering, you think dumbly, staring at him, your sentence hanging unfinished. The glasses perch on his nose perfectly, making you appreciate, for the first time, the shape of his nose and his cheekbones. Had they always been that sharp? And since when had his eyes been so pretty, reflecting the sunlight in so many shades, framed with long eyelashes that would have made you jealous if you weren’t so—
You reach out and lift the glasses off his face slowly, hoping that the old, familiar features that you’d never felt anything but friendship-friendly feelings towards would return. You can still see it, though: the divot of his Cupid’s bow is appealing, now, his smooth skin glowing to you, his surprised expression fucking adorable. You drop the frames back onto his nose.
Very abruptly, whatever immunity you once had to Oikawa’s looks is demolished in one fell swoop.
“I have to go have a midlife crisis,” you say decisively, and march out of the shop.
“Hey! What—where are you going? You’re not even middle-aged?” Oikawa calls after you, and you try steadfastly to ignore him, but every sense seems to have been awakened to your friend. Your face flushes, and you start walking faster, nearing the pace of a jog even though your limbs are stiff.
You finally pull over in a quieter, slightly more secluded spot between two buildings. You lean against the wall, closing your eyes, trying to remind yourself to take deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” Oikawa says, and you curse his long, athlete legs for having followed you so swiftly. “What’s wrong?”
You open your eyes. He’s still wearing the fucking glasses. Rest in peace, you think to yourself, surely my heart is going to give up soon, at the rate it’s going. Your lips part, but you can’t seem to get the words out. His worried gaze studies you until he finds something—exactly whatever you didn’t want him to see. A slow smile unfurls over his face, and you narrow your eyes. Ugh, how dare his smugness be attractive too, now?
“I should wear the glasses more often, huh?” He says, and you shake your head no frantically.
“Please don’t,” you say. “It’s, like, it doesn’t even matter anymore, anyway, I can’t unsee it now.”
“Unsee what?” He cocks his head, and he’s getting closer, and there’s nowhere to back away from him because you’re up against a wall—
“You’re hot!” You wail. “I saw it and I’m never gonna stop thinking it now, it doesn’t even matter what you wear, I’m doomed! This is the worst thing ever, ‘Kawa, how’m I supposed to go on… I can’t be your friend and a part of your fan club. I don’t think I can even be a part of your fan club ‘cause I don’t just think you’re hot, I think I have a crush on you—oh, my God, I have a c—”
Your increasingly frantic rambling is cut off by Oikawa sealing his lips to yours. The kiss is quick and sweet, and when he pulls away he still looks so, so handsome, and so concerned.
“Please breathe,” he says, and you nod, gaping at him in shock. “I like you too, okay? Please stop having a crisis.
“Okay,” you exhale, bracing your hands on his shoulders. “Okay. I’m still freaking out, though. I think the only way to stop it is to keep kissing me.”
Oikawa heaves a big, overdramatic sigh, and leans in, his glasses bumping your face; giving in to you, just like he always does.
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How do the parent-child bonds work compared to canon? Are there XCOM quirks you like to apply to these relationships as well as between different characters? Which character (player or NPC) are you pleased to give more screen time to? And The most important question So important it’s getting it’s own reply Is Ramón’s moustache real?
You mean relationship wise or like actual metaphysically? Either way. Obviously without the egg event and the random assignment and stuff, as well as the more gradual (and much narratively later) introduction of the eggs, things are gonna be a bit different. Tasks are also not governmentally assigned, and the only thing actually necessary to ensure their survival is yk feed them. Other people checking in on the eggs starts much earlier, meaning they are for the most part closer to their aunts and uncles than canon. No less close to their parents, but they're all more familiar with them. Now instead of the random assignment, and the parents picking the egg, instead the eggs are picking the parents. Remember my mention of vague psychic connection between all of them? Wellllll the eggs are baby psychics who may or may not accidentally psychically imprint on adults they like. For the most part this is a few days /after/ the kid gets taken home, though if they're included Memory egg it'll be pretty instantaneous on the first adult she sees for... reasons related to what the bond is, what the eggs are, and the circumstances she's found in. But like. Usually it takes 3-4 days. Chayanne and Bobby took a bit over a week, despite being kinda clingy during that time, because at that point none of the eggs have met humans before, and they don't feel safe. For the later ones those two can reassure them, and its a bit easier. This does also shake up egg parent relationships though lol. Some do still get together because of the eggs, or never are anyway, but Phil and Missa are already skirting around each other, and Marianna and Slime are having nasty-type sex from about the moment Mariana steps onto the ship (and had been before either of them were there), Fit and Spreen are already exes by a few years (and Fit still asks Spreen for baby name advice...), Dan is already dead... I think Foolish and Vegetta are the only couple their kid actually gets together this way around?
Okay so! Because I'm playing with DLC turned on, every character has a randomised relationship value with every other character, upgrading their relationship rank by that value every mission they go on together. I am very much not using these for romantic, but did fiddle a bit in the back end to make them at least make sense. When these bonds are upgraded it allows the two units to do things like transfer actions between each other and make each other immune to mental status effects when next to each other, buuuuut also means that if one of them gets paticularly badly injured the other /will/ freak the fuck out. Like. Gets hit with a critical/killed (though save scumming avoids that)/made to bleed out/knocked out sort of badly injured. These are coming into play, though there aren't as many sets as I would have liked simply because they're fiddly and take a while. Can't remember all of them, but of those I can there are... Bagi & Tina (romantic) Phil & Etoiles Foolish & BBH Roier & Missa Baghera & IronMouse Mariana & Slime (unsure if romantic but definitely sexual) and, of course, Tazercraft (You can see I mostly tried to steer things, but when Baghera and Mouse wanted to I was like you know what fuck it you go girls) While most of these are just synching up over time and becoming slightly attached through the psychic network, Tazercraft's I'm writing as a bit more extreme. Because of course. It's not exactly wrong to call the bonds a type of soulmate, but they wouldn't consider it as such. Tazercraft are different. Their bond in game is exactly the same, but in the fiction they've had it for years, and they're capable of full, controlled telepathic communication with one another. It's the only /natural/ bond in the group, the others all being forced via combat in the first forming and intensive training for latter parts. This /does/ come with the downside of if they're ever cut off from each other their mental and physical health will both be badly effected, and spiral particularly quickly, something which doesn't happen for the rest. Because of this those two work out about the egg psychic attachments first - as they're already familiar with the vibes. For purposes of writing I may also make a couple of them three way. But we'll see if I write it.
Hmmmmm if I can get him down I'm excited for some of the stuff with Aypierre? Though more his backstory than the main plot. Main plot he's the science guy. Backstory he performed brain surgery on himself to free himself from Federation mind control via brain chip, during a brief power cut meaning he both was free enough to do it and had no lights to see by, and frankly that alone is pretty cool. Then once we add Ayrobot into the mix... Fun times! Most of the focal characters I already write more than others because I'm comfy with them and oh boy my notes are 90 pages long >.<
Ramón’s mustache is indeed real! It may or may not be made of hair, however.
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
MHA soulmate AU where you are either immune to your soulmate’s quirk (if it’s a destructive one), are affected by it more (if it’s constructive) or enhance it once you are skin-to-skin touching them
the reason why I’m proposing this?
USJ. Aizawa and Shigaraki. Decay doesn’t work on Aizawa but, at the same time, Erasure gleams red instead of yellow and paralyzes Shigaraki on the spot
Izuku and Katsuki. Explosion has never hurt Izuku despite Katsuki wanting it to cause harm... but once Izuku gains OFA and Katsuki actually wants to better himself, he has to be careful not to touch Izuku with OFA activated since Katsuki enhances it and could accidentally kill Izuku with his own quirk
Ochako and Himiko. Both of them boost each other’s abilities - that’s the reason why Himiko’s able to use Ochako’s quirk, since when she is her, her own touch counts as Ochako’s and when Himiko touches Ochako, Zero Gravity never causes nausea on herself
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themculibrary · 10 months
Fics With Titles That Start With Q Masterlist
Quackery (ao3) - CAPSING peter/wade M, 3k
Summary: In a world where the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your left wrist at your tenth birthday, Peter gets the short end of the stick.
Quadrant (ao3) - AvaKelly clint/steve/bucky/sam T, 7k
Summary: In a world where loving someone causes their unique soulmark tattoo to appear on his skin, Clint has been falling for too many people, but never has been loved back. So when he sees his mark on Bucky's shoulder, he can't really believe it.
quaking underneath the force of you (ao3) - orphan_account mantis/nebula T, 14k
Summary: Mantis, throughout years.
Quality Family Time (ao3) - rivlee sam/steve G, 4k
Summary: Sam takes Steve to meet the family and everything's going just fine--really.
Quality of Convictions (ao3) - MacksDramaticShenanigans steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: The hospital wing looks exactly the same as it did two days ago, Steve notes. There are a few beds that had been full that are now empty and a few beds that had been empty that are now full, but other than that its the same high, arching ceilings, the same teal privacy curtains, and the same wrought iron, candle yielding chandeliers above.
Madam Pomfrey is the same too, if not a little more exasperated when she sees Steve this time. “Steven,” she tuts, rushing to his side with her wand already drawn and a healing charm on her lips. Her brow furrows when she doesn’t immediately see any jelly-fingers, broken bones, or mysterious goo oozing from places it shouldn’t be, and she fixes Steve with a curious look. “What’s happened to you this time?” She questions sternly, quirking a brow and setting her wrists against her hips.
Or, the one where Steve and Bucky meet in the hospital wing
Quantum Entanglements (ao3) - antigrav_vector steve/tony M, 11k
Summary: A few weeks after the events of CA:TWS, the team is sorting out the HYDRA bases they've discovered as a result of the data dump Steve and Nat did. What happens next, well. Not even Tony Stark, futurist, could have predicted that.
Quarantine Pen Pals (ao3) - randomlittleimp bucky/darcy M, 11k
Summary: Bucky convinces Steve and the crew to quarantine responsibly.
Darcy is bored and wants someone to talk to.
Quarantriad (ao3) - Lies_Unfurl bucky/steve/sam E, 21k
Summary: “Absolutely not,” Sam says flatly.
Steve, sitting at the opposite end of their extremely long couch, gives Sam his Most Sincere Look. “But it’s for your own good.”
“I know. Believe me, I’m not trying to pretend that things are better than they are. And I’m gonna stay in as much as I can, wear a mask if I have to go out, wash my hands anytime I touch something, and all that jazz. But I am not quarantining from my boyfriends who I live with.”
(Steve, Bucky, and their perfect immune systems are going out every day to help fight a pandemic. Sam and his ordinary white blood cells are forced to stay home. They cope. Mostly.)
quartered shades of sun and moon (ao3) - glitteratiglue steve/bucky E, 12k
Summary: Steve is reaped for the 74th Hunger Games; Bucky volunteers in his place.
(Hunger Games fusion.)
Quarter Mile (ao3) - TenSpencerRiedPlease peter/tony N/R, 5k
Summary: Peter Quill lucked the fuck out. Some rando on the side of the street heard a couple noises from his car and needed a job and presto, Peter managed to find a fucking genius. To say the guy was good was an understatement, he knew everything about everything when it came to… well anything that wasn’t human really.
queen of fire (ao3) - shatteredhourglass clint/natasha E, 8k
Summary: A story about Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, and a small town called Deep Pond.
Queen of the 107th (ao3) - Fyre peggy/steve G, 1k
Summary: When the 107th are stuck at base and cabin fever sets in, they find their own ways to entertain themselves.
Queens Grace (ao3) - RenneMichaels loki/tony M, 219k
Summary: After the New York attack, Odin has taken Loki’s magic, made him mortal and imprisoned him. But Asgard is not a safe place for the Trickster under these conditions. Recent events make Odin decide to take away one more thing from his second son, his memory going back for the last four years. This decision and events that lead to it cause Frigga to decide that Asgard is not safe for Loki’s reduced station. From stories Thor had told, she decides that Tony Stark’s tower would make an excellent secure location for amnesiac Loki to be under house arrest.
