My phone hasn't been charging well today and my battery keeps draining fast. I need a new phone, it's very broken lol, so no stories today. That and I'm simply not feeling it. But there are some fics I've recently written that you may have missed:
New list of fics I've finished so I'm not reblogging one post over and over:
Sam Would Never Catch A Cold
Sam is in denial of being sick, Castiel is luckily a patient or patient enough angel to help him.
When did you get together?
Jack wants to know when Sam and Castiel got together, confusing Sam.
A Very Strange Competition
Sam and Castiel haven't told Dean they're together, and are too obvious about it truly.
Some others you may have missed:
Something About Flies On The Wall
Jack asks a question offending Dean, and is quickly reminded that Jack has scary parents.
Dean leaves to get food, leaving Sam and Cassie to talk. By the time they're done, Sam understands Dean's expression when they got there.
Jack wants a cat, Dean is against the idea 100%, he just keeps forgetting so.
Sam's Complexities
Castiel talks to Dean about the uncertainties of Sam's and Castiel's relationship.
Humanity's Distractions
Castiel isn't fully used to their humanity, Sam's face is simply one example of that.
My Advice? Don't Take Dean's
Dean offers advice, Sam dips out.
Sam's putting on chapstick, Castiel's curious about it, and an angel's curiosity is a dangerous thing sometimes.
Must Stay Grounded
Jack is grounded and everyone has a different interpretation of what that means.
Jumping Ship
Sam's bad habit of jumping out of a car, and what got him to stop.
The Rain Upon Us
Sam is standing in the rain, and Castiel wants to know why. And keep him from getting sick.
To Be Loved and To Love
Dean tells Cassie the truth and neither could handle the consequences of it.
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⚜ Sobre mí ⚜
Hola, soy Laura, una lectora apasionada por las historias de fantasía y mucho mejor si tienen magia.
Una perfecta descripción sería: "Duelos, hechizos mágicos, el príncipe" como diría Bella. Si un libro incluye todo esto soy supremamente feliz.
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Aquí les contaré un poco sobre mí y cómo surgió la idea de blog.
Creé este blog a partir de un sentimiento de madrugada (3 am para ser exacta), cuando terminé de leer La Elegida de Kiera Cass y no pude compartir mis emociones con alguien al terminar la lectura después de pasar 3 días continuos leyendo La Selección.
Horas después cuando desperté, recordé lo que sentí al terminar los libros y vino a mi mente la idea de iniciar un blog.
En un inicio estaba muy dudosa con la idea del blog, pero me impulsó la idea de poder encontrar personas que se sintieran identificadas con mis palabras o que simplemente quisieran compartirme su experiencia.
Después de crear mi espacio en Blogger, el proceso para avanzar fue caótico, ja, ja, ja. En principio batallé bastante para utilizar las herramientas de Blogger y batallé con otras cosas como con el nombre. Estaba dividida entre dos de mis sagas favoritas para elegir un nombre y como ven, al final ganó el hacer tributo al top de mis libros favoritos y quedó "Cazadores de Historias 1878".
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Para contarles un poco más sobre mí, les cuento que aparte de la lectura me encantan:
Los videojuegos. Algunos de mis videojuegos favoritos son The Legend of Zelda y Final Fantasy.
Me encanta muchísimo escuchar música y a quienes más escucho es a Taylor Swift y a Shawn Mendes.
Toco algo de guitarra.
Soy una Sailor Scout que tiene su mente la mayor parte del tiempo en el Milenio de Plata.
Desde noviembre de 2021 estoy sumergida en el dibujo.
Y como último dato, soy fan de Marvel y DC. Spider-man, Scarlet Witch, Batman y Hawkgirl son algunos de mis superhéroes favoritos (Si agrego al resto esta presentación se va a extender, ja, ja)
Ahora que ya saben un poquito sobre mí me queda decirles... ¡Bienvenidos a Cazadores de Historias 1878!
Hmm... ¿Les parece que Storyhunters es un buen nombre para esta comunidad?
Si se les ocurren ideas los leo😊
Antes de terminar les dejó por aquí dos de mis frases favoritas:
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Puedes seguirme en:
Mi blog
Gracias por llegar hasta aquí. ¡Nos vemos!
