#stj egos
funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Does someone's type influence the kind of characters they tend to write? Which types you have the hardest time writing?
It seems to, yeah. Thinkers tend to write more thinkers, and feelers write more feelers. The feelers that thinkers write are always more emotional than real feelers, and the thinkers that feelers write are always more detached than real thinkers. You can even guess at an author's type by their antagonists -- Lucy Maud Montgomery (INFP) wrote "stern" STJ types for her IFPs to battle against, for example.
My pattern seems to be characters of every type except ITPs -- I struggle to write them because they always come across as more moralistic than the real ones would be, or Te-ish. I've noticed I tend to write a LOT of strong Fi's (people whose morals are being tested by the outside world, and who have to stand on their principles) and a lot of NTJ anti-heroes (rationalists who also have hidden emotional depths). SFPs tend to drive a lot of my plots, NJs are the strategists, FJs are the side characters, TPs are harder for me to get a handle on, because it's my "blind spot." But I'm actively trying to write more of them for variety's sake.
Enneagram-wise, I write a LOT of 6s, 8s, 1s, and 2s. Some 9s and the occasional 3, but almost never 4s, 5s, or 7s. It's hard for me to escape the super-ego, since I have to fight against "should" thinking within my characters. It's easy to write 8s (especially 8w9s, I have at least one in every book -- a solid wall against which other characters batter themselves to pieces) but my heroes always have a moralistic streak. I'm trying to write a 3 at the moment, and have to watch myself or I start slipping into super-ego 6 strategic territory. Most of my characters THINK... a lot.
A 9 who is reading my novel about an assassin's school during the reign of Napoleon said he can see 6w7-ness in my books. It's "buzzy" and "heady" and "intense" to him. As a 9, he can't just read it straight through because all the thinking, strategizing, questioning of things, action and excitement overwhelms him. Which I find interesting.
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bluebellowl · 3 years
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Aaand I rerepainted Sketchy’s sketch
Yeah the first overpaint was pretty wack and soulless and kinda ugly in my opinion so I gave it a good rework with the help of a lot of feedback
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itsme-isfp · 6 years
Friendship: ENTP + ISFP
So here’s the thing: my best friend is an ENTP.  We share a mutual love of MBTI but haven’t been able to find much out there on the internet about friends of our personality types.  Occasionally we’ll come across the “odd MBTI pairs that work” posts that throw us together, but otherwise there doesn’t seem to be much love for the ENTP + ISFP pairing, or even intuitive + sensor pairings in general.  In light of this, we thought it would be fun to write some content of our own! We sat down for a couple of hours came up with some thoughts about why our friendship works so well (also it was fun to giggle and appreciate each other).
(For those who are curious, we’re an ISFP female, 3w4 and ENTP male, 8w7. ENTP blogs @theminiatureguy​)
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ENTP: FUN BUDDIES! This ain't no STJ pair over here. We love exploring new places, experiences, and fun times! ISFP is especially good at helping me with this. She’ll constantly suggest new ideas (her new thing is food) for me to try that I wouldn't think to consider trying.
I mean this is just a benefit for me, but she is great with clothing, hair, and looking sharp - which is an area where I’m 100% clueless - so that’s a huge perk.
ISFP: We’re partners in crime. I like to think we’re the dream team in terms of having great ideas and turning them into reality.  He’s good at coming up with novel solutions.  I’m able to take his ideas and go, okay, how do we make this happen? One of the most rewarding things we do is plan social events together.  He’s great at coming up with a concept and getting people together.  I’m the one who makes sure that the other little details get taken care of.  
ENTP: We both are open minded on our conversations. When we are challenged on our opinions or beliefs we generally are open minded to consider the other’s ideas or opinions.
We have taken the time to really learn and understand each other. We care about the other enough that we constantly seek to learn and understand each other better and better. Because of this we have learned how to care for each other in ways that are uniquely special and meaningful to each other. I’ve learned to pick up on when she needs a gentle back rub or arm touch to remind her everything’s okay and to provide meaningful reminders of her worth when she’s stressed, and to offer full on long secure cuddles with silence when she’s really tired out and just needs to recuperate.  She’s in turn picked up on reminding me that I am useful and do have value even when I feel I’ve fallen short.