Questions That Are Easy To ‘Pop’ (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 9k
Summary: Five times Loki and Tony proposed to each other without meaning it. And the one time that they did.
quick (kiss me) (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor clint/sam N/R, 796
Summary: Sam sees an ex he never wanted to see again while out with Clint, so he does the one thing he knows will make his ex jealous.
Quiet Little Voices (ao3) - Mollshka (CaptainAmelia22) sam/bucky T, 3k
Summary: It starts with a text. Ends with a text.
quiet golden shores (ao3) - JenTheSweetie steve/tony M, 3k
Summary: A few months ago when Tony had thrown out casually, “You could always visit my place in the Caribbean,” Steve had asked if he meant a private island, and Tony had dismissed, “Nah, it’s just a compound on an isolated peninsula,” and Steve had been about to roll his eyes even before Tony added, “Private islands are excessive, I sold all of mine in the 90s.”
Quietly in the Dark (ao3) - AdamantSteve clint/phil E, 299
Summary: Clint and Phil get busy in their tent hoping Cap and the rest of the team don't catch wind of what they're up to.
quiet when i'm coming home, hold me lover like you used to (ao3) - LadyAngelique steve/bucky E, 6k
Summary: Post mission, Steve is struggling to switch from Nomad headspace to himself. At that point, it's Bucky's turn to take point on a new mission. He knows exactly what to do to bring his boy down. When he does, Steve is pliant and happy and calm. A job well done.
quoting poetry (ao3) - belby mj/peter G, 3k
Summary: Peter gets hurt, Michelle patches him up; nail painting and poetry are also involved.
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emrysaf · 4 years
Atrophy & Rally Pt. 10
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“Real love is always chaotic. You lose control; you lose perspective. You lose the ability to protect yourself. The greater the love, the greater the chaos. It’s a given and that’s the secret.”
                                                              ― Jonathan Carroll, White Apples
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Quirk nullification between soulmates wasn’t extremely common, but it wasn’t unheard of either. It was, truthfully, a luck of the draw situation. Some people that had disastrous quirks held out hope of being able to hold their soulmate one day, touch-starved and desperate, only to find out their soulmate would still fall victim to their quirk. 
However, it was more and more commonplace that two soulmates with quirks would have the nullification go both ways, regardless of how dangerous the quirk was. Not having the nullification was becoming more of an issue between soulmates where one person had a quirk and the other did not. But with only twenty percent of the population not having a quirk, and that number going down each year, the issue wasn’t as dire or painful as the past.
But despite the statistics, Y/N had always believed in her fated soulmate. They had lived in pain, and she couldn’t help. Then any pain she ever got from their end had been eerily timed, and she just knew they would turn out to be a villain. After all that. . .bad in her soulmate’s life, she promised she would be the good and no quirk would stop that.
Back in the cramped, solitary, psychiatric prison cell the two soulmates’ eyes were still locked on one another.
The blue haired ex-villain muttered Y/N’s name back to her as a softness settled in his eyes. A calm after so much storm. Seeing the warm look in his eyes made Y/N feel like her heart was literally clenching in her chest; she could see how earnestly, surprisingly happy he felt because his quirk didn’t kill her or even hurt her in any way.
Slowly, Y/N reached up with both hands to grab his hand she had nuzzled previously. She held the long-fingered hand in front of her face, eyes flickering to his before focusing back on the hand as she gingerly placed light kisses on each fingertip. 
Tenko had gasped at the first light touch of her lips to his skin, and then his heartbeat just kept accelerating with each fingertip. The light blush that had begun to dust his cheeks became a deeper red and traveled to the tips of his ears and down his neck as she grabbed his other hand and repeated the gentle act on those fingertips too. Nothing matched the way his heart felt like it was going to drop straight out of his ass at Y/N’s next action though.
Y/N firmly gripped his wrists in each hand as she paused to look him in the eyes like she was searching for something. Seeing the apprehensive look Tenko held, speaking volumes about how he was still concerned about her with his quirk, Y/N’s eyes seemed to steel themselves. 
She switched her fingers from around his wrists to interlocking with his own fingers and repeated, “Tenko. You’re quirk can’t hurt me.” Then she shifted her fingers from between the young man’s and pressed each fingertip to his solidly while her remaining digits wrapped around the space where he was missing fingers. “Each fingertip. That’s the quirk right? Each one touching activates the decay.”
It was like Tenko was in a trance though and seemed like he hadn’t heard a word she said as his eyes watered in awe once again.
A single tear fell from the corner of his eye as he finally repeated Y/N’s words back to her, “My quirk can’t- My quirk won’t hurt you.”
Y/N was nodding vigorously, “Yes. Yes, exactly. Now, we don’t have much time today, but I would love to come back tomorrow if that’s okay for you? I know everything has been. . . A lot. And things are changing. And you’ve had a lot dropped on you. And I may not be-”
The babbling hero was cut off when Tenko interlocked their fingers again and gave a sharp tug to stop the word vomit. He couldn’t get the words to come out, but he gave Y/N a heavy look; the weight of it more than any words. 
Of course he wanted- no,- needed her to come back.
“Okay,” Y/N sighed with a breathy giggle at how ridiculous she probably sounded. “Well, before I go there is something we have to take care of. . . So that I am actually allowed to come back.” Y/N’s heart seemed to expand exponentially when her shaggy-haired soulmate tilted his head to the side in obvious confusion to what she was actually talking about.
“All Might, Toshi-” she paused to gauge his reaction, but his response was little more than slightly pinched brows. “Toshinori got me in to see you, purely because of his reputation. There’s no way they would let me, or anyone else for that matter, have visiting time with you. But for sure not me after the incident with Endeavor.” Y/N released one hand from his to rub the back of her neck anxiously. “My actions, despite being for a good cause and not being punished, were not becoming of a hero. Especially one with my kind of reputation on the line versus the current number one.”
“Tch.” scoffed Tenko with a slight roll of the eyes.
His reaction eased the anxious tension Y/N held, and she quickly moved on. “Anyway, only ‘proven’ soulmates are allowed to visit according to this facility’s rules. . .”
‘Proven?’ Thinks Tenko as he brow furrowed again, but quickly realized what his soulmate was talking about even as she continued on.
“When soulmates find each other, one of the first things they typically do is touch each one’s respective soulmark. Like, some kind of instinct. Obviously, there isn’t much ‘typical’ or ‘usual’ about us, huh Tenko?”
He wanted to humor her small attempt at a joke, but now he was too worried. He didn’t even remember what his mark looked like exactly, but knew it was essentially gone now. Hidden and warped under the burn scarring on his chest, shoulder and neck.
But like before, Y/N could practically read him and his worry was almost palpable. Now it was her time to tilt her head in confusion.
“We. . . We don’t have to. . . Tenko.”
His head shot up from where it had begun to drop in despair. “No! Of course I want to- I just- It.” Frustrated with his thoughts for overlapping and cutting his own explanations off, he gently unhooked the hand still linked to hers, feeling the loss immediately, he placed his own hand over his shirt where the soulmark would be. “It’s gone.”
Y/N inhaled sharply, her parents had talked about her as a baby once, after the discussion about why her soulmate was frequently in pain. They had told her of a time shortly after she was born when her tiny form had woken from a peaceful slumber screaming like nothing they had ever heard before, skin feeling too hot. They had thought it was a sickness, but the heat had faded quickly and the pain shortly after.
“Burned.” she muttered as the familiar feeling of bile creeping up her throat began; this had happened a lot when she thought of the pain her soulmate was in as a child. The feeling only increased ten-fold when her broken soulmate nodded, but she swallowed it down. “It doesn’t matter- Not- That is- Your pain and suffering matter.” Deep inhale. “But not being able to see the mark doesn’t matter. It’s there, on the inside. I know it is or we wouldn’t feel this way.”
His eyes still seemed distant, caught up in memories of burning flesh and harsh words about how his soulmate didn’t deserve a monster like him. Tenko-Shim-Tenk- He was falling, again.
The ex-villain’s focus zeroed back into the present as anger rose in the fog of his brain, but when he locked eyes with Y/N again the anger faded to a playful simmer.
“What was that, Player Two?” Softly. “Y/N. . .”
The nickname gave her pause before a wide grin settled over her features.
Grabbing his hand without all five fingers, she squeezed, “Well, Player One. Can’t have you zoning out on me. I’m almost out of time, so we are doing this. Same time. Count of three.”
He grinned back at the use of her nickname for him.
Each one moved their empty hand to nudge their tops to the side to give better access.
Deep breaths to settle nerves as they reached across one another to hover their palms. One over a faint, light grey outline of a handprint. One hovering over mottled, burnt flesh.
Hands to skin. One smooth. One roughly textured. Both soft with pounding hearts felt right beneath the surface. 
One beat.
Two beats.
“Oh, wow.” The mark on Y/N’s chest was steadily growing darker, Tenko’s every ridge and imprint of his fingerprints being etched into the mark. A feeling like something expanding inside. Like the space inside where her soul resided was widening to make room for his beside it. 
Then an abrupt stop. Like the wall she had thought she felt when trying to reach him over the years. Did his quirk do this like Toshi said?
On Tenko’s end it felt like his skin was trying to rearrange or something, but nothing was happening. His heart and mind were racing, breaths coming in pants; then a squeeze from her hand again.
“Tenko, please.” His thoughts flew, ‘Please what??’ “Let me in.” ‘Okay.’
Like a switch flipped, everything exploded inside and out.
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klm-zoflorr · 3 years
BNHA Soulmate AU where you've got your quirk, and another one that's the opposite of your soulmate's. This way they can never be hurt by you, even if you have a very destructive quirk
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flannel-cladpika · 3 years
Soulmate AU Ideas for BNHA (Feel free to request these)
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A/N: Some of these can be applied to other fandoms too. I’ll likely keep adding to this.
- You have the name of your soulmate’s quirk somewhere on your body, but with no description. Soulmates of quirkless people have a null sign. 
- You have your soulmate’s birthdate on your wrist, Day/Month/Year + Time and Location of where they were born.
- You and your soulmate switch quirks on both of your birthdays (or maybe New Years/Dec 31, and all of society just has to wait it out and that’s why everyone celebrates at midnight as they get their own quirk back. If you’re in different time zones, you both return to normal when the later person’s time zone reaches midnight).
- Everyone has a specific piece of jewelry that shows up on their person on their 10th birthday, and it can’t be removed. The placement and design of the jewelry has to do with their soulmates’ quirk. (Ex. Ice crystal and fire symbol bracelets for Todoroki, a headband of purple brains and swirly eyes for Shinsou, a pair of speaker earrings for Jirou, etc. Quirkless people are represented by a single grey ring)
- You can see your soulmate’s future career and uniform/daily attire (If they’re a civilian, you’d see their weekly wardrobe).
- Everyone’s quirk stops working on their soulmate’s birthday.
- Soulmates can restore each other’s quirk strength after overuse (ex. you can restore Iida’s engines back to normal after he uses recipro burst.) 
- Your soulmate is completely immune to your quirk. Even if it’s a strength or barrier quirk, they won’t be harmed or they can walk right through it, respectively. 
- You can use your soulmate’s quirk in your dreams. 
- Your soulmate can’t see the color of whatever your eyes are. They can after meeting you.
- You see flashes of your soulmate’s most painful memories when you touch for the first time.
- Soulmates can only hear each other’s thoughts when one or both of them are angry, sad, and/or distressed.
- You have either the opposite quirk of your soulmate, or a complimentary one. (Tsuyu - Toad quirk, Momo - Destruction quirk, Todoroki - Earth and Air quirk, etc.)
- People have songs stuck in their heads that have to do with their soulmate’s quirk. The song plays once everyday and only stops when they meet.