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petnews2day · 4 days
‘Midsomer Murders Mayhem’ podcast continues with “A Rare Bird” from series 14.
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/HNrNp
‘Midsomer Murders Mayhem’ podcast continues with “A Rare Bird” from series 14.
On: April 20, 2024,  By: Bill Young Midsomer Murders Mayhem podcast launches today. Photo: Storyhunter THE podcast you been waiting for that digs deep and goes behind-the-scenes into the long-running British mystery series, Midsomer Murders!, continues to showcase that things aren’t always rosey when living in a picturesque small English village. With new episodes dropping each Thursday, this […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/HNrNp #BirdNews
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fleelife · 6 months
News & Journalism Sizzle Reel from Storyhunter on Vimeo.
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klimt7 · 9 months
Partire pensando
ai viaggi futuri
Algarve in viaggio
verso il vostro cambiamento
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weinblog-2022 · 2 years
Met this photojournalist in my cab from the checkpoint to the church in Bethlehem
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osproru · 2 years
Как заказать услугу видеосъемки в Москве
Если вы хотите заказать видеосъемку в Москве, есть несколько мест, где это можно сделать. Среди них GoodFirms, Storyhunter и World Content Market. Эти услуги обеспечивают самую доступную видеосъемку в России. Но как вы можете получить лучшее соотношение цены и качества? Если вы хотите нанять лучшую видеосъемку в Москве, прислушайтесь к этим советам:
Ведущая московская компания по производству видео может помочь вам выделить свой бизнес из толпы с помощью анимационного видео. Использование видеоанимации для продвижения ваших продуктов и услуг может сделать вашу маркетинговую кампанию более эффективной и привлечь больше потенциальных клиентов. Обратившись к одной из ведущих московских компаний по производству видеопродукции, вы сэкономите много денег и сосредоточитесь на своей основной деятельности. С помощью каталога ведущих московских видеопроизводителей GoodFirms вы можете выбрать лучшую для своего проекта. Вы можете прочитать отзывы клиентов и получить представление об их опыте.
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Охотник за историями
Если вы ищете профессионального рассказчика для создания видео, Storyhunter — отличный выбор. Их глобальное сообщество проверенных видеооператоров охватывает 192 страны и может помочь вам создать захватывающую историю, которая донесет ваше сообщение. Они предоставляют видеоролики о брендах, документальные фильмы, анимационные и пояснительные видеоролики, прямые трансляции, новостные видеоролики и многое другое. Они также предлагают отзывы и тематические исследования.
Мировой рынок контента
С 30 мая по 1 июня в Москве проходит крупнейшее мероприятие World Content Market, посвященное производству и распространению видео- и цифрового контента. Встреча международных компаний и руководителей отрасли высокого уровня в стране дает прекрасную возможность встретиться с лица, принимающи�� решения в российской телеиндустрии. На протяжении всего мероприятия вы можете участвовать в дискуссиях о текущих тенденциях в отрасли и возможностях монетизации. В Москве базируется несколько компаний по производству видео, и вы можете найти множество услуг для удовлетворения ваших производственных потребностей.
World Content Market в Москве предлагает услуги видеосъемки. Компания стремится производить высококачественный контент, который можно распространять среди мировой аудитории. Компания также предлагает услуги по производству рекламных и документальных фильмов. Они являются экспертами в производстве видео и могут помочь вам во всех аспектах производственного процесса. Независимо от масштаба вашего производства, они спос��бны предоставить полный цикл производственного опыта в Москве.
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beebeyjuice · 4 years
Fanfic reblogs
Hey, I’m constantly looking for fanfics to reblog and read so if you want me to reblog your story (some good ones have no tags and that’s just sad man TTATT) tag me @beebeyjuice and I will cuz oohhh lord I want to feed on your creativity and feel like I’m in the clouds when I read your story and feel the bliss and dopamine surging in when I fantasize about your story becoming into reality and feeling like I had just sex but I am fooling my virgin body to the sinister of sexual fantasy.
