#superhero whump
bamber344 · 1 month
ok so superhero whump scenario:
Villain is Hero's favourite 'bad guy' to fight. Villain never really hurts anyone with their actions, and anything they steal is usually anonymously returned within a few days. The worst crime they've really committed is property damage. Hero is convinced they're just doing it for fun, as evidenced by Villain's very melodramatic and performatively cheesy attitude during their confrontations
Eventually, Villain disappears. Hero assumes they just decided to put down their cape and mask, though is a little saddened that they now don't have any real 'comic relief' in their day-to-day villain fighting.
A few months later, Hero is in Superhero's HQ when they come across a locked door they hadn't noticed before. Overcome with curiosity, they figure out how to get it open and take a peek inside.
Even without their iconic costume or mask, Hero would recognise Villain anywhere. Villain looks awful. Emaciated, bruised, scarred, curled up in a shivering ball in the corner of what Hero now recognises as a cell. How long has Superhero kept them here? And why? Hero doesn't know, all they do know is that this is wrong, and that their old rival needs their help, Superhero be damned.
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An Offer You Can't Refuse- Part 1
Hero stirred to the sound of muffled voices. They tried to open their eyes, but there was a weight over them preventing them from doing so. They tried to move something, but that also proved futile as something thick and unyielding kept their limbs pressed tightly together. Some kind of cloth had been stuffed in their mouth, and judging by the sticky feeling on the lower half of their face, had been sealed shut with tape.
Hero wriggled in their restraints. They couldn’t stretch out much; padded, soft walls from all sides kept them tucked in a fetal position. How were they going to get out of this? They couldn’t see, speak, or move. They summoned their power, but any ice crystals that they formed couldn’t penetrate the uncomfortably tight material that encased them.
How did they even end up in this situation? The last thing they remembered was… oh. The fight with Villain. They never exactly played fair, but they really took that to another level when they hit Hero from behind with some kind of knockout dart.
“And now, what you’ve all come here for!” a muffled voice- Villain’s- rang out.
The voices became clearer as cool air wafted into the tight space. Villain must have opened the lid to the box they were in. Gasps and noises of awe sounded out from all around them.
Hero glared under the blindfold. They were ready for a fight. They were just about to try and sit up when there was a jab in their shoulder. Their body sank into the padded floor against their will, and Hero let out a very muffled cry.
“The city’s beloved human blizzard, Hero!” Villain announced, “you couldn’t hope for a better living weapon. With some training, you’ll be able to freeze out any adversary with one command! Let’s start the bidding at, say, five hundred dollars?”
“Five hundred dollars!”
Hero stiffened in shock. Was Villain really doing this!? They tried to fight the drug, but it was quickly pulling them under.
“Five hundred, do I hear six hundred?”
“Six hundred!”
“Six hundred, do I hear seven hundred?”
“One thousand!”
This went on for some time, the numbers going farther up and Hero growing more drowsy.
“five hundred thousand.”
“Five hundred thousand from General in the back, do I hear six hundred thousand? Going once… going twice…”
“One million,” a voice said.
The crowd gasped.
“O-one million dollars,” Villain said, surprise in their voice, “Will you meet that, General?”
“Two million dollars.”
“Two million dollars, how about it, Mx…?”
“Supervillain,” the voice replied, “three million dollars.”
The crowd gasped again.
Hero was too tired to be properly afraid. Their fate was down to the military, or to the most feared leader of the largest criminal syndicate in the world. Somewhere in the back of their mind they wished one of those corrupt politicians had bought them instead.
“Three million dollars, General?”
“Four million dollars.”
“Eight million dollars,” Supervillain replied coolly.
“Eight million dollars. General? Going once…”
“Nine million dollars.”
“One hundred million dollars,” Supervillain said.
“O-one hundred million dollars!” Villain squeaked, “going once, going twice…General? No? Then sold! Please have your payment presented in cash to me by the end of the week. Congratulations, Supervillain.”
The lid of the box was closed, and Hero drifted off completely.
Part 2
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I very much want to take a Company Golden Boy who's ultra-powerful, nigh-invincible, has never lost a fight, popular, and generally has everything going for him and just brutalize him
he loses his first fight and is captured and broken. If he has any powers, they're gone. Anything he's good at is corrupted forever.
And then! Put him back with his original team! Now that he's "damaged" and a "failure" and "useless"
What does he do?
What does his team do?
