#stc 99
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jorrated · 4 months
something funny about charmy being 16 in STC
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
♡ I headcannon (I say as if I’m not the original writer) that Eve just has the cringiest predebut eras of all members.
♡ Pre-debut Eve is the type to unironically go “that’s so lit bruhhh like bussin bussin” with a straight face.
♡ If he ever crosses a boundary or (eventually) blackmails his darling just use his dark past. It’ll get him off you in seconds.
♡ Adonis gets the most hate because of his “obnoxious and narcissistic personality” but the truth is that he’s the kindest member and acts the closest to his real personality.
♡ The only thing Daehyun loves more than his darling is his food. I’m sorry but unless you’re a chef you ain’t getting this man to obsess over you more than his delicious, drool inducing, pizza.
♡ Hayate is the mopey, touchy drunk. He loves his members so fucking much it’s too sididhsjsns he’s cute ya’ll I love him. Please give my son as many hugs as you can. Though be warned he will throw up on you.
♡ Hayate has a cute journal and stationary collection. Something that his managers vehemently try to hide for his image. People think Daehyun owns it all but one look at the latter’s handwriting and lack of aesthetic makes them think otherwise.
♡ Rama is always awake. Legends say he has never been found sleeping. His blood most likely contains 99% caffeine.
♡ He taught Eve most of the cringe slang ironically.
♡ Rama lives for chaos and destruction.
♡ Positions in the group are as follows:
♡ Eve : Face of the Group, Visual
♡ Hayate : Main Vocal, Lead Dancer
♡ Daehyun : Main Dancer, Center
♡ Adonis: Visual, Lead Vocal
♡ Rama: Leader, Main Rapper
♡ Most Popular Ships are: Eve x Hayate, Daehyun x Hayate, Adonis x Hayate, Rama x Sleep, Rama x Eve
♡ Yeah Hayate gets shipped the most with everyone…
♡ Because he’s the biggest bottom-
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blastthechaos · 2 years
STC/STCO Sonic:I don't have anything against people that are like me, in fact I hate people that look like me with a burning passion, 99% of the time they are evil and try to ruin my life and reputation. Fuck them all, if you ever look like me I'm coming for your arse. I'm my own Bloody person.
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xyz0122 · 10 months
تهيمن شركات الصرافة في قطر على صناعة التحويلات الدولية من خلال تسهيل أكثر من 1 مليون معاملة على أساس شهري. اعتبارا من يونيو 2021 ، كان هناك 20 شركة صرافة تعمل بإجمالي 141 فرعا في مختلف محافظات قطر. الدار لأعمال الصرافة ، التي تأسست في عام 2006 ، تدير أكبر عدد من فروع ~ 21 في جميع أنحاء الدوحة والريان والخور وما إلى ذلك.
كان كل شيء يسير على ما يرام في الصناعة قبل ظهور جائحة COVID-19 والقيود المقابلة على التنقل التي أثرت بشدة على صناعة الصرافة. خلال قيود الإغلاق ، عاد العديد من العمال الوافدين ، الذين يساهمون ~ 88٪ من إجمالي سكان قطر ، إلى بلدانهم الأصلية وجعل الإغلاق المؤقت لمكاتب الصرافة من الصعب تحويل الأموال إلى الوطن. في حين أن العملاء الذين لديهم معرفة رقمية سليمة كانوا في وقت مبكر للامتثال لمتطلبات e-KYC والتعامل عبر الحلول عبر الإنترنت ، كانت القوى العاملة من ذوي الياقات الزرقاء هي التي انتهى بها الأمر إلى أن تكون ضحية للفجوة الرقمية.
تنزيل نموذج التقرير
الرقمية هي المستقبل:
في حين أن النشاط التجاري قد وصل إلى مستويات ما قبل COVID لمكاتب الصرافة الرئيسية ، كان الاتجاه الملحوظ هو نمو مزدوج الرقم إلى عدة أضعاف في معاملات التحويلات عبر الإنترنت عبر الحلول الرقمية التي تقدمها شركات الصرافة. ومن خلال الاستفادة من معدل انتشار الإنترنت بنسبة 99٪ في قطر والوقت الكبير الذي تقضيه في المشاركة في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، تتصور شركات الصرافة أيضا القيام باستثمارات في تطوير الحلول الرقمية وتوسيع الشراكات مع اللاعبين الرقميين. فعلى سبيل المثال، تعكس شراكة خدمات أوريدو المالية مع الدار للصرافة، وشراكة اللولو موني مع ماستركارد في الإمارات العربية المتحدة التركيز المتزايد للشركات القائمة على التحول الرقمي.