 You can also DM your story if you like as well, just send those fics in folks, we got some thirsty thirsty fans on here <3
If you have friends on here and they write stories HIT ME UP AND I WILL HIT THAT REBLOG BUTTON!!!
Thank you
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storyhunter-comic · 3 years
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24! E con questo finisce la storia di Lina Gal... e comincia quella di Makeen!
Salvate il Soldato Tàmo (24 Giorni Comics)
Una storia all’interno del fumetto WILD REVOLUTION, un mondo appartenente al multiverso di A STORY HUNTER.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
For the storyhunting anon:
The gladiator!Din series is Cyar’ika by @iwishtobeastorm!
Thank you hun!!’
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"I think Hamam: Il Bagno Turco (1997) was the first gay film that I have seen. It’s a Turkish-Italian film by Ferzan Özpetek and it’s quite a sensitive film. It tells the story of an Italian guy who goes to Turkey and he discovers there that he is actually attracted to men. He stays with a family that his aunt knew and he falls in love with their son, but of course there are some hidden difficulties in the family. It’s a very special film to me, because I was having difficulties with my family when it came to acceptance. After I had seen that film and in that same period things went out of control with my family and I decided to flee from the Netherlands. I moved to Australia and I even went to Istanbul, which is where this film takes place. The Italian guy is murdered in the end of the film and that is when the peace returns to the family and they are finally able to accept each other again. It is always as if something tragic needs to happen before people solve things and start loving each other again and that gets to me sometimes. Especially, since I am familiar with the culture displayed in this film. My message to people would be to love each other some more while you still can and try to solve things before anything tragic happens."
Photo and story by Feargal Agard
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Running To Get To You
Sam was fiddling with his sunglasses, wiping them clean, and looked over at his brother, "Dean, you need to hold onto his leash better." 
Dean rolled his eyes, "Nah, come on," he bounced the leash in his hand, "Bones isn't going to go anywhere, in fact, I can let go, and-" 
As soon as Dean opened his palm, freeing the leash from his grasp, Bones took off up the hill. Neither Winchester could react fast enough to stop him. 
Dean pressed his lips into a straight line, "That wasn't supposed to happen." 
"You are the worst," Sam said, tossing his glasses down, running off in the same direction as his dog. Cursing Dean with every step. 
As he ran, you heard him shouting, "Bones!" Dean put his head down in shame and turned to his wife. She had her lips pressed in a tight line, raising her eyebrow at her husband. 
"In my defense," Dean said, "Bones is pretty well trained." She shook her head in disappointment but still looked up with a smile. 
Something told Dean he shouldn't admit that he's let go of the leash several times before, even today. Which is why he was so confident in Bones staying put, he'd just be digging his grave if he said so. 
"Except for the fact that we're at a public park, with thousands of distractions, like squirrels and frisbees," She patted his hand, "He's very well trained but he's still an excited pup." 
"Go fix your mistake, I'll hold down the fort," Cassie promised, she motioned with her head up the hill, "Come on, you know you should." 
"Yeah, yeah. Alright," He said, quickly pressing his lips against her forehead, "I'll be back." 
"And don't make an ass out of yourself," She said, returning a kiss on his nose. He waved her off knowing his mouth would probably get him in trouble. It usually does. 
Sam continued to shout, "Bones!" He spotted the pup about to run someone down. 
"Bones! Halt!" Sam shouted with a whistle, and like the good dog he is, he immediately stopped. Right on someone's foot. Shit. 
He made his way over to Bones hearing, "Oh, hello." Giving the dog a little wave, with a head tilt. Bones made no movement to get off the man's foot. He just continued to pant and barked a hello to him back. 
Sam got up there, "Bones. Come on, buddy," fully expecting the pup to walk over and listen. However, Bones stayed put. 
Sam sighed and walked over, picking up his leash, "I am so sorry, I would never intentionally let him roam like this." He did a slight pull but the dog just shook his head. 
"May I pet him?" The stranger asked, making eye contact, now up close, Sam noticed, this is a very handsome stranger. 
"Yeah, go ahead," Sam said, trying to hide his blush. Looking down, letting his hair fall in his face. 
