#spn is a show of one sided attraction
drsilverfish · 1 year
John Winchester - The Road is Paved with Darkness?
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Are we really watching John Winchester’s villain origin story?
Are we really watching fate? Knowing how the story ends? 
Are we inexorably heading for Mary’s demon-deal to resurrect John, Mary burning on the ceiling courtesy of said demon, Azazel, and John descending into revenge obsession and neglectful parenting?
Certainly The Winchesters has taken pains to show us the ways in which John Winchester is already messed up:
1) He carries the emotional wound of abandonment (so far as he knew, for most of his childhood) by his father, Henry Winchester (Daddy issues)
2) He carries the emotional wound of losing his best friend (lover?) in Vietnam, and suffers from trauma and flashbacks (PTSD) 
3) He is clearly attracted to hunting, in part, because of the opportunity it provides not to put down the war, claiming “I was born to do this” (Violence)
4) He is already more willing to think blanket “monsters bad” than his companions. John is the one who quickly decides that Ada’s part-Djinn son needs killing in 1x05 Legend of a Mind, rather than being willing not to rush to judgement, and he’s proved wrong (Black-and-White thinking) 
Of course, the Supernatural text presents a complex John Winchester (not simply a villain) someone who is brave (who did not break in Hell) as well as someone obsessive, someone who loves his sons (finally giving his life and soul to Azazel in exchange for Dean’s life) as well as having royally fucked them up. We glimpse (in off-screen hints or in flash-back) a John who drank too much during his kids’ childhoods, who (probably) beat Dean, who frequently left his sons alone in shitty motel rooms without enough food, who definitely abandoned Dean to teach him a lesson for stealing food after not providing enough, who moved his kids around so they were out of school more than in, who had another secret son on the road, Adam, and fucked him up too, as well as Sam and Dean further, when they eventually learned about their half-brother...
The SPN narrative operates on two levels in relation to John. There is an American-hetero-family-values story which fits some classic Hollywood tropes; the man gone vengeful beserker after losing his woman (which is supposed to lend legitimacy to his violence) and a “true love never dies” trope which sees John and Mary lovingly reunited in the alternative timeline of 14x13 Lebanon and apparently also in Heaven together at last (15x20) although we dont see it:
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John and Mary in 14x13 Lebanon
And yet, in parallel, is a narrative that tells us John and Mary were, in fact, forced to fall in love by a Cupid as part of an angelic breeding programme, designed to give birth to perfect Michael and Lucifer vessels (Dean and Sam) to bring on the apocalypse. That they were not happy together, but struggled with fights and John’s absences once they kids were born (as Dean tells Sam in 5x16 Dark Side of the Moon);
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Mary in Dean’s memory in 5x16 Dark Side of the Moon (John is absent and they fight on the telephone)
Because SPN was so centrally about Fate vs Free Will, because Slaughterhouse 5 was so clearly evoked in SPNWin 1x01 Pilot (which is a non-linear narrative), because Dean is framed as the narrator (which puts him the place previously occupied by Chuck/ God) I do wonder if The Winchesters is not simply earlier in a linear timeline which leads, inexorably, to Supernatural (Fate) but is Holy Ghost Narrator Dean’s dreamscape/ alternative in which he tells a story which saves his parents from their fate (Free Will). 
Are we watching the darkness slowly creeping in, or are we (as Leonard Cohen sings) seeing the cracks in everything, and finding out how the light gets in? 
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lol-jackles · 8 months
Hello how are you?
I wanted to ask, do you think that a spin-off of the son of Sam would have had the desired success compared to The Winchester?
Should the CW run a new supernatural spin-off as a show for men like Supernatural was in its early days and not for horny middle-aged women who just want to watch two straight white men get fucked?
I think it could.  For years I wanted Sam to have a kid to carry on the WInchester legacy and I’m certain a good chunk of the general audience did too.  A sequel ( a real one, not that retconned thing-that-shall-not-be-mentioned) would be a natural progression that audiences generally expect.
The spinoff could follow what Dean II is doing, if he is living a civilian life or a hunter life.  If he’s not  hunter but has knowledge of the supernatural maybe he re-opens the MOL bunker for other hunters.  If Jared and Jensen doesn’t visibly age a great deal they could make appearances as flashbacks and showing how the new heaven works and what Sam and Dean is doing up there. 
Supernatural was made for men into its latter seasons as well, it's why the female side characters continue to be attractive looking, Dean continue to hide from his emotion, and there were very little focus on romance. It was former CW president Dawn Ostroff who wanted SPN to appeal more to women because she was trying to turn CW into a female-oriented network, and she made it no secret that she hated the testosterone-loaded Supernatural. Dawn was eventually fired but her effort was moot anyway because Supernatural wasn't even built for additional male characters outside of Sam and Dean. Hello, they killed off John Winchester. Hello, 12 seasons of plot-device Castiel. SPN was a modern Western where the good guys on (steel) mares go from town to town to rid it of evil and baddies.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Some of them actually have been, they've been trying to equate the two dynamics, make "parallels", and it's so dumb, because not only are they two completely different types of relationships, it's also just kind of.... embarrassing? Like, deathstiel had nothing to begin with, then you compare it to a dynamic that actually has trust and friendship, flirting and attraction, sizzling chemistry, they're making their ship look dumber than it already looked. And it's just disrespectful, comparing Beau and Jenny to that, which was a one sided friendship, with Dean always having his back, and him always backstabbing and only caring what he himself wanted, smh
Just ...
I do wonder to what extent they're doing it purely by habit at this point. Like, they've spent years, possibly over a decade in some cases? Having to invent "parallels" in every episode across every season of SPN to convince themselves their ship was totally a thing that existed outside their heads. OMG Dean looked at someone wearing tan! OMG the secret meaning of bacon! OMG the sky is blue! OMG Castiel isn't there, it's a sign! Big romance!!!
We've already seen them try to insist character pairs from completely separate pieces of media are totes parallels to and/or inspired by D/C because ... batshit obsession reasons. So in a way it's not surprising, because they've set up this long standing and repetitive thought pattern which circles around making literally anything and everything related to D/C to make up for how there's no there there. That sort of ingrained habit can be hard to break, even if they wanted to.
Except it's still making your every thought revolve around insisting your fantasies about a silly CW monster show are totes canon because you found the secret clues. A silly CW monster show that ended over two years ago. No matter what angle you look at it, that's fucked up. Have any other fandoms with a conspiracy bubble held on this hard this long after the canon ended?
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miraclerizuin · 2 years
words for your wips, round one! (feel free to do variations on these like pluralizations, change verb tense, w/e) Cat, intense, nobody, zone
just remember that you asked for this
winchester family au - season 11
It’s broad daylight, not exactly time for most of the monsters Claire has ever heard of, but the parking lot is deserted and there’s no one to see if two wayward girls get into a catfight or one eviscerates the other either with claws or silver knife.
rose joins torchwood
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Jack says, before introducing his colleagues: “This is Gwen, she’s married but we made out once—” “I’ve told you to stop introducing me like that” “—and this is Ianto, he’s not married and we’ve made out loads of times.” Ianto inclines his head slightly as if to agree.
spn s7 fix
"No, I'm not," Cas says.  "But if they are determined on this course of action, I will protect you."
His gaze is intense.  Dean ties the necktie over his eyes to quit feeling like he's caught in a searchlight.
assets aka jemmafic
my self isn't charming, she thought.  it is "unnervingly intense" and "a little oblivious to social cues" and "deeply weird in the presence of attractive men".
bill meets rose
But Bill once had an intense personal connection with a girl made of sentient oil.  She could handle this.
spn amnesia fic
seems like being an ex-angel kind of sucks, but nobody has really explained to dean how it works. like, did cas quit or was he fired? that is to say, did he fall or was he pushed?
spn pre-series au
dad doesn’t ask if they learned anything. sometimes he still seems to want to pretend that sam isn’t part of the work he and dean do, that sam still doesn’t know, when at this point sam probably knows more than dean. it’s just that nobody ever asks.
“what happened to the body?”
“no one’ll find it,” dean says.
spn s6 rewrite
Dean sits in the driver’s seat of the Impala and nobody dares go near.  He already waved Cas away, so Sam knows he’d be even less welcome.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Dean says, always one to snark at an angel when no one else would dare.
spn s7 fix
"You’re not upset that I was among humans?"
"Nobody died, right?  Cas, I'm not the boss of you.  That's how this works."
“It’s not my mountain,” Cas keeps saying on the phone.  “It’s everyone’s mountain.  And no one’s.”
winchester family au - season 7
Her mother always assumed that if Jo went off on her own she would get her insides clawed out and she’d bleed to death in the woods somewhere nobody would ever find her body.
winchester family au - season 11
Nobody can tell her not to scream.  They can ask her to do her own laundry or please don’t put your feet on the kitchen table but nobody tells her to be quiet anymore.
winchester family au - season 15
Like a disappointed father, like her brother turning his back on her, like a cold grave with no one to mourn.
