#stem majors do not have social life’s
buysomecheese · 10 months
Constantly I am struggling with the fact that it would be So. Easy. to be an English major but Knowing that nothing I want to get done with my life would be easy after that. Curse me and my affinity for reading and my need for escapism, dammit.
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vibingvoices · 1 month
A speech made at the Academy Awards by Jonathan Glazer, along with the subsequent reactions, sheds light on how people tend to distort others' words to portray themselves as victims and, more concerning, their willingness to reside in a dystopian bubble as long as it doesn't affect them directly.
Rather than idolising Hollywood, I've previously posted about the complexities of my evolving parasocial relationships. But to disregard the influence wielded by these elites would be naive. It's frustrating to witness those in power facing backlash when they attempt to bring attention to pertinent issues.
While the Oscars' prominence in Western pop culture is waning, the ceremony and the fervour surrounding the nominees and winners, especially in the major acting categories, still hold significant sway in film culture and the broader world.
So when such a speech is delivered at the Oscars, it's bound to garner attention:
All our choices were made to reflect and confront us in the present — not to say, “Look what they did then,” rather, “Look what we do now.” Our film shows where dehumanization leads, at its worst. It shaped all of our past and present. Right now we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation, which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. Whether the victims of October the — [Applause.] Whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza, all the victims of this dehumanization, how do we resist? [Applause.] Aleksandra Bystroń-Kołodziejczyk, the girl who glows in the film, as she did in life, chose to. I dedicate this to her memory and her resistance. Thank you.
Glazer highlighted in his speech that victims of the ongoing situation and the last 75 years, whether Palestinian and Israeli, all stem from the occupation and are casualties of entrenched ideologies like Zionism. But when he said this on stage and was immediately misquoted online on social media and by reputable news sources, alleging that he simply renounced his Jewish identity.
He also faced considerable backlash from those indicating a persistent conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. It really parallels previous speeches of resistance at the Oscars. Boos rang loud and clear during Michael Moore's opposition to the Iraq war (which we know was a colossal failure by Geroge Bush and the US Government who perpetuated and pardoned multiple war crimes in the region after lying to their own people about evidence of weapons of mass destruction).
There was also Sacheen Littlefeather's advocacy for Native American representation and the direct of attention to the Wounded Knee Occupation, a speech that had bodyguards having to restrain people from getting on the stage and attacking her.
And, of course, Vanessa Redgrave's aim at “a small bunch of Zionist hoodlums whose behaviour is an insult to the stature of Jews all over the world and to their great and heroic record of struggle against fascism and oppression”, which still feels relevant today.
Turning to Glazer's film, I am baffled at those who vehemently objected to it: Did they actually watch it? Because if they had any negative feelings towards Glazer's speech, especially after watching his film, it suggests, to me, a deficiency in critical thinking.
Glazer's film portrays a chilling atmosphere where genocide becomes normalised, echoing real-world situations like the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The film serves as a stark reminder of humanity's ability to coexist with atrocities, often turning a blind eye for the sake of comfort.
The horrors adjacent to the characters' lives evoke contemporary parallels, particularly in regions like Gaza. With over five months of relentless violence, Israel's defiance of international court orders, and Western governments passively reprimanding while fueling the conflict with arms shipments, the spectre of genocide looms ominously. It risks becoming a mundane backdrop to daily existence. It is a stark portrayal of how affluent lifestyles can be linked to neighbouring atrocities, challenging the notion of denial and complicity.
The film doesn't centre around the Holocaust (Glazer's own words), with its specific historical context. Instead, it delves into a more universal theme: humanity's ability to coexist with atrocities and even derive some form of reconciliation or gain from them. The discomforting reflections are on purpose. It prompts us to acknowledge that the threat of annihilation of any people is always closer than we might imagine.
One of the most poignant moments in the film occurs when a package filled with clothing and lingerie pilfered from the prisoners of the camp arrives at the Höss household. The commandant's wife decides that everyone, including the servants, can select one item. She claims a coat for herself and trys on makeup discovered in one of its pockets.
How can the people who are so staunch against Glazer not draw parallels with Israeli soldiers who have recorded themselves rummaging through the lingerie of Palestinian women and slut shaming them? (Why are Israeli soldiers obsessed with Gaza women's underwear?) Or proudly displaying stolen shoes and jewellery for their partners back home (Israeli soldier loots Palestinian homes for his engagement party). Or celebrating International Women's Day with a photo of women soldiers posing for selfies against the backdrop of destruction (How an AP photographer made this image of Israeli soldiers taking a selfie at the Gaza border).
The film is rife with these parallels that it feels like a documentary. It is a grim reality: the potential emergence of the first live-streamed genocide, captured by its very architects.
Gaza doesn't mirror the systematic mass murder machinery of Auschwitz, nor does it approach the scale of Nazi atrocities. However, the entire purpose behind establishing the postwar framework of international humanitarian law was to equip us with the means to collectively recognise practices before history repeats itself on a large scale. And disturbingly, some of these practices – such as the construction of walls, creation of ghettos, mass killings, openly stated intentions of elimination, widespread starvation, plundering, gleeful dehumanisation, and deliberate humiliation – are recurring. And have been long before October 7th.
How do we disrupt the cycle of trivialisation and normalisation? What actions can we take? There are persistent protests and acts of civil disobedience to "uncommitted" votes, disrupting events, organising aid convoys, fundraising for refugees, and creating radical works of art.
And as genocide fades further into the background of our culture, some people grow too desperate for any of these efforts. I am certainly one of them.
Yet, these efforts seem insufficient, particularly when those in positions of power remain indifferent. It's insufficient when I watch a video of a little girl saying that the violence has made her feel less beautiful before she talks about her father being kidnapped by Israeli soldiers or of the orphans visiting their mother's burial spot in the street. It is insufficient when the death toll rises to exceed the daily death toll of any other major conflict of the 21st century.
Perhaps it's unfair of me to prioritise one tragedy over another, given the multitude of suffering in the world – the ones that are in the news cycle and the ones that are not. Yet, my connection to Palestine and its plight feels as personal as it can be without me actually being Palestinian, fostered from childhood teachings and further enriched through my own research. I have loved ones directly impacted by this conflict: friends in the diaspora grappling with survivor's guilt, friends in the West Bank enduring the daily hardships of occupation. And my friends in Gaza are all either dead, dying or being pushed straight into the arms of death.