- Your quirk powers up exponentially when your soulmate is nearby / when you finally meet them.
- You have a tattoo that represents your soulmate’s quirk somewhere on your body. The placement of the tattoos are the same for both of you.
- You have a stripe on your upper arm that shows how much of a help or threat your soulmate is to society. It ranges from Black for hero to White for villain, and all shades of grey in between for regular civilians. The stripes glow when you meet them and change to green.
- You can only feel your soulmate’s self-inflicted wounds. Tripping, papercuts, and other accidental injures are included, as well as every time they overuse their quirk or muscles.
- You can’t hear anyone’s voice, but can hear movements and other sounds. The first voice you hear is your soulmate’s. 
- Your quirk doesn’t activate until you meet your soulmate, but everyone meets their soulmate before they turn 16, though most meet them when they’re little. (Deku would have had to meet his soulmate before he met All Might or while they trained for UA’s entrance exam for One for All to take effect)
- You have a list of your soulmate’s poor decisions tattooed on your body, with the same mistake just having tally marks next to it. There are names you don’t recognize, and some are reoccurring.
- You have a tally of people your soulmate has helped in green, a tally of how many they’ve hurt in yellow, and a tally of how many they’ve killed in red.
- Your soulmate’s quirk stops working / isn’t as powerful when you cry out of pain or sadness.
- You and your soulmate live in different hemispheres on the globe, meaning most people travel the world to try and find their other half. You know it’s them by a matching birthmark. The symbol turns gold when you meet. You see your soulmate on Japanese TV saving / hurting people.
- You and your soulmate share a t-shirt that appears in your closet for a week and then appears in theirs the next, and it goes back and forth (somehow its always clean, no matter what). The shirt’s design is half your quirk, half theirs.
- You have a list of your soulmate’s weaknesses and fears tattooed on your upper thigh. It’s in a different spot for everyone. Some people find their soulmates just to kill them or lock them up because of this fact.
- Your soulmate can’t do whatever you’re the best at. They can only improve on it after meeting you and you helping them.
- Every person has a spirit creature that has the personality and characteristic physical attributes of their soulmate. Spirit creatures can only be touched by their person, that person’s soulmate, and other spirit creatures. All others will just pass through them. They can interact with non-human things as well.
- Soulmates share mental disorders, so that you will be able to understand each other’s struggles. (Ones that get picked up due to circumstances, like PTSD, get added. You gain their traumas and triggers) The disorders don’t disappear when you meet, but the symptoms lessen a great deal. This also includes low self-confidence.
- Your soulmate can hear you when you cry, whether it’s out of joy or pain.
- Soulmates have the same kind of mini flower growing out of the side of their neck. This flower cannot be destroyed and only withers when the person or their soulmate dies. When they meet, the flower turns into a floral tattoo instead.
- When you get sick, your soulmate’s quirk is weakened.
- You can’t speak until you meet your soulmate, unless you decide to sever the tie forever.
- There’s a tally on your chest for every person that’s hurt your soulmate. Purple for mentally/emotionally, Red for physically. 
- When you turn 14, you start to see your soulmate’s happiest childhood memories when you sleep.
- Everyone has a sort of texting device in their forearm when they turn 7. Only they can use it and it only sends messages to their soulmate. You can’t give them your location or name, as it will just blur out the info.
- Every full moon your soulmate appears in your dreams, but they can’t say their name.
- When your soulmate is within a 30 m (~100 ft) radius, you start to feel a pull towards them which only gets stronger the closer you get. The effect dulls down greatly after you meet for the first time.
-  Your soulmate can see every photo you take, in their mind. But not any captions you add (Screenshots not included).
Your soulmate has a list of your current nicknames on their arm (Only the nicknames that you actually respond to).
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yanderelovebites · 4 years
Warning: hinted DDLG, not too explicit but reader does show signs of a Little.
*This is part of a thirst book that is both Fluff and Smut. This is a fluff one with a soulmate reader from the tattoo AU. Some future ones will be connected to this.
It was a long power struggle but the villains came on top. Many heroes and heroes-in-training lost a chip. The chips were made so they could avoid their soulmate in the event their soulmate was a villain or any other type of criminal. Most heroes were executed if they didn't match up to a villain. Some that were in training were given a choice redemption based on their year and if they interacted at all with villains before. Then, there was the rest of the classes.
These children gathered were found to have been forced to, while in the school, have a temporary working chip as well. They took it out and yet again the villains checked. You were in the last class they checked. You were young so you knew if by chance you were one... they would be older than you. You trembled at the thought of some much older woman or man potentially having right over you... you were raised to believe if someone is a villain, they can't love and they will mistreat their match.
That's terrifying.
To be honest... you hope you bleed out, but it's been slow. It'll close only to reopen if people are too rough. And it was a sloppy job. You see, you were stabbed because you were the forced 'volunteer' of what would happen if any of you resisted. They said for being a such a 'good girl and helping' they'd bandage the stab wound.
You hear the door open and you and your classmates are picked up. You didn't fight it. You were only a general class so judgement wouldn't be too harsh after they realize none matched a villain. You all were put in a line alphabetically. You were no. 14. You shiver as you see them scan the soulmate tattoo on the class rep. They pulled her away to the right... she would be okay right? The left is where the... soulmates have been pulled. Over there are nurses forced to be there. It's terrifying... this whole situation. You can't really describe it...
As each person went ahead, not single before you went to the left nor were they moved forward to die by the leader in all this....
Tomura Shigaraki.
You trembled a bit as the last person before you was moved. You trembled partly in fear and partly in pain. It still hurt. The men picked you up like the last and put you on the scan. Unlike the last thirteen people, there was green flash once it scanned the back of your neck... your tattoo was a hand with spider lilies growing from the palm. You were picked up but... brought to the left..?
The left...!
You didn't see who it was. They only said the match would appear on top of the machine, but those being scanned can't see that. A nurse takes you and says she's just going to check you over because the villains were definitely rough with the others. You could only nod.
She takes your clothes off and gasps a little "W-Were you the 'example' dear?" You nod again and she tells you to lay back as she fixes this and phones the doctor. Things got hazy from there and at some point, you passed out sometime after the doctor came.
You woke again in cozy bedroom. You were on a soft, but firm, mattress with purple sheets and a black bed cover. Under it was a fluffy blanket and even more at the foot of the bed. You had pillows around you and a couple stuffies. The nurse was at your side and smiled "Nice to see you're awake dearie. Please don't move, we don't want you to reopen the wound or undo the stitches. I was checking on your monitor. I will get someone to bring in food, alright?"
You replied hoarsely "A-Alright, ma'am..." She scurried off so you can better look around, but only on your back. There's an empty cork board, a simple desk with what you can assume are notebooks and pencils. There's a stain-glass window that cant be open and you can somewhat see has bars on the other side.
The walls were a dark shade of purple and the curtains were also black like the bed cover. There were color changing lights around the ceiling and in the center of the ceiling appeared to be the main room light. There was a TV hooked to the wall with - Blue Ray and an Xbox set up. The TV was on a clothes dresser.
You waited a few more minutes and a young girl came in with eggs, toast and some juice. The helped you sit up so you wouldn't open the wound and they supervise the meal.
You get sleepy after and they help you go back to sleep. You unconsciously hugged one of the many stuffies. You loved stuffies... back with your horrible mom who only cared that you be in a dumb hero school, you had many on your bed.
You held it close and let your dreams take you. This happened repeatedly that you asked the nurse if they put stuff in your food. She said "Yes, h-he asked us to. It's to make sure you don't reopen the wound... I assure you it's just until your fully healed, then you won't need that anymore!" She nervously chuckled it off. You latched onto her sleeve.
"Ma'am, I never saw who was flashed on the machine as to who my... mate is. Do you know?" You asked her. She looks at you sadly... "Miss L/n, it's the very man responsible for our nation's hell. Tomura Shigaraki is your match," she said as you let go. She scurried away once again.
Tomura Shigaraki.
The man who broke Izuku Midoriya. (He's alive babies)
The man who disabled your mom's sperm donor... (daddy issues :3)
A man who can leave you literally in dust is your soulmate?
Someone who has killed thousands?
The man who did the executions?
The man who you felt stare at you and your peers like you're insignificant ants?
You could only hold the stuffies, now frightened once again of your unfortunate situation. The second nurse comes again and you eat swiftly again. Would you feel safe knowing the stuffies and Blankies and the pillows you hugged so close were his doing?
The man from the security screen room wouldn't know yet. He always kept watch of you there since that day. It was maybe two weeks ago. You're his, you had no choice. He never had the choice either. He's yet to explicitly interact, afraid one slight action from either of you would destroy your fragile body. On one hand, he could get a quirk disabling room-they had one available-and force you to share with him, but that could lead to safety issues.
It would be best left as a room used when you both are ready for it.
He knew you'd enjoy the stuffies, they questioned your mother through threats. She's expected to release some of your materialistic treasures. Anything significant. He, quite amused, enjoyed watching you ask finally who you were stuck with, although didn't like the nurse's tone. You seemed scared, but Tomura knew it would be that way. It's why he spoils you. He's bound to be shitty so you might as well get something good, right?
He really didn't want to admit he liked the idea of being able to care about someone. To be able to love them without any other reason than it's what he craves.
He hopes he won't have to discipline you too much once you're fully healed...
Eventually, it comes to the nearing point of  your healing process, but also the fact you've grown an immunity. The drug only left you unable to move now. It was quiet. No sound and unable to open your eyes... it's like a horror film. At least you know no one would harm you... but it still scared you.
After a good while, you hear a door creak open. You hear unfamiliar footsteps. These ones are more... stealthy. The nurse's were hard and left a tapping sound once it met the floor. This seemed quiet, as if he didn't want anyone to know he or she is there. You feel the bed sink in and wish you could open your eyes.
They stroke your head with only two fingers. It felt... calming. Your body accepted his touch like second nature. You hear a rough voice say "So innocent..." They gently move hair away from your face. "I wonder how you're fairing inside that little head of yours, being confined to a bed, no freedom besides what little conversation that nurse has with you... I'd imagine its boring," the voice said to your immobile body. After some thought... the voice sounded somewhat familiar.
He strokes your head again with two fingers. "You like these don't you... the stuffed animals. You cling to them like a small child, it adorable. I'm glad you like them so much... means I didn't waste time picking a few for you after that long day of going through your entire school," the voice said. His last sentence was all you needed to know who this was without any doubt. Tomura.
"You're mine regardless," he said, twirling a piece of your hair with his index finger, you assume anyway. "When you heal, I'll make sure you understand what that means," he mutters, almost too low for you to catch. It was creepy, but comforting, knowing he's talking to you while unconscious-or at least he thinks you are.
It becomes quiet, the only thing you hear is the clock, your breathing, his too, and the fabric static from your pillow. Yet, the warmth of his fingers never stops moving. They pet you almost robotically until you hear a beep from a watch. He sighs. "I'll be back tomorrow, awake or not..." he said. You blushed in your sleep as you felt chapped lips kiss your forehead, but then they leave along with your soulmate. He's gone with a simple thud of the door closing...
All while you long for his warmth again.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
So the idea of platonic soulmates & specifically soul parents / soul children has been on my mind recently, so let me introduce my first concept for them, Bond Soulmarks.
Bond soulmarks at their core are tattoos with designs that represent the other person. All bond soulmarks follow a few rules:
Each person has one design that’s unique to them. That design will appear on anyone whose a platonic / familial soulmate of theirs. If two people have the same mark on them, it means they’re soulmates with the same person.
The skin will be raised slightly to match the soulmark design, meaning that soulmarks can be felt when touched.
Soulmarks cannot be covered up by tattoos as they will always appear over the ink, and will often appear on scars/burned skin, but they can be destroyed. What happens when one is destroyed will depend on the situation & type of mark.
When a person touches their own mark on one of their soulmates, it will glow lightly, the color it glows depends on the type of mark and the mark will heat or cool slightly.
