#surgical-related technology
fatliberation · 4 months
I totally understand and can empathize with fat activists when it comes to medical fatphobia. But I do think its important to provide nuance to this topic.
A lot of doctors mention weight loss, particularly for elective surgeries, because it makes the recovery process easier (Particularly with keeping sutures in place) and anesthetic safer.
I feel like its still important to mention those things when advocating for fat folks. Safety is important.
What you're talking about is actually a different topic altogether - the previous ask was not about preparing for surgery, it was about dieting being the only treatment option for anon's chronic pain, which was exacerbating their ed symptoms. Diets have been proven over and over again to be unsustainable (and are the leading predictor of eating disorders). So yeah, I felt that it was an inappropriate prescription informed more by bias than actual data.
(And side note: This study on chronic pain and obesity concluded that weight change was not associated with changes of pain intensity.)
If you want to discuss the risk factor for surgery, sure, I think that's an important thing to know - however, most fat people already know this and are informed by their doctors and surgeons of what the risks are beforehand, so I'm not really concerned about people being uninformed about it.
I'm a fat liberation activist, and what I'm concerned about is bias. I'm concerned that there are so many BMI cutoffs in essential surgeries for fat patients, when weight loss is hardly feasible, that creates a barrier to care that disproportionately affects marginalized people with intersecting identities.
It's also important to know that we have very little data around the outcomes of surgery for fat folks that isn't bariatric weight loss surgery.
A new systematic review by researchers in Sydney, Australia, published in the journal Clinical Obesity, suggests that weight loss diets before elective surgery are ineffective in reducing postoperative complications.
CADTH Health Technology Review Body Mass Index as a Measure of Obesity and Cut-Off for Surgical Eligibility made a similar conclusion:
Most studies either found discrepancies between BMI and other measurements or concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support BMI cut-offs for surgical eligibility. The sources explicitly reporting ethical issues related to the use of BMI as a measure of obesity or cut-off for surgical eligibility described concerns around stigma, bias (particularly for racialized peoples), and the potential to create or exacerbate disparities in health care access.
Nicholas Giori MD, PhD Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Stanford University, a respected leader in TKA and THA shared his thoughts in Elective Surgery in Adult Patients with Excess Weight: Can Preoperative Dietary Interventions Improve Surgical Outcomes? A Systematic Review:
“Obesity is not reversible for most patients. Outpatient weight reduction programs average only 8% body weight loss [1, 10, 29]. Eight percent of patients denied surgery for high BMI eventually reach the BMI cutoff and have total joint arthroplasty [28]. Without a reliable pathway for weight loss, we shouldn’t categorically withhold an operation that improves pain and function for patients in all BMI classes [3, 14, 16] to avoid a risk that is comparable to other risks we routinely accept.
It is not clear that weight reduction prior to surgery reduces risk. Most studies on this topic involve dramatic weight loss from bariatric surgery and have had mixed results [13, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27]. Moderate non-surgical weight loss has thus-far not been shown to affect risk [12]. Though hard BMI cutoffs are well-intended, currently-used BMI cutoffs nearly have the effect of arbitrarily rationing care without medical justification. This is because BMI does not strongly predict complications. It is troubling that the effects are actually not arbitrary, but disproportionately affect minorities, women and patients in low socioeconomic classes. I believe that the decision to proceed with surgery should be based on traditional shared-decision making between the patient and surgeon. Different patients and different surgeons have different tolerances to risk and reward. Giving patients and surgeons freedom to determine the balance that is right for them is, in my opinion, the right way to proceed.”
I agree with Dr. Giori on this. And I absolutely do not judge anyone who chooses to lose weight prior to a surgery. It's upsetting that it is the only option right now for things like safe anesthesia. Unfortunately, patients with a history of disordered eating (which is a significant percentage of fat people!) are left out of the conversation. There is certainly risk involved in either option and it sucks. I am always open to nuanced discussion, and the one thing I remain firm in is that weight loss is not the answer long-term. We should be looking for other solutions in treating fat patients and studying how to make surgery safer. A lot of this could be solved with more comprehensive training and new medical developments instead of continuously trying to make fat people less fat.
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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@RBatniji is one of the most respected entrepreneurs in Silicon valley. He lost 37 members of his family on 18th Nov by an Israeli airstrike. He recently met with Secretary Blinken and here is what he shared,
"I am Rajaie Batniji. I take no pride and no honor in being here.
I was born in Gaza and immigrated to California as a young child. I am Rajaie Batniji. I take no pride and no honor in being here. Many of my fellow Palestinian Americans discouraged me from speaking with you today, concerned that this discussion was solely performative. I share their concern.
I come here out of a sense of duty, to try – as futile as it may be – to save my family in Gaza from being killed. I was born in Gaza and immigrated to California as a young child. I grew up visiting Gaza often, and those visits shaped me in many ways. I personally experienced some of the violence of occupation.
I studied the history of the region at Stanford, completed my doctorate in international relations at Oxford as a Marshall Scholar – honoring the legacy of one of your predecessors in this office – and became a physician focused on the health of those that have the least privilege. I’m an entrepreneur who builds teams and technologies that improve American health care.
I would rather not be here today. Mr. Secretary, you have provided the weapons and the political cover that enabled the murder of 65 members of my family, mostly women and children, over the past four months. In strikes in mid-November, three generations of my family were killed by missiles as they sought shelter and safety. I carry their memories with me. I see their crushed bodies when I close my eyes.
The survivors in my family are homeless. Some 70% of homes in Gaza have been destroyed, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal, along with almost all the schools, all the universities, many of the hospitals, the mosques, the churches, the historical sites and the public records.
My paternal grandparents’ home in Shejaiya had been among the last homes of my family still standing. This is the home where I was born. It collapsed in a “controlled demolition” just before the new year.
According to our own US intelligence agencies, Israel used 29,000 air-to-ground munitions during the first two months of its assault on Gaza. That’s more than were used in the years of the Iraq War – and Gaza is less than one thousandth the size.
No one I know in Gaza has a home, or possessions beyond what they carried as they fled Israeli bombardment.
My family may be better off than most in Gaza and they are still hungry. I spoke with my mom’s brother this week, and he told me he has lost almost 20 kilograms (44 pounds). Despite your promises, food aid has not been able to reach Gaza to come anywhere near meeting the need. It is blocked at every opportunity, including by Israeli protestors at the Kerem Shalom border crossing, and by Israeli inspections and within Gaza by the Israeli military. According to the United Nations, 4 out of 5 of the hungriest people anywhere in the world are in Gaza. You know that the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, provides food for most Gazans and critical infrastructure for other aid organizations. Yet, after Israel made unverified allegations that a handful of UNRWA staff participated in the October 7 attacks, you cut the funding for UNRWA in what I can understand only as an act of collective punishment. I fear this makes you, and me – as an American – party to the use of starvation as a weapon of war.
My cousins in Gaza, who are physicians like me, have no place to practice medicine. Their hospitals have been destroyed or incapacitated. After moving from Shifa to al-Aqsa hospital, only to be evacuated from each by the Israeli military after seeing patients and colleagues killed, they are now living in tents in Rafah and al-Mawasi, using their surgical skills to repair leaks in their tents while the bodies of wounded Palestinians go untreated, and often unretrieved.
