#specialy slice
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^^ in a atempt to socialize with the creature fake james used his incredible analysis and spotting natural ability and examined the creatures body visualy by its powers and its aperece his mindset change-ing...... annnnduhhhhhhh- Fake james: *eyes roll to the sides and simply we go into his mindset WHICH IS A REFERENCE TO POKEMON BY THE WAY LOL*, HIS MINDSET HAS BEEN CHANGED and now HE WILL USE HIS ULTIMATE ABILITY maybey one of his very FEW abilitys
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His goopy body has changed and is slowly increasing in size!, for those who might not know Fake james' shapeshifting ability has various limitations specialy in the facts of copying powers, fake james is incredibly skilled and can copy anything that size is as big as 4 enderdragon islands, the problem is that he can't shapeshift whiout have seen the enemy and examined their body well, and they can't copy their powers unless he had fisical contact with their body, the other rule that applys to this is the fact that any and all powers he copys will be half less powerful then normal makeing him weaker against his oponents but somehow more durable!, the other problem is that he has a limited amount of body mass he can carry in his ender eye, alltho imense, his capacity of body mass has a limit, every hit he takes that is fisical like sliceing,punching and even dismenbering can be easily reatched the problem is if its frozen or burned, Fake james is weak to fire and ice (fire incinerates his body mass, and ice makes it solid and unable to regenerate), unless the potential creature he copys has some kind of resistance to those factors, he will keep regenerating, but if hes loseing his energy and concentration the shapeshifting and the powers become weak and he becomes more vunerable and the only way for him to regenerate body mass IS TO USE THAT ENERGY,
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BEHOLD WITHER STORM, YOUR DIRECT OPONENT they say the hardest thing to kill is yourself, WELL THEN TRY TO KILL YOURSELF IF YOU CAN, or befriend it idk, since fake james is only do this cuz he thinks storm is " f r i e n d" And don't underestimate him, again he can shapeshift any part of his body, if he wants he could very much make other body parts come out of him to make his life easier!, SO WITHER STORM VS FAKE STORM! BEGIN! (OMG I ALLWEYS WANTED TO DO THIS! A KAIJU like battle made with fake james!, THIS IS GOING TO BE BLASTING AWSOME!!!) the host of the event is @brimstone-and-cinnabar GO CHECK HIM OUT EVERYONE! Ps about the fake storm: (The two other heads have a mind of their own, and praticaly pieces of fake james could make copys of himself and other mobs that can atleast intaque the body mass but that would require his concentration to multiply for the amount of copys so he probably ... won't do that)
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chessalein · 7 months
Jackie X Nori slice of life
Just another little idea that spooked around my head and I wanted to share it with you all ♥
Its a itty bitty spicy. Not even real spice, just a sniff of spice.
On this day, Jackie got woken up by a warm, beautiful feeling in his lower parts. One that would spread slowly through his body till his brain finally woke him up.
As he opend his eyes, Nori was sitting on top of him, having his morning wood inside of her core, making soft motions so he wouldn't get ripped out of his sleep too fast.
"Mmmhh. Could get used to that." He said with a sleepy voice, caressing her boobs as he watched her closley. "What brings me that honor, mi amor?"
"I- I saw that you were... you know... And I thought you might like it to get woken up like that. And... maybe I was a bit in the mood too." Her face more flushed with every word she said, while Jackie joined her with slow, soft thrusts.
"I do like it. Can only be a good day, come 'ere" And with a soft kiss that turned to a passionate one he had a wonderful, intimate start into his day.
When he walked into the afterlife, Clair could already see that he was in a specialy good mood. Her guess was that Nori would come by tonight and that he couldn't wait to see her again, even though they probably just parted because of his work. "Alright cheshirecat, I know you're going to tell me. What brings you into this happy mood this time? Should I thaw some strawberries?"
"Today," He started proudly, leaning at the bar. "Nori woke me up with sex for the first time. What a way to get woken up. Didn't thought she would be that brave yet. You should have seen how cute she was. Quiero comerlos..."
Jackie was always happy when he could tell someone how much he loved his girlfriend and how adorable she was. Luckily he kept the talk down to a few people in the afterlife. It would probably make Nori a target if people knew how into her he was.
"And you think she would be okay that you tell me something like this? She is always almost dying of embaressment when you just kiss her slightly passionate in front of me."
"Ah, don't worry. I only tell you and Val. You're both woman so that's fine. You can keep a secret."
A second later, a Message pinged and showed up in his field of vision. The name said "Girasol" Jackies nickname for Nori.
Clair could see how his face turned from even happier to stone cold in a blink of an eye.
The message had a picture of a cake attached that had a writing on it.
"Congrats to your first wake up sex! ♥ I'm so proud of you ♥ "
He was almost afraid to look what the text said that Nori did sent it with. "... Jackie?! ಥ_ಥ "
"Do you have to get an apologize cake?" Clair asked with a cheeky smile.
"... I think she has enough of cake for today... I'll be right back. Gotta buy some plushies."
"See you later~ " The bartender laughed, a bit happy that karma seemed to gotten his ass. As he walked around the corner, the last thing she heard from him was a confused:
"How can she be that fast? I told her like 10 minutes ago..."
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
I'm just here to check in and ask how you're doing! hopefully, the stress isn't too much!
personally, I'm fine, I'm gonna meet up with my childhood friend tomorrow (*^-^)
Oh! and also to answer your question, I don't know if these count as red flags (they are more things I don't like in vns) but I don't like it when the story outside of the romance aspect (if it's a romance vn) lacks depth and lore (or just makes no sense), and when there are no trigger warnings for heavy themes in a game!
(I'm really curious about which game you you're talking about >.< )
ANYWAY! I hope you have a great evening!
lots of love! <3
happy to hear you'll have a good time plant !
I'll admit it's currently 02:02 in the morning and I have Premier Pro open with the video essay I was supposed to edit for today's project presentation which I completely forgot about making- SO STRESS IS HERE!
Kids, I'm giving you some advice: procrastinating IS NOT WORTH IT-
And about the vn ! I rather not give a name because the game is currently having a Kickstarter and I don't want to badmouth it when the dev is making an effort to finance but here is my rambling :
This game was recomanded to me by multiple moots who said they were obssess about it but the writting is mid. There is no scenaristic hook in the demo, nothing that particularly stands out for a storyline, and characters who are ( at least from their introduction ) very stereotypical in their role ( the rich ashole, the shy one, the energic one, the cute one, etc- ).
