myeclecticjourney · 4 years
Litha Peaceful Home Potion
Hi guys! It’s been a while since my last post! Today I wanted to share with you a Peaceful Home Potion I made to celebrate Litha and invite the sun, light, summer and all the peace it brings, into my home. I’ll show you step by step with pictures! Long post!
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Litha is all about light, blessings, celebration life and the positive vibes in general. I decided to make two potions today. One for my home, and the other one for my best friend’s place. This potion will bring peace to your home and potentiate the love it already has. It is important to say that even tho this is a potion, you shouldn’t drink this! Its power comes not only by itself but when you, your partner, or anyone that lives in your home feels some kind of anger, depression, rage, stress or any kind of negative feeling, you should open the vial and smell it. This way, the potion’s power grows and helps the person that smelled it, to remember that life is not always problems, but happiness and joy. It helps yoy remember that even you had a feud with your family, at the end of the day, love is what keeps you together.
- 12 chamomile flowers
- 6 fire vine flowers
- 12 white rose petals
- 6 white sea lavander flowers (or 1 stem with a few flowers)
- 2 cypress leaves
- 1 honeycomb
- Salt
- Sun water or Moon water
- 1 medium size shell
- Your favorite Litha related crystals
- 2 chips of crystals to put in the potion (I used white and rose quartz)
- Bamboo essential oil (or any plant/flower essential oil you have)
- Orange essential oil (or you can use a few drops of a fresh orange)
- 2 vials or jars with a cork or lid
- Your cauldron
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1. Cleanse your materials
Cast a circle using the salt. Use the sun water at the top and light both candles at each side. Place in the center of the circle the amount of flowers, petals and crystal chips that you want to use. Put your hand on top and moving it desoil, repeat this words:
“Clean above so as below, cleanse these materials for positive to grow”
Repeat as you feel needed.
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2. Grind some herbs
Put some of the chamomile (6 flowers), fire vines (4), and rose petals (8) in your cauldron. You can use one of your bigger crystals around the circle to grind them, or use any tool you desire.
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3. Mixture
Add Sun water to your cauldron and make a mixture. I used a shell as a measurement tool. I only used 1 shell. As you continue to grind the herbs deosil, repeat this words:
“As the bee comes and goes, make this a peaceful home, let the sun shine on those, whom live with love in this honeycomb”
Repeat as needed.
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4. Start filling the vial
I divided the mixture into two jars, but you can make only one or more than two if you wish. Tho the recipe is for two or one bigger jar.
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5. Add the honey comb and chamomile
Still having your intention in mind, continue with the next ingredients. I used two pieces if my main honeycomb, in each potion (around 5cm long and 1cm wide). Cut each piece in two so it’s easier to handle. Add 3 of the remaining chamomile flowers in each potion.
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6. Rose petals, fire vines and chips
The next three ingredients are one fire vine each, two semi-crushed rose petals, and one crystal chip in each jar.
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7. Cypress leaves
Cut the cypress leaf into smaller pieces and add an equal amount to each vial. I used around 8-10 in each.
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8. Sea lavander
Just like you did with the cypress, you can cut each flower and equally add them to the jars. What I like to do is add only the petals.
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9. Fill with Sun/Moon water
Again using the shell, fill the vials with water. Be careful not to overfill them, so when you put the cork, the water won’t spill everywhere. I used around 6 shells in each, but it will be different as our jars might not be the same size :). In the picture below, the jar in the right is already filled and the left one is almost there.
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10. Essential oils
The jar itself already must smell delicious, but I will recommend adding two drops of your favorite essential oil (I used Bamboo). This way every time you smell it, not only will you love it, but it will remind you of a peaceful scenery. I also added 2 drops of orange essential oil, you can also use two drops of a fresh orange. As a reminder that we’re doing this as a Litha celebration. 
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11. Take a deep breath
Smell the deliciousness and peace of the potion you just made. Repeat the words one last time before closing the vial:
“As the bee comes and goes, make this a peaceful home, let the sun shine on those, whom live with love in this honeycomb”
Close your jar with the cork. Put it in a place that is near a living room, the kitchen, or somewhere in your house that normally everyone will spend time together. The potion by itself is already working on brining every ounce of peace and love to you and your loved one’s home. And in case you need an extra push, just open the jar, smell it and let the positive vibes flow in.
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So this is pretty much it to my “Litha Peaceful Home Potion”. I really hope you liked it, and find it useful! It’s a nice and easy way to start celebrating the summer solstice and embrace life’s gifts to you. 
Have a wonderful Litha, everyone!
Image source: My camera
Blessed be,
- May xo.
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