#soulsborne lore
witchofcaria · 8 months
Conspectus Lore
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At the Academy of Raya Lucaria, the scholars deemed worthy of a stone crown join a conspectus, each specializing in a certain area of sorcery. Each conspectus has its own unique glintstone crown that is worn by its scholars, likely modeled after the appearance of the founder of their conspectus.
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The Karolos Conspectus was founded by Azur. It is the oldest conspectus of the Academy as well as the “most venerable” (Glintstone Cometshard). The sorcerers of Karolos study comets and desire to create their own through sorcery.
Sorceries of the Karolos Conspectus
- Glintstone Cometshard
- Shard Spiral
- Comet
- Comet Azur (Primeval)
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The Olivinus Conspectus was founded by Lusat. Sorcerers of this conspectus study meteors and often create multiple projectiles from the same spell, unlike Karolos sorceries which produce a single strong projectile. This conspectus is said to attract sorcerers from Sellia, which is also where Lusat is from.
Sorceries of the Olivinus Conspectus
- Glintstone Stars
- Star Shower
- Stars of Ruin (Primeval)
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Although the founder of the Lazuli Conspectus is unknown, its principles are based on Carian practices. The Lazuli sorcerers were robes of white instead of blue, showing their heretical belief “that views the moon as equal to the stars” (Lazuli Glintstone Crown). Instead of a staff, these sorcerers wield a wooden sword embedded with glintstone. They also carry the Ice Crest Shield.
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The founder(s) of the Twinsage Conspectus are unknown. Instead of focusing on a specific area of study, the sorcerers of this conspectus are permitted to study all types of sorcery. They are considered the “elites of the academy” (Twinsage Glintstone Crown).
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The Haima Conspectus is known as “the adjudicator of the academy” (Haima Glintstone Crown). They would leave the academy and travel the Lands Between in order to quell conflicts. When the academy would seal its gates during conflicts such as the Shattering, only the Haima scholars would dare to leave their safety. Unlike most sorcerers, The Haima scholars do not study in seclusion, believing it “is no way to foster discovery” (Battlemage Robe). Some Haima scholars, like Battlemage Hugues, began to enjoy the force they used and their goal of quelling conflict was scewed.
Sorceries of the Haima Conspectus
- Cannon of Haima
- Gavel of Haima
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The sorcerers of Hierodas are nomadic and venture away from the academy in order to pursue their studies. Very little is known about the Hierodas Conspectus other than this. The only Hierodas scholar we meet in-game is Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm.
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minespatch1 · 7 months
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Traditional art first time in ages. Especially with watercolours.
My mental health is iffy after hardcore weekend, so my art my be a bit... Emotional.
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carian-noble · 1 year
Malenia; Goddess of Rot
Disclaimer: Please do not fill the reblogs of this post with ethics drama or anything of this like. That is NOT what this post is for.
Malenia is heralded as one of the most controversial bosses in Soulsborne history, along with this her character is one of great contention. Some believe she is evil, while others believe she is innocent in her transformation of the Caelid wilds.
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History of Malenia
Malenia is the daughter of Radagon and Queen Marika. She was born along with her twin brother Miquella in an odd birth. Both children were born with severe afflictions, Malenia with the curse of scarlet rot and Miquella with eternal childhood. As well, both of the children were assigned the Empyrean title, those who have the potential to succeed Queen Marika.
As to why Malenia and Miquella were chosen for this affliction is unknown, it's possible it was punishment or a cruel jest by the outer god this affliction stems from.
Miquella spent most of his life figuring out a cure for his sister's affliction. During this, Malenia trained with a notable Noxian swordsman who trained her in sword and special flowing techniques. (Source: Prosthetsis-Wearer Heirloom)
Quite some time after this, the shattering occurred and soon came a war like no other. In this war, the last two to still be fighting were Radahn and Malenia, the two most powerful demigods. Once at a stalemate, Malenia stabbed into herself atop Radahn and soon bloomed into her Scarlet Aeonia.
