#spreading wisdom
tarotwithavi · 6 months
What makes you hauntingly beautiful?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
Your stunning, haunting beauty comes from knowing the value of slowing down, not just lazing around, but in taking real moments to think deep—kind of like finding peace in just thinking. You're a boss at stepping back, seeing that downtime and recovery are as important as the daily grind. That insight of yours? It's like a mysterious, magnetic power. The way you make choices isn't just about choices; it's about having a clear vision and following your gut. It's like you've got this inner compass steering you, giving off this cool vibe of purpose and confidence. You're beautiful in how you appreciate fresh starts, personal growth, and handling real-life stuff. There's a down-to-earth vibe about you that's super attractive, as if you totally get how embracing new opportunities and making them something big is where it's at. You've got this cool vibe of accomplishment and success. It's like you've been around the block and learned a ton, and it shows in the way you carry yourself. You've got this wisdom and worldly thing going on in how you present yourself. Fate seems to be your buddy on this life trip, and you carry it off so gracefully. That grace you've got in dealing with life's ups and downs adds this layer of depth to your beauty. You kinda know that life changes all the time, and it gives this mysterious charm to how you roll. Your strength? Man, it's a mix of soft and tough. It's not just physical but also emotional and mental. It's built on understanding tough times, almost a beautiful sadness that's super interesting. The real deal beauty is in how you face conflicts and challenges. There's this sense of organized chaos, where you handle friction and competition in a way that's more like a dance, showing off your adaptability and staying cool under pressure. And there's something crazy fascinating in how you deal with giving up and letting go. It's not about losing out but gaining a fresh perspective. There's this almost out-of-this-world beauty in your ability to move on and see things from a completely different angle, finding beauty in the stuff that's surprising and uncharted. Your haunting beauty is like a mixtape of these cool details—being calm, driven, down-to-earth, wise, accepting, strong, adaptable, and letting things go. It creates this totally mysterious allure that's both captivating and spellbinding.
Pile 2
Your eerie beauty is like this intricate dance between real powerful endings and those kick-ass beginnings. You give off this vibe that's kind of magnetic but also a bit unsettling. Your energy is intense, like a fire burning inside an adventurer , your moves, your determined eyes, it's all in there. You're not someone easily figured out, your depths are like a maze. There's something cool about your fearlessness, the way you tackle your fears straight on. It's this bold part of you that makes you such a mystery. You've grappled with your own inner monsters, and that struggle has really shaped you, leaving this mark of toughness that's both fascinating and puzzling. The times you've spent alone have totally changed you. They've chiseled your soul, creating this calm strength that's weirdly attractive. It's like you've found something special in the dark corners, finding comfort where most people wouldn't even dare to look. But even in your alone times, you've got this pull with others. Your interactions have this magnetic sweetness, kind of like the mix of life's bitter moments. The way you dive into happy stuff with a hint of sadness? That's what sets you apart. Your talent for handling both the shiny and the gloomy sides in your relationships gives this depth that's so attractive and kind of haunting. The way you guard yourself and the people around you, It's pretty impressive. It's like you're standing there at the gates, protecting not just yourself but everyone near you. Your determination to fight for what you stand for, your stubborn nature, is both a bit scary and strangely attractive. It's not just the physical space but also the mental and emotional lines you've drawn. Your ability to set these limits and safeguard your turf is both impressive and a bit haunting. It reflects your smarts and that mysterious vibe you've got going on. There's this mix in you of strength, toughness, being on your own, protection, sweetness, and a depth that's captivating and leaves a cool, haunting impression on everyone you meet.
Pile 3
(Some of you may be attracted to pile 1 , make sure to check that out!)