It was nice, spending time with Trip in a situation where nobody was actively trying to kill them.
time is not on our side (peggyfic)
She turns ninety, and the family all come for a visit, and nobody mentions trying to fix her brain with robots or whatever nonsense, but after nearly everyone has left, Sharon stays behind.
ghost stories (clarafic)
and nobody seems able to look at the two of them and see the precise constellation of promises and lies that have tied them together, that means they will never be free of each other, they will be chasing and fighting and reaching and embracing until the heat death of the universe.
last hurrah aka thirteenfic
“How long has it been?” she asks, bracing herself for having gotten it quite wrong, although nobody is extremely aged or dead, so it can’t be too bad.
long way home (endgame fix)
“We think Daisy Johnson may be able to help us out.  Is it true no one’s seen her since the blip?”
light years
But she stands now at Leia’s side and apparently that makes her important.  (Not nobody.  Not nobody.)
romance languages
she asks him about work, and the conversation becomes easier. food makes it easier, too. anna knows his taste and always picks restaurants accordingly. if she thinks he should get out of his comfort zone more, she doesn't say so.
bryn looks rather horrified. “they aren’t zoned for labor!”
“oh, do grow up.”
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Watching community. On the 4tb season rn. Just wanted to put down some of my observations. The pilot characterisation is drastically different compared to the later seasons. Abed is functioning(he can read time, when later on he can't??? Tf??), but special quirky funny smart kinda way. Idk he seemed so much more mature compared to the later seasons. Dreamatorium, and all his schizo tendencies infantanlised him too much. Troy was the American football start still hung up about his high school life, young cool dumb and kinda stereotypically normal. He was rooted in reality, and could actually be a real person. But then they turned him into the other schizo sheep for their rainman duo. Dumbed him down and made him into a different character. Annie was supposed to be the young naive insecure girl unsure of sex...?ish. Like sheltered and unsure. She was worried about her social standing, popularity and shit. Shallow stuff, but again, real and relatable. Then she turned into... Bruh I don't even know. I guess one can argue that she grew up, and I guess Ill acclet that. She ok if guess, believable character growth that I honestly don't mind. Britta was smart, cold, strong, SMART OK?! she was independent and knew her worth. She was cooooollll as a cucumber. Like. What happened??😭😭😭😭 They made her so WEIRD WTF. Like she was sexy and cool bro, then she became dependent on guys(blade... Like, NAHHHH)and became dumb as shit. What the fuck, they did her so dirty, like frrrr lobotomised her. Like she was the girl you were intimidated of, but was still attracted to, and knew you had to put in a lot of effort into charming, but then she became some brain-dead retard. LMAOOO. Not exactly complaining about all of these changes btw, just kinda confused and a little sad. But wtv. Shirley was kinda the same. And Pierce too. Made him dumber tho, but maybe that's cuz he's just getting older and more senile. Idk, he's kinda funny.😭😭idk why ppl hate him so much, (yeah, he's homophobic, annoying asf, dumb, old, racist, everythingphobic, but that's funny bro, grow a thicker skin, Jesus fuck. Just cause your funny little show is full of cannon rainmans and rupauls, you don't get to filter out the guy.) think he's needed in the dynamic and he adds the flavour. Ppls shouldn't excluded him from their fanarts and stupid fanon shit I've been seeing. Idk, I think he's part of the group, they clearly care for him, and he's an important part, so idk. I guess ppl just seeing and selectively talking about what they want to see kind of pisses me off. But also, it's just a show, so I really shouldn't be so pressed, it's really not that deep. Ppl can do whatever they want, idc, and even if I did, no one else does. So. Jeff. Side note, he can stab me, beat me, gaslight me, manipulate me, hurt me, punch me, kick me, and I wouldn't mind. He cute asf.😭😭 And he was so cool and smart and aloof in the beginning. Twisting your words around like THAT. SO COOL. I have a thing for smart white guys with a little scruff and windblown hair. (House, and Lucifer spn, etc...) But yeah, he gets kind of lame later on. I hate that he starts having a heart and CARING for the ppl around him. Like....Ew....no. I wanted him to go back to being a cool heartless lawyer who cares about superficial things and thrives with other soulless bastards. Mmmm. Now that's sexy. Idk, he got so.... Lame. Lame lame lame. Not cool. No. Got less smart too. Hmmmm. There might be a direct correlation between coolness and intelligence.
Also, the banter of the show was smart and interesting and intricate and funny as hell. I'm not saying it still isn't(at least in season 4), but I feel like they put in a little less effort. The pilot was so good, so many iconic moments in ONE episode, so many good jokes I got pulled in LITERALLY the first scene. That's how good and consistent the jokes were.
Overall, I like what I'm seeing, really really funny show, so much fucking better than SUPERNATURAL. YES, IM STILL PISSED I WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON THAT HOT PILE OF GARBAGE. I love how much reference they put in there, the cinematography, filming styles, stylistic choices..... SOOOOOOO GOOODDD. I could cum, I love shows that do this type of shit. Documentary one ep, heist format, law and order, courtroom style drama, who dunnits, all so funny and Samer, they way they rewrite all these tropes to fit into a fucking COMMUNITY COLLEGE SETTING. WTFFF SO GOOD. I give it, so far at least, a 8.5/10. Yay.
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fizzybugpop · 10 months
For the awesome tism ask game 💚💚
8, 9, 12, 24, 25, 34
Okay bestie I know I said I deleted the app but my mistake I actually wasn't paying attention and DIDN'T so I'm going to real quick answer this and then hop to it!
8. If you have any, what are your special interests?
Okay so my most current special interest is, of course, the "with M*rkiplier" series (hoping to keep this out of main tags because I'm embarrassed teehee) and all related content to that. It's both an extremely welcomed but also HELLISH change from my previous special interest in SPN. Because on one hand, the "M*rkCU" (as many of us affectionately call it) is genuinely just fucking better is basically every way to SPN, but the major downside? Utter. Lack. Of content. Especially content that specifically caters to me and I want really badly!
I'm on the brink of making my own blog (which I was tempted to do while in the SPN fandom as well), but I'm just a nervous bitch.
Now that I mention it again though, I'm very tempted to take the plunge and go for it. Like, why not, right? Seeing as I plan to delete this app for a little while though it'll have to wait a minute longer, lol.
9. What was your first special interest?
Okay, usually when I'm asked this question, I think of the Sonic franchise. It's one of the earliest ones I can reach back into my memories of without having to think to hard and say with utter certainty that yes, that was a special interest.
However! With more thought put it it, I think my first special interest may have been merfolk, and by extention, the ocean. Something about merfolk has stuck to me no matter what, even into adulthood though I feel it's less intense now due to just...continuous disappointment with how merfolk get depicted by most people. It isn't dead though, rest assured, I still get excited seeing merfolk related content (especially in my fandoms).
And the ocean, man, that absolutely is sticking with me for the rest of my life, I think. It's such an incredible, awe-inspiring simultaneously terrifying and beautiful wonder! It's the fucking ocean!! I might incorporate it into my blog theme at some point when I get back. Maybe. We'll see!
12. Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
Okay I'm spinning this question around my head like it's a microwave, this is about to be a long-winded answer, so bear with me.
Some background: I've admittedly been suuuper hesitant to fully commit to the autistic label for the longest time before now.
Because despite the fact that I've known a lot about it, have friends with it/heavily suspect they have it (and I absolutely would never invalidate their experience especially when they match up with so many of the symptoms), many of whom suspected me of having it, my brother has it (and my mom said it came from her side of the family), and I had a reeeeeally good feeling that I did indeed have it, I still felt like I'd be an imposter by using the label myself. (Tale as old as time, canon event, etc etc, I know.) It was just yesterday I finally found a PDF for the autism DSM checklist and was like, "oh, yeah, this is definitely me." And has cemented me using this label with full confidence.
With that in mind, I very very rarely EVER saw myself in fictional characters. I could relate to them in some ways, or I'd feel attraction to them, but it was (and still is) an incredibly rare occurrence for me to actually look at a character and go "oh shit that's literally me fr!!".
That is until I got into SPN and C*stiel came into the story. He was the first character who ever provoked that reaction out of me and I DEEPLY related to him on SO MANY LEVELS to the point it ended up making me truly upset that the show seemed to be INCREDIBLY unfavorable toward him and I'm STILL salty about it. He deserved way better! (And by extention so did I, haha.) He is suuuuper autistic-coded to me, to the point I just consider it canon in my mind. It just fits.
I won't drag this out much longer but I do have another character I feel very strongly about headcanoning as autistic - which is The D*strict Att*rney/The Captain from the M*rkCU. Trust me, the hilarity of saying that isn't lost on me, but I stand by this so seriously in my head. This is my blorbo and they are SO fucking autistic, just like me, partly because they are me while simultaneously being their own character. (And go figure that by feeling this way about them, there is naturally an even fiercer lack of content that caters to me in the fandom, lmao.)