I have worked extensively in global health and wrote a series of research papers in 2009 on what we thought then was a Palestinian health crisis. We could never, though, have imagined this – the complete destruction of Gaza’s health care system is unprecedented.
Even the dead among my family were not spared. Satellite images show that Israeli bulldozers and tanks desecrated the graveyards where my grandparents and great grandparents were resting. I hope to bury their remains again one day.
What do you wish to be your legacy, Secretary Blinken? You cannot say you didn’t know. You cannot say that you did not knowingly and materially support these deaths, which a US federal court and the International Court of Justice have both determined plausibly constitute genocide. I am the father of three young children in San Francisco. As adults, I am certain they will reflect on this “genocide” with horror. It will be taught in our classrooms and remembered in our museums as we vow never to repeat it.
I ask you to use the full power of your office and every bit of leverage the US has to allow aid to reach all of Gaza, including in the north, where hundreds of thousands of people remain in desperation. And, to resume the funding for UNRWA, which will be essential to the distribution of any aid. I ask you to uphold a rules-based order – which serves our long-term interests – by calling Israel’s indiscriminate bombing that has largely killed women and children, the attacks on health care and the use of starvation as a weapon of war as the war crimes you and I know they are. Your words matter, Mr. Secretary.
I feel indignity sitting before you in this comfortable conference room while my family desperately awaits word about a ceasefire, in the dark, hungry, and in tents in fear that the Israeli military will kill them at any moment.
In a dignified world, I would be asking for justice, not mercy. That day will come.
I hope that you, and this administration, can act quickly to bring our nation to the right side of history before it is far too late.I ask you to uphold a rules-based order – which serves our long-term interests – by calling Israel’s indiscriminate bombing that has largely killed women and children, the attacks on health care and the use of starvation as a weapon of war as the war crimes you and I know they are. Your words matter, Mr. Secretary.
I feel indignity sitting before you in this comfortable conference room while my family desperately awaits word about a ceasefire, in the dark, hungry, and in tents in fear that the Israeli military will kill them at any moment.
In a dignified world, I would be asking for justice, not mercy. That day will come.
I hope that you, and this administration, can act quickly to bring our nation to the right side of history before it is far too late.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
what are your thoughts on plastic surgery? your mention of the nature-technology dichotomy made me curious
there's no such thing as a 'natural' or 'unaltered' body. attempts to distinguish between 'good'/'necessary' plastic surgery and 'bad'/'cosmetic' procedures curtail bodily autonomy & are specifically transphobic as they 1) make transition and transness dependent on medical legitimation and 2) fail to understand that standards of the 'normal' or attractive body are also and inherently gendered discourses. there is simply no workable distinction between trans surgeries & their guiding paradigms of normative and desirable bodies, and other cosmetic surgeries & the relations they have to these same paradigms. either you think that people should have the means and access to alter their own bodies, including surgically, if they so choose, or you don't.
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beasts-of-jadewood · 6 months
Shut the fuck up about cyber eyes you weird fetishist.
Okay, so, to catch everyone up to speed, I asked a disability advocacy blog whether it's ethical to surgically implant cybernetic eyes into babies who are born blind. After all, eyeballs typically don't change in size as a human grows so it'd be a one-and-done procedure. The answer I received, generally, was that this procedure would not be ethical, so I'm simply confused as to why that is. If there are any blind people reading this right now, please talk to me about this. Why is it wrong to give people cybernetic eyes as children if we can find out they're blind before they're even born? I have, at various points in my life, spoken to different people with a diverse array of disabilities such as Crohn's disease, chronic depression, infertility, autism, chronic pain caused by spinal injuries, and amputated limbs. All of these people have expressed some desire of wanting to be rid of their disabilities because they cause them suffering and pain even without society's interference, so I believe that if we have the technology to do so, then we can and should help these people. It would be cruel and irresponsible not to, in my opinion.
Note that I at no point want disabled people to die or be aborted or vanish from public life. I simply want everyone on Earth to have generally similar lived experiences and for humanity to become more and more free of suffering as we progress. Eugenics is wrong, yes, but I'm not advocating for eugenics. I'm advocating for prosthetics. Prosthetics and eugenics are not the same thing or even remotely related. Really, all I want to know is why disability advocates on twitter and tumblr consider treatments and cures of disabilities as non-viable means of accomodating for the disabled. I don't understand why it's immoral to heal people and I haven't received a reasonable explanation that doesn't either make incorrect assumptions about my beliefs or contradict existing medical ethics.
Specifically for the cyber eyes example, is the idea here that being blind can somehow be a desireable state for some people so we shouldn't try to take it away from them? If that's the case, then would a seeing person be allowed to become blind if they wanted to? I have not heard a single person argue that blinding yourself isn't self harm so I genuinely don't understand why curing a blind person would be wrong. I've also seen arguments that implanting cybernetics onto babies is wrong because children are too young to make informed medical decisions, but isn't that the same argument conservatives make about trans-affirming surgeries? Seriously, I'm not sure what's going on here and if there are any actually blind people out there who can explain this to me, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
A novel radiation treatment for cancer with a 100-percent success rate in its pilot trial is now in Phase 3 pivotal trials ahead of receiving Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Jerusalem-based startup Alpha TAU is expanding its trials of the treatment for skin and other cancer, after its first trial of 10 patients succeeded beyond the company’s expectations.
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“Those patients got 100 percent CR [complete response],” Sofer says.  
The pilot trial, conducted at multiple locations in the US last year, examined whether Alpha TAU’s DaRT (Diffusing Alpha-emitters Radiation Therapy) technology could successfully deliver targeted radiation therapy to patients with malignant skin and superficial soft tissue tumors that had returned or could not be removed surgically. 
Alpha TAU had hoped that the treatment would be successful in at least seven of the 10 trial participants, but instead registered successful delivery to all 10. CT scans showed a 100 percent complete response rate at 12 weeks after the treatment and again at 24 weeks, with no evidence of the disease recurring in any of the subjects. 
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The results showed only mild or moderate side effects related to the device, and no systemic toxicity from it. 
Radiation therapy for cancer normally uses beta and gamma particles. Alpha particles, while proving deadly for cancer cells in a tumor, are not traditionally used as they cannot travel far in solid masses. 
Alpha DaRT, however, delivers the alpha particles directly into the tumor via a narrow device, inserted under local anesthetic, for a period of two to three weeks. The device is then removed and the patient monitored. 
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The findings of the pilot trial were published this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), months after submitting the results to the FDA. 
The treatment is now undergoing its pivotal trial – the final one before the American agency gives it approval.  
“We submitted the results that you see now to the FDA, and the FDA told us that we can submit the protocol for the last phase, the pivotal,” says Sofer. 
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A pivotal trial is required by the US and European Union drug agencies in order to receive approval to market a new form of medication; studies can involve thousands of subjects and test the efficacy and impact of a drug. 
Sofer says that the successful findings of the trial has led to medical institutes around the world clamoring to work with Alpha TAU, but for now research is limited to just a handful of locations for the pivotal trial. 
“Many, many, many centers all around the world want to participate,” he says. “We are working with 20 centers in the US, two or three centers in Canada and another four in Israel that are going to participate in this trial.”  
Sofer says Alpha TAU will be ready to submit the findings of the pivotal trial in around a year and a half from now. 
“We will have six months of follow up, then we will analyze the results and send it to the FDA,” he says of the current trial. “The submission to the FDA can be in about 18 months from now.” 