The realisation that my efforts to help them are insufficient fills me with frustration. I'm angered by the indifference of those in power and by the hostility encountered by those attempting to bring the truth to the forefront.
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soaked-doors · 9 months
baby goldenheart is so funny bc you’ve got the two most socially stunted children in the realm trying to navigate friendship at military boarding school. Ambrosius My Parents Probably Socially Isolated Me Due To My Bloodline Goldenloin and ballister who’s spent a majority of his youth fighting for his life in the streets im crying. can you imagine how hilarious it must have been when they tried courting each other. ambrosius producing like golden fucking eggs and the works trying to subtly ask out ballister and ballister’s just like “well idk what to do with this. what are you talking about. thank you though”. i’d like to think that’s where ambrosius being so hung up over love languages stems from bc dude spent forever and a half trying to figure how to woo bal
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captainmera · 7 months
I love that in your stories that include Hunter, whether it’s a TOH IBWR au, or TGB, he must have werewolf elements to his character haha. Do you have any ideas as to what the TOH Cast would look like in your IBWR Au? Particularly interested in the fae/peculiars elements? I love your designs for those types of characters in IBWR.
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Fairies are colour coded. In folklore, it is said that fairies can only feel one thing at a time. This is not true, but the stories stem from that fairies have a "fairy-flaw" which is associated to their colour.
You recognise them by their pointy ears and... uniformely one-coloured stuff. In a green fairy's case, green hair, green eyes. And when they blush, it's a shade of green.
This emotion will, when felt, be so much stronger and all-consuming than any other emotion. A fairy has to be aware, and learn to control and regulate, that particular fairy-flaw.
However, fairies are also masters of one trait.
In folklore, fairies are often popping up as craftsmen. They make shoes, they make silk, they make clothes, mead, milk, etc. This stems from that fairies, when allowed to work with their fixation, become natural experts in their fields.
People often feel they are unfairly talented because they're fairies, and not because they learned like everyone else (which they did, it's just an analogy for being a gifted kid). and sabotages for them, either by excluding them or ensuring they can't pursue it.
Victorian England is, in majority, a christian culture. In England, they would categorise each fairy by a "sin". So, a green fairy's flaw would be envy/jealousy. For Willow, I think this works. At least if her life in IBWR meant she was kept away from doing what she wanted and often felt envy of those who got pursue what they want in life.
Fairies, also, if they are being influenced by their fairy-flaw, starts to turn the colour of it.
She would live with her dads, under the guise that one was her dad and the other was her godfather and simply just.. such a good friend to her "only" dad that he lives there as a roommate. You might be surprised to hear this wouldn't raise much eyebrows. Sounds reasonable! They own a store together after all! People would just often comment that it's such a shame they're both bachelors.
Werewolves are a controversial topic in the field of science at the time of when IBWR is taking place (1885), as they were moved from Erebus type to Beast type. People argue that, as they are associated with the moon and are coded as dangerous, they should remain in the erebus type. But they were moved to beast, as they are very dog-like in appearance.
Werewolves were not consulted on this re-categorisation.
Despite being moved to the beast type, they still practice within the sub-culture of Erebus types. Vampires, Night fairies and Banshees still acknowledges them as part of their group.
Werewolves are reduced, culturally and socially, to their looks and the horror stories that has been crafted around them. They are deemed barbaric, hound-like, uncivilised and.. Adorable. Werewolves struggle to find authentic people to socialize with, as most want to use them for their power. People don't think they have ambitions or intelligence larger than a canine.
I think this would fit Hunter, if he lived with his uncle, and Philip never considered Hunter's feelings. Just using him for what he was; a powerful henchman he could control and order around as he pleased - they're family after all.
Spriggans have a sense for mischief, trickery and has the ability to camouflage themselves just like chameleons. They are natural showmen, charismatic entertainers and cannot stop themselves around all that glitters. Like magpies, they collect things. It's a problem. They don't even mean to, it just kinda happens. Like a cat chasing a fly. Suddenly you're eating it and you sit there like "why did I do that. That was dumb."
Spriggans have a kleptomania problem. It is rarely even about actual riches, it can be spoons. An endless amount of spoons and they just can't help themselves. If you know a Spriggan's weakness, they'll knowingly make a bad bargain. They don't even want another damn spoon, but they just... It's a spoon. They don't have that spoon. They need that spoon. Good god the spoons. There are spriggans who have lost their homes to their unhealthy desire to collect. (pst, it's a metaphor for an addictive personality). Spriggans live both merry and unfortunate lives. They love life, they love people, but they get in trouble easily.
You'll find them in music halls, in thrifting shops, by the harbour, casinos, in any kind of sales work.
For Gus, I think he'd work in his dad's thrifting store and part time in a music hall! See the people, entertain the crowd! Perhaps find a watch that slips into his hand.... But Gus is a good boy. His dad taught him well! If you pick up something that isn't yours, say aloud "WOW WHAT A NICE THING." and put it back. It's difficult to walk away from something you loudly announce, and it gives him leeway to excuse himself for being eccentric and picking up what isn't his.
Perhaps Hunter and Gus meet at the music hall? :) I'm sure that's where they meet Willow too.
In this AU, I think Gus and Willow meets Luz, then Hunter, and lastly Amity. Perhaps whatever Philip is working with involves the blight family, and it conspires a story of drama, forbidden love and friendships from there. :P
Amity, a regular! a rich family with big expectations on their children. I like to imagine the blight twins are off to rebellious outlets! Like a music hall, and decides to bring their baby sister along. To which where she meets the gang.
Luz, a regular, who wants to be a witch! She wants to join the most powerful coven in all of England! But, ah-- She's not gifted. The Ashdown family does not hire people in their stores if they have no powerful fylgja of some sort. Or at the very least have the gift of sight.
Trying to learn witchcraft anyway, from a witch (Eda) who claims you don't have to be special to become a great witch, takes her in under her wing in the music hall The Owl House. She puts her to work there, and Luz is determined to work in exchange of learning witchcraft.
Luz soon discovers that witchcraft is... rather gruesome work. Blood, rituals, dead bodies and overbearing gods. But perhaps magic can be different? Maybe you could.. Do something else with it? That doesn't involve murdering innocent peculiars.
And there is.
She just got to figure out how. And maybe with her friends, she could. :P
So... basically what Theodore is doing. :l He would hire her in a heartbeat.
