#suki na hito ga iru koto
i’m not sick anymore but i've seen more j-dramas
I’m happy to say that this wasn’t a one time thing and wanted to watch more j-dramas after my quarantine, so here’s what I’ve seen since july (which isn’t much, but it’s something lol)
1. suki na hito ga iru koto aka a girl and three sweethearts (8.5/10): oh, to be a pastry chef and move to a beach town to live and work with three hot guys... and one of them is played by yamazaki kento??? no but seriously, I loved the vibes that it gave off, and I don’t even enjoy going to the beach! I thoroughly enjoyed this drama, minus 1) misaki sometimes spoke in a very cartoonish way that got on my nerves 2) my dude kanata was sometimes too aloof and rude for my taste, like being nice every once in a while isn’t so hard? especially to the person you like? 3) wtf chiaki dgaf about misaki and the moment kanata shows some interest he’s head over heels now? come on
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2. gokushufudo aka the way of the househusband (8.5/10): at first I wasn’t entirely convinced because the drama was pretty much tatsu being a househusband and people being scared of him because of his shady looks and past, but as the episodes went by we started getting more character development and backstory... and I was sooooo in! I was looking for some easy laughs, but this drama also managed to warm my heart and made me care about tatsu and his family and friends... :’D tamaki hiroshi was spectacular.
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3. coffee & vanilla (5.5/10): I guess this is where the shitshow begins lol. the only positive thing that I had heard about this drama before watching it was that dori sakurada looked really hot... and the rest was quite awful. this drama was so short and everything happened so fast it felt like it was on steroids or something lol. definitely cringey and hiroto behaved like a creep. however, it had something that glued me to the screen and I flew through it. at least it was entertaining and not boring, which imo is waaaay worse
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4. good morning call (7/10): I believe this was one of the first j-dramas that were added on netflix, and I had been curious about it since I first saw it because who doesn’t like a cohabitation plot? grumpy x sunshine? well, the premise was better than the actual execution. uehara isn’t grumpy, he’s a dick. I get that nao is sometimes too hyper for my taste but omg put some fucking effort into the relationship!!! whenever she talks to uehara it seems like he’s being bothered. also, people were shipping nao with daichi, but this guy wouldn’t take no for an answer and accept that nao isn’t into him. she should’ve ended with issei, but whatever. besides that, the drama was pretty entertaining and I liked the ensemble of characters. also, there were some really cute moments that made me forget for two minutes how dumb uehara was.
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madlymine · 2 months
completed Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto and gave it a 5 rating.
The plot gradually became irritating. You'd think that the oldest son would be the most reasonable one.....
ML kept holding back and giving up on his feelings for others, which is something you'd expect from the oldest sibling. I lacked in expressing myself as a kid, so I know too well how that feels like. You believe you are doing the right thing by sacrificing what you want to make people happy.
2 years ago
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edamammy · 3 months
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basically, an asheijified study of this
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pikahlua · 3 months
MHA Chapter 413 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline AFOとOFA精神の共鳴が見せるものとは⁉︎ オール・フォー・ワンとワン・フォー・オールせいしんのきょうめいがみせるものとは⁉︎ OORU FOO WAN to WAN FOO OORU seishin no kyoumei ga misero mono to wa!? The resonance between the spirit of One For All and All For One reveals [what]!?
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1 師 マスター MASUTAA (kanji: shi) Master,
2 悲しそうな子が かなしそうなこが kanashisou na ko ga a child who seems sad
3 いたよ ita yo was there.
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1 ーーィト! --ITO! "--ight!"
2 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! "All Might!!"
3 寝たら死ぬぞ‼︎意識を保て‼︎ ねたらしぬぞ‼︎いしきをたもて‼︎ netara shinu zo!! ishiki wo tamote!! "If you sleep, you're die!! Keep conscious!!"
4 …! "...!"
5 通信機がなくて状況がわからんが つうしんきがなくてじょうきょうがわからんが tsuushinki ga nakute joukyou ga wakaran ga "I don't have a communication device so I don't know what's going on, but"
6 恐らく緑谷がまだ戦っている! おそらくみどりやがまだたたかっている! osoraku Midoriya ga mada tatakatte iru! "Midoriya is probably still fighting!"
7 夢…? ゆめ…? yume...? A dream...?
8 いや…この感覚は… いや…このかんかくは… iya...kono kankaku wa... No...this sensation...
9 あの時と同じー…‼︎ あのときとおなじー…‼︎ ano toki to onaji-...!! It's the same at that time-...!!
10 遠く離れている筈なのに とおくはなれているはずなのに tooku hanarete iru hazu nanoni Even though it should be far away,
11 OFAを感じる ワン・フォー・オールをかんじる WAN FOO OORU wo kanjiru I feel One For All.
12 "意志"が流れ込んでくる "いし"がながれこんでくる "ishi" ga nagarekonde kuru Its "will" is flowing back [into me].
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1 紡がれてきた力が… つむがれてきたちからが… tsumugarete kita chikara ga... The power that has been spun...
2 解れる ほつれる hotsureru will be unraveled.
tagline No.413 鉛の塊 堀越耕平 ナンバー413 なまりのかたまり ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 413  namari no katamari   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 413 A Lump of Lead  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 何だ今のは なんだいまのは nanda ima no wa What was the just now?
2 何故今アレが脳裏に過った なぜいまアレがのうりによぎった naze ima ARE ga nouri ni yogitta Why did that pass through my mind just now?
3-4 おまえは完全に消滅した筈だ おまえはかんぜんにしょうめつしたはずだ omae wa kanzen ni shoumetsu shita hazu da You must have been completely extinguished.
5 人が人を助ける限り ひとがひとをたすけるかぎり hito ga hito wo tasukeru kagiri So long as people help people,
6 英雄の意志を継いだ誰かがー えいゆうのいしをついだだれかがー eiyuu no ishi wo tsuida dareka ga- someone who inherits the will of heroes-
7 消滅して尚 しょうめつしてなお shoumetsu shite nao Even though it was extinguished,
8 残り火の如く…! のこりびのごとく…! nokoribi no gotoku...! [it lingers] like an ember...!
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1 づ dzu "Dgh"
2 ハッ HA "Hah"
3 ーーッ "--"
4 …! "...!"
5 君は きみは kimi wa You
6 ヒーローになれる HIIROO ni nareru can become a hero.
7 どういう…ことですか… dou iu...koto desu ka... "What do...you mean..."
8 ワン・フォー・オールを手放せって…なんですか⁉︎ ワン・フォー・オールをてばなせって…なんですか⁉︎ WAN FOO OORU wo tebanase tte...nan desu ka!? "Let go of One For All...what [does that mean]!?"
9 二代目…‼︎ にだいめ…‼︎ nidaime...!! "Second...!!"
10 心を荒げるな奴に聞かれる こころをあらげるなやつにきかれる kokoro wo arageruna yatsu ni kikareru "Don't worry yourself [or] he'll question [us]." (Note: I think Kudou is basically saying "Play it cool or else Tomura will catch on.")
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1 死柄木の中にあった鉛のような黒��塊…あれは しがらきのなかにあったなまりのようなくろいかたまり…あれは Shigaraki no naka ni atta namari no you na kuroi katamari...are wa Inside Shigaraki [is a] lead-like black lump...that is
2 奴の中にあった幾つもの小さな怒りや不満……記憶… やつのなかにあったいくつものちいさないかりやふまん……きおく… yatsu no naka ni atta ikutsumo no chiisa na ikari ya fuman......kioku... the many small angers inside him......memories...
3 それらが引き寄せられ一つに集約されたものだ それらがひきよせられひとつにしゅうやくされたものだ sorera ga hikiyoserare hitotsu ni shouyaku sareta mono da Those are all drawn together and consolidated into [that] one thing.
4 いわば奴の決意そのもの憎悪で固められた精神 いわばやつのけついそのものぞうおでかためられたせいしん iwaba yatsu no ketsui sono mono zouo de katamerareta seishin So to speak, his determination itself is a spirit fortified with hatred.
5 だが dagaBut,
6-7 八木が隙を見つけた やぎがすきをみつけた Yagi ga suki wo mitsuketa Yagi found an opening.
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1 あれは恐らく あれはおそらく are wa osoraku That is probably
2 スターアンドストライプとの戦闘でついた残り傷 スターアンドストライプとのせんとうでついたのこりきず SUTAA ANDO SUTORAIPU to no sentou de tsuita nokori kizu a gash left over from the battle with Star and Stripe.
3 再生の"個性"でも癒し切れぬ肉体ではなく精神の傷 さいせいの"こせい"でもいやしきれぬにくたいではなくせいしんのきず saisei no "kosei" demo iyashi kirenu nikutai de wa naku seishin no kizu Even the Regeneration quirk cannot heal the wounds of the spirit as it's not the body.
