#sterling getting to dreamily stare at her crush in class
booasaur · 4 years
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Teenage Bounty Hunters - 1x08
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miraculouslycool · 4 years
Chapter 2: Flicker
Marinette was dozing off in class, her cheek slipping out of her palm's hold.
"I'm sorry, Madame." Alya whispered to Mme. Garnier, their history teacher as she came over to wake her up. "Marinette is really tired, is it okay if she continues to sleep?"
"Gah!" That startled Marinette awake. "No, no, I don't need to sleep. I'm okay. I'm good. I'll stay awake. Sorry Miss Bustier." She said all in one breath.
Mme Garnier stared at her sympathetically. "Marinette, once class is done, I want to talk to you."
Marinette flushed with embarrassment, knowing that every person in the class had their eyes on her. "I'm sorry, Mme Garnier. It won't happen again."
"No need to apologise, but be as it may, I still need to have a word with you, Marinette." She said seriously before walking back towards the blackboard.
"Thanks anyway." She muttered to Alya.
"Are you sure you're okay? You don't look too good." Alya said, concern lacing her tone. "Is it about..."
"No!" She whisper shouted. "No, not him. He and I are friends. Just. Friends. I was up all night. I couldn't sleep. That's all."
"Do you want to go home after this?" Alya asked. "I'm pretty sure Mme Garnier will be cool with it."
"No. It's only one more period. And it's Art and Design for me. I think I'll be fine then. I've got a work in progress anyway."
"If you say so." Alya said doubtfully. "You know that we are all here for you, don't you?"
Marinette's eyes drooped to her textbook. "I know." She said quietly.
"Alright, now turn your pages to 221, and quietly go through the timelines of the two World Wars. You have a pop quiz tomorrow."
Everyone in the room groaned.
"Do not worry." Their teacher smiled ruefully. "Only 7 months left before you never have to worry about those again."
The groans turned into laughs. Mme Garnier was one of the friendlier teachers at lycée, especially compared to Marinette and Alya's professor in Mathematics. She often reminded them of Miss Bustier from their collège days.
Marinette resigned herself to reading and rereading the passages, when she somehow, out of nowhere, just had to catch Adrien's eye.
He was sitting in the bench opportunity to her, and he was looking at her worriedly.
"Are you okay?" He mouthed.
Why was everyone asking her that?
Not that she was ungrateful, but really. All she wanted was to be left alone.
Marinette nodded, smiling slightly to reassure him.
Over the years, her crush on Adrien had only furthered more, to a point where she was only setting herself up for heartbreak, by one, with how close he and Kagami were, and how close SHE and Kagami were, two, Adrien already had enough problems with his dad without her as a girlfriend adding on to the mix, three, she valued her friendship with him too much. She had come to realise how much easier it was to talk to him when she wasn't freaking out about asking him on a date.
He still looked unconvinced, though he didn't ask her anything else. Mostly because Kim, who was sitting next to him was whispering something to him.
She shrugged and began focusing on her textbook, looking at the words but not really reading them.
Chat had never spoken to her that way., She thought sadly as she fiddled with her long, single ponytail.
Not even in the last month had he snapped back. Of course, she wished that they could be what they used to be, she wanted that more than anything, but things weren't the same, and could never be again.
She couldn't even talk to her own friends properly anymore, not without keeping an external filter over her words, carefully corkscrewing all her stress away so that she wouldn't burst.
That box was her responsibility. She was the caretaker of all those kwamis. No one else's.
He needed to realise that.
After waving to Nathaniel, Marinette slumped out of Art class, her shoulder joints aching from being hunched over.
"Hey, Marinette!" Alya waved from the end of the hallway.
Marinette waved back, the smile on her face returning.
"Oh, Alya, I have to tell you something super important!!" Another voice which Marinette unfortunately recognised made her insides squirm.
Lila Rossi walked into view, clutching Alya's arm, and said something to her, which Marinette could not hear.
Alya was gently trying to point to Marinette, but the lying girl was insistent that Alya listened to her instead.
Finally, Alya shrugged apologetically at Marinette before following Lila down the stairs.
If it were any other day, Marinette would have ground her teeth in frustration. Today, she really didn't care.
Yeah, it was sad that Alya went along with Lila's lies, but Marinette knew her well enough to know that her position as Alya's best friend wasn't going to be replaced.
Besides, she just didn't like giving Lila the time of day.
Too bad she actually had to cross them down the stairs to go home.
'Don't be bitter, don't be bitter, don't be bitter, don't be bitter,' she muttered a pep talk to herself as she made her way down the stairs, slinging her bag behind her.
"Hey, girl?" Alya said, peeking at her behind Lila's fake smile. "Do you want to walk home together?"
"I'll be fine, Alya, don't worry." Marinette shrugged it off, remembering to smile. "My house is only a few streets away."