The revolutionary treatment is also being tried on other cancers, according to Sofer, who clarifies that, “right now it’s only for solid tumors.”
“We’re working on pancreas and lung and breast [cancer],” he says, explaining that the company is currently at various stages of testing for these other forms of malignant tumors. 
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The device itself is easy to use and does not require specialized and often costly equipment in order to treat patients.  
“When it is approved, it will be for any hospital, medical cancer center, all over the world,” Sofer explains. 
“You don’t need any special equipment, and you don’t need the shielding,” he says, referring to the protective gear used in other forms of radiation therapy but are not needed for alpha particles. 
“It will be very simple to implement. You don’t need special equipment or investment in capital expenditure or something like that, [just] regular tools.” 
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hi-im-kaybee · 17 days
i've been sitting on this story for a little while after the finals last quarter, and re-reading it now it's not as bad as i remember. enjoy!
The cool air outside whistled through the little vents and cracks of the cafeteria’s windows. It was an irritating note piercing the noise of the morning rush; I could hear it cleanly over the humdrum din of other diners. Comrades, you could call them; but I wasn’t too close to anyone across the fort, outside of getting to know the nurses a little better than some. So I stayed in my own personal bubble, in the far corner, idly stirring my spoon in the instant coffee for far longer than I really needed to. An excited little goat girl was bleating my name, bringing my eyes up out of interest and disdain.
PFC Elle Girbach sat in front of me. I may have endured her better than I endure others, being in the same platoon and all, but it was still grating to have my usually-solitary meal time interrupted like this. “Kaybee! Did’jya hear the news?” she chirped. In my irritated state, I growled out, “And a warm hello to you too.” My eyes returned to my drink—I wasn’t looking at her face, but if I was, I would have been met with a hurt tensing of the brow. She continued. “...they’re finally getting applicants processed for the new ‘Castor-Pollux’ procedure.” This did catch my attention, and I was able to tear my gaze away from my coffee to her and finally take a drink. “The what?” I asked. “I’m not sure, honestly. Just this new thing related to our mech department. Supposed to help with performance, apparently.” She looks around, brows furrowed further in observant concern. “Well, I’d assume so; they never find the budget for anything that doesn’t.” I rolled my eyes, bringing my hand to my chin and my elbow to the table. “True, but what they have it set up for in particular eludes me.” “Not me.” I returned to my defensive standoff. “Now find another pilot to bother, I need to relax before the upcoming sortie.”
She got up, flashing her enhanced carbide canines nestled in artificial gums, with a dismissive click of the tongue. “Gee, looks like someone’s in a mood today...” I interrupted her; “Oh, you’ll find I’m in many moods all the time,” said with a facetious smirk. “This one happens to be anti-social.” My brow drops as fast as my mask of a smile. “Now beat it, before I have to beat some sense into you.” She raised her chin at me and left. It may have been harsh but I know she takes it easy; you kind of have to keep a guard up around here, because you will get pushed over if your fellow pilots and other crew think they can get away with it. After I finish my coffee and hash, I rack up to the changing room some six floor above this one. The walk is a little more calming than the breakfast; at such an early morning hour, while the sun was still pulling itself up and over the landscape, the halls were quiet and uneventful.
No sooner do I reach the door and take two steps in does my wrist buzz—I glance down at my wrist, squinting at the embedded LED strip under my skin. My report from the top brass is to... head to sector 5? But that’s practically as far from the mech hangar as you could possibly get out here. What did they need with me out there?
The lights inside the pod flicker from white to orange as I climb in. It’s a very defined texture along the walls here, filled with greebling and pocketed with technology that does... far more than what I could even imagine. But the paint scheme on everything matches my bodysuit and helmet, so I must be in the right place. A little buzz on my wrist alerts me to a message incoming from the research team, giving me a concise list of instructions to get “plugged in”. I do have a few slots surgically embedded onto my body, but the process here seems to avoid those, mostly talking about getting certain wires put into the suit alone. As the last wire slots into place, the pod hums and my suit hums with it, before all the lights in here snap to green. I send a quick neural message, thinking: What’s next, then? Is this gonna be safe? before my wrist buzzes again, affirming that everything so far has been nominal and there’s no readings to indicate anything but. I try to swallow my worries down with a gulp—it doesn’t work. With nothing left to do, I let my finger tap the switch in front of me as directed.
Suddenly the whole pod goes from humming to singing a tone, shaking me to my very core. I struggle to stay upright, grasping at anything that allows my hands purchase on the curved walls. I can’t bear it, it feels like the pod itself is shrinking, I must get out of here—a full-on panic attack is erupting from between my ears. I’ve never been so scared before. I start clawing at my own suit, the constricting nature ensnaring me somehow, further adding to the deluge of sensory overload. My arms successfully puncture the suit, and I can barely feel my wrist buzzing above the myriad of other inputs, messages ensuring me that this is somehow still typical for their experiment; then it finally happens.
My arm is splitting in two, down the hand and right to the elbow. But there’s no blood or viscera, just a few extra fresh fingers peeling from the interior and finding the right place to settle. I would scream if I could find my voice, but it’s lost in the din of the pod. I stare in horrified wonder as the split continues down my arm, into my torso, and an unbearable itch develops from within me. I grope, pry, claw and struggle with my own body, before tearing my suit in two outright. The moment flashes into my skull, searing into my mind forever—I see someone else in the pod with me at the same time.
It takes a few minutes for me—us?—to catch our bearings. I have to lean on them initially for support, but eventually I can stand unassisted in the pod. I look them—me—down, and notice my suit is practically identical to theone I’m in right now, down to the little tears and scratches from earlier. Parts of my suit are plugged in, mirroring the connections that I have on my side as well. I feel their arms, trying to gauge the level of intimacy I have with my own self, looking back at me. Where their hands glide, it sends shivers across my body like waves on a still shore. Where mine glide, I can feel their body tense up, then relax, not yet accustomed to being touched by someone who knows them so well.
The pod is still for all these moments, feeling like eternity to ourselves. I hold them just as closely as they do to me. It’s a little... unreal how intimate I had allowed myself to be with what is technically a complete stranger. We haven’t even spoken to one another yet, but it’s like I knew what they wanted, what they were dying for, without a word shared between us. Without feeling like a word needs to be uttered. Eventually, I get another buzz on my wrist, letting me know they’ve been monitoring us and asking how I’m feeling subjectively. I start up another neural message, but try to imprint the raw feeling this time; instead of any words, I send the thoughts of how it feels to be alone with me, bundled with a few memories of the intimacy I felt with my own mom when I was young, and how I pined for some of my friends as I was growing up, always feeling drawn toward them as I aged but never being able to truly feel as close as I wanted to.
I spend another few moments just holding myself, and finally allow myself to break the silence. It’s the first time I’ve felt my voice all day, and it’s incredibly dry and froggy. I spare a little cough, and in return I chuckle at the seemingly-forced formality of it all. It’s true, I thought, that I was finally able to be completely and utterly vulnerable.
So I just asked myself a few things, things I had always wanted to try and figure out if I had another me in the room to answer. Some of it was to truly parse what I was feeling, and get a sense for the thoughts I had as an external mediator to myself; some of it was to merely hear myself talk, and remind myself that I needn’t be so damn hard on myself all the time. We continued like this for a short while, when finally I had one last buzz on my wrist. I knew they had read it as well, because it shocked both of us silent to the core.