With the permission granted, the man bent down and scratched behind Bones' ear, "He's a fast runner." 
"Yeah, that's for sure." Sam said, shaking his head. A little too fast. 
"So Bones?" The man asked, and Sam blew some air out, not the first time he's gotten that. 
He shrugged, and gave a weak, "He likes them." 
"Very creative." Sam didn't miss the slight, or what he thought was, teasing. The little curl that pulled up his lips was so small, it was difficult to tell if Sam had imagined it. 
Sam shook out his hair with a nervous hand, "I am not that great at naming things." 
"Better than naming your dog after a physical attribute like spots," Not that this dog had any. But the man had heard too many dogs called such a name, Bones, it was a better name for sure. 
"Barely," Sam said, and held a hand out, "my name is Sam." 
The man looked at Sam's hand, with careful consideration, and shook his hand, "Castiel." 
"Your parents are much better at naming than me and my parents." Sam joked. 
"No, Sam is fitting," Castiel said, looking at Sam with such sincerity, "Very fitting." 
Dean saw them, and ran up behind his brother, setting a hand on his shoulder, "See you got him, no harm no foul!" 
"Dean, he could have run into the street." Sam said exasperated, shaking his head at his older brother. 
"But he didn't." Dean argued. 
Sam sighed heavily, "You are unbelievable."  
"I can take him for you-" Dean offered with a hand out that Sam swatted away. 
"Nope," Sam said, "you lost that privilege."
Dean shrugged and pointed up to Castiel, "Who is the flasher?" 
Mortified, Sam shoved Dean, "You don't have to say everything you think, Dean." 
"My name is Castiel." Thankfully ignoring the comment. Although, his eyebrows were knitted together in a glare that Sam was glad wasn't pointed at him. 
"That name sounds familiar." Dean said, ignoring the hostility coming from Cas. 
Sam patted for Bones who finally got off of Castiel's shoe, "It's angelic." 
Dean nodded, "Oh, that makes sense."
Castiel tilted his head, quite surprised, "You two know angelic names?" 
"Yeah, that's mainly due to our Dad." Sam answered. Dean gave Sam a knowing look, they knew that name after Sam got obsessed with angels, and would ramble on about them for hours. Didn't matter how insignificant they seemed to be, Sam held them all high in regards. 
"Dad?" Castiel repeated, sounding nearly hopeful. 
"Oh, we're brothers," Sam explained, pointing between him and Dean, "that's the only reason we hang out." 
"Excuse me," Dean huffed, offended, "I am a delight." 
"No," Sam looked him up and down, "You are not." 
"I am," Dean defended and looked back up at their bystander, "You busy flasher?" 
"If you keep calling me that, yes. Incredibly so." Castiel said, crossing his arms. 
"Fine, Cas," Dean said, "you wanna hang out with us? My brother brought his dog to avoid being the third wheel." 
Sam glared at his brother and let out a deep breath, "I brought Bones because he needed the exercise."  
"Sure." Dean dismissed, rolling his eyes. 
"I have some time to spare." Castiel answered, interrupting their fight. 
Sam's face lit up, "Really?"  
"Yes." Castiel answered, with a smile. 
Dean looked at the two, God, he hopes they don't take forever to realize they're making heart eyes at each other, "Come on, we got a spot down there." Dean said, already walking away. Not bothering to wait for them. 
"Is your brother always like this?" Castiel asked Sam, watching how in sync Sam and Bones were. 
"No," Sam said, shaking his head, "he can be much worse." 
Pulling a soft laugh out of Castiel, it was music to Sam's ears, "It's a good thing I have you as a better company."
"I'm not that great either." Sam warned. 
"I'll be the judge of that," Castiel said, gently, "you have a personal bias." Placing a hand on Sam's shoulder, "So far, I like the company." 
"I like your company too." Sam replied, patting Castiel's hand. Maybe he could forgive Dean for letting Bones go, just maybe. 