"Are you sure, Marinette?" Lila asked, batting her eyelashes innocently. "You look exhausted, poor thing!"
Marinette fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Don't worry about me, Lila. I'm fine."
"Hey, Marinette!"
The three girls turned to see Adrien Agreste standing on the next stair landing.
He was calling Marinette.
She was Marinette.
"Oh! Uh," Marinette stuttered.
"Go on!" Alya encouraged.
"Hi!" She said in a small voice, raising a hand.
"I meant, go to him!" Alya hissed.
"Right!" Marinette nodded, sterling herself up.
Of course, her usual luck wasn't kind to her.
She tripped on something and went tumbling down the stairs, her feet giving out underneath her.
"Gah-ooof!!" Marinette let out a strangled yelp as she felt her face land on something hard and soft at the same time.
"Marinette, are you okay?" She could hear Adrien asking worriedly.
Why wasn't her face hurting? Shouldn't she have fallen on the-
"Oh, I am f-fine!!" She pulled her face away from Adrien's chest, her stutter returning when she realised he caught her, and his arms were still on hers.
"Marinette!!" Alya's voice sounded so far away, yet Marinette forced herself to turn around. "Oh my god, are you okay??"
"I am!" She squeaked.
She was JUST getting better around him. Of course her stupid feelings had to get in the way. AGAIN.
"Oh my gosh, Marinette!" Lila said, coming up behind Alya.
Quite honestly, Marinette had forgotten she was there.
And her anger that Adrien had managed to catch her did not go unnoticed.
"You should really be more careful!!" She said, her voice rising. "You tripped over my bag, silly!"
"You mean the bag you dropped." Adrien said bitingly, an arm still around Marinette.
"It was an accident, Adrien!" Lila said, as Alya helped Marinette get steady on her feet. "Of course I didn't mean to drop my bag! You know how clumsy Marinette can be."
"Or," Adrien said alternatively, staring her down coldly. "You could be more considerate of the fact that you are standing on the stairs where anybody could walk and trip over anything."
"Lila..." Alya said reassuringly, and for a second, Marinette's blood went cold, thinking she was going to defend her actions.
"I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to, but be more careful in the future, okay?" She said kindly.
"Oh of course, Alya!" Lila said, lapping up the little attention Alya gave her. "You are so sweet!"
"Yeah, um." Marinette said, extricating herself from the situation, even though she was grateful for Adrien's support. "I should go. Bye!" With that she ran out of there.
"Phew." Marinette sighed in relief as she finally got out of the gates. Finally, some relief.
Unconsciously, her eyes wandered to the rooftops of the buildings, like she was expecting to see another Akuma just when she felt like she could catch her breath.
There weren't any.
That was good, right?
She couldn't help the sinking feeling in her chest when she didn't see a black blob with cat ears jumping in between the buildings.
She really wasn't expecting to see him this soon, was she?
"Marinette?" She perked up, turning around to see Adrien.
"Adrien?" She said, hating how squeaky her voice became, again. "Are you how - I mean what doing - gah, just... what's up?"
The worry and concern in his face didn't fade. Just great. He was probably already considering carting her off to the nearest asylum-
"You didn't twist your ankle, did you?" He asked, his eyes traveling to her feet.
"No, I.. I'm fine." She smiled resolutely. "Really. And thank you for catching me. Who knows what would have happened otherwise."
Adrien simply smiled welcomingly at her. "Of course, Marinette. You don't have to thank me."
"But I do!" Marinette said, her jaw dropping. " You caught me and you defended me against... her." She unintentionally gave him the stink eye she meant to give Lila.
Adrien chuckled at her expression. "Hey, someone needs to take her a peg down. I'm glad it's us."
"Yeah..." Marinette smiled dreamily before snapping out of it. "Oh, uh, anyway..." She trailed off, desperately trying to find a different subject.
She didn't know why she chose his dark circles underneath his eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked, peering at his face. "You look like you haven't slept!"
"I could say the same for you!" He countered. "You look like you haven't seen the inside of your mattress in days!"
Urgh. Marinette grunted. So much layers of makeup for nothing. Of course he could see through them, he caked himself with layers of those things for his job.
"I just..." Marinette pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, unconsciously touching her earrings. "I haven't been able to sleep. Too many things going on in my mind."
"Oh." Adrien said, looking like a kicked puppy, even though he wasn't the one who got into a stupid fight with his superhero partner. "Same here, actually." He fiddled with his white ring.
"The life of two lycéens, am I right?" Marinette joked weakly.
"Yeah. Study all day and stay awake at night reading cat memes." He snorted.
"You...you read cat memes?"
"Don't you dare let that come out. I have a reputation to protect." He gasped, like he had uttered a forbidden secret.
Marinette giggled soundly, hoping that would drive away all the painful reminders of another cat in her life.