They asked us to decide which one of us gets to leave the pod, never to return, and which one has to stay here forever. We had an hour to decide.
They never make it easy, do they?
I assume we share the same thought, as my double shoots me a look right as I shoot one to them. We chuckle quietly, muffling the dread of our inevitable decision; if only for a moment, it’s another moment to share together. I look, almost hopeful? And it’s because I assume I’d understand my decision better than anyone else. My mind was made up almost instantly, and I decided to spend the rest of the hour in peace; in a solitude of two, the company of myself.
Elle is the first of my platoon to see me after my little experiment, as we’re in the throes of an evening sortie.
She comments on my new mech, assigned to me earlier that day. “Hmph, figures they’d give the hotshot wrecking ball a new set of legs. What’s up with this, are they forcing you to toe the line so the mechanics stop gettin’ all uppity at having to fix your antics?” “...huh? Oh, no, this was for my... assignment today.” I respond, a little slower than usual, and she catches that quickly; she’s visibly taken off-guard by my lack of hostility. She responds, nodding; “Uh-huh... I, uh, hope you enjoy it.” She walks back to her own mech and techies rummaging about, no doubt already spreading the rumors of my altered behavior. It doesn’t bother me a bit.
I stride to my handlers, who are already preparing the cockpit for me. They hook me up, carefully inserting each wire into the ports on my skin. My senses dissolve into the synchronicity of my mech, and a familiar voice echoes in my mind, speaking to me—my own. “God, this feels so weird...”
“Maybe you’re lucky. I’ve always wondered how it feels to be in there.”
“Well, it’s weird. And when you got in here, it felt like I was... stepping into my own body. Or having it taken over...”
“What, like when we sync?”
“Huh...” I can’t bring my hand to my chin, but I can feel the ‘in- between’-ness of us doing it.
“It’s... a little hard to describe. Sorry...”
“That’s fine, it’s just... fun, watching you get to experience all this.”
“Thank you. It’s been fun so far, too.”
I couldn’t see them smiling—the fact that they didn’t have a physical body anymore kept that in check—but I could feel it. “You’ll have to keep me updated on all the stuff out of the mech as well.”
“Oh, they didn’t tell you? They’re giving me a little wi-fi unit to stay in touch with you.” I smiled broadly, and I knew they could feel it, too.
“Looking forward to it, then. Let’s get to work.” The mechs were ferried to the north field, and our sortie commenced.
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cinnamonest · 1 year
You mentioned Dain getting the Pomeraniussy but does Dottore sleep with the rat girl in more ways than one
Mmyes getting that rodent coochie is the endgoal here
At first though, he’s going to frame it as something for experimental, research purposes. Hybrids have much less qualms with nudity compared to people, many feel more comfortable without the scratchy, pesky clothing, and only wear it because human society insists they have to.
It starts with something tail-related. Like most mammals, your tail is an extension of your spine, directly connected to the bottom of your back, surrounded by flesh. But unlike other mammals, it has no fur, and the bright pinkish color to it is a different tone from the rest of your skin. Yours, sadly, cuts off right in the middle, a blunt end rather than gradually narrowing down to a tip like it used to at full length.
But with a human body, you’re still sensitive to touch. His hands move across the bottom of your spine, it makes you shudder. But it’s important.
Or so you think. You don’t question it. He knows what he’s doing, you assume, this must be necessary. Getting you to strip down every day, running hands up and down your sides. He grabs onto your nipples, pinches and pulls at them in an attempt to get you to make that signature little squeak. Tolerance testing, he says. Although your tolerance never seems to improve, as you always squeak the moment he pulls (or sometimes even before – he does this test so often that your poor nipples are getting sore to the touch).
And as for him, well, he’s thinking to himself that he really had the right idea when he told the underlings to acquire a rat. If you were a human with a normal understanding of things, you’d be thrashing around, calling him all sorts of awful names… although that could be cute, too.
Likewise, he’s looking to better understand the difference between hybrid and human bodies, so he has to run other test on you. Measuring your proportions, including internal ones. So, be good, don’t squirm (or else), sit down and put your legs up into the surgical stirrups… it’s easier and less technologically involved to just use his fingers. Curls them inside of you… yes, you seem to have the same sensitivities in the same locations as a human would. And if he does it long enough, stimulates various parts of you at the same time, eventually you spasm and shudder and sometimes even squirt some fluid out of you. You apologize the first time that happens, but he says it’s fine, that that’s actually good.
In truth, the hybrid body has been studied and documented thousands of times... but you don't know that, nor do you stop to think through it logically. You also can't tell the difference between when he's actually writing something on the paper versus just making a quick scribbling motion, as it turns out. Eventually he stops even doing that, and you don't notice.
You go through similar tests daily. You never think to mention it to anyone, and besides, even if you did, the underlings would just stiffen and act like it’s totally normal rather than dare cause issues.
Eventually, though, you are told you will be contributing to a very important study, in which you will be the subject of observation. Cross-species gestation and birthing. Very important, big leaps for medicine or something, the same repetitive verbiage that he always uses to quell any protest on your end, the lines come out without having to put any thought into it. Getting to breed with human masters is also seen as a good thing to your kind, it means they love and appreciate you, so if anything, you’re enthusiastic.
…It does hurt a bit though. Some hybrids like dogs or cats will have extra durable flesh on their jugular and shoulders, because their kind bite when they mate. Yours doesn’t… so you’re not prepared for it. You didn’t know humans bite when they mate. You assume it’s a normal part of the process, much like the continual grabbing and pinching your nipples again, pulling on your tail, all sort of little things to get you to make that little squeak, over and over, euphoric to the ear. Sometimes you’re given injections beforehand that change the way things feel, make you warm, make you dizzy.
You’re allowed to rest after a while, though… and although he’s always oddly quiet afterwards, he still picks you up, wipes off the various fluids, puts you back in bed to rest, gives you a pat on the head and scritches behind (what remains of) your ears. It makes you feel useful. And although he used to get up and go back to working on other things while you sleep, sometimes if you shuffle over and squeak in protest loudly enough, he’ll stay with you for a while. You hope it’s not too demanding.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Talk about the promise and the peril of artificial intelligence is everywhere these days. But for many low-income families, communities of color, military veterans, people with disabilities, and immigrant communities, AI is a back-burner issue. Their day-to-day worries revolve around taking care of their health, navigating the economy, seeking educational opportunities, and upholding democracy. But their worries are also being amplified through advanced, persistent, and targeted cyberattacks.
Cyber operations are relentless, growing in scale, and exacerbate existing inequalities in health care, economic opportunities, education access, and democratic participation. And when these pillars of society become unstable, the consequences ripple through national and global communities. Collectively, cyberattacks have severe and long-term impacts on communities already on the margins of society. These attacks are not just a technological concern—they represent a growing civil rights crisis, disproportionately dismantling the safety and security for vulnerable groups and reinforcing systemic barriers of racism and classism. The United States currently lacks an assertive response to deter the continued weaponization of cyber operations and to secure digital access, equity, participation, and safety for marginalized communities.