24. Do you have meltdowns?
From what I now understand about meltdowns - and as far as I can account for - no, I haven't experienced them. If I ever had one (or multiple) as a child it'd be up to my mom to confirm that for me as, largely due to C-PTSD, my memories of my childhood are an extremely hazy soup that blurs together.
(I'm not going to ask her anything about possible indications I was autistic as a child though, at least not this soon, because I'm deeply unsure how she'd react and by extention how helpful she'd be in that regard, just based on things she's expresses in the past.)
Considering how intense they sound though I am fairly doubtful I have experienced them, because I'm fairly certain I would remember it happening or at least surrounding factors, if the things I have retained are anything to go by.
25. What about shutdowns?
Oh my god, YES. I actually wasn't familiar with this term before last night so I DEEPLY appreciate you asking this, actually. It prompted me to look into it and this is definitely something that happens to me and it SUCKS so fucking bad, especially so when it occurs while I'm at work. It can even be hard to type of I'm feeling/what I'm thinking during when they're happening.
34. Do you enjoy hugs? Or are they sensory hell?
I absolutely adore hugs!! They're one of my favorite ways of showing and receiving affection, and I've been told I give very good ones, much to my delight <33!!
I'm very very much a sensory-seeking autistic who's more prone to understimulation (but I do and have experienced overstimulation as well and ohhh my god does it suck ass and I hate it).
This is also possibly influenced/is intensified by my touch-starvation. I'm very thankful for my current roommates because the two of them I've grown close to dish out physical affection very casually and often and I love and appreciate it so much!
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
ALSO I just started watching SPN (I KNOW, 17 years after it came out,,, skdjdjfj) and I am OBSESSED. I am looking so disrespectfully at both Winchester brothers. But I wanna know, do you have any AUs with Chrysi and Jacks where they just drive around hunting down ghouls and demons and creatures… what is the worst one they faced. What is a time where one had to save the other (or better yet: one DIED or got possessed or turned ….). What hijinks do they get up to (supernatural and otherwise) - Kai
so generally, in my spn-specific au, it’s more of chrysi going on a hunt and jacks is in the same town, seeing her at a café (bc chrysi frequents cafés more often than bars… she does NOT like alcohol) like “………………hi. again.” and chrysi’s like “why the FUCK is it always YOU” 
they have a weird relationship where jacks is always dragged into helping her on hunts, until one day he wakes up and realizes that he’s literally been on a road trip with chrysi for over a month. he didn’t stop to consider leaving to do his own thing. now he’s permanently along for the ride. alTHOUGH, he sure wants to leave sometimes, with the way chrysi will always use him as bait 
((of course, i like imagining chrysi and azure going on hunts together as a couple, until azure realizes his bad luck is beginning to affect chrysi and he doesn’t want to cause her doom, so. off he fucks to go figure out a way to stop his bad luck, but he doesn’t fucking tell her. he gets back and chrysi and jacks are dating and he’s like “are you SERIOUS” ….tho, to be fair, he IS also going through other shit to warrant not telling chrysi any information. still. it hurts her.))
worst one they faced…. oohhh, that’s definitely gotta be sephera? like, how do you fight the being that’s inside your girlfriend’s blood? and you know it’s bad when previous villains are trying to help you stop sephera awakening (literally am in love with eris cursing the ever loving shit out of jacks, then turning around and being like “soooo, you like chrysi? interesting! she’s going to die if you don’t accept my help :>” great….. also, can i jst say that i adore when villains end up teaming up with the heroes bc of aligning interests? OUGH.)
generally, curses are annoying for both chrysi and jacks to deal with as well, but i think the hardest one for them to deal with then was jacks being hit with a love curse and being all over chrysi. she’s like “so normally he’s obsessed w me, but this is… a lot more annoying than usual.” also an eris curse. eris is defs the recurring villain :3 listen, it’s jst convenient for her to try and get her hands on chrysi since chrysi can bring desdemona back. (chrysi and jacks thought that desdemona would b the big bad villain, but NO. ANCIENT BEING IN THE BLOOD INSTEAD. WHOOPS.)
((also, side note: i have no clue how clear i’m being rn sldkjflskdjfsdlkjf. i jst get rlly excited talking abt this sort of thing bc i have sooooo many fic ideas i could be working on w this monster of the week format. i should rewatch some eps of supernatural, bc tbh… that show is rlly rlly fun))
chrysi has to save jacks every week. he has no clue why he’s always the damsel in distress, since he normally creates damsels in distress. chrysi says it’s because the monsters must seem to think it’s hilarious—but i would love it if there were, like, a mid-season finale that reveals that being chrysi’s partner genuinely has a sort of curse where you constantly become the damsel in distress as a result. actually… there is a canonical reason, and it has to do w sephera 🤐 bc sephera is trying to take over chrysi, but the faetelle gets triggered badly whenever chrysi’s cursed, which then puts sephera deeper to sleep—so she essentially transfers all curses over to whoever is closest (emotionally) to chrysi (within a certain range of influence, of course). this doesn’t always work, which is why chrysi is sometimes in danger, but YES, HER MEN ALL ARE DAMSELS IN DISTRESS FOR ACTUAL PLOT REASONS. 
anyway, a specific time that chrysi saved jacks that makes me go fucking FERAL is when he was cursed into an unnatural sleep and kidnapped by someone. so not only did she have to chase him down, but she also had to kiss him to bring him back…. true love’s kiss and everything. this is before they realized they loved each other, so chrysi’s going through the five stages of grief when jacks wakes up (like, yes, some part of her is happy he loves her back, but a larger part of herself is horrified that she loves him in the first place). then she has to drag a still-delirious jacks out of a monster’s den—bc jacks takes foreverrrrrrr to wake up. and he still passes out as soon as they’re out of danger. chrysi’s like “are you serious???? you were just sleeping from a curse—aren’t you ready to be awake now?????????????” no. he is not. let him get his beauty sleep, chrysi. he has to compete with azure—this is the only way he can get an edge on him.
i’m also fond of jacks being trapped in a card again, but that’s jst a general thing i like :) that one’s eris’s fault. she thought he’d be a nice addition to her art collection, and she’d be objectively right. unfortunately, she has to deal w chrysi’s outrage at the same time, so. perhaps not a great decision in that situation. 
OKAY, JACKS HAS TO SAVE CHRYSI FROM HERSELF. like, she’s not… possessed, per se, but she’s defs not normal??? like, she’s cursed and she no longer has any emotions (like s6 sam, i believe??? i might b getting my seasons wrong, since i stopped watching after 7), so jacks is desperately trying to get her to love him again. OKAY, so, actually—it’s not that she doesn’t have emotions, but they’re severely dulled, save for frivolity and cruelty. she doesn’t exactly remember jacks (nor azure, who is also there, bc once he found out jacks was chrysi’s new partner, he made jacks swear that he’d keep chrysi safe—complete w a magic oath—and, uhh, azure could tell the moment the oath was broken + he showed up to fix things. it did not work.), so there’s fun emotional scenes of him begging at her feet to remember him (and kiss him 👁👁 after all, true love’s kiss can break the spell), but chrysi’s too preoccupied thinking about how lovely he’d look broken and bleeding on the floor <33 clearly, elias bloom cursed her to be like this—bc he wanted to have her be his. it didn’t exactly work, as jacks and azure later find him chained up in his room and bleeding. they both decide to leave him there to sweat it out. it’s very funny.
((although it’s not very funny when the curse is broken and chrysi sees azure and gets emotional. jacks doesn’t like the reminder that they’re soulmates, despite the fact that azure chose to leave chrysi))
also saving chrysi from being possessed by sephera, but that’s some fucking WORK. it stresses jacks out so much. he’s so scared chrysi’s been burned right out of her own body and he’s looking for any scrap of her in those pale gold eyes. he doesn’t think he can see her—but she can see him, and she’s too weak to try and claw her way out :(((
GOD, as for hijinks… chrysi’s likely to drive away from the motel before jacks wakes up, so he has to despondently call simeon to drive over and pick him up ( “of course. where are you?” “wyoming.” “WHY ARE YOU IN WYOMING, THAT’S A DAY AND A HALF DRIVE” ). then his gf comes back w a new bag of apples like “???? you thought i’d actually left you??” “YOU DIDN’T LEAVE A NOTE” “it’s literally on your nightstand?” “oh.”
to be fair, chrysi did leave him behind a lot when they first started out together. in her defense, though, i think she forgot she was traveling with another person. sometimes. sorta. jacks is traumatized.
also, whenever they have to go into a high-end establishment, jacks is like “yes. it’s my time.” and puts chrysi in the prettiest dress known to mankind….. except she can’t fucking fight in it, idiot. he’s like “that’s alright, i can fight 🥰” “i MEANT monsters” “oh.” my dude’s thinking about other matters entirely. 
i want to include a little karaoke scene as well, primarily bc i think it would b funny if chrysi and jacks agreed to sing only if they got to choose what the other would sing. jacks chooses “touch-a, touch-a, touch me” from rocky horror picture show (when chrysi sees the lyrics, she turns to him with murder in her eyes) and chrysi chooses “barbie girl” by aqua. he is displeased. 
i can’t think of anything else, but i guarantee you, i’ll be thinking of the typical fun magical episodes that are mostly there as a breath of fresh air (like azure being on a hunt w them and it’s real awkward… and it gets even more awkward when azure and jacks are hit w a spell that swaps their bodies) BUT I’M THINKING ABT THIS VERY INTENSELY RN. VERY, VERY INTENSELY. 