"Anyway, the reason I came here is..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you want to study for that pop quiz tomorrow together?"
Marinette's jaw dropped. "You're asking me, the girl who drools in History to help you??"
"No, I am asking the drooling girl if I can help her." He sassed back.
"Excuse you," Marinette said haughtily, placing a hand on her hip. "I got an A+ last quiz, which is a grade higher than a measely A-."
"Don't let my father hear you, or I'll get an EARful." Adrien punned.
Marinette was torn between laughing at him and screaming at the universe for giving her signs that pointed to Chat Noir.
"Okay, but seriously, we're both good at History and... it's been a long time since we got to hang out together, just the two of us."
Marinette wanted to melt into a gooey puddle right there.
Adrien wanted to hang out with her? He missed hangout time with HER?
"Why, do you miss getting your ass kicked in video games that much, Agreste?" Marinette went for the sarcastic approach.
If it was possible, his eyes twinkled even more. "Would you take me with you if I told you I don't want to see Alya and Nino play tonsil hockey??"
He hoped she would get the hint. Whenever the four of them just wanted to be together like old times, Marinette could almost never make it. Not that he would ever blame her for it, but being a third wheel was excruciatingly painful.
"Alright, Adrien." Marinette found the courage to loop her hand around his arm. "If I don't take pity on the poor voyeur, what kind of a horrible person would I be?"
"The kind who is really good at it?" He shot back and Marinette only dragged him further ahead in retaliation, failing miserably at it, to his delight.
He was an entire head taller than her, and he just so happened to be a model, which meant she and her short legs had to toddle behind his longer strides.
Sometimes...she realised. Sometimes it really did pay to have a friend around.
Adrien was nothing short of amazing. She always said those words, but now she meant them in a completely different way.
He was patient and understanding when she fucked up some of the facts, and was even more persistent to learn when he did. They cracked jokes here and there, making the atmosphere feel lighter and easier. She kept both of them entertained by doodling some of her designs while studying, because that habit helped her focus. And obviously, he oohed and aahed over her work.
Adrien was just as much a favourite of her parents like when they were 15, and they constantly came up to her room, piling his plate with more food, saying that a growing boy needed more nutrition.
His dietician was going to kill him, but she also didn't know he parkoured around Paris as a part time job either.
Neither of them hadn't felt this free in forever.
Adrien would be lying if he said he came over just to study. He had been watching Marinette carefully over the days, and with every passing hour, the strong, brave, outspoken girl he knew seemed to be folding into a smaller, hollow version of her former self.
He had tried to approach her, just like all her friends, but she had shrugged it off, and always said she was fine.
He knew more than anyone how familiar he found her tight-lipped, constricted smile, and it wasn't just from having led a life as a model. It was also from three years of being Ladybug's partner.
And hell, if Ladybug was just going to remain stubborn and not let him in, the least he could do is be there for one of his oldest and dearest friends.
They were sitting down on opposite sides of her chaise, their schoolwork piled on top of it.
She was in the middle of letting out the loudest gigglesnort at his pompous, over-the-top impressions of Mussolini, and the words just came tumbling out.
"I haven't heard you laugh in ages."
Abruptly, she stopped, and Adrien immediately wished he could go back to a time he hadn't said that. Like...5 minutes ago.
Darn, where was Second Chance when he needed it??
"Oh, um...yeah." Marinette cleared her throat. "I've got a lot going on."
"I'm guessing it doesn't have to do with schoolwork?" Adrien guessed correctly.
Marinette looked up. "How do you..."
"Marinette, we've known each other for three years. You could pile up your desk with ten different projects and get them all completed on time. You're that efficient."
He said that so calmly, so casually, like he was reciting a poem he learnt by heart.
How was she supposed to move on from someone like him?
"You....you would be right." She mumbled.
"Marinette, you can talk to me." Adrien said, placing his hand on top of hers. "Please, I've been where you are, and believe me, talking about it helps."
Marinette looked like she was filtering her thoughts, trying to figure out what to say.
He also realised he hadn't noticed how small her hands were.
"I sort of had a falling out with one of my friends." She finally said.
"Who?" Adrien asked.
"Ummm...I can't tell you?" Marinette stuttered. "I'm sorry, I know I'm being really weird right now, but none of you know him, and I can't-"
"It's okay." Adrien soothed. "You don't have to tell me."
For a second there, his thoughts had immediately traveled to Luka, but Marinette wouldn't lie. She was not that person. If she said they didn't know him, then she was being completely honest with him.
"In fact," Adrien said, hoping that it would ease her mind. "I am kind of in the same situation too. I got into a fight with a friend too. It's been stewing between me and her for days and yesterday it just blew up."
Her eyes turned to him sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Adrien. Are you and Kagami okay?"
"Kagami? No, it's not Kagami."
"Then who- you can't tell me either, can you?" She said, reading his panicked expression.
