iismmumbai · 2 days
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Hello Delhi! Join us for a career guidance seminar on Sports Management & Sports Science. Mr. Karan Mange, Head Counselor, and Assistant Professor at IISM will be the speaker for the seminar.
IISM's seminar will guide you to carve a successful career path in the sports industry.
You will get a gist of all the major aspects of the sports industry, and it will even help you to identify your potential for a bright future in Sports Management & Sports Science.
Seminar details are as below:
📅 Date: 4th May 2024
📍 Venue: Statesman House, Lodhi, 4th Floor, CP, Barakhamba, New Delhi - 110001.
🕚 Time: 12:00 PM
Register Now - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6zTkFgRYzcZx3rpTiBY43CedguI5tmCZ3AMsZedYVCy4H8g/viewform
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peterhill75 · 6 months
Making Waves: Aspire to Inspire at the 1st meet of the year
The 1st regional Aspiring Champions meet ran this weekend in Lisnasharagh leisure centre in Belfast. 25 swimmers from #teamlarne Fram development squad through to the top of the performance group arrived on Saturday morning for 2 days of racing. These meets generally serve as a way to make test if the skills being worked on in training are solidifying when it comes to racing. A big shout out…
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alfred123 · 9 months
How to approach the landing mechanics |Tips and exercises| Dr.Rodrigo Scattone | PT Pro Talk Podcast
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In a knowledge-packed episode of the "PT Pro Talk Podcast," Dr. Rodrigo Scattone expertly delves into the intricacies of approaching landing mechanics. With a focus on injury prevention and performance enhancement, Dr. Scattone offers a treasure trove of tips and exercises for optimizing landing techniques. Listeners are guided through effective strategies to mitigate impact forces, improve proprioception, and enhance neuromuscular control during landing movements. This episode proves indispensable for athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals seeking to refine landing mechanics and reduce the risk of injuries. 🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♀️💡
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Agenda Muskot, FHI Denpasar Gelar Seminar 'Sport Science'
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Sabagai bagian agenda Musyawarah Kota (Muskot), Federasi Hockey Indonesia (FHI) Kota Denpasar menggelar seminar bertajuk ‘Mari Kembangkan dan Raih Prestasi Berbasis Pendekatan Sport Science’, menghadirkan 3 orang narasumber ahli, di Gedung Sewaka Dharma, Lumintang, Denpasar, Sabtu (5/8/2023). Ketua Panitia Pelaksana, dr. Dewa Gede Adi Palguna kepada baliportalnews.com menuturkan, melalui Sidang Muskot dengan agenda mendengar usulan dari beberapa Komunitas Hockey di Kota Denpasar, terpilih menjadi Ketua Umum Pengurus FHI Kota Denpasar Masa Bakti 2023–2027, Dr. dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Jaya Kusuma, SpOG Subsp. Kfm, MARS. "Acara Muskot FHI Denpasar kali ini juga diisi dengan kegiatan Seminar Kesehatan Olahraga, kami mengundang akademisi bergelar Doktor ahli dibidang olahraga dan sport science juga seorang praktisi olahraga nasional, sebagai pembekalan para peserta Muskot," jelas Dewa Plaguna. Dalam pemaparan materi seminar oleh narasumber, Dr. dr. I Putu Adiartha Griadhi, S.Ked., M.Fis., AIFO., menjabarkan tentang komponen kebugaran fisik untuk atlet dan prinsip pelatihannya, dilanjutkan Dr. I Wayan Juniarsana, SST., M.Fis., AIFO., membawakan materi gizi atlet berprestasi ditinjau dari perspektif sport science. Lebih lanjut, juga hadir sebagai narasumber dalam seminar, seorang praktisi olahraga, mantan atlet binaraga nasional terkenal asal Bali, I Gusti Agung Rai Kusuma Yudha atau akrab disapa Ade Rai sangat mengaku antusias berbagi pengalamannya di bidang olahraga dalam kegiatan seminar Muskot FHI Denpasar tersebut. "Saya sebenarnya tidak dalam kapasitas akademis memberikan materi dalam seminar ini. Tapi berdasarkan pengalaman saya, kalau bicara tentang pendekatan ilmiah dengan pendekatan alamiah merupakan kolaborasi yang mampu menghasilkan output baik dibidang olahraga. Dimana peran ilmu pengetahuan begitu penting di dunia olahraga, agar tidak menimbulkan perspektif negatif bagi para pelakunya khususnya atlet," ungkap Ade Rai. Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Pengurus FHI Kota Denpasar terpilih, Anak Agung Ngurah Jaya Kusuma menambahkan, kedepan pihaknya akan terus memberikan edukasi kepada para calon atlet, atlet, hingga pelatih olahraga, tentang pentingnya pemahaman dan cara pandang yang benar dalam bidang olahraga untuk bisa meraih prestasi yang optimal. "Tentu sebagai individu yang diamanatkan, agenda utama kedepan adalah memajukan olahraga di Bali khususnya Hockey, agar dapat berprestasi lebih baik lagi, mengharumkan nama Provinsi Bali. Selain itu, upaya penggalian dana oleh Pengurus FHI Kota Denpasar yang baru ini saya harapkan juga akan mampu menjalankan program-program kegiatan sesuai perencanaan," tambahnya. Acara Seminar juga diisi kegiatan Atraksi Tari dan Pantomim dari ABK (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus) dari Sanggar Tari Sekar Dewata, juga ada permainan alat music Saxophone dan Celotehan oleh Pelawak “Cedil", penampilan pelukis Yanik Art serta musisi Bapak Made Suyadi, dihadiri peserta sekitar 150 orang dari pengurus dan pelatih cabang olahraga, para atlet, akademisi, murid–murid SMP dan SMA serta masyarakat umum. Kegiatan seminar ini mendapat dukungan dan sponsorship dari Wuling Motor Denpasar, Lab. Diagnos, Unicare Group, BBM Medindo, Asea Indonesia, Lab. Prodia, Bali Safari, GONG Futsal Mahendradata, Media Partner dan donatur lainnya. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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hpcosmos · 9 months
gaitway 3d biomechanics treadmill at Tsinghua University in Beijing
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shihantiger · 1 year
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It's always a privilege to get invited as the guest speaker on graduation day at my Alma mater. Congratulations Class of 2022. #trainsmarr #eta #sportscience (at Sandton, Gauteng) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp786gIjVAB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jaydemayo · 1 year
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In this week’s episode of The Podcast I have the pleasure of sitting down and chopping it up with Andrew Stewart. In the 30-minute talk Andrew and I get into: ⚗️How taking the thought process back to a 5th grade science experiment could save practitioners a lot of headaches. 📊Where he sees an issue with being data driven, and how changing the thought process to data informed could help us be even better for the coaches and athletes we get to work with. 🏟️What the “applied” in applied sport science needs to mean, and why just doing testing to do testing leads us to road blocks in the process. 🏋️‍♂️How the art of coaching and the basic pillars of what we do need to continue to be the back Andrew is doing some awesome work at Nebraska, make sure to keep up with everything they’re doing by following him on Instagram at: @coachastuart To catch the full discussion search CVASPS on your favorite podcast platform, and while you’re there please hit subscribe and leave us a 5⭐️review. #appliedsportscience #physicalpreparation #physicalpreparationcoach #sportscience #gpp #strengthandconditioning #strengthandconditioningcoach #podcast https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfbJzpMUlv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chrisdiver81 · 1 year
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I ❤️ sport science #2 brought to you by @sup.training 🔥 HIIT training impacts on mitochondria and blood sugar regulation. you can't train hard every day. this is something every coach knows since...ever! but why I chose this small study to show? because they really measured the anatomic impact from a lot of high intensity training on the mitochondria in the muscle by muscle biopsy, which is very rare. (and not allowed to do in many countries). so the takeaway is easy to understand but hard to execute: train hiit, but not too much without giving your body the time to recover and supercompensate the hiit trainingsload. this also shows the classic problem of an amateur athlete who decides spontaniously to do a stand up paddle race with 3 weeks of preperation... what usually will happen in this 3 weeks? the athlete is super motivated and trains with too much intensity and put too much trainingsload on her/his body in a short time. the outcome is: the athlete has less mitochondria, less endurance, less performance on the event day, than before she/he started to train for it. how to find the right amount of HIIT training in your plan? 1. hire a good coach who knows how to monitor your individual trainingloads. 