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starastrologyy · 1 year
Astrology Observations
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It’s so interesting because I know three couples who have Mars conjunct their composite Ascendant/ Mars in the composite 1st house. Their conflicts are often very public; as in people know when they are fighting or when they are not speaking. I thought this was interesting and very fitting. I will say that these couples have Aries or Scorpio on the composite ascendant which probably amplifies the drama(conflict). Thus, things may manifest differently in relationships that have ‘non-confrontational’ signs such as Pisces/Virgo/Capricorn on the ascendant.
Solar return years where your Solar Return Ascendant or Midheaven is in the same sign as your natal Midheaven or Ascendant, will likely be very pivotal years for you. With the Solar return Midheaven being in the same sign as your natal Midheaven, something major is likely to occur in your life in relation to your career or worldly status. By a change in ‘worldly status’ , I mean you may become a wife/husband, a mother/father, a doctor, a business owner, etc… something about your title is likely to change! You may even leave a job and start your own business, become unemployed, graduate college and so on! Major transitions and life changes are often indicated by a solar return ascendant or Midheaven being in the same sign as the natal ascendant or Midheaven.
People who have Uranus square Chiron in their birth charts often feel very isolated in the world. One of their major wounds often stems from the fact that they are different from most people, and thus they frequently feel like outsiders, or feel as if other people perceive them as being “weird”. This placement can make it difficult for a person to gain a real sense of community or belonging!
Jupiter transiting your 3rd house is very auspicious if you’re looking to get your drivers license! This can also be a very fruitful time, If you have some kind of online business/blog.
When someone’s Mars falls into your 8th house, you may feel a strong attraction to them, even if they are not your usual type. I’ve had clients who share this synastry with someone tell me that the Mars person was not their initial type, but after they were intimate their attraction towards mars skyrocketed!
If you have the ruler of your Ascendant or your IC (4th house cusp) placed in the 9th house, you will likely travel a lot or relocate throughout your life!
People with Taurus on the IC make good interior designers! These people often have a keen eye for decorating! Alternatively, I’ve also seen this placement manifesting as people thinking you come from an affluent/wealthy family even if you don’t!
A friend of mine fell pregnant when she had both her moon & mars in her solar return 5th house. What’s interesting is the north node was also transiting her natal 5th house that year!
Kylie Jenner is a perfect example of the positive way in which having a Scorpio moon can manifest; in relation to the Mother! People always say Scorpio moons tend to have “mommy issues” which can be true, but on the other end they can be exceptionally close with their mothers like Kylie and Kris! However, Kris Jenner is a Scorpio sun which may explain her bond with Kylie as they have a “sun moon conjunction” in their synastry. (She has admitted that Kylie is her favorite child) nevertheless, I’m essentially saying that having a Scorpio moon does not mean you’re automatically tied to the mommy wound narrative. It can actually be the exact opposite since Scorpio is the planet of extremes.
If you have Lilith in the 4th house, specifically if it’s conjunct your IC, you may have grown up feeling like the “black sheep” of your family.
One thing that I think a lot of people forget is the fact that there’s a duality that exists within most placements. For example, whilst Neptune in the 7th can suggest you attract partners who need saving, or perhaps you find yourself in relationships with people who have been victimized by life in some way, it is also possible that some of your partners perceive YOU to be this way. It’s not always cut and dry! Sometimes our placements (especially the ones in our relationship houses) can tell us how other people perceive us! Thus, most placements go both ways!
Click the link in my bio if you are interested in purchasing a chart reading!🤍
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Hi!! You mentioned in a post with a summary of what you’ve achieved in 2023 that you expanded your friend circle by making more friends. How did you do that? 🥲 I’m working and although my colleagues are nice, I keep them at arm’s length and most of my friends from school and college are in different parts of the country. I’ve always been introverted with a small circle of friends so loneliness hits me hard sometimes
thank you!!
Speaking as someone who was on both extremes of the spectrum (having no friends and lots of friends)—it’s genuinely about putting yourself out there. The moment I stopped thinking it was hard to make friends, making friends became so much easier to do. Aside from my uni friends, I’ve made friends in so many other places. Once I was studying at the library and a girl approached me. We exchanged numbers and are getting coffee soon. Made friends w the barista at my favorite boba place. Made friends w the girl who does my eyebrows (she’s my age and is also a stem major). I’ve made friends through other friends. It really is that easy if you’re okay w the possibility of rejection, and don’t allow your ego to stop you from approaching people in the appropriate context.
There will be bad eggs. That is completely natural. We move on. There is an infinite number of opportunities to make other friends. Internalizing this has saved me so much unnecessary stress.
Join a book club. Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. Join a class at your gym. These are all such easy ways to make friends, bc you already know you have at least one interest in common w the people present. Better yet!! You also get something from it, bc even if you don’t socialize that well, at least you’re working out or volunteering or engaging in an activity you’re passionate about. It’s a win-win. Just don’t operate from a place of “I NEED to make friends here or else it’s a failure,” bc you’ll end up taking things too seriously and not enjoying yourself. Enjoying yourself is the whole point. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Rest easy knowing friends are guaranteed if you’re willing to look for them, however long it may take.
Also!! An important thing I learned is it’s okay to compartmentalize friends. I have friends I pretty much exclusively party w, friends I only work out w, friends I only go on study dates w… and then I also have a core unit of close friends who go beyond just being friends for enjoyment. It’s fine if you don’t immediately make friends who are essentially your friends for life. That’s extremely rare, so just be patient. Don’t write off people you don’t have this cerebral connection with. Maybe I’m going against the grain here, but I think casual friendships serve a purpose in our lives too. Don’t force connection trying to break past the superficial stages of a friendship—deep bonds like this only form organically. Just relax, put yourself out there, and have fun doing it <3
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nevarroes · 4 months
But WHY is cas obsessed with gortash specifically
hmm okay so to me it’s a combination of a few things let me try to get it all, I’ll add onto this if I forget some major dynamic!