Within the broad category of bond soulmarks, there’s two distinct types of marks, Formed Soulmarks and Fated Soulmarks. Some places recognize a third type, Birth Soulmarks, but these are usually considered a subset of Formed Soulmarks as they follow almost all the same rules. 
Formed Soulmarks are defined by being formed from a pre-existing bond, and are considered extremely common;
A baby is almost always born with two of these, one for each biological parent, considered their ‘birth’ soulmarks. The only exception is if one parent is dead or entirely absent during the pregnancy. The marks won’t appear until the baby is born. Surrogacy gets interesting to say the least.
These marks are not permanent, they will fade in cases of abuse/neglect/abandonment. In extreme cases, ‘birth’ marks can fade within weeks of birth.
However, formed marks can also return if the bond is reestablished/repaired. As long as both people are alive, formed marks will change to mirror the relationship.
Formed marks will always fade/disappear from people at the same rate.
New formed marks can be made between any two people if they grow close enough platonically / familially. This is often seen between best friends, close mentors & students, and almost always with adoptive parents.
That being said, while formed marks are often seen as an indication of a good relationship, formed marks are not immune to manipulation. Children tend to be most vulnerable to this, as their relationship and worldview is more delicate.
As such, formed marks are taken into consideration in cases of abuse, and a lack of formed marks for their parents is often considered a strong indicator that a child is in a bad situation, but it’s not considered absolute.
Formed marks, if destroyed via injury, will reappear elsewhere on the body as long as the bond is still strong.
After death, a person’s formed soulmarks are ‘frozen’ and won’t change anymore on the dead person’s body. The soulmates they left behind may keep their marks, although they usually fade with time.
Formed soulmarks glow red and heat when touched, they also always have some amount of color to them.
Fated soulmarks are far more uncommon, maybe ~30% of people have them if that, and they’re weirder and less understood that formed marks;
Unlike formed marks which indicate the present, fated marks indicate a possible future. These almost always are soul parents & soul children bonds, unlike formed marks which can have a variety of platonic relationships
Fated marks appear when a child is born, both on the child and on their respective soul parent. Having multiple fated marks is considered a strong indication that a child will have a VERY interesting life.
Fated marks will not vanish due to lack of contact prior to meeting, fated marks only vanish if one person dies, or in very rare cases, a person drastically alters their life course.
Fated marks also will not reappear after injury, although they’re much harder to destroy, and a fated mark that’s destroyed won’t vanish from the other person.
Unlike formed marks, fated marks have no color to them until the two people meet.
Once two fated people meet & make physical contact for the first time, the marks will rapidly turn to color and become almost identical to formed marks.
After this first meeting, fated marks can fade/disappear just like formed marks will, although it’s quite rare for this to happen.
The only lingering difference is that fated marks will always glow blue when touched, and cool down, as long as the mark remains.
Fated marks are viewed differently by different cultures, but usually there’s a level of dramatization to them. Legally, they tend to hold a lot more weight than formed soulmarks, regardless of whether or not that’s a good idea. 
Whether fated marks should be kept private or publicly displayed also heavily varies based on culture, with some cultures having entire events centered around finding matches for fated soulmarks & others considering showing a fated soulmark publicly to be extremely taboo.
I’ve written most of this out in a general sense, but for BNHA specifically, I think soulmarks would be considered a private thing, particularly for pro-heroes or other celebrities, since quirks could allow people to fake them. It also complicates any legal matters regarding soulmarks. 
Anyways, Aizawa has like 5 fated soulmarks, 4 of which he got in the same year (1 of which came later), and since those 4 are now the right age to be in highschool, the whole UA staff has bets on which class 1-A students they’ll end up being, what order Aizawa will find them out in, and how many he’ll find total in that class. Nobody ends up winning, because nobody predicted Eri.
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thefeelswhale · 3 years
The Nervous Energy in Everything - Part 4
Author’s Note: TW for narcissist parent. 
It was the most magical moment of his entire life so of course Hitoshi’s dad had to barge into it.  
“Why don’t you show Hitoshi your room?” He said to Izuku who jumped guiltily at the reminder that other people were in the room. 
“Oh! Um.” Izuku turned bright red and some of Hitoshi’s instant and embarrassed irritation with his father must have leaked through their connection because he gave Hitoshi a concerned look before tugging him away. It was clear to everyone involved -except his father who didn’t question it when he got his way- that Izuku wasn’t obeying an adult so much as he was getting Hitoshi away from his dad. “Here, it’s this way.”
Izuku’s room was little and would have been plain except for all the All Might posters.
“Wow.” Hitoshi turned a slow circle. They were still touching, but switched to holding hands. To his surprise they were still getting a little bit of transmission, but not to the degree they’d gotten from touching their marks. 
“Ah, haha.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “I’m a little bit of a fanboy.”
Hitoshi had a strong recollection just then of when he was twelve and still had his bedroom walls plastered in band pictures. They’d been torn down after he turned thirteen and got into a fight with his dad. Hitoshi didn’t remember what it was about, but he remembered what came after. It was one of the few times his uncles had been forced to intervene. Uncle Shouta had appeared in the doorway with a kind of stillness about him that Hitoshi never wanted to see again, took in the wreckage of the bedroom, and quietly said “I want a word” while maintaining eye contact with Hitoshi’s father.  
Hitoshi never found out what they talked about, but his dad never set foot in his room again. They didn’t even make eye contact for a week afterwards. His dad had offered to replace the posters a couple of times, but Hitoshi hadn’t trusted him not to do it again the next time he got mad so his walls had been bare for the past two years.
“It’s good.” He said, unable to convey his weird gratitude that his soulmate was allowed to like what he liked at home. 
Izuku cupped his own cheek with his free hand and Hitoshi was enveloped in something that felt like a hug from the inside out. 
“Woah.” Hitoshi wobbled on his feet and landed on the bed, hard on his butt. “You’re going to have to show me how to do that.” It felt amazing. “I had to sit out of bond management class in grade school.”
“It’s not hard.” Izuku sat next to him. “I’ll teach you whatever you want.” He promised. “I don’t have a lot of practice though. Ka… my old soulmate. He wore a cover all of the time.” He rubbed his wrist like it was an old aching wound. 
No guesses about where his first mark used to be. The skin was a little paler there when Hitoshi caught a glimpse of it.
His heart sank a little bit at the reminder that he wasn’t Izuku’s first. It didn’t matter, he reminded himself, because he was going to be the only one from here on out and anyway who in their right mind wore covers? Izuku’s old soulmate sounded like an asshole.
Hitoshi had had his soulmark for less than a day and it was amazing. He never wanted it sealed off. If the material of his shirt wasn’t thin enough to transmit bond contact he’d be shirtless at that very moment. Maybe it just went to show that any level of privilege could be taken for granted if you were born to it.
“What happened to him?” Hitoshi asked, but Izuku shook his head.
“Nothing. He’s fine.” There was a rich and terrible vein of unanswered questions in that statement. Hitoshi had no idea where, if anywhere, to start. “We just broke.” Izuku looked down and started to fidget with his hands. “You don’t have to be jealous.” He turned his face away. “I’m the one who gave up.”
Interestingly, Hitoshi realized he could tell when Izuku was telling the truth and when he was lying. That hadn’t exactly been a lie. Izuku didn’t really believe he’d been the one to break his old soulbond, but he didn’t have any better answers either. 
Hitoshi remembered the feeling that had crossed over to him when his soulmark came in; the grief, the disbelief, the… he didn’t really have a word for it. It had been like falling in love, but in reverse. ‘Giving up’ was one way to describe it, but to feel like that and then be able to truthfully say the other person was ‘fine’? He couldn’t believe it had been so simple.
“Hey.” Hitoshi had no idea what he was doing except that he didn’t like the idea that his soulmate’s first instinct was to not touch him. He caught Izuku’s wrist and gently tugged him closer. “C’mere.”
Izuku hugged like he’d heard of the concept or maybe seen it on TV once, but had rarely put it into practice himself. He was reluctant and awkward at first, but sank into Hitoshi’s side with enthusiasm as soon as he’d figured out where his arms went. 
He’d meant to keep the conversation going -to learn everything about his soulmate that he’d missed before they found each other- except he didn’t have a lot of experience with this kind of hugging either. He got plenty of affection from his uncles and his mom whenever she could slip it in past her quirk; turns out it was very different when the person you were hugging was both a cute boy and your soulmate. His brain shut down and it was kind of like being affected by his mom’s quirk, except way nicer and he was aware of everything going on. 
Someone tapped at the door and Izuku sat up to say, “Yes?”
When the door opened Hitoshi was aware just long enough to recognize his mom’s pinched and unhappy expression before everything whited out. 
He came back to himself alone in the room with an unhappy, anxious Izuku.
“You’re back.” Izuku cupped his face and titled Hitoshi’s face this way and that; checking his pupils, Hitoshi realized. When his mom quirked someone their eyes went totally white. 
“I… what happened?” He looked around. “Where did my mom go?”
“She left.” Izuku wet his lips. “I don’t know what happened. She wouldn’t talk to me.”
“No, she wouldn’t.” Hitoshi shook his head to clear it. He felt weird. Usually his mom’s quirk felt like the first few seconds of waking up from an amazing nap. This time it was… not like that. “Her quirk activates whenever she pays attention to someone.”
It was an amazing villain’s quirk if you were inclined that way, but super debilitating if you were an ordinary nice person. There were lingering side effects too if she accidentally used it on someone too many times. Hitoshi was immune to that part. He already loved his mom as much as he could, but strangers got weird obsessions with her. As a result she didn’t get out much and was totally reliant on her husband, who was also immune to her quirk by dint of being her soulmate.
“Oh yeah? Is it eye contact or just any amount of…” Izuku clapped a hand over his mouth. “Not the time.” He muttered and refocused on Hitoshi. “She hugged you really tight. Then she left. Maybe…” He gave the bedroom door an uncomfortable look. “...maybe we should check?”
Hitoshi was starting to get a bad feeling too. His dad had been trying to get rid of him earlier. That wasn’t a good sign, but he’d been too blissed out by meeting his soulmate to pay attention.  His mom couldn’t intervene whenever he started acting up without making it worse. She was stuck as a bystander.
“Yeah.” He grabbed Izuku’s hand. “Just for a minute.”
Only, his parents were gone by the time they went into the living room. A little round lady with Izuku’s features, softened by age and gentleness, looked up from where she was locking the door. 
“Oh, there are my boys.” She went over to pat their cheeks. “What an exciting day! How do you feel about something special for dinner? Do you like pork, Hitoshi-kun? We like katsudon for celebrations here, but I’ve got a full fridge. We can probably make anything you like.”
“Am… am I staying for dinner?” Hitoshi asked with a sinking stomach. He was pretty sure he knew what had just happened.
“Well, your father mentioned how much you’d like living with your soulmate.” She chuckled. Yup. She’d been Persuaded. “I just knew Izuku would love having you around too so I offered to let you live here.”
That… person had hustled him out of the room so there was no one around to stop him from manipulating Izuku’s mother into taking Hitoshi off his hands. His dad’s quirk, Persuasion, was incredibly difficult to protect someone against. The only way to stop him was to know about his quirk in advance. Usually Hitoshi knew to interfere before it was a problem --just, not today.
For whatever reason, Hitoshi’s dad had never liked him and made no bones about the fact that Hitoshi needed to have a new living situation lined up as soon as he turned eighteen. He was jovial most of the time and seemed to be kind of aware that he wasn’t acting right. Sometimes he’d try to make half-hearted overtures or make up for whatever awful thing he’d done or said recently. He wasn’t violent --much. He hadn’t ever hit Hitoshi, but he would break stuff or call him names or misrepresent him to people; making Hitoshi seem stupider or more trouble than he was in reality. 