2. stick to the 80/20 rule (80% low intensity training / 20% HIIT) if you dont have a good coach and you are not into the details of monitoring your trainingloads. you can find the link to the original published studies in the linktree in my bio. #sportscience #suptraining #sport #athletes #training #suptraining #mitochondria #hiit #chrisdiver (hier: Graz, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUSq9kt4ZU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gcsesimplified · 1 year
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So the end of 2022 is almost upon us. Another busy year with more books out - new spec #SportStudies, new spec #SportScience currently being printed & #Macbeth going to print next week. The start of 2023 is already filling up in terms of courses & revision days. Online exam support sessions, 2 staff CPD sessions & 2 student support days, + #FOBISIA1 PE & Sport conference all before mid February. 2023 will see more books written - #BtecTech, #NCFE Sport & Fitness, #Ctech and more specs for #AlevelPE are in the pipeline. So thanks again for your support and custom. Enjoy the holidays and spend some time with those important around you… and importantly relax! More from us in #2023! Have a great Christmas Cheers https://www.instagram.com/p/CmOeWohI4_i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eboyrizal10 · 1 year
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Tulisan 25
Belajar tak mengenal usia, berbagai ilmu tak pernah memandang siapa yang paling pintar, terus belajar, belajar terus, berbagi dan kemudian diaplikasikan menjadikan semuanya bermanfaat.
Banyak para ilmuwan memberikan petuah bahwasanya berbagi ilmu dalam bidang apapun tidak akan pernah merugi, bahkan akan terus berkembang, mengembangkan kemampuan diri sendiri dan mengembangkan kemampuan seseorang yang mendengar atau menjadi audience. 
Terima kasih kepada para bapak dosen muda dari FIK UM, yang memberikan kepercayaan dan amanah kepada saya untuk menjadi pemateri terkait pembinaan olahraga di usia dini, bersama Coach Ardhit (personal Trainer dan praktisi kondisi fisik), dan Bapak Taufik (akademisi di bidang olahraga).
Kegiatan ini disajikan dengan sangat bersahaja akan tetapi sangat berkesan, karena para audience juga sangat tertarik dengan diskusi yang dibahas selama acara, semua elemen bisa saling memahami dan bahkan bisa menyelaraskan bentuk kegiatan dan bentuk latihan yang tepat dan cocok untuk para atlet atau anak usia dini.
Tulisan saya ini terpusat pada pembinaan olahraga usia dini, mengapa pembinaan usia dini di bidang olahraga begitu penting, hingga akhirnya para atlet muda ini bisa berprestasi diusia yang tepat. Bukan sebuah kebetulan semua audience yang hadir merupakan para alumni pendidikan dan kepelatihan serta praktisi olahraga di usia dini. Hasil diskusi yang didapat selama kegiatan berlangsung dapat langsung diaplikasikan di masing-masing tempat dimana mereka melatih.
Mari disepakati bersama bahwa usia dini di olahraga kita mulai dari usia 5 - 12 tahun, jika merujuk teori LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) usia dini start di usia 1 tahun, namun tulisan ini demi mempermudah dan bisa membayangkan bagaimana nanti melatih atletnya bagi para pembaca maka dimulai dari usia 5 tahun.
Pembinaan usia dini dalam bidang olahraga hal yang terpenting dan perlu diperhatikan adalah perkembangan motorik seorang anak atau atlet. Jika seorang anak memiliki keterampilan motorik yang baik maka koordinasi atau gerakan motorik yang berkelanjutan akan lebih mudah untuk dilakukan. Selama proses latihan pembinaan usia dini sangat tidak dianjurkan di usia dini ini memberikan diberikan materi latihan kondisi fisik. Mereka lebih ditekan pada perkembangan motorik dalam bentuk permainan, kombinasi gerak berjalan melompat, menangkap, menendang dan berlari (materi ini bisa disesuaikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang ada serta kreativitas para pelatihnya).
