#star trek fluff
thorin-is-a-cuddler · 2 years
Nights of Tears, Mornings of Laughter
A/N: What exactly is that thing between Jim and Bones? I don’t know, but I’m certain it could be the most beautiful and most affectionate friendship in the history of stories. So, of course, I needed to write hurt/comfort for them. God, I love them. This is platonic and very emotional. Jim has a tendency to crawl into Bones’ bed, when he needs some comfort at night. Bones has made it a habit to make Jim laugh the morning after. Even when he almost dies. Could be read as pre-slash if you like that.
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It had all started during their days at the Academy. The days of Bones and Jim sharing a dorm, growing inseparably close, talking until late in the night. The days of Bones suddenly finding himself smiling at the enthusiasm of this younger Starfleet cadet - smiling like he hadn’t done in years. The days of Jim growing attached in a way his younger self had sworn himself never to do again after Sam had abandoned him, had left him alone with his tyrant step father and helpless mother. Those were the days where they had managed to forge a friendship stronger than any Vulcan mind, despite their pasts, despite their personal problems. Jim had quickly noticed himself feel at ease around Bones, like the doctor himself had been the best prescription he could have ever gotten. He had realized that being without Bones for an extended period of time was doing bad things to his head. Bad things that could only be persuaded to vanish when that separation had been successfully overcome. Even then, there still was a lot of baggage. The sort that tended to surface at night, when Jim and Bones tended to be asleep. The first time he’d woken up yelling, kicking and gasping, Bones had already been by his bedside, dark eyes alight with concern and shock in the moonlit room. His hands had been holding on to Jim’s shoulders almost painfully. It had taken several seconds for Jim to realize where he was, what had happened and that Bones had apparently shaken him out of the trap that had been his nightmare.
« Damn it, Jim, » he’d said back then, voice dark, tinted with sadness, « you were… you were shouting for at least two minutes. There was nothing I could do. » The shock had slowly started to make room for worry, one hand leaving Jim’s shoulder to gently wrap around the back of his head. « Hey, it’s okay, kid. It’s fine. It was only a dream. » He’d realized he’d been holding his breath, realized he’d been swallowing sobs when they started to slip at Bones’ affectionate words and careful hands. « I’m sorry. » He’d choked out before holding his hands in front of his face, covering his suffering grimace from the other man. Bones didn’t need to see his tears, the snot, didn’t need to hear his ugly hiccups from crying. But instead of reacting disgusted by Jim’s loss of control, Bones had grabbed for his hands to remove them from his face, a thumb gently touching his chin to lift it slightly. Eyes filled with deep sympathy, Bones had told him: « Don’t ever apologize for suffering, Jim. Not to me. » The unparalleled amount of affection and reassurance had broken Jim down to one of the worst crying fits of his life. Suddenly his head had been buried at Bones’ chest, one arm holding him so tight that Jim had known he wouldn’t fall as long as the other wouldn’t let go. A second hand had cradled his head like a child’s - a child that had never experienced it before. While Jim had cried about the sheer amount of pain he’d felt in that moment - pain about dreaming of being nothing, pain about having felt like nothing for so long in his life, pain about never having had someone to make him see more in himself, pain about finally having found that someone - Bones had never once let go. He’d rocked him gently in his arms and had continued shushing him whenever Jim had tried to apologize for being who he was in that exact moment. And eventually his sobs had died down and he’d regained a normal breathing pattern at Bones’ chest, his head hurting and his eyes feeling swollen. They had remained silent for several moments, Bones continuing his gentle rocking as Jim had felt tiny shards in his chest disappear forever, some kind of healing spreading inside of him. When Jim had opened his mouth to try and make a sound, Bones had immediately interrupted him, a gentle irony to his voice. « Don’t you dare apologize, or so help me. » Jim’s lips had shaped into a small smile. « I wanted to thank you. » He had croaked out, another tear falling from his lashes, the thickness of his voice a demonstration of how raw he was still feeling inside. « It’s all good, Jim. All good. » He had started to repeat those words to him over and over like a very short, very effective lullaby. With his head still buried at Bones’ chest, Jim had felt his ear touch his pillow, he’d felt a blanket touch his back like an embrace and he’d slipped back into sleep at some point after that. The words « It’s all good. Sleep now. » carrying him over the threshold to unconsciousness again. The next morning when Bones’ alarm had gone off, Jim had awoken with a doctor’s arm slung over his back and a comfortable chest as an extra cushion. It had been the most peaceful and comfortable position he’d probably ever woken up to. At least for about nine seconds. Then Bones had startled him by kicking himself up and awake with a sudden violence, shouting out curses. « DAMN ALARM! DAMN, DAMN ALARM!! » Jim could still remember how hard he’d had laughed at Bones’ epic, sleep-induced hunt for the alarm. After a night of comforting him selflessly, the first thing he’d decided to do in the morning had been to trip over everything in their shared room to make Jim laugh. That had never stopped being Bones’ typical comfort strategy in the years that followed. They hadn’t talked about that night ever again. But Jim was certain that it had been this exact night that had started the streak of Bones’ comfort missions. Often enough he’d talked to him about it, had suggested not to forget taking care of himself as well. The idea that Jim was somehow exploiting Bones’ ability to make him feel better didn’t sit well with him. But every time Jim had voiced his concerns, Bones had merely chuckled, put his hands on Jim’s shoulders and vowed to never lie to him, to never do anything he himself didn’t like and to never hide when he needed anything from Jim as well. And Jim had grown accustomed to it. He’d learned to understand that in a friendship like theirs, no one would abandon the other, no one would get fed up with the other. They were being themselves around each other and that was enough. Jim didn’t have to act tough, Bones didn’t have to force himself to care - he simply cared. Neither of them needed to lie. Having this kind of relationship with Bones had never seized to amaze Jim who often enough could still not believe that Bones even liked him. But he truly seemed to be doing that and he did not grow tired of reassuring him of it. So after Jim had become Captain of the Enterprise and Bones its Chief Medical Officer, things hadn’t changed much for them, if only for the fact that they were no longer sharing a dorm - in theory. They hadn’t been in space for long when Jim had let himself into Bones’ room on the starship during sleeping hours, gently pushing him in his bed to make room for himself next to the doctor. Bones had startled awake with a snorting sound, seen Jim’s shape slip under the blanket with him and simply closed his eyes again, one arm