Firstly, it’s that Cas just kinda admires the way he is, the cruelty, the way he enjoys making people hate him, the disregard for most people around him while still having a sense of honesty and lawfulness, if that makes sense. The way that he’s manipulative but there’s room to have proper business with him too. The arrogance and superiority with which he carries himself that at the same time was never disrespectful or applied in the same way to Cas himself. It always kind of…. reminded him of his own kind honestly, and even if Cas himself is less like most devils than Gortash is in this manner it still gave him a sense of familiarity almost even so far away from his home. This plus the inherent superiority he feels over mortals usually but it’s almost like… “hmm this one isn’t so unlike my kind” with Gortash which is why he even agreed to deal with him in the first place, because he never quite just saw him as “some mortal”. He also, even if he’d never admit this, is really drawn to the way that Gortash can manage to be dominant in public even next to CAS out if all people. how he still manages to be the assertive one, the sweet talker, the way he takes control in any type of social gathering naturally etc (some inherent introvert thing going on here w Cas honestly LMFAOO)
Secondly, I suppose there’s this whole underlying dynamic of them complementing each other really well in their approaches and their goals, making them pretty much perfect business partners so Cas was always intrigued by that. Guy that can tell u the ins and outs of how to physically harm torture and manipulate living beings and guy that makes evil inventions and machinations, you get the gist…. 🙏
Something about having a guy proudly mansplain his machinations to the literal devil from the bible . I suppose part of him always found the audacity endearing. sorry😭
And then lastly there is the physical aspect with the fact that they are just really…. different. Cas basically had the importance of physical appearance ingrained in his mind due to his past, everything that happened to him, good or bad, was more or less due to the way he looked so he obviously leaned into that more and more throughout his life, making him incredibly vain and almost…. overly protective of his own body, if that makes sense? With that in mind you then have Gortash, who very much isn’t conventionally attractive the same way that Cas is and clearly doesn’t care about it much either. Gortash to me is a person that only cares about his appearance when it reflects his power and status in some way, so… his clothing and jewelry, the rest? He bends the public eye to see him as he pleases anyways.
So, in a way Gortash is everything that Cas never had the luxury of not caring about, the complete opposite of the many things that Cas holds himself to such high standards over, which is exactly what makes Cas be so drawn to and attracted to that tbh, almost in a taboo-way
(I’ll link this ask over and over sorry but…. talked about here before in a bit more of a nsfw context if you want🙏)
Anyways i think Cas’ obsession with him stems from a certain degree of intrigue of “who the hell does this little Lord think he is to talk to me” as well as admiration for his work at the same time for being so… unlike what he does himself. Same thing as with the whole physical attraction topic, Cas likes him for just being so unlike himself yet similar in past experiences and cruelty. The way they manage to complement yet also understand each other. The way he sees Gortash’s nature as “above” the one of other mortals due to it reminding him of devils. Oh and I suppose he’s also just in love with him let’s not overlook that. Cas didn’t try to do whole ass infernal rituals on himself multiple times so he’d stop finding Gortash appealing for me to ignore this😭😭
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thatnarcissisticfeel · 3 months
hey... i mean this in a completely respectful way and i'm sorry if it comes off as otherwise, but i'm genuinely curious about all the anti narc abuse content on your blog... while i fully believe that it's possible for pwNPD to not abuse people, i also fully believe that ppl can be extremely traumatized by pwNPD (two of my friends have mothers with NPD and have extreme trauma stemming from said mothers NPD traits) so i'm genuinely just curious what exactly you mean by "narc abuse"??? i'm really sorry if i offend anyone but i'm just- genuinely curious and hoping to learn more about the disorder because i've had a lot of pwNPD in my life and wanna know more about how they work, how to treat them, etc
Hi! No worries, I accept all questions that are in good faith, and if i can be honest I really admire your desire to learn more, AND I admire the fact that you're so candid about your current feelings about pwNPD. I'd much rather have a person who is willing to learn more after having had bad experiences with pwNPD, than a person who doesn't know anything about NPD and just inherently assumes the worst of us.
But to answer your question: I don't think there's a single neurodivergent person out there - narcissist or otherwise - who denies the fact that their disorder/disability can make them act in ways that they wouldn't act if they were neurotypical. However, no one is abusive/rude/toxic/whatever SOLELY because of their mental illness or PD or disability. For instance, I've had some friends who were really rude to me due to the fact that their Autism makes social cues difficult, but they didn't "autistically abuse" me or anything, and I don't "autistically abuse" people when I myself fumble with social cues due to my own Autism.
(Obviously 'not understanding social cues' isn't comparable to abuse anyway, but you get what I'm trying to say, right?)
While some pwNPD might indeed be "bad people" - for lack of a better term - due to their NPD, that isn't the case for the vast majority of pwNPD, so terms like "narcissist abuse" or equating narcissism with abuse hurts all pwNPD and further stigmatizes the disorder. Even the people whose toxic or abusive behavior can be contributed to their NPD, it's still harmful to call it narcissist abuse, bc it implies that it's ONLY the fact that they have a personality disorder that makes them abuse people, and thus it's only possible for them to stop abusing people if they recover (please note PDs are really hard if not impossible to make a full recovery from).
Also, there's not really any specific flavor of abuse that's exclusive to pwNPD. Like, what does narc abuse mean? That you're a selfish, entitled asshole who constantly puts other people down to feel better about yourself? Well, there's plenty of people without NPD that are like that! Does it mean that you're blind to your loved one's feelings and always prioritize yourself over them and don't care when your loved one is hurting? That's not exclusive to NPD either! Most "narc abuse" behaviors can really be attributed to ANY abuser, regardless of neurotype. I'd even argue that there's more people withOUT npd that do those behaviors than there are people with.
I hope that helped, let me know if you have any more questions!
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nancydrewwouldnever · 1 month
I think part of the issue which has always existed within the Evans fandom has been that the principal focus of his fandom has been more on the personal level, and the work has been more in the background except during Marvel. Sure, you could have a good conversation at times, but it would always devolve back to gossip about his personal life. Part of that I feel has always been a calculated move by his "team," as they went hard to sell his images over the year as a heartthrob, a sex symbol, and internet boyfriend.
So how does his team exactly pivot from this? His twitter is gone, his IG is completely baron and reserved for Dodger, Jinx, ASP & Audi. There is a major disconnect between his fans. Besides Steve Rogers his work doesn’t really stand out or offer him the chance to flex his acting muscles as he seems to phone it in. Hollywood has a plethora of middle aged, white male actors who do have critical acclaim and box office numbers while keeping their private life private. I never felt like Chris could exist in Hollywood without a fan base or social media because that’s where most of the demand for him stemmed from.
You raise many good questions to which I have no good answers. I'm sitting in this boat with you, too, so I'm stuck there with you. Like I've said a couple of times now, I do feel this is some kind of end for his fandom. Is it an ultimate end? Probably not, but it will be a severe contraction, and I don't think he/his team can count on his fandom to drive free publicity for his films anymore. The numbers/interest simply aren't here like four years ago. Just generalized talk on him has dried up; I feel like the last time it was really heavy was before 2022. Aside from a huge new movie that breaks out, I think they have few "reset" strategies.