(if you’re ever interested in another “monster of the week” sort of au, but more based in a sleepy beach town in the north where jacks and chrysi have a relationship that culminates in him being stuck in a card, then getting out and pretending he no longer can love + he doesn’t remember chrysi… hmu. it’s based on the show “haven” and that show also did permanent damage to me in my middle school years) 
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gncjess · 3 years
I think I like sastiel on the grounds that cas is an absolute dick to sam at every single opportunity and sam is just endlessly kind and loving toward cas for absolutely no reason it’s like the inverse of destiel like they’re all trapped in this one-sided triangle where cas in love with dean, dean is devoted to sam, and sam is in love with cas I love the no win of it all 
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Me, carefully avoiding using the #S*pn or #S*upernatural tags on my gifs of Misha or Cas.
My dear reblogers, using #spncast or both with out even mentioning Misha on the tags.
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Broke: The angels are straight.
Woke: The angels are gay.
Bespoke: The angels are queer.
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remythologise · 3 years
I don't have twitter and I'm seeing posts but a lot of them involve knowing what I'm looking at...can you pls explain the latest spn/Jensen news, pretty please?
Sure! Explanation of the events of the past week (some of these dates might be relative to my timezone, apologies for any errors):
JUNE 24: News breaks that Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles’ production company has a prequel in the works focusing on John and Mary Winchester; entire fandom displeased
Fandom ire at the prequel focusing on John and Mary momentarily overshadows the fact that it seems like Jensen Ackles has the rights to Supernatural (!!!) and has ‘five shows in the works’ of which this is only the first
Showrunner is Destiel fan-favourite Robbie Thompson, responsible for such Absolute Banger Episodes as ‘Meta Fiction’ (see more here)
A lot of blowback from absolutely all sides of the fandom - BiBros et al mad that it focuses on Not The Brothers, Destiel fans mad it focuses on Not Resolving Destiel, everyone largely mad it focuses on John Winchester (widely regarded as abusive) and the ‘epic love story’ of John/Mary (canonically forced by cupid magic)
Various cast members including Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Jake Abel, Ruth Connell and Julie McNiven reply to the article with comments indicating they’d like to be involved
Eric Kripke tweets that Jensen and Danneel are ‘the perfect people’ to take control of this story and Jared is ‘too busy Texas Rangering’ to be involved
JUNE 25: Jared Padalecki tweets about being left out of the loop on the prequel; absolute chaos ensues
See this ask reply for a list of tweets, events and reactions
I’ll also add that this gets large enough to get coverage on Vulture, Variety and other news sources
Robbie Thompson retweets his tweet from 2019 saying ‘I ❤️ you #SPNFamily’ in response to… everything
JUNE 26: A scramble for Jensen, Jared and Eric Kripke to do PR damage control on the Jared issue. Meanwhile, Misha Collins does his best impression of this scene from the Lion King to promote GISH
Eric later deletes all tweets about the issue, which is VERY funny. Man can’t handle the heat!
Very funny contrast between Jared’s ‘have a talk, as we often do’ and Jensen’s ‘miss these talks'
Jensen later changes his twitter header and bio from Supernatural/Dean Winchester to The Boys/Soldier Boys which IS somewhat unfortunate and perhaps deliberate break-up related timing
Jared tweets that he ‘doesn’t want anyone to receive hate or threats’ which is like… Jared YOU started this, YOU tweeted this to your millions of followers
JUNE 26: Jensen Ackles does further damage control by tweeting ‘Canon? we got you’ and linking to this article about what the show might hold, which points out the Problems of John Winchester
See article for further details but this implies Jensen actually does care a lot about doing right by the fans and the narrative canon
This, combined with the fact Robbie Thompson is running it, convinces most Destiel-side fans that the show Might Be Better Than Expected and one CW-approved stepping stone to greater things
BiBros are furious because article is written by ‘known Heller’ Natalie Fisher, who is friends with writers such as Meredith Glynn and Robert Berens
Meanwhile, Steve Yockey references the ‘Steve Yockey is dead?!?’ tumblr meme on twitter in a reply to Ruth Connell
JUNE 27: Gen Padalecki posts an instagram story which may or may not be shady commentary on Jensen Ackles
However, yesterday Danneel Ackles also promotes the Padalecki MLM product on HER instagram - can I just say I simply love the use of a) product promotion and b) instagram stories as tools of warfare and diplomacy
JUNE 28: Various scripts drop thanks to the team at tumblr’s spnscripthunt (go support and fund their efforts if you can!)
Notable changed content includes Castiel telling Dean to ‘parent’ Jack in 14.16 and Castiel texting emojis to Claire in 12.16 (possibly an in-script joke about Dean being attracted to a poodle?)
JUNE 29: News breaks that Chaos Machine Productions was started as ‘Free Will Entertainment LLC’
The name was apparently changed in October 2020 - was that as a result of the 15.19-15.20 filming? Or something else?
The idea that Jensen set up a company called ‘Free Will Entertainment’ to continue telling the story of Supernatural is honestly BONKERS. A lot to unpack here to do with the textual and metatextual narrative of Supernatural that I don’t have time to get into, since there’s about twenty wild implications that could be speculated from that name alone
Stock price on ‘Jackles’ Sexy Silence’, conspiracy that Jensen didn’t like the ending of Supernatural and was quietly plotting to take the narrative under his own control, to bring Dean back to life and possibly to canonise Destiel, reaches historic high
The fact does not go unnoticed that, through coincidence or not, Jensen and Danneel registered the company on a Thursday very close to September 18, the Lazarus Rising/Castiel Anniversary Date when Dean was saved from Hell
JUNE 30: Misha Collins makes a social media post with Castiel art for the last day of Pride Month
Twitter post liked by Robbie Thompson
On his instagram, Misha also puts music on the story of ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’ a song made famous by Elvis and then subsequently Destiel AU Fanfic Twist and Shout
“The song was initially written from the perspective of a woman as “Can’t Help Falling in Love with Him”, which explains the first and third line ending on “in” and “sin” rather than words rhyming with “you” - Wikipedia knowledge obtained via @jurisffiction
Falling… sin… But we don’t have time to unpack all of that-
JUNE 30: 8.17 Goodbye Stranger script excerpt surfaces with Dean’s ‘I love you’ to Castiel
Fandom has long known that the ‘I need you’ was formerly an ‘I love you’ because Jensen believed Dean saying it in that moment to Castiel was out of character - but we did not have the script to prove specific changes
Additional ‘I forgive you’ not included in the episode - the original scene reads as very romantic, since this was Dean absolving Castiel for past crimes and telling him he loves him in the moments before death, as well as ‘I love you’ of course being what ‘broke the connection’ of Naomi’s control
Notably this episode written by Robbie Thompson, the very man Jensen and Danneel chose to helm their next project
JUNE 30: Misha Collins misses his blanky text
To cap all this off, Misha Collins texts fans a selfie of himself at ‘the spare room at Jensen’s apt in Vancouver’, saying he ‘misses his blanky’, implying he has spent many nights there
It has been an open secret that Misha basically shared Jensen’s apartment in Vancouver since around 2018 due to [redacted dubiously obtained information] but it’s never been publicly stated (to be clear, this does not imply anything other than friendship, as actors in Vancouver often share accommodation and Misha had previously couch-surfed at Jared and Jensen’s places)
Cockles shippers go wild. Does the ‘blanky’ refer to Jensen? Was there a reason to send this on the last day of pride month? Will this man ever shut up?
Hope that helps! May this wild carousel of News About A Show That Ended Eight Months Ago never end!
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
Debated about sending this, but I think I can shed some ancient fandom history light on why Misha gets a lot of hate. At least how it started if not why it's persisted.
So, anon credentials, take 'em as you will. I watched the pilot the night it aired, I created one of the first fic focused Supernatural communities on LiveJournal, hell I participated in the SN vs SPN debate.