wrapping around Jim’s chest to hold him close to his own. Groaning quietly, he’d gently smoothed his thumb over Jim’s chest, a safe way to make him stop gritting his teeth. « How bad is it tonight? » Bones had asked him in a slurred voice, sleep peppering it to sound deeper than usual. Jim had merely grabbed for Bones’ hand on his chest, tugging his friend’s arm under his own to hold it like a pillow against his torso. « Not bad now, » Jim had responded, smiling timidly when he’d heard Bones hum contently behind him and both of them had been fast asleep. Again, it had been Bones’ alarm that woke them up several hours later, Bones’ reaction violent as always as he basically exploded in an upright position with a yelp, leaning over Jim in an attempt to turn off the deafening noise. The Captain had groaned dismissively under the sudden weight on top of him, shuffling under Bones, trying to push him off. « This thing will give you a heart attack one day, » he’d stated, rubbing sleep from his eyes with a yawn, as Bones had kept fiddling around for the small device, cursing wildly and basically crushing Jim in the process. « Excuse me, I need to breathe! » Jim had protested when the weight of his friend simply wouldn’t shift, his hands trying more decidedly to maneuver him someplace else, resulting in Bones yapping at him. « Stop pushing me, I’m trying to save us! » An elbow nudged Jim right in the stomach, as an upper arm kept on ruffling his hair and it was around that point that he broke out laughing, realizing that Bones was only messing with him. « You old creature of habit, » Jim had chuckled as another blow to his stomach had made him topple over, his defensive arms trying more forcefully to fight Bones off. That bastard had already started laughing himself, trying eagerly to stuff Jim under a pillow as he still acted like reaching for the blaring alarm. As always, a night of comfort was followed by a morning of laughter. Somehow Bones never failed to make him laugh until his belly hurt. « Don’t worry, you’ll be out of harms’ way in a minute. » « I seriously doubt that!! » Jim had gotten out in between huffs of exertion and his ceaseless giggles. He could already feel his eyes watering as he tried to break free from underneath the pillow, Bones eager to keep him from achieving that. « Juuuust a minute, » Bones had drawled with a chuckle, before actually turning off the alarm and letting himself fall back next to Jim on the bed. « Now, Captain drama, isn’t that better? » « I’ll give you Captain drama. » And the pillow in question had quickly ascended on the doctor’s face, more giggles following as the two of them had battled for pillow superiority until Bones had managed to drop out of bed, hurrying to the bathroom to save himself. It never seized to surprise Jim how good he felt after such nights and mornings with his best friend. Over the years, the pains of his bleeding heart had turned so dull that Jim was certain: the mere existence of Bones had mended it to a stronger and healthier organ. The simple security of knowing he could always go to him, could always ask for help in a way that Bones was capable of offering relief for, was part of why he managed to pull through as Captain of the Enterprise. Without Bones, he was certain he wouldn’t be who he was, wouldn’t be half as resilient. And that was why the nights that followed the accident had been the worst he’d had on the Enterprise so far. Alien life forces had attacked their ship and a sharp piece of metal had punctured Bones’ shoulder in the corridor he’d been mending wounds in, blessing him severely due to a following infection. He’d been in a critical state for a week, an entire week in which Jim had tried his best not to fall apart, not to neglect his duties as Captain of the ship, not to let the others see how horrendously he was suffering. But sitting next to Bones’ bed every night, watching him breathe shallowly as sweat from his fever covered his face, he’d known he was going to fail the crew eventually. He’d needed to find a way to sleep, to calm down, to comfort himself when Bones wasn’t there to do it. His head was getting louder again, bad things suddenly saw a chance to resurface and through all that noise, he had barely been able to form a coherent thought, when a hand on his shoulder had startled him out of his painful trance. He’d swirled around on his chair next to Bones’ bed to see Nyota hold her hands up calmingly, her face a mix of concern and sympathy. Spock was standing in the back, next to the door to sickbay, apparently having accompanied her here. He was wearing an expression that could have been the Vulcan version of worry. After the initial surprise, Jim had realized how he must have looked to them, lost and afraid, like a little child. He was their Captain, he had to pull himself together. He took a deep breath and meant to get up from his chair. « Lieutenant, Officer, I was just about to- » « Jim, » Nyota had whispered gently, placing a hand on his shoulder again, keeping him from standing. The sadness in her voice and on her face in combination with her calling his name almost got Jim to collapse right there, right then. He couldn’t do this without Bones. He couldn’t even breathe freely without Bones. How was he supposed to act tough when his mind was crumbling into pieces of madness? After a moment of silence, Jim had put his hands over his face and started crying. He hadn’t cried like this ever since that one night at the Academy when Bones had first held him all night to fix him. He wasn’t there to do it for him now and Jim hadn’t known how much he’d needed a hug until Uhura had wrapped her arms around his head to pull it against her side. He’d never taken his hands away from his face, just stayed in his slumped position on the chair, sobbing and sniffling. But the way she was carding her fingers through his hair, the way she tried as gently as possible to offer him some kind of comfort made him feel better already. When he’d managed to calm himself a little, Uhura had taken her arms away from his neck to place them on his shoulders. A faint smile was gracing her lips. He mirrored her expression in an even fainter way, but he nodded at her, trying to get his gratitude across. She seemed to understand perfectly. Spock appeared behind her and allowed his gaze to linger on Jim’s face with a kindness he’d rarely managed to make out this explicitly. « Captain, Doctor McCoy has asked us to give you this in case he should ever be compromised in a way that keeps him from - and I quote - looking out for you. » Spock extended his arm and opened his hand, a small shining frame lying in his palm. Jim furrowed his brows, his tired eyes burning, when he looked at the bright light. « What is that? » Carefully he picked it up, holding it closer to his face and flinching slightly when the shining glass rectangle scanned his eyes, affirming his identity. Immediately the little thing was filled with colors as pictures started to appear in front his eyes. Pictures of Bones and him. Funny pictures, crazy pictures, happy pictures. Pictures of them smiling and laughing at the camera or making funny faces. Pictures of them testing out the different flavors of ice cream from that one store in Yorktown who had the most incredible flavors. One of them showed Bones dropping his cone on his pants in shock, his face showing full well how awful the purple scoop must have tasted like. Jim remembered this moment vividly, remembered how it had been one more of those days with Bones that had made him cry with laughter. 