I need to see it
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
Febuwhump Day 1: Helpless
tw: forced drugging, restraints, medical whump, forced brain surgery, implied mind control, stun weapon
It was like hitting a brick wall.
One minute, Toshiro was slamming into henchman after henchman, taking them out at a speed faster than the human mind could comprehend. The next minute, his face was rapidly meeting the floor.
His ears were ringing, his vision blurring as his eyes threatened to close on him. His muscles were weak, and it was if someone had pulled the plug on the nerves connecting his brain to his body. The tile floor was cold against his cheek as he fell to the floor with an embarrassing thump, as gracefully as a sack of potatoes, and equally able to move.
Some kind of stun gun. Stunning... thing. Vibrations. His newly fogged mind tried to reason through the situation. He was in the middle of Dr. Moon's lair, and although he'd cut a wide swath through her armored goons and lab interns, he hadn't spotted the good doctor herself yet. 
Which meant that this was probably all a trap, and he had obligingly raced into it at top speed.
Fuck. Whatever that weapon was had rendered him helpless. Unless he could recover quickly, he'd be screwed.
He struggled to regain his bearings through the dizziness, managing to force his weakened arms to push him up off the floor, when the low, strong vibrations racked his body again and knocked his tenuous grasp on control far away.
"Well, now, I'd call that experiment a rousing success," said a familiar and infuriatingly smug voice. 
Toshiro struggled to focus on the clean white sneakers that stepped in front of his face. Dr. Moon crouched down in front of him, grabbing his chin and directing his blurred gaze into hers. 
"Did you enjoy it as well?"
"Fffff..." Toshiro tried to get his mouth to cooperate enough to at least tell her to fuck off.
"Fantastic? Fabulous? Is that what you're trying to say? I think that's what you're trying to say," she said, nonchalantly snapping thick metal restraints on Toshiro's wrists. 
Oh, this situation was getting better and better, wasn't it? He could probably use his supersonic vibration to break these cuffs, but it would take some time, and that was at full power, which he most certainly was not. He was still stunned enough that he felt like he might pass out at any moment.
"Don't worry, you're in good hands now, my dear little hero," she said, running a hand through his hair. "Katie, can you get my guest his little party favor?"
A young woman in a lab coat looked confused by the request. "Party favor...?"
Dr. Moon sighed. "The IV. I'm talking about the IV I had you prepare."
"Oh, yes!" she said. "Right away, doctor."
"And let's make him more comfortable! Can two of you get him onto the surgical table?"
"Yes, doctor."
IV drugs? Surgical table? Toshiro's blood ran cold. What the hell was she planning? Her experiments had roughed him up many a time, but she'd never done anything like this. 
"Whaaaa..." he slurred pathetically, flopping like a dead fish as a couple of henchmen lifted him onto a padded table. He was still too numb and dazed to fight, and his window of escape seemed to rapidly be coming to a close. As a couple of scrawny scientists effortlessly held him down on the table -- humiliating enough that his embarrassment fought with his growing fear -- Katie returned with a large bag of translucent blue liquid on an IV pole.
"Oh, you're going to just love this, Toshiro," Dr. Moon said, brandishing the IV line's needle with theatrical flair. "You never get enough breaks, do you? I'm about to give you a nice long one."
Toshiro couldn't help his composure breaking slightly. It was one thing to be injured while fighting, or even to be captured and tortured. It was another thing entirely to be rendered unconscious, completely defenseless against whatever the mad scientist wanted to do with him.
"No need to look so upset. This won't hurt at all. You're just going to get very, very sleepy. You'll be just a bit drowsy and slow for the next, oh, let's say the next while. I wouldn't operate any heavy machinery."
She was bringing that IV needle closer to his elbow. He summoned all of his strength to try and pull away, knowing that as soon as he had that drug pumping into his body, it'd all be over. Unfortunately, his muscles were still largely unresponsive from the double stun just a few minutes ago.
Damn it, he had to -- !
The doctor effortlessly got the IV into his vein with a practiced hand, taping it down securely. He looked on in horror as the light blue liquid snaked down the tube and into his arm, willing the drug to somehow stop before it reached him. His arm felt cold and heavy at the injection site as the sedative began to flow freely into his system.
"That should kick in long before you get your bearings from my wonderful stun weapon," she said, stroking his cheek and looking down at him with malicious glee. "And I want to drink every last drop of your fear as you go under."
Toshiro glared as best as he could, testing his powers. Maybe if he could get his supersonic speed working, he could dislodge the IV from his elbow before he absorbed too much of the drug. His fast metabolism meant it took a lot to put him down, anyway.