That in itself doesn't make a game bad, I mean hey Harem Otome is popular for a reason. My ick is with some choices made for two of the characters specialy.
The only dark-skinned character has multiple very visible scars ( in what is marketed as a slice-of-life game ) which is a trope that has been pointed out as racist since most of the time only POC characters will have scars even when their white counterpart should have too ( I won't go on detail here exactly on why this specific trope is linked to racism, I'll maybe explain another time if asked )
Important to say: I don't believe the design of the character was chosen with malicious intention but this was a red flag for me.
Another of my ick is that one of the li has a trans pins. Why would it ick me you may ask ? The character is the most feminine coded guy of the li group. Again, on itself alone this wouldn't be a problem but it gives me the vibe that if the character is in fact trans, his identity ( if explored ) will be linked to stereotypes.
Other dislikes I had ( which are purely personal taste here ) are: making the MC blush/having romantic reactions without given choice to the player to choose said reactions. + Having a li that is the stereotypical "aha I am heavily hitting on you cause I'm a player" character.
I'm talking about this game not because I think it's special, to me it's a very basic game that I simply won't play ever again cause I disliked it. I'm talking about it because I'm disapointed that the game my moot has been hyping up as being a banger is actually mid on the limit of possibly bad rep-
Thank you for taking the time to read and I wish you a good day.
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discovolanteseleuss · 10 months
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MADE WITH sweetened orange slices (dried)
The MORETTA™ satin SERIES (70%-79%) WAS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED TO ENROBE OUR dark chocolate TRUFFLES. This superior grade dark chocolate with its higher cacao butter content (42-48%), has a creamier and smoother mouth feel than the typical dark CHOCOLATE and IS MILDER IN TERMS OF THE acidity and bitterness. This batch is made with cacao from the following regions: 8.07% Ecuador, 74.45% Ivory coast, 10.76 Colombia, & 6.72% SELEUSS proprietary blend.  Lotto speciali: 129, TOTAL disco BARS MADE: 18
INGREDIENTS: chocolate (cacao beans, Cacao butter, sugar, soy & sunflower LECITHIN, vanilla), dried orange slices (oranges, cane sugar, ascorbic acid (vitamin-c), sulfites (for freshness)). [ MADE WITH TRACEABLE CACAO FROM: cÔte d’ivoire, ECUADOR & colombia ]
CONTAINS: SOY.  This product is processed in a facility that contains milk, eggs, wheat, PISTACHIOS, almonds, peanuts, cashews and other nuts.   
STORAGE: Please store chocolate disc tin in a zipped bag between 54-61°F (~12-16°C), in a dark and dry place, preferably in a wine cooler.  Standard refrigerator is fine.  PREPARATION: For best results, please allow chocolate disc to equalize to room temperature of between 68-72°F (~20-22°C) for approximately 5-15 minutes; depending on ambient room temperature and in an airtight environment to prevent moisture condensation on the surface of the chocolate disc. 
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lilflowersim · 2 years
Slice of Life 0.1 - KawaiiStacie (traduzione italiana)
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Finalmente, dopo grossi alti e bassi, eccola qui: la Slice of Life di KawaiiStacie (link alla mod qui)!
Questa mod mi ha fatto penare, sono successe così tante cose mentre la traducevo che mi hanno fatto cancellare e ricominciare da capo che ormai ho perso il conto! Inoltre, ho cercato di mantenere, per quanto possibile, tutto al neutro (ho utilizzato termini neutri dove possibile, ho raggirato alcune frasi per far sì che non venissero coniugate né al femminile, né al maschile). Purtroppo con l'italiano è complicatissimo fare una cosa del genere, quindi ci saranno anche molti termini femminili e maschili. Spero non sia un grosso problema!
Scaricate la mod ed estraete gli eventuali file .zip o file .rar.  Se all'estrazione i file NON sono presenti in una cartella, consiglio sempre di crearne una apposita per la mod che state scaricando (fate attenzione che la cartella sia solo una, altrimenti la mod potrebbe non funzionare correttamente). Inserire poi la cartella in "Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods" ed inserire a sua volta al suo interno il file .package di traduzione!
Per ogni nuovo aggiornamento di versione, va scaricata la nuova versione della traduzione! Ogni nuova traduzione verrà sostituita a quella vecchia sempre in questo post non appena disponibile.
È altamente consigliata l'installazione di un'altra mod; servirà a rendere illimitate le preferenze. È la Unlimited Likes and Dislikes di Zerbu. Ho provato ad utilizzare la SoL senza questa mod e, purtroppo, non funzionava correttamente!
Questa mod aggiunge un tocco di personalità e brio in più al vostro gioco! Sono attualmente presenti i seguenti sistemi:
Ricordi - Permette ai Sim di ricordare momenti speciali e di parlarne con altri Sim;
 Personalità -  Permette ai Sim di avere una delle 16 personalità del test MBTI;
Overlay del viso - Permettono ai vostri Sim di avere lacrime, occhiaie ed il viso arrossato;
Sbornie - Permette ai Sim di ubriacarsi con bevande alcoliche;
Bellezza - Permette ai Sim di applicare make-up e profumo;
Fiki fiki per conto tuo - Permette ai Sim di... Beh... Fare fiki fiki da soli;
Animazioni carine - Permette ai Sim di fare alcune animazioni carine (come fischiare, suonare una chitarra immaginaria) che daranno anche dei moodlet.
Potrete attivare i vari sistemi della mod in due modi. Il primo modo, è quello di entrare nella modalità CUS ed abilitare tutto tramite le preferenze.
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Questo è il metodo che consiglio attualmente perché, con il secondo, non vengono attivate le animazioni e dovreste comunque ritornare nella modalità CUS.
Il secondo metodo, è quello di cliccare sul proprio Sim, selezionare "Slice of Life 0.1" e abilitare da lì. Ripeto però che, facendo così, non verranno abilitate le animazioni!
La versione attuale della mod è stata descritta dalla modder stessa come versione beta. Ciò significa che ci sta ancora lavorando e che pian piano aggiungerà nuovamente i sistemi come il ciclo mestruale, le malattie e tutti gli altri: non sono scomparsi per sempre, solo momentaneamente.