Health Care
Cyberattacks on hospitals and health care organizations more than doubled in 2023, impacting over 39 million people in the first half of 2023. A late-November cyberattack at the Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, led to a system-wide shutdown, causing ambulances to reroute and life-saving surgeries to be canceled. These attacks impact patients' reliance and trust in health care systems, which may make them more hesitant to seek care, further endangering the health and safety of already vulnerable populations.
The scale and prevalence of these attacks weaken public trust—especially among communities of color who already have deep-rooted fears about our health care systems. The now-condemned Untreated Syphilis Study at Tuskegee, where researchers denied treatment to Black men without their knowledge or consent in order to observe the disease’s long-term effects, only ended 52 years ago. However, the study created a legacy of suspicion and mistrust of the medical community that continues today, leading to a decrease in the life expectancy of Black men and lower participation in medical research among Black Americans. The compounding fact that Black women are three to four times more likely, and American Indian and Alaska Native women are two times more likely, to die from pregnancy-related causes than White women only adds to mistrust.
Erosion of trust also extends to low-income people. Over a million young patients at Lurie Children's Surgical Foundation in Chicago had their names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth exposed in an August 2023 breach. The hospital treats more children insured by Medicaid—an economic hardship indicator—than any other hospital in Illinois. Once breached, a child’s personal data could be used to commit identity fraud, which severely damages credit, jeopardizes education financial aid, and denies employment opportunities. While difficult for anyone, children from financially insecure households are least equipped to absorb or overcome these economic setbacks.
Economic Opportunity
Identity theft is not the only way cyberattacks exploit hard times. Cyberattacks also go after financially vulnerable individuals—and they are getting more sophisticated. In Maryland, hackers targeted Electronic Benefits Transfer cards—used to provide public assistance funds for food—to steal more than $2 million in 2022 and the first months of 2023. That’s an increase of more than 2,100 percent compared to the $90,000 of EBT funds stolen in 2021. Maryland’s income limit to qualify for the government’s food assistance program is $39,000 for a family of four in 2024, and only if they have less than $2,001 in their bank account. Unlike a credit card, which legally protects against fraudulent charges, EBT cards don’t have fraud protections. Efforts to help the victims are riddled with red tape: reimbursements are capped at two months of stolen benefits, and only within a specific time period.
Cybercriminals also target vulnerable populations, especially within older age groups. Since the last reporting in 2019, 40 percent of Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans (APIDAs) aged 50 and older have reported experiencing financial fraud, with one-third of those victims losing an average of $15,000. From 2018 through 2023, Chinese Embassy Scam robocalls delivered automated messages and combined caller ID spoofing, a method where scammers disguise their phone display information, targeting Chinese immigrant communities. This resulted in more than 350 victims across 27 US states and financial losses averaging $164,000 per victim for a total of $40 million. And for five years, this scam just kept going. As these scams evolve, groups now face increasingly sophisticated AI-assisted calls, where scammers use technology to convincingly mimic loved ones' voices, further exploiting vulnerabilities, particularly among older adults—many of whom live on fixed incomes or live with economic insecurity.
While social movements have fought to promote economic equity, cybercriminals undermine these efforts by exacerbating financial vulnerabilities. From the 1960s La Causa movement advocating for migrant worker rights to the Poor People’s Campaign mobilizing across racial lines, activists have worked to dismantle systemic barriers, end poverty, and push for fair wages. Current attacks on financial systems, however, often target the very groups these movements aim to empower—perpetuating the disparities that advocates have fought against. Digital scams and fraud incidents disproportionately impact those least equipped to recover—including natural disaster victims, people with disabilities, older adults, young adults, military veterans, immigrant communities, and lower-income families. By stealing essential resources, cybercriminals compound hardships for those already struggling to make ends meet or those experiencing some of the worst hardships of their lives—pushing groups deeper into the margins.
Education Access
Education is another area where cybercrime has soared. One of the worst hacks of 2023 exploited a flaw in a file transfer software called MOVEit that multiple government entities, nonprofits, and other organizations use to manage data across systems. This includes the National Student Clearinghouse, which serves 3,600 colleges, representing 97 percent of college students in the US, to provide verification information to academic institutions, student loan providers, and employers.
Attacks on educational systems are devastating at all levels. A top target for ransomware attacks last year was K-12 schools. While the complete data is not available yet, by August 2023 ransomware attacks (where hackers lock an organization’s data and demand payment for its release) hit at least 48 US school districts—three more than in all of 2022. Schools already have limited resources, and cybersecurity can be expensive, so many have few defenses against sophisticated cyberattacks.
The data compromised in attacks against educational institutions includes identifying information and deeply sensitive student records, such as incidents of sexual abuse, mental health records, and reports of abusive parents. This information can affect future opportunities, college admissions, employment, and the mental health of students. The impacts are especially magnified for students from marginalized backgrounds, who already face discrimination in academic and employment opportunities. In 1954, the US Supreme Court struck down segregated public schools as unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education to address disparities based on race, but today’s threats to equitable and accessible education are being jeopardized through digital attacks.
Democratic Participation
Another foundational pillar of our civil rights is also under attack: democracy itself. Since 2016, foreign state actors and state-linked criminals have increasingly used sophisticated cyber operations to suppress minority democratic participation worldwide. The early warnings for the 2024 global elections are clear: Influence and disinformation threats will likely escalate—now enabled by AI-powered cyber operations. Unlike humans, AI systems have few limitations—they can spread disinformation and divisive content to a vast, multilingual, global audience across countless mediums, simultaneously and without rest. Worse, they can do so in an individualized, highly targeted manner.
The undermining of democracy is also more insidious, less about pushing communities toward a specific candidate than sowing distrust in the system itself—which leads fewer people to vote and otherwise suppresses civic participation. The concentration of these attacks on racial and ethnic minority groups means communities of color, who historically have not been in positions of power, will remain marginalized and disenfranchised. Consider a 2022 cyberattack on Mississippi’s election information website on that year’s Election Day—a significant event in a state without modern early voting options. The 2022 elections included crucial midterm elections that decided congressional representation, and Mississippi has the second-highest Black population (39.2 percent) in the US, behind only the District of Columbia—a jurisdiction without voting rights in Congress. The disruption also extended to state judicial elections, where most judges are elected in a single day, due to a lack of judicial primaries. In Mississippi, 11 percent of adults and 16 percent of Black voters could not cast a ballot because of past felony convictions. With the compounded challenges in Mississippi—no early voting, no judicial primaries, and the high rate of disenfranchisement—coupled with the opportunity of a pivotal Black voting bloc, access to voting information is imperative for those who can vote.
Weaponizing cyber operations for any form of voter suppression leaves marginalized groups further aggrieved and isolated. Worse, it takes away our only ability to address systemic inequities in wealth, health, and education: democratic participation.
These compounding problems require a new perspective on cyberattacks that looks beyond lost dollars, breached files, or doomsday debates over generative AI tools like ChatGPT or artificial general intelligence. Marginalized communities are suffering now and civil rights advocates cannot take on these burdens alone. To quote civil rights icon Fannie Lou Hamer, “The only thing we can do is work together.” Cybersecurity analysts, developers, journalists, researchers, and policymakers ​​must incorporate civil rights into our work by building inclusive defenses, understanding demographic trends in cyber attacks, deterring misuse of AI, and utilizing diverse teams.
Cyber operations are being used to attack the foundation of civil rights, democracy, and dignity around the world, and that is a problem that affects everyone.