He was already so groggy from being stunned, and so focused on forcing his uncooperative body to move, that he didn't even notice the buzzing in the back of his skull until it was too late. In seconds, the buzzing transformed into a deep drowsiness, muffling his thoughts like a blanket of fresh-fallen snow, draining him of energy, making his eyelids droop.
"And there it is!" said Dr. Moon with a cackle. "Isn't that the most delicious feeling of helplessness? You look so tired already. Don't fight it, now. Just let my beautiful drugs sing you to sleep. A nice little lullaby..."
Toshiro's efforts to try to shake the IV off had turned into a desperate struggle against the urge to give in and go to sleep. He was so exhausted, and he could feel his mind zoning in and out, his eyelids threatening to close. But he couldn't give in. 
"Don't worry, you'll be sedated, but not entirely unconscious. We can't have you fully under for brain surgery, you know."
The shock of adrenaline forced his eyes back open. Fuck. Anything but that.
"No need to panic, it's not a lobotomy. We don't use ugly words like that here. And my methods are far more precise," she said, as Toshiro's heart raced. "I'm just going to... slow you down. Make you more malleable. Easily influenced, let's say. And at only a small cost to your intelligence."
His half-asleep mind woke up enough to panic. Suddenly, he could move. He felt strength in his arm again, enough strength to try and shake free of the IV line that would be the end of him.
He had to get it out at any cost. If he didn't, when he next woke up, he might be some stupefied henchman to his archnemesis, his faculties cut out and left on the floor of her lair. A fate far worse than death -- at least in death, he'd be remembered as a hero. Not remembered as a drooling, dull-witted minion who used to be a hero, cut down by one of his former comrades.
No, he couldn't allow that.
His powers responded, and he willed his super speed to vibrate his arm hard enough to loosen the tape, to dislodge the needle. As soon as he got rid of the threat of the drug, he could break free of the bonds and escape.
"Oh, dear," said Dr. Moon. "Katie, be a dear and take the fight out of our guest again."
Toshiro's eyes widened just before he felt the stun weapon rumble through his body. His hold over his power slipped, his limbs sinking back onto the table. Disoriented and unable to move, the sedative quickly took hold of him once again.
"There, there." The doctor replaced the tape on the IV line. "Just relax, go to sleep, and it will all be over soon. Poor, helpless hero."
He groaned weakly, Dr. Moon's evil grin fading from sight as his vision tunneled.
"He's almost out. Finish preparation in the operating room," she said over her shoulder, before turning back to him. She leaned in close and whispered in his ear, running a hand through his hair. "If all goes well, you won't be waking up as yourself ever again," she cooed. "You're going to go to sleep, and I'm going to win."
Her voice sounded muffled, from far away, and his tongue was too thick and clumsy to respond back.
"Go to sleep. Just go to sleep..."
I've been struggling a bit with writing and the Febuwhump prompts looked delicious, so I decided to do a few of them!
New Bookseller chapter soon, promise.
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Prompt #6
A Superhero loses their memory after receiving a nasty blow to the head during a big fight. When they get home from the hospital, they just go back to living their civilian life. They dont remember anything from when they were a superhero, so imagine their shock when they find the most nefarious Supervillain of their town at their front door, demanding why they haven't shown up in any of their fights since the last month or so.
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echo-goes-mmm · 6 months
Old Friends (Oneshot) #1
Warnings: briefly implied non-con, off-screen torture
Ugh. What happened? The team… the warehouse… the explosion…
Oh god, the explosion!
Hero bolted upright, his head throbbing. He groaned, screwing his eyes shut. He fumbled for his lamp. But there was no lamp.
He opened his eyes.
He wasn’t in his bedroom at home base.
He was in a dim cell.
Hero was in a dim cell, stripped of all his equipment and chained to a stone wall. In Supervillain’s base.
Steps echoed down the hall. 
But instead of Supervillain, a small-framed man limped down the hall with a tray. He looked… vaguely familiar. Or maybe it was a concussion talking.
The man turned to unlock his cell. It was a hand scan opener, which was interesting. Very classy.
He definitely had a concussion. 
The man had dark eyebags and even darker hair. He looked like shit, a bruise on his face and his eyes dull. They were purple, so he must be Powered. Still, somewhat familiar.
“Hey,” said Hero, as the man sat down the tray, “Do I know you?”
The man shrugged. He shook two pills from a bottle, and offered them to Hero.