4 それと sore to "And then"
5 ワン・フォー・オールが… WAN FOO OORU ga... "One For All..."
6 どういう…… dou iu...... "what do you mean......"
7 AFOを飲み込んだ死柄木は強くなりすぎだ……このまま力比べを続けても勝ち目はない オール・フォー・ワンをのみこんだしがらきはつよくなりすぎだ……このままちからくらべをつづけてもかちめはない OORU FOO WAN wo nomikonda Shigaraki wa tsuyoku nari sugi da......kono mama chikara kurabe wo tsudzuketemo kachime wa nai "[By] swallowing All For One, Shigaraki has become too strong...... At this rate, if we continute to compete by strength, there will be no chance of winning."
8 だから裡から攻める だからうちからせめる dakara uchi kara semeru "So we'll attack from the inside."
9-10 ワン・フォー・オールを譲渡という形で傷にぶつける ワン・フォー・オールをじょうとというかたちできずにぶつける WAN FOO OORU wo jouto to iu katachi de kizu ni butsukeru "[We'll] strike* the gash in the form of transfering One For All." (*Note: This particular word for "strike" evokes imagery almost like "bust through," "smash through.")
11 傷をこじ開け きずをこじあけ kizu wo kojiake "[We'll] pry open the gash
12 奴の精神を直接叩く やつのせいしんをちょくせつたたく yatsu no seishin wo chokusetsu tataku "and strike his spirit directly."
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1 "譲渡"して… "じょうと"して… "jouto" shite... "Transfer it..."
2 "ぶつける"……? "butsukeru"......? "and strike......?"
3 待って言ってる事がよくわかんない! まっていってることがよくわかんない! matte itteru koto ga yoku wakannai! "Wait, I don't really understand what you're saying!"
4 渡したら…使われるだけだ! わたしたら…つかわれるだけだ! watashitara...tsukawareru dake da! "If you hand [us] over...[we'll] just be used!"
5 四ノ森さんのように取り込まれるだけだ! しのもりさんのようにとりこまれるだけだ! Shinomori-san no you ni torikomareru dake da! "We'll just be captured like Mr. Shinomori!"
6 "譲渡"の解釈を拡げるんだ "じょうと"のかいしゃくをひろげるんだ "jouto" no kaishaku wo hirogerunda "Expand your interpretation of 'transfer.'"
7 わからんか wakaran ka "Don't you understand?"
8 イメージで修練? イメージでしゅうれん? IMEEJI de shuuren? "Training through visualiation?"
9 ーーーああ… ---aa... "---Yes..."
10 なら…わかりやすいのがいるだろう nara...wakari yasui no ga iru darou "In that case...there's one [person] who'll make it easy to understand."
11 あの幼馴染はおまえにどうやってものを渡すかな あのおさななじみはおまえにどうやってものをわたすかな ano osananajimi wa omae ni dou yatte mono wo watasu ka na "How does that childhood friend [of yours] hand over things to you?"
small text 信じ難いや しんじがたいや shinji gatai ya "It's difficult to believe."
12 渡し方によっては怪我もするし わたしかたによってはけがもするし watashikata ni yotte wa kega mo suru shi "Depending on how you hand it over, you may get injured,"
13 物自体が壊れもする ものじたいがこわれもする mono jitai ga koware mo suru "or the item itself may be broken."
14 これをOFAで実行するだが… これをワン・フォー・オールでじっこうするだが… kore wo WAN FOO OORU de jikkou suru daga... "You'll implement this with One For All, but..."
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1 確証はないだからまず俺で試す かくしょうはないだからまずおれでためす kakushou wa nai dakara mazu ore de tamesu "I'm not certain [about it], so I'll test it with myself first."
2 さっきは四ノ森さんだけが奪われた さっきはしのもりさんだけがうばわれた sakki wa Shinomori-san dake ga ubawareta "Earlier, only Mr. Shinomori was stolen."
3 一部だけ奪われるなら…一部だけの譲渡もシステムとして可能な筈だ いちぶだけうばわれるなら…いちぶだけのじょうともシステムとしてかのうなはずだ ichibu dake ubawareru nara...ichibu dake no jouto mo SHISUTEMU to shite kanou na hazu da "If only one portion was stolen...it should also be possible to transfer only one portion as a system."
4 俺たちはOFAに取り込まれた因子 おれたちはワン・フォー・オールにとりこまれたいんし ore-tachi wa WAN FOO OORU ni torikomareta inshi "We are factors taken into One For All."
5 OFAの一部……そして ワン・フォー・オールのいちぶ……そして WAN FOO OORU no ichibu......soshite "[Individual] parts of One For All...and"
6 強化された特別な因子 きょうかされたとくべつないんし kyouka sareta tokubetsu na inshi "strengthened special factors."
7 俺が砕け散る程に強く"渡せ"ば おれがくだけちるほどにつよく"わたせ"ば ore ga kudake chiru hodo ni tsuyoku "watase"ba "If you hand me over so strongly that I shatter to pieces,"
8 力が渡ることなく攻撃ができる ちからがわたることなくこうげきができる chikara ga wataru koto naku kougeki ga dekiru "I can attack without the power passing over [to him]." (Note: I believe Kudou is saying "If you send me over strongly enough to break me as a factor, I can attack Tomura without him being able to use my quirk.")
9 試すって…!なら「煙幕」を! ためすって…!なら「おれ」を! tamesu tte...! nara 「ore (kanji: enmaku)」 wo! "Test it, you say...! Then [send] me (read as: Smokescreen)!"
10 俺が今一番使い所ないでしょ おれがいまいちばんつかいどころないでしょ ore ga ima ichiban tsukai dokoro nai desho "I'm the one who has the least use, right?"
11 いや iya "No,"
12 俺からだ おれからだ ore kara da "it's from me." (Note: I think Kudou is saying "No, it was my suggestion, so I should be the one we test this on.")
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1 でも"変速"はこの戦いの要だ!失敗したら死柄木に"変速"が でも"へんそく"はこのたたかいのかなめだ!しっぱいしたらしがらきに"へんそく"が demo "hensoku" wa kono tatakai no kaname da! shippai shitara Shigaraki ni "hensoku" ga "But Gear Shift is key in this battle! If it fails, Shigaraki will [have]Gear Shift!"
2 今 いま ima "Right now,"
3 動けなければ死ぬ うごけなければしぬ ugokenakereba shinu "[whoever] can't move will die."
4 "変速"を手放せば反動も手放せる "おれ"をてばなせばはんどうもてばなせる "ore (kanji: hensoku)" wo tebanaseba handou mo tebanaseru "If he can let go of me (read as: Gear Shift), he can let go of the recoil."
5 そして万が一奴が使ったとしても今の反動状態がそのまま渡ることになる そしてまんがいちやつがつかったとしてもいまのはんどうじょうたいがそのままわたることになる soshite man ga ichi yatsu ga tsukatta to shitemo ima no handou joutai ga sono mama wataru koto ni naru "And even if by any chance that guy used it, the current state of the recoil would pass over [to him] as it is now."
6 リーダー…俺はずっとあなたに従ってきた…けれど今回はリスクが高すぎる リーダー…おれはずっとあなたにしたがってきた…けれどこんかいはリスクがたかすぎる RIIDAA...ore wa zutto anata ni shitagatte kita...keredo konkai wa RISUKU ga taka sugiru "Leader...I've always followed you...but this time the risk is too high."
7 だから賭けだよ だからかけだよ dakara kake da yo "That's why it's a bet."
8 俺たちは過酷な時代を生きた おれたちはかこくなじだいをいきた ore-tachi wa kakoku na jidai wo ikita "We lived in a harsh era."
9 仕方がないと…無情な決断も重ねてきた しかたがないと…むじょうなけつだんもかさねてきた shikata ga nai to...mujou na ketsudan mo kasanete kita Literal. "[I thought] there was no choice... I piled up heartless decisions." Contextual. "[I thought] there was no choice... I made decision after heartless decision."
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1 今 最も過酷な状況にあって いま もっともかこくなじょうきょうにあって ima motto mo kakoku na joukyou ni atte Right now, [he is] is in the harshest situation,
2 それでも尚心を諦めないこの少年が それでもなおこころをあきらめないこのしょうねんが sore demo nao kokoro wo akiramenai kono shounen ga yet still, this boy will not give up on [his] heart. (Note: The "his" is ambiguous. This phrase literally reads as "this boy will not give up on heart.")
3 正しいのだと信じたい ただしいのだとしんじたい tadashii no da to shinjitai I want to believe that he is right*. (*Note: This word "right" can mean both "correct" and "righteous, just.")
4 オールマイトにここまでして貰えて オールマイトにここまでしてもらえて OORU MAITO ni koko made shite moraete For All Might to do all of this for me,
5 恵まれすぎてる… めぐまれすぎてる… megumare sugiteru... I'm too blessed...