This sole action transformed the entirety of Caelid into a transformed and rot ridden land as well as turning Radahn into a madman. The flora was turned into large blossoming plants and a swamp formed that arose beings that started to praise Malenia. As well as these bug-like creatures spawned five to six humans who were considered the daughters of Malenia. They were adults when created presumably, they share Malenia's rot infliction and also share her sword knowledge and unmistakably, look like Malenia herself.
Before the Caelid battle, Malenia and Miquella decided to abandon the Golden Order. Miquella losing faith once his attempts to heal Malenia with fundamentalism failed. Now deciding to head into the north and create a haven for those outcast, he attempted to create a Erdtree of his own. A town surround the budding tree was created name Elphael (God's Work in Hebrew). To continue growing the tree, Miquella embedded himself into the base of the tree. Though, during this, Mohg, a fellow child of Marika stole Miquella out of his cocoon, taking him to the Mohgwyn Palace to attempt to birth him into a God.
After Malenia returned, she was grief-stricken and since the event, has sit besides the roots awaiting her brother's return. However, this never happens and she ends up blooming once more into a Goddess. And once defeated, she sits inside of a cocoon of her own, awaiting another bloom.
Malenia's Power
Malenia has the power to corrupt the things around her once she blooms. However, it seems she can only bloom three times until she turns into a true Goddess. (Source: Scarlet Aeonia)
But, it's not clear if our fight with her is the second or third since her title in the second phase, is Goddess. But, it's not clear. Regardless, her blooms and the blooms of her children are keys to becoming divinities or more powerful creatures. Given Malenia's first bloom in Caelid, it's unknown if she was aware of her ability then and there.
Given what we see in the story trailer, she somewhat intentionally goes atop Radahn and whispers something. Most likely akin to something her mentor taught her. Then she blooms and to say she expected the result would most definitely be a lie. Would you think anyone would realistically do that if they knew the end result would essentially be a poisonous place to live? It's most likely she knew she could perform the move but had no idea of the result. This is helped by her clearly disowning and disturbed by the praising of the creatures that arose from the swamp.
As well as this, it seems she only used this power as an absolute ultimatum. She and Radahn had been fighting for who knows how long and she only thought to end it with this method. Same with her fight, she only used it when she thought she was going to die.
Is Malenia Evil?
I feel the issue with this misunderstanding is due to the nature of souls games and not giving some characters fully explained thoughts and other kinds of stuff.
As we know, some characters get dialogue that explains their thoughts, like Melina. However, Malenia gets only the dialogue in her fight which has nothing to even do with Radahn. And most of her item descriptions have nothing to do with how she feels. Only explaining with her mentor, was she able to learn a graceful style of fighting and it helped her in controlling her rot.
If you want an answer that is concise. No, she is not evil. But, as expected it is also much more complicated. We may have to wait until DLC for a proper answer but given the nature of souls DLC, we won't really get anything specific. I believe Malenia knew what she was doing to an extent. She is presumably the only person to have such an affliction prior to her birth. So the effects of her bloom were not known, especially the maddening affects of the rot.
Thanks for reading if you did. This was a post I wanted to make for a while but never got around to it. Remember to please stay respectful if you reply or reblog.
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hunters-dreams · 1 year
Dreams, Nightmares and the potency of reality.
In Bloodborne, Dreams, Nightmares and sleep are a large point of contention as to the full nature of them. Here, we will go over every instance and attempt to explain this aspect of Bloodborne's Universe.
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What are the realms of sleep?
Dreams and Nightmares are their namesake. To put it simply, they really are dreams and or nightmares of people that form a space in some unknown realm. The cause for this is unknown but presumably due to the power of a Great One.
Currently, we only know of 4 dreams and nightmares. All coming from a knowable source, except one.
These dreams can host memories of things and also host living and dead people. It's also possible to enter the dreams but if you can exit them is entirely unknown, other than the protagonist but they have a special method.
Additionally, these realms can manifest beings from memories, usually bad ones and the environments are usually based upon real places. Most definitely from the host of the realm's memories. However, changes can come from the denizens trapped inside the dream. Furthermore, ones form can be different as the waking world as seen with Maria and the Doll.