اطلب التخصيص
ما الذي يمكن أن تفعله شركات الصرافة لركوب موجة الرقمنة؟
أطلقت كل شركات الصرافة تقريبا حلها الرقمي (تطبيق الويب / الهاتف المحمول / كلاهما) ، ومن المناسب الآن للمشغلين الاستفادة منه من أجل اكتساب العملاء بسلاسة ، ومعايير عالية من الخدمة والاحتفاظ بالعملاء المتصلين. يركز الحل الرقمي المثالي على رضا العملاء في كل مرحلة ويهدف إلى تقليل وقت المعاملة من خلال تقديم تجربة خالية من المتاعب.
يلخص الجدول أدناه التحول في التركيز الاستراتيجي لمكاتب الصرافة الرئيسية قبل وبعد COVID-19 على معايير مختارة:
في حين أن التحول إلى الحلول الرقمية قد يضغط على الأرقام النهائية في السنوات الأولى. إن التحسن في اقتصاديات الوحدة والقيمة المتوقعة مدى الحياة والفوائد يفوق تماما التكاليف المرتبطة به. علاوة على ذلك ، للتنافس مع MTOs العالمية (ويسترن يونيون و إكسبرس موني و حكيم و موني جرام وما إلى ذلك) واللاعبين الإقليميين (Xare و STC Pay و ديناري) والشركات الناشئة المحلية (سي واليت) ، من المناسب للشركات القائمة إعادة تقييم وضعها الحالي والاحتفاظ بالعملاء من خلال تقديم حلول متقدمة.
القطاعات الرئيسية التي يغطيها قطاع التحويلات المالية ودفع الفواتير الدولية في قطر
قطر لصناعة الحوالات الدولية
حسب نوع الحوالة
بواسطة الممر
حسب نوع الكيانات
مكاتب الصرافة
حسب نوع المشغلين الوسطاء
شبكة البنوك المراسلة
مشغلي الطرف الثالث
حسب نوع التحويلات
التحويل المباشر من حساب إلى حساب
استلام النقود
صناعة دفع الفواتير في قطر
فئات دفع الفواتير
كهرباء + ماء
حسب نوع وسائل الدفع المستخدمة
محفظة M
بطاقات الخصم / الائتمان
التحويلات البنكية
الجمهور المستهدف الرئيسي
مكاتب الصرافة
البنوك التي تقدم خدمات تحويل الأموال
اللاعبون في صناعة دفع الفواتير
مشغلات محفظة M
الهيئات الحكومية
الفترة الزمنية الواردة في التقرير:
الفترة التاريخية:2015-2020
فترة التنبؤ:2020-2025F
اللاعبون الدوليون في التحويلات المالية ومحفظة الهاتف المحمول في قطر
بيت الصرافة
الدار للصرافة
الفردان للصرافة
الجزيرة للصرافة
الخليج للصرافة
يوني موني للصرافة
ترافيليكس للصرافة
الدوحة للصرافة
حبيب قطر الدولية للصرافة
البنوك التي تقدم خدمات تحويل الأموال
بنك الدوحة
بنك قطر الدولي
البنك التجاري القطري
البنك الأهلي
بنك قطر الوطني
شركات المحفظة المتنقلة الخاصة
سي واليت
محفظة خدمات أوريدو المالية
سداد لحلول الدفع
البنوك التي تقدم خدمات المحفظة الإلكترونية
أهلي باي من البنك الأهلي
خدمة الدفع عبر الهاتف المتحرك من مصرف قطر الإسلامي
محفظة QMP من بنك دخان
الشركات الخاصة التي تقدم خدمات نظام حماية الأجور (WPS)
الرابط الأزرق
مجموعة TMF
البنوك التي تقدم خدمات نظام حماية الأجور (WPS)
بنك دخان
إتش إس بي سي
بنك بروة
البنك العربي
المواضيع الرئيسية التي يغطيها التقرير
نظرة عامة على صناعة التحويلات الدولية في قطر (إحصائيات عن حجم وقيمة المعاملات حسب الممر)
تجزئة الصناعة (حسب نوع التحويلات ، ونوع المشغلين الوسطاء ، والممرات الحكيمة ، ونوع كيانات المصدر)
مقارنة متبادلة بين شركات الصرافة الرئيسية بشأن المعايير التشغيلية والمالية (ديسمبر 2020 ، يونيو 2021)
نبذة عن الشركة لمكاتب الصرافة الرئيسية (نظرة عامة ، المنتجات والخدمات ، USP ، استراتيجيات الأعمال ، الأداء التشغيلي الحكيم للفرع ، الأداء المالي التراكمي ، التطورات الأخيرة)
محركات النمو والتحديات التي تواجه قطاع التحويلات الدولية في قطر
اتجاهات الصناعة والتطورات
القواعد واللوائح من قبل الهيئات الحكومية
تأثير COVID-19 والنظرة المستقبلية للصناعة
اتصل بنا: أنكور غوبتا، رئيس قسم التسويق والاتصالات [email protected] +91-9015378249
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Green Tea Cool Gel Memory Foam Mattress 36cm 5 Zone King Single
buy now on :- https://www.hellobed.com.au/
 It’s like sleeping on cloud but you don’t feel sunken at all. We have proudly achieved “Soft on top, strong support at bottom” by perfectly tuning the firmness of springs and density of foams. On top of that, our Memory Foam is also infused with Cool Gel to keep you cool during summer nights and wake up refreshed.