You've got this amazing vibe that's like this mystical spell . There's this magical aura about you. The way you handle your life, keeping your dreams close while staying super down-to-earth, it's like this mesmerizing dance that pulls folks towards you. Your inner strength, usually hidden behind a gentle sweetness, sets you apart; it's like you're a total pro at bouncing back and owning your power. There might've been times when you felt guarded or clung tightly to things, maybe because of past letdowns. But there's this soft glow that comes from inside, like the sun, bringing warmth and hope that pushes past any anger or worries. Your journey has been patient and full of thinking, a bit like taking care of a garden waiting for all your hard work to pay off. That patience and the skill to plan, dream, and build the world you want is where your haunting beauty shines. Your emotional depth and how you handle feelings without fear are like having a pure and innocent heart , it shows off this sensitive side of yours. It's like a shining innocence that hasn't been touched by negativity. There's a natural richness to your life, full of connections and joy that represents this abundance, this real sense of satisfaction and happiness that just beams out of you. Your journey isn't just about you; it's about finishing phases, ending chapters, and growing, this ongoing change and evolution. You've got this big-picture beauty about you that's linked to the grander scheme of things. It's like you've been through some tough stuff, each leaving a mark, but you stand tall with this unbreakable spirit, showing off your strength and echoes your toughness. The marks from those past struggles just add to your depth. Your haunting beauty is in your ability to renew, mend, and keep growing, like this unstoppable force of nature that remains enchanting despite the scars from the storms you've been through. You're this cool mix of strength, grace, and a mysterious charm that sticks in people's minds long after they've met.
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lillysilvermoon · 9 months
What your spirit team wishes you saw in yourself?
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Pile 1
First of all: your got a LOT os cups, and one of the signs was Pisces, so maybe this is some kind of confirmation for some here, but your spirit team want you to know that your kindness, your sensibility are not a weakness, you regulate your emotions SO MUCH better than you give yourself credit, you really should stop and look back to your past and say to yourself "man.. I have come a long way, I'm pretty good right now" because it's seems like you have experienced so much loss, depression, financial stress and even some abuse os substances (just a few of you, definitely very specific) and look at you now???? If you could seed how people see you... your spirit guides are so proud because, you think you not but you recovered from so much things, you healed so many things.
You are full of new ideas and you are so quick to go after them, specially related to money, if not now, you will be so stable in the future, like, maybe you are in a period of stagnation but soon this will pass and a lot of financial blessings are coming, and they REALLY REALLY wishes you could see how capable you are, you should give more credit for your ideas because they are AWESOME, whatever you are thinking right now: DO IT, it's what will give you so much happiness and money. I'm talking to much about money so I think you worry about this, well, you have all the capacity to live the life you want, to do what you are thinking right now - because I KNOW you are and IT'S GREAT, it's so f*cking awesome and WILL WORK.
I fell you ask to much about your healing and recovery process, and it is this, a process. They wish you could see how far you have come and how much far you will, but you need to have patience. They wish you could see like they see, the big picture, everything you want emotional and financial is possible to achieve, you are so capable you just have to believe in yourself. You have the ideas and the capacity to go after what you want AND GET IT. They want you to know that the happiness you always dreamed about, all this good moments, full of laught and happiness are right at the corner, please make the first step. You.Can!
Signs: Pisces, Gemini and cancer, 2 and 9, Pluto, mars, ascend node, mermaids and dolphins, water places, spring, flowers, books.
P.S: if you are going to some kind of blockage right now: it's will pass, you just need to recovery and so many ideas are coming!!!!!!
P.S²: I think some of you are really craving emotional happiness and stability, happy moments and just happiness in general: your spirit team want you to know that this are coming so so soon, please please please hang there just a bit more, you got the nine and the ten of cups, the ly wish you could see all the happiness that are coming to you, don't lose your faith, you are not alone, they here EVERYTHING you ask and pray for, those things are coming to you soon, they promise (I'm feeling so happy and at the same time so sad and I think it's you so please know: it is coming, this happiness you always dreamed are coming!!!)
Pile 2
I don't know if some of all works with angels or archangels but, you definitely have them in your spirit team!
Your spirit team whises you could see the progress you have done, you probably was holding on to people or situation that weren't good or healthy to you, and even made you have some financial problems and bad change os circumstances, but you putted yourself together and took action, people admire the faith you have and you should think about this more because have faith is hard, not everyone are able to do it easily the way you do. The wish you could see how strong, independent and diligent you are, so many people value your opinions.
The new beginning you have been waiting for so long are coming: for most of you it's a romantic new beginning, but for a good amount is just new relationships, yall were really attached to some toxic people, and you probably felted alone and wished when you would have cool people in your life, your spirit team saw all of this and here is your answer: they are coming, new people and friends are coming to you, got out and socialize, they want you to know to not be scared, the people you meet will kind and with good hearts, I promise (you can come here to tell me if this happens, I will be SO HAPPY to here about your new friends (or lovers?👀). They want you to know that the Divine Love you were wishing for are almost with you, they are doing there on inner work BUT it's finally at the end and you will meet them soon (this is a soulmate just you to know😊❤️).