Hitoshi knew the root of the problem was his mom although he could never blame her for it. She was the one who’d wanted a kid and his dad, for all his other faults, would move heaven and earth to get her anything she asked for. It just turned out that sharing her attention was the one thing he absolutely could not do or fake.
“Ma’am. I’m really sorry.” He gulped, realizing he didn’t know her name yet. “My dad used his quirk on you. It’s called Persuasion. He can talk anybody into agreeing with him or into doing something to make him happy.”
“I… what?” Izuku’s mom blinked slowly; the artificial happy buzz leftover from giving in to Persuasion was fading. Sometimes telling a person about his dad’s quirk right after helped them shake it off. It looked like this was one of those times. “I… I may need to sit down.”
“Mom, over here.” Izuku seemed to know what to do when she wobbled on her feet. “Hitoshi, there’s a little bottle in the end table over there. Could you grab it?”
The bottle contained honest-to-god smelling salts when Hitoshi got it. Izuku accepted it and cracked it open under his mom’s nose. The smell was ghastly, but startled her into clarity. She blinked hard and patted Izuku on the shoulder.
“Thank you, dear.” She patted her cheeks to settled herself. “Did…” She looked at Hitoshi and something in his expression made her pivot from upset to concern. “...honey, are you okay?”
His dad had just ditched him with strangers. That hug from his mom had been goodbye and he wasn’t even awake for it. No, he was not okay. 
“I can call my uncles.” Hitoshi swallowed on a hard, sore lump in his throat. “You don’t have to worry.”
“I’ll let that pass because we don’t know each other that well yet.” She got up and patted his cheeks with both hands. He had to bend over so she could do it, she was that tiny. “I’m going to worry. Ask Izuku. I worry about everything and this is definitely worth worrying about. Call your uncles please. Then we can discuss the situation.”
“It might be a bit before they can come get me.” Hitoshi apologized. “They’d have been here, but they had to work.”
“That’s fine, dear. You can have dinner here and we’ll work everything else out as it comes.” She glanced at her son. “Izuku, don’t forget to make that other call.” 
Izuku’s shoulders turtled up. “I won’t, mom.”
They had to split up to make their phone calls. Izuku seemed no more enthusiastic about makin his than Hitoshi was to call Mic’s station office. 
Ami-san, the agency-side receptionist, picked up on the first ring. “Present Mic agency and radio station!” She chirped. “If this is an immediate emergency then tap the line and I’ll start a trace on your number.”
“It’s Hitoshi.” He usually liked chatting with her, but his heart wasn’t in it right then.
“Oh, hi, honey!” Ami-san cooed. He’d known her since he’d been born and had spent more than one afternoon in a bassinet under her desk as a baby when his uncle’s station/agency had been located in the back of a garage. “What can I do for you? Mic told me the good news! Did you want me to slip him a note?”
“Could you?” He decided to just rip the bandage off. “My dad used his quirk on my soulmate’s mom.”
“You’re joking.” Her good mood evaporated. “He’s on probation! He knows he’s on probation!”
“He talked her into offering to take over custody of me.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” She got real quiet. “I… I’ll let Mic know. Don’t call Eraserhead until Mic can talk to him first. If she presses charges….” Ami-san let the sentence trail off without finishing it.
Quirk misuse laws operated on the three strike principle. If they reported it, this would be his dad’s third strike within five years. He’d gotten off with petty fines the last two times he’d gotten caught; convincing a cabby driver to pick him up over someone else and talking a panhandler into leaving him alone. Most people didn’t notice Persuasion, but sometimes someone with a really stubborn will or certain mental illnesses could shake it off by themselves and if they did they knew he’d tried to quirk them. If Izuku’s mom pressed charges then his dad was going to jail this time.
Hitoshi didn’t actually care about that much except for the ways it would affect his mom. She couldn’t work. She couldn’t talk to people. She had a small disability stipend and did some work as a freelance writer, but it hardly brought in anything. If his dad went to prison, even for a few months, then she would be the one who suffered most. 
The one thing his dad could be counted on was to not work against his soulmate’s interests. This time he either hadn’t thought far enough ahead or was banking on Hitoshi protecting his own mother over a stranger.
“We’ll make it work.” Hitoshi decided out loud. His uncles were proof she could live with other people. It wasn’t ideal, but they used a whiteboard and messenger apps to talk. 
“I’ll have Mic call you as soon as he’s off the air.” Ami-san promised. 
Hitoshi sat in the little tatami room he’d used to make his call. Someone had turned it into a computer room at some point, but it had a curious empty feel to it; like it belonged to someone who was long gone.
Izuku was finishing up his own call when Hitoshi went looking for him.
“...not yet.” He was saying. “The officers took my statement and samples off me at the second incident. The paramedics didn’t say anything when they sent me home, but Death Arms and Kamui Wood were… um… yelling so it was hard for them to talk. I’ll go if you think I should… yes, sir. Under the Dooku foot bridge. Through the manhole there. No, he had to leave once I came to. He left his autograph.” He paused and gave a dry little laugh. “Yes, sir. It was in two soda bottles. I noticed the one with the eyeballs in it was still moving. That’s why I hit it in the eyes afterwards.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.” Izuku was still talking. “Yes, it probably got into his mouth. That’s how it happened to me; the nose and mouth. I wasn’t… I couldn’t breath. I don’t think he meant for me to live.” He wrapped his free arm around his knees. “He said something like ‘twenty seconds and it’ll all be over.’”
Hitoshi stood frozen in the door. He’d thought what his dad did was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him that day, but as he listened he realize Izuku was describing a villain attack; an attempted murder on himself. 
They had been within inches of never meeting each other in this life.
There were a lot of reasons Hitoshi wanted to be a Pro Hero. His uncles were a huge influence on him, but part of it was to prove to himself that he was nothing like that man. Now there was a whole new third reason.
“Yes, I’ll come in tomorrow after school if that’s okay.” Izuku said to the police officer he was apparently talking to. “Oh, um, the registry matched me up today. Ah, haha. Yes. Thank you. It was really good timing, actually. Okay, thank you. Goodbye.”
He ended the call, tossed his phone onto the bed, and flopped face first onto the mattress. 
Hitoshi suddenly understood why Izuku’s first instinct was to comfort him through their bond before. He had no idea if touching was good or bad right now. It looked like he had a lot to learn about being a soulmate. 
He tapped on the doorframe and Izuku looked up at him. The helpless smile that eased across his face did a lot to sooth Hitoshi’s exposed nerves.
“Hey.” He sat up and smiled, a little tired looking. Now that Hitoshi was looking he noticed a line of road rash up the outside edge of Izuku’s forearm, ending just below his elbow. It looked red, angry, and fresh. “How much did you hear?” 
“Enough to have a small heart attack.” Hitoshi felt like he was getting a green light to go over there so he did. Izuku catted into his touch so that his palm skated over the handprint on Izuku’s cheek. He got a brief window into his soulmate’s state of mind: he was tired for sure and running out of steam, but secretly (guiltily, even) glad to have Hioshi around for even just a little bit longer. “How did I not feel you get attacked?”
“Oh, that was me.” Izuku squirmed guiltily. “You’re supposed to pull away from the bond if you’re in danger and you don’t know where your soulmate is or what they’re doing. What if you were on stairs or handling a knife or something?” 
This was getting complicated.
“I guess I’ve got a lot to learn.” Hitoshi admitted. 
He was kind of angling for another extended hug, but a faint call of ‘supper!’ echoed down the hall. He could smell food too; really good food too. His mom tended to cook really healthy and he liked that, but the smells coming from Izuku’s kitchen were rich, fatty, and indulgent; comfort food on a day when no comfort could possibly be enough. Maybe he needed to move in with them after all…
Uncle Mic called while he was helping clean up. Izuku waved him off with a smile.
“Where are you?” There was wind in the background. “That son of a bitch isn’t answering his phone.”
Oh boy. Present Mic was swearing. This was bad.
He rattled off Inko-san’s address. “I’m okay.” He said. “My soulmate’s mom is mad at dad, but she seems okay with me. She fed us and said I can stay as-as long as I need to.”
“Okay, that’s ---good?” Mic took a breath and Hitoshi could picture him tugging on his hair. “Then I’ve got time to get out of costume. She’s probably not up to having a pro hero showing up on her front step, huh?”
“It’s been a rough day.” Hitoshi agreed and shielded the receiver so his voice wouldn’t carry. “Izuku, um ---my soulmate. He got hit by a street killer today. He’s okay. There was a hero in pursuit, but Inko-san almost fainted earlier. I don’t think it’d be a good idea to push it.”
Present Mic was, objectively, A Lot.
“By a… a what?” Mic snapped. “I thought you were in Aldera?”
“I am, I am.” 
“Hang on.” Mic carried multiple phones and Hitoshi could hear him get out the one he used exclusively for internet. It had a distinct noise when you unlocked the screen. “Aldera… street attacks…” He was quiet for a moment. “...well, alrighty then. This went down while I was on air. No wonder I missed it. Your boy is scrappy. He beat the crap out of some guy trying to kill a middle schooler with his backpack. All Might was responsible for the takedown. Okay, I’m a little less worried. The villain was a purse snatcher who escalated. That’s less terrible than a possible serial killer in the area.”
Hitoshi compared that to what he’d heard. “That sounds about right.” If he was right then that was the second incident. The first incident must have been when All Might caught the guy the first time. “Could you… could you talk to him about it? I don’t think the police really interviewed him.”
Hitoshi only had second hand knowledge of working with the cops, but he’d never heard of one taking a statement over the phone. Plus there was the matter of Mic’s official report only mentioning the second attack. There was a good chance that officer had just pretended to take the report and had really blown Izuku off. It wasn’t entirely negligent. People sometimes tried to insert themselves into big incidents, especially if it showed up on TV or a big name hero was involved.
“Sure can, buddy.” Mic’s tone went concerned. “Are you all right?”
Hitoshi couldn’t find words to describe how he was feeling. It had been easier to have opinions about Izuku’s problems. “It’s nothing I didn’t already know.” He said at last. 
“We’re coming to pick you up.” Mic promised. “If Hiroshi thinks he can kick you out of the house then he’s got another think coming. We’re gonna make this okay.”
“Okay.” Even Hitoshi could tell he didn’t sound convinced.
The doorbell rang about thirty minutes later. Izuku had pulled him over to the TV to watch the nightly Hero Report and got super into it. Hitoshi liked getting his after action breakdowns from spotter blogs and podcasts. Listening to his soulmate talk about the action on TV was like that, but better. Inko-san watched with them -alternating between that and an embroidery project- and seemed to amuse herself by asking her son questions about what was going on even though she clearly knew the answers.
Uncle Shouta stood at the door sans Uncle Mic and he looked pissed.
“Hitoshi.” He stared into the house over the top of Inko-san’s head. “We’re leaving.”
Hitoshi started to look for his shoes, but drew up short when Inko-san san said, “No. I don’t think you are.” 
She sounded like she was just barely keeping her knees from knocking together and when she stared up at Hitoshi’s uncle she looked like a bunny trying to stare down a Balrog. 
“Excuse me?” Uncle Shouta was dressed down for the evening, but spiritually channelling Eraserhead more than he normally would when faced with a middle-aged homemaker. 
“I am not comfortable sending Hitoshi-kun back into that house.” She didn’t back down and Hitoshi’s heart did something complicated and painful. “How does that --man act at home if that’s how he treats a stranger? Hitoshi-kun is my son’s soulmate. That means I have equal rights to him and I don’t want him back under that man’s roof.”
“It’s not his roof.” Uncle Shouta’s tone was a little less obstreperous than before. It might not seem like it, but Hitoshi’s maternal uncle responded best to logic and that was a good counter argument. “It’s my roof and all his shit’s gonna be in the yard as soon as I get home.”
That… answered some questions Hitoshi had been nursing about his family’s living situation. His dad had a good job and made good money, but he deferred to Hitoshi’s uncles in ways that made no sense --unless he was living in their house. 