Specifications: 36cm thick Anti Bacteria Anti Odor Organic Cotton Knitted Fabric Natural Green Tea Infused Foam Cool Gel Infused Memory Foam – Ultra deep comfort Regulate temperature for the optimal sleep experience Airflow that circulates body heat 5 Zone pocket spring Idependant 6 turn coil ZERO partner disturbance Hypo-allergenic materials 99% dust-mite resistant ZERO harmful chemical Firmness: 6/10 Medium Firm Thickness: 36cm King Single: 107X 203X 36 Certification: CertiPUR-US, OEKO-TEX and STC Certificate
Package Content: 1X Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress -36 CM
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bob-beaky · 4 years
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The rioters and freedom fighters manage to hold their own for a while when Vermin appears to turn the tides in their disfavor. This is when the mysterious light appears again...
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every-eggman · 4 years
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theofficial606 · 2 years
Merry Christmas 🎄
please take some time today to image your fankids opening their presents 🎁
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weemsbotts · 3 years
Off to the Races: Searching for Dumfries Famed Racehorses & Racetrack
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Gambling has a long tradition in Virginia and encompassed everyone living in the colony, even Mason Locke Weems as he considered offering book lotteries to improve local roads and inadequate bridges! Many of the traditions in Great Britain crossed the Atlantic and colonists bet on everything from card and dice games to animal fights (click here to read our blog about a local fighting rooster!). While one of the first notable racehorse tracks appeared in 1665 at Hempstead Plain on Long Island, formal and temporary racetracks spread throughout the colonies with Virginia eventually boasting Jockey Clubs in Dumfries, Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Williamsburg, and other prominent towns.
By 1750, early Americans had established Jockey Clubs to control/guide protocols, regulations, and serve as a registry for thoroughbred horses. On 10/27/1774, Richard Graham advertised the following in the Virginia Gazette, “The Jockey Club Purse of 100 Guineas will be run for on Tues the 29 of November next, which is now fixed for the first day of the Dumfries Races, the time formerly appointed being the Day of the Annapolis Races.” Only members could “start” a “horse, mare or Gelding for the purse”. Graham noted the weight for the age and informed subscribers and non-subscribers how to participate. “Give & take agreeable to the rules of racing. The horses etc that start for either of these purses, must be entered with the subscribers…when a certificate of the age, under the hand of the Breeder, or his Executors, or Administrators, will be required. The Premiums agreeable to my former advertisement will be allowed for Beef, Mutton & Veal.” The purse consisted of money bet on the race by subscribers and non-subscribers.
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(The Republican Journal and Dumfries Weekly Advertiser, No. 2 of Vol. 2, Thursday, 06/09/1796. John Love of Buckland advertised “The Noted Horse Mahomet” as being in “high perfection”)
After the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, responding to Great Britain’s Intolerable Acts (woo Revolutionary War history!), the Dumfries Jockey Club suspended their activities, “…that in conformity to the 8th article of the resolves of the General Congress the Dumfries Races that were advertised to be run on the 29th of this month be postponed – The Gentlemen farmers that are fattening Beeves, Muttons, & veals, for the premiums must for the present, put up with the honor & glory in place of the Guineas that were intended for them.” Resolution 8: “That they have a right peaceably to assemble, consider of their grievances, and petition the king; and that all prosecutions, prohibitory proclamations, and commitments for the same, are illegal.”