Versione beta vuol dire anche alcuni errorini di codice che, ahimè, hanno colpito la traduzione questa volta. Nonostante abbia tradotto le animazioni, in game risulteranno NON tradotte. Ho già fatto accertamenti su maggior parte delle altre cose e sembrerebbe che tutto il resto sia stato tradotto correttamente (compresi i moodlet delle animazioni stesse).
MI RACCOMANDO!! La traduzione NON sostituisce la mod. Per usufruire della traduzione, dovrete prima scaricare la mod in lingua originale!
Download per la traduzione qui ☘
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thatssocheezy · 4 years
Russ Pizza - Manhattan Ave in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY
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I went to Brooklyn Bazaar recently to catch Trapped Under Ice for the first time since 2011 and decided to check out one of the higher rated pizzerias in the area. Russ Pizza was walking distance away, open 'til 11, and had a pretty good rating online, so it seemed like a solid place to try. The slices here were gigantic. I'm glad I only ended up getting the BBQ chicken because I wasn't even able to finish that. The service was kinda slow and I felt like I was waiting forever for my slice, but it did come out super hot all the way through, which a lot of places don't do right when the slices are this big. They also didn't skimp out on the chicken because it was loaded with it and it had a nice juicy flavor and it mixed nicely with the BBQ sauce. It was just so big that after a while I was kinda over the BBQ. I was also really impressed by how well this slice held together. Even though it was so dense, it didn't fall apart at all. And this included the crust which wasn't super hard and crackly or anything. Overall, a solid slice of pizza, even if it was a little too big, and at $6 for that and an orange soda, it honestly wasn't that pricey for the city. Worth checking out at least once!
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minzart · 3 years
(I'm an idiot. I kept on reading Iago's name as Lago, and it took an anon forgetting to capitalize his name to realize I was reading it wrong.) What if all of your au! Yuus met each other?
Happens to the best of us nonny pfff
Oh boy the SASS, they are all Yuu and they are all TIRED
Ok so just to remember there is for now:
Default! Yuu the one I usually use on mini dialogues and some fics and our dear host
Sgs! Yuu this one is post all overblots
Mirror works! Yuu (M!Yuu) this one already completed the game and is now home and can come back whenever they want
LN! Yuu little starved bean
Horror game/movie! Yuu (H!Yuu) the paranoic one
Vigilante! Yuu (Vg!Yuu) the world is on their back, relaxed and always in a mask
And Symbionte & yuu (S&Y) the chaotic and monstrous duo
I'am not including persona! Yuu neither Ptutu!Yuu bc I'm still figuring out their personalities and how they work, for now just as a base, one is the "silent" protagonist and the other the perfect prince, and that's why the yuu variants are there and not only the au ones
First things first
Default is begging M to share how they came back, but M's smart and basicaly "if this is a time travel + dimensional bullshit I don't want to change OUR fate so, no kid"
Sgs is on it too, no new info to Default, but they do talk about how... some things are way more chaotic on Sgs' universe "what do you mean birds like us? Wait... IAGO I KNOW THAT NAME!" "Me too but let them think we don't, it's funnier this way"
LN is the youngest in appearance and maybe in age too between all of them, just enjoying the chats... until S&Y shows up, then their instincts take over once they see the Simbionte, only H could calm them down, after all they are the horror survivor, both have shity lifes and came from horror universes, they bound over those
The diference however is that H original world was once a normal one, even they look terrified by what LN's universe was like SINCE THEY WERE BORN
Vg is the true moderator, entertaining when needed and collecting all info they can hear, specialy from Sgs and M, afterall they just want this to be over quickly pondering if they can take LN back tho, the kid may have some sick powers, they can tell
S&Y were not welcome at first but everyone warms up to them eventually maybe it's bc they came crashing on Venom's form but that might be just a stretch, Vg is very aware of their presences and looks like they can jump and slice their throats at any moment not Symbionte's best buddy
After a good talk LN and S&Y actually became the best of buds of the group, bounding over hunger, strange disfigured beings and form transformation. "Why the transformation talk kid?" "Just curiosity" "the tiny one is more like us than you think meat ball"
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araminakilla · 5 years
Faris D'jinn (long) appreciation post
Warning: If you don't like very long posts or deep analysis of a character or situations, maybe you want to skip this. But you are always welcome.
I will always say this: Treasure of the found lamp! is one of my favorites episodes of the Ducktales bomb (the other is Nothing can stop Della Duck!) I like the jokes, the journeys of the two groups, the cameos of different characters that appeared in Season One. But most of all... Him.
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Faris D'jinn. Middle Eastern adventurer. Seeker of the lamp. Descendant of an actual genie and the amazing woman who freed him. Here are ten reasons (not counting the facts that he is a great swordman and a cool biker because everyone knows that) of why this warrior is one my favourite characters in the Ducktales universe:
1. He is not what he seems
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The first time I saw this guy in the SDCC 2018, and the person presenting the characters said he was Dijon from the Ducktales movie, there were two different reactions from my part:
"OMG! They acknowledged the movie. That means Merlock is going to return!" And...
"This Dijon looks so COOL! But...he looks like a terrorist"
And before you sue and attack me, there are some comments in YouTube that reflected my thoughts. One of them said he looks like an ISIS member.
But I have investigated and I found out that in fact, there are some people that wear traditional black clothes in the Middle East and are NOT asociated with violence or radical groups. So, my bad people. I'm really ashamed for making this statement. I try to not be an ignorant of different cultures for reasons like this.
Anyway, those months I tried to stay positive that, if he was a bad guy, he could get a redemption arc. Because there's no way that this awesome Ducktales crew, that handles the Latino community very well, is going to portray arabs in a bad light, just like every old Hollywood productions (I'm looking at you, Aladdin)
And when the promo of Ducktales and Big Hero 6 appeared, with this warrior using his sword in front of a very scared Scrooge... well... I put my thoughts on another post, but I was a little concerned for the Middle Eastern representation.
Great was my surprise when I saw the episode for the first time. Let say that the power of the lamp wasn't the only plot twist of that episode.