6 づ… dzu... "Ddh..."
7 ふぐ…! fugu...! "Ngh...!"
8 …この期に及んで… …このごにおよんで… ...kono go ni oyonde... "...Up to this phase..."
9 力が惜しいとか…死の恐怖じゃない… ちからがおしいとか…しのきょうふじゃない… chikara ga oshii toka...shi no kyoufu ja nai... "it's not that the power is precious [to him]...and it's not the fear of death."
10 どれだけ強大な使命を帯びてても… どれだけきょうだいなしめいをおびてても… dore dake kyoudai na shimei wo obitetemo... "No matter how powerful the mission with which he is entrusted..."
11 俊典…! としのり…! Toshinori...! "Toshinori...!"
12 この子はいつまで経っても…… このこはいつまでたっても…… kono ko wa itsu made tattemo...... "For this child, no matter how much time passes......"
13 この子にとってOFAは… このこにとってワン・フォー・オールは… kono ko ni totte WAN FOO OORU wa... "to this child, One For All is..."
14 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na Keep this in mind:
15 これは君自身が勝ち取った力だ これはきみじしんがかちとったちからだ kore wa kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da this is a power you have won yourself.
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1 憧れのヒーローがくれた宝物なんだよ あこがれのヒーローがくれたたからものなんだよ akogare no HIIROO ga kureta takaramono nanda yo ...a treasure given to him by the hero he admires.
3 何をごちゃごちゃと話してる なにをごちゃごちゃとはなしてる nani wo gochagocha to hanashiteru "What gripes are you talking about?"
4 万縄あんたはなるべく小僧の側に ばんじょうあんたはなるべくこぞうのそばに Banjou anta wa narubeku kozou no soba ni "Banjou, you [stay] by the boy's side as much as possible."
5 黒鞭が生命線だ くろむちがせいめいせんだ kuro muchi ga seimeisen da "Black Whip is the lifeline."
6 頼んだ たのんだ tanonda "[I'm] counting on you."
7 ああ aa "Right,"
8 マイヒーロー MAI HIIROO "my hero."
9 あとはお前だどうする緑谷出久‼︎ あとはおまえだどうするみどりやいずく‼︎ ato wa omae da dou suru Midoriya Izuku!! "The rest is up to you, Izuku Midoriya!!"
10 ……やります‼︎ ......yarimasu!! "......I'll do it!!"
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1 …とても ...totemo "...You don't really"
2 腱や筋肉を内から直接補強… けんやきんにくをうちからちょくせつほきょう… ken ya kinniku wo uchi kara chokusetsu hokyou… Direct reinforcement of your tendons and muscles from within…
3 肌から透けて見える黒鞭が物語ってる はだからすけてみえるそれがものがたってる hada kara sukete mieru sore (kanji: kuro muchi) ga monogatatteru That (read as: Black Whip) that’s transparently visible through your skin tells the story.
4 ヒーローには見えねえな ヒーローにはみえねえな HIIROO ni wa mienee na "look like a hero."
tagline 動かぬ身体に黒鞭を打つ‼︎ うごかぬからだにくろむちをうつ‼︎ ugokanu karada ni kuro muchi wo utsu!! With a body that won't move, strike with Black Whip!!
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tbdfe · 9 months
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oh great tbdfe tumblr account, opinions on the glitchysilver homescreens
Watashi no koi o higeki no jurietto ni shinaide
Koko kara tsuredashite...
Sonna kibun yo
Papa to mama ni oyasuminasai
Seizei ii yume o minasai
Otona wa mou neru jikan yo
Musekaeru miwaku no kyarameru
Hajirai no suashi o karameru
Konya wa doko made ikeru no?
Kamitsukanaide yasashiku shite
Nigaimono wa mada kirai na no
Mama no tsukuru okashi bakari tabeta sei ne
Shiranai koto ga aru no naraba
Shiritai to omou futsuu desho?
Zenbu misete yo
Anata ni naraba misete ageru watashi no...
Zutto koishikute shinderera
Seifuku dake de kakete yuku wa
Mahou yo jikan o tomete yo
Warui hito ni jamasarechau wa
Nigedashitai no jurietto
Demo sono namae de yobanaide
Sou yo ne musubarenakucha ne
Sou ja nai to tanoshikunai wa
Nee watashi to ikite kureru?
Senobi o shita nagai masukara
Ii ko ni naru yo kitto asu kara
Ima dake watashi o yurushite
Kuroi reesu no kyoukaisen
Mamoru hito wa kyou wa imasen
Koetara doko made ikeru no?
Kamitsuku hodo ni itai hodo ni
Suki ni natteta no wa watashi desho
Papa wa demo ne anata no koto kirai mitai
Watashi no tame to sashidasu te ni
Nigitteru sore wa kubiwa desho
Tsuredashite yo watashi no romio
Shikarareru hodo tooku e
Kane ga narihibiku shinderera
Garasu no kutsu wa oite yuku wa
Dakara ne hayaku mitsukete ne
Warui yume ni jirasarechau wa
Kitto ano ko mo sou datta
Otoshita nante uso o tsuita
Sou yo ne watashi mo onaji yo
Datte motto aisaretai wa
Hora watashi wa koko ni iru yo
Watashi no kokoro sotto nozoite mimasen ka
Hoshii mono dake afurekaette imasen ka
Mada betsuhara yo motto motto gyutto tsumekonde
Isso anata no ibasho made mo umete shimaou ka
Demo sore ja imi nai no
Ookina hako yori chiisana hako ni shiawase wa aru rashii
Dou shiyou kono mama ja watashi wa
Anata ni kirawarechau wa
Demo watashi yori yokubari na papa to mama wa kyou mo kawarazu
Sou yo ne sunao de ii no ne
Otoshita no wa kin no ono deshita
Usotsukisugita shinderera
Ookami ni taberareta rashii
Dou shiyou kono mama ja watashi mo
Itsuka wa taberarechau wa
Sono mae ni tasuke ni kite ne
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linguistics-and-such · 11 months
How to Use Gender-Neutral 3rd Person Pronouns in Japanese:
Note: I am not a native Japanese speaker, and I only have a conversational level in Japanese, as opposed to a fluent level. As such, please don't take anything I say as gospel.
Japanese pronouns are an open class of words in Japanese, rather than a closed class of words like they are in English. While that doesn't mean one can do anything one wants with pronouns in Japanese, it does mean one can mess around with them quite a lot. Pronouns are much less restrictive in Japanese than they are in English. One reason for this is that they don't decline. For example, 私 watashi covers I, me, my and mine, and how its case is decided is dependent on the particle that follows it.
私は watashi wa / 私が watashi ga = I (nominative) 私を watashi wo = me (accusative) 私に watashi ni = me (dative) 私と watashi to / 私から watashi kara = me (ablative) 私の watashi no = my / mine (genitive)
Another reason pronouns are more of an open class in Japanese is because they can often be dropped. In fact, Japanese sentences can often sound downright wrong if you don't omit certain pronouns.
* 「私の名前はニックです。」 ^ "Watashi no namae wa Nikku desu." (awkward) * 「名前はニックです。」 ^ "Namae wa Nikku desu." (natural) (= "My name is Nic.")
* 「私のネコは私が大好きです。」 ^ "Watashi no neko wa watashi ga daisuki desu." (awkward) * 「ネコは私が大好きです。」 ^ "Neko wa watashi ga daisuki desu." (natural) (= "My cat loves me.")
* 「あなたのネコはかわいいです。」 ^ "Anata no neko wa kawaii desu." (awkward and borderline rude)[1] * 「ネコはかわいいです。」 ^ "Neko wa kawaii desu." (natural) (= "Your cat is cute.")
* 「あの人はここに来てもいい。」 ^ "Ano hito wa koko ni kitemo ii desu." (awkward sometimes)[2] * 「ここに来てもいい。」 ^ "Koko ni kitemo ii desu." (natural) (= "He/She can come here.")
[1] Calling someone あなた anata in polite speech is usually considered very disrespectful. It's recommended to instead use a person's name with a polite honorific, with さん -san being the safest option.
[2] This is only awkward if the topic has already been established. For example, it would be awkward if the sentence followed something like this:
* 「あの人はあそこにいる。」 ^ "Ano hito wa asoko ni iru." (= "He/She is over there.")
Once the topic has been established, it's usually good to drop the topic upon repetition until a new topic is introduced. For instance:
* 「この人は友達です。アダムと言います。アメリカから来て、30歳です。趣味はカラオケと料理です。1年くらい存じています。大事なカンパニーのメンバーだと思います。」 ^ "Kono hito wa tomodachi desu. Adamu to iimasu. Amerika kara kite, sanjuu-sai desu. Shumi wa karaoke to ryouri desu. Ichi-nen kurai sonjite imasu. Daiji na kanpanii no menbaa da to omoimasu." (= "This person is my friend. He is called Adam. He comes from America, and he is 30 years old. His hobbies are karaoke and cooking. He and I have been acquainted for about 1 year. I think he will be an important member of the company.")