The thing to remember is that SPN became popular fairly quickly. It hit at the right time and had the right elements to fill a gap in fandom at the time and it attracted a lot of brand new fans. (Supernatural was a lot of people's first fandom and they were feral.) So take one part migrating slash fandom looking for a home, one part baby's first fandom, and combine it with a show that only had 2 leads and they were related.
The results were somewhat predictable. Incest shipping and fans had been around for ages, but always pushed to the side and generally not allowed in regular fandom spaces. But suddenly Supernatural was on the scene and Wincest was the bees knees. For 3 years Wincest and J2 were king and everyone just sorta accepted that as a part of the fandom. Didn't have to like it, but what the hell else were we supposed to do?
(The mysoginistic shitstorm those asshole created when the Ruby and Bella casting sides were leaked pre-season 3? I've not seen it's like. What happened to Bella was because of these asshats deciding she had to go before she'd even been introduced.)
But, again, for 3 years we had the reigning champions. It was either genfic (waves), fic focused on the brother's relationship, obscure pairings very few people paid attention to, or wincest. Then something glorious happened. Lazarus Rising. Misha Collins walked onto the scene, had amazing chemistry with Jensen, and changed the fandom game completely.
They tried the same tactics they'd used against Bella and Jo, but migratory slash fandom came on strong. Because there were a lot of people who watched the show, but didn't participate in fandom because incest. Only now there was Castiel! And even better he actually had chemistry and a great actor. There was something to latch onto!
They lost their crown that night. Words can not express just how much and quickly the fandom shifted in season 4, even more so on season 5 when it was clear Cas was sticking around. They had to hate Misha, he took all of their imaginary power and prestige away. They could no longer dictate fandom policy. You might go into a fic challenge or exchange and be asked to writing something beside Sam and Dean. They had to share the stage.
Few things will cause a person to hate like losing power. Even imaginary fandom power.
Anon thank you very much for your history lesson. It's truly fascinating!
I'm loving SPN (currently watching season 10) but I really hate how dirty the did on female characters. I loved Ruby (not so much the one played by Gen...), Bella, Jo and Ellen Harvelle, Pamela, Meg... and they all are killed? And usually in he most nonsensical and unnecessary deaths (sort of they way the killed Dean in the finale). oh shit I even spoiled myself and found out Charlie Bradbury also dies 😭
I don't understand that level of misogyny and sexism coming from a mostly female-based fandom. I'm a destiel shipper and yet I loved the chemistry between Bella and Dean and I wanted them to fuck, just as I enjoyed the sexual chemistry between Cas and Meg, and I wanted them to stay alive and further develop their arcs.
It should have been amazing the first time you watched Lazarus Rising. The first time that episode aired and nobody had fucking idea of what's going on and then suddenly Castiel makes his entrance and just. everybody lose their shit. I watched that episode when I already knew about destiel and already saw gifs and pics and yet it was such a glorious and epic experience. It was amazing, it deserves to be in the history books of TV shows.
And the most popular ship ever was born, and the actors had wild chemistry on and off cameras, and their lives were changed forever. I'm sure the moment Jensen and Misha met each other for first time was a pivotal event in their own lives. Isn't amazing that the most popular ship ever was born and fueled by the intense love these actors have for each other? (Whether it's romantic or just platonic... but, personally, I believe it's romantic)
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Run To You ~ Chapter Three
Chapter Summary: Uneasy but intrigued by the situation he finds himself in, Dean can only hope he’s found an ally in his beautiful captor.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Kasey Belmont (OFC)
Warnings: A bit of cat and mouse; Language
Rating: Mature 18+ (due to later chapters) NSFW
Word Count: 1947
Beta: @princessmisery666
Movie Reference/Quote: Misery
Author’s Notes: This is an AU. While there are several SPN characters mentioned, basically no one has the same connections as they did in the show, and Dean and Sam are not related.
Series Master Post
Written for: @jay-and-dean -Jay’s 3K Celebration and @spnaubingo.
Jay’s Prompts: Third Character ~ Victor Henriksen; Someone is ~ pregnant; Quote with 3 ~ “I have nothing to offer, 3 dollars and a bad bottle of whiskey, nothing more.” It was also inspired by the movie Labor Day with a hint of The Fugitive thrown in for good measure.
SPNAUBingo Square Filled: Fugitive AU
**ETA - Updated title card and format 3/13/23**
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Dean groans as he wakes. His body feels like it got hit by a Mack truck. Pain seems to emanate around the entire circumference of his head, muddling his thoughts. Trying to focus, he rolls onto his back, and the memories come crashing to the forefront.
Panic sets in, and he quickly tries to sit up, noticing several things at once—the pinch of metal against the skin of his wrist, the sharp jab of pain in his side, the soft pile of material beneath him brushing against his shirtless back.
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Pressing his head back into what seems to be a cushion of some sort, he looks to the side to find that he’s handcuffed to an old cast iron radiator.
“Son of a-” The words scratch along his vocal cords, causing him to cough and swallow hard against the dryness of his mouth.
“There’s a glass of water on your left.”
The rich smoky voice comes from behind him, and he turns his head to find its owner sitting in an overstuffed chair, a hand resting on the shotgun lying across the arms of the seat, knees a dull red and covered in fresh cuts, bare feet resting on the floor.
His mind flicks back to the last time he faced her. She’d been staring him down over the barrel of the same rifle her hand rests on. He was caught off guard by the emotions that stirred in him when he saw her standing at the top of the steps. He wasn’t sure if it was attraction, fear, or a combination of the two.
Her lush pink lips were pursed in irritation, wavy errant strands of hair framing her face, and suspicious but willful eyes that bored into him. But in the moment, the most vivid image that struck him was how delicate and unblemished her hands were, yet how confidently they gripped the rifle. It’s clear she knows how to handle that weapon, and the possibility of being shot had almost made him turn tail and run. The insatiable thirst and overwhelming fatigue that had settled into his body wouldn’t let him, though.
The slight bit of hesitancy she’d let slip into her demeanor when he’d mentioned an accident had also given him pause. That little show of concern was enough to give him a bit of hope that she could be swayed to give in to his plea for a drink and maybe even offer him some food and a place to rest for a bit. It appears that his instincts had been correct, and she is a kindhearted person—however, a cautious one, and rightly so. He wonders if that caution was enough to have made her call the cops. He is handcuffed, after all.
When he continues to stare blankly at her, she nods to the floor next to him, and he follows the motion to find the glass of water she had mentioned. He sits forward a little slower this time, the pile of blankets he’d been lying on shifting on the hardwood with his movements. Picking up the glass, he downs the blissfully cool water in one go.
“Tha-nks,” he croaks. Setting the glass back on the floor, he takes another discerning look around what appears to be the living room. “Um, how long was I out?”
“Almost a day.”
If it’s been that long, why isn’t he in custody? Which again raises the question of whether or not she has called the authorities.
Before he can say anything else, she adds, “Sorry I couldn’t get you up on the couch.”
“How the hell’d you even get me inside?” he asks incredulously. She appears to be fit, but 180 plus pounds of dead weight wouldn’t have been easy for her smaller frame to move. Apprehension sets in with the realization that she must have had help.
“Rolled you in.” She points to the metal creeper leaning against the opposite wall. “It was rough going for a bit. You’re a beefy one.”
Dean catches the slight quirk of her lips and the brief playful glint in her eyes before she turns serious again, and he swiftly bites back the flirty comment that is second nature for him and instead asks, “You brought me in? By yourself?” He lifts his chin toward her legs. “Is that how you hurt your knees?” He didn’t remember them being scraped up yesterday. He does remember long legs and smooth tanned skin beneath the hem of her cut-off shorts.
“Yeah.” She gives him a sheepish nod, eyes drifting to the side as she runs a hand over one of her knees.
Dean notices and instinctively feels remorse for causing her any pain. “I’m sorry. Honestly, I planned on leaving after getting something to drink.” He makes sure that she’s looking at him again before adding, “I never meant to cause you any trouble.”
She nods, chewing on her bottom lip, and briefly looks away again, seemingly contemplating her response.
“I checked your wound and redressed it. Your shirt was ruined, so I cut it off. Sorry.” Dark honey-colored eyes pin him in place, no longer any hint of shyness in her demeanor. They're provocatively formidable, could cut even a strong man in two, but he can't look away. "You didn't get that from a fall. That's a bullet wound.”
Well, that explains why he is no longer wearing a shirt. Dean glances down at his body to see the fresh bandage and the lack of dirt on the surrounding skin. Nodding in resignation, he seeks confirmation. “When will the cops be here?”
“They won’t be.”
Eyebrows raise in surprise as he weighs the implications of her response. He figures that’s why he’s cuffed, then. She may have been willing to help him, but she wasn’t going to let him roam free on her property and potentially hurt her. She’s protecting herself, but why doesn’t that include the authorities? Maybe she’s a serial killer?
“Is this a Misery thing?”
