#study 中文
Class shenanigans #2
We went a bit off-topic in class talking about how so many characters still look like their original pictographs, and someone mentioned"噩梦"(èmèng) meaning nightmare. I mean, just look at this first character.
Enough said.
Maybe its just me lacking sleep and being over-caffeinated (the coffee drinks here are no joke, I can't drink them after 10 am or else I have trouble falling asleep), but this character looks so ominous, like a scary creature with 4 eyes just staring blankly into my soul.
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floweringpear · 1 year
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the dah hsian seetoo library at national chengchi university 📚🌅 政治大學達賢圖書館
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chioneexo-blog · 5 months
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today's vocabulary : 洗衣粉 [xǐ yī fěn]
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chineseffect · 5 months
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山很高,海很深 /shān hěn gāo, hǎi hěn shēn/
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 7 months
Month Review!!
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Total: 198
I wasn't planning to focus on Korean this much this much, but I guess immersion is doing its thing... I'll be showcasing my monthly favorite words I learned for every language as always, here are them in Korean!
主張 - 주장 - opinion 化石 - 화석 - fossil 同門 - 동문 - alumnus 甲富 - 갑부 - millionaire 비늘 - scales
Total: 108
My secondary focus! I've improved a bunch this month!
きらびやか - dazzling 占い - うらない - fortune telling 合併 - がっぺい - merge 翌々 - よくよく - two...later 起点 - きてん - origin
First month of actual active study!
Total: 9
女子 - ゐなぐ - girl 起きっ - おきっ - to wake up
Total: 33
I was diving deep into conjugation, so that explains the lack of words... learned more conjugations this month!
энэтхэг - enetkheg - India зовлонг - zovlong - suffering дараалал - daraalal - order үндэс - ündes - root, foundation найз - najz - friend
Total: 53
Picked French up again... This is year 3 of French for me, after 2 years of no study. I haven't gotten rusty though! I think I've actually improved during my break! (Thanks EU for giving me constant French immersion)
connu - known lorsque - when net - clean, clear tandis - while tandis que - whereas
Total: ?
I didn't log my words in Mandarin this month but I did learn more than 10... I will need to focus on speaking a bunch!
Other languages:
I've been listening to a lot of foreign-language content! My friend group speaks a lot of Dutch, Hebrew and Thai, so a lot of unusual immersion :) I've also been learning more Cantonese from Youtube vlogs by accident!
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999-roses · 1 year
unpacking 'sinophone' and its sinophobic roots
so. it never occurred to me to just type "sino diaspora" into google before.
and google is like "oi!! you meant sinophone yeah? here's wikipedia on sinophone" and here's like the other top results
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I'm squinting. What the hell do you academics have against diaspora using the term diaspora?? I click.
inb4 this whole rant: I have no qualms with using sinophone as a language-family-use descriptor (like sinophone media), but coming from academia or as an academic field unto itself. but. the literature about wanting to use it as a demographics thing & separate it from "chineseness". just. looook if anyone knows that they're no longer like this let me know. with what im seeing, im having a bad faith moment
so... this is the academic that's hard pushed the term for sinophone.
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"crit on orientalism might be complicit for allowing Chinese intellectuals to call themselves victim under an 'unreflective' nationalism" & "but the flipside may be a new imperialism" yeah?? any more unsubstantiated claims???
What a joke!! Clearly only takes authority about Chinese history from western sources, like literally has the uncritical echo of "X country doesn't deserve territorial integrity" that literally fueled western imperialism, and not just of China. Treaty of Nanjing 1842 ringing no bells? Sigh. National sovereignty is the barest basis against overt imperialism where someone just comes over and declares where you live their colony!!! ... is this a test in how far can you stretch the definition of imperialism or colonization? lmfao, China invests in poverty-relieving measures like building houses and improving infrastructure out in Tibet, Guizhou, Xinjiang, and you have the audacity to call that colonizing?!? 我真无言了。
different article by the same person:
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laughable to think that the Chinese state even bothers to think I exist, let alone talk to me about my diaspora status. (I was born in the US)
also, people are really out there saying 'diaspora has an end date' huh
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here it is. here is the 'scholar' conflating American or western imperialism with things Big Bad Scary Red China does.
Clearly mixing up concepts of tributary system with colonialism, and acting like historically (other than Yuan era under Genghis) that ancient China/Chinese culture was expansionist, going around trying to conquer peoples and set up colonies. Admiral Zheng He would spit on you.
Comparing the spread of culture and language in Ancient China to the colonization and subjugation that the French/Belgium did in Africa, or the British Empire, or the Spanish and Portuguese in Latin America, is so blatantly dishonest. The indigenous people of Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang still speak their own languages and use their own scripts, and yes, they learn them in schools alongside the national language... which is Chinese!!! Yes the Hanyu writing system was adopted and adapted by many neighboring cultures in ancient times, but you literally don't examine WHY? The fluidity in its system: frequently non-Han peoples invented characters to suit their language, like there's even some Canto-specific characters that are in use today. Another reason that Chinese writing system was so popular was because two Sinitic language speakers who do not speak the same language could communicate through the same script. Yeah, Ancient Chinese scholars and dignitaries often had an insufferable elite-ness and superiority complex, but describing their attitude as subjugating and forcing other people to adopt their system? What a wildly malicious mischaracterisation!