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misogyny4girls · 2 months
so i am genuinely curious- and i want to preface by saying i really have nothing against your kinks and ideologies, because free will is a thing and should be respected- how *do* you feel about women that have made major discoveries in fields like engineering, science, economics, tech, etc., from the perspective of misogyny/misogynist leaning viewpoints? do you believe that there are “two types of women”, so to speak? (i’ve heard that before in passing, as an argument for why some women do excel in certain fields and some excel in homemaking instead.) do you believe that they just got lucky? i’m interested in how someone with your views feels about this! :)
i’ve always wondered that, and you seem like an open-minded guy who’s willing to speak his mind. thanks for taking the time to think and answer, if you do. have a good one.
A well put together question, and I think it's an interesting one certainly, so I'll do my best to answer decently accurately.
In a more real sense that most of my posts are, I think the primary point of my own actual opinions stem from the fact that it's a lot harder for a woman to simply be a housewife and/or stay at home mother nowadays than in the past, several things factor into this - economic factors, societal factors, and so on. I personally see the decline of that as a loss for the overall role of femininity and womanhood, which is not to say that it's required that you be a housewife to be a proper woman, but certainly to fulfill a good division of labour or your gender role, whichever way you prefer to put it.
As for the 'two types of woman' point, I don't believe that's true personally. Any woman can be a circumstance of her own upbringing that may lead to different roles in life, but as I see it, pushing women away from a more domestic life that may differ from their eventual husband leads to a more detrimental effect on the generation they will raise - a loss of feminine or masculine role models and the like, but there will always be outliers, and that isn't inherently a bad thing, it's just life.
Maybe these women would be happier as housewives, maybe they wouldn't be, it's all a matter of circumstance. But to have the economic and social support to actually have a large majority of women be able to be in a domestic role I do believe is helpful to a society as a whole.
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hallucie · 1 year
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✨Leo Mars✨ I’m so sorry but when they’re mad they make everything about themselves and can be very defensive. (Sometimes it’s just not about you) My Leo Lilith is showing lmao. They can also be very dramatic when they’re upset which draws attention on themselves. This is really stereotypical of me to say but these individuals have very strong egos but the nice thing about it is that no one is allowed to walk all over them— they really respect themselves. The bad thing is that it can cause a lot of power struggles. The great thing about this placement is that when they’re upset their heart is almost always in the right place. Just like Cancer Mars, Leo Mars stick up for people and really go the extra mile. They walk with a proud attitude and others look to them for advice in self-confidence. Leo Mars love to be acknowledged for their confidence & will gladly hype up another. Oh and in sports? Yeah it’s all about them. They’ll put on a show for everyone in the crowd, EVEN IF THEY ARENT WINNING. The one thing about Leo Mars is that they never go down without a fight.
✨Virgo Mars✨ Oh God… where to begin. They’re very similar to Gemini, but less passive. I have a love hate relationship with this placement because they tend to be so picky that they end up annoying themselves, but I feel like this comes from anxiety. Virgo Mars really focus their energy on the imperfections in life, which can cause them a lot of stress. To others they can seem very cutthroat or cold hearted. They can come off as rude or “too busy to be bothered”, but I genuinely think they just can’t stop being stimulated. Side topic they really don’t like unsolicited advice— I think this stems from the idea of “take your own advice before you dish it out to others”. Virgo Mars have very good advice and very high standards, so they’ll tell it to you straight. OH AND THEY ARE SO GOOD AT PRACTICING SOMETHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN— to the point of perfection! Britney Spears did this with her choreography before shows. They’re great teachers too. Side note, messy eating upsets them— something like a sloppy joe, or hard taco would annoy them.
✨Libra Mars✨ One thing I’ll say about this sign is they will yell. I don’t know where exactly it comes from but so many Libra Mars I know will just lose their shit and get into a screaming match. Honestly I feel like Libra Mars get pissed because they’re always putting other people before them. So it’s like they get mad when they realize someone is walking all over them. Libra Mars are willing to give you the shirt off of their back. I love a good Libra Mars placement. I’d say the only thing bad about this placement is when they do get upset it’s very hard for them to pin point what they’re mad about because it’s just one thing after the other. It’s like if they can’t be actively creating peace they get frustrated. It must be hard dealing with a planet in its detriment. I also notice that this placement is seen as clumsy in their first years. I don’t often see many Libra Mars being gym rats either— not to say they can’t because they definitely can once they fall in love with the way they look.
✨Scorpio Mars✨ Oof. Okay their fuel is just straight up spite. It’s so funny because I don’t even think they realize it. Some would say spite is bad, but honestly it creates a lot of passion. Sometimes holding onto anger gets you places. Scorpio Mars are so rejected because of it too as if its immoral or wrong— it’s normal to feel spiteful at times. And as much as people say scorpios are sex crazed, no. Scorpio Mars are SO secretive with their sex life majority of the time. I’ve also noticed the pain threshold is insane, even emotionally. These folks will investigate deep into something that eventually ends up hurting them in the end (like deep diving into socials to see if their partner is cheating). Why do they do this? I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like Scorpio Mars are subconsciously mad at themselves and they just blame others, even if the other person is wrong I feel like the native doesn’t see what part they played too. When these people are mad at you, they can’t see you as a good person. It’s very black and white for them, never gray. Scorpio Mars also have very sly remarks but I feel like they’re said behind closed doors more often, though they have no problem saying how they feel to your face. These people are ride or dies. Similar to Leo they will not go down without a fight, but their fights are usually emotionally motivated. Would kill out of love.
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1o1percentmilk · 4 months
I'm just very affected by stereotypes around masculine vs feminine fields... I like fitting in, at least superficially, and I want to be liked. Growing up I was never actually told that I couldn't do anything because I was a girl, but I felt it... like, "girls are worse at math" and "girls naturally don't want to go into stem"... So I, as a girl who was good at math, felt an obligation to succeed in STEM, and prove to everyone that a girl could do these things! Even more, I wanted to prove to everyone that a trans man who was socialized as a girl could do STEM, and fight the stereotype that trans men are relegated to the arts and humanities, or only take up artistic careers. I wanted to be different and prove that trans men had the same capabilities as cis men.