Harmony and domestical happiness are coming too so if was having fights un your house, don't worry peace is coming.
Signs: 8, 4, 12, Pisces, scorpio and cancer, ascended node, Venus, mercury, beach, clubs, library, Journaling, parks and picnics.
P.S: I felt like I shouldn't use the second tarot but at the end I was hearing like "take three" and I got The Lovers (so yes, it's coming in case you were doubting - I think you doubt about this a lot and they REALLY wish you could see how close you are to meet them. And they also wish you could see how kind your are, you have no idea how many people you have helped just being you, even if it was for 5 minutes you made their day, give some credit for the incredibly person you are.
Pile 3
Okay let's start!!!! First of all, why you poorly about yourself.??????? Your team thinks you are SO GREAT, like really wait its too much information!!!!! You will get EVERYTHING you dreamed about, I think you are into manifestation?? You are truly good AND YOU JUST DON'T BELIEVE you manifested so many things and you don't even realize that lmao they wish you could see how proud they are (and you should be too!!!!!!!) Really, they wish SO BADLY you could see how many things are coming, you are so good at it please PLEAAAAAAASE have a little more faith in your capabilities. Now back to what I was saying first: you always get in any situation with your 2 feet, in a deep level your heart and soul are being nourished and I think you had to be for in the anonymity, maybe you are quite famous in some social media, but you took time and your image are suffering. The want tou to know that this is the best to do now.
Like Pile 2 you are so intelligent and truthful, you are such a good communicator and clear boundaries, I think you didn't had this in the past, well your boundaries are very good now and they are proud and want you to know this. You are also such a good business man/woman, you take care of your finances very well (I think in the past you heard about others people's experiences and chose your field seriously, gained intellectual knowledge, you payed attention in their failures and success and why they went the way they did and what you might do differently. They are so proud of you and want you to know that so many good things are coming to you (The World) really, they wish you could see how many things you will accomplish.
Signs: expensive bags (? I liked this 🤣)? 6,8,5, Aries, scorpio and Taurus, luxury lifestyle, quiet luxury, photography, Ralph Lauren (I wasn't going to write this one but when I was passing I felt a ring SO LOUD on my ears....) travels and cooking (I saw a big kitchen with white decor and was autumn, very cozy vibes)
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archersarrow-tarot · 7 months
📚 Tarot Journaling 📖
What can I use to make my tarot journal?
Anything!! It’s YOUR journal. You can use a notebook - of any size, type, etc; a scrapbook, a binder…get as creative as you want.
✨What should I record in my tarot journal?
Once again, it’s your journal! Anything and everything that you feel belongs inside it! But - here’s some ideas:
Previous readings
Daily Tarot Card Drawings (cards drawn, thoughts, your interpretation(s), etc)
Tarot spreads you’ve made
Questions to include for future readings
Ideas and inspirations for tarot spreads
Track recurring cards
Keywords, phrases, correspondences, & interpretations of cards
Card combinations
Tarot tips & tricks as you learn them
Your feelings while drawing certain cards, certain spreads, etc.
Why should I have a tarot journal?
Journaling can help deepen your connection with the cards
Tracks your progress with learning, as well as you as a reader in general
Prompts you to explore parts of yourself
Helps you gain a more mindful approach to life
Records your journey with tarot
Can make it easier to interact with the cards
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crappymixtape · 1 month
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hey, babes! good news / bad news.
good news? i'm writing my book!! :O holy shit, i feel insane writing that, but it's happeningggg. bad news? my hours just got cut to 0 at my job and i'm pretty sure i'm about to get let go 🥴
i'm the main breadwinner for my fam and it is stresssssful, SO i could use your help! i'm gonna try floating us with freelance work and i could use your help sharing that i do tarot readings!!
TAROT READINGS ( pay what you can! suggested min ~$20 )
the whole process is linked here! but it's super easy. send me a DM that you'd like a reading, submit payment ( kofi! ) along with a general idea of what you're wondering about, and then choose a deck from the ones listed below!