The urge to smile came over him, as a warm feeling spread inside his chest. There were endlessly new pictures appearing in front of his eyes and they were truly the best comfort Bones could have come up with for times like these. Grateful and moved, Jim looked up at Uhura and Spock. « Thank you so much. » Spock nodded meaningfully while Uhura responded with a smile, gently squeezing his arm one last time, before grabbing Spocks’s hand to leave him to it. In the door of sickbay, she turned around one more time. « You should try and get some sleep, Captain. The doctor won’t be too pleased when he wakes up to find you more ghost than man. » « It is most logical to follow Nyota’s advice. » Spock agreed. « It isn’t advisable to anger Doctor McCoy in a phase where he needs a lot of rest. » Jim realized that their perspective on his behavior was indeed most logical. And effective. He really didn’t want to anger Bones in the state he was currently in. The words of the other two had made him believe in a faster recovery, one he’d been hopeless to expect before. He sent them another smile and wished them a good night. Then he got out of his chair and looked at the remaining space in Bones’ sickbed with a sigh. It wasn’t much, but he was certain he’d manage to squeeze in there as well, if only he were careful enough not to hurt Bones in the process. Carefully he draped an arm over his best friend’s ribs, buried his head down in the small piece of pillow that remained and held the picture frame close to his chest. « Get better soon, » he murmured against Bones’ neck, feeling new tears surge in his eyes, but wiping them off his cheeks, before they managed to touch Bones’ skin. He had more hope within him than before. But he still missed him painfully. « Get better soon, you hear me! » He hadn’t slept in two days and therefore managed to go under in seconds, blacking out from sheer exhaustion. At least, it turned out to be a dreamless sleep, allowing him to rest enough to wake up feeling better than he had before. He blinked a few times, confused to find the neon hospital lights blind him straight away. Until a voice next to him reminded him of where he was. « Are you finally awake? » Jim sat up like Bones did whenever his alarm went off, eyes immediately filling with tears again. He looked down at his friend smiling up at him, the sweat on his forehead gone, the glimmer in his eyes clear and bright. « Oh, Bones!! » He exclaimed, his voice quivering slightly as he almost slipped from the bed frame with the limited space it offered, Bones healthy arm coming to rescue him, before he could crash. Trying to contain his over-the-moon joy, Jim merely repeated his friend’s name over and over, gently cupping his face with his hands and occasionally dropping his head on his good shoulder to be close to him. Tears were flowing down his cheeks and he could see that his emotional reaction was making it hard for Bones not to get emotional as well. His eyes glittered slightly as he tirelessly stroked Jim’s back, trying his best to soothe him now that he was able to do so again. « We’re okay, Jim. It’s all good. I’m fine, I promise. They stabilized me hours ago, wanted to wake you to make you leave, but I told them to just ignore you. You sleep so rarely after all. » Jim had to chuckle through his tears at the idea of all the nurses, male and female and in between and more, fussing around Bones with their Captain curled up by his side like a little dog. 