But... as I get further and further into my tech career... I feel guilty because in my case... the stereotypes are right. I'm not good at math beyond calculus, and I don't have any motivation to pursue programming projects of my own. I'm not good at physics and while I'm good with computers, I don't go out of my way to get better at it. There are blips of enjoyment here and there and I try my best to cultivate interest, but the truth is that I am deeply unhappy with what I study. What I really want to do is to sit around and read and draw and talk to people. But I'm scared to admit it, because then that means they were right, and I can't do anything useful. In some form it strips away part of what makes me feel masculine and I don't feel comfortable with that.
I think that part of it is a burden on me to separate gender from profession and field, because I definitely do have a lot of hangups around that. I'm majoring in Computer Science because it makes me feel "malebrained" and I don't think that's like, a thought process that any normal person has. (I am not normal). But I think the other part is that it shouldn't be on me to represent an entire population of people. It's a good thing to do, certainly, but trying to be "good transgender rep" in real life shouldn't be any single person's goal.
Why should I be a more virtuous person, put more effort into my day, count my missteps more, for the reason of being a minority population? Why should I push myself to do things I don't enjoy for the purposes of pointing to someone that "HEY! I'm a man too! And I can DO STUFF just like men! Because hey! Men and women can do the SAME THINGS!" Maybe I'm making up a person to get mad at, someone who really believes that "female brains" aren't wired the same as "male brains."* But why can't I just be allowed to exist and make mistakes just like anyone else?
I don't want to have to be a shining pillar of society just to be a human.
*this footnote is here because I am quite sure that these people exist; in fact, I had a rather notorious Computer Science professor, Stuart Reges, for one of my first classes of uni, ever, who wrote an article titled "Why Women Don't Code." It's as bad as you expect, and is my Roman Empire.
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rawlinacademia · 11 months
Dark Academia Habits to adopt
i might as well just add, HEALTHY dark academia habits to adopt easily and fit right into your schedule if you have one. This beautiful aesthetic has a lot (not all) of creators promoting things solely on the basis of defined aesthetics from media which are tremendously injurious to one's health. Please, please please...don't hurt yourself trying to follow an aesthetic, in the short or long term , we have a ton of examples for demonstartion. And please don't hurt others.
Dark Academia Habits to adopt-
romanticize your eyes and the way you say things. No writers writing about your raven eyes? write a haiku for yourself. Be your own muse!
Read. Read. Read. Don't let the DA community pressurise you into reading just the classics. Read what your heart desires? Fantasy? hell yeah!…thinking of changing your life? Self Help books? Brilliant!
Dark Academia is the aesthetic for people who crave knowledge , for people who would analyse , who want to learn, with head full of philosophies , full of passion for what they do , who are ready to do anything to achive their goals…and most of all for people who wish to be all the things above and more.
Channel your Hermione or Rory or Neil Perry or any fav fictional character into yourself and get to work.. Okay but if someone is channeling Henry Winter …please in a limit guys okay?..
Why scroll on social media sites in your free time. Start a language learning journey..So many apps that give you a game like language learning option to do that! Work on your scrolling addiction and get to work!…
Analyze a snippet of poetry in your free time..not for anyone to show..but purely for your satisfaction.
Get educated, my bro. Learn about philosphers and their qoutes and just drop them in the middle of your convos…I bet you will sound mysterious and learned if not educated, smart and elite.
Drink water out of wine glasses, or coffee mugs or weird things you normally wouldnt. But drink water, keep your skin nice and healthy
Eat good food. meal prep or not but see what is going in you body. That will be responsible for your energy levels.
If you have a plain journal around, WRITE WRITE WRITE…i dont care what you write. poems , letters to your 1945's darling , or to your fictional character or telling your beloved (which you have met or not met) about your day. Dear diary is outdated ha ha… Dear Beloved xyz…who is stopping you from doing this shit?
Pretend you are the main character till you become the main character. Get the desired personality you want your main character to have. Good at public speaking? Hell yeah i will practice in the mirror for hours till i laugh seeing my stupid face mess up. Makes friends easily? For sure, imma hit my colleagues and/or classmates for a chat…or Looks mysterious to strangers? Practice makes things betters …DO IT..
Manners maketh man. Talk politely. Refrain from using crude language.
You dont need expensive clothes to feel dark academic. (who even started that!! )Choose your style, the one which you are more comfortable in and carry yourself gracefully. Walk long halls with your thrifted jacket and torn jeans… there are so many sub genres and division of dark academia… find your type AND AGAIN… healthy ones please
Oh romanticise your major. Who cares if all the posts are about english and languages and literature and philosophies.. STEM dark academia hello!!?! Writing equations and working hard for yourself , to get to that position you wish to be… the only mountain you gotta climb is you…
Be the friend you wish to have. You want a DA friend group in your university . Start doing all the things you wish your friend group did, who knows maybe... Well...we all know your vibe attracts yours tribe..hehe
Watch Dark Academia movies.. Movies that take you to your goal or are you trying to take a break? watch what you wish . Mona Lisa Smile, Dead poets Society , Pride and Prejudice (2005 or any), Little Woman, The Da vinci Code, The Imitation Game, The theory of Everything, SHERLOCK HOLMES oh god.., Sherlock BBC, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean THE AGE OF ADALINE, Hamlet etc etc etc
Stay fit, read your fav book while taking stairs instead of the elevator/lift. listen to your fav spotify playlist while having a walk. I personaly like to listen to classical workout songs, i dont know which genius decided to compile upbeat classical pieces like that.
They make me feel like the main character while i am cycling or walking around. Whatever gets the work done right?
Decode. Research topics in cryptography, invent your own language and write things in it..leave sticky notes full fo symbols or different letters here and there..
Write Futureme letters to yourself. They are a window for your future self to look back to the time you are in. I usually write letters for myself and post them to my future self in 2024 or 2025 or 2030 or more.. i write in a world war fashion or somedays in my own style. I write to my friends and family members. They are also sorta snippets of my will..idk.. like if you are reading this , and i am dead in your time...then do this this etc . Nice way to look past Death, isn't it?
Utilise your full potential.Don't let your mind even think for a second that i could have done more…Do more.. over learning never hurts, add the Extra to the ordinary.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Others dont have the same life as yours,nor have they had the same circumstances, So focus on your self… let people talk… Focus on yourself, and focus on your progress.
and please rest…Give your body time to heal, soak up your desired light… moonlight is better for me, i despise sun light. Sit in the moonlight , in a park or in your room and just sit.. Relax for god's sake.