Finally, it's clear that the realms of sleep take obvious and clear inspiration from H.P Lovecraft's realms of sleep as well. As they both change based on the person, can be entered and are based on real places, usually as well inhabited by gods.
How the realms work
As stated before, they are created solely from the dream of another. But, the question is... why? The closest answer we have is when a Great One is present and allows the dream to exist. This does correlate to most of them. The Hunter's Dream is manufactured by the Moon Presence, the Hunter's Nightmare is manufactured by Kos, Nightmare of Mensis by the Brain of Mensis and finally it's presumed the Nightmare Frontier is created by the Amygdala we fight.
Further analysis suggests they're created as a curse or something alike it. Kos created the nightmare due to the fact her child was murdered along with her. The Moon Presence created the Hunter's Dream in lieu of the deal between her, Laurence and Gehrman of a child. But, if it is out of anger is unknown. Regardless, it seems the Great One makes them out of an emotional reason and a host is chosen. Though, two out of the four hosts are not known, that being the Hunter's Dream and the Nightmare Frontier.
The Hunter's Dream could be Gehrman, however, it's highly suggested Gehrman is simply a denizen. The Moon Presense could very well manufacture the entire dream by herself but it's not clear. The least possible case is that the Doll is the host, there's no proof, however. Lastly, the Nightmare Frontier it's possible it's hosted by the old denizens of Loran. It's possible since Micolash is dead inside of his Nightmare yet still hosts it.
Finally, Nightmares at least are all stacked up on each other vertically and possibly chronologically. But, it's not clear since the frontier is Loran and Loran was a society an incredibly long time ago. But, it's possible the nightmare was created later for a different reason.
What are the current realms?
Hunter's Dream:
While deserving of its own post that is coming later, to make it concise. The Hunter's Dream is a refuge for Hunter's chosen by the Moon Presence. It is the memory of the Hunter's Workshop in Cathedral Ward previously overseen by Gehrman.
Now the it is occupied by Gehrman but also the doll previously in the Workshop. She has now ascended and gained the ability to talk, more specifically talk like Gehrman's apprentice, Maria, who the doll is based on.
Now the Dream is home to a flower garden and a large tree that did not exist in the real world.
As stated before, the dream was created by the Moon Presence once she was summoned by Laurence at the altar in the titular workshop. The ritual was presumably using the one-thirds cord of Kos' Child. However, a deal was struck under unknown circumstances to where Laurence was to find a child for the Moon Presence and the Dream was created where for the moment, Gehrman would serve as a guide to Hunters selected by the Moon Presense to undergo quests as we know Eileen the Crow and Djura were once Hunters of the dream.
However, Laurence's quest failed as by either popular interpretation, he was consumed by bloodlust and became a beast elsewhere or got stuck in the Chalice Dungeons and transformed into the Bloodletting Beast. Meaning he cannot steal Mergo and return.
Side note: I do believe the latter interpretation to be canon and I find it hard that it wouldn't but if you disagree, feel free.
The Nightmare Frontier:
The frontier is most clearly the land of Loran taken into a dream. While not explicitly said, the ruins and creatures that lay there are the exact same as Loran. (Here's a good explanation.)
It's unknown who created the nightmare other than guessing it was the work of an Amygdala, presumably the one we fight as it's incredibly large and not like the others we see.
Besides this, the creatures that inhabit it are more important. It's the first time where we encounter the giant lost children. Which are an unknowable species of giant troll-like monsters that seemingly have been used for slave work given their anatomy and marks on their body. Additionally, we see Silverbeasts from Loran. Lastly, is the two most interesting of them. Winter Lanterns and Crawlers.