2. He's so serious that it's funny
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His single-minded quest for the lamp before the Ifrit's dawn (a fact that he monologued for 10 minutes without blinking) leaves him with no time to joke around, except everyone around him is a goof, and that makes him hilarous in a sense. Best demostrated when he answered ALL the riddles from a literal JOKE BOOK. He's so smart... yet so gullible that it's amazing. It's like he can't tell when someone is lying or making a joke... I don't know if that's possible. There's also his reaction at the "got your nose" prank which, honestly to me, was one of the best reactions EVER. Maybe it's how he screamed "monster!" and how he seems to really believe the creature got his nose. Truth to be to told, I was very surprised the first time I saw him laugh, that was something unexpected. And how the premise of the episode was him getting a family of adventuring Ducks, a greek Godness, a sea monster and a bunch of Beagles involved in a quest...to give himself a birthday present, like... Who gives himself a birthday present? (Really, I don't know someone who does that)
3. He is grateful even with enemies
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He defeated Charybdis and the poor monster was whipped and given the beat of his life because he wanted to help Scrooge and Webby with the phony quest, and the first thing the warrior does is thanking him and saying that he will be remembered in the story of the lamp. That impressed me... And somehow made worth all the pain that Charybdis had. The same happened with the "Minotaur" and Ma Beagle (the little bow that he made is priceless). Many people would mock their defeated enemies and give them zero respect... but not him. That was so honorable, it reminded me of how Medieval Knights act, which would be discussed in the seventh point of this post.
4. He forgave the Ducks easily
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"Djinn, I'm sorry I tricked you. If I'd known what was at stake..."
"Another chapter in the legend. A final trial before we find the lamp! It's all part of the journey!"
Like wow... That was something I was NOT expecting, because I wouldn't expect a guy who was shouting and slicing things all day to be that... nice. And maybe that could be because there was no time in the episode for the liar revealed drama. But the points D'jinn made about why he forgave Scrooge make total sense. He loves adventures and journeys, he likes to write in a scroll about the trials he had, so he instead took the positives aspects that the phony quest had and continue with his life. Now that's something you don't see very often. Instead of swearing revenge and dedicate his time ruining someone's life (I'm looking at you Glomgold, Magica, Negaduck and other villains) he forgave the Ducks, focused on the present and keep only the most important facts. I like that way of thinking.
5. He has a deep love for his family's history (and his heritage and bloodline)
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He comes from a family that, as far as I'm concerned, keeps the stories of their past alive, passing them to the next generations. It's been ten generations since the genie was freed. What the ex-magical creature got was more valuable that having phenomenal cosmic powers: A loving wife and many descendants who remember them with such passion, and now one of said descendants, fascinated by their love story has adquired the "totem that started it all". I heard that arabs in particular are family oriented people, they would do ANYTHING for their loved ones, and that's the first time I saw that in a cartoon (at least in a Disney cartoon, the other example that is Non-Disney is the Oscar nominated "The Breadwinner", which I recommend you guys have to see it, it's so good)
D'jinn made a long journey from the Middle East to America (at least I think Duckburg is in America) for a powerless lamp because of it's sentimental value, which leads us to the next point...
6. He is a sentimental guy
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You wouldn't expect a tough, serious and to some extent dangerous guy to have powerful feelings like love? Right? Think again. There's a reason of why the call D'jinn (and his VA, Omid Abtahi) a cinnamon roll. He has strong emotions, that is (I think) one of the reasons of why he's so dramatic. It's part of his personality. In fact, his volatile personality (using many times his sword, cutting things, flipping a table) has a solid base of why it is the way it is. I'm not saying that destroying the couch and threatening the Duck family is not wrong, I'm saying this because this is NOT a matter of the "He's an arab and all arabs are volatile/barbaric/will scream and attack you 'cause that is their nature" thing that all the Hollywood movies I saw (at least the examples I saw in the documentary "Reel Bad Arabs") have. No sir, this is different.
And talking about Arab stereotypes...
7. He's a HUGE improvement from the Ducktales movie and series
Back in 1990, he was Dijon, a thief and mook to Merlock, the Big Bad Wolf of the Movie. He was funny and the interactions he had with Scrooge in the movie and the series are funnier (Also, did you know that the last words Scrooge said in the series was "Dijon!" because the duck was running towards him 'cause he stole his watch?)
But, as the Nostalgia Critic put it in his review of the Ducktales Movie
"I don't know... Is this considered racist now? Yes, he has an accent and is a thief..."
He's fine as a comic relief, but nothing makes him different from the Crows of Dumbo, or the Indians of Peter Pan, or the Siamese cats of Lady and the Tramp, or...
Honest Trailer's guy: Stop it!
OK ok. The point it's... The Ducktales reboot did it again. They took a not so well liked character from the '87 series and made him/her a lovable character, like Mamá Cabrera (I swear, she's also mi mamá now)
Now he's honorable, charming, etc (and yes, those words are from a YouTuber reviewer) But specialy, they changed his name to Faris D'jinn which not only sounds more arabic, but also foreshadows his relationship with a genie. Plus, Faris means "Knight" in arabic, which describes what he is and how he acts perfectly.
8. He's different but at the same time just like everyone else
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Gif belongs to @i-mostly-reblog-things
Yeah, he looks different, speaks with an accent that's not American, has a different mindset about things in life and maybe that could come from the country he's been raised, or his family or maybe he decide to be the way he is on his own accord. But, as an lesson learned in the episode "The Depths of cousin Fethry!"
Just because something or someone is different doesn't mean is bad.
True, D'jinn didn't make a first good impresion with the Duck family, except from Webby (You go girl! It seems that she has a talent to see edgy but misunderstood people and give them a chance) but at the end everyone was celebrating his birthday with him. They give him a cake! This small but powefull gesture made me 100% convinced that, even with flaws and conflicts, they are the perfect family. It still surprises me that the crew of Ducktales and Disney would make a scene like that. If someone told me a year ago that they would make a scene with: An arab. Dressed with traditional clothes (turban and all). Wearing all black. Celebrating his/her birthday with an American (Scotish in Scrooge's case) Family, I would have laugh and say: Yeah, sure, like they would actualy show that.
But they did it and I couldn't be more happy.
Just a pause from this Ducktales' post
Some of you could be thinking as you read this: "Nice that your people are shown in a positive way"
The thing is... I'm not arab. I'm a latinoamerican who just happens to love Middle Eastern cultures. My country isn't very prejuiced towards Middle Eastern people (maybe because there's a few of them) but I have come from a long way. To being sure that everything there was just sand and violence to wanting to visit some of the many wonders that the East has to give, meet people and learn their point of view. I think everyone should do that at some point, instead of, you know, getting all your arab information from Hollywood movies and concluding that everything would be better if the Middle Easterns were dead. As this quote from the YouTube Documentary "Reel bad Arabs" states:
"We feel that Arabs are not like us, are not like everyone else, then let's kill them off, then they deserve to die, right?"
