#suki is a folk punk queen
haitanirindo · 3 years
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suki canonically knowing all the lyrics to “secret tunnel” is something that can be so personal
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jockvillagersonly · 4 years
ATLA x Animal Crossing
I feel a lot like Dom on the first slide after making this and that’s ok 
+ (very long) image descriptions under the
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk, folks. Let’s dive right in with fan favorite, protagonist, and ~small chaos baby~ AANG:
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Sadly, we can’t all be lazy villagers. The economy would fall apart. Thank God for lesbians:
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It’s that time in the presentation where Katara absolutely destroys any bar we ever held for (1) minimum fucks given and (2) water-bending skill. 
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Sokka, Suki, and Zuko coming soon! :)
Image 1: A slideshow title screen. Next to the title is a picture of Dom, a white and pink fuzzy sheep from Animal Crossing who is wearing a tie dye shirt and looks particularly confused. He is to the right of the title “ATLA Characters as Animal Crossing Villagers” and the subtitle, “An evidence based presentation by me.” The red TED talk logo is in the lower right corner
Image 2: In the top middle of the slide in curly font are the words, “Aang is...Lazy Villager Cranston.” Underneath this, Aang is pictured, smiling and wearing a pink flower crown. Around his face in purple are 3 descriptions: “Literally 12,” “My sweet summer child,” and “Full of infectious joy (and rage).” Next to Aang is an equal sign and a picture of Cranston, a tall, white ostrich Animal Crossing villager wearing a blue shirt with delicate pink flower details. Cranston is labeled as, “2 relaxed,” “Always humming,” and “Too precious for this world; deserves everything good.” Both Aang and Cranston are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 3: The next slide is titled Further Evidence and features 3 sections. In the upper left, inside a red box, are two images. The images are labeled, “Always looking for the best in people” with red heart and pink hibiscus flower emojis. One features Aang, crouched in the forest, saying: “If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?” The other image is of Cranston speaking to another villager and saying, “Avery, you’re so tough! Avery, you’re so wise! Avery, your voice is so manly!” Underneath the red box is an image of Aang doing his air marble trick while Sokka and Katara are tied up behind him. The image is labeled, “No real evidence, but doing an air marble trick while your friends are in mortal peril is textbook lazy villager.” Finally, on the far right, there is a purple box titled, “True zest for life!!” Inside the purple section are two pictures. One has Aang riding his glider with a huge smile on his face. The other features Cranston talking to a player character and saying: “I wanna make a new bug friend today! I’m gonna catch one and say, ‘you wanna eat some snacks?’” Underneath Cranston is a black arrow and a comment from the slide author: “Also, I’m pretty sure Aang said this exact line in Book 1. No I will not prove it.”
Image 4: In the top middle of the slide in a handwritten looking font are the words, “Toph is...Cranky Villager Cyrano.” Underneath this, Toph is pictured, holding the Earth Rumble belt aloft. She is labeled as “sass master” and “will kick anybody’s ass for free.” Next to Toph is an equal sign and a picture of Cyrano. Cyrano is a rotund, dark blue anteater Animal Crossing villager with an orange face and his hands on his hips. He has pronounced and angry looking eyebrows. He is wearing a shirt with the colors of the bi flag (blue / purple / pink). He is labeled as, “Takes no shit,” and “Queer solidarity.” Both Toph and Cyrano are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 5: This slide is titled, “Further evidence.” On the far left is a purple section titled, “Point 1: Show their affection through violence.” There is an image of Zuko immediately after being punched by Toph during the Ember Island Players intermission; he asks “What was that for?” and she replies, “It’s how I show affection.” There is also a picture of Cyrano talking to the player character and saying, “Just trying things on can be a lot of fun! Yeah, I like to play dress up sometimes! Wanna fight about it?” We can easily see the parallels. To the right of this is a red section with the title, “Point 2: Confident in themselves and their abilities; will not take constructive criticism. The red section has a picture of Toph on top of a rock yelling, “I am the greatest earth bender in the world!” and a picture of Cyrano telling the player character, “Yeah, I KNOW it doesn’t seem like something I’d do. Don’t give me that look! I’ve got hobbies!” Finally, above the purple section, are two photos of Sokka and Toph hanging out together (in one, they are eating kebabs. In the other, Toph punches Sokka in the arm) and one photo of Cyrano fishing next to a relaxed looking pink cow with a huge closed mouth smile. The pictures are labeled, “TFW you’re a cranky idiot with a dumbass best friend” 
Image 6: In the top middle are the words, “Katara is...Big Sister Villager Pashmina.” Underneath this, Katara is pictured, looking confidently into the distance and clearly in the midst of water-bending a large wave behind her. She is labeled as “mom friend energy,” “she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face,” and “certified badass, an absolute legend” Next to Katara is an equal sign and a picture of Pashmina. Pashmina is a svelte, light brown deer Animal Crossing villager. She has impressive winged eyeliner, a take-no-prisoners stare, and an almost punk-esque black vest with a lace up front and white fur trim. She is labeled as, “Better than you,” “absolutely no fucks to give,” and “takes awhile to warm up to you, but once she does is FIERCELY loyal.” Both Katara and Pashmina are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 7: This slide is titled, “Further Evidence.” In the upper lefthand corner is a red section. In the red section is an image of Katara yelling, “No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you!!” at Pakku and cracking the ice behind her. There is also a small image of Pashima frowning with her hands on her hips. The box says, “Extremely...stubborn? Blunt?” There are green checkmarks next to both stubborn and blunt, as though to say both Katara and Pashmina have those traits. Underneath the red section is an image of a player character talking to Pashmina, who has Katara’s face photoshopped on top. Pashmina says, “Yeah, what’s up bitch!?” Finally, the right half of the slide is taken up by a purple section with the title, “Absolute queens of giving no fucks.” This section has 3 images and 2 crown emojis. One image features Zuko challenging Katara at the North Pole. He says, “Here for a rematch?” and Katara replies, “Trust me, it’s not going to be much of a rematch,” before absolutely destroying him in a huge wave of water and ice. Next to this is a picture of Pashmina in pink floral shades and a yellow flapper dress, with a music note over her head like she is straight vibing. The final image in the purple section has a player character talking to Pashmina, who says, “More importantly, was I serious when I said I’d wanna live here? Actually, nah, I don’t think this place is for me.” We stan a blunt legend. ]
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