#source: @bonehugsnirony on Twitter
Noodle: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know that, that's why they howl at her. It's a tribute.
Therapist: Let's talk about your father.
Noodle: No.
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Peggy: People will criticize your dreams.
Angelica: Like ‘you cant marry the moon’?
Peggy: Or ‘being sad isn’t a real job’?
Eliza: And don’t forget: ‘stop summoning the devil.’ Ignore them. We should all strive be real and ourselves.
Peggy: Yeah! Let’s start a cult!
Angelica: *hands Peggy ‘Remember the Ladies’ letter* Let’s go!
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khionesdaughter13 · 4 years
Zoe: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know that, that's why they howl at her. It's a tribute.
Therapist: Let's talk about your father.
Zoe: No.
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todoroki-dokie · 5 years
Todoroki: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know that, that's why they howl at her. It's a tribute.
Therapist: Let's talk about your father
Todoroki: No
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