The thing is, they are more similar that we think, it's just that the international media doesn't show that... until now.
And going back with Ducktales
Yeah, this dude looks different, but he laughs, feels, and enjoys having a great time just like everyone else.
It's the same that is happening with Fenton and the latino representation. D'jinn is a hero who happens to be arab. A dramatic warrior. A family values man. A great allie, friend and who knows what many things more. He, and other Ducktales characters, have so many layers that it's incredible. Just like people, you can't define someone only from their personality or their race. There are so many things that make a person unique. D'jinn broke the expectations I had for him (or he sliced them with his sword) for the better.
9. He's better than Aladdin in many ways
By starters, the voice actors. Aladdin's VA is American and has an American accent in the movie. D'jinn's VA is Omid Abtahi, born in Iran, a Middle Eastern actor. And I'm not saying arab because Irani people are not Arabs (correct me if I'm wrong). Omid doesn't have an accent, as far as I know, but I think it's a nice detail to have the warrior being voiced by someone who comes from the same place. Then, we have the fact that Aladdin lied to almost everyone and D'jinn was a victim of a lie. True, the Ducks assumed he was going to kill them all (and for a good reason) but a lie is still a lie. I don't know many things about Middle Eastern clothes and fashion in the past and the present, but I can tell you will find (maybe traditional) people who wears something more close to D'jinn than Aladdin, and I'm pretty sure the warrior would free a genie if he has the chance because he's a descendant of one. But apart from their differences, both are really good people with a big heart and a kind soul, it's just that we find out Aladdin is good in the beggining of the movie with the bread and orphans scene and with D'jinn almost in the end of the episode, because to be honest, I was expecting him to be lying about wanting to protect the lamp and instead working for the new Merlock, since that was his role in the original movie. Many of us expected a lying thief, but instead we got another Diamond in the Rough.
10. He is a key for one of Scrooge's character developments
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Gif belongs to @everythingducktales
The richest duck in the World was SO impressed by the warrior's story that he opened a museum of valuable artifacts so he can share his stories with his family and the world. Let's repeat that. Scrooge McDuck, a very famous, very important and proud adventurer took the advice of a stranger (he also was 100% sure this stranger would kill him and his family if he doesn't get what he wants) because he saw his "human" side, a family side that made the duck realize "maybe we are not so different after all".
Not even the Buzzards (people who worked with Scrooge for who knows what many years) were capable of convincing Scrooge to do some of their plans (but lets be honest, their plans are awful)
That made him be more open about his adventures, his past experiences and his treasures, each one with a unique story. Maybe that would prevent unfortunate yard sales in the future.
11. He is going to return
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It is confirmed in one of Frank Angones' posts that he is going to appear in the future, maybe as an allie of the Duck family in an adventure. Or who knows? Maybe they can recruit him as a member of a superheroes team along with Gizmoduck, Darkwing Duck and others. Plus, I want to see him interact with Launchpad and Donald.
That would be all... for now.
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amazontrending09 · 3 years
Top 1 Rating Gaming Headphone Stand Desk
About this item【Dual Gaming Headset Stand】 Perfect accessory for storing your headphone and saving desk space. Double-end hangers with non-slip rubberized base provides great stability for holding two or more headphones.【RGB Lighting Base】This headphone holder features 7 kinds of lighting modes, specialy the multi-color flowing and single-color breathing mode, creat a fantastic gaming atmosphere. One button for easily selecting light mode and turn off. Warm tips:The RGB light is not on when plugged into the socket.【2 USB Ports】The USB ports make it be convenient to transfer data, and support the devices which have plug & play function, like keyboard and mouse, no driver needed.【Not only for Headset】The base of the headsets stand is designed with a mini slice for phone holding, and the side of the stand is with a hooks for cable organizing, prevent tangling wires and messing cables.【Univeral Compatibility】Featuring 10.6 inches standing height, suitable for all size headsets from any brands. Provide a balanced headphone stand to place or show headphones when not in use.
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samantawill74 · 4 years
Road Marking Paints Coatings Market to Witness Contraction, as Uncertainty Looms Following Global Coronavirus Outbreak
Future Market Insights (FMI), in an upcoming market research study, brings to fore both macro- and microeconomic factors that will shape the growth curve of the global Road Marking Paints Coatings market. The report offers detailed insights on the Road Marking Paints Coatings market through an extensive analysis of key growth drivers, latest trends, potential challenges, and revenue growth prospects based on historical data.
Crucial information and forecast statistics, in terms of value and volume, covered in the Road Marking Paints Coatings market report will arm both existing and emerging market players with necessary insights to craft long-term strategies as well as maintain business continuity during a crisis such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 has adversely affected various markets in the chemicals & materials industry. The Road Marking Paints Coatings market is no different. Products which are deemed ‘essential’ continue to experience significant sales, while non-essential chemicals and raw materials faced a sharp decline in demand.
Following government’s measures, particularly social distancing norms and stay-at-home orders, companies operating in the Road Marking Paints Coatings market have put their production on a halt. Additionally, movement restrictions and supply chain disruptions have created a logistical nightmare for market players, leading to severe product shortages in the global marketplace.
The FMI’s report includes an interesting chapter on preliminary impact of the COVID-19 on the Road Marking Paints Coatings market. This allows both leading and emerging market players to understand the market scenario during a crisis and aids them in making sound decisions to gain a distinct competitive edge.
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Road Marking Paints Coatings Market: Segmentation
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By material type
Other Resins
By Solvent
Water Based
Organic Solvent Based
Powder Based
Road Marking Paints Coatings Market: Competition Analysis
The FMI’s study presents a comprehensive analysis of global, regional, and country-level players active in the Road Marking Paints Coatings market. Competitive information detailed in the Road Marking Paints Coatings market report has been based on innovative product launches, distribution channels, local networks, industrial penetration, production methods, and revenue generation of each market player. Furthermore, growth strategies and mergers & acquisitions (M&A) activities associated with the players are enclosed in the Road Marking Paints Coatings market report.
Key players covered in the report include:
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Geveko Markings
Ennis-Flint, Inc.
JotunCrown Technology, LLC
US Specialy Coatings
Rembrandtin Lack GmbH Nfg.     Kg
Berger Paints
Important Questions Answered in the Road Marking Paints Coatings Market Report
Which end user remains the     top revenue contributor in different regional markets?