He eyed them. “What are they?” 
“Painkillers,” he said, voice hoarse. “Master wants you to take them.”
“Master? You mean Supervillain.”
“Mhm.” He jostled the painkillers in his palm. What the hell? Supervillain was involved, he didn’t have a choice.
He took the pills, and the man handed him a bottle of water. Thank god.
“Are you two enjoying your reunion?” Hero jumped at the voice. He looked up, and Supervillain was just inside the cell, smirking that horrible grin at them.
The man stood up with the tray, eyes downcast. He moved to stand next to Supervillain, who placed a hand on the back of his neck.
“Aw, you don’t remember? Little Laith? Of course, he’s just my dog now. Speak, pup.”
“Woof,” said the man, staring at the floor.
Laith was a snarky, arrogant thief, Hero’s first Powered arrest nearly a decade ago. He could literally disappear into shadows, and occasionally teleport through them. What did Supervillain do to make him so… lifeless?
“I- I thought he was in prison.”
“Anything’s possible when you grease a few palms, sweetheart.” Laith flinched.
“You two have fun.” Supervillain pushed off the wall, waving them off. Hero watched him go.
“I’m sorry.” 
“If- If I knew you’d end up here- I wouldn’t have arrested you.”
“It’s okay.” Laith turned and left, sealing the door behind him.
“My team will come for me,” he panted. His entire body was an open wound, pain searing into his nerves.
“No they won’t, sweetheart.”
“Of course they will, there’s a tracker in my equipment, genius,” he spat.
Supervillain laughed. “You mean the one I had my pup plant on the body in your place? You’re dead, my dear, and all those gadgets are in my hands to study.”
“What- that’s not-” his head spun. Supervillain lit up a cigarette, as if he was enjoying a smoke after getting laid instead of after a torture session.
“Including your comlink. Congratulations on helping me take down your team, Hero. I’m sure you’ll see them soon. You’ll be cell neighbors! How fun.”
There was a commotion down the hall. Hero peered out past the bars. There was a yelp and a firm voice, but he couldn’t make out the words. Eventually the figures came into view.
Supervillain was dragging Laith by the hair, his heeled boots stomping across the stone floor. Hero shrank away from the sight.
Supervillain tossed Laith into the cell across from him, which had to be on purpose. But he didn’t stop there, pulling out a remote and a cattle prod. Supervillain pressed a button, and the hallway and cells lit up with floodlights.
They drowned out any possible shadows Laith could disappear into. Hero had used the same technique to catch Laith all those years ago. He felt sick watching his own strategy used for torture.
Supervillain pocketed the remote, and the cattle prod sparked.
Oh god.
“My dear pup,” he sighed, “you were doing so well.”
“Please, Master,” begged Laith, “I’m sorry!” 
It was the most energetic he had heard Laith in the week he spent in this hell hole. And it was spent begging Supervillain for mercy.
Hero screwed his eyes shut and covered his ears. It didn’t help cover up the screaming.
Laith brought him lunch, after. Just like usual. As if nothing had happened. Laith trembled, the cup of water rattling on the tray.
“Remember when you disappeared just to taunt me when I chased you? You’d make some comment about how I was an idiot or looked like crap.”
Laith sat the tray down in front of him.
“I remember.”
“What did he do to you? You used to be stealing diamonds and Rembrandts and now you're helping that monster.”
Laith glanced behind him. He sat down next to Hero. He tapped at the black choker around his neck, but on inspection it wasn’t a choker at all.
It was a slim metal power-dampener, a model he’d never seen before. A red light blinked at him. The only bulky part was a small box on the side, and Hero knew what it was on sight. A shock component.
“You can’t leave, can you?” Laith shook his head. 
“He hasn’t let me teleport for so long… I don’t know if I can anymore.” Laith was thin and ragged, bruises and burns up and down his face and arms. He shouldn’t be doing anything, much less using his abilities.
Hero didn’t have powers, he relied on his tech. Tech that Supervillain now had. He examined the collar. The lock was obviously in the shock component, and was a clear design flaw.
“I could get it off,” he said, “I’m sure of it. A minute with a piece of wire, and we could get out of here.”
Laith jerked away from him.
“It shocked me when I tired,” he said, despair in his voice. “I can’t take it off.”
“No I- we- could do it. C’mon Laith. You never hurt anyone back then, even when you could. Even when it was easier to than not. Don’t let Supervillain use you to murder innocent people.”
“I can't.”