Memasuki usia 8 tahun seorang anak akan mulai menggemari salah satu cabor yang dirasa bagi mereka, entah itu sepakbola, basket, bulutangkis, basket, lari, melempar dan lain sebagainya. Pada usia ini fundamental masing-masing cabor sangat perlu untuk dimatangkan dan harus sangat baik, karena akan menunjang pada kelanjutan latihan yang akan mereka jalani, sekali lagi jangan dilupakan didalam fase fundamental masih dalam lingkup FUN tanpa mengurangi terlalu banyak fokus latihan di cabor yang mereka pilih.
Para praktisi dan pelatih di usia dini inilah menjadi pondasi prestasi yang akan di tuai dikemudian hari, tidak mudah untuk menjadi praktisi dan pelatih atlet usia dini, yang memang para atlet ini masih gemar untuk bermain tanpa memikirkan detail latihan sesuai cabor. Pembinaan usia dini ini sangat penting untuk keberlangsungan cabor itu sendiri dan eksistensi cabor tersebut. Semangat para praktisi dan pelatih usia dini teruslah memberikan latihan yang baik, bisa dianalogikan dengan “menanam” yang baik maka akan menghaslkan yang baik. Sulit mengharapkan jika olahraga di Indonesia menjadi prioritas, hanya beberapa cabor saja yang mampu membanggakan Indonesia di kancah dunia, tentunya bukan sepakbola.
Bravo Praktisi dan Pelatih usia dini ! 
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iismmumbai · 9 days
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Hello Ahmedabad! IISM's next career guidance seminar on Sports Management & Sports Science is in your city.
The seminar will be conducted by Mr. Karan Mange, Head Counselor, and Assistant Professor at IISM to guide you on making a career in Sports Management & Sports Science. 
Mark the date for the seminar and note down all your queries about a career in Sports Management & Sports Science. This seminar will surely resolve all your queries and reveal all the career opportunities in the booming sports industry.
Confirm your seat now by registering for the seminar - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6zTkFgRYzcZx3rpTiBY43CedguI5tmCZ3AMsZedYVCy4H8g/viewform
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peterhill75 · 6 months
Navigating Swimming Development: Pros and Cons of the Long-Term Athlete Development Model
What is the Long Term Athlete development Model The Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model is an athlete development framework that was developed to optimize the long-term potential of athletes across various sports, including swimming. It originated from the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) initiative, which was established in 2005 by a group of sport leaders, coaches, and researchers.The…
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We were delighted to find out this week that the Division of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (SHES) was the leading subject area at Brunel University London in REF2021 with a GPA of 3.30.
SHES has been the top-performing subject area at Brunel across three successive RAEs/REFs (2008–present).
Congrats to all of the staff who contributed to this fantastic result!
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Warm-up protocol in triathletes before an Olympic distance race" https://t.co/XQh2LnZ4DF via @SurveyCircle #triathlon #WarmUp #sports #olympic #SportScience #dissertation #phd #study #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/9ceNpHJ4WT
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jul 14, 2022
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mjtsparky · 2 years
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Read how I used @inscyd_ as part of a clients rehabilitation program after a serious injury. Learn how I structured training sessions to improve his performance enough to warrant the time and energy necessary to continue at a national level. As a result the comeback has been quicker than his medical team expected. Dedicated training and nutrition program using our partners @inscyd_ @torqfitness and @whatstodaysplan were all part of the process. Here’s a turbulent story of how we made him a time trial winner again. Article in our link in bio ⤴️ . . . #inscyd #sparksintolife #metabolictesting #metabolicprofile #PPD #physiology #exercisephysiology #VO2max #aerobicpower #aerobicenergy #VLamax #glycogenstores #anaerobicthreshold #fatmax #fatcombustion #fatmaxpower #carbcombustion #performance #cycling #sportsperformance #training #sportscience #coaching #cyclingcoach #sportcoaching #cyclingperformance #INSCYDCollege #education #performanceprojection https://www.instagram.com/p/CfD9q5isz-1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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