At what rate has the global     Road Marking Paints Coatings market been expanding during the forecast     period?
How will the global Road     Marking Paints Coatings market look like by the end of the forecast     period?
What innovative strategies     are adopted by Road Marking Paints Coatings market players to stay ahead     of the pack?
What are the restraints     affecting the growth of the global Road Marking Paints Coatings market?
Key Offerings of the Report
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Regional Market Forecast:     Thorough analysis of each regional market to arm stakeholders with     necessary information to take critical decisions
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Request Methodology of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-gb-9340
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Test Tube Baby Centre Bhopal |  Pushpanjali Super Speciality Hospital | ElaWoman
Pushpanjali Super Speciality Hospital
Pushpanjali Super Speciality Hospital Bhopal treats the numerous afflictions of the patients through supporting them come across appropriate medicines and strategies. Pushpanjali Super Speciality is the best Test Tube Baby Centre Bhopal, Among the extraordinary administrations supplied here, the inner gives medicines to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers. The pro is likewise recorded underneath Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors, Infertility Doctors, Infertility Clinics.
Claim to repute
Barrenness Specialis
Regenerative Endocrinologist (Infertilty)
13 Years Experience
Dr. Varsha Jain Bhopal
Dr. Versha Jain Gynecologist and arrogance professional in PUSHPANJALI SUPERSPECIALITY HOSPITAL and  Test Tube Baby Centre Bhopal, and is doing first class lavishness remedy and polishing fetomaternal medicine. She is in like way required with extraordinary association and is viably connected with Social administrations.
She got decided for M.D. OBS and Gyn through all India PG and completed her M.D.From Cuttack in 2004. In the wake of completing her Post Graduation, She crammed in as a senior occupant in LADY HARDINGE MEDICAL COLLEGE and GTB Hospital, New Delhi.
She encountered for Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy courting beneath one of the famous attention in Ahmedabad. She encountered for courting early fruitlessness. IVF And ICSI in C.I.M.A.R. Eddapal facility, Kerala, that's one of the counseled basis of south India. She is knowledgeable with employer of all lavishness techniques nearby embryology. She is to a exceptional degree dynamic academically and has displayed realistic at special countrywide dialogs wherein she has been all round invigorating and awarded.She is joined to various concentrations in Bhopal and diverse states as IVF Clinician and embryologist.
Mayo Test Tube Baby Centre Bhopal
Mayo Test Tube Baby Centre Bhopal, The name Mayo rethinks the fashions of greatness in social coverage advantages and unites the great of foundation, innovation, getting ready, instruction, and medicinal knowledge.
Mayo Test Tube Baby and Endoscopy Center  unmatched exceptional benchmarks alongside the front line innovation and restorative expertise empowers us to give customized social coverage administrations. Because of Dr. Viraj Jaiswal, the organizer of the health facility to constructed up it and oversee throughout the years with generous increment in mattress fine, framework and an confirmation of value tolerant attention with human contact using slicing part innovation with pleasant social insurance beneath one rooftop. At Mayo Hospital, we trust that we have an obligation in the direction of bringing the great in medicare inside the scope of all. Our constant mission is to acquire the accept as true with and reality of patients in the combat towards unwell health, and offer them the fundamental beam of expectation when stood up to with the gravest of illness and contamination. Mayo Hospital is an remarkable coordinated social coverage associations in Bhopal who claimed and oversaw restoration center, demonstrative facility, administering drug stores, consultancy administrations and Education administrations.
MAYO IVF - Test Tube toddler Center
Mayo a ( ISO 9001-2008) assured Hospital are giving finished social coverage for women considering Twenty years. Mayo Hospital is currently entered within the discipline of IVF (In vitro training) inside the call MAYO Test Tube Baby and Endoscopy Center.They supply IVF administrations , all offices Ova Vitrification, Sperm Freezing, Sperm Bank beneath one rooftop, so sufferers don't must carry from facility to lab to the sweep cognizance. Since we represent sizeable authority in giving IVF treatment , we provide our patients the simple satisfactory therapeutic attention - at reasonable charges.
At Mayo IVF Clinic, all of the treatment ( which includes the counsel, all the Ultrasound exams, Egg Collection and Embryo Transfers are carried out by means of and by means of Dr. Mrs, Viraj Jaiswal . The greenback stops with us - and we do not rent any piece of your sensitive and fundamental IVF treatment to every other person ! Since we rehearse in only a single place , we are constantly accessible and open to you, to reply your inquiries and calibrate your remedy
Surrogacy is a process in which the surrogate mother is inseminated with the sperm of the deliberate/normal dad. She isgenetically diagnosed with the teen which she conveys for the proposed figure/s.
MAYO Group
The call Mayo rethinks the norms of greatness in human offerings advantages and unites the great of basis, innovation, preparing, preparation, and restorative perception. Our unmatched excellent benchmarks along leading edge innovation and medicinal knowledge empowers us to present custom designed human offerings administrations. On account of Dr. Viraj Jaiswal, the writer of the doctor's facility to set up it and oversee all through the years with substantial increment in mattress high-quality, framework and a confirmation of price tolerant attention with human contact making use of cutting part innovation with high-quality medicinal offerings beneath one rooftop.
At Mayo Hospital, we accept as true with that we've got an duty closer to bringing the nice in medicare in the span of all. Our steady assignment is you got the trust and certainty of patients in the combat towards ill wellbeing, and offer them the integral beam of expectation while stood up to with the gravest of sickness and infection. Mayo Hospital is a excellent integrated social insurance institutions in Bhopal who claimed and oversaw recuperation facility, symptomatic center, administering drug stores, consultancy administrations and Education administrations.
Dr. Mrs. Viraj Jaiswal
Trained in agent laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, colposcopy and ultrasonography in Safdarjung Hospital 1984 - 1986.
Worked as restorative grasp in department of OBST. Furthermore, GYNAE. In BHILAI STEEL PLANT HOSPITAL in 1986 - 1988
Worked in Gas catastrophe recovery facility in Bhopal M.P. From1988 - 1990.
In-vitro-Fertilization (IVF) is an ordinary barrenness remedy. Amid the system, a fruitfulness specialist takes the eggs from the ovaries using a bit needle and prepares them with sperm in a particular lab. After treatment takes place, the eggs shape into incipient organisms. Three to five days after the truth, the authority re-embeds the fetuses once more into the uterus.  By glimpsing inside a standout amongst the maximum progressive, nice in elegance IVF research facilities, parent out how a ripeness center inside the ARC organize, RMA of New York, plays IVF and different stepped forward regenerative improvements (ART) utilising the maximum astounding benchmarks of medicinal elegance.