So, what was a day at the races like? It depended upon the place as temporary races could be open fields, steeplechases (the start/finish line marked by church steeples), on roads with wagons, or circular/formal established tracks. According to Dumfries Historian Lee Lansing, Dumfries boasted a steeplechase track. Depending upon the track, the participants might have to race several times around or complete “best of three” challenges. Due to ego, the event could attract a lot of attention when people such as William Byrd III claimed he had the fastest horse and was ready to throwdown with any competitor. Marylander Benjamin Tasker, Jr. decided it was “go time” with Selima, and Tasker, Jr. beat Byrd’s and other Virginian horses. Remarkably, Virginia then banned Maryland horses from participating in Virginia races, but Selima became a successful broodmare and ended her days living with John Tayloe II at Mount Airy. Side note: People then had their pregnant foals deliver in Virginia and while maintained in Maryland, the horses could still race as they were Virginia born.
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(Plan of Dumfries 1782: Historian Lee Lansing drew the above based on the Rochambeau map identifying the following: A) Staples, Feed, stc. and Bleachers, B) Steeplechase Track, C) Courthouse 1762, D) Henderson House, 15) Quantico Creek. Was he right? Imaginary Bonus Points: Can you pinpoint the Weems-Botts Museum?)
The races also provided a chance for people to meet, socialize, conduct business, and continue to gamble. Dumfries merchant Daniel Payne paid close attention to races as he notably appeared to collect from his debtors after their financial boon. One entry noted the credit, “…by Capt William Carr, for the other half of Flatt Sambo”. According to transcribed records of Daniel Payne’s Store Ledger, “Sambo, The Flat” appeared in Daniel Payne’s ledger as a customer along with William Carr although on separate pages. While we have not examined the original ledger ourselves instead relying on transcriptions, where was the “other half”? What happened to the person and how did that person identify themselves - as Sambo or with a different name? We hope to answer this with further research.
In the 1800s, tracks and gamblers bet against each other leading to “fixed” outcomes. As laws and social attitudes changed toward gambling, horse racing remained semi-acceptable as Virginia ruled it was a sport in 1851 and allowed exceptions for betting below certain amounts – some political and social maneuvering also helped established tracks. Horse racing in Virginia embraced the community and experiences differed depending upon your location. The Dumfries Jockey Club was also a status symbol for wealthy planters and the town. Although much quieter today (at least in terms of horses), one could almost imagine the dread, fear, and anticipation people felt as one race could impact the future of so many people.
Note: As you continue to enjoy our blog, consider supporting us today by becoming a member or attending one of our programs! We host monthly and seasonal programs throughout the year and will soon be offering outside walking tours! Check out our newsletter here as we prepare an exciting virtual April!
(Sources: HDVI Archives: Dumfries Jockey Club; Berkley, Henry J. "The Port of Dumfries, Prince William Co., Va." The William and Mary Quarterly 4, no. 2 (1924): 99-116; Dumfries Stores Ledgers Index, 1758-1776, John Glassford and Company & Daniel Payne, Compiled by Margaret Binning, PWC Bull Run Regional Library: RELIC; Eisenberg, John. Off to the Races. Smithsonian Magazine: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/off-to-the-races-2266179/; Horse Racing and Gambling in Virginia. Virginia Places: http://www.virginiaplaces.org/agriculture/horseracing.html; Crews, Ed. Gambling: Apple-Pie American and Older than the Mayflower. Colonial Williamsburg Journal, Autumn 2008, https://research.colonialwilliamsburg.org/Foundation/journal/Autumn08/gamble.cfm; PBS: American Experiences: Horseracing in the U.S.; Yale Law School: Lillian Goldman Law Library: The Avalon Project: Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, from Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States. Government Printing Office, 1927. House Document No. 398. Selected, Arranged and Indexed by Charles C. Tansill)
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jorrated · 2 months
Do you like other ships like Knuxighty, Sonighty, Knuxpio, etc. Or do you just stick to the ships you already draw(Espighty & Sonknux)?
