queans · 2 months
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Spew drawings and old thumbnailing
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swiftiereg · 28 days
„A man will die, but not his ideas“ except its Regulus Black and Hermione Granger about the slavery House Elves endure.
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basiatlu · 9 months
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Drew some house elves to the page with post-Hogwarts Hermione. I really love them all. Kinda thought-provoking and charming. Sorry I couldn’t commit to Kreacher in solely a loincloth scrap
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nehpihcs · 1 year
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Gryffindor trio
Slytherin trio here
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vivithefolle · 1 year
hii, i was just wondering your thoughts on the house elves slavery situation, which I always find such shitty writing
Oh yeah it's shitty writing. It's the writing of a privileged woman who can't realize implications for shit.
Thing is, Rowling is British, and in Britain racism isn't the biggest entrenched problem in society, classism is. All these Jane Austen novels talking about all the crazy shit socialites get up to are cynical criticisms of that hyper-compartimentalized society.
Rowling is British and she's also notoriously bad at History, hence the utter trainwreck that is her backstory for Ilvermorny: an Irish witch comes to America, has adventures and builds a castle there to give Native wizards a school!! Yeah thanks that's not super patronizing at all.
My issue with the house-elves is that in many other stories, you have creatures like them, who are actually done well. See The Boggart from The Wardstone Chronicles: it's a spirit from British folklore. The Spook made a bargain with it: it's allowed to consider his house as its territory, in exchange for taking care of things inside said territory and protecting it.
Brownies, the direct inspiration for house-elves, are a kind of fae that will take care of your house in exchange for food or drink, but pay them with gold or clothing and they'll get offended, trashing your home and never coming back.
The whole point of fae in mythology is that they're completely alien to humans. They don't have the same morality we do, they don't play by the same rules. A fairy's idea of a prank can be to steal a woman's newborn...
Here's an interesting thread about how house-elves could have been written better with less... unfortunate implications, as well as making Hermione less of a white saviour:
All in all: yes, house-elves are a mess because Rowling did NOT think about the implications AT ALL.
As they are written in canon, it's still difficult to tell if house-elves are really a product of brainwashing or if wizards just took advantage of their hard-working nature. Since they're fae, it wouldn't be surprising if they're just naturally very protective of their territory (houses) and so take great care of it.
A neat fanon notion on house-elves is that just like the Ford Anglia who developed sentience after being messed with with magic, magic households could "manifest" house-elves, which I find quite nice. It would explain why they're called "house" elves and why they're so attached to serving a family: it's not really the family they're attached to but the location that gave birth to them.
All in all, I agree with Hermione's idea that house-elves are treated horribly and are victims of abuse. I also agree with Ron that they are not humans (=not of the homo sapiens species) and therefore that they live differently with different values and ideas, so it would be better for humans to listen to what they have to say.
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ashmedais-corner · 6 months
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I forgot to add the link to the chapter lol
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oxydiane · 2 years
regulus definitely would have joined SPEW if he had lived long enough
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bellaxullen · 2 years
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But nobody had as much to do as Hermione. Even without Divination, she was taking more subjects than anybody else. She was usually last to leave the common room at night, first to arrive at the library the next morning; she had shadows like Lupin’s under her eyes, and seemed constantly close to tears.
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boinextdewar-blog · 2 months
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The Daily carry, lately.
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welurklate · 3 months
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Hermione Granger moodboard
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stabby-apologist · 2 years
If people don't think I wouldn't watch a 5 hour long Harry Potter movie, they're wrong. Put in every deleted scene, cut scene, and what they would have put into the movies. Add in all the stuff that should have been in the movies from the books
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fortunatefires · 1 year
The more I think about it the more flat Hermione is as a character. She is interesting and cool but because of the fact that Harry just didn’t seem to ever take an interest in anything she did. All the cool shit she did was done in the background without much acknowledgment aside from Harry and Ron being dismissive and in the case of SPEW downright rude. she ends up being super one dimensional because Harry never took a second to think about her backstory. She is just the encyclopedic side kick. It’s infuriating that she has such great potential but instead jkr turned her into a mirror for the reader to insert themselves into the story. 
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Fundo de Apoio à Liberação dos Elfos (F.A.L.E.) / Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.)
O Fundo de Apoio à Liberação dos Elfos (F.A.L.E.) foi uma organização fundada por Hermione Granger em 1994, em reposta ao que ela viu como uma grande injustiça no tratamento dos elfos domésticos durante a Copa Mundial de Quadribol de 1994.
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Tendo ficado profundamente chateada com o tratamento e as perspectivas gerais em relação aos elfos, tanto em Hogwarts quanto no resto do mundo bruxo, Hermione criou o F.A.L.E. como meio de defender seus direitos e questionar sua posição diante às leis bruxas e na Legislação dos Elfos. Ela originalmente queria nominar a organização de "Fim ao Abuso Ultrajante dos Nossos Irmãos Mágicos" ou "Campanha para Mudar sua Condição". Como não coubera no distintivo, recebeu o nome atual, embora o nome original tenha sido mantido como título do manifesto do grupo.