ISFP: Adding to this, I really appreciate how thoughtful ENTP can be.  Whether it’s asking me if I need some time alone to process, or reminding me to eat (because I forget, all the time).  He goes out of his way to be in tune with what’s going on in my life and watch out for me.  His insatiable thirst for knowledge definitely works in my favor because he’s always asking questions and working to understand me better :) I really enjoy that he trusts me and lets me into places of his mind and heart that he doesn’t share with other people.  He won’t say this, but he deserves someone to have his back and support him too.  
ENTP: We both bring strengths to the relationship that aren’t anywhere on the other person’s radar. She reminds me almost constantly to consider things from a spiritual or emotional view that I will blow past 9/10 times. This is a huge blessing for me as it helps me to really focus and center myself on what really matters. I like to think that I offer some creative problem solving and critical reasoning but you’d have to ask her to find out if that’s true or just my ego speaking ;)
ISFP: Nah, I totally agree with this. ENTP is great at recognizing when I’m stuck inside my head or experiencing tunnel vision in regard to how I’m handling my emotions or my outlook on my circumstances.  He’s unafraid to call me out on it and explain why my thinking is irrational.  He also has my back in the area of romantic attachments and is able to pick up on potential problems much faster than me - he sees things I overlook when I rely on my feelings.
ENTP: I don’t know if this is an Fi thing, but she loves and cares for me in a unique way no one else really does. It’s refreshing how caring and understanding she can be in a really unobtrusive way. I’ve had several other close friends, even higher Fe users like INFJ and ENFJ, but none of them really love in a way that’s not kinda pushy. When INFJ says “I’ll be here if you need me” it feels weird and standoffish, but when my ISFP palie says the same thing I know she’s really there for me.
Laughter, there’s a lot of laughter and laughter is good. There are other friendships where things aren’t nearly as loose or free to be silly and funny and having that with her is really a huge blessing. Especially when you consider that we both love to laugh and have a good time snickering or just being plain silly.
ISFP: Oh yeah, we’re silly and sassy all the time. It’s one of the great perks of being no filter buddies. We goof off and tease each other constantly. Things like having inside jokes about other people behind their backs or making faces and snickering at each other in serious meetings. He makes life fun!
ENTP: People seem to think ISFPs are simple or dumber than other types but lemme tell you, this gal is wicked smart. I’m often flabbergasted by her ability to add a simple “what about this?” to whatever I’m considering that makes total sense and drastically enhances whatever plan I was considering.
ENTP: Our senses of humor can be quite different at times. Whereas mine tends to be based on relating different concepts, or turning words around to play with them, hers tends to be more based on sounds or instances in our environment.
ISFP: Yeah, we tend to miss each other in the moment sometimes. I think most of it relates to us just being so different in how we perceive the world around us and process information.  His need to “understand all the things now!” can be a little too intense for me. I frustrate him when I’m quiet during a rough time and bottle up my thoughts and feelings.  Just being real here; we don’t have that picture perfect friendship where we’re 100% in tune all the time and there’s never ever conflict.  We do fight and hurt each other sometimes.  The good news is that these fights are pretty far and few between - and we do our best to look out for each other, which means that we talk through misunderstandings before they blow up into something bigger.
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Why it works
ISFP: We’ve made a mutual commitment to be 100% honest with each other. Which, in the moment means we’re free to spout out whatever goofy or snarky thoughts come into our heads, but also gives us the freedom during serious talks to call each other out on our bullshit in a loving way.  
ENTP here now, but no filter buddies is like the best thing ever! I’m used to constantly biting my tongue or holding thoughts back because they tend to be rude or out of place to most people but she does a great job at accepting, and often joining in my goofy/random/weird thoughts. As an added bonus, no-filter buddies means we don’t have to worry about hidden meanings or assumptions, we can just up and ask if something is wrong and trust for the truth.
ISFP: We defined the relationship early on, which gives us the basis to set boundaries and know what to expect from each other. ENTP and I aren’t dating and don’t intend to be romantically involved any time in the future. Agreeing that we want to keep things platonic early on has been very, very helpful. I don’t have to worry about accidentally leading him on, or reading too much into every little thing he says.  
ENTP: We accept each other unconditionally, never letting a mistake or flaw of the other discredit them from our love/acceptance.
ISFP: We work through conflict and try to talk it through sooner than later.  The purpose is to understand why it happened, how the other person was affected, and how we can best support each other going forward. This one is the most challenging for me, because I like to have time and space to process strong emotions, while ENTP prefers to know what is going on right away and resolve things as quickly as possible.
