#spiritual guru
metalheads-trash-bin · 3 months
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@nervousskull @ohposhers
Indoctrinates you cutely..
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chandradas1363 · 2 months
अयोध्या में इस तरह की व्यवस्था और कहीं नहीं।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज की तरफ से राम भक्तों के लिए अयोध्या धाम में निशुल्क भंडारे की व्यवस्था की गई है।
25 फरवरी से 26 मार्च 2024 तक
#bhandara #ayodhya #SantRampalJiMaharaj #भंडारा #अयोध्या #ram #rammandir #rammandirayodhya #langar #langarsewa #viralreelsfb #viralreels
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if you don’t know who neville goddard is… i’m going to tell you because you need to know! he’s one of the great spiritual teachers of the 20th century, his writings helped advance the idea that your thoughts create your reality, and these were also some of the earliest teachings on the law of attraction and ones ability to gain control of their own circumstances through personal empowerment.
learn how to “think from the end”. what goddard meant by this, was that in order to gain control of your own circumstances, you need to first become crystal clear about WHAT it is that YOU want to be, do, or simply manifest into your life and your reality. one must project themselves forward into the idea that they want to accomplish, and once they are clear in this aim, they can begin to identify what it would then feel like to achieve said aim. you are not to just identifying a list of desired qualities, but to be able to identify WITH those qualities, to embody them and the feeling that accomplishing your aim would instill within you. e.g — think about a time you got something you wanted, you weren’t wishful/excited you were grateful/joyful/thankful. this can be done daily through a consistent process of experiencing and re-experiencing your aim.
this technique can go hand in hand with thinking from the end. scripting means writing down your desire in a way that assumes it has already happened e.g - writing in the present tense. put yourself into an imagined state that you have JUST experienced your goal/aim, and write down a vivid description of what happened — like a journal entry. you’re assuming your goal/aim is accomplished.
goddard wrote that one of the best habits you can develop is to review the events of your day every evening, before you go to sleep. if you come across situations that didn’t go as you might have wanted them to, re imagine the circumstance as if it had turned out in your favour. after this has been done, relax, and move on to the next event in your day. don’t worry about trying to force the event you wish to change, just imagine it differently, and move on.
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theluckybard · 1 year
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Some sketches of my dear Hanuman
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
“Om Shanti Ramaha Mundi”
I have come to understand my own personal mantra after a profound brush with a fellow shaman for whom I consulted regarding shadow work.
- "Om": Often considered the primordial sound of creation, "Om" represents the divine energy that pervades the universe and connects all living beings.
- "Shanti": This Sanskrit word translates to "peace" and signifies a state of tranquility, harmony, and balance.
- "Ramaha": Derived from the Sanskrit word "Rama," which is an epithet of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism, "Ramaha" symbolizes divinity, goodness, and spiritual enlightenment.
- "Mu": "Mu" represents the idea of emptiness, unity, and interconnectedness, transcending the boundaries of individual selves and pointing to the universal nature of existence.
Together, these syllables create a powerful invocation for peace, spiritual awakening, and unity within ourselves, the world, and the universe as a whole.
- "Mundi" shares a similar meaning with "Mu" in the sense that both words represent the concept of unity and interconnectedness. By incorporating "Mundi" into the mantra, we further emphasize the universal nature of this invocation for peace and spiritual awakening.
In this context, "Mundi" serves as a bridge between the Sanskrit and Latin traditions, connecting the spiritual wisdom of ancient India with the philosophical insights of the Western world. By including "Mundi," we broaden the scope of our intention to encompass not just our individual selves, but the entire universe, recognizing the inherent interconnectedness of all things and the potential for peace and enlightenment to radiate throughout.
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mohanjaglan · 23 days
True Guru Do not consider anyone greater than the True guru. The path to liberation (through devotion) cannot be attained without a guru. At present @SaintRampaljiM is true Guru.
Everyone should take initiation and try for salvation.
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leonaluv · 30 days
Venus Is called Guru of Demons-" The term "demon" is derived from the Greek word daimon meaning divine power, fat, or god. The actual translation of demon means "replete with wisdom" connoting that the demons were highly knowledgeable creatures, evident in their knowledge of an individual's secretive sins "
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bobowizard · 4 months
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Welcome to a judgement-free zone!