-> uusi’s pagan otherworlds deck -> ussi's supra oracle -> alba balesta gonzalez’s white numen tarot -> the stranger things tarot -> kim krans’ wild unknown tarot
i'll complete your reading in the format attached below and send back to you via DM or email or however you like within 48-72 hours! ♥️ i really, truly love doing this and would so happy to do it for you :]
thank you for sharing and spreading the word, means the world to me while i'm trying to support my fam. love you!! xoxo
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welcometoteyvat · 1 month
society moved on too quickly from furina's demo
#i think about the fontaine brawl that she imagined in her head sometimes like i feel like society needs more characters like that#ramblings!#also when she changes into pneuma form............ i've never seen something so fucking crisp in my life#the lights???? the music syncing?? it's like biting into a juicy apple cannot be topped#also the symbolism................... i was like 'hm. i actually dont really agree with that bilibili analysis video' after thinking it thr#through. <- also known as dumb behavior they almost predicted the entire 4.2 quest#tbh i feel like people also moved on too quickly from neuvis demo because that yellow field of grass is peak#i love when rando characters are dropped in the middle of nowhere contemplating existence#we also moved on too fast from ly.ney's story quest why do i keep seeing him in love with traveler#like his subtle threats to that woman... guys he's killed people dont make him just a flirt#dont mind me im just. replaying fontaine but in my head and via youtube trailers#actually something else is that while i still think most of the sumeru chars look a bit too much like they used skin bleach#the sequence right before nah.ida's burst where she's traveling through her own dreamscape is like. soo good im soooo....#references her character story... full of whimsy and elegance.. visiting children while asleep etc.. knowledge spreading something somethin#i also always liked how the 2 children floating in front of that window looked like they were guarding the gates of wisdom or smth#like sentries in front of a library. but theyre kids so its less somber and more like. idk joyful. house of learning open to all etc.#in a character trailer appreciation mood rn ig
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void-chara · 1 year
holy SHIT eclipse federation is so cool oh my gosh. this zam stream is SO GOOD. hes their sun their guide he keeps them grounded and reminds them what they fight for and what is right. AAAAAAA. vitalasy and subz could be gods and zam is mortal and hes there to question them they WANT him to question them AAAAAAAA. gay people. i NEED to draw fanart.
also like. the glitch?? WOW. flying like creative mode flying in SURVIVAL. and vitalasy is ALSO responsible for poopies along with spoke? wow!! AND THE PLAN. the plan! wowww. i need to draw some fucking fanart of like full godmode subz and vitalasy with zam. woww. minecrafters are sooo gay.
and like! its so good! theyve been thinking about him for so long and when zam brought up his anxieties they were so receptive and told him so much they literally. they. they care! about him! so much!! they wanted him there specifically so that his worries will keep them grounded and remind them of what the normal players of the server want!
and like. theyre trusting each other! they communicated! communication!! theyre all opening up to each other mcyts are SO gay fr. and zams got his Issues still be hes tryign hes trying to communicate with them and theyre being sooo receptive and AAAAAA. and and and. i just.
gay people. i need to create fanart i need to draw them i need to read fanfic i need to TALK ABOUT THEM . but noneee of my usual friends i go to to info dump watch lifesteal aaaaa.
WAIT WHAT. i just switched over to the vitalasy stream and he said if he wanted he could literally use this glitch to shut down hypixel?? oh my gosh
and like. also going back a bit WHY was that sign labeled lifesteal season 5?? and also what was in the other 64 pages of the journal?? and theres another book too??
i just. AAAAAAAAAAAA. i need to draw them. i am sooo incoherent except not really bc i just wrote a lot of words actually. um. WOW. wow. i am experiencing a catagory 5 autDHD moment right now. oh my gosh. i fucking love minecrafters this is so cool
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andromedasdomain · 6 months
Weekly Rune to Start Off the Week: 10/16/2023
ᛣ Elhaz Reversed- Losing touch with your intuition, sense of vulnerability. Stay on guard for any trouble but don't become paranoid or filled with fear. Take care of your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health. Avoid making hasty decisions. Use your intuition to distinguish who is trying to take advantage of you, for your protection. ᛗ Mannaz-  Humanity, the self, support, assistance, intelligence, family. Remember that we, humans, are one and cannot make progress on our own, we need each other. If there is tension between what you perceive as your place in the Universe and who you are, it is best that you maintain self-awareness and choose carefully how you approach some situations (listen to your intuition). Keep an open mind when it comes to receiving help from others and lending a hand to people in need. ᛁ Isa- Obstacles, standstill, stagnation, delay, coldness. You are advised to accept your circumstance as a reality, focusing your energy on making progress to be ready once you are able to. Don't give up trying; don't assume that it is over, this situation is temporary and doesn't mean things won't work out in the end. Evaluate things from a cool perspective and ask yourself if you have been open and expressive about your feelings lately.
