bobsten · 10 months
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I’m ok
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goddaniiit · 6 months
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❝ Fantasy? You know what, Batman-- SSIK YM TTUB. ❞ 💋🍑
Photos | Jurdan Ho Photographic
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p1zzabrainz · 1 year
No offense, but even if he dosen't get mad at first, he might get a scare from a set of glowing blue eyes and a melty humanoid lurking outside his restaurant so late... plus, a tired person may not be able to handle their emotions as well as they would awake, so maybe this confrontation should wait until morning...
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" ..I just wanna rip off the band aid yknow? Maybe he wont be mad, but most of my anxiety has turned into curiosity. Its.. It's still a lot of anxiety. I have to admit that. But I wanna know what's going to happen. I'm.. Just glad to have you guys here with me. "
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" !!ssik setaicerppa onurB "
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rosie-b · 9 months
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thedemon-crowley · 9 days
I think I've solved your problem! The opposite of a kiss, I know what it is!
It's sSIK!
Being sick.
Love from car
Well…well, I can’t fault your logic, old girl!
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what do you think of hengy?
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"I hate Henry miller with a burning passion... oh wait I said his name correct DAMMIT!"
the sounds of tv static could be heard before sliver jack appeared
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"owo em wednu mih hsuwc dna mih ssik annaw I hcum os mih evow I yciuj dna pmuwp os s'eh ??wewwim ywneh .wm ,noitnem enoemos did ho owo"
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krowmeats · 6 months
Krowmeat's Punk Band List What Is A Personal Project Of Mine
Hi! I'm trying to find more punk bands that I like and are near me, so I've been doing Bandcamp Page Sleuthing. Turns out there's a fucking ton to sift through so I'm making a public list I can kind of just edit and update whenever I find a new one or start listening to one more. I found most of these by looking at the events posted by Vancouver Punk Calendar or Squamish Punk Night, and random venues on Instagram. I tried to put an asterisk of bands that aren't from BC, the formatting is a little fucked but there's still time to fix it
Like these a lot you may wanna know about them Headcheese, Imploders*, Money (With an umlaut so you know it's cool)*, Joey Only Outlaw Band, Blacked Out, Terminal City Rats, Kitty Prozac,
Bands that are good but only have a few songs out on bandcamp Math Bat, Sundiver, Crosshairs, Zero Bars*,
I like these a normal amount Contra Code, Breech Boys, Alien Boys,
Bands that did not interest me but might you WAIT//LESS, Disposal (With an umlaut so you know it's cool), Voltage, After The Fox, ATD, Mediaslaves
Good bands that are already pretty well-known so I'm de-prioritizing them but if you're a third party that's curious about what I'm into I guess look at 'em Screeching Weasel, Dead Kennedys, Crass, Against Me!, AJJ, The Taxpayers
Really good at first glance, have not listened to them enough to form an opinion
BEEF*, The Orphans,*
Assorted bands, have not listened to a lotta them yet but they piqued my interest at some point so they're on the List to look at in more detail later. These might be bad idk yet
Burning Love, Chronic Fatigue, Glowing Orb*, Dead End Drive-In, BOSSES, TOTAL DOOM,* Elephant Amnesia,* Punitive Damage, Nyrkkitappelu,*,Crippled Fox,* SLANT*, Tyvek,* Chain Whip, MattstaGraham,* Blood Ties, Smuther, Trenchraid, Knox, Noose Sweat, Blimp, Hollow Point, Mediated Form, SSIK, G.L.O.S.S.,* BUGGY,* Window Smashing Job Creators,* Antibodies,* Grawlix, RadDog
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
Please do the opposite of kissing me
[ TENNA presses a ssik to your hand. It's... the opposite of a kiss, maybe? + ?? HP ]
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daybr43ks-lam8 · 1 year
Why ehyb beh6 wh6bbi s s he ssiks sol menan.t bib I d idd nothing g I didid nothing I iddid d nothing I'd jtnn c.