The former are creatures we see in every nightmare, they resemble Maria's anger and hatred or that's what's assumed. They are large masses of flesh that have a large mushroom-like head composed of messengers and their general shape very closely resembles the Doll. But, the Doll's attire is most definitely akin to the clothes Maria could've worn. Additionally, the lanterns sing a highly distorted version of "Bayu Bayushki Bayu" a Russian Lullaby warning children about a wolf that will get them. Rather interestingly, the Doll herself used to be able to sing this melody, explaining why the lanterns can. Now, it can be chalked up to it being a song Maria would hum to herself. But, of course the question remains... What are they doing here? And, to be perfectly honest this is probably one of the biggest mystery in all of Bloodborne because the reason why effigies of Maria would be in a place related to Loran is unknown unless she has explored the Nightmare or Loran before but Maria does not seem like the person to explore Nightmares or the Chalices. Moreso, this will be the same answer for the Nightmare of Mensis since it's also not explained. An interesting detail is that they do resemble the Brain of Mensis but the reason as to why is not known and hard to even guess.
The latter of these creatures is the crawler. If one has seen every part of the game, then the particulars are obvious as... They look exactly like Kos. But, why? The answer is clearly we don't know but it begs the question, is Kos an ascended crawler? Or, is a Crawler a byproduct of Kos? Answering this is not easy but I believe it's possible that Kos is an ascended Crawler as she pretty easily resembles an adult crawler. And since Kos' child is very human I doubt they came from her. But, if Kos was alive in the real world and washed up on the shore of the Fishing Hamlet, how could a crawler be Kos? And, the obvious answer is they do exist in the real world they just went extinct or only exist in the Ocean. Plus, Kos being an ascended crawler fits with the cycle of failed Great Ones. She could very well be the first of this cycle but this is just guesswork since Kos was not apart of a higher realm, such as Ebrietas and Rom. The second reason why Crawlers are interesting is that they have Messengers spewing from their underside. The reason for this is entirely unknown but many things have Messengers as apart of them.
The Nightmare of Mensis
The Nightmare of Mensis is a nightmare created by the accumulative thoughts of the School of Mensis, hosted by Micolash, the assumed head of the school. It is a large building and presumably the school. It's interesting to note that this is most likely the physical school but brought into the nightmare.
The purpose of this nightmare is actually clear, to ascend. It is also the catalyst of the entire game as Mensis was attempting to create a dream after stealing Mergo, Queen Yharnam's child. This was so that they could summon Kos for ascension, or at least Micolash to ascend. He was jealous of Rom, that she could ascend while Micolash could not. Mergo now sits atop the school, in a manger guarded by a cloaked and multi-armed wet nurse. However, despite the game calling her a Great One, it's not clear if she really is. If she was, wouldn't she want Mergo for herself? Plus, why would an additional Great One be looking over Mergo. It's not clear, regardless she does sit there while a lonesome Queen Yharnam sits, wanting her child's cry to be silenced. For an unknown reason, defeating the Wet Nurse does silence Mergo and the attempt to reach Kos is ended. This also is seemingly the end journey for the Hunter and sets the Hunter's Dream ablaze.
The Hunter's Nightmare
This nightmare is the accumulative prison of every blood drunk Hunter of Yharnam. It holds as the curse of every Hunter overcome by blood drunkenness as punishment of what the Hunters did to Kos and her child.
It surmises of three key locations, Yharnam, Research Hall and Fishing Hamlet:
The Yharnam portion is where every Hunter ends up, endlessly slaughtering each other. It is also home to some beasts and unknowable executioners with tentacles but resemble those that exist in current day.
Interestingly, the corpse of Laurence lies in the Cathedral and spot where his skull is in the waking world. When awoken with his human skull, he is an exact copy of the Cleric Beast, but spewing fire and lava, fire being something that scares beasts. However, the specifics of this and other speculation will be regarded to its own post someday soon.
Further down, we find a large river of blood and we see some mosquito beasts, possibly due to the over-consumption of blood by some nightmare denizens. Here we also find Simon, a former Hunter who is upset by the fate created by the Hunters' forefathers. Further down, we see piles of flesh and corpses until we reach a prison guarded by the once great Ludwig. Who is now an equine beast. Halfway through his fight, however, he finds clarity through the Moonlight Greatsword, proving that beasts can find humanity through certain arcane aspects. But, this is not a fully explored subject. Even after he dies, his head remains alive and still able to speak.