Be proud of who you are and never terminate your progress…Be Better! better than who you were last summer or few years back…
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
I think the thing about Butters is that he’s this really fun contradiction to me. And from what I’ve seen from going through the seasons. Butters Stotch starts out as a contrast to the main four. He’s gulliable and a push over, which turns into the perfect victim, and then he’s the perfect sidekick.
For awhile he seems almost like a loner, or perhaps just comfortable with himself. Something likely picked up from being grounded in his room so often. He sings to himself various songs to pass the time by, he does various art mostly drawing several times throughout the show. Something like tap dancing seems to be something he could attach himself to while not needing to be physically strong and his parents could gain socially from having a talented son.
Yet as time goes by we see his “innocent ways” be twisted, but instead of it being a straight laced kid he’s already quite the asshole. In season 3 he doesn’t hold back from bullying the Codswolds, and in season 7 he quickly piles on to the bullying of Gary Harrison. He has an aversion to difference, the kind that makes you think anyone different is bad. Which wouldn’t be surprising to have come from his parents and their more religious background.
Butters, showing off his age, attacks life in the only way you can when you’re in elementary school and learning everything for the first time. Butters doesn’t start cussing because his friends do, we know he’s capable because we see him do it a few times such as in Christian Hard Rock. He’s not really afraid to stop his class and tell them he’s never played WoW and instead likes Hello Kitty Island, but he will tell Stan “I'd rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid”. There a hierarchy he’s picked up on, and he knows being gay is the worst. Even as he doesn’t know what it is.
Butters didn’t know what his father was doing, he didn’t know why everything was so upset while at camp, and instantly after his first kiss he think he’s a “man” and needs to change his entire life to be one. In that same episode, Butters Bottom Bitch, he rags on gay people quite a bit. Which we see over the course of the series in various ways (see previous paragraph’s quote). He’s been homophobic while having no clue what that really means. This seems to manifest just as much with his sexism, very little clue as why girls are lesser than (though his sexism also seems to stem from the fact they are different) but he accepts it and says a lot of misogynistic shit.
We see almost again and again the abuse that Butters faces that there is no root wrong, there is just an overall wrong. There is no nuance to why a sect of people are bad, they just are. He’s grounded episode after episode for things he hasn’t done or wasn’t a big part of, his school photo being a great example of this. He is nurtured into a world where he is belittle enough to believe he doesn’t know better then others a lot of the time via his parents and later on Cartman.
A more deep rooted homophobia and/or sexism would have him against presenting or doing anything related to being feminine. He’d hide against naively showing his true self so he wouldn’t get bullied. He would care about being masculine or enforcing gender roles. Yet the majority of the time he doesn’t seem to understand the deeper intricacies of these topics like the other boys do. Otherwise he wouldn’t enjoy himself as Marjorine in the self expression and acceptance he’s given. Otherwise he would understand what was happening in Cartman Sucks.
Yet in early seasons Butters is implied to study often to avoid being grounded. He’s shown to be a relatively smart side kick when he’s not being tricked into believing the world has ended and he’s the last person alive. Tbh I believe he would be a lot smarter if he wasn’t largely plagued by a bended view of reality because of the ongoing psychological trauma he receives from his parents.
He loved being Majorine, he doesn’t want to be a faggot. He’s harmed most times he expresses himself, he continues to anyways. He’s seen as a cringe outcast yet can summon a whole crowd with a tap dance performance.
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trashyslashers · 1 year
Hey! I miss your writing! How are you doing??
Any way I can get Corey with a shy s/o? How would that start, with him being shy in the beginning of the movie??
Ahh this one was really cute to write, thank you!
As for your question, things have been very up and down lately, hence the slow release of writing. The death of one of my beloved pets, a health scare with a family member who was in extremely critical condition, recently adopting three new baby rats, issues at work, applying for new jobs, dealing with a lot of inner turmoil and, for lack of a better term, a major crisis in self identity and I guess a lot of questioning about my own personal beliefs, feelings about myself, my family, my life has.... left me feeling very beat down and just fucking exhausted lmao.
In better news, I'm really hoping to see Halloween Ends again here soon, so fingers crossed that it works out because I'm DYING to see Corey again, especially since I want to get a better grasp on him for writing as I still fear I write him OOC. But hey, he's new, I'm new to writing him, I'll get better with him.
Also I cannot remember what his bike looks like so pls pretend this would work even if it wouldn't </3
Thank you again! This came out a bit longer than intended.
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Corey Cunningham x shy! s/o
You two are both shy - but in somewhat different ways, and it's honestly kind of cute how it worked out that way.
Much of Corey's shyness stems more so from how incredibly socially awkward he feels, at least initially. While after the babysitting incident he became incredibly anxious (sometimes bordering on fearful) when it came to interacting with the public due to the cruelty they'd often deal his way, a great deal of his shyness has more to do with him just not really being sure how to socialize with people without coming across as, what to him always felt, dorky.
Corey thinks your shyness is pretty damn adorable - which is funny because he thinks his own is unattractive. His own didn't actually bother him too much, at least not until you came along - y'know the saying "opposites attract", and he felt that he didn't have the charisma to attract you, or get you to open up beyond the timid waves or smiles you'd give his way whenever your eyes would meet briefly.
He's had his eye on you for awhile. Never, ever sure how to approach you given the fact that neither of you knew each other, and that he's typically so focused on his studies and educational goals that he'd worry you may not find much in common with him and, as a result of that as well as what he always viewed as his abysmal social skills and lack of charm, you'd end up losing any interest you may have had in him.
Truthfully, it takes until after that Halloween night for him to approach you, and it wasn't exactly something he planned. After what happened, he knew that you knew, and as a result he could only assume that like most others in Haddonfield, you wanted nothing to do with him, and he considered any potential for a relationship with you gone.
That was, until the day you were walking out of the same convenience store he was going in to. It was an incredibly brief, yet still so comically awkward encounter, that every night he spent thinking of it made his heart thump with both embarrassment but also a giddiness he hadn't felt before.
He, upon opening the door and realizing someone was heading out, kept his gaze mostly to the ground in the hopes that avoiding eye contact would save him any flak from anyone who recognized him as he held the door for whoever it was, praying that they'd just pass by and not give him any shit. He didn't even want a thanks - hell, he figured that if he didn't hold the door, it'd slam shut on whoever it was and then it was inevitable that they would say something to him.