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Depois de testemunhar o tratamento cruel de Bartô Crouch com Winky, Hermione Granger começou sua campanha pelos direitos dos elfos domésticos. Enquanto Hermione estava na Copa Mundial de Quadribol de 1994, ela conheceu Winky. Winky era uma elfa doméstica que, apesar de seu medo de altura, foi enviada para o Camarote de honra para ocupar um assento para seu Mestre, Bartô Crouch. Winky estava claramente apavorada por estar tão no ar, e Hermione ficou escandalizada. Ela ficou primeiro escandalizada por Crouch ter forçado tão casualmente o elfo a fazer algo que era tão contra sua vontade e, segundo, por ter exigido esse serviço de Winky, o Sr. Crouch nem apareceu no Camarote de honra durante o jogo para fazer.
After witnessing Barty Crouch's cruel treatment toward Winky, Hermione Granger began her campaign for for House-elf rights. While Hermione was at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, she meet Winky. Winky was a house-elf who, despite her fear of heights, had been sent to the Top Box to hold a seat for her Master, Bartemius Crouch. Winky was plainly terrified at being so high in the air, and Hermione was scandalised. She was first scandalised that Crouch had so casually forced the elf to do something that was so against her wishes, and second, that having demanded this service from Winky, Mr Crouch did not even appear in the Top Box during the game to make.
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No dia seguinte, Hermione tomou café da manhã apressadamente, dizendo que havia maneiras melhores de lutar contra isso do que simplesmente abster-se de comer, e partiu para a biblioteca. Nos dias seguintes, ela passou muito tempo na biblioteca, voltando com uma pilha de panfletos, broches e uma caixa de doações. Ela explicou a sociedade para a promoção do bem-estar dos elfos para Rony e Harry confusos, dizendo que quando eles se juntassem, a sociedade teria três membros. Rony protestou que os elfos domésticos estão felizes como estão, mas eventualmente se juntam.
The following day, Hermione ate breakfast hurriedly, saying that there was better ways to fight this than simply abstaining from eating, and departed for the library. Over the next few days, she spent a lot of time in the library, eventually returning with a stack of pamphlets, buttons, and a donations box. She explained the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare to a bemused Ron and Harry, saying that when they joined, the society will have three members. Ron protested that the House-elves are happy as they are, but eventually joins.
Hermione conseguiu que vários alunos, como Neville Longbottom, se juntassem (pagando uma taxa de dois sicles), embora eles só o fizessem para impedi-la de importuná-los. Esses alunos incluíam um relutante Ron Weasley (que pensava que S.P.E.W era uma piada porque seu nome o lembrava de engasgos) e um indiferente Harry Potter. No entanto, suas foices foram desperdiçadas, pois ela continuou importunando-os sobre os problemas da organização.
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Reação dos elfos domésticos
Enquanto ela estava ocupada tricotando roupas para dar-lhes a fim de libertá-los, a maioria dos elfos domésticos estava acostumada com seu trabalho e parecia gostar dele. Eles consideravam as ações de Hermione como insultos à sua raça. Assim, eles se recusaram a limpar mais a sala comunal da Grifinória, o que significa que Dobby era o único preparado para realizar essa tarefa.
Já estando livre, Dobby pegou todas as roupas sozinho, vestiu a maioria delas (fazendo uma torre de chapéus no topo da cabeça) e passou algumas das outras para Winky na falsa esperança de animá-la. Hermione não foi informada desse desenvolvimento, pois ninguém teve coragem de contar a ela.
House-elf reaction
While she was busy knitting clothes to give them in order to set them free, the majority of house-elves were accustomed to their work and seemed to enjoy it. They regarded Hermione's actions as insults to their race. Thus, they refused to clean the Gryffindor common room any more, meaning that Dobby was the only one prepared to carry out this task.
Already being free himself, Dobby took all the clothes himself, wore most of them (making a tower of hats on top of his head), and passed some of the others on to Winky in the false hopes of cheering her up. Hermione was not informed of this development, as no one had the heart to tell her.
Apesar de tudo isso, há indícios de que F.A.L.E. eventualmente teve algum sucesso moderado, embora seja provável que a essa altura tenha sido dissolvido. Os elfos domésticos de Hogwarts participaram da Batalha de Hogwarts em 1998, em um movimento incomumente ousado para sua espécie, embora isso possa ter sido uma manifestação de sua extrema lealdade a seus "mestres". No entanto, é possível que sua contribuição para a batalha tenha mudado a visão de algumas pessoas, já que até mesmo Rony Weasley, um crítico vocal anterior do F.A.L.E., demonstrou preocupação e simpatia pela situação dos elfos domésticos na época, o que levou Hermione a beijá-lo.
In spite of all this, there are indications that S.P.E.W. did eventually enjoy some moderate success, though it is likely that by then it was disbanded. Hogwarts' house-elves participated in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, in an unusually bold move for their kind, although this may have been a manifestation of their extreme loyalty to their "masters". However, it is possible that their contribution to the battle changed some people's views, as even Ron Weasley, a previous vocal critic of S.P.E.W., demonstrated concern and sympathy for the plight for house-elves at the time, which prompted Hermione to kiss him.
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infernal-dinosaur · 1 year
hosting a show for the first time tonight and super nervous! 😨
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jdsquared · 10 months
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Gittin 39b
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
I honestly believe that if both Anakin Skywalker and Daenerys Targaryen were in the Harry Potter universe and went to Hogwarts around the time that Harry, Ron, and Hermione, they would have joined SPEW.
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