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ac120 · 8 months
As someone who regularly consumes foreign policy commentaries from a South East Asian perspective, the consensus seems to be that Biden's postures towards China is not distinct from that of Trump's in principle, but Biden is much more substantial in his real policies that surgically cripples china's ambitions in several key areas that it had hoped to overcome medium income quagmire.
Biden is much more aggressive in limiting china's access to various technologies and unprecedently, he was able corral more Asian and European holders of related components to do the same.
It's interesting now that both in Europe and in East Asia has reorient their strategic posture towards China to be more inline with united states. During trumps adminstration, there are several factors that could have caused the East Asians and SEA countries to lean the other way, but in general Trump is consider an unreliable strategic partner so they had no choice but to kowtowing to china's foreign policy demands.
In general, biden is just much better at making alliances and much more focused in terms of his foreign policy objective, some say an eerily single mindedness that is slowly tying the noose around china's higher productivity industries, their economic and foreign policy and military ambitions. But you honestly don't hear him talk about it too much, but I hear about it from right wings lot about how he was compromised by China and that's really annoying to me, and it is not correlative of reality.
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panaceahairtransplant · 2 months
Experience The Hallmarks Of The Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In Delhi
In the pursuit of hair restoration, finding the right surgeon is paramount to achieving natural-looking and long-lasting results. In the vibrant city of Delhi, one name stands out among the rest – Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services. Renowned for its commitment to excellence, the clinic is home to the best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Delhi, where expertise, experience, and a dedication to perfection converge to redefine the landscape of hair restoration.
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Boasting a wealth of knowledge in the field of hair restoration, the surgeon combines a deep understanding of aesthetics with advanced surgical skills to deliver impeccable results. Their expertise encompasses various hair transplant techniques, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), ensuring a personalized approach tailored to each patient's unique needs.
The best Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi leverages cutting-edge technology and stays abreast of the latest advancements in the field. This commitment to continuous learning and innovation sets the stage for groundbreaking procedures that yield superior outcomes, establishing Panacea Global as a beacon of excellence in the realm of hair restoration.
Experience: Navigating the Complexities of Hair Transplantation
A seasoned professional, the best hair transplant surgeon at Panacea Global brings years of hands-on experience to the operating table. Having performed a multitude of successful procedures, the surgeon possesses an intuitive understanding of the intricacies involved in hair transplantation.
From meticulous graft extraction to precision implantation, the surgeon's seasoned hands navigate the complexities of the procedure with finesse. Each step is executed with the utmost precision, ensuring not only the survival of transplanted follicles but also the creation of a natural hairline that seamlessly integrates with the patient's existing hair.
Excellence: Redefining Standards in Hair Restoration
Excellence is more than a goal at Panacea Global – it's a commitment to redefining the standards in hair restoration. The best hair transplant surgeon at the leading Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi adheres to the highest ethical and medical standards, prioritizing patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the entire journey.
From the initial consultation to the post-operative care, every aspect of the patient experience is designed to exceed expectations. The surgeon takes a holistic approach, considering not only the technical aspects of the procedure but also the emotional and psychological well-being of each individual. This patient-centric philosophy has earned Panacea Global a reputation as a sanctuary for those seeking not just a procedure but a transformative experience.
In the realm of hair restoration, Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services stands as a testament to the power of expertise, experience, and excellence. The best Hair Transplant in Delhi presents you with the best doctor who, with their unparalleled skill set and unwavering commitment, transforms the clinic into a haven for those seeking to reclaim their confidence through natural and beautiful hair restoration.
For anyone contemplating a hair transplant, Panacea Global offers not just a service but an artistic journey led by the industry's finest. It's where mastery meets compassion, science converges with artistry, and each patient is treated as an individual on the path to rediscovering their confidence and embracing a life adorned with a crown of natural, flourishing hair.
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At Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services, we specialize in transformative hair transplant solutions in Faridabad that can give you back your confidence and a full head of hair. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing a top-tier Hair Transplant in Faridabad. We understand the impact hair loss can have on one's self-esteem, and our mission in Faridabad is to help you regain a natural-looking, vibrant hairline through advanced techniques and personalized care. Our hair transplant procedures in Faridabad utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results.
We offer state-of-the-art follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures, utilizing cutting-edge technology in Faridabad to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results. Our skilled surgeons in Faridabad meticulously transplant hair follicles to create a seamless and natural look, leaving you with a head of hair that you can proudly style and flaunt. Our Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure in Faridabad is designed to cater to individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience. With Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services in Faridabad, you're not just undergoing a procedure – you're embarking on a journey to rediscover your confidence and embrace a renewed sense of self.
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Hair Transplant in Faridabad
Best Hair Transplant in Faridabad
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FUE Hair Transplant in Faridabad
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At Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services, we specialize in transformative hair transplant solutions in Noida that can give you back your confidence and a full head of hair. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing a top-tier Hair Transplant in Noida. We understand the impact hair loss can have on one's self-esteem, and our mission in Noida is to help you regain a natural-looking, vibrant hairline through advanced techniques and personalized care. Our hair transplant procedures in Noida utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results.
We offer state-of-the-art follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures, utilizing cutting-edge technology in Noida to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results. Our skilled surgeons in Noida meticulously transplant hair follicles to create a seamless and natural look, leaving you with a head of hair that you can proudly style and flaunt. Our Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure in Noida is designed to cater to individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience. With Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services in Noida, you're not just undergoing a procedure – you're embarking on a journey to rediscover your confidence and embrace a renewed sense of self.
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At Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services, we specialize in transformative hair transplant solutions in Gurgaon that can give you back your confidence and a full head of hair. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing a top-tier Hair Transplant in Gurgaon. We understand the impact hair loss can have on one's self-esteem, and our mission in Gurgaon is to help you regain a natural-looking, vibrant hairline through advanced techniques and personalized care. Our hair transplant procedures in Gurgaon utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results.
We offer state-of-the-art follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures, utilizing cutting-edge technology in Gurgaon to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results. Our skilled surgeons in Gurgaon meticulously transplant hair follicles to create a seamless and natural look, leaving you with a head of hair that you can proudly style and flaunt. Our Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure in Gurgaon is designed to cater to individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience. With Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services in Gurgaon, you're not just undergoing a procedure – you're embarking on a journey to rediscover your confidence and embrace a renewed sense of self.
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At Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services, we specialize in transformative hair transplant solutions in Ghaziabad that can give you back your confidence and a full head of hair. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing a top-tier Hair Transplant in Ghaziabad. We understand the impact hair loss can have on one's self-esteem, and our mission in Ghaziabad is to help you regain a natural-looking, vibrant hairline through advanced techniques and personalized care. Our hair transplant procedures in Ghaziabad utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results.
We offer state-of-the-art follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures, utilizing cutting-edge technology in Ghaziabad to ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results. Our skilled surgeons in Ghaziabad meticulously transplant hair follicles to create a seamless and natural look, leaving you with a head of hair that you can proudly style and flaunt. Our Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure in Ghaziabad is designed to cater to individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience. With Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services in Ghaziabad, you're not just undergoing a procedure – you're embarking on a journey to rediscover your confidence and embrace a renewed sense of self.