Because pronouns are open class in Japanese, they're very flexible. It's quite easy to mix and match pronouns in Japanese. This is one reason why a lot of Japanese media has casts who use different 1st person pronouns. For example, in the Japanese version of Paper Mario, マリオストーリー Mario Story, every Partner who joins Mario uses a different 1st person pronoun:
Kurio (Goombario): オイラ oira Kameki (Kooper): オレッチ orecchi Pinkie (Bombette): あたい atai Paretta (Parakarry): わたし watashi Resaresa (Bow): あたくし atakushi Akarin (Watt): あたち atachi Opuku (Sushie): あたしゃ atasha Pokopie (Lakilester): オレ ore
This helps flesh them out and gives them all distinctive characteristics.
Now, let's talk about 3rd person pronouns in Japanese. In Japanese, the two binary pronouns are 彼 kare (he) and 彼女 kanojo (she). They're not actually used that often, but they're still good to know, especially since many English-written guides for learning Japanese make liberal use of these two pronouns.
* 「彼は男ですから、「僕」や「俺」などの一人称代名詞を使うことが好きです。」 ^ "Kare wa otoko desu kara, "boku" ya "ore" nado no ichi-nin shou daimeishi wo tsukau koto ga suki desu." (= "He is a man, and so likes using first-person pronouns like "boku" and "ore."")
* 「彼女は女ですから、「あたし」や「あたい」などの一人称代名詞を使うことが好きです。」 ^ "Kanojo wa onna desu kara, "atashi" ya "atai" nado no ichi-nin shou daimeishi wo tsukau koto ga suki desu." (= "She is a woman, and so likes using first-person pronouns like "atashi" and "atai."")
(Note that 彼 kare and 彼女 kanojo can also mean boyfriend and girlfriend respectively, though ボーイフレンド booifurendo, ガールフレンド gaarufurendo and パートナー paatonaa, all borrowed from English, are more commonly used these days.)
Here's the problem: 彼 kare and 彼女 kanojo form their plurals by adding ら -ra to the pronoun. You would use 彼ら kare-ra when referring to more than one person if the people are all male or there is at least one male in the group, and you would use 彼女ら kanojo-ra only if all the people being referred to are female. So, Japanese has a similar dilemma to French and Spanish, because they is gendered.
Except, in Japanese, there are a ton of gender-neutral pronouns you can use to refer to a single person. Some linguists even argue that Japanese doesn't technically have pronouns, as pronouns in Japanese work a lot more like glorified nouns.
To get an idea of the gender-neutral pronouns in Japanese, it's good to have some knowledge of how the こそあど言葉 ko-so-a-do words work. To be brief, こ ko, そ so, あ a and ど do are special morphemes that indicate position. Simply put, こ ko refers to something close to the speaker, そ so refers to something close to the listener, あ a refers to something close to neither or to something extract, and ど do refers to something interrogative.
Through this system, こ ko, そ so and あ a can be used to create various 3rd person pronouns, while do ど can be used to create various interrogative pronouns, like who and what. I won't talk about the interrogative pronouns here, because I feel that will clog up the post, but I will absolutely be talking about all the equivalents Japanese has for the singular they.
1: kochira, sochira, achira (こちら,そちら,あちら):
This is one of the safer ways to refer to people. These words literally translate to this way, that way and that way over there, relating to direction. They're more vague ways of referring to direction than ここ koko, そこ soko and あそこ asoko, which indicate an exact direction but can't be used as pronouns.
They are used to:
1) indicate a direction
* 「こちらにあると思う。」 ^ "Kochira ni aru to omou." (= "I think it's here.")
* 「ええ、本当に?そちらに置いたから。」 ^ "Ee, hontou ni? Sochira ni oita kara." (= "Huh, really? Because I put it there.")
* 「そう言えば、あちらにあるかもしれない。」 ^ "Sou ieba, achira ni aru ka mo shirenai." (= "Now that you mention it, it might be over there.")
2) refer to people in the 1st person (こちら kochira) or the 2nd person (そちら sochira)
* 「そちらとパーティーに行けて、とても嬉しかったです。」 ^ "Sochira to paatii ni ikete, totemo ureshikatta desu." (= "I was very happy to be able to go to the party with you.")
* 「こちらこそ。」 ^ "Kochira koso." (= "Me too.")
3) refer to people in the 3rd person
* 「こちらは内のクラスを混ざる。」 ^ "Kochira wa uchi no kurasu wo mazaru." (= "He/She/They is going to join our class.")
* 「そちらは私の親友だもん。」 ^ "Sochira wa watashi no shin'yuu da mon." (= "He/She/They is my best friend, of course.")
* 「私とあちらが仲よくない。」 ^ "Watashi to achira ga naka yokunai." (= "He/She/They and I don't get along.")
When used as 3rd person pronouns, こちら kochira and そちら sochira can typically only be used to refer to someone who is present, while あちら achira can be used to refer to someone who is either present or absent.
These words cannot be made plural, although they can be interpreted as plural depending on context.
2: koitsu, soitsu, aitsu (こいつ,そいつ,あいつ):
This is not a safe way to refer to someone if you don't know what you're doing. It literally translates to this guy, that guy and that guy over there, with the guy being gender-neutral the same way you guys is in English. It's often used by men rather than women, as it's considered quite "un-ladylike," though women can use it. It's used to refer objects, or to people who are of equal or inferior social standing to the speaker, such as friends or children. It can have a rude or hostile edge to it in some contexts.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「こいつがほしい!」 ^ "Koitsu ga hoshii!" (= "I want this one!")
* 「そいつを貰う!」 ^ "Soitsu wo morau!" (= "I'll take that one!")
* 「それじゃ、私はあいつを買わなきゃ!」 ^ "Sore ja, watashi wa aitsu wo kawanakya!" (= "Then I've just gotta buy that one over there!")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「こいつは友達だ。」 ^ "Koitsu wa tomodachi da." (= "He/She/They is a friend.")
* 「そいつ、歌うのは上手だな。」 ^ "Soitsu, utau no wa jouzu da na." (= "He/She/They is good at singing.")
* 「さっき、公園にあいつを会った。」 ^ "Sakki, kouen ni aitsu wo atta." (= "I met him/her/them in the park earlier.")
To make any of these pronouns plural, simply add ら -ra to their end, or add たち -tachi to their end.
3: kono yatsu, sono yatsu, ano yatsu (この奴,その奴,あの奴):
This means the same thing and work exactly the same way as こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu. In fact, こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu come from この奴 kono yatsu, その奴 sono yatsu and あの奴 ano yatsu. Before that, though, they entered a "transitional phase" and became こやつ koyatsu, そやつ soyatsu and あやつ ayatsu. Those are archaic now, but このやつ kono yatsu, そのやつ sono yatsu and あのやつ ano yatsu are occasionally used instead of こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu or あいつ aitsu, usually for emphasis.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「この奴が最高のゲームだ。」 ^ "Kono yatsu ga saikou no geemu da." (= "This one is the best game.")
* 「その奴のエンジンは壊れたと思う。」 ^ "Sono yatsu no enjin wa kowareta to omou." (= "I think that one's engine is broken.")
* 「私、あの奴が聞こえる。」 ^ "Watashi, ano yatsu ga kikoeru." (= "I can hear that one over there.")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「このやつは悔しすぎる!」 ^ "Kono yatsu wa kuyashisugiru!" (= "He/She/They is too frustrating!")
* 「みんなはそのやつが好きだ。」 ^ "Minna wa sono yatsu ga suki da." (= "Everyone likes him/her/them.")
* 「あのやつ、本当に最低だな。」 ^ "Ano yatsu, hontou ni saitei da na." (= "He/She/They is really the worst.")
Like こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu, simply add ら -ra to make the pronouns plural, or add たち -tachi.
4: kono kata, sono kata, ano kata (この方,その方,あの方):
This is the absolute most polite way you can refer to someone. This is generally how you'd refer to a superior, such as your boss, or, in some cases, someone you really admire. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 方 kata, a respectful word for person.
* 「この方は私の上司です。」 ^ "Kono kata wa watashi no joushi desu." (= "He/She/They is my boss.")
* 「私、その方に「すばらしい料理人です」と伝えた。」 ^ "Watashi, sono kata ni, "subarasbii ryouri-nin desu" to tsutaeta." (= "I told him/her/them, "You're an amazing cook."")
* 「私はついにあの方を会えた!」 ^ "Watashi wa tsui ni ano kata wo aeta!" (= "I was finally able to meet him/her/them!")