After, we enter the research hall that presumably still resides inside the Astral Clocktower in Yharnam. It is home to many experiments, preludes to the Celestial Emissaries. And a top the tower is Lady Maria. Presumably dead by suicide, when touched, she awakes and chastises the Hunter for wanting further knowledge. Like I mentioned before, Maria is not in the same form as she was in the waking world. What I meant by this was that in the waking world, Maria before her death or bloodlust, did not have her Rakuyo as we know she threw it away in disgust. She also most definitely did not wear her hunting armor while dead for similar reasons. Regardless, after the fight we open the tower to the Fishing Hamlet.
The first thing seen and heard is a priest that curses Byrgenwerth. The perpetrators of the massacre at the hamlet. Further along we see mutated fish people due to the consumption of Kos parasites and their devotion to the Goddess. We are also invaded by an old hunter who also wishes to keep the secret of the hamlet.
Progressing into the caverns, we can reach Kos herself and find her dead child's soul who has grown inside the nightmare into an adult. Crawling out of her, it begins to weep and fight us at first sight with his mother's placenta. Once dead, the souls of Kos and the Orphan are satiated, ending the curse of the Hunters.
Final Thoughts
The Dreams and Nightmares of Bloodborne are a key aspect to the story as they can explain the weirder and more bizarre parts the game. They are locations that can influence events in the universe and give everyone involved a chance to connect with divinity.
Thanks for reading until the end if you did. I understand it was a really long once and I wrote it late at night. I might edit this post with more info or fixing information.
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apocrypha-eclipse · 1 year
Fire Keepers; Maidens of the Flame
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the entire Dark Souls series!
Throughout the Dark Souls series, Fire Keepers are the proprietors of specific undead's journeys. However, they are complex in character and serve an important part of the lore of Dark Souls' world.
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What are Fire Keepers?
In Dark Souls, Fire Keepers are women that do their namesake as they tend to Bonfires around the world. Their soul's presence keeps them alive. However, it seems not every Bonfire needs a Fire Keeper and can be kindled by themselves but it seems every Fire Keeper is bound to a Bonfire at least in the times of DS1 as in later entries, this idea seems to have been abandoned or it has been changed in the world.
Fire Keepers have unique souls and usually, they all have disabilities of some kind. Their souls comprise of infinite humanity that continuously gnaw at the original soul. These aspects also give these women the ability to strengthen Estus. (Source: Fire Keeper Souls (DS1) )
Their entire purpose is unknown besides tend to flames and herald champions. The reason they tend to flame is not clear as the flame that keeps the world is not controlled them, but rather by Gwyn in the first game and the Soul of Cinder in the third. Bonfires as well, do not seem to be a majorly important thing, as the only time a character vocalizes them or even recognizes them is Sister Friede in DS3. Therefore, why there needs to be Fire Keepers is not clear, they simply seem to be aesthetics at least in the first game.
Fire Keepers by game:
Dark Souls I
Anastacia of Astora:
Anastacia is the first Fire Keeper we see in the series, being a mute woman from Astora who has come to Lordran for an unknown reason. She is kept in a prison in Firelink Shrine additionally for an unknown reason. Her tongue was stolen presumably as punishment and her lone purpose is to reinforce Estus for the Chosen Undead.
At one point, Lautrec will kill her and take her soul to Anor Londo. Ultimately, he will fail and once given back to Anastacia, she will revive and her tongue will be restored for an unknown reason. However, she refers to her tongue as impure and presumably her ability of speech in general but it's unknown why.
Quelaag's Sister(Fair Lady)
The Fair Lady is one of the Witch of Izalith's children and the sister of Quelaag. She is implied to be incredibly sick presumably due to the lack of humanity in her soul. As when giving her enough humanity, she moves more naturally.
She seems to be incredibly close to her sister. A possible plot unexplained is that the Fair Lady and Quelaag implanted humanity inside of eggs of either sister so that they could hatch. This didn't really lead anywhere though as stated by the Fair Lady herself.