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darabeatha · 2 months
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 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒:ㅤAsclepius .
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cigaratbp · 5 months
What's meant for you will never go away, you don't have to force things to stay. That's why you can never claim that 'something' is actually meant for you, because you will never know if they will really stay; you will just see their intentions over time. Unless you know how to distinguish intentions that exist for temporary reasons from those with pure purpose. And not all people with pure purpose display comfort and happiness. You see, people who are destined in your life cannot be defined just because they made you the happiest person for a period in your life. But don't forget that, in this life, you never have to chase what wants to stay with you. Everything will come and go. So be authentic, work on yourself so much that the ones who are truly meant for you will match your authentic energy. Without putting much effort, they will connect with you easily, purely.
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nei-ning · 2 years
“Staying happy and optimistic is a bit difficult in this millennium. For our own sake it is still the best to fearlessly aim on that direction despite all negativity which we need to survive from every day. TV, radio and internet show us bad news about our miserable world 24/7. If we can’t find a filter to all that, we might end up being victims of media’s parade of oppressive, one after another cruelty. There’s plenty of wars and rumors about wars. Even that we have rooted in the culture of chaos and violence, we have to make conscious choice of not to get stuck in hopelessness’ hypnotic over advertising. We have to stand brave in that believe that life is wonderful opportunity to experience wonderful miracles and adventures. It is not easy to choose to be happy in the world which is full of sorrow. That, however, still is our most sure way to victory. We have to keep our attention on that how we want things to be and on changes what we must do, not on misery and hopeless circumstances which we hope to get rid of.
Life was never meant to be a struggle. Despite how much we see worldwide struggle on the news every evening, that’s not the fate of mankind. We can’t find solution on world’s evilness by choosing to be part of it. We become part of the problem when we sink into the actions of indifference or revenge or in the thoughts of violence and judgement.”
- Dannion Brinkley (Secrets of The Light: Lessons from Heaven)
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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What in your life needs a good poot face? Do you have an old orange handy? Perhaps a potato? A rock and a marker? Give it a face in our Face of Wisdom Contest!
The Details:
What to make: We want you to put your favorite poot face on a physical object! The less time and money you spend on it, the better. Please use caution if you are carving anything. Do not bleed for Beet Poot. How to enter: Send good photos of your creation to our contest blog! Only one entry per person. If you have trouble sending through tumblr, entries are also accepted on Shifty Instagram. Please do not send entries to the main blog. Deadline: Beet Poot Day, May 14th at 10am EST. Winners will be announced that evening after the admins vote for their favorites! All entries will be shown on the blog throughout the day to celebrate the Beet. Who can win: Anyone in the world may enter. Please ask an adult guardian for permission if you are under 18. Be sure you can accept prizes through the mail and are comfortable sharing your shipping info with ShiftyThrifting. Prize: A Deluxe Junk Box featuring one of our amazing desk mats, a Vaporbee tote bag, Beet Poot accessories, and more!
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Inspiration: Browse the Beet Poot and Friends tag or look at some of the entries from Halloween 2019!
Good luck and have fun putting faces on things!
This contest is not endorsed or sponsored by tumblr, instagram, facebook, twitter.
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archersarrow-tarot · 6 months
| T A R O T | c a r d s |
that are associated with:
| study & learning |
The Hierophant (intelligence, traditions)
Magician (learning, study, concentration, focus)
The Chariot (focus, goals)
The Hermit (study)
Ace of Cups (learning, potential)
6 of Cups (teaching)
8 of Cups (new thinking)
Page of Cups (student)
Page of Wands (studiousness)
Page of Swords (student)
Page of Pentacles (seeking wisdom)
3 of Pentacles (apprenticeship)
8 of Pentacles (hard work, learning)
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jahiera · 8 months
the gang trying to keep up with emrys' vibes sounds impossible because she's a paladin who can be convinced to lie about anything after 3 seconds if you can justify the greater good of it. she grunts often. she only smiles at small children and when a bitchy comment is funny. she responds to encouragements to be evil with a kind of deep disappointed sigh but sometimes she'll allow a little harmless chaos to sate the brats in the party. she never gets flustered and she only responds to flirting with fatherly pats on the shoulder. she is extremely violent. she hasn't expressed an emotion in 80 days. she'll kill god for you but won't respond to questions about how she's feeling. she is a hugger.