"Thank y- " You'd started, and the moment he heard your voice his head shot up, and he couldn't determine if your words were cut short by his sudden movement or by the disgust you must've felt upon realizing it was him, of all people - yet that apprehension faded when you offered that sweet, timid smile that always made his heart flutter. "You're Corey, right? Thanks for the door - you didn't have to do that."
He spent weeks kicking himself over how terribly he stumbled over his attempt at saying both "You're welcome" and "It's no big deal" and instead said "You're no big deal". He was quick to correct himself, scoffing a painfully awkward chuckle and once again redirecting his eyes elsewhere "Shit, I meant... it's fine. You don't need to thank me, I wanted to. Yes, I'm Corey." And giving you your name in return to confirm that he did, in fact, know who you were too.
Much to both his relief but also embarrassment, you seemed to find his blunder more comical than you did anything else, and nodded. "Yeah, that's me." He could listen to that cute, quiet little laugh of yours for hours. You quickly excused yourself, wishing him a good night and a "see you around".
He wanted so desperately to believe that you were being genuine with your kindness, and he kept swearing to himself that he'd talk to you the next time he had the chance to. Opportunity after opportunity kept passing him by and he kept swearing that next time he'd do it, until one day when it was absolutely pouring rain, and apparently your usual method of transportation had fallen through and you had no choice but to walk in the downpour.
He was not about to let that happen, and taking the tiny surge of bravery he felt, he stopped his well-ridden bike close enough that you could hear him over the rain, but far enough that you, hopefully, didn't feel uncomfortable, and he offered you a ride.
It definitely was a spectacle - he didn't have his motorized bike yet, and his bike wasn't made for two people, so he had you take the seat, while he stood over the center bar to pedal. You had to place your hands on his sides to keep your balance, and had it not been for his concentration on getting you to your destination as quickly, yet as safely, as possible, he would've melted on the spot from your light touch.
The both of you actually laughed a bit over the ride to wherever it was you needed to go, and he felt a fair amount of any nervousness and shyness he felt around you melt off. The hard part, the how do I approach them without scaring them off? part was over with.
Once the two of you enter an established relationship, your shyness actually begins to bring out Corey's bolder, protective side. He'll speak up for you if you need him to (he absolutely will be the "excuse me, they asked for no pickles" one in the relationship if need be), he'll act as a literal barrier between you and someone if they're hassling you, he'll give you rides home if your shyness branches into the socially anxious territory (and even if it doesn't, he still prefers to give you rides home - the people in Haddonfield can be shitty and he does not trust many of them) - he can, and does, overcome his own struggles with shyness when it comes to you.
As things develop and he becomes bolder, and much more confident and charismatic, he absolutely loves to tease you a bit and get you a shy, flustered mess. Calling you goopy, silly pet names in private? Check. Wrapping an arm protectively around your shoulders in public? Done. Pressing quick kisses to your face in a crowded room when you think no one is looking? It's like a game to him.
Turn the tables on him a bit, if you're feeling playful. For awhile, even just calling him something like babe or honey is going to bring back that shy, at a loss for words, Corey that he was for the first initial few weeks of your relationship.
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megidonitram · 29 days
My stupid little Baldur's Gate 3 English Professor AU Headcanons
I mostly want an excuse to puzzle out people's qualifications and educational backgrounds for my silly little English Department AU
Astarion has just always given me overwhelming "sensitive little gay child who had his spirit crushed by his wealthy conservative family" vibes. He has a pre-law Bachelor of English because that was the only socially acceptable way he could get a humanities degree. He had a breakdown in law school and switched to a history M.A. behind his father's back. After that, he sort of aimlessly collected upper-level degrees for a while because he didn't know how to do anything other than be a student. He eventually settled on a Ph.D. in comparative literature.
He mainly teaches upper-level courses (because he scares the freshmen away). His specialty is in British and European literature, and he sort of begrudges having to teach American lit (despite teaching at an American university). He's a tough grader, but he's technically the more accessible lit professor for non-English majors because he teaches with a historical/informational approach rather than a stylistic approach.
Gale went into college at age 18, thinking he was going to get a creative writing degree and become a famous fantasy author until one of his faculty advisors gently suggested he take a few technical writing courses, and he fell in love with rhetoric and the more analytical side of the English field. He worked as a student employee in his university's library, where he caught the eye of his supervisor, who helped him get into a Library Science program straight out of undergrad. That same supervisor became his mentoring professor, and then they got engaged suspiciously quickly after Gale got out of grad school. When that relationship fell apart, Gale couldn't really stay in the library field, so he went back to school and got a Ph.D. in rhetoric and technical communications.
He's the newest hire, so he's mostly stuck teaching the intro comps and the non-English department English classes (since writing, business writing, etc.) The only upper levels he teaches are grammar and style-focused. He's the only member of the faculty with a tech-writing background, so he is the most well-liked English professor among the STEM folks.
I'm not really positive what Shadowheart would have done pre-grad school. She's the second most senior member of the department (behind Astarion), and I feel like she'd been in and out of a lot of toxic queer group living situations for most of her life. Her wife's a philosophy professor at a different university, and she ended up with a master's in poetry and a Ph.D. in contemporary literature because that university had a really good family scholarship program.
She handles the other half of the literature courses and upper-level creative writing courses. She's very big into the stylistic approach to teaching writing and literature, and she's known for assigning very strange, almost inscrutable readings (think starting with Sam Becket's Endgame and just getting weirder from there).
Karlach actually doesn't have a Ph.D., and she's not interested in teaching college full-time. She's a middle school ELA teacher who took a position teaching intro courses so someone would help comp her master's degree. She hangs around teaching one or two classes a semester to have a little bit of extra money on the side.
She teaches intro comps and intro creative writing. She is a very warm and nurturing presence in the writing classroom, and she's incredibly beloved among students who've taken her classes.
Wyll is a senior undergrad working on an English degree with a secondary certificate. He is captain of the fencing team and wants to be a high school teacher when he graduates. He's generally very much beloved by all of the English faculty, but especially Karlach.
He's probably going to end up with a teaching position at the same school as Karlach when he graduates, which would make teaching in middle school this AU's version of being in hell.
Lae'zel's also a senior undergrad and a massive overachiever. She plays several sports, is double majoring in sports medicine and sports communication, minoring in English, and works part-time. She wants to be a sports journalist, but everyone around her is kind of quietly convinced that she's going to end up being one absolute bulldog of a street reporter.
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