"No....?" He shifted guiltily.
"That's okay." Marinette said, patting his hand. "We don't have to give away our mystery friends' identities."
Oh wow, the irony.
"Do you...do you want to talk about it?" Marinette asked kindly, even though he was the one who made the first move.
"I will if you will." He said hopefully.
"Come on over to this side." Marinette patted the space next to her, and Adrien eagerly walked over to her side, plopping himself down unceremoniously.
"Wait...so..." Adrien said, rubbing his chin. "This guy is trying to reach out to you, but you don't want to because you are too stressed out?"
"I know it sounds bad." Marinette winced. "He and I used to be close...but we drifted apart over the last few weeks. We just didn't see each other that often and life got in the way. And I know he's trying to help, I'm just not ready. And I know I should accept that he's trying to make me forget but-"
"No, you don't have to reach out to him if you don't want to." Adrien said seriously. "Your feelings are valid too. You're obviously under the weather for a really long time, and if you want to deal with that on your own, then he shouldn't be stopping you."
"Really?" She still sounded unconvinced.
"Listen, no one knows or understands the pressure you go through more than you." Adrien said, his eyes narrowing as his thoughts traveled to his father. "I say keep your space from him. If he's a true friend, he'll understand. That being said....do you think he'll reject you if you do reach out now?"
Marinette looked away, biting her lower lip as she pondered on his words.
"He...he can be very stubborn. And sometimes he puts his pride before the situation at hand but...no. He wouldn't. He is not heartless. Far from it, actually."
"Well then, there you have it. He definitely has good intentions, and I'm sure you are aware of that. With a little time and space, he will come around. I'm sure of it."
When it was his turn, Adrien didn't mention the stress Ladybug was going through to Marinette, even though that probably didn't help her case. Still, he couldn't just casually leave hints about her identity. He'd never forgive himself if he did.
"My friend...she lost someone close to her." He said instead. "And she thinks it's her fault."
Marinette's eyes crinkled with compassion.
"I'm so sorry. For her, that is."
"And well, I've been trying to reach out, but everytime I do, she pushes me away or yells at me for trying to help, and it's frustrating because...I want to help but I can't do that if I'm scared to even strike up a normal conversation with her without it going up in flames."
"It....seems like she is going through a lot."
"Yeah she is, and I suggested that we go do something together yesterday, and she exploded. She said something about how I wasn't taking seriously. But I am."
That last sentence came out more despairing than he meant to. "I have never been more serious about anything in my life."
Marinette averted her eyes from him, looking at the window instead. "Well...I say she needs some time to cool off too."
"Maybe, maybe you shouldn't bother her for a while, but still, don't stop showing her that you do care. Just...do it at a distance until she comes to you. She is hurting, and yes her feelings are understandable, but so are yours. Don't give yourself any chances to get hurt unnecessarily, okay?"
Adrien smiled sadly. "Thanks Marinette. I really needed to hear that."
"Thank YOU. Your advice really helped out a lot too."
Adrien opened his arms for a hug, and it shocked Marinette how easily she was able to accept it now, compared to her stuttering, panicky, fifteen year old self.
"What are friends for?" Adrien said, his chin resting on her head as Marinette finally let herself relax.
Maybe, that word wasn't so terrifying when she related it to Adrien after all.
"Marinette.... maybe you should take a page from Adrien's book! You look much more relaxed now that you talked things out with him, don't you?" Tikki said, once Adrien had left.
"Yeah, but, it's, it's...." Marinette struggled. "I know he wants to help, Tikki, but I can't - I just -"
"What do you think Chat Noir would do if you reached out?" Tikki asked, eyeing her seriously.
"He would...."
"Do you think he would turn you away?"
"No! But-"
"Marinette, you don't have to go to him unless you want to, but you should know, you aren't alone. You never have been, and you don't have to be. Until then..... don't be so hard on the boy. You know he cares about you."
"Did you get NOTHING out of the conversation you had with Marinette??" Plagg asked Adrien insistently.
"What is there to get?" Adrien shrugged as he dug out the rest of his homework. "I really hope she does make up with that guy, whoever he is."
"No!! I mean, she is - and you are - AGHHH!" Plagg just screamed and burrowed himself into one of Adrien's removed socks.
"Stop being so dramatic, Plagg." Adrien shook his head.
"Well maybe you should stop trying to force help on someone who doesn't want it." Plagg shot back.
"Hey, she needs it!" Adrien said defensively. "I'm not going to apologise for trying to be a good friend-"
"Hey, you are the one who said she's going through a lot to Pigtails. And you said she's blaming herself for it. You know what she is going through, and you know she needs help."
Plagg flew a few inches directly in front of his chosen's face. "But does she WANT help? That's the question you need to ask yourself."
Plagg flew away haughtily into his cabinet of cheese, leaving behind an ashen faced Adrien.
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