« I told them to do a check up on you as well while you were unconscious there, told me that you were under-nourished, you little bastard. If you don’t remember eating anything today, I’ll force-feed you. » Jim curled up laughing when Bones moved his hand to poke at his middle, meaning to get his point across, but only managing to tickle him slightly. « Okay, oKAY! I promise. » Jim huffed, protecting his body with his hands and grinning when Bones lowered his arm with a grunt, a smile taking over his features again quickly. When the first wave of relief had washed over them, Jim exclaimed in shock all of a sudden, frantically moving his hands over the covers to search for his picture frame. Bones just chuckled and motioned to his right hand, not quite moving it due to his shoulder still being in plaster. « Don’t worry, I took it away from you when you were still sleeping. I’m glad the hobgoblin and Uhura gave it to you. It was for emergencies only, so I figure you weren’t doing so well. » Bones’ voice turned more quiet and grave, his eyes searching Jim’s face for traces of further breakdowns to come, but surprisingly Jim managed to smile. « I was… very desperate. » He said, lowering his gaze. « But the frame was a genius idea. Just remembering all the things we’ve gotten up to silenced the voices in my head to a degree. Even if you weren’t there to do that for me. » Bones winced slightly and grabbed Jim’s wrist to pull his hand to his chest. « I’m glad it helped you, kid, I really am. » Jim swallowed the newly formed lump in his throat and gently moved his thumb over Bones’ hand. « All that matters is that you are doing better. Not for me. Not for anyone else. Simply for yourself. » Tilting his head Bones looked up at Jim with a mix of worry, gratitude and affection. They remained silent for several moments until Bones’ little smile turned into a grin. « So, yer hearing voices, huh? » Jim let himself fall back down on the hospital bed with a loud groan, quickly regretting that as he was subdued to more pokes to his middle immediately, laughter jumping out of him as he seemed to be incapable of protecting himself against one hand of one injured doctor. « Seriously, Jim? You can’t do better than that? » Quickly he was howling with laughter when Bones’ good hand started tickling him mercilessly, latching on to his sides and ribs expertly - as Jim’s doctor, he was prone to knowing all of his sensitive spots. It tickled like hell, but Jim didn’t want to defend himself too much, in case he’d hurt his friend in the process. Bones was taking full advantage of that, very pleased with the outcome of his attack, judging by his huge grin. As always, he managed to make Jim laugh full heartedly - a mission he’d never failed at. « This is ridiculous. I’m half-dead and you can’t even handle me tickling you one-handedly. » Jim merely shook his head, his tongue poking out between his teeth as he squeezed his eyes shut against the sensations, bubbly giggles never stopping to shake his form on the bed. He was slapping at Bones’ hand, sometimes latching on to it when he found a particularly ticklish spot, but he’d rather gotten tickled a hundred times than have Bones unconscious for another week. « Oh, alright, you sad little bastard, » Bones chuckled, when Jim seemed to lean into his touch, smirking down at the little kicking ball on his left with fondness, « now you’re getting it. » Jim squealed when Bones leaned down to blow a raspberry under his chin, his good hand continuing its unbearable journey down Jim’s ribs, the Captain kicking out harder than before, his laughter ringing around Bones like a thunderstorm. « DOHOOHOHN’T!! » « Oh, yes, you’re getting it. Jim Kirk’s neck shall know no mercy until he’s begged for forgiveness. » Jim raised a hand in surrender, his laughter rising in pitch when Bones’ teasing words riled him up all the more, before another raspberry struck right above his collarbone, the ticklish feeling exploding on his skin. « FORGIVENESS FOR WHAHAT!! » « For raising the wrath of the tickle monster! » Bones spoke in his best dangerous voice, stifling his own laughter, growling as his fingers travelled down Jim’s stomach, making him squeak and giggle and kick as he awaited the next killer raspberry. « WHAHAT DIHIHID I DOHOHO?? » « Youuu wiiill sufferrrr! » Bones ignored his question and growled dramatically, before making Jim shriek with laughter as another raspberry found the spot underneath his ear, making him kick out the hardest yet which resulted in Bones blowing another one and another one exactly in the same place until Jim couldn’t take anymore. « PLEHEHHEASE PLEHEHEASE I BEHEG I BEEHHEG!! » « Have you suffered enough? » Bones demanded, poking all over his torso again, keeping his best friend in stitches. « I hahave, I have you big stupid terrible- » Jim broke off, laughing louder again, when Bones wiggled his thumb into his side again. « Big stupid terrible what? » « GENIUS! » He shouted out, tears of laughter pricking the corners of his eyes. « WONDERFUL CLEVER GEHEHENIUS!! » « Was that so hard? » Bones chuckled, before retrieving his hand and sinking back down in the covers. He sighed deeply, appearing to be exhausted from their little game, but a smile was clinging to his features. « Always get you to laugh, huh kid? » Jim was panting next to his friend, covering his body with his hands and looking over at him with a wide smile on his own face. « You always cheat. » 
Bones chuckled and opened his arm, offering a space to cuddle up to for his friend. « Where would be the fun in not doing that? » Jim smirked and immediately rolled closer, tugging his head in under Bones’ chin and slowing his breathing down. They remained like this for a while, Bones close to falling asleep again, when Jim’s quiet voice spoke up again. « I love you. » As if a huge starship had crashed into his heart, Bones felt it get hit with a force that almost made him wince. He pressed his lips together and tried to fight the burning feeling in his throat, but Jim could hear the emotion in his voice, when he answered. « I love you too, kid. So, so much. »
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artistmarchalius · 4 months
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Floyd and the newly named Billie the service bat!
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eldar-of-zemlya · 1 year
Jim likes to pick up Spock after work at the Embassy. Sometimes, they drop by the store on their way home and get some wine for the evening. Jim is always so excited to finally see Spock after a long day of work, that he blabs the whole way home, while Spock silently listens, responding with occasional "hms" and "indeeds". Spock will never admit it but walking home from work with Jim is his favourite part of the day.
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spongynova · 11 days
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Spock needed comfort, not that he said it. Bones isn't easy to fool, though. SO it a blanket, plushy and hot beverage situation!
For @starrycrowz
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lamelycool · 10 months
𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑡ℎ 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑀𝑒 (𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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"I'm sorry... This is all my fault I should've payed more attention I should have... I don't know I just wish-"
"There is nothing you could have done to change this. It is not your fault." Spock calmy states.
You begin to notice the slight shiver in his voice, and the growing green tint to his skin that's increasing along side the dropping temperature. It really concerns you. The cold must be getting to him. Gods, all of this because of a shuttle crash. The two of you were luckily this planet happened to be inhabitable. Well Inhabitable... but unpleasantly freezing. There's no telling how cold it must feel for Spock with his Vulcan heritage.
"T'hy'la are you alright?" Spock asks breaking your train of thought.
"Sorry, I just... I just feel useless. Sitting here freezing just waiting for the Enterprise to rescue us. If they even rescue us."
"The Enterprise will likely rescue us do not worry. " The unspoken question of when is avoided. There's not telling how long it will take. Hours, days, or worse... The two of you go silent.
"Are you cold? " You eventually speak up.
"I am adequate. "
"Spock, please don't lie... "
"Vulcans do not li-" you cut him off by reaching out a hand placing it against Spock's cheek. You gasp jolting your hand back.