Inko-san’s chin wobbled, but firmed up. “Then you can have Hitoshi-kun back as soon as he’s gone.” 
Uncle Shouta’s unsettling black gaze slid towards Hitoshi. “You okay with that?”
Hitoshi found the strength to nod. “Don’t kick mom out.” He probably didn’t need to ask. Uncle Shouta had been looking after his sister long before her soulmate or son came into the picture. Like Hitoshi, he wasn’t totally immune to her quirk but he didn’t get the creepy side effects from it. 
“I can’t stop her if she decides to go.” His uncle warned him and that was exactly what Hitoshi was afraid would happen. He looked back to Inko-san. “I’ll be back with an overnight bag for him.”
“Thank you.” Inko-san relaxed slightly. “I don’t know if we have anything comfortable to lend him for the evening.”
“It’ll be taken care of.” Uncle Shouta stepped back into the shadow of the open air corridor outside Inko-san’s door and vanished like Batman. She carefully shut the door when she realized he wasn’t going to say goodbye and was quiet until she got into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.
“Your uncle is… an intense person.” She said at last.
“He’s an Underground Hero.” Hitoshi explained and Izuku bopped a fist into his open palm.
“Eraserhead!” He realized out loud. Somehow it wasn’t surprising that Izuku knew about Eraserhead. He didn’t have a big following and was mortally embarrassed by what fandom he did have, but the people who knew about him at all often knew him very well.  
“Is he?” Inko-san relaxed a little further. “Well, then I hope he punches your father right in the nose.” Both her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she realized what she’d said.
“He might.” Hitoshi was a little worried about that. As ever, he didn’t really care if his dad had to deal with negative consequences except for how it affected his mom. 
Mic showed up with a packed overnight bag and his school stuff right about the time Hitoshi was wondering if he was going to have to sleep in his boxers. The upshot was that Inko-san had laid out a double futon in the living room floor without having to be persuaded to let them bunk together. She might have even let them share Izuku’s bed, except there was no hope in hell that they’d both fit on his undersized twin mattress at the same time. 
 Izuku did not recognize Mic, who was harder to spot out of costume because -unlike his husband- he actually put effort into it. He swept in and dazzled Inko-san straight off. Turned out she was weaker to a megawatt smile than to intimidation.
Despite that, Mic looked tired and kind of sore. Hitoshi REALLY hoped it wasn’t actual physical soreness from beating someone up. He still swept Hitoshi up in one of his big bear hugs. “Heya, kiddo.” His voice was a little raspy. “We’re working things out at the house. Shouta’s with your mom. Your dad… well. He’s, uh… he’s checking into a hotel.”
Inko paused as she set down a cup of tea on the coffee table for Mic. “Without Ayame-san?” She asked, confused.
Mic coughed. “Yeah, without Ayame-chan.” He sounded a little down. “She locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn’t come out unless he left. Shouta was still getting the story out of her when I had to leave. I think your dad still has her phone. I’m gonna go get her a new one after this and then you guys can text again.”
His dad keeping his mom’s phone for her wasn’t quite as creepy or controlling as it came off as, but Hitoshi couldn’t deny his dad liked gatekeeping his mom’s access to other people more than he should have. 
Hitoshi’s mom’s quirk was called ‘Siren’ for a reason. She could stun anyone she concentrated on, but the more subtle obsessive secondary effects weren’t universal. Hitoshi, Uncle Shouta, and Uncle Mic were immune because they were all either related to her, super gay, or both.
They’d figured out some loopholes that let her talk to other people. She could text so long as she didn’t hit ‘send’ herself or carry the phone around. Emails were safer, especially if they used a service that routed her outgoing mail through a couple of servers before delivering it. 
“Oh my.” Inko-san sat back on her heels. She glanced at Hitoshi. “I’ll let you two talk.”
“No, I…” Mic took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “...sorry, this actually concerns you too.” He glanced at Hitoshi. “I don’t think there’s a good way to bring this up so I’m just gonna do it.”
Well, that wasn’t unnerving at all. 
Izuku leaned into his side. He’d been quiet since Mic showed up, but stayed very close to Hitoshi. His presence was more settling than words could describe.
“Your mom says she wants a divorce.” Mic spoke slowly and carefully “Your Uncle Shouta is prepared to ram it through as soon as he possibly can. Knowing your dad though, he’s going to make it as ugly as possible. Some stuff is going to come up and we didn’t want you to have to know about it, but if I know Hiroshi he’s going to drag it all out into the open.”
That was how his dad operated when he wasn’t getting his way or felt under attack so Hitoshi didn’t necessarily agree. He knew his family situation was weird and most of it could be explained away by the fact that his mom needed a lot of support, but could be exposed to too many people. 
Not all of it.
Hitoshi’s dad made really good money. He could afford to buy whatever services she needed. They didn’t need to live with Hitoshi’s uncles, but they did.
“You’re not worried that he’ll try to get full custody of Hitoshi-kun, are you?” Inko-san asked. “I’ve heard of men doing that sometimes, even if they don’t get along with their children.”
“That’s, uh, not a concern for us.” Mic coughed and rubbed the back of his head. “That’s what I came to talk about really. You see… ah…” He squinted at Hitoshi and tried to smile. “Hiroshi isn’t your father. I am.”
Izuku reached over without a word and clapped a hand over Hitoshi’s sternum, squelching his first furious response before it could even happen. Hitoshi covered his soulmate’s hand with his own, holding it there and making use of the soothing vibrations of their bond for a couple of seconds before he could ask questions that weren’t ‘Are you out of your goddamn mind?’
“It’s not what it sounds like.” Mic hastened to reassure him. “You see, Ayame-chan wanted a baby really badly. Hiroshi turned out to be infertile. I was just a donor. You were born through IVF.”
That was way less bad than what Hitoshi had first assumed, given the way Mic had phrased that. For one awful moment he thought Mic had cheated on Uncle Shouta ---with Hitoshi’s mom no less.
“We thought Hiroshi was okay with it.” Mic went on to explain. “He seemed to look forward to you at first, but things changed when you were born. I think it wasn’t real to him before that or he hadn’t thought about what it would mean to be a father so…” He fought to keep an uncharacteristically grim look off his face and only met with middling success. “...he refused to let his name be listed on your birth certificate. Normally it doesn’t matter, but he made such a stink about it that the hospital agreed to put my name down. I’m your legal male parent and I share custody of you with Ayame-chan. Hiroshi isn’t involved.”
Holy crap.
Did that mean Uncle Shouta was both his uncle and stepdad? How did that even work?
“It’s going to be hard to get the divorce decree.” Izuku piped up. “I heard there’s precedent now for not granting separations to soul mates if one of them has a quirk disability and there’s no evidence of abuse.”
“Oh believe me, little li--guy...” Mic slid his glasses back on. “...my lawyers are used to way higher stakes. They’ll chew him up and pick their teeth with his bones. Shouta’s been after this for a long time too. No one was going to take her soulmate away from her, but if Ayame wants him gone then we’ll run him out of town on a rail.”
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shig-a-shig-ah · 3 years
Maybe the former would be better suited for a yandere!Shigaraki. 🤔 I read somewhere like what if Reader was immune to yandere!Shigaraki’s quirk, and he deluded himself into thinking that makes them his soulmate? And I found that kind of interesting.
Mm, I've read a couple of those and they're always good! I'm a sucker for a delusional Shig tbh.
I think for me as far as the reader-with-X-quirk thing, it's a lot that I love angst, and the angst potential of his Quirk, and having to navigate that in a relationship is just SO GOOD. It might seem counterintuitive because I know I do write a lot of requests for fluff, but angst and/or fucked up shit is really what I'm drawn to as a reader.
So I can definitely see the appeal of an emotional Shigaraki experiencing the overwhelming relief that finally getting to touch someone would bring. The way that it would ease his burden just a little to be able to trace his fingers unrestricted over his lover's skin. To be able to pull them close and cling to them without that constant and necessary voice in the back of his reminding himself to be careful, don't lose control, don't forget to be aware every second of every day of what your hands are doing.
But on a personal level, watching him suffer just a little while still finding relief in another person is just The Good Shit.
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fluffyblaire · 3 years
hey hey hey I am desperate for good dabihawks and/or hawks fic......care to rec some? 🙏😂
*gasp* Nonnie, thank you for asking!! I would LOVE to promote some DabiHawks and Hawks fics 🤩
Mind the ratings, everybody ✨Listed by word count~
No Place to Go by Rubien | rated E | 133k words 
✨Classic✨ canon divergence DabiHawks fic where Dabi and Hawks fall in love during Hawks’ infiltration mission. There are hundreds of fics that follow this premise considering it’s the bread & butter of this ship, but this one is my favorite of all the ones I’ve read 💕
Villains are not Immune to Perfect Boyfriend Material by lucky1025 | rated M | 83k words
Hilarious fic where Dabi (who is highly attracted to Hawks) knows Hawks is a traitor, but he can’t bring himself to tell Hawks to get lost, so he introduces Hawks to the League so one of them can tell Hawks to get lost instead. As it turns out, Dabi isn’t the only villain with eyes and a habit of wanting things that are way out of his league 👀Pining Dabi? Jealous Dabi? This fic is where it’s at 🔥 This is my absolute favorite LOV + Hawks fic 😊
cold fried chicken by meeokie & whereherbonesareburied | rated M | 70k words
Long one-shot about Hawks pining after Dabi while double agenting. Very Hawks centric and portrays his inner conflicts and shitty situation so well. This is one of those fics where Hawks abandons his mission to stay with Dabi, but it’s a very good one of those (which I find quite rare). Really beautiful prose too, the writing is just captivating 🥺✨
Wild-Eyed (And You’ve Got Me Now) by amidststars | rated M | 21k words
No Quirks AU where Touya and Keigo run away from their problems and go on a road trip together. It’s beautiful and wonderful.
and if i may just take your breath away by vitane | rated T | 14k words
University AU where Hawks and Shigaraki are flatmates and Dabi is Shigaraki’s fuckbuddy 👀 Hawks suffers and you will suffer with him. This author has written a few other DabiHawks AUs based on romantic tropes, and I highly recommend their fake dating AU and soulmate AU as well. Both tore my heart to pieces along with this one.
when you’re flying high (take my heart along) by eliestarr | rated T | 10k words
👏The DabiHawks War AU I needed in my life 👏 The existence of this fic is the only thing keeping my War AU obsessed brain from rotting and caving in on itself. It features fighter pilot Keigo and aircraft mechanic Touya, and it’s really sweet 🥺
unfolding in pools of gold by crumbsfiction | rated G | 9k words
Violinist Dabi and ballet dancer Hawks meet while they’re contracted at the same theatre. They are idiots who don’t know how to sort out their feelings when their time together is done. Very beautifully written and scratched my dancer!Hawks itch right when I needed it. 
Scapegoat by coudric | rated G | 6k words
A very comforting fic about Hawks taking responsibility after the events of the War Arc and other pros stepping in to protect him. Lots of interactions between Hawks and his pro hero colleagues and a portrayal of guilty Hawks that makes me wanna cry 🥲But it’s comforting, I promise!!!
Snapshots of a Hawk by ScarletRain1409 | rated T | 3k words
Wholesome Hawks and Tokoyami content 💗 Absolutely adorable fic, and one of my favorite portrayals of Hawks and Tokoyami’s relationship~
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nlsetsumuri · 4 years
I'm organizing my notes for a character-insert story I'm writing and I felt like sharing them here!!! I think people would be interested in what I came up with.