To make these pronouns plural, add 々 -gata to the end of the word. You can also make these words plural by adding たち -tachi to the end of the word, though this is slightly less polite.
5: kono hito, sono hito, ano hito (この人,その人,あの人):
This is a safe way to refer to someone, because it can be both polite and informal. Thus, you're unlikely to offend anyone by using this. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 人 hito, which is the standard word for person.
* 「この人の一番好きな動物はネコだもん。」 ^ "Kono hito no ichi-ban suki na doubutsu wa neko da mon." (= "His/Her/Their favorite animal is cats, of course.")
* 「その人はコンピュータゲームが大好きだ。」 ^ "Sono hito wa konpyuuta geemu ga daisuki da." (= "He/She/They loves video games.")
* 「昨日、あの人と話した。」 ^ "Kinou, ano hito to hanashita." (= "I spoke with him/her/them yesterday.")
There two says to make these pronouns plural. The first is to add 々 -bito to the end of the word, and the second is to add たち -tachi to the end of the word. Both are pretty safe.
6: kono ko, sono ko, ano ko (この子,その子,あの子):
This, in a way, is the "feminine" equivalent of こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu. It's used to refer to people your own age or younger, so it's informal. Generally, guys won't use this for other guys, but they will use it for girls, and girls will call guys and other girls this. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 子 ko, which means child or kid.
* 「この子は何をしてるの?」 ^ "Kono ko wa nani wo shite'ru no?" (= "What's he/she/they doing?")
* 「その子の新しいラジオは高い。」 ^ "Sono ko no atarashii rajio ga takai." (= "His/Her/Their new radio is expensive.")
* 「私、あの子にプレゼントをあげた。」 ^ "Watashi, ano ko ni purezento wo ageta." (= "I gave him/her/them a present.")
To make these pronouns plural, add たち -tachi to the end of the word.
7: kono gaki, sono gaki, ano gaki (このガキ,そのガキ,あのガキ):
You shouldn't use this to refer to someone unless they're your age or younger, and you're either very close to them or want to insult them. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with ガキ gaki, which literally means brat.
* 「このガキはいい仲間 だ けど…」 ^ "Kono gaki wa ii nakama da kedo..." (= "He/She/They is a good friend, but...")
* 「兄さんはそのガキが好きじゃない。」 ^ "Nii san wa sono gaki ga suki ja nai." (= "My brother doesn't like him/her/them.")
* 「あのガキの先生厳しいな!」 ^ "Ano gaki no sensei wa kibishii na!" (= "His/Her/Their teacher is so strict!")
To make these plural, add either ら -ra or たち -tachi to the end of the word.
8: kono yarou, sono yarou, ano yarou (このヤロウ,そのヤロウ,あのヤロウ):
This one is a big no-no unless you're very close with a person your age or younger, or if you want to offend the hell out of someone. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with ヤロウ yarou, which literally translates to bastard or, if you're generous, rascal.
* 「このヤロウはビールを盗んだ!」 ^ "Kono yarou wa biiru wo nusunda!" (= "He/She/They stole the beer!")
* 「私、そのヤロウの声が別に好きじゃない。」 ^ "Watashi, sono yarou no koe ga betsu ni suki ja nai." (= "I don't really like his/her/their voice.")
* 「あのヤロウが全然分かれない!」 ^ "Ano yarou ga zenzen wakarenai!" (= "I can't understand him/her/them at all!")
If you want to make the words plural, add ら -ra or たち -tachi to their ends.
9: kore, sore, are (これ,それ,あれ):
This is basically the equivalent of calling someone it. I know some people prefer that, so I thought I'd include these words, which actually translate to this one, that one and that one over there, because Japanese doesn't have a direct word for it. As usual, you probably shouldn't use this for someone, especially if they're older than you, unless they specifically request it or you want to insult them.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「これは私のリンゴだ。」 ^ "Kore wa watashi no ringo da." (= "This one is my apple.")
* 「私、それを買いたい。」 ^ "Watashi, sore wo kaitai." (= "I want to buy that one.")
* 「あれがネコのボールだ。」 ^ "Are ga neko no booru da." (= "That one over there is the cat's ball.")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「私、これに行きたい。」 ^ "Watashi, kore ni ikitai." (= "I want to go with it.")
* 「それは面白い人だ。」 ^ "Sore wa omoshiroi hito da." (= "It is an interesting person.")
* 「あれは音楽が上手だ。」 ^ "Are wa ongaku ga jouzu da." (= "It is good at music.")
As far as I know, these words can't be made plural, but they can be plural in meaning sometimes, depending on context.
How to politely request to be referred to a certain way in Japanese:
To wrap up this post, here's how to politely request to be referred to with a particular pronoun in Japanese. I included the Japanese equivalents for he, she, they and it.
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「彼」です。 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "kare" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "he."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「彼女」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "kanojo" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "she."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「あの人」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "ano hito" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "they."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「あれ」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "are" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "it."")
* 「私は「彼」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "kare" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "he."")
* 「私は「彼女」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "kanojo" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "she."")
* 「私は「あの人」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "ano hito" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "they."")
* 「私は「あれ」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "are" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "it."")
* 「私に「彼」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kare" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "he."")
* 「私に「彼女」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kanojo" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "she."")
* 「私に「あの人」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "ano hito" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "they."")
* 「私に「あれ」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "are" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "it."")
* 「私に「彼」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kare" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "he," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「彼女」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kanojo" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "she," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「あの人」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "ano hito" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "they," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「あれ」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "are" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "it," I would be very grateful.")
The ko-so-a-do chart for pronouns:
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That’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading. :)
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gizkasparadise · 2 years
hello! i was wondering if you watched jdramas and if so which ones were your favorite?
i havent watched a ton of jdramas! here's what i've thought of the ones i've seen/am currently watching:
in progress/still watching
gokushufudo/way of the househusband: i keep meaning to catch up on this one. im only 2 episodes in, but the show takes a wild premise (ex-yakuza becomes a househusband/stepfather) and runs with it. it's really enjoyable, but also EXTREMELY cracky, so watch when you want something that's easy and you don't have to have your brain on. if you're someone who's not into slapstick or wacky hijinks this one probably isn't for you. so far 8.5/10
kikazaru koi niwa riyuu ga atte/why i dress up for love: im close to being done with this one, currently on ep 7 of 10. premise is that a social media influencer/PR rep ends up living in a sharehouse with a minimalist chef, a reclusive artist, a counselor, and another chef. i really like 'different people become friends after cohabitating' as a trope, so if you enjoy that this is a good one. im not always liking the main romance though. the ML can be pretty condescending and flakey. but bonus points for cute dog and an interesting side pairing/side characters. so far 7.5/10
koi desu: yankee-kun to hakujou garu/it's love! yankee-kun and white cane girl: a yankee (gangster) falls for a young woman with a visual disability. this is my favorite jdrama i've seen so far, it's just. wholesome and fluffy and cute. it's also really informative about blindness and low vision and you can tell the writers did their homework there (there are none of the cliches that are so often found with blind protagonists in dramas). it loses some points for me because the secondary "pairing" resolution rubbed me the wrong way, especially as a queer person. 9/10
kanojo wa kirei datta/she was pretty: a remake of the kdrama by the same name, and imo w/ a way better take on the lead pairing. the FL's actress was great, and the speedrun version of the drama (10 eps of about 40min compared to 16, 1-hour eps) really helped streamline the story. enjoyable! 8/10
i don't love you yet: a remake of the taiwanese drama "in time with you" where two life-long best friends navigate feelings as they bet on who will get married before they turn 30. it's not bad but it's not great, and the OG version of this drama still reigns supreme imo. the ML was great. the ending was super abrupt. 7/10
suki na hito ga iru koto/a girl and three sweethearts: a pastry chef ends up living with three brothers and working in their cafe over the summer. it's okay if you want something fluffy and not very brain-demanding, but i found it pretty bland & often was frustrated on behalf of the FL because the ML could be a pretty big jerk and the SML was the king of mixed signals. 6.5/10
imawa no kuni no alice/alice in borderland: lol Unpopular Opinion time. the premise is cool, and i love survival game/horror/thriller dramas, but the spinning of the camera in the first ep(s?) made me nauseous and then there was a sex scene in like ep 3 or 4 that was so severely off-putting that it made me ragequit the rest of the drama :'D
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carsinoska · 1 year
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Album: ASTRO=SIGN Artist: Absolute Castaway
Nunki no Moribito
hama ni yoseru sazanami iwa wo mo kudaku aranami inochi ga umarete kaeri tsuku basho e
yobarete iru watashi ni shika kikoenai koe
komugiiro ni kagayaku kami taiyou no nioi no suru hada aoi hitomi to senaka no uroko wa Nunki no moribito no akashi
dakara watashi wa umi wo mamoru
umi ni shizumu bunmei nemuru kingin zaihou yokubou karitate risei kuruwaseru
okosanaide   tou no mukashi, tsuieta kami wo
hoshi ga ochiru shizukana yoru suihei ga akaku somaru asa ikari ni obie sekai ga furueru Nunki wa subete wo kurau
hontou wa umi to hito, dochira mo odayaka ni kurashite ikereba to omotte iru no
komugiiro ni kagayaku kami taiyou no nioi no suru hada aoi hitomi to senaka no uroko
zutto uke tsugarete kita moribito no yakume to hokori wo kore kara saki no mirai e to tsunageyou Nunki no moribito no akashi
dakara watashi wa hito wo mamoru
Nashira no Kisame
natsu no owari no nioi sukoshi no setsunasa to omoide wo naimaze ni   kisetsu wa utsurou hito kara hito e tsutau omoi wa kisame no you shiawase no shizuku wa yasashiku sunda iro
kakegae no nai daijina kimi e okuru kotoba "tadaima" no tayori wo   koe wo   matteru hito no moto e
ima sugu todokeru yo “daisuki”tte boku no kimochi kokoro-goto subete wo todokeraretara ii no ni
omoi wo kotoba ni   kotoba wo tegami ni kimi wa genki de iru ka na?