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itsnerdpool-blog · 6 years
Game, set and match, Mario! - Recensione Mario Tennis Aces
Nuovo Articolo https://www.nerdpool.it/2018/07/02/game-set-and-match-mario-recensione-mario-tennis-aces/
Game, set and match, Mario! - Recensione Mario Tennis Aces
Dopo averlo provato a lungo durante il periodo di beta (potete trovare le mie prime impressioni qui) finalmente ho potuto mettere le mani sulla versione definitiva di Mario Tennis Aces. Dopo averlo giocato a fondo ecco dunque le mie valutazioni su questo titolo!
In Mario Tennis Aces abbiamo un gameplay davvero molto sfaccettato e profondo. Innanzitutto ogni personaggio avrà uno di 6 stili diversi: Versatilità, Velocità, Difesa, Potenza, Tecnica e Furbizia. Il significato dei primi è abbastanza intuibile, per gli ultimi due abbiamo tecnica che sarà un personaggio che riesce ad angolare molto bene la pallina e tirarla dove l’avversario non potrà arrivare. I personaggi con stile furbizia invece riescono a compiere dei tiri dalle traiettorie difficili da prevedere, chiamati in inglese Trick shot. Questa varietà si mescola poi con i vari colpi eseguibili dai personaggi che si dividono in base e avanzati. I colpi base sono i classici top spin, slice, colpo piatto, pallonetto e palla corta. I colpi avanzati invece sono eseguibili caricando la barra in alto a sinistra del nostro schermo e comprendono, i colpi intensi, con cui potremo puntare e sparare un colpo molto forte, i colpi tecnici, che ci permettono di “saltare” e recuperare una palla altrimenti impossibile, e i colpi speciali, ovvero dei colpi intensi molto più potenti con un’animazione caratteristica per ogni personaggio.
Da menzionare anche il sistema della rottura delle racchette, infatti se non colpiremo con il tempismo giusto un colpo intenso la nostra racchetta perderà una tacca di usura, perdendone 3 la racchetta si spezzerà. Una volta spezzate tutte le nostre racchette perderemo la partita per K.O. Per tutte le ore a cui ho giocato a Mario Tennis Aces non ho mai avuto la sensazione che ci fosse qualcosa di troppo sbilanciato, soprattutto quando si gioca contro una persona reale online o in locale. La pratica aiuta molto in questo titolo, infatti se non si padroneggiano bene i colpi avanzati, si può perdere anche in maniera abbastanza brutale. Esiste anche la modalità semplice per chi vuole giocare senza colpi avanzati, ma è abbastanza piatta come esperienza
Un ottimo modo per fare pratica è sicuramente la story mode. Dovremo infatti farci largo tra vari nemici e affrontare varie prove per sconfiggere una misteriosa racchetta che si è impossessata di Waluigi e Wario. Purtroppo dal punto di vista dei livelli “normali” non è molto ispirata come modalità e a volte cade nel ripetitivo, ma con i boss la cosa cambia visto che sono tutti molto ben realizzati sia dal punto di vista grafico che da quello del gameplay. Abbiamo poi le classica modalità Versus in cui potremo sfidare la CPU o un altro giocatore reale per fare pratica, oppure la modalità versus online con cui sfidare giocatori di tutto il mondo. Un discorso da fare a parte è quello della modalità Swing che a me non ha convinto per nulla. Questa modalità infatti è pensata per chi vuole giocare in maniera più casual impugnando i Joy-con come fossero manici di racchette, ma il risultato è veramente pessimo. I personaggi innanzitutto si muoveranno da soli (abbiamo l’opzione per muoverci con la levetta ma è davvero scomoda) e quindi dovremo assecondare noi i loro movimenti, e in più il tracking dei Joy-con è molto impreciso. STADI E LOCATION
La cura nei dettagli di Nintendo in questo Mario Tennis Aces si vede soprattutto dal fatto che uno stadio diverso cambia sensibilmente l’esperienza di gioco. Infatti se saremo su una superfice veloce con un forte rimbalzo darà seri problemi ai personaggi con stile Potenza poiché avranno meno tempo per caricare i colpi da fondo, mentre darà un grande aiuto ai personaggi con Furbizia. Alcuni campi inoltre nascondono degli ostacoli che rendono la partita ancora più divertente ed imprevedibile. Ad esempio nel campo situato all’interno di una giungla avremo dei tubi nei pressi della rete da cui fuoriescono delle piante che mangiano la pallina che tiriamo e la risputano a velocità maggiore. Il tutto è reso in maniera coloratissima e, anche se non ci sono tantissimi elementi su schermo, in maniera molto dettagliata.
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notsosecreat-blog · 7 years
PIZZA BURST. (UDAIPUR) ITALIAN CUSINE HUB. ¤UNLIMITED MEAL (video shows 20 cold starters and 8 hot starters) Situated just opp. B.N collage, below five town gym. They do have parking space but it's shared by all the surrounding shops, showrooms and even gym so gud luck getting a good parking spot, cause it's nearly impossible, plus they don't have any guard or any perosnals to look out for your vehical. Ths places menu looks so good. Specialy the unlimited menu. Just for 150 bucks u get so much. But alas! It's not even worth 150Rs. U may get quantity but not a singel worth of quanlity of your money. It's more like torturing your taste buds. If your are just one to people just don't go thr, the staff is going to forget that u even exists! They keep on serving the larger groups. We had to wait atlest 15 minutes for each and every slice of pizza to garlic bread. The owners/partners are humble, they kept asking us if we needed anything and suggested us various things to try. They actualy had to go themselves to the waiter and servers to tell them what to do and where to serve as people where actualy waiting for each and every slice of pizza! As one of follower said "PIZZA HERE WAS PURE SHIT. SO PAAP DHONE DOMINOS JANA PADA" ( @arun.kumar.rath ) I feel u broter, THS MAYBE MY LAST VISIT TO PUZZA BURST. #foodtalkindia #indianfoodbloggers #indiancusine #desifood #fooddiaries #livetoeat #igfoodie #igfood #foodspotting #foodgram #foodgasm #foodstagram #foody #foodism #foodphotography #yummy #instafood #foodgraphy #fooddiary #foodaddict #foodaddict #foodforfoodies #foodlover #foodporn #foodporn #foodpics #foodoftheday #foodpost #foodcoma #zomatoin (at Pizza Burst)
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Yama no Susume, online un primo teaser trailer per la quarta stagione dell’anime
La serie animata tornerà sulle tv giapponesi l’anno prossimo.