Darkmoon Knightess
The Knightess is a golden armored woman in Anor Londo. She serves as the gatekeeper for the Bonfire in the beginning of the city. She's a devout follower of Gwyn and his religion and keeping the illusion of the city.
She is a unique person in the entire world as she is said to be composted of an incredible amount of humanity that swarms her form. The armor is to help hide this grotesque form.
Dark Souls II
Kind Old Dears
These old women are the only Fire Keepers in Dark Souls II*
They are three old ladies wearing red robes, they seem to be wise but due to their feeble form and age. They are resorted to sitting in a cottage within a limbo with their servant, Milibeth. There is talk of there being a fourth dear who does exist presumably in the future as she is the one that tasks the undead to save Drangleic.
It is told by Milibeth that Fire Keepers used to be more common but now that the fire has started to fade, they rarely exist.
** The Emerald Herald is not a Fire Keeper. She just is able to level up the character. **
Dark Souls III
Fire Keeper
The main Fire Keeper of the game. She is one of many Fire Keepers that have existed in the current shrine. It's proven by the tower beside the shrine itself the fire has been relight many, many times.
By the time of Dark Souls III, the sole purpose of a Fire Keeper has become a maiden companion for a champion that will keep the flame alight. Each Fire Keeper is eyeless, donning a mask swirled in darkness that will show the world without fire. DS3 Fire Keepers are able to heal darkness and in turn, hollowing.
Additionally, the tale of a Fire Keeper and her Champion are such a told tale it's become a favored tale to the masses. (Source: Estus Ring)
Final Thoughts
Fire Keepers are an ever changing aspect of Dark Souls. As at first they seem to be simple keepers of bonfires and have become a world important maiden that must aid their champion.
I believe it's a quite interesting aspect of the universe and a quite good way of showing how things naturally evolve overtime.
If you read, thanks and I hope you keep up with my upcoming posts!
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demons-fanatic · 2 years
Elden Ring Spoilers Below:
Something I’ve found very, very odd is that Shadows of Empyreans are considered step-siblings of the Empyrean they shadow. I have no idea if this is mistranslated but it is not an one-time instance.
Maliketh is Marika’s Half/Step-Brother... But not literally, because Maliketh is a beast man and is not Numen, Marika is.
Blaidd is Ranni’s shadow, but Iji says they are step-siblings, but also says he was just someone Rennala became fond of as well.
Shadows are sent by two fingers to watch over Empyreans, but my question is... Why are they considered step siblings? Rennala never remarried, Radagon did but like, don’t think Blaidd came from that side.
This makes me wonder as well, we haven’t seen Malenia or Miquella’s shadows. But the only people associated with Malenia and Miquella other than their parents are... each other? And they are siblings. Call me crazy, but I wonder if they’re supposed to be each other’s Shadows? Each care for each other and protect/protected each other. Blaidd stepped off the beaten path made for him, Miquella and Malenia probably have too, they don’t seem to like the order/world very much. This also begs the question, are Shadows only bestial? It’s very unclear, it doesn’t help we haven’t seen their two fingers either.
Just a tiny theory, not even really serious but so many unanswered questions with these two, plus Empyreans as a whole, I just decided to make something.
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catieclysmic · 7 months
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Vicar Amelia my beloved <3
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wyllaztopia · 1 month
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A lie will remain a lie.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 13 days
Ancestor Spirit | Boss Designs of Elden Ring #9
What does it mean when half the world above worships a corpse-eating tree, demigods use corpses as self-decoration, tombs litter the land and a tribe of ancestor worshipers seem to revere the concept of decay and rot itself? It means we might have a Theme™ on our hands.
Let's discuss.
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jarognieva · 1 year
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witchofcaria · 10 months
Character Bio: Rennala of the Full Moon
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Rennala is the queen of the House of Caria and governor of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. She is the first wife of Radagon and the mother of Rykard, Radahn, and Ranni.