natsu no owari no yoru yumemita hoshi no you ni shiawase wo todokeru hito ni naritai'nda
dareka ni totte daijina hito e okuru kotoba yorokobi no tayori wo   koe wo   matteru hito no moto e
ima sugu todokeru yo "arigatou"tte kimi no kimochi hanikanda egao mo todokeraretara ii no ni
bukiyou na moji mo keshigomu no ato mo subete ga atatakai'nda
tsutaetai kimochi wo kotoba ni shite   tegami ni shite todokete mimasen ka? ai wo kometa okurimono
shiawase no shizuku atsumetara kitto ameagari no niji ni naru
Sadachbia no Himitsu
While there's life, there's despair. While there's life, there's hope. No day shall erase you from all memory. Now I know what Love is. Now I feel what Pain is. But, still I love them. I will protect you.
kajikanda yubi   hitori kiri de tatazumu nijimu hoshizora no naka omoi kakushita kizu darake no kokoro   yasashiku fureta anata wasurerareru hazu ga nai… sore ga machigai demo
saigo ni suteki na mahou kakete ageru sayonara, mou nidoto koko ni konaide
"I sing of my sins."
katare   daremo abakenai himitsu wo tatoe owaranai gouka ni mi wo yakare you to anata no tame nara nagedasou anata no tame naraba majo to yobarete mo ii subete wo katarou   darenimo abakenai ai wo utai tsudzukeyou
surikireta kioku wo hiroi atsumete tomosu kaketa hoshikuzu datte   netsu wo kanjiru kizutsuita mirai wo yosoku dekita to shite mo nakatta koto ni dekinai netsu wo wasuretakunai
saisho no mahou wa amari ni osanakute… "kanarazu yoake wa kuru yo" nante
abake   daremo sabakenai shirushi wo owaranai yoru ni hoshi wa kagayakanai keredo anata no tame nara sashidasou anata no tame naraba majo no shirushi wo kizamou himitsu wo abakou   darenimo sabakenai kono kokoro wo mamoru tame ni
——While there's life, there's despair. ——While there's life, there's hope. ——No day shall erase you from all memory. ——Now I know what Love is. ——Now I feel what Pain is. ——But, still I love them. I will protect you.
"I sing of your sins."
sabake   daremo katarenai noroi wo himegoto ga nanika hajime kara wakatte iru wa anata ga suki nante ienai anata wo dare yori mo aishite shimatta kara kono mi wo sabakou anata no shiawase negatte, majo to shite ikiyou
nozonda mono wa doko ni aru zahyou-ten wo michibiki dashite nakitai kurai kogareteru kono kimochi no na wo oshiete yo
kokoro no mayoi abaita yoru no yami furikitte ikusen no hoshi kakiwake anata dake wo sagashidasu
ima iku kara―
takanaru kodou yamenaide   futari wo musubu SIGN ishiki wo togisumasetara   ato sukoshi de te ga todokisou de ikanaide yo   nigenaide   anata ga hoshii no ishiki sureba suru hodo ni okashiku narisou… dou ni kashite yo
nozonda mono wa nan nano ka zahyou-ten wo michibiki dashite waraeru kurai itooshii kono kimochi ni uso wa tsukenai
'kodoku wo tadayoi tsudzuke hiekitta karada demo ikusen no hoshi no hate de   tsuyoku dakishimete kureru?'
'―koko ni iru yo―'
tadashisa nado sutesatte   futari ga musubu SIGN muishiki wo tobikoetara   mata hajimaru aratana sutoorii 'mitsukedashite   mitsumetete   kimi ga hitsuyou nano muishiki ni motome atte dou ni ka narisou… ima sugu kite yo'
taga hazushite yobisamase futari wo musubu SIGN zahyou shimesareta hoshi wo tsunaide kai wo   saa, michibikidase dare yori mo nani yori mo anata ga hoshii no kutsugaeshite miserunda   kimatta reeru nante tsumaranai kara
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usabun-tl · 16 days
Infection・感染源 — KANKAKU PIERO
English+Romaji Translation
それは病原 政治のせいじゃなく
sore wa byougen seiji no sei janaku
That is the origin of this illness
It's not the government's fault
dare ga warui toka waruku nai janaku
And it's not about who's good or evil
hito no minikusa to orokasa to muryokusa no sei desu
It's because of people's ugliness, their foolishness, and their powerlessness
zeiin yougisha
Everyone is a suspect
hitori wa minna no tame
"One for all, all for one"
sou osowatte kita hazu nano ni
Even though that's what we've all been taught
tsuki tsukerareta genjitsu wa kou desu
The reality that we're confronted with is
jiko sekinin to jiko handan
"Your own responsibility" and "Making your own judgement"
kekkyoku hitori datte koto desuka
So we're alone after all?
jaa jibun katte demo iin desu ka
Then is it fine if I do what I want?
nara suki katte yarasete moraimasu ga
But even if I'm allowed to do what I like
sore wa sore de hihan suru deshou
I'll be criticized for it, right
nasu sube nanka koko ni wa nai
There's nothing to be done here
mou mae narae nanka yame ni shitai yo
I'm tired of learning from the past
今こそ僕は自由になる 今こそ僕は自由になる
ima koso boku wa jiyuu ni naru ima koso boku wa jiyuu ni naru
It's time for me to be free
It's time for me to be free
gishin anki ni ochitte shimatteru
Falling into doubt
mawari ga zeiin uirusu ni mieteiru
It seems like everyone around me is infected with a virus
demo ichiban okasarete shimatta no wa
But the biggest victim
sono nounai nan janai desuka
Is the mind, right?
助け合い 思い遣り自己犠牲
tasuke ai omoi yari jiko gisei
Cooperation, compassion, martyrdom
sore ga baka rashiku miemasuka
Can you see how foolish they all are?
motto mo manen shite shimatta no wa
The thing that caused this disease to spread the most
sono minikui kangae sono mono desu
Are those ugly ideas
bokura no kokoro ga hanareru koto de
It's likely that there are people who profit
toku suru hito ga iru no kamo shirenai
Because our hearts are divided
demo motto tanjun ni
But to put it simply
aishi au kimochi wo naku shite wa ikenai ya
We can't allow ourselves to stop caring for each other
All You Need is Love.
kimi ni wa kusai koto ni kikoeteru darou kedo
I'm sure that it sounds tacky to you, but
itsudatte kotae awase wa shinpuru desu
The answer is always simple
hito wo tasukerareru no wa hito desu
It's people that can save others
hito wo kizutsukeru no mo mata hito desu
And it's also people that inflict pain on others
kimi wa docchi ni narimasuka
Which will you become?