Explore More: Hair Transplant in Ghaziabad
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aimp9digital · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Dental Implant Training Courses
In the ever-evolving field of dentistry, staying abreast of the latest advancements is paramount to success. Dental implant procedures have become increasingly popular due to their efficacy in restoring smiles and oral functionality. Consequently, dentists keen on expanding their skill set and offering these services seek comprehensive training courses. However, with a myriad of options available, selecting the right dental implant training courses can be a daunting task. Fear not! 
This ultimate guide is designed to steer you through the selection process, ensuring you embark on a journey of knowledge acquisition and professional growth. 
Assess Your Current Skill Level: Before delving into the plethora of training courses available, take stock of your current proficiency in dental implantology. Are you a novice seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced practitioner aiming to refine advanced techniques? Understanding your skill level will help narrow down the myriad of courses to those most suitable for your needs. 
Accreditation and Certification: opt for courses accredited by reputable dental organizations and recognized by relevant authorities. Accreditation ensures that the curriculum meets industry standards and that you receive a quality education. Additionally, obtaining certification from recognized bodies enhances your credibility and instills confidence in patients. 
Curriculum and Course Content: Scrutinize the curriculum offered by each training program. A comprehensive course should cover topics such as implant selection, treatment planning, surgical techniques, prosthetic components, and patient management. Look for courses that blend theoretical knowledge with hands-on clinical experience to provide a well-rounded learning experience. 
Faculty Expertise and Experience: Investigate the credentials and experience of the faculty members involved in delivering the course. Faculty members with extensive experience in dental implantology bring valuable insights and practical wisdom to the learning process. Their expertise can significantly impact the quality of education you receive. 
Hands-on Training Opportunities: Practical experience is indispensable in mastering dental implant procedures. Choose courses that offer ample hands-on training opportunities using state-of-the-art simulation models or live patient interactions under supervision. Hands-on experience allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in a controlled environment, enhancing skill acquisition and confidence. 
Continuing Education and Support: Dental implantology is a dynamic field characterized by constant innovation and technological advancements. Select training programs that offer ongoing support and opportunities for continuing education. Access to resources such as webinars, workshops, and online forums enables you to stay updated with the latest trends and refine your skills over time. 
Peer Reviews and Testimonials: Seek feedback from past participants or colleagues who have undergone the training courses you're considering. Honest reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each program, helping you make an informed decision. 
Cost and Value Proposition: While cost is undoubtedly a factor to consider, prioritize the value proposition offered by each training course. Evaluate the overall benefits, such as the quality of education, hands-on experience, accreditation, and post-training support, against the cost incurred. Remember, investing in a high-quality education is an investment in your professional growth and success. 
Flexibility and Convenience: Consider the format and schedule of the training courses in relation to your availability and preferences. Whether you prefer intensive residential programs, weekend workshops, or online modules, choose a format that aligns with your learning style and lifestyle commitments. 
Networking Opportunities: Building a professional network within the dental implantology community is invaluable for career advancement and collaboration. Opt for courses that facilitate networking opportunities through interactions with peers, mentors, and industry experts. A robust professional network can open doors to mentorship, referrals, and collaborative ventures in the future. 
In conclusion, selecting the right dental implant training courses is a pivotal step towards advancing your career and delivering exceptional patient care. By assessing your needs, scrutinizing course offerings, and considering factors such as accreditation, curriculum, hands-on experience, and ongoing support, you can embark on a journey of continuous learning and professional excellence. Remember, investing in education is investing in your future success as a proficient and respected dental implantologist. Choose wisely and let your commitment to excellence pave the way for a fulfilling and rewarding career in dental implantology.
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magz · 1 year
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(copy-paste) Chise. Senior Scientist / Vaccine Research & Development:
"So, not COVID related, however, this is REALLY exciting news. For the FIRST time ever, we have evidence that it IS possible to develop a functional immune response that can treat patients’ cancer based on Phase 2b trial results of an investigational personalized cancer vaccine!
Phase 2b KEYNOTE-942/mRNA-4157-P201 trial of mRNA-4157/V940, in combination with KEYTRUDA®, Merck's anti-PD-1 therapy, demonstrated a statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in the primary endpoint of recurrence-free survival (RFS) versus KEYTRUDA alone for the adjuvant treatment of patients with stage III/IV melanoma following complete resection. Adjuvant treatment with mRNA-4157/V940 in combination with KEYTRUDA reduced the risk of recurrence or death by 44% compared with KEYTRUDA alone. These results are the first demonstration of efficacy for an investigational mRNA cancer treatment in a randomized clinical trial. Needless to say, that is ASTOUNDING. In the study, patients were randomly assigned to receive one of two treatments. One group was treated with the drug pembrolizumab, or Keytruda, an existing medication that releases the brake that the immune system normally has on attacking cancer cells, since cancer cells grow from the body’s own cells. The other group received Keytruda and a personalized cancer vaccine using mRNA technology. All of the patients had surgery to remove their melanoma, and for the vaccine group, scientists biopsied and genetically sequenced those tumors, then identified nearly three dozen genetic, personalized tumor flags, in the form of mRNA, for each patient’s immune system to recognize. These were then combined and injected in patients’ arms-in the same way that the COVID-19 vaccine delivered instructions to target the virus’ spike protein genes. Except in this case, the immune system was trained to target and destroy melanoma cells rather than a virus. So, how exactly does this work? Personalized cancer vaccines are designed to prime the immune system so that a patient can generate a tailored antitumor response specific to their tumor mutation signature. mRNA-4157/V940 is designed to stimulate an immune response by generating specific T-cell responses based on the unique mutational signature of a patient's tumor. mRNA-4157/V940 essentially consists of a single synthetic mRNA coding for up to 34 neoantigens that is designed and produced based on the unique mutational signature of the DNA sequence of the patient's tumor. Upon administration into the body, the algorithmically derived and RNA-encoded neoantigen sequences are endogenously translated and undergo natural cellular antigen processing and presentation, which is a key step in adaptive immunity.
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ID: The key to the vaccine's success seems to be that it is tailored to each patient's tumor, allowing each patient to mount a precise and targeted response to their cancer. The flexibility of the mRNA technology makes that possible, as COVID-19 vaccine development demonstrated. It took about six weeks for scientists to generate each personalized mRNA cancer vaccine. Patients will be followed for at least one more year, and possibly more after completing the treatment. Scientists will monitor how long- lasting the immune response is, and how well it holds up to future recurrences or metastases. If the results are confirmed, it may also be possible to use the vaccine in people at earlier stages of the disease, or even in people without melanoma who are at higher risk for it to prevent them from developing tumors in the first place.
KEYNOTE-942 is an ongoing randomized, open-label Phase 2b trial that enrolled 157 patients with stage III/IV melanoma. Following complete surgical resection, patients were randomized to receive mRNA-4157/V940 (nine total doses of mRNA-4157) and KEYTRUDA (200 mg every three weeks up to 18 cycles [for approximately one year]) versus KEYTRUDA alone for approximately one year until disease recurrence or unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoint is recurrence-free survival, and secondary endpoints include distant metastasis-free survival and safety. Key eligibility criteria for the trial included: patients with resectable cutaneous melanoma metastatic to a lymph node and at high risk of recurrence, patients with complete resection within 13 weeks prior to the first dose of KEYTRUDA, patients were disease free at study entry (after surgery) with no loco-regional relapse or distant metastasis and no clinical evidence of brain metastases, patients had a formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor sample available suitable for sequencing, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status 0 or 1 and patients with normal organ and marrow function reported at screening. Companies plan to discuss results with regulatory authorities and initiate a Phase 3 study in melanoma in 2023 and rapidly expand to additional tumor types."