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just... mask off, gringo butt-licker.
Please. where is the "Chinese containment" policy? The white papers reaffirming what the international community agrees, what Taiwan historically agrees (tho Taiwan held that it was the true capital/head of all of China), that Taiwan is part of China?? I know this article was written back in 2010s but are you seriously comparing American weapons deals and boots on the ground with Chinese military exercises in Chinese territory that haven't harmed a single civilian? "critical" my ass!
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gotta love the title of this one. yeah, I know it, I've seen it before. the Chinese or feminist binary, pick a side /s
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but hey in this piece she admits she's ignorant and unobjective and out of her league sometimes?
edit: found this:
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yeah that about seals it for me. anti"diaspora" sinophobe
#sino diaspora#diaspora#逆向种族分子#long post#chen yells at clouds. more at 10#sinophobia#sorry. personal rabbit hole. and taking things personally#we're committing ad hominem crimes today folks#sure chinese->lunar new year. im fine w that. but can you fucks stop trying to take away chineseness away from people who still ID as???#this person is literally doing the western empire's work of laying ground for sinophobia#can't tell if this academic is a grifter or actually serious lmfao#as if american chinese diaspora don't call americans 老美 and call ourselves 老中. i mean yes i call myself 老美 when in china but hello??#you cloak your 'expertise' in the lingua & clothes & rituals of western academics. just shake your colonized ass for white people more#reading this drivel makes me want to go into asian american studies & grab this and shake it around like a ragdoll.#but im reminded that western institutions and definitely academics unquestionably cite western sources w/o hesitation#but give anything coming out of China even just academics not anything gov related with skepticism. so it's probably a no-fly#yeah sure im a 'sinophone' but im also diaspora so fuck you. 你忘了你祖先你的族梗。你这个逆子找白人拜金去了。就你这样做榜样?让海外华裔立起来?丢死人。跟你的英文大白菜出卖同类吧#fuck you for saying that diaspora's connection to their heritage & culture are currently being severed& should be severed & studied as such#like literally uncritical of how exactly that happens. why so many diaspora have internalized racism driving them to scrub themselves of#their asianness heck even chineseness. try to scrub it all away but you still got an asian face. so fuck you#didn't look into 'asian american studies' much before but if it's a lot like this... well. 🤨#like this academic is so disconnected from our shared histories AHSIJIJDSIAJDAAAHAAHGGHGGG#+ my poasts#imperial core circus
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polyglot-thought · 7 months
Mandarin Reading Material Recommendation
Wed Sep 13 2023
Topic: Religion
If you are religious or enjoy studying various religions there are mandarin translations of the most popular religious texts and possibly more! It's best if you've already read these texts in your native language though, it helps with context to learn faster.
Here's some links:
Bible (Simplified) (Traditional)
Quran (Simplified) / (Simplified) (Traditional)
Dao De Jing (Simplified) (Traditional)
Tripitaka (Simplified) (Traditional)
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talkinbrain · 1 year
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studying for tomorrow’s word test. first time having this advance vocabulary, exciting!! also visited jiufen 九份 last week <3 always as mesmerising as ever
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linghxr · 2 years
Cantonese Characters (粤语字)
Lately on Instagram I’ve been getting a lot of explore page recommendations that incorporate written vernacular Cantonese. They’re mostly for light news pieces or celebrity gossip. But I had trouble understanding these posts because I don’t know any vernacular Cantonese characters. I thought it would be worth learning the basics, so for the past few weeks, I’ve been keeping track of the unfamiliar characters I’ve encountered. Here we go~