erabu no wa mochiron jiyuu desu
Of course, the decision is yours to make
tada douse shinde iku bokura desu
However, we're all going to die either way
sono toki ni nokoru mono nanka nai
And when that happens, nothing will be left
kane mo chii mo meiyo mo nani mo kamo
No money, no status, no honor, nothing at all
haka made motteite ikeya shinai
You can't take anything with you to the grave
demo dareka no kioku no naka ni de areba
But if you remain in someone's memory
nanika hitotsu demo nokoseru kamo na
Something will be left of you, I think
omoide toka ai toka kotoba toka
Memories, love, words
sou iu muzu gayui mono ni kagitte
Just gross things like that
dakara honki de iun desu
So believe me when I say
kimi ni masaru mono nanka nai
There's nobody like you
yume ni masaru mono nanka nai ai ni masaru mono nanka nai
There's nothing like dreams, and nothing like love
jibun sae ryou kerya ii you na yatsu ni sashizu saretaku wa nai
I don't want to be led by those that only care about themselves
zeitaku bakka kanageru yatsura ni sashi dasu mono nado nai
I don't want to submit to those that have never experienced anything but luxury
kyou ga tanoshi kerya okkee tte yatsu ni noumiso wa hitsuyou nai
It's not worth paying any mind to those who say "As long as I have a good day, it doesn't matter"
tanin no mono heiki de ubaeru yatsu ni nasake nado hitsuyou nai
Those that can steal things from strangers with no remorse don't need to be spared any sympathy
dareka wo aisenai you na yatsu aisareru shikaku nado nai
Those who can't bring themselves to care for anyone don't deserve to be cared for either
dare mo shinrai dekinai kokoro ni sashi komu hikari nado nai
Light won't shine through those who can't believe in anyone
hitori de nanka ikirarenai
It's impossible to truly live on your own
daremo hitori de nanka ikirarenai
Nobody can live on their own
mou kireigoto nanka yame ni shiyou
Let's quit it with the lip service already
kimi ga omou hodo kimi wa tsuyoku wa nai
You're not as strong as you think you are
boku ga kansengen desu
I'm the source of this infection
sekaijuu ni ai ga todoku you ni
May love spread throughout the world
machi wa houkai sunzen dakeredo
This city may be on the verge of collapse, but
kuccha ikenai
We can't let it rot away
kimi ga kansengen desu
You're the source of this infection
shinjiru koto wo tayasanai de ite
Hold onto what you believe in
koko ga kansengen
The source of this infection is right here
bokura wa ikiteiru
We're alive
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mizuiro-usagi · 1 year
哀 /しゅーず - lyric and english translation
Song title: 哀 / Ai - Sorrow Music: Kanon69 Vocal: Shoose
This song is the continuation to U, from the male character perspective. I really like U and never imagined it’d get a sequel after all these years...
kimi wo nosete yuku kaeri no densha wa, mou jikan doori ni kuru rashii. utsumuita kimi no, “tsugi ni itsu aeru?” furuete, demo warai nagara.
sono shunkan ni kizuite shimatta. boku no hontou no kokoro ni. fui ni ukanda, kimi ga kanashimu higeki no kotoba wo kitto, mitometakunai dake nandarou. boku wa.
itsu datte “aishiteru” de ureshisou na sono egao ni, ichido datte “sayonara” wo ieru wakenai yo. tamerai ga tsudzuku hodo, kimi wo ai iro ni someru. kono michi wo, fumi kirenai de irunda yo.
hakidaseba sore de owaru hito koto ga, tada nodo no oku ni tsumatteiru. sore wo matte iru kimi wo,  konna boku ni mou shibaritakunai kara.
koibito de iru rasuto go byou wa, fumi kiri wataru temae da. kimi mo hontou wa hikitometai no ni, iki wo koraete made, kitto shizuka ni matterunda. “sayonara” wo.
kyou ga kitto endinggu tte, kizuiteita you ni iki wo tsuku. itsumo yori kirei na kutsu wa, aruki dasu tame ni. arigatou. tanoshikatta. sore dake wa, gomakasenai.
sou ka boku wa, mada “suki” no mama de itakattanda.
nando datte “daijoubu” tte, tsuyogari na kimi wa warau. sono egao ga, itsumo boku wo shimetsukete itai yo. kaisatsu wo sugita nara, boku wa mou furikaeranai. ai iro no kimi wo minai you ni. mou iinda yo. kanashii nara, kyou wa.
egao de inakute mo…
English translation:
It seems that the train that carries you home is going to arrive on time again. Your downcast face asked, “When can we meet again?” You were trembling, but still smiling all the while.
I realized it at that moment. My true feelings. It suddenly comes to mind, surely, I just don’t want to admit the words of tragedy that will sadden you. I–
I can’t possibly say “farewell” even once to your happy smile that always seems to say “I love you”. The longer I hesitate, the more you’re dyed in the color of sorrow. I can’t seem to step over this line.
The words that I just need to say and be over with it, seem to be stuck at the back of my throat. Still, you’re waiting for me. I don’t want to bind you to someone like me.
The last 5 seconds we stayed as lovers, is the moment before crossing over the railway. Even though you actually wanted to stop me, you’re just waiting silently, to the point of holding your breath. Waiting for our “farewell”.
You let out a sigh as if you realized, today must be the ending for us. Your shoes, looking prettier than usual, are so you can walk forward. Thanks. It was fun. Only that, I can’t seem to bluff it.
I see now, I still wanted to have my feelings for you.
Your strong self said “It’s alright” over and over again with a smile. That smile on your face always suffocated and pained me. Once I pass the ticket gate, I won’t look back anymore. So that I won’t see you in the color of sorrow. It’s okay, if you’re sad, just for today-
You don’t have to smile…
*Feedback and correction are welcome! *Please tell me or credit me when using this translation
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ruth9989 · 2 years
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto
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kittychicha · 2 years
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 382 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 あの瞬間 あのしゅんかん ano shunkan That moment,
tagline 1 トゥワイス達の中に… トゥワイスたちのなかに… TUWAISU-tachi no naka ni... Among all the Twices...
tagline 2 No.382 行かせない‼︎  堀越耕平 ナンバー382 いかせない‼︎  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 382 ikasenai!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 382 Won’t Let You Leave   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 少女に傾国の一手を与えた しょうじょにけいこくのいってをあたえた shoujo ni keikoku no itte wo ataeta I gave that girl a siren maneuver (Note: He means he gave Toga a move to do that is dangerous like a siren.)
3 2人の男は 2りのおとこは futari no otoko wa the two men
4 気づいていた! きづいていた! kidzuite ita! were noticing!
5 ウソつき USOtsuki [That] liar.
6 事態はまだ じたいはまだ jitai wa mada The situation is not
7 "最高" "さいこう" “saikou” “the best”
8 "最悪" "さいあく" “saiaku” [or] “the worst”
9 ではないことに de wa nai koto ni as of yet.
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1 あくまで希望的観測よ最悪だけどまだ最悪じゃない あくまできぼうてきかんそくよさいあくだけどまださいあくじゃない akumade kibouteki kansoku yo saiaku dakedo mada saiaku ja nai “This is just wishful thinking, but though this is the worst [scenario], it still isn’t the worst [we expected].”
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1 初手でAFOや荼毘に変身したり「二倍」で出されていたら終わってた! しょてでオール・フォー・ワンやだびにへんしんしたり「にばい」でだされていたらおわってた! shote de OORU FOO WAN ya Dabi ni henshin shitari 「nibai」 de dasarete itara owatteta! “It would have been over if her first play was to transform into someone like AFO or Dabi or if she brought them out with Double!”
2 でもそうはならなかった!それなら demo sou wa naranakatta! sore nara “But that’s not happening! In that case,”
3 "状況理由"から勝機を見つけるしかないわ! "そこ"からしょうきをみつけるしかないわ! “soko (kanji: joukyou)” kara shouki wo mitsukeru shika nai wa! “she can do nothing but find victory from [where she is] (read as: a way in the current situation).”
4 本来の「二倍」で増やされた人間は"個性"を使える! トゥワイスの「にばい」でふやされたにんげんは"こせい"をつかえる! TUWAISU (kanji: honrai) no 「nibai」 de fuyasareta ningen wa “kosei” wo tsukaeru! “Humans who have been multiplied by Twice’s (read as: the original’s) Double can use [their] quirks!”
5 でもウラビティが聞いた通りならヒミコちゃんの「変身」は でもウラビティがきいたとおりならヒミコちゃんの「へんしん」は demo URABITI ga kiita toori nara HIMIKO-chan no 「henshin」 wa “But if it’s just as Uravity heard, Himiko-chan’s Transform”
6 "好き"な人の"個性"しか使えない "すき"なひとの"こせい"しかつかえない “suki” na hito no “kosei” shika tsukaenai “can only use quirks of the people she loves.”
7 相性と言うのかしら…「変身」→「二倍」で増やした人間にもヒミコちゃんの条件が乗ってしまうようになっているのなら あいしょうというのかしら…「へんしん」→「にばい」でふやしたにんげんにもヒミコちゃんのじょうけんがのってしまうようになっているのなら aishou to iu no kashira...「henshin」→「nibai」 de fuyashita ningen ni mo HIMIKO-chan no jouken ga notte shimau you ni natte iru no nara “I wonder if it’s something like compatibility... If the condition for Himiko-chan’s Transform is being carried over to the people multiplied by Double,”
8 ヒミコちゃんの"好き"が死柄木たちには当てはまらなくて使えないのかも ヒミコちゃんの"すき"がしがらきたちにはあてはまらなくてつかえないのかも HIMIKO-chan no “suki” ga Shigaraki-tachi ni wa atehamaranakute tsukaenai no kamo “maybe Himiko-chan’s ‘love’ cannot be applied to Shigaraki and the others, and so they can’t use [their quirks].”