I created this blog as a space to share my spiritual insights and to help explain spiritual concepts that have become very mainstream that I believe are being misunderstood. Please understand this is my understanding and I’m not god, just a mere interpreter trying to help the collective. If you are new to spirituality, read this.
2023 Master Post
Let’s talk about:
Spiritual Awakening: Karma | confirmations, synchronicities and signs | past lives | communicating with spirit | kundalini | divine timing & intervention | numerology
Souls | Protector Souls | Soul Co-Opting | Soul Connections | soul ages | soul missions | divine counterparts
Free Will vs Pre-Determination | What is time?
Magic: Black Magic | Sex Magic | Full Moon | New Years | Language | Magic of Names | ❄️ | Summer Solstice | Fall Solstice | Spring Solstice
Astrology | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Relationship Astrology | Houses/Chart Styles | Vedic, Esoteric and other modalities | Astrocartography
Divination tools
Manifestation | Financial spirituality
Energy: Energetic Tethering | Energy Absorption | Energy Vampires | Ley Lines and Energy Vortices | Collective Energy | Energetic Attacks | Essence Charging
Spiritual Gifts: Animal Communication |Healing your intuition | Spiritual Healing | Discovering your inner magic | channeling & clairs | telepathy | mediumship |
Chakras: Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra |Third Eye Chakra | Crown Chakra | Root Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus Chakra | Alternative Chakras
Humanity: Current state of humanity | Human body limitations | Gender | Collective Lessons | Hustle Culture | Tattoos | spirituality & drugs | medication & spirituality | body ascension
Sleep: Sleep Disturbances | dream work | interpreting dreams | precognitive dreams | different types of dreams, lucid |
Elements: Fire Bending | Water Bending | Air Bending | Earth Bending
Angels: Earth Angels | archangels
Love energy: preparing for your partner | love spells
Whatever else you want? You can ask me if spirit has messages for you, channeled messages, dream or astrology interpretations. I just ask in exchange that you please give me feedback as it helps me understand my gifts more! 💕
Read before asking for a reading
You can also ask me about my own spiritual journey, music, pop culture, the evils of capitalism, etc.
Other discussed topics:
tarot | law of attraction | twin flames | soul mates | spiritual awakening | auras | past lives | therapy | mental health | starseeds | inner child | numerology | faeries & mermaids | spirit animals | MBTI | enneagram | human design
Topics on my to-do list:
mythology, specifically Greek and Roman | deities /finding yours | 5D integration | 3D proof of the 5D | death energy | the language of spirit | why our spirituality weakens with age | blood disorders and other “disorders” and spirituality | energy sensing | energetic proximity | levels of living | energetic loss | hierarchies | cassadaga | energetic clearing | meaning of life | translating higher dimensions into 3D | energy of creation | energetic shifting | how you hold your power back | anti love | energetic manipulation | power of intention | frequency and music | letting go | portals | discovering spiritual gifts | storytelling and spiritual tools | how to remember what you know | circulating energies | aha moments | energy of non-judgement | energetic recharging | energy channeling | energy of spaces, ie bedroom and how to shift energy of spaces | remote viewing/deja vu
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chicagognosis · 8 months
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The Secret Teachings of Opera: Attila (Act I)
Upon taking the direct path to liberation, the warrior bodhisattva Attila must face conspiracy, plots, and intrigue. The elemental forces of the Being (Foresto) and the Kundalini sword of divine justice (Odabella) plot his (psychological) death. Karma besets the initiate at every step, for the barbarian king must confront his weaknesses and conquer his ego. However, due to pride, Attila will not bow to divine intercession until his path to Rome (amore, love) is barred by Pope Leo (the Lion of Judah, the Intimate Christ, the terror of love and law). Discover how Attila (Tiphereth, the human soul) receives oneiric premonitions and must learn to fulfill divine will (Kether, the supremacy of God).
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sidhu04u · 5 months
सतलोक के सुख को
ज्यादा कौन महसूस करेगा?
सांसारिक और भौतिक लाभ के साथ ये भक्ति आपको मोक्ष का लाभ भी देती है।
📲 जानने के लिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel पर Visit करें |
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mountain-sage · 3 months
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All a teacher really offers is his or her own being.