I'm open to them! Tho unless in STC, I almost always see Sonic as aroace, so 99% of sonic ships dont work for me
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martiriosfarm · 4 years
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Socotra island: The Unesco-protected 'Jewel of Arabia' vanishing amid Yemen’s civil war
“The UAE has surprised everyone, even themselves, with how well they’ve done militarily in Yemen. They have almost had free rein as a result to control and have presence in whatever they want in the country, including Yemen’s ports, which is a prize for them,”
Effectively abandoned by the Yemeni authorities and destitute after two ferocious and unprecedented cyclones ripped across the archipelago in November 2015, locals turned to the UAE’s offer to help rebuild schools, hospitals and roads.
Rumours abound that the UAE is planning to hold a referendum on whether Socotris would like to secede from the mainland and officially become part of the Emirates in a Crimea-style vote, a development the Yemeni government has condemned. 
It is widely believed and reported in Yemeni media that before President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi fled the capital Sanaa in the face of the Houthi take over in 2015, he leased Socotra and its three tiny uninhabited satellites to Abu Dhabi for 99 years, but no one knows for sure. 
According to Yemeni media, the military base has provided jobs for up to 5,000 newly recruited soldiers and the UAE reportedly tops up police and government salaries.
Last summer the Emirates broke with both Hadi and Saudi Arabia by backing the formation of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which wants renewed independence for Southern Yemen. The move led the Yemeni president to label the UAE an “occupier” rather than a “liberator”.
“In an unprecedented event the UAE has called [on] the people of the island to vote on a referendum of self-determination to join them, and this is the most dangerous step”
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24/7 Knoxville Mini + Junior Solo Results 2019
1. Landree Douglas (Studio D Dance Company) STC
2. Leila Winker (Millennium Dance Complex - Nashville) STC
3. Allie Plott (The Dance Centre), Ellie Guillaume (Limelight Dance Company), Journey Lockhart (JBP Entertainment)
4. Emma Cathcart (Force Dance Academy)
5. Claire Anderson (The Space at Project Dance), Scarlet Murphy (Imperium House of Dance)
6. Kylie Zachman (Cleveland & Chattanooga Dance), Tya Tyler (Nashville School of Dance)
7. Georgia Beth Peters (JBP Entertainment), Abigail Hodges (In Motion Dance Center)
8. Claire Yarbrough (Acro Arts Company)
9. Anna Hughes (Henley Dance Studio), Margaret Link (Renner Dance Company), Annabelle Asper (Palmetto En Pointe)
10. Teegan Keith (Floyd Ward School of Dance)
1. Ella Howell (In Motion Dance Center), Eliza Mercer (Pinnell Dance Centre) STC
2. Finley Williams (The Difference Dance Company), Bella Jones (Carolina Dance Capital) STC
3. Laney Stefanyak (Rapture Dance Company) STC
4. Wells McEntyre (The Dance Centre) STC
5. Chloe Wiest (Millennium Dance Complex - Nashville)
6. Grace Woodbury (In Motion Dance Center)
7. Tessa Ledbetter (In Motion Dance Center), Alana Archie (In Motion Dance Center), Cadance Eastman (Revolution Dance)
8. Harper Dooley (Dancers Edge), Hope Grainger (Legacy Center for the Arts)
9. Lindsey Sobon (In Motion Dance Center), Natalie Soza (Dance Elite), Ana Lucia Ferrario (In Motion Dance Center), Bailey Barwick (Palmetto En Pointe)
10. Maeve McCormick (Encore Dance Company), Mia Doyle (Milele Academy)
1. HG
3. HG
4. G
5. HG
6. HG
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8. HG
9. HG
10. HG
11. HG
12. HG
13. HG
15. HG
16. HG
17. HG
18. HG
19. HG
20. HG
21. STC
22. STC
23. G
24. G
25. HG
26. HG
27. HG
28. G
29. HG
30. HG
31. G
32. G
33. G
34. HG
35. G
36. G
37. HG
38. G
39. G
40. G
41. HG
42. HG
43. G
44. HG
45. STC
46. G
47. G
48. G
49. G
50. HG
51. HG
52. G
53. HG
54. G
55. HG
56. G
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58. G
59. HG
60. G
60a. HG
61. HG
62. HG
63. G
64. STC
65. G
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67. HG
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69. G
70. HG
71. STC
72. G
73. G
74. STC
77. G
78. HG
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80. G
80a. HG
81. HG
82. HG
83. HG
84. G
85. G
86. G
87. STC
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89. HG
90. HG
91. G
92. HG
93. HG
94. HS
95. HG
96. STC
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99. G
100. G
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102. HG
103. HG
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111. G
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114. HG
115. HG
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ngame989 · 5 years
Before Moon's complexities starting in Face the Music. There were some first season jitters because I kinda question how Moon was completely clueless when River snuck away to fight monsters such as the hydra in Diaz Family Vacation, or when Moon is so furious at River for not cleaning up his mess, it leads her to banish him from the castle in Royal Pain. Why did it take a while for Moon to finally branch out as a character? (Storm the Castle, there was some as she wants Star to be safe).