But yeah, what ENTP said about unconditional acceptance is huge. Most of the time we disagree, it’s just because we’re looking at things differently.  Having this mindset is so helpful because it forces us to slow down and listen...and often find that we’re actually on the same page after all.  In the end, whether or not we always agree on something, we put the friendship first. Having him in my life is more important than having the picture-perfect bestie, although I couldn’t ask anyone better.  :) 
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mbti-notes · 7 years
Part 1 Hi there! I've been reading your guides and wanted to let you know you've got some great stuff there. I also wanted to know if it was weak or unhealthy Te that is obstinate with rewiring its perspective? I used to think my mother was an STJ of some sort, but now I'm beginning to think she may actually just be a very controlling or looping or gripping cp6 INFP. Same functions, different order, y'know? Anyways, this afternoon I was trying to explain
[con’t: how animal age doesn’t correlate with human age. She immediately told me I was “wrong because she’d heard the opposite all her life and biologists are wrong. Just like they’re wrong about global warming.”  And all I could think was that’s such a leap in logic and perspective but what I said was, “just because you’ve heard something your whole life doesn’t make it inherently true.” She responded with, “I have a lot more years on you. I know what the world was like 40 years ago.The education system is brainwashing you with the liberal agenda.” Which is borderline conspiracy theorist, and isn’t it unhealthy Ni that typically acts all conspiratorial and what not? Anyways, I’m pretty sure the motivation there is that she’s not in an echo chamber with me and feels some subconscious urge to intimidate me into one. And she’s afraid of reframing her perspective entirely. Like, any data that comes in that she disagrees with (like facts on things like global warming lol) is shot down as irrelevant and dismissed immediately. When I try to add up more evidence or discuss it further, she tries to shut me down and tells me I like arguing and that I’m “brainwashed and close minded”. Which I really don’t like debating with her, it’s exhausting, and my own problem to work out. I just wish she would open up her mind to new knowledge.]
Type does not determine your belief system but it can help explain how you came to the belief system you possess. Anyone can be closed-minded, it is usually more related to the level of ego development than type itself. The more a person seeks identity through their beliefs (and there are many possible reasons for why someone would), the more defensive they will be and the more they will refuse to hear anything else. It is a human affliction.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
 Hello there, Charity! First of all, I'd like to thank you for your sharing your insights on mbti and enneagram, they definitely have provided me with a new perspective upon them. I have been typed by someone as an ISTJ 9w8 sp/sx, and I'd like a second opinion regarding that, in order to either confirm it or look for something else that might suit me better. However, as a warning beforehand, my self awareness may not be the best. Regarding my cognitive stack, I am fairly convinced that I may have Te-Fi/Fi-Te in my stack, due to the fact that I am often focused on specific rules and limitations in order to avoid trouble and gain control over my situation and environment. I do not understand and often hold a disdain for those who do break rules, as that means getting into trouble and making my situation a lot more difficult ( not even mentioning thwarting my plans that I've made beforehand ), which I am not fond of. 
That does sound STJ, yes, and super-ego (abide by the rules).
I think that I lack Fe due to the fact that, although I can try placing myself in somebody else's shoes to attempt to see their situation from their perspective, I may not be able to know how to approach a sensible situation properly. I also have a really hard time talking about feelings or anything of the sorts. If I am particularly upset, I'd rather prefer to be left alone than comforted, so I can deal with those feelings myself.
Yeah, that is consistent with low Fi. I am not so sure that I am a Si dom. Even if I can get nostalgic about certain things at times, memories of the past can end up being haunting than being treated as lessons to learn from or to guide me/be used as a reference for the future. I don't hold family or other similar structures in a high regard, and I often despise viewpoints which I perceive as too conservative or limited, as I think that they're a bit outdated and need to evolve in order to adjust with our current times. Although I can enjoy a certain nostalgic moment, if there is too much of a routine regarding that, I will get bored soon enough.
This doesn't rule out ISTJ, IMO. ISTJs are the most logical of all 16 types and the least sentimental; Te is all about using what works and that means being modern, setting goals, and adapting to some extent to the outside world as it progresses and moves forward. Si does want to hold onto what lasts / matters, however, which brings in a sense of pragmatism (for example, "family" is often important to SJ types in general, because it's through family that you connect to your ancestral roots and ensure your future). SJs are not necessarily conservative / traditionalists (some are, some aren't; it depends on if the Si users CARES about those things as an individual or not; it's not automatic "oh, we've always done it this way, this is good enough for me"). But it could also mean you are ETJ.