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Il sito ufficiale di “Yama no Susume” (Encouragement of Climb) si è aggiornato svelando un primo teaser trailer per l’attesa quarta stagione della serie animata, che sbarcherà sulle tv giapponesi nel corso del 2022. 
La nuova stagione dell’anime tratto dal fumetto slice of life, scritto ed illustrato da Siro, si intitolerà “Yama no Susume: Next Summit”.
Al cast della serie si aggiunge Emiri Iwai (Nami in Shometsu Toshi), che interpreterà Koharu la presidentessa del club scolastico di alpinismo.
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L’adattamento sarà diretta ancora una volta da Yuusuke Yamamoto (Yama no Susume, OshiBudo, Welcome to the N.H.K.) presso lo studio 8 BIT (How to Keep a Mummy, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime). Riconfermato come character designer anche Yuusuke Matsuo (The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, Yama no Susume). 
Aoi preferisce gli hobby al chiuso e ha paura delle altezze, ma la sua amica d'infanzia Hinata ama mostrare la sua passione per l'alpinismo. Da bambine, una volta hanno visto l'alba dalla cima di una montagna e ora sognano di riviere quel momento, intraprendendo una scalata per conto loro. Per prepararsi, si sfidano a battaglie di cucina con l'attrezzatura da alpinismo, scalano piccole colline nel loro quartiere e nel frattempo incontrano nuovi amici alpinisti, mentre imparano le basi di questo hobby.
La prima stagione della serie tv è andata in onda nel 2013 ed è composta da 12 episodi da 3 minuti ciascuno, più uno uscito solo in home video. La seconda stagione, andata in onda nel 2014, è invece composta da 24 episodi da 13 minuti l’uno, più due puntate speciali sempre uscite in esclusiva con l’edizione Blu-ray e Dvd. Il 28 ottobre 2017 è stato pubblicato l’OVA intitolato “Yama no Susume: Omoide Present”, che racconta una storia inedita, mentre nell’estate del 2018 è stata trasmessa una terza stagione, stavolta però di soli 13 episodi.  
Il manga viene serializzato sulla rivista Comic Earth Star dal 2011 e attualmente ne sono stati pubblicati in Giappone 20 volumi.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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materaguide · 7 years
Sere FAI d'estate a Casa Noha - Matera
Anche nel 2017 il FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano organizza le Sere FAI d’Estate, la grande festa dei beni della Fondazione, che quest’anno, per la seconda edizione, coinvolge 16 proprietà aperte straordinariamente in notturna. Oltre 60 gli appuntamenti in calendario, che si svolgeranno nei fine settimana dal 9 giugno al 2 luglio e che consentiranno ai visitatori di scoprire i luoghi d’arte e natura del FAI in via eccezionale dal tramonto a mezzanotte. Tra questi, Casa Noha in Recinto Cavone, 9 Matera (MT), l’antica dimora immersa tra i Sassi, che ospiterà la manifestazione venerdì 9, 16, 23 e 30 giugno.
In questi speciali appuntamenti sarà possibile ammirare al crepuscolo il bene, che per l’occasione, resterà aperto eccezionalmente dalle ore 19 alle 22. I visitatori che parteciperanno all’evento avranno inoltre la possibilità di prenotare una visita guidata nei Sassi per la mattina seguente del sabato.
Il calendario “Eventi nei beni del FAI 2017”, è reso possibile grazie al significativo sostegno di Ferrarelle, partner degli eventi istituzionali e acqua ufficiale del FAI, e al prezioso contributo di PIRELLI che conferma per il quinto anno consecutivo la sua storica vicinanza alla Fondazione.
Anche per questa seconda edizione Radio Capital si conferma media partner delle Sere FAI d’Estate.
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Guida del Fondo per l'ambiente italiano
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Yama no Susume, confermata una quarta stagione dell’anime
Yuusuke Yamamoto torna a dirigere la serie slice of life presso lo studio 8bit.
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Kadokawa ha annunciato la produzione di una quarta stagione di “Yama no Susume” (Encouragement of Climb), la serie animata basata sull’omonimo fumetto slice of life, scritto ed illustrato da Siro.
La nuova stagione dell’anime si intitolerà “Yama no Susume: Next Summit” e sarà diretta ancora una volta da Yuusuke Yamamoto (Yama no Susume, OshiBudo, Welcome to the N.H.K.) presso lo studio 8bit (How to Keep a Mummy, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime). Riconfermato come character designer anche Yuusuke Matsuo (The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, Yama no Susume). Per il momento non sono stati divulgati altri dettagli sullo staff al lavoro sul progetto o su quando la serie tornerà in onda in Giappone. 
Aoi preferisce gli hobby al chiuso e ha paura delle altezze, ma la sua amica d'infanzia Hinata ama mostrare la sua passione per l'alpinismo. Da bambine, una volta hanno visto l'alba dalla cima di una montagna e ora sognano di riviere quel momento, intraprendendo una scalata per conto loro. Per prepararsi, si sfidano a battaglie di cucina con l'attrezzatura da alpinismo, scalano piccole colline nel loro quartiere e nel frattempo incontrano nuovi amici alpinisti, mentre imparano le basi di questo hobby. 
La prima stagione della serie tv è andata in onda nel 2013 ed è composta da 12 episodi da 3 minuti ciascuno, più uno uscito solo in home video. La seconda stagione, andata in onda nel 2014, è invece composta da 24 episodi da 13 minuti l’uno, più due puntate speciali sempre uscite in esclusiva con l’edizione Blu-ray e Dvd. Il 28 ottobre 2017 è stato pubblicato l’OVA intitolato “Yama no Susume: Omoide Present”, che racconta una storia inedita, mentre nell’estate del 2018 è stata trasmessa una terza stagione, stavolta però di soli 13 episodi.  
Il manga viene serializzato sulla rivista Comic Earth Star dal 2011 e attualmente ne sono stati pubblicati in Giappone 19 volumi.
Autore: SilenziO)))  - Twitter @s1lenzi0​
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