"You are freezing cold! Why didn't you tell me?!" You panic and quickly shed your emergency blanket wrapping it around Spock.
"I did not want to tell you, I do not want to worry you. Please...keep your blanket you need it." Spock shivers out.
"Spock... please let me warm you? "
Spock paused then reluctantly nods. He uncovers himself holding his arms out for you to crawl into. Seems he already knew what you were planing. You snuggle up into him and cradle him close.
"May I touch your hands? "
"You always may. "
"Thank you... " you take his hands in yours gently holding them and rubbing them. Then you breathe warm air on them, breathing warmth into him like you always manage to do.
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cadene · 5 months
I have made a Moopsy!
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spirk-trek · 3 months
Would love to see a little something about TOS spirk and dress uniforms, whatever speaks to you!! I love the intimacy of getting ready together and dressing up fancy with your partner :)
inspired in part by this post by @flippyspoon, this fan art [deactivated], and also this fan art by @lesbospirk!
i initially wanted to do something with spock's eyeshadow (still might??) but then the idea of him cutting jim's hair broke into my mind and wouldn't leave... and i never stop thinking about mind melds, so.
lastly: fuck hypersonic showers, ok? spock takes baths and jim loves sitting under steaming water for the drama. that is all. hope you enjoy, anon!
Jim was toweling his hair dry when he re-entered his quarters, screwing his face up as he scrubbed at any residual dampness. He let the towel fall in an open loop around his neck, cotton sleep pants slipping down his waist as he leaned against the partition. Spock was there, of course. Jim watched as he diligently smoothed the sleeves of a green dress tunic laid out over his mattress.
And my, was Spock a sight for sore eyes. The more reflective shade of blue complimented him, each fold capturing light like shards of zircon, lattice trim evoking something almost… royal, in the way it climbed the high collar. Jim’s eyes traced a line of golden embroidery down Spock’s chest as soon as the man turned to find him there, promptly raising a brow.
“Dressings suit you,” he murmured by means of explanation, pushing off the wall and taking a few slow steps to close the space between them. He propped both arms against Spock’s shoulders, extending them into the room behind with loose, lazy wrists.
For so long he had savored these moments of up-close observation, even going so far as to fabricate close quarters on multiple occasions just so he could drink Spock in. The range of barely-there shades of green surrounding his lips, touching the hollows of his cheeks, arching over where his nostrils met the bridge of his nose. Short, dark lashes lining irises the color of a mud-settled pond. Of tadpoles. Of space between stars. 
Spock’s response pulled Jim from his reverence. 
“You have a significant bias."
“Do I?” His gaze dropped to Spock’s lower lip. “Based on the evidence,” he dragged his finger down that seam of gold, “I’d say we’re dealing in… objective fact, Mr. Spock.”
After a moment, Spock finally angled his face lower so their lips were mere centimeters apart. 
“Aesthetic preferences cannot be objective, Captain.”
Jim’s smirk only grew before he finally captured Spock’s mouth, letting a satisfied breath out through his nose. Spock met him, hands bracketing his waist before sliding upward over skin, eventually finding the nape of his neck where fingers curled into damp hair…
Spock broke the kiss and Jim hummed in protest, blinking his eyes open.
“I’ve noticed an increase in the length of your hair,” he observed, as if commenting on the weather. Spock's eyes rose to watch his fingers card through the wave of Jim’s bangs. Jim leaned up into the touch. 
“Mm, you think so?” 
“Indeed. I estimate it has exceeded typical length by 2.51 centimeters.”
“Hm. I suppose it has been a while since I had a trim. Remind me after the delegation-”
“We have time presently, if you are amenable.”
Jim drew back, giving Spock an amused look. “I doubt the salon will be accepting appointments at this hour, Spock. Even for the Captain.”
He curled his fingers over the nape of Jim’s neck again.
“I perform my own haircuts.”
Jim’s brows shot up even further in surprise, still sporting an open mouthed grin which he laughed brightly through. “You want to cut my hair?” He withdrew his arms so he could place one hand on either side of Spock’s neck, thumbs just reaching each corner of his jaw. “I’m not sure I could pull off your cut, sweetheart,” he joked.
Spock didn’t answer aside from a quirk of his lips, accepting the implied agreement before extracting himself and moving past Jim to the door of their adjoined bathroom. Jim watched him go, once more thanking Starfleet for their choice of dress uniforms, and still hadn't looked elsewhere by the time he returned holding a basin and several utensils. Jim knew that Spock preferred his own grooming routines (right down to the fingernails), but he wasn’t expecting the fine golden scissors. Nor did he expect the straight razor which resembled antiques from Earth, yet was still different somehow. He reached for the handle, turning it over in his hands, appreciating the way it gleamed.
“You’ve never shown me these.”
“It has not been pertinent until now.”
Jim placed the razor back into the basin, supposing that was true. 
“Come,” Spock requested, and Jim did, allowing himself to be turned so Spock stood at his back. Gentle fingers slid the towel from his neck and draped it over his shoulders. 
And Jim did again, lowering himself into the desk chair Spock had wheeled around. Spock began pulling strands of hair upward and letting them fall free, so Jim shut his eyes, almost losing himself to the sensation until he heard a snip. The very end of a curl tumbled down the length of his arm and fell to the floor. He peered down at it, prompting Spock’s hands to curl around his head and face it forward once more.
“Remain still, k’diwa.”
Jim smiled, a warmth blooming throughout him. He loved when Spock called him that.
He continued to snip here and there, a halo of trimmed hair quickly forming around them. Jim relaxed into the contact until once again a sound roused him. Water. He cracked one eye open to see Spock running his fingers over the surface of a clear pool now filling the basin, flicking droplets back inside and combing the moisture through his hair. 