“The young astrologer gazed at the night sky as she walked. She had always chased the stars every step of her journey. Then she met the full moon — and, in time, the astrologer became a queen.” - Stargazer Heirloom
Rennala was once an astrologer, most likely living in the Mountaintops of the Giants. As an astrologer, she studied the movements of the stars, but upon encountering the full moon, Rennala gained power that would allow her to “bewitch the academy (Rennala’s Full Moon). 
“In her youth, Rennala was a prominent champion who charmed the academy with her lunar magic, becoming its master. She also led the Glintstone Knights and established the house of Caria as royalty.” - Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
The influence of Rennala’s lunar magic in the Academy can be found in the Lazuli Conspectus, which specializes in Carian sorceries and sees “the moon as equal to the stars” (Lazuli Robe). Carian sorceries are often offensive and summon magic swords to attack enemies. These sorceries were used by the Glintstone Knights that Rennala led. Rennala’s knights were extremely effective in battle, and she led them in both of the Liurnian Wars that were fought against the forces of the Erdtree. Then, at the end of the Second Liurnian War, Rennala married Radagon, who had led the golden host against her. At the Church of Vows, Radagon “repented his territorial aggressions” (Miriel) and peace was made through this marriage.
Radagon and Rennala had three children together: Rykard, Radahn, and Ranni. Each of them inherited their father’s red hair, and Rykard and Radahn both displayed this symbol of their lineage proudly on the armor of their knights. During this time, Radagon studied sorceries and forced the royal preceptors to swear themselves to secrecy regarding all of their matters.
“When Rennala, head of both the Academy of Raya Lucaria and the Carian royal family, lost her husband Radagon, her heart went along with him. And then, those at the academy realized. That Rennala was no champion, after all.“ - Queen’s Crescent Crown
After Godfrey was exiled from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to Leyndell and marry Marika, becoming King Consort and Elden Lord. He left Rennala with an amber egg, which contains the Great Rune of the Unborn. Rennala was heartbroken when Radagon left and she lost her mind in her grief. It was at this point that the Academy rebeled against the Carians and Rennala was locked away in the Grand Library. Rennala barely seems to notice this, as she is too focused on her amber egg, through which “she devotes herself to it through forbidden rite; the grim art of reincarnation” (Miriel), rebirthing juvenile scholars over and over again. Those who are reborn, however, are imperfect. They don’t appear to have fully-formed legs and they are childlike without much of a mind.
Although she may have once been a champion, Rennala is now broken. It is unclear if she even knows she is in possession of a Great Rune, or if she understands what is happening outside of the walls of the Academy.
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minespatch1 · 8 months
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Zlofsky's shot of the unclothed Scion looks more crab-like compared to what Roderika describes as "The spider". I'll just assume she's talking about Godrick.
Buuuut... Funnier when she's telling it in front of Patches.
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partikron · 2 months
The Souls Lore Community: Someone Should Be Studying This.
As I was watching SmoughTown's most recent Elden Ring lore video, I started thinking about the lore hunting of Souls games as a social phenomenon, and I genuinely hope this community is studied by psychologists and social scientists someday, because it's worthy of research.
Normally the rise of FromSoftware's games from relative obscurity to worldwide fame is what people might be interested in, but the dedicated lore community online and especially on YouTube is especially fascinating to me. Dozens of YouTube channels are specifically dedicated to collecting, compiling and deciphering every scrap of lore and storytelling available in these games with a deliberately obfuscated storyline, and hundreds of thousands of people watch and consume this content, not simply satisfied with playing the game, but joining in on the search, the debate and discovery.
I'm reminded of Jacob Geller's absolutely stellar video "Shadow of the Colossus and the Search for the Last Great Secret", and I feel like the modern Souls lore community is a convergently evolved social phenomenon to the "Secret Seekers" on those old forums trying to tease out the last secrets of Fumito Ueda's masterpiece (Hidetaka Miyazaki was directly influenced by Ueda's work, so this makes sense).
People will evaluate Souls lore with greater skepticism than I see most people use for their political or personal beliefs, and the lore debates I've seen in person often feel like academic discourse more than your average nerds discussing their favorite game, so I suppose all I have left to say is "why is no one studying this???"