“Please Laith,” be begged. “People are going to die.”
“He’ll kill me if I fail. Or worse.”
“How much worse can it get?”
Laith came to him a few days later, outside of the normal meal time.
He opened his palm to reveal a paperclip.
“We don’t have much time,” he said, tilting his neck. “He’ll know I opened your door, and he’ll know once it’s off.” Hero set to work.
“What made you change your mind?”
“I- he- he made me have sex with him again.”
“What?” Hero paused.
“Just work!” he snapped.
“What about my com?”
“What about it?” hissed Laith.
“Supervillain can’t have it.”
“It’s in the office, but-” the collar sparked, and he gasped in pain.
“-I don’t know if I have two teleports in me,” finished Laith.
“Okay, fine, we’ll just tell the team when we get back.”
“Wha- ‘we’?!”
The collar popped off, but they didn’t have time to celebrate before the hall lit up in floodlights.
“Uh oh,” came a voice over the loudspeakers, “did my little doggy forget his collar?”
Laith whimpered.
“Laith! Focus!” said Hero, grabbing his arm.
“There’s- there’s nowhere to go! I can’t-” Laith gasped for air, hyperventilating.
Hero searched around. Surely there was something the floodlights couldn’t reach. But the whole place must have been designed around it, because- 
The collar lay on the floor, casting a tiny shadow.
“Laith, look!” His face lit up, as if he was seeing water in the desert. Laith grabbed Hero’s hand and reached into the sliver of shade.
A coldness overcame them both, and Hero immediately felt nauseous.
They landed in an office, clearly Supervillain’s. Laith snatched something small and white off the desk, and they were off again.
They wound up in the middle of an empty lot of overgrown grass.
“I thought,” panted Hero, doubling over. “You didn’t have two. Guess you’re still an adrenaline junkie.” he joked.
It was right up his alley, but Laith didn’t laugh.
Hero glanced over. Laith lay sprawled out, face down on the dry grass.
“Oh god,” Hero turned him over, and checked his pulse.
He was alive, barely, and still clutching the com.
Hero pulled Laith towards him, cradling him close. He put the com back in his ear. Thank god for secondary trackers.
“I need medical!” he shouted into the com.
“Hero?! You’re alive? Wha-” God, he’d never been so happy to hear that voice.
“Just get here, fast!”
Laith whimpered in his lap, twitching. His head lolled, and Hero shifted to support his neck.
“It’s gonna be okay, buddy. I promise, it’s gonna be okay.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
Bonus: Laith, because I can't stop thinking about him
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Villain stared at the cement ceiling above them, vaguely aware of their surroundings. They looked around, the ringing in their ears doubling as they forced themselves to a sitting position. The hand cradling their abdomen was covered in crimson blood, making their stomach churn. Superhero's chuckle brushed the outside of their consciousness and for a moment they considered standing and continuing the fight, but they couldn't seem to form a direct string of action.
What? Concussion? They shook their head, trying to clear the fog from their brain. As their eyes traveled over the walls around the warehouse with a lazy gaze a voice pierced through the haze.
Why was Hero here? This wasn't their sector... or maybe it wasn't Villain's sector? They weren't even sure anymore. The conversation behind them urged them to focus in and listen but the throbbing pain starting to creep up their chest distracted them. They looked down, watching the blood seep through their clothes until they felt a hand on their knee.
"...villain...villain what-"
They looked up, Hero kneeling in front of them. The long-due panic now began to set in, and Villain scooted away, starting to stand.
"Hey- hey woah slow down." Hands wrapped under their arms, a firm grasp keeping them from falling back to the cement.
"gotta...gotta keep go'ng.." Villain slurred.
"Woah, woah no. You're not doing anything, you need to go. I got you five minutes."
Villain thrashed weakly in Hero's grip who had swept Villain up into their arms.
"No Villain, stop. Stop trying to play the hero, okay?"
Villain turned to look at Hero, ears ringing.
"That's my job."
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torture-themed · 4 months
Superhero with some minor power--vaguely psychic, a little bit of telekinesis, something small. They're still useful enough for their comrades, but they aren't exactly a front liner.
Thing is... superhero is hiding a much nastier power. Something big and scary and untrustworthy, something like mind control.
They're doing everything in their power to hide this from their team. They think if they reveal this power, their friends will never trust them again. How long can they go before they're forced to reveal their powers? Exactly how disastrously does that reveal go?
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Whumpers who are doing this for the greater good.