“Could get used to this,” Jim murmured. Snip.
“I have no objection to making it a regular practice.”
He grinned, a shiver running through him as Spock dipped his hands into the water again, cold droplets rolling down his neck to be absorbed into the towel. 
“Apologies, k’diwa.”
“No, no. Feels nice.” 
Snip. Snip. Then, Jim saw in his peripheral as Spock set the scissors down on his desk. Gentle pressure on the back of his head tilted it downward, chin to chest. More swishing in the water.
“Do not move,” Spock directed more seriously, and a moment later Jim felt the press of sharp metal scraping down the lines of his neck. He swallowed, hairs on his arms raising as Spock diligently shaped the bottom of his hairline. Slow. Careful. He felt a hot flash of trust, of comfort and care skittering over him until the pressure from Spock’s hand released. Jim didn’t immediately raise his head allowing Spock to trace his fingers over the line, inspecting it by touch. 
The same hand soon reached around to tip Jim’s chin back up. He continued the movement until he was craned back as far as he could go, sure he looked ridiculous as he peered up at Spock, batting his eyelashes. 
“You know, the barber usually kisses me once he’s finished.”
Spock’s second brow rose to meet the first before he bent at the middle, pressing a chaste kiss to Jim’s lips upside down. 
“I do not find that amusing,” he murmured. Jim brought his hand up to the back of Spock’s neck to pull him back down for second kiss before he could pull away, lingering this time, smiling into it before releasing his hold. He could hear Spock smooth the lines of his uniform and draw a short breath through his nose.
“Regardless, I am not yet finished.”
When Jim tried to twist in his chair, he found Spock already circling around to his front. 
“You aren’t?”
“You have not shaved.”
Jim blinked. He usually just used a photon shaver on his way out the door, which could be done in an instant, but when hazel eyes fell to see the razor still held in Spock’s hand his lips curled. He flashed his eyes back up.
“Okay,” he said with a slow nod. He settled back in the chair, gaze steady as Spock moved to stand closer, eclipsing the ceiling light. Jim leaned his face into Spock’s hand as a thumb briefly swiped over the rough stubble covering his chin.  
After smoothing a layer of lotion that smelled like desert spices over the bottom half of Jim's face, Spock began his ministrations high on each cheek, making smooth swipes downward and carefully steering the blade around the corners of Jim's mouth. He relaxed his jaw, lips parting, eyes falling shut of their own accord. Spock eventually brought his hand to one side, propping Jim's face against his palm as he shaved along the opposite edge.
By the time he recognized the warm feeling wrapping itself around him, the tightening thread pulling through his mind and lifting him from the world, Jim was already plummeting through space. He was vaguely aware, somewhere, of his physical body falling into Spock, a cold hand meeting the drop of his head with gentle steadiness. 
Delight spun through him in tendrils. He rushed forward, coiled around Spock’s presence, reached inside and felt the beating of his heart like it was his own. 
Jim. His full name was feather light, yet somehow more insistent. Echoes bounced around them before Spock brought him back to center. My intention was not to meld with you.
Then I must be dreaming, he thought warmly, and suddenly Spock was there before him in swirls of shimmering twilight, pulling him by the hand, by his chin. He felt his warmth from the inside out. Like he had swallowed a sun. Like he could never be cold again. 
Return to me, k'diwa. I must finish.
“I love when you call me that.”
The words, his own voice, were what pulled him back to reality. Their faces were mere inches apart. His cheek was wet. He smelled spices around him, felt humidity in the room. Suddenly, Jim remembered the task at hand and blood rushed to color his face, but the expression he found on Spock’s was fond. Soft. His fingers followed Jim’s chin as it drew back before letting the contact cease altogether.
“Did I…?”
Spock nodded once. Jim swallowed and bit his lip sheepishly. 
Spock shook his head, denying the apology. “My hand placement was unwise. I admit, I was distracted.”
Jim’s embarrassed grimace began to lift into a self-satisfied smile.
“You, distracted? I'd be curious to know what could've managed such a thing.”
Spock said nothing at first. He placed a considerably more careful hand on top of Jim’s head to steady it.
And Jim let Spock tilt his head once more before feeling the cool metal touch back down on his skin. This time the path began just below the line of his jaw, trailing down and catching fine hairs along the column of his throat. When he could, he tried to catch a glimpse of the unwavering concentration on Spock’s face as he worked his way across. 
“You do this every morning?” Jim all but whispered as his head was allowed to level. He instinctively brought a hand up to feel the smooth skin, running his fingers over it in appraisal.
“My metabolism has adjusted to living aboard the Enterprise. I only require this level of grooming approximately once every twenty one standard days.”
Jim blinked. How was he still learning new things about Spock, even after all this time? He supposed that explained why he never had a hair out of place- that is, unless Jim had something to say about it behind closed doors.
Spock was inspecting him now, dark eyes roaming his face, searching for any neglected spots over it's surface. Jim sat still, defiantly keeping his gaze steady until those eyes met his again. They both held it for a prolonged moment until Spock reached out touching his thumb to what must be a single hair left behind. His fingers climbed…
Jim couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He surged forward again, their minds coming together like a flood as if protesting the premature ending from before. As always, Spock was there to catch him. Arms twined around, undefined and abstract, embracing him from all directions. He was steady, as if he himself were the solid ground on which they stood, as if Jim would float away and cease to be without him there. His tether. His anchor. His north star.
Hello, ashayam.
Spock, Jim practically sang. Not for the first time, he felt a certain sort of music shivering free in a distant part of his mind. A single note hanging suspended in the fog. He wanted to hum along, to stretch it into a tune that could be carried by birds, a song composed for a symphony, but instead he simply reached for Spock and thought you’re here, you’re here, you’re here as they twisted together.