(1)佢 = 他、她 (2)咪 = 勿、不、不要、别、否 (3)係 = 是 Ex: 阿嬌就表示佢當初結婚只係考慮到時機上佢係咪應該結婚,而無考慮到佢係咪想結婚。 => 阿娇就表示她当初结婚只是考虑到时机上她是否应该结婚,而无考虑到她是否想结婚。
(4)啲 = 一点、一些 (5)嘅/既 = 的 (6)諗 = 想、思考 Ex: 20幾歲已經有呢個諗法,但考慮到會影響到Twins嘅發展,所以一直都無生BB,令佢有啲後悔。 => 20几岁已经有这个想法,但考虑到会影响到Twins的发展,所以一直都无生BB,令她有些后悔。
(7)喺 = 在、位于 (8)畀/俾 = 给、让 Ex: 本身喺澳洲讀書嘅吳尊曾打算畀子女去澳洲升學,但因為疫情令佢改變主意。 => 本身在澳洲读书的吴尊曾打算让子女去澳洲升学,但因为疫情令他改变主意。
(9)呢 = 这、此 (10)咁 = 这样、如此 (11)唔 = 不 Ex: 佢覺得如果呢幾年唔生小朋友,咁佢應該都生唔到,所以佢都十分糾結。 => 她觉得如果这几年不生小朋友,这样她应该都生不到,所以她都十分纠结。
(12)乜 = 何、什么 Ex: 而且可惜之後無乜機會再睇到佢既節目,不過網民反應唔少都覺得佢變節,更指陳葦璇無乜觀眾緣 => 而且可惜之后没什么机会再看到她的节目,不过网民反应不少都觉得她变节,更指陈苇璇没什么观众缘。
(13)咗 = 了、过 Ex: 早前佢為咗送子女去中國升學而決定舉家移居內地。 => 早前他为了送子女去中国升学而决定举家移居内地。
(14)睇 = 看 (15)哋 = 们 Ex: 阿Sa阿嬌踏入不惑之年,向主持人及觀眾分享佢哋對於婚姻、育兒嘅睇法。 => 阿Sa阿娇踏入不惑之年,向主持人及观众分享她们对于婚姻、育儿的看法。
(16)嚟/黎 = 来 (17)住 = 着 Ex: 不過隨住Jayden年紀越嚟越大,李嘉欣明顯減少公開兒子嘅正面照。 => 不过随着Jayden年纪越来越大,李嘉欣明显减少公开儿子的正面照。
(18)仲 = 尚、仍然、还 Ex: 當徐婆婆講述返被搶嘅經過時,情緒非常激動,仲親自示範如何被箍住掩嘴。 => 当徐婆婆讲述返被抢的经过时,情绪非常激动,还亲自示范如何被箍着掩嘴。
(19)嘢/野 = 事、东西 Ex: 樓主強調無做任何犯法嘢,但網民認為佢十分可疑。 => 楼主强调没做任何犯法事,但网民认为他十分可疑。
(20)冇 = 没有、无 Ex: 本身育有兩子一女嘅婆婆表示同大兒子已經冇聯絡3年,而另外2名子女就偶爾探望佢。 => 本身育有两子一女的婆婆表示同大儿子已经没有联络3年,而另外2名子女就偶尔探望她。
Definitions source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%B2%A4%E8%AF%AD%E5%AD%97/243525
Example sentence sources: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch93i3erX42/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiHlBHFNty2/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiMuilRO80c/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiKQot6svxh/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cho1rfqlR35/ https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXPo08B6bN/
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O- Verbs in Chinese
Here are some of the most commonly used O-verbs in Chinese!
Obey - 服从 (Fúcóng)
Object - 反对 (Fǎnduì)
Observe - 观察 (Guānchá)
Obtain - 获得 (Huòdé)
Occur - 发生 (Fāshēng)
Offer - 提供 (Tígōng)
Open - 打开 (Dǎkāi)
Optimize - 优化 (Yōuhuà)
Order - 命令 (Mìnglìng)
Order (at a restaurant) 点 (Diǎn)
Organize - 组织 (Zǔzhī)
Originate - 起源 (Qǐyuán)
Overcome - 克服 (Kèfú)
Overflow - 溢出 (Yìchū)
Overhaul - 检修 (Jiǎnxiū)
Overheat - 过热 (Guòrè)
Overlook - 忽视 (Hūshì)
Oversee - 监督 (Jiāndū)
Overthrow - 推翻 (Tuīfān)
Owe - 欠 (Qiàn)
Own - 拥有 (Yōngyǒu)
Outline - 概述 (Gàishù)
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Genuine question, how do people juggle multiple languages? I’m struggling to keep up with 1, let alone incorporate another. I really wanna learn and get better at Japanese, but I’ve badly wanted to learn more Chinese but don’t know how to juggle both. I also can’t do classes at the moment. Anyone have any tips?
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chioneexo-blog · 5 months
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today's vocabulary : 守株待兔 [shǒu zhū dài tù]
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chineseffect · 6 months
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我经常跟经理谈经济 /wǒ jīngcháng gēn jīnglǐ tán jīngjì/
经 /jīng/ means 'classical writing' and it is a part of many useful words
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s-a-h-a-r-a · 2 years
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libai-yyds · 1 year
Hi studyblr people!
I'm not new on Tumblr (at all) but this is my first studyblr sideblog.
I'm studying Chinese and I'm looking for blog to follow.
Give me a like on this post so I can follow you:
If you post about mandarin and Cantonese languages.
If you post about Chinese languages history.
If you post about motivation to study or if you often do challenges to study.
If you post about Chinese litterature.
If you post about Chinese linguistic.
If you post video or music in Chinese languages.
If you post Chinese recipes in chinese.
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tea-n-film · 2 years
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study days pt. II
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