#spoilers i guess but it has nothng to do with season 4
iliakhovart · 3 years
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‘The look of love… is on your face’- Dusty Springfield
I promised the fam some sweet content after all of that sourness from the past few weeks. So here you guys go, some relax time for these two stressed (and torture-pwrned) teens.
It’d go with this cutesy AU/fic idea that I’ve been thinking about. The only issue is that my bilingual ass decided to learn another language at A-Level and stopped learning English after GCSEs, so in short: I can’t write for shit and this pandemic has helped seal that.
in short it’s:
- they go out
- Mari is shooting a fashion campaign with Luka as the model
- it’s a nice day in Paris
- they lie around and listen to music
- and other cute shenanigans ensue
- also, Marinette is confident which makes Luka flustered >:)
but yeah, watch me go back into my hidey-hole until I can make anything else new, with all this stuff I’m doing at uni atm lmao
Au revoir mes abeilles!
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