By: Danica, 112821
"Humans are the most horrible creature." I said as I saw him being severed by the neck. His blood pours down the silver bucket with a plastic bag in it. His eyes was now dead, slowly closing while his body fell down the floor. He was now being held on his leg while being carried towards the kitchen. I followed suit. I saw him being put down on the kitchen counter. His eyes was slightly open and was staring at me.
"Are you going to hunt me for the rest of my life?" I whispered silently. The man on the kitchen was readying a pot of hot water. He put him on a huge basin. His body was limped, totally dead. The warrior who lost in the competition was now ready to be cleaned. The man severed his two feet, ready to hang on his collection of feet.
I saw him being poured by the boiling water. His skin was slowly cooking as his hair was being pulled out of his body. The man kept on pouring hot water on him. One by one, using his hands, he pulled his hair. Everything on him was now slowly losing. From head to his body, his hair was slowly becoming less and less. The man kept on pouring hot water on his body and kept on pulling the hairs. From his head, arms, armpits, sides, back, chest, and butt. As time ticks and tock, his body is now ready to be severed.
The man put out his huge knife and without further ado, he chopped his arm. Despite being severed and poured by boiling water already, blood sprouted like a fountain, splashed on the man's clothing. One by one, he chopped them off. The arms and legs was put on another basin. The head did too. The huge body was being slashed into two pieces, the left and the right sides. His internal organs flowed down the huge basin. Still, blood was flowing together with the internals. His intestines, heart, lungs, kidney, and others was seen in the basin. The man put it on other basin so orderly. He cleaned up the bloods from the limbs using water and went on to ready the furnace for the meat to be cook. The man cleaned the internals and soaked it on salt to preserve for the next dish. The man chopped the limbs in smaller pieces to full the huge pot. He put it in and added a cup of water and waited for it to boil. He, then added some ingredients for it to make a taste.
And that's how you ready a dead rooster from a cockpit.
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freyjablrxx · 3 years
No sé nada sobre escribir, mucho menos sobre expresar mis sentimientos pero aquí voy.
Soy Freyjablr pero pueden conocerme solo como Frey. Bueno no estoy segura que tan buena idea sea esto, es mi segunda cuenta y creo que necesito expresarme de alguna forma, a través de escritos, arte, música e incluso cine, aquí hay cosas que nadie sabe sobre mi, y puesto que hablar de lo que pienso o siento es casi tan imposible como querer llorar, esta cuenta será para que me conozcan, y más que saber mi historia es que puedan ver que no somos los únicos, que quizá siempre haya alguien peor que uno pero no por eso debemos obviar como nos sentimos, ojo: con los sentimientos, no con vanalidades materiales.
Sin mas preámbulo, quiero darles la bienvenida y un agradecimiento de progolo, se que no leerán cosas positivas y mi objetivo no es 100% ayudar, reitero este es un tipo diario de vida, si llegan a leer esto ya saben que no deben esperar gran cosa, pero todos sufrimos, y cuentan con mi apoyo, mis experiencias no me convierten en alguien egoísta, pero sí, este es mi diario de vida que planeo se transforme en un libro que dejaré como legado a quienes va dirigido, pero si no alcanzo a terminarlo, quiero tener este respaldo que quizá pueda llegar a más personas.
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asplashofsims · 4 years
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Part 123: Jane and Mixy decideed to go snorkling together to discover more of the sea and fish beneath them. They looked hilarious but had a lot of fun.
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asplashofsims · 4 years
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Part 122: After their woohoo, they decided to have a little swim. “That was great” Mixy said, kissing Jane.
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