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1 全くの的外れかもしれない…でもーー まったくのまとはずれかもしれない…でもーー mattaku no matohazure kamoshirenai...demo-- “It may be totally irrelevant...but--”
2 この極限状況気持ち一つで一秒後に条件が覆ってもおかしくないわ このきょくげんじょう��ょうきもちひとつでいちびょうごにじょうけんがくつがえってもおかしくないわ kono kyokugen joukyou kimochi hitotsu de ichibyougo ni jouken ga kutsugaettemo okashikunai wa “in this extreme situation, it wouldn’t be strange if, after one second of one emotion, even [her quirk’s] condition enveloped [them].” (Note: I think what she’s saying is something of a hypothesis like this: if Toga’s feelings affect her quirk, then a split-second feeling could be carried over to all the clones.)
3 そうならない為にも早く本物を見つけないと そうならないためにもはやくほんものをみつけないと sou naranai tame ni mo hayaku honmono wo mitsukenai to “To prevent that from happening, we have to quickly find the real one.”
4 …だとしたらトガヒミコはーー… ...da to shitara TOGA HIMIKO wa---... ...If that’s the case, Himiko Toga is---...
5 何で… なんで… nande... “Why...”
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1 哀れな行進を続けさせてやろうぜ デッドマンズパレードをつづけさせてやろうぜ DEDDOMANZU PAREEDO wo tsudzukesasete yarou ze “Let’s make the Dead Man’s Parade continue.”
2 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!”
3 弔くんも燈矢くんも好きなのに とむらくんもとうやくんもすきなのに Tomura-kun mo Touya-kun mo suki nanoni I love Tomura-kun and Touya-kun too, but
4 仁くんやお茶子ちゃんみたいに"個性"が出せない じんくんやおちゃこちゃんみたいに"こせい"がだせない Jin-kun ya Ochako-chan mitai ni “kosei” ga dasenai their quirks won’t come out like Jin-kun’s or Ochako-chan’s.
5 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!”
6 この戦い前にも試した…出せなかった! このたたかいまえにもためした…だせなかった! kono tatakai mae ni mo tameshita...dasenakatta! I also tried it before this battle...and they wouldn’t come out!
7 大好きなのに…「好き」に成れるはずなのに だいすきなのに…「すき」になれるはずなのに daisuki nanoni... 「suki」 ni nareru hazu nanoni Even though I love him... Even though I can become someone I ‘love’...
8-9 仁くんなら出せるのに じんくんならだせるのに Jin-kun nara daseru noni Even though Jin-kun could make them come out...
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1 何で私は なんでわたしは nande watashi wa Why can’t I
2 仁くんになれないの じんくんになれないの Jin-kun ni narenai no become Jin-kun?
3 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!” (Note: This phrase is repeated in all the background speech bubbles.)
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1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I loved people’s happy faces.
2 だから彼女は だからかのじょは dakara kanojo wa That’s why, for that girl,
3 涙を見逃さない なみだをみのがさない namida wo minogasanai I won’t turn a blind eye to her tears. (Note: You could also go with “overlook” instead of “turn a blind eye to.”)
(Edit: Please read this update to regarding the translation of these pages.)
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1 頑張れツクヨミ抑え続けて時間を稼ぐんだ‼︎ がんばれツクヨミおさえつづけてじかんをかせぐんだ‼︎ ganbare TSUKUYOMI osae tsudzukete jikan wo kasegunda!! “Give it your all, Tsukuyomi! Keep holding him back and buy us time!!”
2 奴は今恐らく無敵状態だが時限付きだ! やつはいまおそらくむてきじょうたいだがじげんつきだ! yatsu wa ima osoraku muteki joutai da ga jigen tsuki da! “He’s probably in an invincible state right now, but he has a time limit!”
3 エンデヴァーさんが一度倒したおかげでそうなった‼︎ここで抑え続けて止めるんだ‼︎ エンデヴァーさんがいちどたおしたおかげでそうなった‼︎ここでおさえつづけて���めるんだ‼︎ ENDEVAA-san ga ichido taoshita okage de sou natta!! koko de osae tsudzukete tomerunda!! “He became like that thanks to Endeavor-san defeating him once!! Keep holding him back and stop him!!”
4 黒影を覆って!光を遮って‼︎ ダークシャドウをおおって!ひかりをさえぎって‼︎ DAAKU SHADOU wo ootte! hikari wo saegitte!! “Cover Dark Shadow! Block out the light!!”
5 闇を供給させるの‼︎ エネルギーをきょうきゅうさせるの‼︎ ENERUGII (kanji: yami) wo kyoukyuu saseru no!! “Let me supply him with energy (read as: darkness)!!”
6 それ sore “For that,”
7 オーロラの夜空とか出せるし「幻惑」でオケオケかもー! オーロラのよぞらとかだせるし「げんわく」でオケオケかもー! OORORA no yozora toka daseru shi 「genwaku」 de OKEOKE kamoo! “if I can bring out an aurora night sky or something, maybe with Illusion it’ll be OK-OK!”
8 トガの増殖も抑えなければ! トガのぞうしょくもおさえなければ! TOGA no zoushoku mo osaenakereba! “We have to suppress Toga’s multiplcation too!”
9 全力全方位サポォオオオト‼︎ ぜんりょくぜんほういサポォオオオト‼︎ zenryoku zenhoui SAPOOOOOTO!! “Full power omnidirectional SUPPOOOOORT!!”
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1 ぐあァ guaA “Gwagh!”
2 うわああ‼︎ uwaaa!! “Waaah!!”
3-4 …やはり力で…ゴリ押ししてくる奴は面倒だな… …やはりちからで…ゴリおししてくるやつはめんどうだな… ...yahari chikara de...GORIoshi shite kuru yatsu wa mendou da na... “...Of course, those who push their way through...by force are troublesome...”
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1 更に若返ってーー さらにわかがえってーー sara ni wakagaette-- He’s restored to even younger--
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1 闇を! やみを! yami wo! “Gimme darkness!”
2 行かせんぞ‼︎ いかせんぞ‼︎ ikasenzo!! “I won’t let you leave!!”
3 突風で運ぶっス追いつける‼︎ とっぷうではこぶっスおいつける‼︎ toppuu de hakobu SSU oitsukeru!! “I’ll carry [myself] with a gust of wind and catch up!!”
4 絶対行かせねっス!!! ぜったいいかせねっス!!! zettai ikasene SSU!!! “I absolutely won’t let you leave!!!”
5 2人の男は気付いていたーーー 2りのおとこはきづいていたーーー futari no otoko wa kidzuite ita--- The two men were noticing---
6 事態は じたいは jitai wa the situation
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1 もう mou is already
2 散らせマキア ちらせマキア chirase MAKIA “Scatter them, Machia.”
3 最高である事に さいこうであることに saikou de aru koto ni becoming the best one [possible].
4 事態はまだ じたいはまだ jitai wa mada The situation is not yet...
5 "最悪"じゃない…って事っすね "さいあく"じゃない…ってことっすね “saiaku” ja nai...tte koto ssu ne “It’s not the worst...[scenario possible], eh?”
6 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
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1 何をーー なにをーー nani wo-- “What is--”
2 ……貴様ら…‼︎ ……きさまら…‼︎ ......kisamara...!! “......You bastards...!!”
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1 俺たちも来たぜ常闇‼︎ おれたちもきたぜとこやみ‼︎ ore-tachi mo kita ze Tokoyami!! “We’ve come too, Tokoyami!!”
2 緑谷たちンとこア行かせねえ!!! みどりやたちンとこアいかせねえ!!! Midoriya-tachi NtokoA ikasenee!!! “We won’t let you got to where Midoriya and the others are!!!”
tagline 元・普通科の星心操人使‼︎ もと・ふつうかのほししんそうひとし‼︎ moto・futsuu-ka no hoshi Shinsou Hitoshi!! Former general studies star Shinsou Hitoshi!!!
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A Girl & Three Sweethearts / Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto. 7-9
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Shitsuren Chocolatier (jdrama)
I have a very soft spot when it comes to Yamazaki Kento. Whatever he’s in, I totally fangirl. I mean he’s a triple threat. Not only is he beyond sexy, charismatic, but talented as heck too. This storyline is your typical bad boy with ‘naive’ way to nice girl drama. Both leads have really really really amazing chemistry together, even though sometimes female lead could get annoying sometimes when others would walk all over her. Other then that fact it’s really a cute jdrama. I mostly love it and recommend it for Kento, but it is also a decent melodrama nonetheless too.
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drramaesthetic · 3 years
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onceuponajdrama · 3 years
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Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto
Fuji TV, 2016
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