Her snort of laughter helps to ease some of the tension in the room. “She wielded a sledgehammer, not a rifle, and you don’t look like a litterateur.”
“Oh? And what do I look like?”
That spirited glint is back in her eyes, but she doesn’t elaborate. He decides to push for clarification this time, “Good dangerous or bad dangerous?” and can’t help the cockiness that creeps into his voice.
“That is yet to be determined.”
He flashes her a smug smile, and she gives him a shy one in return. She doesn’t appear to be scared or uncomfortable, just guarded. Maybe he can charm his way out of this situation after all. Whether she’s alerted anyone or not is probably irrelevant. It’s not a good idea for him to be sticking around. He should be at least two states away by now. He needs to take advantage of her circumspect curiosity, con her out of some food, then get the hell out of dodge and off the grid.
Although taking another look around, he feels like this place seems like it’s pretty far off the grid as is. It’s best if he keeps moving, but damn, it would be nice to just stop for a while. Maybe have a decent meal, actually sleep for more than twenty minutes at a time. He needs to know for sure, though, that no one else knows he’s here, and if not, why.
“Why aren’t the cops on their way?”
“The storm you brought with you-”
“It was crystal clear yesterday,” he interjects.
“Yeah, well, as soon as you so ungallantly collapsed on my porch, all hell broke loose.” She seems irritated now, a hand flicking up in the air. “The rain was relentless, and the wind took out the power and the phones. I just hope it hasn’t screwed up the harvest.”
“I’m sorry.” Although he’s not sure why he feels apologetic for a storm he obviously had no control over, he is genuinely sorry for causing her any problems. He’d also like to keep her in a good mood so that maybe she’ll let him go. “Listen, if you uncuff me, I promise I will walk out that door, and you will never see me again.”
“And I should believe you, why?” Her fingers tighten around the rifle, and narrowed eyes scrutinize his face.
In light of her annoyance, he decides to forget the flirting and get straight to it. “We both know I could have overtaken you yesterday, and I didn’t.”
“I’m not the one that passed out,” she jeers. “And I do believe that you were the one staring down the business end of a rifle.”
“You wouldn’t have shot me.” Dean makes the statement with a show of bravado. He’s pretty confident that by the way she acted, she’s never shot anyone before and had flat-out told him that she didn’t want to shoot him.
“I could have shot you in the foot or the knee and put you out of commission,” she states, seemingly reading his mind, and her next words are full of cool assurance. “I still can.”
“Then why’d you bring me inside?” Dean’s all in now; he needs to force her to show her hand. “You could have cuffed me to the porch railing until the cops arrived.”
“You were bleeding all over my whitewash,” she huffs disdainfully. “You probably would have died. I’m not heartless.”
The last statement is said in a quieter voice, and a sliver of hope wedges its way into the tension between them. “Well, if you’re not going to shoot me, and you’re not going to let me go,” he jerks his wrist, making the metal rattle to emphasize his point, “then what now?” He eyes her up, trying to judge how amenable she might be to him sticking around for a few hours.
Shaking her head, she exhales loudly and stares out the window behind him for a moment. The silence stretches on, and Dean’s about to say something when she scoots forward in the chair. Leaning the rifle against the side of the armrest, she reaches for the pitcher of ice water sitting on the table next to her and places it on the floor, pushing it with her toes until it’s just within his reach. Immediately drawing her leg back, she fixes her gaze on his face.
“Now, you tell me the truth.”
Dean squirms at her words, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. He figures he doesn’t have much of a choice at this point, though. Worst case, she’ll call the cops as soon as she’s able to, or, if he’s lucky, she might help him. He’s never had much faith in luck, but there’s a first time for everything, and she seems like a level-headed woman. He needs for her to understand the consequences of knowing, though.
He sits up straighter and looks her dead in the eye. “If I tell you, it could put you in danger.”
“Wow, for a second there, I thought you were going to say, ‘If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you,’” she teases in what he assumes to be her best villainous voice, although it sounds too adorable to be mean.
He snorts out a laugh, “Not a serial killer. Remember?”
“So you say.”
“Seriously, though, it could bring a lot of trouble your way.”
“Shouldn’t I be the judge of that?” Without so much as a blink, she deadpans, “Besides, I have a feeling you’ve already done that by being here, haven’t you.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, he nods with regret. “Yeah, I suppose I have.”
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Love Me Some Pie taglist: @akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @michellethetvaddict // @mvdeanw // @shawnie74 // @siospins2 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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lewishamil10n · 2 years
You're a brother leaning anti destiel blog who doesn't hate Dean with her entire chest? Girl talk to me I only ever see negative dean blogs where the wincesties or adjacents are concerned. Bums me out. Why do you think that is?
ok so what happened was that i began watching spn when s8 was airing, and got into tumblr when s9/10 were airing, and i followed a lot of samgirls (bc he's my baby and bc a lot of the deangirls also tended to be destiel stans or anti-sam/jared stans). at that time in fandom there was a lot of anger towards dean (totally justifiable) due to the whole gadreel thing. some people still loved him but were disappointed in him, and i understood that bc like. same.
but some people had these like. spicy takes abt how letting gadreel possess sam was the equivalent of "holding sam down for someone else to rape" (literally something i had the misfortune to read) and what not and that was the point i noped out. a lot of people, in their outrage, were completely stripping the situation of all context and making it out like dean did it as some sick power play instead of what it actually was -- a desperate decision to keep his sick brother alive and by his side (and so he wouldn't be alone). and yeah, i don't think he did the right thing. but to him, the ends justified the means, and, well, it did save sam.
still, a lot of these people acted like he was like the embodiment of evil to have done it, and yes, i do agree that the codependency was at peak toxicity during that storyline. but you can't ignore all the character growth that dean had afterwards, and the significant improvement in the brothers' relationship. post-s11, the trust they had was unparalleled by anything in any of the seasons prior. they were finally on equal footing, on the same page. it means something that they haven't had a single huge fight post-s11 the way they had in s4-10.
and yeah, dean's not a perfect character. but i've loved him the moment i began the show (he was actually my favorite first! it took some time for sam to grow on me because i was instantly attracted to dean lol) and i love how far he's come as a character. he's actually such a well-nuanced and interesting character and i hate when people reduce him to what can arguably be called one of the worst and hardest decisions of his life. especially because he evolved from it and learned to do better. you can't judge a character by one arc and ignore everything that comes after it.
after that i unfollowed a lot of anti dean people. i found more deangirls who were wincest shippers/adjacents, and a lot of bibros like myself). i sorted out my entire dash and haven't seen a single anti-dean post since, and it's been peaceful lol
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wayward-dreamer · 3 years
Under The Red Hood
Square/s Filled: Red Hood (@anyfandomgoesbingo), Jensen Ackles (Tell Me A Story Bingo).
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Word count: 3,458
Rating: Explicit 18+!
Summary: Y/N is a photographer, friend of a SPN crew member, who agrees to take the photos of Jensen in his Red Hood costume. They instantly catch each other’s eye, fighting the urge to jump each other until after the shoot is over.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut: Dirty talk, Oral Sex (male receiving), Hair pulling, Brief spanking, Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it people), Fluff.
A/N: This one shot is also for @supernatural-jackles‘ Tell Me a Story Bingo, Square Filled: Jensen Ackles. Thanks to my twin @downanddirtydean for being beta on this one! And a special thanks to @wonder-cole as a conversation about Under the Red Hood sparked this fic idea! As always, happy reading and enjoy! :)
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Y/N walked through the studio lot, smiling as she walked past crew members that she recognized. Making her way to the costumes trailer, she adjusted the visitor badge around her neck, making sure it was visible. She had been on the Supernatural set a few times, each time going to visit her friend who worked in the costume department, and she always came back with amazing memories. Everyone was so nice and instantly made her feel welcomed, making her wish she could just ditch her actual job and somehow work there.
The last few times she had been there, she had only ever seen Jared. Jensen was an elusive figure in her mind, either never there when she was or extremely busy while filming that she never caught a glimpse of him. Hopefully that wouldn’t be the case this time around.
Finding the costumes trailer with ease, she walked up the small steps and knocked on the door. The door opened instantly, and she squealed as she saw her friend, Sarah, on the other side. They hugged tightly, happy to see each other as it had been a while since they had.
“Come in, come in,” Sarah muttered, gesturing quickly into the trailer.
She shut the door once Y/N walked in, her eyes scanned around the trailer at all the clothes in there.
“Wow, you’ve been busy,” Y/N said, smiling.
“Yeah, it’s a crazy week,” Sarah breathed, her hands on her hips as she looked around the small space. “But you have to see what I did.”
Sarah moved behind one of the clothes racks, and pushed a mannequin out, causing Y/N’s eyes to widen.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, as she walked closer to admire her friend’s handiwork.