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [9/20] ⟣
It’s a miracle for two people to meet, rely on, and trust each other.
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xserpx · 11 months
Aphobic rhetoric always seems to boil down to a kind of not-like-the-other-freaks contrarianism that is so painfully ironic I want to sink through the floor.
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enchantingepics · 1 month
Note #13
Reasons to Stay Alive
Dear Person,
I want you to know that you are valued, cherished, and loved. Life may seem overwhelming at times, but there are countless reasons to keep going, to keep fighting, and to keep living. I've compiled a list of reasons, big and small, to remind you of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us each day.
We Would Miss You: Your presence in this world matters. Your absence would leave a void in the lives of those who care about you.
Regret is Not Worth It: No matter how difficult life may seem, the regret of giving up is far greater than the challenges you face. Your resilience will inspire others.
It Gets Better: Even in the darkest of moments, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Storms eventually pass, and rainbows appear.
Don't Miss Out: Life is full of experiences waiting to be had. From small joys to monumental milestones, there's so much you would miss out on.
There's Always a Reason: Even when it's hard to see, there is always a reason to keep going. Your journey is unique, and your purpose is waiting to be discovered.
You Are Cared For: You are not alone. People care about you deeply, and your well-being matters to them.
You Are Worth It: You are inherently valuable and deserving of love and happiness. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise.
You Are Amazing: Embrace your strengths, your quirks, and your uniqueness. You are capable of achieving incredible things.
Emerging Stronger: Tough times may test your resilience, but they also provide opportunities for growth. You will emerge from challenges stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Unfulfilled Dreams: Think of all the dreams and goals you've yet to accomplish. Your potential is limitless, and your future holds endless possibilities.
Love: Even if it's from just one person, love is a powerful reason to stay. You are worthy of love and capable of giving and receiving it.
Music: Imagine a world without the melodies that move your soul. Your presence adds harmony to the symphony of life.
Impact on Others: Your actions have a ripple effect on those around you. Ending your life would cause immeasurable pain to those who care about you.
Missed Opportunities: You'll miss out on future experiences, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
Future Generations: Your existence shapes the future, including the possibility of having a family of your own.
Family's Feelings: Consider the impact your absence would have on your family. Your life is intertwined with theirs in profound ways.
You Are Perfect: To someone out there, you are perfect just as you are. Your imperfections make you uniquely beautiful.
Favorite Things: Think of all the little pleasures in life, from favorite foods to cherished activities. These simple joys are worth living for.
Unique Experiences: Life is full of unique experiences waiting to be had, from traveling the world to meeting new people.
Laughter and Joy: The world is full of laughter, joy, and moments of pure happiness. These moments are worth living for.
Hope for the Future: Your survival holds the potential to make the world a better place, even in small ways.
Inspiration for Others: Your journey can inspire others to persevere through their own struggles.
Soulmates and Connections: You have yet to meet the people who will profoundly impact your life and bring you joy.
Purpose: Your life has purpose, and it's up to you to discover it. Each day is an opportunity to uncover your passions and fulfill your potential.
Changed Lives: You've already made a difference in someone's life. Your presence has touched others in meaningful ways.
Potential to Change the World: Your actions have the power to change the world for the better.
Every Day is a Gift: No matter how challenging life may be, each day is a precious gift to be treasured.
Talent and Potential: You possess unique talents and abilities that have yet to be fully realized.
Embracing Imperfection: Happiness comes from embracing life's imperfections and finding beauty in the journey.
Be Your Own Hero: You have the power to overcome obstacles and become the hero of your own story.
Remember, dear person, you are not alone in this journey. There is hope, there is love, and there is a future waiting to be discovered. Keep fighting, keep believing, and keep living. You are worthy of every happiness this life has to offer.
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