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perropolar-blog · 5 years
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The Wood has a single trip, one way trip... Link in bio👆 Short film about the sculpted forest for @bbc reel. La madera tiene un solo viaje, el viaje de ida ... Documental sobre el bosque tallado para BBC reel. . . . . #bbc #bbcreel #video #storytelling #storyhunter #sculpture #forest #patagonia #filmakers #filmakerslife #bbcews #independentfilm #independentfilmmaker #travel #artoftheday #nature #woodworking #artlovers (en Bosque Tallado) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByjGt6cgpbo/?igshid=1ago4itgsbyce
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In the sea of social media comparison... you have to remind yourself of how far you've come. #selflove @instagram #actress #model #presenter #femalesolotraveler #storyhunter #badass @globetrekkertv @angiesmodels @discovermgmt @lamodelsrunway @astonmodels @itmodelmanagement https://www.instagram.com/p/BxutnjJhSR4/?igshid=1lv3pwoqbjxlh
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josefrios · 7 years
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3 years ago, I went to one of the most astonishing locations in the U.S! It was a great challenge to shot this Eco Documentary in just a couple of days and to collaborate with some of the best international filmmakers... #fbf #flashbackfriday #everglades #josefrios #filmmaker #travelphotography #riverofgrass #florida #filmmaking #sunset #ecodoc #documentary #storyhunter #storyteller (at Everglades National Park)
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= Ego & Obligation - Taking a Break =
= Ego & Obligation - Taking a Break =
[20.12.2017, by StoryHunter]
"Ugh... I'm taking a break."
"Again?" the ethereal man with dark glasses raised his brows upon my words, before he soon shifted to a frown.
"Yes, again," I scowled back at him. I never liked his presence, nor I liked this... state of being scatter-brained. This wouldn't do me good to finish any task.
"Kiddo, it's already 3AM," he said then, slowly approaching me. "We wouldn't have much time to finish your second assignment if you take another break."
"Well, I wouldn't even able to finish this first task if I don't take a break now," was my retort. Then, sighing, I went on, "Just... give me a break, will ya? stop pressuring me, let me take some breather..."
"You also extended your previous break up to half an hour."
I groaned upon his words. "That was... look, I would hate it to leave a friend, okay? More over in such state where I know a little chat would brighten up his days... and I also needed it, anyway."
The "cockroach" -- so I nicknamed that ethereal man -- muttered something about me being a spoiled brat again. Which didn't help to refresh me at all. Feeling even more grumpy, I diverted my attention from him and swiped the windows in my laptop monitor -- from a word processor, containing my exam assignment answers, into a browser windows. I clicked a tab in which I had inserted some keywords in a search engine -- "minimalist word processor".
A bit funny, I know. Considering the thing that frustrating me at the moment, that was my assignment, I choose to look through word processors in the net instead to vent up. Well, the thing is: I'm a writer. Or, in the way I preferred to put it: I'm a self-proclaimed word artisan. So said, it wasn't being with block of texts that exhausted me, but it was the nature of the texts.
Surely, the difference between reading for recreational and professional purpose is something most people could relate with? That's how it goes for me, be it for reading or writing.
"Hm... what is this?"
I almost jumped in my seat as I heard that cockroach spoke so close to my ear. Leaning away and turning back, I gave him an annoyed look. "I'm just trying a new writing processor. Why?"
"You are writing about me again, huh."
"Not that I like you or anything."
"Oh? I haven't even said anything about that. Could it be that you're saying that because you actually like me?"
The grin he had on his face was... damn, anything about him was just so annoying. I remembered how that grin would look like on Aron, and thought that on different person, it had a completely different impression. I know that Obligation wasn't the type to flirt -- and that was why the grin looked annoying on his face instead of charming or whatsoever.
I suppose he also came to understand this -- maybe from the disgusted look on my face -- as he put off his teasing and went on, "Well, anyway... since I can't stop you being spoiled, I guess I can only set another time limit to your break. Don't pass 3.15 AM, okay, kiddo?"
"Yeah, yeah," I muttered without looking at him. Inwardly, I couldn't promise that I would fulfill his request. But even I wasn't that irresponsible this time. I know that I would like to finish my assignment as well, wouldn't want to disappoint the lecturer I admired. And so, I would try to stop at the decided time limit...
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