No credit needed. I made Flourish specifically with Shigaraki in mind because I know a lot of people would like to have a quirk complimentary to Decay so that Tomura can touch them safely.
and hey, self-shippers? I love you so much!! you're so awesome, pls send me some self-indulgent stuff sometime soon!!
also! Quirks that are present in my stories will be marked as IN-USE. this just means that what the quirk entails might change in the future.
touch-based quirk. complimentary to decay, rendering the user immune to decay. decay users are unaffected by flourish (cannot be healed). touching something with all five fingers heals/reverses any damage
i like the idea of decay and flourish canceling eachother out because they're complimentary quirks. shigaraki can touch you and??? you don't die?? and???? you touched shigaraki but he's not healing????? fun times
user has the ability to use a diminished version of someone's quirk if they share a strong bond with said person. Most commonly found in mutated individuals with animalistic features.
This isn't really a stand-alone quirk but more of an ability, but I still decided to include it because it has really specific requirements.
user can give themselves ANY quirk they desire (meaning that they can copy someone else's quirk, or create a new one entirely) this ability requires a lot of energy and while in-use, will tire the user out until the stop using the quirk or pass out. (think of it like charging your phone. eventually, the battery power will lower and you'll have to plug it in. Or you're one of those people who doesn't plug it in until it dies.) The more powerful the chosen quirk is, the longer the user will be out for. "OP" quirks like take more energy to replicate/use, and consequentially, will require a longer recovery period. Quirks like Overhaul or Decay will put the user into a comatose state. This quirk is literally just All For One Juniour Edition.
so basically like? all for one but fair. also the quirks aren't "saved" or anything, so if u want to use bakugou's explosion quirk, but ur already using tsuyu's froggy quirk to restrain something with your tongue, you'd have to stop using it and let go so you can use explosion instead.
Touch-Based quirk. Touching someone with all five fingers will render them quirkless for 24 hours. Only works on one person at a time, and cannot be used on the same person twice in a row. Made with Shigaraki in mind.
i made this purely because i want to hold shigaraki's hand without turning into dust. also... imagine having to constantly remind yourself to keep ur pinky/middle finger off of whatever you touch. idk about you, but that's too much work for me. I'd rather just wear those gloves made for drawing tablets.
Touch-Based quirk. touching someone with all five fingers immediately kills them, allowing the user to harvest their soul (souls manifest as little cheeseball sized lights. they're all different colors, depending on who's soul it was.) souls can be eaten (they taste like gummi bears) whoever eats it has their body revitalized instantaneously, each and every individual cell replaced by a new and perfect copy. souls can only be captured in jars. they act like fireflies.
firefly rave... also this is literally decay but it only works on living things and also u get a snack. and a corpse. although idk i guess a corpse would count as a snack to someone. also if someone doesn't have a soul, they just die. lol
user is easily sunburnt, does not have a reflection, allergic to garlic (regardless of genetics) and cannot be killed unless the heart is damaged. User must drink a certain amount of blood regularly to avoid loss of inhibition (will attack nearest person to feed) and severe malnutrition, known as "bloodthirst."
honestly? this isn't really that beneficial... sunburns, no garlic bread, if you cant get enough blood you suffer and go apeshit... but I mean at least you've got circumstantial immortality.
user has pointed ears and is considerably taller than regular humans. naturally skilled archers, and have a strong connection to nature.
i couldn't help myself, i love DnD.
fish subtype. user has fully-functional gills. The user's hair reflects the different kinds of tail types (plakat = short hair, crown tail = dreadlocs/separated strands, rose tail = long and flowy) and are naturally bright colors like red or blue. lethal close-combat skills and impressive speed. natural beauty is also a bonus
im surprised i'm not including this in my character insert story. it's my personal favorite so far. fishy!!!
exactly what it sounds like. full moons trigger the shift. user cannot control the shift. it's basically like periods except instead of bleeding out of your uterus, you turn into a wolf.
... yeah, i don't know what influenced this the most. the fact that i made vampires and felt obligated to also include werewolves, that i'm a furry, or that this gives me an excuse to push alpha beta omega dynamics onto bnha
based on that one marvel comic series. when transformed, the user takes on the appearence of their skeletal structure engulfed in flames. the user is able to control flames and a vehicle/form of transport of their prefrence. when user establishes eye contact, the opponent will suffer the pain they have caused for others (if any.) cannot transform in direct sunlight.
i am incredibly ashamed to admit that it was only yesterday that i saw the 2007 ghost rider movie for the first time in my life. i fucking loved it. it was funny, freaky as hell, and so fucking awesome. i love ghost rider, i mean, cmon, like? that's literally what being a punk is about in a nutshell. skeletons. fire. leather jackets. metal spikes. chains. motorbikes. anti-heroes. also i really enjoyed the addition of genuine demon names. i got so excited when i recognized the name mephisopholes. the movie also gave me ACAB vibes so bonus points for that. and the little details like how johnny's fire turned blue whenever he focused on roxanne. god fuck it was a great movie i will be thinking about it for the next week or so. TL;DR THE 2007 GHOST RIDER MOVIE IS AWESOME I CANT BELIEVE I NEVER WATCHED IT. i always end up getting more attatched to the manga instead of the anime and this was no different.
P.S. lmk if you wanna know more about my character insert! i post a lot about him on my twitter account and i'm generally more active there anyways!!
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AssClass OC
Mai’s Relationships: Part 1
I’m procrastinating on homework and decided to work on this random ass post about my OC 😂
Her profile is linked here UwU
Warning: this is extremely long and detailed
Tomohito Sugino
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Address each other as: “Tomohito” or “Domo” and “Mai”
(The Domo nickname is inspired by one of Fumiko’s ideas UwU)
Besties. Nothing can ever change that. He was the first friend she made when she transferred to Kunugigaoka in 2nd year, and they’ve stuck together since then.
Although their very first meeting was a little unconventional...Sugino almost accidentally hit her with a baseball and she almost threw hands hehe. But they got along instantly after that.
They bonded with similar outgoing, positive personalities and a shared fondness for sports. They hang out all the time and have become so comfortable with each other, they can just randomly show up to each other’s house. Sugino’s family basically adopted Mai, and her family loves him. It’s common to see these two hanging out at a corner store, tossing baseballs at each other to catch, sending memes in class, etc.
Mai is very defensive of him, and will absolutely speak up about his baseball skill, kind nature, leadership, etc. She even stays by his side during the baseball arc to support him. Nakamura calls them platonic soulmates, and both of them honestly agree.
They bicker sometimes since they both can be fiery, but it’s out of fun 95% of the time. The rare occasions they seriously fight are because of Sugino’s overprotective nature/patronizing, and Mai’s clinginess and tendency to get jealous. But regardless of any differences, they will always have each other’s backs. Chaotic besties forever.
Yukiko Kanzaki
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Address each other as: “Yukiko” and “Mai”
They did not get off to a good start...it was rather rocky. They just didn’t have good impressions of each other, and neither cared to truly get to know the other. Kanzaki thought Mai was hyper, brash, and difficult. Mai thought Kanzaki was stuck-up and vain because of her idol status. The girls avoided each other, and Mai was less than ecstatic to hear about Sugino’s crush. 
Finally they’re forced to spend time together during the Kyoto trip, when Group 4 forms. They begin to get along more and find a couple shared interests, the ice slowly breaking. Then the kidnapping happens, and Mai stays with the boys and Okuda to find them. Mai is given a job to discreetly locate the girls inside the warehouse and basically figure out it’s layout. She sneaks in and sees the girls, and unintentionally hears Kanzaki’s secret about her 2nd year gaming phase, and is shocked. But now she feels more understanding for her. Mai and the guys and Okuda save the girls, and she especially approaches Kanzaki, making sure she’s okay. Kanzaki opens up to the whole group about liking video games and such. 
Later that night at the hotel, Mai admits to Kanzaki that she overheard her family story and rebellious phase without meaning to. Kanzaki says it’s okay, and thanks her for saving them, and for understanding. They both admit they had misconceptions about each other, but see that they’re not true. 
The girls have an extremely close friendship after that, sharing interests in video games, e-girl fashion, etc. Mai’s competitive nature dies every time she plays against Kanzaki and gets completely owned and teased. They hang out a lot, and Kanzaki comes to basically live at Mai’s home, with how often she’s there. They’re the type of friends to sneak out of an important meeting to play games and talk together. They both become very protective of each other, and grow to think of each other as family.
They definitely balance each other out in terms of personalities and attitudes. Kanzaki is more calm and rational compared to Mai’s bold and outspoken self. Mai’s open-book nature contrasting against Kanzaki’s aloof image. Even if these differences can lead to some clashes, they both appreciate it a lot, and value each other’s views.
Also they definitely try to help each other with their best/worst subjects. Kanzaki trying to help Mai with Japanese work is the funniest thing to see because eventually they just mutually give up and move onto video games.
Hinata Okano
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Address each other as: “Hinata” and “Mai”
These two are like two halves. Plain and simple. They hit it off super well on the first day of meeting each other, which was in 3-E. Well, it’s more like Mai wouldn’t stop bothering her or starting up conversation lmao. But they had instant chemistry, especially when around mutual close friends like Kayano and Maehara. 
As soon as she realized they had the same birthday, Mai happily declared them to be sisters, and nothing would ever change that. Okano rolled her eyes, but secretly loved it. Okano uses that against her, saying that “Since she’s the older sister, do as she says.” But Mai always retorts with “But I’m taller.” 
They’re extremely close, and bond over so many things. Being sporty, liking skate-boarding, teasing Maehara, etc. They’re definitely each other’s go-to person for venting and confiding in, since they somehow are almost always on the same wavelength.
They can get into bad arguments though, given their similar temperaments. But it’s over in 2.5 seconds, and after screaming at each other, they’re laughing at memes together.
They love challenging each other in PE and assassination-related things since they have pretty similar styles. They love when they get partnered together, although it’s not as common as they’d like. Overall just an adorably vicious combo of short-tempered cuties.
Justice Kimura
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Address each other as: “Kimura” and “Mai”
Oh boy. Whenever these two are around each other, they just become a wild gremlin duo. They equally enable each other when it comes to being chaotic. They’re just really good friends who can be playful with each other. 
They became friends and got to know each other mainly thanks to PE and mutual friends like the class athletes. Before they knew it, they started to just hang out without others, they vibed so well.
Kimura lives to make Mai burst out laughing with his random edgy jokes and humor. There’s just always a lot of laughter whenever these two are together. 
That said, Mai is not immune to Kimura’s worst antics, like the parkour incident. For the first time, she gets so upset at him but after yelling her head off like he expects, she just crumples to the floor and cries. She really needed that good grade to show her mom, and because Gakushuu had spent so much time tutoring her...
Kimura feels like shit and apologizes, and they don’t talk for a couple days. Mai definitely forgives him and moves past it though. Sometime during watching the kids at the school, she hugs him and apologizes for going off on him. Kimura says it’s okay since he was being a selfish idiot in the first place. Their friendship goes back to normal UwU.
Mai loves to tease Kimura for A LOT of reasons, but his name is never one of them. She calls him “Shorty,” “Dumpling,” and always pinches his chubby cheeks, to his annoyance. She definitely roasts him whenever he pulls some harmless stupid stunt that results in disaster. But on a serious note, she’s his biggest hype-man and always cheers him on in PE and in schoolwork. If anyone makes fun of his name, she absolutely will deck them.
Karma Akabane
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Address each other as: “Karma” and “May-chan”
Almost everyone was nervous on his first day, and how these would inevitably meet. The class was certain that Karma would test Mai’s already-thin patience, and they wouldn’t get along.
But to their surprise...these two did get along. Really well, actually.
Mai, a natural moodmaker and very open-minded girl, appreciated Karma’s quirks and the odd mystery surrounding everything he did. She thought he made an already weird-situation even wackier and more interesting. She also couldn’t help but have respect for how successful he was at his first try, although it was buried under her envy.
Karma in turn also appreciated her, and how she was so easy to read. Mai is literally an open book, which Karma gravitates towards. In the first ten minutes of meeting her, he realized she was totally fun to tease because of how irritated and snappy she’d get. Hence, their friendship formed and Karma teases her every single day. He also calls her “May-chan” in a very exaggerated American accent since her name is commonly mispronounced like that, and it’s the quickest way to annoy her.