Sarah was big into cosplay, making her own costumes and doing photoshoots, ones that Y/N was usually the photographer for. Sarah would also make outfits for other people, and as Y/N admired the Red Hood cosplay in front of her, she of course knew it was for someone else.
“Babe, this is fantastic!” Y/N couldn’t believe the detailing, her eyes constantly moving over every part of the costume.
“Thank you,” Sarah said, smiling wide. “And uh… it’s the real reason I called you here today.”
“Okay…” Y/N turned to her, folding her arms across her chest as she waited for her friend to explain.
Just as Sarah was about to speak, the door to the trailer opened and Y/N felt as if her knees were about to buckle. Jensen walked in, smiling at Sarah and giving her a hug, both of them discussing their days so far. She found herself staring at him, noticing that the cameras just didn’t do him justice. Seeing him right in front of her… she felt parched.
“Jensen, this is my friend, Y/N,” Sarah introduced them, smiling.
“Ah, so this is your photographer friend who I keep missing,” he said, a smile spreading across his face, every one of his brilliant white teeth beaming. “Good to finally meet you, Y/N.”
He offered her his hand, and she placed hers in his, telling herself to calm down as she shook it.
“You too,” she said, smiling back.
Sarah looked between them, knowingly. “Okay, so… the reason you’re here.”
“Yes, enlighten me,” Y/N muttered, turning to her.
Sarah looked between Jensen and her and smiled. “So, I made this on a whim, but then I remembered Jensen did Under the Red Hood and so I adjusted the measurements. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to do a photoshoot, and luckily he agreed.”
Y/N looked at Jensen and he shrugged, with a bright smirk on his face. She understood what Sarah was telling her straight away. She wanted her to take the photos. She was about to spend an extensive amount of time with this gorgeous man in front of her. She wasn’t nearly prepared for that.
“Well, luckily I have my camera in the car,” Y/N said, looking between them. “When are we thinking of doing it?”
“We’ve got an extended lunch, so we were thinking we’d head out to the old train tracks on the end of the road,” Jensen explained, his eyes boring into hers.
She nodded, trying to tell herself to speak but the words weren’t coming to her.
“So, you in?” Sarah asked, bouncing slightly on her feet, unable to contain her excitement.
Jensen raised an eyebrow, his eyes glancing over Y/N as the smirk never left his face. With that look, how could she say no?
“Let’s do it,” she replied, smiling wide.
“Awesome.” He gave her a small nod, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Yes!” Sarah yelled with a small laugh. “Alright, you get dressed and I’ll keep everything I need. We’ll meet you at the car?”
“Sure,” Y/N agreed, a small smile on her face as she looked at her friend.
With one last glance at Jensen, she left the trailer and walked back to the parking lot. She walked over to her car, opening the passenger side door and taking out her camera bag. She waited by Sarah’s car, smiling as she thought about the small interaction between her and the green-eyed actor. There was an attraction already, she could sense it, and she had to hope it wouldn’t be too presumptuous of her to ask him over to her apartment once he finished filming.
Hearing footsteps approaching after a few minutes, she turned to see Sarah and Jensen walking over. He was now in the Red Hood outfit, and she felt a heat radiate throughout her body. The leather cinched in all the right places, and she found it hard to look away from him as he got closer. Sarah unlocked her car, dumping her bag in the backseat.
“What do you think?” he asked, his arms out to his sides as he turned slowly.
She quickly glanced down, biting her lip as she admired the way the leather pants accentuated his ass. Their eyes met as he turned back around, both of them smiling flirtatiously.
“I think… you don’t want to know what I think,” she replied, biting her lip.
His eyes moved over her; the smirk still present on his face. “Maybe I do.”
She shook her head with a small laugh, turning away from him and opening the door to the backseat, sitting behind the passenger side.
“Very considerate of you to give me shotgun,” he said, looking back at her as he sat in the passenger seat.
“Well, it just means you have to shut your cake hole,” she countered, laughing.
“Fan of the show, huh?” he asked, smiling.
“Oh yeah,” she replied, nodding.
“You know, Jay…” Sarah started, as she pulled out of the parking space and drove towards the exit. “Y/N’s a Dean girl.”
She felt her cheeks heating up and was thankful she was sitting in the backseat, so he couldn’t see her.
“Good to know,” he said, softly as he continued to smile.
Sarah drove them out to the old tracks, surrounded by old factories that weren’t operational anymore. They got out of the car, both women taking what they needed with them, and walked along the buildings until they got to the tracks. Y/N suggested a few angles she could take photos from, seeing what would look better in the background before they started. She took a few photos of Jensen with the helmet on first, knowing it would easier on her if she couldn’t look into his eyes.
“Hey, do you think if they ever wrote Jason as older, you would do it?” she asked, as she checked over the last couple of pictures she took.
“If that happened, I certainly wouldn’t say no to at least auditioning,” he replied once he took off the helmet.
Sarah walked over, fixing his hair as told him to close his eyes, allowing her to cover his eyelids and around his eyes with the black makeup. She took out the red eye mask and fitted it over his eyes to his face, stepping back and admiring her work. Y/N was barely keeping it together before, and then Sarah had to go and add the damn mask.
Y/N took a deep breath as positioned herself with her camera again. It was becoming increasingly harder to look at him, and she was practically praying that Sarah would be satisfied by the number of photos soon, so that they could head out and she could actually do something about the way she was feeling. As she looked through the eyepiece, she saw him look at her directly and wink, before quickly turning back into the pose he was in. It was completely unfair that he knew the effect he was having on her and using it to his advantage.
Soon enough, Sarah looked through the photos and hugged her tightly, ecstatic about how they turned out. As she told her which ones to send to her, Y/N looked over at Jensen, smiling as she saw him looking at her. He walked over to Sarah, looking over her shoulder at the photos on the camera.
“These are great, Y/N,” he said, looking up at her. “Thanks for doing this.”
She smiled at him, shaking her head. “No problem.”
“Alright, we better head back,” he sighed, frowning slightly. “As much fun as that was, I have to get back to being Dean.”
“Well, you’ve still got some time before you have to be back,” Sarah said, looking between them. “So why don’t I take the car back and you two can talk?”
Jensen and Y/N looked at each other, before she looked at her friend and glared at her.
“I’ll take your camera for you, too,” she offered, walking over to Y/N.
“What’re you doing?” Y/N asked, whispering as she continued to glare at her.
“You can thank me later,” Sarah whispered back, winking before she turned away.
“You two have fun,” Sarah called out, taking her bag and Y/N’s camera bag, along with the helmet to the costume.
“Wow, she really just left us out here,” Jensen muttered, his voice deep and gravelly. He chuckled as he looked over at Y/N, her laugh joining his.
“Yeah,” she agreed, shaking her head. “I guess we better get back.”
“Well…” he trailed off, turning to her. “I’ve got time to spare if you do.”
She looked at him, sighing as she bit her lip, contemplating what he was suggesting. “Where?” she asked, glancing around.
He smirked, offering her his gloved hand. “Follow me.”
Y/N slipped her hand into Jensen’s, allowing her to lead her past warehouses, coming to a small gap between two where he stopped. She turned to him and smiled, gasping as he leaned down, kissing her fervently. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing herself closer to him as he moved into her, pushing her up against the side of the warehouse. She pulled away from his lips, breathing harshly from the intensity of the kiss.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw you,” he mumbled against her lips, lightly nipping at her bottom one.
“I’m just glad you finally did,” she said, her eyes glancing over his outfit.
“Costume doing it for you, huh?” he asked, wagging his eyebrows.
“Fuck yes,” she gasped, grabbing his leather jacket in her hands and pulling him closer.
She kissed his pouty lips, softly sucking at the bottom one as she deepened the kiss, pulling him closer. Their bodies pressed together tightly, neither of them wanting to move as they continued their feverish embrace. She felt herself getting wet already, the attraction between causing her arousal to build.
“Fuck, I want you,” she whispered against his lips.
He groaned slightly as he pulled her closer and turned them around, his back now against the building. She reached for the belt on his pants, quickly unbuckling it as she unzipped the pants, tugging them down along with his boxers. His hard cock sprung free from the confines, and she bit her lip at the sight of him.
She hummed as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, bending her head to drop some of her saliva along his length. “Fuck, your cock is so perfect.”
She pumped her hand back and forth, smirking as he closed his eyes, tilting his head back against the wall. She moved down to her knees, smiling up at him as she leaned in, kissing the tip of his cock. She sucked at the pre-cum before moving her mouth over him, taking him in. She began to bob her head, his shaft sliding between her lips and hitting the back of her mouth with each stroke.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he growled, his hands moving into her hair. “Your mouth feels so fucking good.”
She moaned around him, the vibrations around his shaft shooting straight through his whole body, as she continued to pleasure him with her mouth. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling her wetness begin to soak her panties.
“Fucking love your mouth,” he grunted, as he watched her.