-Mad scientist experimenting on someone to find the cure for a horrible illness: A zombie being experimented on to overcome the apocalipse, a monster whose flesh and blood has healing properties, etc.
- A monarch or someone working for a monarch, summoning and trapping a demon/fae/magical creature, forcing them to use their powers. The creature is the key to win their country´s war, to stop the suffering of their people, regardless of what the whumpee feels about fighting a war, regardless of their wounds and pain caused by overusing their powers.
- A mentor, who knows whumpee is the only one who can save the world but is in the “refusal of the calling” stage of their journey decides there is no time to wait until whumpee comes to their senses. They may theaten and hurt whumpee or one of their loved ones.
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Thinking about a speedster (or anyone who can make themselves intangible) whumpee being forced to phase into their own permanent restraints
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monarchthefirst · 3 months
Superman/Batman whump
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The Things We Do For Love- Part 2
Part 1
Hero yawned and stretched in bed. They remembered their situation and their face fell. They got up and started to get dressed. They tried not to think about how this would be the last time they suited up.
Superhero and Villain watched over the weapon’s final preparations.
“We’re ready for them,” General said, coming up to Superhero.
Superhero nodded. They called over two league members.
“Escort Hero to the courtyard,” Superhero instructed, “…and if Hero has any last requests…”
Superhero swallowed a lump in their throat before continuing.
“Make sure they get what they want,” Superhero finished.
The league members nodded, leaving to go get Hero.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Superhero said, noting Villain’s blank expression.
“Can you blame me?” Villain asked, “you’re sending the only person I’ve ever cared about to their grave.”
There was a knock on Hero’s door.
“Come in,” Hero said quietly.
The door opened, but instead of two league members in the doorway, a tall, dark figure stood in their place.
“Hero,” Supervillain greeted.
Hero’s eyes went wide. They immediately charged their power.
“How did you get in here!? This place is off the grid!”
Supervillain chuckled. They closed the distance between them and Hero in a few confident strides. Before Hero could release their energy, Supervillain jammed a needle into their skin. Hero’s glowing eyes flickered, and the balls of energy in their hands fizzled out into nothing.
“Poor innocent thing,” Supervillain cooed, “so simple-minded. You couldn’t see you had a traitor in your midst.”
Hero blinked rapidly, trying to clear their vision. They stood on wobbly legs, trying to summon their power again. Supervillain took hold of Hero’s wrists in a death-like grip, squeezing just enough that Hero was forced to stop.
“That’s enough of that,” Supervillain’s voice echoed- why did it sound so distant?
Hero’s world tilted on its axis as they were swept up into a bridal carry. They felt a gentle rocking sensation as they were carried out of their room.
“H-help-” Hero pleaded, but their voice was so weak that they barely spoke above a whisper.
Hero’s eyes fluttered shut as they finally lost the battle to stay conscious. Supervillain flew out of the compound just as the agents arrived to escort Hero to the courtyard.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @written-by-jayy
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cold1dead1eyes · 1 year
an invincible whumpee suddenly becoming killable.
they never had anything to fear in the past, but now everything feels like a threat. pain burns a hundred times worse when their life is on the line. every small injury sends them hurtling into panic; papercuts, stubbed toes, bruises and aching limbs. they have no concept of what's lethal. all pain is painful, and now pain is dangerous, and they don’t know how to deal with that.
then they get into a FIGHT. one of those high-stakes, high-risk fights that they used to rush into recklessly, automatically throwing themself into the line of fire, because they never had anything to lose. except now, they do. their life.
the problem is, whumpee doesn’t know how to fight safe. they only know how to leverage their own body for victory, but in the aftermath of this fight they’re too bloody, and too wounded, and oh god, what if they pushed too far this time? what if they die?
whumpee lays there in the wreckage for a long time, nauseous and panicked. by the time the rest of their team finds them they’re completely incoherent. ‘don’t let me die,’ they beg their team members, who struggle to make eye contact. ‘please, i’m scared. don’t let me die.’
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selfloathingpoet · 2 years
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every single hero x villain prompt be like
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whump-me · 1 year
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rainydaywhump · 4 months
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Whumpcember Day 23: Nosebleed
I love characters with superpowers who get negative physical side effects from using their powers. Nosebleeds, drowsiness, insomnia, shakiness...mmm yes give me all of it
So I've actually never gotten a nosebleed, which I guess means I don't have any cool powers lol. How often do y'all get them??
@whumpcember @i-eat-worlds @pigeonwhumps
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