As for my weak point, I think that I may have Fi/Fe as an inferior function. Even though I do have an internal moral code I hold myself up to, I can hardly understand the depth of interior feelings, and if I focus on them or introspect too much, I can spiral down into depression and ruminate on all of my emotionally negative experiences. Although I may enjoy the adrenaline and physical sensations that some negative emotions may provide, sometimes it's a bit too much.
Yes, that would be consistent with inferior Fi. And finally, for my enneagram, I have been thinking that I may be a 3w4 sp/sx. I do enjoy impressing people by acting a certain way, and obtain certain reactions from them to make sure that they grow fond of me. I do act a certain role depending on who I am with in order to obtain what I want or to adapt to them/the overall environment that surrounds them. I can appear drastically different depending the setting (for example, work me is much more different than me with my friends ). I am also heavily competitive, and I dislike it when I see someone doing better than me or being better than me in any way, and I do have a strong urge to imitate fictional characters/people which I admire in order to succeed and form my image the way I'd want it to be.
That does sound more 3 than 9. Would ESTJ 3 fit? I also don't see sp/sx. Sp/so is more likely. (You clearly care about competing against people and making people like you, so you have some awareness of the social realm/your reputation/how others see you.) This is a lot to read, so I'd like to thank you if you do take your time to take in all of this and provide your own opinion/insight regarding it. I also wish you a nice day, and be sure to take care of yourself, Charity~
Thanks, you too!
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
So I read your book and I was able to narrow down my function use to using ne and si. I relates a lot to ne page and I saw glimpse of si on the page. The judging axis confused me because I related to extroverted thinking and extroverted feeling m while inferior feeling had some nuances so I was going to write some things that I tend to do if you can help narrow things based on some of this things...
Hmm. I think INFP. I don't see Ne-dom (" I tend to not be open about my life unless prompted about specific such as hobbies or interests, feels weird to start bringing it up randomly" is pretty much NOT Ne-dom, but fits Fi-dom very well). You're focused on using Te and doing it well (tunnel vision, being serious about completion) but all of your examples relate to relationships in some way, which makes me think not STJ. I feel like you are pulling away from Fi, but can't help it being the center of your universe (all those emotions that are clouding your ability to get things done).
I assume you are a 6? There's a lot of super-ego in what you wrote, along with anxiety about people finding you annoying or being angry at you if you don't get the exact response you anticipated. sp/so 6w5? It feels like a head type attempt at avoidance of emotions, while being driven by them.
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bluebellowl · 3 years
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A redraw of a screenshot from West Side Story introducing the Jets
But it’s the Stj Egos
*tough boys finger snapping intensified*
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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Some old sketches of Stelliies, the one who leaves nothing but destruction in his path and likes to wear make up pls be nice to my boi
(also i recently realized how similar he is to the german rapper Sido who wore a silver skull mask in the beginning of his carer so that’s that)
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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Some ideas for a splash art that never happened. painting these was really relaxing to some rainy lofi 
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bluebellowl · 3 years
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Idk I was in on the train to Italy and wanted to work a bit on the character by painting him in a kinda dramatic pose.
Wish I knew Jojo back then
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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more concept art! 
the first is a sort of rework of the very first piece (here) i made of him. 
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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Some Stelljeses in a really bad mood as preparation for Stelledge. Irl you see these faces only days before big events like concerts or open days. The Clark-Kent-hair is also only available during these days, i personally only heard rumors about the faces. 
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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Some early Stellaris stuff
image 2: When frightened or surprised Stellaris eyes will light up like flash lights so dazzle and scare off the threat.
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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it’s sad that these are the only two digital illustrations i ever did of him
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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Even more Stellaris!
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bluebellowl · 4 years
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For today have more Stellaris
he’s my favorite ego so far with his nature vibes and magic aura. And running away from your responsibilities to live in peace with the animals of the forest is such a mood.
I’m not sure what to do with his Antlers. He’s supposed to be a fast runner but also be able to climb well. His antlers would get in the way a lot. My idea is to make the antlers magic, meaning he can sort of switch between them being solid material and essentially just a hologram on his head. I’m not too sure yet how this would work tho...
Overview of the egos here
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