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ch3ibassik · 1 year
ch3iba ssik _ mon coeur est brisé
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nerdypixel · 17 days
💋 !ssik a dna poob
💋 !ssik a dna poob
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
IRON LIZARDS Return with Action-Packed Cover of Kiss’ 'Gold Gin'
Parisian power trio IRON LIZARDS release an action-packed garage rock interpretation of the classic Kiss-track “Cold Gin”. The group released their high octane debut album ”Hungry for Action” in 2021, and now they finally return – this time with a Kiss-tribute filled to the brim with raw energy and dirty licks. Iron Lizard‘s cover of “Cold Gin” is featured on the compilation album “Ssik Action! A…
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gaogrotesque · 1 year
R.Tee "SMTM以後人氣上升…成為怪才一般的音樂人" ②
source. EDAILY
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音樂製作人R.Tee(本名金重九)藉由作曲拓展了他的領域,不只是BLACKPINK,也涵蓋了YG ENTERTAINMENT與THEBLACKLABEL的多組藝人,如BIGBANG、WINNER、TREASURE以及全昭彌等等。最近在Mnet的Hiphop Survival節目《SHOW ME THE MONEY 11》(以下簡稱SMTM)中,擔任製作人出演而人氣上升,進一步提高了身價。
「在這個節目中,我得以有機會與我所尊敬的artist們一同合作;就這點看來,收到以製作人身分參與的提案時感到很心動。而出演SMTM,能夠成為向更多人展現我的存在、以及我所追求的音樂方向等等的契機;也有著這樣的想法。」R.Tee在SMTM中與Rapper JUSTHIS組成了稱為「魚子醬(알젓;R.JUS)」的製作團隊,合流的隊員有許成炫、DON MALIK、KHAN、Los、Mckdaddy等等,一起完成了具有多樣化色彩的Hiphop音樂。
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R.Tee匠心獨具的製作功力,將〈MY WAY〉、〈醜小鴨〉等SMTM11競演曲推上了主要音源排行榜的最上位圈,並以此再次證明了本身所具有的出眾的音樂製作才能。
「MBTI是INFJ,是屬於什麼事都要謀定而後動的類型。因此確定要出演SMTM11之後,連Plan B(備用方案)也計畫好了、beat也預先準備了40首左右的程度,結果節目開始後,每一首都是完全新寫的。(笑)這樣一來,雖然體力上真的很累,但是歌曲達成了在排行榜上取得好成績的目標、也讓隊員們的名字為大眾所知,因此而感受到了幸福感。希望我們的隊員們大家都能夠成為宇宙大明星就好了。」
「一直以來,我時常在KAKAO TALK的Open Chat聊天室與fans交流。如果人數太多的話,溝通好像就會變得困難,因此將人數限制為200名。就像住在隔壁的鄰居、製作人哥哥似的,像這樣與fans交流、也會做像是苦惱商談這種的,在這樣的互動中感到心裡很充實。」
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「與和我具有不同特質的人們合作會產生好的synergy,IU xi特有的感性對我來說是我所不具備的,所以想要有趣地加以混合。比起把相似的人們和相似的東西很好地製作出來,我是屬於對以新鮮的組合、新奇地進行製作更加燃起熱情的類型。」
被問及以後有沒有創立以自己為首長的音樂公司的計畫時,R.Tee明確地劃清了界線:「絕對沒有。」也就是說,R.Tee會像現在一樣,作為音樂製作人及EDM DJ活動,並通過這些活動與粉絲交流、同時也過著追求幸福的人生,這就是他的夢想。
김현식([email protected])
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thedemon-crowley · 9 days
Whenever I'm ssik, i just stop being ssik and am awesome instead.
true story
Good story, anon! Happy for you. Have a gold star.
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loud huffing and puffing could be heard from sliver jack
"ssik gib a em evig dna eweh emoc uoy ees ot doog os s'ti mmm yadot ywevow os koow uoy ywneh .wetsim hO"
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ozel-buro · 1 year
MİLLİ SAVUNMA DOSYASI : Türk Donanması’na 3 İSTİF Sınıfı F irkateyn Daha
Türk Donanması’na 3 İSTİF Sınıfı Firkateyn Daha Haber Merkezi20 Aralık 2022 TCG İSTANBUL Firkateyni Facebook Twitter LinkedIn VKontakte E-Posta ile paylaş MİLGEM 6. 7. ve 8’inci gemilerin üretimine ilişkin karar, Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi tarafından alındı. Türk Donanması için 3 adet daha İSTİF Sınıfı Firkateyn üretilecek. Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi (SSİK), bugün Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan…
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