I think you’re sort of answering your own question a bit - all the nuances of Moon’s character were, technically, always there, we just never really had an opportunity to see all of them because 99% of the time, Star was an immature rebel not taking anything seriously and Moon’s primary reaction to that is annoyance. We get to see more of Moon’s character when she has reason to react differently to Star (STC being an early example of this, as you said).
I don’t disagree that her relationship with River is kind of odd, early on, but honestly this is likely early installment weirdness - her contrast to River was probably played up for laffs in Season 1 more than anything. Not the most satisfying narrative explanation, but “cool dad vs uptight mom” is a classic sitcom trope and probably one that made it really easy to introduce the audience to the characters efficiently.
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tatemclegs · 5 years
24 SEVEN Meadowlands 2019 / Teen and Senior Solo Results
10th - Victoria Perez (Prestige Academy of Dance)
9th - Mya Gomez (MOBA Dance Academy), Mia LoPiano (MOBA Dance Academy), Delaney Diaz (Stagelit Academy of Performing Arts)
8th - Mia Ciociano (MOBA Dance Academy), Gaby Medina (Art of Dance), Mariana Pimenta (The Tate Academy)
7th - Jada Specht (New England Dance Academy), Olivia Schetelich (Prestige Academy of Dance), Randi Raimondo (Art of Dance)
6th - Rachel Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet), Tiffany Benevenga (Prestige Academy of Dance), Carly Futrick (Dance Fusion Studios) STOP THE CLOCK!!
5th - Xander Perone (Complexity Dance Center), Iliana Victor (Westchester Dance Academy) STOP THE CLOCK!!
4th - Aaliyah Johnson (Touch of Class Dance Studio), Amy Shuster (Touch of Class Dance Studio) STOP THE CLOCK!!
3rd - Annalise Hofman (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
2nd - Angelina Velardi (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
1st - Zachary Doran (The Pulse Performing Arts Studio) STOP THE CLOCK!!
10th - Filip Przybycien (JovoDance), Tyree Burton (Complexity Dance Center)
9th - Morgan Fudale (Norwalk Academy of Dance)
8th - Julianna Lino (Worcester Conservatory), Jade Tortorice (Touch of Class Dance Studio)
7th - Alexis Donato (Touch of Class Dance Studio), Ayriana Overton (Fierce Dance Academy)
6th - Kathleen Cathcart (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
5th - Nicole Kelly (Prestige Academy of Dance), Skye Ayala (Westchester Dance Academy) STOP THE CLOCK!!
4th - Michelle Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet) STOP THE CLOCK!!
3rd - Jessica Hofman (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
2nd - Kristen Vasconcelos (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
1st - Bryanna Strickland (Prestige Academy of Dance) STOP THE CLOCK!!
Adjudicated Awards Below the Cut
96. HG
97. HG
98. HG
99. G
100. STC!!
101. STC!!
102. HG
103. HG
104. G 
105. G
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109. HG
110. HG
111. G
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113. STC!!
114. HG
115. HG
116. G
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118. G
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120. G
120a. HG
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128. G
129. HG
130. G
131. G
132. HG
133. HG
134. G
136. STC!!
137. HG
138. HG
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140a. HG
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142. G
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146. STC!!
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159. STC!!
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169. G
170. G
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172. HG
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175. G
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181. HG
182. STC!!
183. HG
184. G
185. G
186. HG
187. HG
188. HG
189. G
190. STC!!
191. G
192. HG
193. HG
194. HG
195. STC!!
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bob-beaky · 4 years
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I really like the hellish imagery and angular structuring. Reminds me a lot of Evil the Cat and Planet Heck.
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