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carian-noble · 1 year
Elden Ring; O' Elden Ring
Warning: This contains major spoilers for Elden Ring and its story.
The titular Elden Ring is an aspect of the world that is a metaphysical controller of the universe. The host of the ring is now Marika/Radagon and is the living vessel for the rest of time.
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How did the Elden Ring come to be?
The Elden Ring most simply is a tool from the Greater Will that acts as a metaphysical controlling device for the universe or at least the Lands Between, it's not made clear.
It's unknown how long the Elden Ring has existed on the planet however given from Farum Azula's Elden Ring, it's ancient and has existed for eons.
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Along with this, we know the Elden Beast was sent down and later became the Elden Ring. (Source: Elden Stars)
However, the Elden Ring and the beast exist separately as in the final boss, the ring is still implanted inside of Radagon/Marika but the beast still exists. I'd argue the beast bore the ring and was to start a relationship between the denizens and the Greater Will.
However, the question remains of how long has it existed? Farum Azula is supposedly an ancient, incredibly ancient society. Let's assume thousands if not millions due to the architecture. Even before that, the Elden Beast and ring have existed. So let's assume it's existed before society.
How does the Elden Ring work?
The Elden Ring is a mass of alloys and metals that have interlocking circles and other symbols that are "Great Runes". They act as an aspect of something, such as life and death. Those exact runes are the top and bottom of the ring itself as crosses. However, it's not really known what the others really are. The only other we can gather is the aspect of rebirth.
As suggested by the titular shattering, the Elden Ring can be broken, rearranged and added to and taken away from. The most famous example being when Marika took away the Rune of Death and removed the ability to properly die, instead all souls were hewn into the Erdtree. This, as seen by the ghostflame as it's said souls went to an afterlife before it.
The aspect of adding to it is seen in most endings where various people are able to create or repair old Great Runes to be able to add to the Ring.
Rather interestingly, the Elden Ring itself is very close to depictions of alchemical art of the four elements:
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While not an exact match the intention is very clear. While not clear it's most likely the Elden Ring also controls the four elements, as well as other things like blood, given Mohg's Great Rune.
Other Great Runes that most likely exist but we don't see are Miquella and Ranni's. It's confirmed in the game files, Miquella was to have a rune and it was called "abundance" which could be still considered the plan but it's unknown. Ranni's rune is unknown, she is said to have cast hers aside. But, rather interestingly, the only other Great Rune that doesn't belong to a demigod is Rennala's. Which was given to her by Radagon, but again it's the only one not belonging to a Demigod and when the egg activates, Ranni's voice comes out of it.
Is the Elden Ring bad?
This is a subjective answer, but my answer is actually no. I don't think it's inherently a bad thing. It's more the way you use it. I believe Marika used it poorly, letting her fear of death and blind belief ruin an age.
However, as seen with the endings, the ring can be altered and allow large changes that majorly impact the world in a good way. But, the ring itself, however. Was it bad to even introduce it to the world? While I believe it was probably better without, it seems the world isn't too bad off with it. The worst thing is the massively ignorant religion surrounding it, which is bound to happen with anything like the ring.
Final Thoughts
For this post, I wanted to only go into the basics, as I want to make another post on the history of the Elden Ring, as to why I didn't touch upon the older Elden Ring yet.
To put it simply, the Elden Ring is a mass controlling device of metaphysical aspects. It was a device created by a god to send down to a planet to control. It's been broken down from its original form and now remains in the eternal god forever.
There are still many questions about the ring, however, most of it I will cover in another post or I can't speak on it since, sadly. Not a lot of information exists due to the game's nature and might be revealed in later DLC that we know is coming. If that happens, I might remake or update this post, we'll see!
If you made it this far, thanks and look forward to my next posts which will hopefully come soon.
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tarnussy · 11 months
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Godrick taking golden flowers from Leyndell and planting them in Stormveil, especially all around his throne room, is so precious.
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