He felt love float up between them, lifting like bubbles from vents below the sea and racing for the surface. Oranges and pinks brightened in the periphery, dropping off into blue below. He marveled inwardly, distracted by the space that was all their own before his attention was drawn to a thought passing over him. Uncertainty. Spock was the one who put words to it.
You are nervous.
It was as if Jim hadn’t recognized the ache in his stomach until then.
That is why you are seeking me. K’diwa. Come.
Clarity. Sense. Logic. Jim followed him into an embrace of sensation- lying against Spock’s chest in the morning, finding his hand below the table without having to look, kissing him in the dark. All at once it came over him, settled inside him. Comfort. Home.
Your nerves are unwarranted. You have prepared thoroughly.
So did the admiralty when the delegation turned them down.
You are Jim Kirk. Decidedly, not the admiralty.
Jim laughed, and the music came back distantly. Bells.
Spock continued. I, for one, have historically found it difficult to deny you anything.
Jim could feel the ache within him begin to subside as quickly as it had come, could practically feel Spock pulling it from him. He reached out again, hand closing around a wrist which was not there before he decided to hold onto it. 
I love you.
And I, you, ashaya. 
And with that, the meld began to abate, turning to mist and leaving only filtered sunlight behind Jim’s eyes. The sensation of Spock’s forehead against his own came to him like waves of a dream. He sighed, nodding forward until the hand supporting his chin steadied him enough for him to open his eyes. 
“Are you comforted, Jim?”
And the question was so sincere, he felt his heart reeling in appreciation for the man before him. 
“I am, thank you,” he murmured, and seemingly satisfied, Spock brought the razor up and grazed it over the missed spot on his cheek. He wordlessly gathered his belongings, submerged in the now frothy water, and disappeared to return them to his quarters.
Jim raised a hand to ghost over the spot their foreheads had met and thought back to a time long ago, when they were practically strangers, Spock's words to him.
'If I seem insensitive to what you’re going through, Captain, understand… it’s the way I am.'
Spock’s brow lifted when he caught Jim watching him a beat longer than he should have. He was standing in the doorway now, drying his hands, and all Jim could think was how could I have let him be so wrong?
All he said, however, was, “How do I look?”
“Tempting,” Spock answered without hesitation.
Jim’s grin warmed several degrees. “That is what I was going for.”
After taking a moment to appreciate the curve of Spock’s lips, reserved just for him to see, he finally stood to face the green tunic laid out with such care on his bed. Unsurprisingly, each medal was already pinned in perfect position. He ran the backs of his fingers over the dyed fabric, parted it, smiled when he found his undershirt neatly folded there too. He imagined Spock alone in the room as he was washing up. His careful movements, so precise and so graceful at the same time, always yielding perfect results. Point A to point B. The path of least resistance. Jim sometimes marveled that Spock, in all his simplicity, could tolerate him at all.
A hand pressed to the small of his back and Spock was standing close, their hips touching as he reached for the shirt. He presented it to Jim, who pulled it over his head, emerging to find Spock holding his tunic out for him to slide his arms into.
“I’m beginning to feel rather spoiled,” he teased before sliding one arm in, turning, sliding in the other. He leaned back and Spock wrapped his arms around him, closed the shirt over his chest, bowed his head to tuck himself into Jim’s neck. Lips pressed to his pulse. One. Two. Three.
“You are worthy of the treatment, Captain.”
Jim shut his eyes. Captain. It was spoken like a name. Like found treasure. Like he’d follow him anywhere. 
He turned again so they would be face to face, leaving some space for Spock’s hands which immediately sought out his sleeves to soothe them down his arms. Comfortable silence enveloped them as Spock resumed closing his cuffs, tightening the material over his wrists and sliding each gold disk through their respective slots.
“Thank you,” Jim said again sweetly once he was finished, reaching two fingers out to find Spock’s and pressing the tips of them together. As he so often did, Spock looked down at the contact, observing it as he pushed more purposefully along Jim’s fingers, up over the first fold of his palm. 
“I am confident you will be successful.”
Jim followed the path forward until he could lace their hands together fully. 
“What, I don’t get to hear the odds?”
Spock’s grip flexed inside Jim’s. Reverent. Devout. Jim squeezed back.
“I could provide them, however I see little point as it is your tendency to defy all probability.”
Jim leaned up on his toes to press a kiss to Spock’s cheek, delighted to leave behind the faintest imprint of sage.
“Perfectly logical, Mr. Spock. As always.”
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dustykneed · 3 months
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The Doctor is hurting, Spock realises, and it sinks like a stone in his chest, terrible and suffocating-- he has been hurting for very, very long. Leonard clings to his shirt and he shakes and shakes and does not seem to be capable of stopping.
Spock has never seen him so fractured.
Spock has never been so terrified in his life.
in spirit a semi-continuation of yesterday's insane word dump: in fact the long story short before spock drags bones to jim is bones breaking down in front of spock when spock tries to bring him to jim, spock being very worried because the logical solution to him is to make them talk and he doesn't understand why bones is so desperately, vehemently against the idea of talking to jim at the moment. ("Doctor- Leonard, might I ask, are you opposed to conversing with Jim indefinitely, or temporarily?") and they talk and he begins to understand that bones needs time to adjust and to heal (in the sense that you're supposed to adjust to food in small portions after a period of starvation, bones needs time to adjust to knowing that spock (and jim, too, but he can't make himself believe it at the moment) care for him as much as he does them).