Overall, these two are really good friends, but definitely in a very sibling-like manner. They make fun of each other a lot, but would murder anyone else (outside of 3-E) who dares to. Even though they’re around the same age, it sometimes feels as though Mai is his younger sister. She loves to drag him around by the arm sleeve or wrist, for no other reason to drive him crazy. Also, they both are strawberry snack enthusiasts, which they bond over. Occasionally, Mai will assist him in his pranks, just to try and make sure she doesn’t become the target of one. Nope, she still is. She’s either entertained by or tired of his shit. 
Also...these two clash a bit in Civil War, because Karma’s vagueness really frustrates her. In general, Mai tries to keep an open perspective of the issues surrounding Group 4 leading up to Civil War, so she’s not completely pissed at him. But she does call him out and speak to him upfront about what problems he’s causing.
Don’t worry, their relationship definitely improves afterwards, once everyone receives some closure. Their teasing sibling-like dynamic continues to stay throughout high school and in the future. 
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emrysaf · 3 years
Atrophy & Rally Pt. 13
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Soulmates aren’t the ones who make you happiest, no. They’re instead the ones who make you feel the most. Burning edges and scars and stars. Old pangs, captivation, and beauty. Strain and shadows and worry and yearning. Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender. They hurl you into the abyss. They taste like hope. 
                                                                                              ― Victoria Erickson
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 “Got here as soon as I could. Your message wasn’t all that clear. All Might, what exactly is-” 
“Shigaraki Tomura- What has happened?” Kurogiri interrupted Aizawa. 
The tired-eyed man’s gaze slid over to the villain with a tinge of disdain, but returned his gaze to the tall blond with a tilt of his head. “Yes, what has happened?”
“Soulmates. . . A soulmark touch like I’ve never heard of before,” sighed Toshinori. “They are both out cold, and Shig-Young Tenko’s quirk has made it virtually impossible to get in or out of the room.”
“That is why you requested my presence then.” The sentence was a question, but the Warp-quirk user’s tone muttered it as a statement of fact. “If that is the case, we still must wait. There are precautions they must take to the nullifications in the cell. . . And out here.” Kurogiri finished his explanation by touching the mechanism around his chest like a harness that effectively canceled out his quirk.
All three men looked at one another and solemnly turned their gazes to the ground.
And they waited.
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Inside the minds and soulbonds of the young couple, memories filtered through.
Y/N was still in the small, slight body. The younger version of her soulmate. But now a different, large man was approaching them while the curled in body shook with the force of her-his cries combined with the fear of this man.
              “No one’s coming. You’ve had a hard life Tenko Shimura.” 
He takes slow steps forward. 
               “‘He’ll be fine. Eventually the heroes will help.’ I’m sure that’s what                         everyone thought as they looked away and ignored you.” 
The tall man tilted his head at the seemingly obvious explanation, and held a hand out to her-him. 
                  “The world shouldn’t be so unforgiving.” Cautious-seeming crouch                         like this large man was approaching a feral animal. “You didn’t do                         anything wrong. I am here for you.”
Y/N felt a blossoming in her-his chest. ‘Someone cares.’
Another flash and she was still in Tenko’s smaller body while the large man, his ‘Master’, //manipulated// explained how the young boy had no one else. How he was one of the one’s born with no soulmate, but it was fine because now ‘He was here’.
This memory was fading out; changing again.
“No, Tenko. I’m here.”
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 Shi-Tenko had vaulted farther from the infant’s memories. 
Looking at his-her small hands he would gauge the was still in a very young version of his soulmate as his gaze shifted up to look at a doorknob above his-her head. Again, he was along for the ride as the small body’s legs carried him-her to the parents again. They were smiling back at the child, and it hurt Tenko’s heart in a bittersweet way.
Slowly he realized the pain was almost physical when his-her tiny hand came up to grip the shirt over his-her heart and a whimper came from the child’s mouth. Both parents’ beaming smiles dropped in concern as they rushed to the now crying child who had brought the other hand to join the first over his-her chest.
“What’s wrong honey?” asked the mom with her kind eyes worrying over the small girl.
“It cold,” explained the child to the best of her abilities.
The woman who looked so much like his own soulmate, yet so different, delicately took the small child’s hands from their death grip on his-her shirt and slid the collar to the side a bit to feel the skin of her soulmark.
“Hun, it is,” she gasped to the man standing beside his crying daughter and kneeling wife. “It’s cold.” The mom slid the shirt aside a bit to look at the mark; it was light in color, but no different than it had been since it appeared. “It isn’t fading though.” she questioned while looking wide-eyed at her husband.
“Whoever is on the other end of the bond,” began the man trying to remember articles he’d read on soulmates and strange cases; a hobby of his. “They are blocking it. Maybe not intentionally, but they are putting up a wall. The bond will be. . . Faint. Until they meet; if they meet.”
Both gazes shifted from looking into each other's eyes to looking at their small daughter.
The small family cried together.
“No,” Tenko cried as he felt the fade and pull of changing to another memory. ‘Leaving her behind, again.’ “I didn’t mean to.”
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In the outside world, Shig-Tenko’s emotions had his quirk swirling about seeming to brush on things and erode them a bit, but not full on decay. The push and pull of his quirk’s pulsing had him face down on the tile floor now. Hands out looking like he was reaching for Y/N.
“No, I didn’t mean to.” he mumbled with his face pressed to the ground.
The bond was growing stronger with each memory they traipsed through, and while unconscious Y/N’s own quirk seemed to have a mind of it’s own as well. A thin layer of ice was forming under her to ease traction as weak viney-roots tried to push and pull their way toward Tenko.
“No, Tenko. I’m here.
If no one got in to help them, who knew what the combination of their quirks and the almost-sentient soulbond would do.
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aty-altiria · 4 years
It’s Not Me Burning
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
Word count: 1253
Universe: Harry Potter, My Hero Academia
Pairings: Fem!Harry/Dabi
Rating: T
Themes: Fire, Burns
Summary: Dabi has less control over his fire than he’d like to admit, and he isn’t sure whether he blames his mothers body or his sperm-donors existence more for that. Especially as he looses control in front of the one person he doesn’t want to kill. But Holly seems rather uncaring to the flames licking up her body. As if it doesn’t affect her at all.
@whumptober2020 Never written for Dabi before so this was an interesting experiment >.>
It was a fact of his life, everyone asked. They took one look at him, at the piercings and the severe burns that destroyed a vast majority of his body, and they asked. Sometimes T- Dabi couldn't fathom how moronic some people were. That they'd actually go out of their way to stare him down and ask him how he'd been burnt. How they whispered when they thought he couldn't hear them. Their disgusted faces that Dabi twisted about in his head and mixed up with his. Because surely it was Dabi's lack of power, not that the combination of quirks within his body ensured he would never have the kind of control he wanted.
Dabi had gotten something from both of his parents, just like his father wanted. But he hadn't gotten the right parts, and that made him a failure. Dabi ended up with enormously powerful flames and a chilled body. The desired level of fire and a body that ensured those flames burnt him every time he used his quirk, all because his body was freezing. Because it was designed for ice powers, he'd never gotten.
Dabi would never forget the damned bitch who he'd actually decided to date complaining about how cold his body ran. Like it was some sort of inconvenience to her-
"You're always so cold t-…- I thought people with fire quirks ran hot-"
She died in a fire, ironically, the same one that killed Toya Todoroki, how… tragic.
But his Lady of Death, she never asked, and that was just one more reason he loved Holly Lilith Potter. Oh, Dabi could go into great detail the other reasons he also loved Holly, but in the end, he didn't need to. She knew he loved her, he knew she loved him, it was enough. They were themselves and nothing like his parents before him. Not matched simply because of their quirks. Not matched just because they were soulmates. Their connection was real. Their interactions were genuine.
But every one in awhile… even they ran into problems.
"Leave-" he choked. Dabi flinched as his flames licked higher and higher along his chest. It hurt- it was agony every time this happened. People would be mistaken if they thought the scar tissue made him feel nothing, those burns, that part of skin felt even more. It was a damned miracle no one had realized the blatant weakness. Dabi thanked his excellent poker face for that… though the damned bird may have an inkling. "Holly- leave!"
It was rare that he lost control of his flames now, much rarer than when he'd been a child. Now it only happened after a particularly brutal fight, and the one he'd had with that damned kid certainly counted.
Flames licked up his body, blue lighting up the darkness of their secret apartment. Minutes before, he'd staggered into the room thinking himself under control, had spent hours in the rain to ensure it only for Dabi to lose control at the very last moment. He'd woken Holly with a muffled cry of pain, from dead asleep to instantly awake all because she'd sensed the sound. Now, the carpet was burnt beyond repair- dammit, Holly had really liked that one- and his flames were getting dangerously close to the bed- he liked that bed! It made the perfect amount of sound for extracurricular activities, just enough to piss off the people below them.
"Aquamenti," Holly mumbled the spell casually, and the bed was immediately soaked. Dabi could hear it dripping and felt himself relax slightly before another surge of his flames threatened to add more burnt tissue onto his chest. He grunted, staggering while trying to stay in one place, so he didn't set fire to anything else they owned. Dabi was painfully aware that if he moved a little too much that he could burn Holly, to give her the scarring that his father had left on his back- no.
"Fawkes!" and then Holly was right in his space. Out of terrified instinct, Dabi backed off, he knew the smell of burnt flesh intimately, and the way a woman would scream as she burned- and Holly's arms snagged around his middle.
"Holly- fu- woman! Don't!" Dabi struggled backward, ignored his own burning skin to get away from her. He wouldn't lose Holly too- but she was… fine? He stilled slightly as she locked those green eyes with his own. Holly was calm, and… his body wasn't hurting anymore?
"What?" Dabi exhaled hands resting at her arms left there from when he'd been trying to pry her off him.
"It's alright," Holly soothed as she loosened the bruising grip she had around his middle. A grip she no longer needed quite as much, now that he'd stopped struggling. "You're fine… it's fine."
He glanced at his flames; they hadn't calmed at all. He was still out of control, but he wasn't burning, and neither was Holly. But his mind was quick, and he had the background knowledge to figure this out.
"What magic did you use?"
This was why she was matched to him, this was one more reason for it. If Holly could prevent herself from being burned, from him from being burned.
"It's not mine," Holly nodded her head to the side. Dabi followed the look and spotted her bird, the bright red and orange thing that was annoying infatuated with the chicken nugget of a hero. Fawkes, Holly's pet, or Familiar as she tended to correct him. "Fawkes is a phoenix, Dabi."
Yet one more impossibility that was Holly Potter, the pet was imaginary.
"And…" she emphasized as if sensing his turning thoughts, "phoenixes are immune to fire, and since he's my familiar, I'm also a tiny bit fire repellent."
"He's not my familiar, yet my flames aren't burning me. So you're talking bulls-" Holly poked his nose; she poked his damned nose. "-Woman!"
"Soul. Mate."
Well, now he felt stupid. Obviously, because the familiar was attached to Holly's soul, it was also linked to his… and Dabi only knew that because she kept spouting out random magical facts. Well damn, it wasn't like he couldn't remember every tiny detail- "So." Holly interrupted his thoughts again, "the next time this happens, just tell me."
"Next time," Dabi scoffed, "that bird isn't leaving my side for a damned second. The heroes won't know hit them." Fire-repellent, yes, he could definitely use that soon.
Holly rolled her eyes. Dabi was now plotting, and he hadn't even realized his flames had wholly calmed. Not that she was complaining, he hadn't yet realized he was effectively cuddling her in his scheming either. That wasn't something she got very often, and she appreciated it. So Holly would take what she'd get when he was distracted, instead of tricking him into losing a bet like she usually did.
Holly snuggled in close and smirked.
She'd probably just unleashed something she didn't understand yet, but all well, as long as Dabi was happy and no too many innocents died.
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