Whether teachings experienced along the way are beautiful and pleasant, or unpleasant and harsh, or even bland, all are grist for the mill of awakening. The slightest reaction reflects the subtlest clinging. It is a meaningful clue to where you are still holding on.
Simply watching your reaction makes everything a teaching.
Teachers and teachings are forms, and ultimately you must go beyond forms. If you are true to your own inner voice, as it gets subtler and subtler it brings you to the moment beyond separateness of seeker and guide. Then you have served your teacher well.
Ram Dass
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chandradas1363 · 6 months
श्राद्ध पूजा विधि की शास्त्रों में सच्चाई | श्राद्ध पूजा 2023 | श्राद्ध ...
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satanachia666 · 1 year
I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride!💀
🕯️🔊 I’d like to say a few things in response to stuff I’ve been seeing on my feed. I feel the need to give you, the people, my beloved community, a few warnings:
🖤 Most of the time, people who’ve been practicing any kind of magic for a long time are NOT going to approach you out of the blue and offer to teach you. Most of us do not randomly slide into people’s DMs offering them an occult apprenticeship. Honestly, I’d be wary of anyone who randomly approached me with an offer to teach me. The truth is there are many people who seek to control others under the guise of “teaching” them what they know about magic and the occult. Whatever the unfortunate student learns from this kind of person typically ends up fulfilling a twisted personal agenda instead of fulfilling any spiritual or magical goals the student has. Such “teachers” are basically parasitic entities in my eyes because not only do they abuse people, but I’ve noticed they specifically feed off the energy of baby witches as well as neurodivergent people like myself. They pretend to have the intentions of a teacher to secure loyalty and perpetuate harm/exploitation in the worldly and spiritual sense. Please be super careful when dealing with others in the occult community, and always remember that you owe nothing to strangers online.
🖤 Furthermore, even people who’ve been practicing for a long time can still be predatory and/or full of shit. Any teacher worth their salt won’t mind if/when you ask questions. If anything, they should help you seek knowledge while also discovering other questions along the way. After all, it’s that curiosity that leads to the attainment of knowledge and experience, so keeping that curiosity alive is crucial! Developing a solid practice of my own took me years. I’m at a point where I’ve developed my own way of doing things. Still, I am far from knowing everything, which means I’m not above being questioned. Nobody is such an authority that they are above being questioned. The “teachers” who get mad at you for questioning them want you to see the world their way for a self-serving reason. I strongly encourage you to skip the parasitic entity/predatory “teacher” and study/practice by yourself. It’s much better to develop your practice with the help of books and online content than suffer trauma like that.
🖤 When I was a baby witch, some of my most valuable teachers wound up being other beginners. I’ve found that these connections often resulted in us exchanging our knowledge about magic, witchcraft, and the occult. We shared what information we had with each other so we could prosper together. I encourage baby witches to not only seek out experienced practitioners’ material to study from, but also connections with other people who are new to witchcraft. In my experience, hidden knowledge can dwell where you least expect it, including in the minds and hearts of other beginners.
🖤 If you claim the demons as your magical accomplices, you are acting as their representative. If you perpetuate abuse in the name of demons, you have failed to be a good representative for them. Based on my gnosis, demons don’t want any abuse, undue harm, or loss of life perpetuates in their name. It is one thing to defend yourself in the name of justice, but it’s an entirely different thing to disgrace the demons with straight up heinous, horrid actions. Please know that demons punish people who prey on others in their name. I believe that anyone who scams or abuses people in the name of demons will have to answer to the demons for their dishonorable actions, and there is no wrath quite like theirs. In fact, the worst/best part of demons’ wrath is that shitty people get exactly what they deserve. The demons take it upon themselves to enact justice after a certain point and their reach extends far beyond what a single person is capable of. Humans have physical limitations and mortality to worry about. Demons do not.
🖤 It’s okay to share your ingredients and altar setups for spells and rituals. Grimoires have been doing it for years. It takes more to hijack/undo a spell than knowing someone’s altar setup or what ingredients they used. Having secure protection in place is what matters most.
I wish you all good luck in your occult endeavors as well as your lives in general. Stay safe and keep your loved ones close!💖
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(via Enneagram Comparisons | Type One and Type Four)
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krishnaart · 1 year
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A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
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