personally about aos jim vs tos jim (solely based off of vibes and whatever i've picked up from absolutely barrelling through the trek tags on ao3 every few weeks): in my head tos jim is much more in touch with the emotional needs of the people he's closest with and he's very good at wading through the hangups or navigating the boundaries of the rest of the triumvirate, while aos jim is very >:333 and he's got that bright-eyed, bushy-tailed sort of enthusiasm about everything that catches his eye and that results in him being less attuned to other people's unspoken emotional needs. and to expand on this i strongly headcanon that aos spock in fact takes on tos jim's emotional attunement more quickly than aos jim himself (partially because it is incredibly interesting but also it makes so much sense in my head. seriously when i have more brain juice ill yell about it more) LIKE. for aos spock and bones, they get each other on an emotional level and it scares the hell out of both of them but they make it work incredibly well.
if y'all read this far thank you so much !!! appreciate y'all so much here's some aos spones (pre mcspirk?) fluff as your reward (BONES TUMMY BONES TUMMY BONES T) (ABSOLUTE CUTIES BOTH OF THEM)
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 2 years
I‘m tired and I crave Jim Kirk tickle headcanons anyone ready to shower my ask box?
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eldar-of-zemlya · 1 year
At the very beginning of their relationship, they kissed only the Vulcan way – Jim didn't want to push Spock to do something he wasn't comfortable with. So it came as a surprise when one evening Spock made the first move and shyly kissed Jim on the lips.
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Through the bond, Jim could feel Spock's apprehension and excitement. It was endearing and... extremely hot.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
the fluff fic fest is back!
i have a lot to atone for given how many thousands of words of angst i wrote last year leading up to a single fluffy scene, so i'm both taking another crack at it and spreading the word!
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dreamwidth community with all the details: fluffityfluffexchange.dreamwidth.org
typical fic exchange requirements of 1000 word minimum fic or original art on unlined paper. they take a broad view of fluff, including angstifluff and smut tropes.
nominations are open now!! (a great part of this exchange is that nominations will continue to be open through sign-ups, but i learned last year it's good to seed the ground early so more people will use your pairings & tags...)
sign-ups: march 26-april 2
assignments due: may 26
works revealed: may 31
creators revealed: june 7
tagset for nominations: here!!
refer to the community for all instructions, but short version is: you can use / and & relationships, and instead of using the canon relationship tags, you add a (fandom or abbreviation) disambiguation at the end of each one -- e.g. fox mulder/dana scully (xf) or margaret houlihan & hawkeye pierce (mash tv).
additional tags: nominate specific or vague tropes you'd like to see! (e.g. "character a thinks something bad happened to character b but actually they were just picking up mcdonalds" or "hurt/comfort fluff")
edit: i am NOT the creator or mod of this event!! check out the dreamwidth for the mod info ☺️
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ladyylavenderrr · 8 months
A large section of my brain is dedicated to imagining Garak’s reaction to Kukalaka. Consider this: outfits!!
I know some people have mentioned it before but Garak making cute little outfits for Kukalaka to cheer Julian up is so!!!!
At first, Garak does it discreetly. He makes little accessories like a bow tie or scarf and tells himself it’s cause he likes the challenge of making teeny tiny things. It’s definitely not because he enjoys playing with the bear. He never lets Julian see his creations. It’s way too embarrassing. Eventually, he moves on to full on clothing. He makes dresses and shirts and suits and kinda gets obsessed with dressing Kukalaka up. Still, he doesn’t say a thing to Julian. Besides, his teddy bear is a much quieter model who won’t complain a bit.
Eventually though, the jig is up. Garak somehow forgets to take off Kukalaka’s outfit one day or leaves behind a tiny accessory. Either way, Julian comes home to his bear looking a lot more dapper than usual. Garak is, of course, embarrassed. He can’t even try to deny it because who else would make such a thing for a stuffed bear. Julian, however, is overjoyed. He thinks it’s adorable and any trace of a bad mood he had after a long day has disappeared.
Maybe, whenever Julian is sad or angry, Garak brings out a new outfit for Kukalaka to cheer his doctor up.
Ahhh I’m sorry my post got so long! I might write a fic like this when I get the time but who knows ^-^
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swimmingwolf59 · 29 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Other characters briefly Additional Tags: First Contact AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Banter, Aquariums Summary:
A Vulcan crash-lands on Earth thirty years before first contact. Badly injured and unconscious, he’s discovered by a human doctor who decides to take him in and nurse him back to health.
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darkness-and-books · 22 days
TOS headcanon reacting to finding your nest in their quarters
Ostaran!reader (I mean the implication of nesting is kinda fem, but no pronouns or real description used for reader, so take it as you will)
Losing his mind
Like OMG, You put your nest in his room?!?!
Loves it so much
can’t believe you feel comfortable enough to put one so near his bed
tries so friggin hard not to even breathe in its direction
if you invite him to snuggle in it he will die
if you let him, he’ll start collecting you more blankets and pillows and things
like you’ll come to your new nest and find a new pile of materials near by
Honoured, but a little put off by the fact that you made it right in the doorway
Still won’t move and avoids stepping in it like the plague
will ask very kindly if you might move it to a more convenient location
would even help you to move your nest if you allow it, otherwise he’ll just read his book and let you do your thing.
the internal mushy feelings are real though
like won’t let anything happen to your nest at all
if you invite him to snuggle in your nest he will await your explicit instructions so as not to mess it up
Might start brining you little pieces for your nest that you express any interest in
Okie dokie
Doesn’t mess with it, but won’t bring it up unless you do first
it if you wait too long to bring it up he’ll look at you over the edge of the bed with a raised eyebrow as you snuggle into your nest
“Did you wanna join me?” He just shakes his head, “not what I meant,”
his words do not however match the action that is instantly plopping into the nest with you
he won’t go super out of his way to bring you more material, but he does think your nest looks a little sparse so if he sees something he thinks you’ll like he’ll get it for you.
he also definitely leaves little snacks next to your nest for you.
seriously, you accumulate a whole stash
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