She looked up at him, winking as he watched his cock slide back and forth between her lips. She pulled back, gasping as her hand wrapped around it and stroked him, her saliva coating his shaft. His hand suddenly came down, stopping her movement.
“You got to stop, baby,” he said, breathing heavily. “I have to fuck you, and I won’t be able to if you keep going.”
She quickly stood up, stripping her jacket off and pulling up her top, revealing the black lacy bra she wore underneath. Jensen pulled back the Velcro of each glove, pulling them off and tossing them on the ground.
“Come here, darlin’,” he whispered, his Texas drawl seeping through as he cupped her face gently in his hands.
He leaned in, kissing her heatedly, her hands holding onto his wrists to keep him from moving. He moved one hand away from her face, his knuckles lightly brushing the soft skin of her stomach as it moved down to the top of her jeans. He opened the button and zip, slowly pushing his hand in and rubbing his fingers over the fabric of her wet panties.
“Jensen,” she gasped.
“Look what sucking my cock did, Y/N,” he said, smirking. “Can I see just how wet you are?”
She nodded, looking into his green eyes, still framed by the red mask. He slipped his hand past the waistband of her panties, his fingers moving lower between her folds. He groaned as they met her slick, smirking as he looked at her.
“God, you’re fucking soaked,” he groaned, smiling at her. “So ready for me, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” she whimpered.
Jensen pulled his hand out of her panties and pulled her into him, turning her around and pressing her front against the wall. She gasped as she turned her head, looking back at him. He smirked at her as he hooked his fingers into the top of her jeans, pulling them down to her knees along with her panties. He let out a low grunt at the sight of her ass, his hand lifting up and landing against the globe, causing her to yelp.
“Fuck,” she gasped, a small chuckle leaving her lips.
He squeezed the flesh, smirking as their eyes met. “You like that, darlin’?”
She nodded, angling herself so that she could look at him.
“I’ll have to remember that for tonight,” he said, his voice low and deep.
She smiled, biting her lip at the realization that he wanted to see her again. He pushed his pants open a little wider, taking hold of his cock and placing it at her entrance. He teasingly pushed in an inch, the head of his cock moving in and then out, feeling her already clench around him.
“Fuck, Jensen,” she whimpered. “Please fuck me. Please.”
“Patience, Y/N,” he muttered, chuckling.
He pushed forward, his cock sinking into her heat right to the base, his pelvis pressed against her ass. He groaned, feeling her sheath him, clenching around him perfectly. He wasted no time, instantly setting a quick pace to his thrusts, moving deep within her.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned, her hands balling into fists against wall.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grunted, as he held onto her hips and pulled them back against his. “Feel so fucking good around my cock.”
“Jay,” she gasped, looking back at him. “Fuck me harder, faster.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, making quick work of speeding up. He angled her hips and grunted, feeling his cock slide deeper into her and hit her sweet spot repeatedly as her walls clenched around him, causing her to cry out.
“Fuck yes! Right there,” she moaned, loudly. She had a brief thought that someone could hear them, but she forgot about it as he continued to thrust into her. “Fuck, Jensen, your cock feels so good inside me.”
His hand reached forward and wrapped around her hair, tugging it roughly. “Is that what you wanted, Y/N?”
“Yes, fuck yes!” she yelled. “God, feels so fucking good.”
He tugged her hair again, pulling her back towards him, her back pressed to his chest. He thrusted up into her, his lips close to her ear.
“Can’t wait for tonight,” he whispered, softly nipping at her ear lobe. “The things I’m going to do to you… you’re gonna be screaming my name all night, darlin’.”
“Fuck,” she gasped, turning her head and looking into his green orbs, his red eye mask still in place. She moaned loudly, feeling herself clench around him, as his thrusts began to falter. They were both close to their release, the coil within her winding tight.
“You’re close aren’t you, Y/N?” he asked, kissing her cheek.
“Yeah,” she cried out, nodding against his shoulder. “Make me cum.”
He grabbed her hips tight in his hands, his hips thrusting faster into her, the slap of skin mixing with their pleasured moans reaching their ears. She suddenly threw her head back, moaning as her climax hit her like a tidal wave.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she yelled. “Jensen, oh god yes!”
He felt his cock pulsing within her, causing him to stop his hips, as he throbbed and spurted ropes of cum within her, her walls contracting around him.
“Oh fuck,” he breathed.
Jensen leaned down, kissing her shoulder blade softly. He stood up and slowly pulled out of her, turning away from her as he pulled up his boxers. They redressed in silence, but Y/N couldn’t help but look at him as he fixed all the buckles and zips of the costume back into place. He glanced at her, smirking as he caught her looking at him.
“Man am I glad this worked for you,” he said, pulling the leather jacket back into place.
“Me too,” she said, softly as she smiled at him.
“I’ll have to remember it for another time,” he said, wagging his eyebrows.
She hummed, as a playful glint in her eyes as she looked at him. “Maybe you’ll have to be dressed as Dean next time.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, stepping closer to her and pulling her into him. “You’re full of surprises, babe.”
“Yes, I am,” she whispered, softly pecking his lips.
“So… about tonight,” he started, chuckling slightly. “Uh, you don’t have to take it, but… the offer’s there.”
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck. “There’s no way I’d give that up.”
He leaned in, kissing her sensually, pulling her close. Pulling away after a moment, he looked deep into her eyes.
“We really owe Sarah a big one,” he said, smirking.
“Absolutely,” she whispered, pulling him closer by his leather jacket and kissing him, passionately.
They hurried back to set, no one the wiser of what had occurred between them. Jared eyed him suspiciously, but he would just have to wait to hear that story. Y/N stayed for another couple of hours, soon saying her goodbyes to everyone and hugging Sarah, promising to tell her what happened later after she asked. As she grabbed her camera bag and left the set, she and Jensen exchanged looks, both of them smiling as they anticipated what would be happening later.
She walked towards her car, a spring in her step as she smiled, butterflies in her stomach as she couldn’t wait to spend the night with the green-eyed actor who had captured her heart.
And maybe, just maybe, it would end up being more than one night.
Tags: @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @downanddirtydean @jensengirl83 @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @whatareyousearchingfordean @flamencodiva @ellewritesfix05 @roonyxx @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @prettyboyswow @lunarmoon8 @supernatural-bellawinchester​ 
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
What I find so interesting about Danneel antis is that almost all of them have experiences dealing with someone with narcissistic personality disorder and find her behavior alarmingly similar. I know that’s what set alarm bells off for me, she reminds me a lot of my mother (confirmed narcissist by a professional). I didn’t care about her for a long time, she was just the wife of an actor I liked and is unrecognizable from her One Tree Hill days so I didn’t even make the connection that she was on one of my favorite shows. But she kept getting shoved in the SPN fandoms face, so I ended up having to pay attention to her despite originally not caring. Only the Ackles attempts to raise Danneel’s status by using Jensen’s fans/SPN fans backfired on them. Why? Because instead of thinking “wow, she’s so cool and pretty! What a beautiful couple, I wish them all the success in the world,” I thought that something was off with her and their whole relationship. And I wasn’t alone in that. At first I brushed it off as internalized misogyny. That maybe I thought her and her marriage were sketchy because she’s not a very attractive or successful women and she married a handsome man. But that feeling of something not being right stayed with me. So I decided to do some research, no one wants to dislike a random “celebrity” (for lack of a better word) that they’ll never meet. It very quickly became clear that she is not a good person, has narcissistic tendencies and is in what appears to be a horrible marriage.
I’ve yet to see a Danneel anti who wasn’t level headed, reasonable and focused on evidence rather than baseless rumors. Everyone on this side of Tumblr seems to have a good head on their shoulders, and it’s so enjoyable to be apart of the discussions we have here. I know we’re in a bit of a sketchy crossroads situation right now because we’re all waiting with baited breath to see if Danneel will succeed in using Supernatural as her cash cow and Chaos Machine Productions to relaunch her career. Hopefully this plot fails like every plot before it, and regardless of what the outcome of this Thursdays virtual press tour at least we’ll have a lot of material to talk about!
Sorry you went through that experience with your mom, having a narcissistic parent can be so twilight zone at times because people can't relate, what narcissist says remains so lodged inside it keeps creating wounds even years after an episode. I can spot one from a mile away due to my own personal experience with a relative. Unfortunately, narcissist can rarely, if ever, be treated so it's the family members that end up in therapy to deal with the inflicted wounds which sometimes cause bulimia, anorexia, self destructive tendencies, just a couple of examples.
You definitely were not alone in that perception of Danneel and I fully agree, I see so many balanced opinions on antiblogs, people joke and exaggerate for entertainment but they never cross lines in real life like Elta stannies do. Plus, the antis focus on real situations and they can express their opinions, the real opinions. As opposed to most Elta stans who think however they think Danneel will approve and that in itself is scary.
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