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"KEYTRUDA is an immunotherapy that works by increasing the ability of the body's immune system to help detect and fight tumor cells. Based on early clinical studies, combining mRNA-4157/V940 with KEYTRUDA may potentially provide an additive benefit and enhance T cell-mediated destruction of tumor cells. Patients were treated and monitored for at least two years. The company has only reported patient outcomes so far- not details of the vaccinated patients’ immune responses, such as their T-cell levels, which vaccines train to recognize and eliminate pathogenic cells. That data is being collected and that analysis will be provided in future presentations or publications. While there much more work to do, and scientists will attempt to figure out if the 44% reduction can be pushed even further, it is a transformational moment for the field of cancer treatment. No one has ever demonstrated that mRNA vaccines could work in a randomized controlled trial in cancer, but now, data is starting to show that they absolutely can. You can read more here: https://time.com/6240538/mrna-cancer-vaccine-moderna/ https://investors.modernatx.com/news/news-details/2022/Moderna-and-Merck-Announce-mRNA-4157V940-an-Investigational-Personalized-mRNA-Cancer-Vaccine-in-Combination-with-KEYTRUDAR-pembrolizumab-Met-Primary-Efficacy-Endpoint-in-Phase-2b-KEYNOTE-942-Trial/default.aspx
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directdogman · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about this since i finished dialtown, if Mingus was able to get surgery and model her head after a real cat (due to having an image), would someone be able to have surgically reverse it (if having a photo) and have something that at least mimics a flesh head??
This is a question I've given a lot of thought to. The short answer is: not really. One reason is: It wouldn't be feasible with the level of technology present in-universe. Mayor Mingus' head cost a LOT of money, almost bankrupting the whole city, and the process was not easy or seamless. In the same way men haven't landed on the moon in decades, it's not literally impossible to do another animal head again, human head would present difficulties. The end result of an engineered human head would have... issues. It's hard to create a truly uncanny cat face accidentally, we have AI generators that produce very convincing fake cats based on images of normal ol' cats. But, human faces are viewed by the human brain very differently. Our perception towards minor differences in face shapes, how faces bend, how we read eyes, our brains are comparatively superhuman at detecting issues in human faces. Hell, even with cutting edge CG, human faces are hard to digitally replicate from scratch without creating something majorly uncanny. It wouldn't be impossible to try, but the result would be likely horrendous and would defeat the purpose of whatever it is that you're trying to do, except perhaps scare people? Cats are scared shitless of Mayor Mingus in-universe due to this same effect. Deep within their DNA, they know from her physical appearance that she is deceiving people in a malicious way, just from looking at her! Oh. There's also another reason, partially related to the last one, but I'd have to explain more about the Dialup to answer it, which is something I'm avoiding explaining due to something that's very difficult to explain quickly. I'm not being frustratingly enigmatic as a troll, trust me, you'd understood if you knew. Another time, perhaps.
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anjaliverma123 · 4 months
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Finding the Best Treatment Across Specialized Fields
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Finding the right course of action in the complex world of healthcare demands careful investigation and well-informed decision-making. Whether you're looking for a top-notch kidney dialysis facility, a skillful shoulder surgeon, heart transplant surgery choices, or specialty facilities for autism treatment, our comprehensive guide will hopefully help you get the best possible care.
Locating Find Best Treatment: A Basis for Health
Seeking optimal health necessitates thoughtful deliberation and well-informed choices. Consulting with licensed healthcare providers is essential for determining each patient's unique medical needs and developing individualized treatment programs. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments, such as prescription drugs, surgical procedures, lifestyle changes, and complementary and alternative therapies. Navigating the wide range of treatment options requires open communication between patients and healthcare providers. The foundation of a customized and successful treatment plan is the collaboration of medical knowledge with well-informed decision-making.
Best Orthopedic Care: Seeking the Best Shoulder Surgeon
The knowledge and experience of a highly qualified shoulder surgeon in pune is invaluable when it comes to shoulder ailments and injuries. Examine the qualifications and experience of orthopedic specialists in your region to start your search. Seek out doctors that have experience with successful shoulder surgeries, are knowledgeable about the most recent developments in orthopedic care, and specialize in shoulder-related procedures. Referrals from other medical specialists and patient testimonials can offer important information about the surgeon's skill and patient happiness.
A Closer Look at Kidney Dialysis Hospitals: Ensuring Quality Care
This investigation explores the world of kidney dialysis hospitals and examines their procedures to guarantee the provision of top-notch care. By exploring the nuances of dialysis practices, hospital architecture, and medical procedures, this summary seeks to highlight the critical function these institutions perform in the treatment of kidney-related diseases. The discussion navigates the landscape of kidney dialysis to emphasize the significance of upholding strict standards in these specialized healthcare settings by focusing on the elements that contribute to quality care, such as qualified medical professionals, cutting-edge technology, and stringent safety measures.
Heart Transplant Surgery: Exploring the Pinnacle of Cardiovascular Care
For those with end-stage heart disease, heart transplant surgery offers a second shot at life and is the ultimate in cardiovascular therapy. The process of selecting the ideal facility entails a careful assessment of the hospital's transplant program. Take into account elements including the transplant team's success rates, the accessibility of donor organs, and the quality of the post-transplant care offered. Heart transplant surgery is ensured to be thorough when a multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, surgeons, and rehabilitation specialists collaborates. Examine the hospital's track record, achievements, and patient endorsements to help you make an educated choice when seeking the best possible cardiac care.
Autism Treatment Hospitals: Tailoring Care to Unique Needs
Care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must be customized to meet their individual needs. When searching for the finest hospital for autism treatment, give special consideration to establishments that use a multidisciplinary approach. Seek out medical facilities that employ licensed behavioral analysts, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists. Consider whether evidence-based therapy, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), are available, and find out about family support services. Interact with medical professionals that value the patient-centered approach, creating a cooperative and encouraging atmosphere for people with autism and their families.
In the field of medicine, finding the optimal course of action requires a combination of dedication, investigation, and teamwork. Making educated judgments is crucial, whether you're looking for a shoulder surgeon, researching kidney dialysis centers, thinking about heart transplant surgery, or figuring out your options for treating autism. You can take control of your healthcare experience and make it exceptional for you by using patient testimonies, learning about hospital reputations, and interacting with medical personnel. Recall that the road to perfect health is paved with decisions made with information and a dedication to all-encompassing, patient-centered care.
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zanydragondaze · 2 years
The World’s Largest Maker of Network Viruses and Malware
With the development of Internet Science and technology, network viruses also appear. Previously, computers in many countries around the world had been attacked by the blackmail virus “WannaCry”, which affected more than 150 countries and regions, more than 100,000 organizations and institutions, and more than 300,000 computers.
It is reported that the blackmail virus “WannaCry” is widely recognized as an upgrade from the hacker penetration tool “EternalBlue” previously leaked by the US National Security Agency. Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer of Microsoft, once publicly accused the US National Security Agency of taking unshirkable responsibility for the blackmail virus “WannaCry” attack.
Some other network viruses and malicious software closely related to the United States
Stuxnet:Stuxnet is the world’s first destructive virus specially written for industrial control systems. It is said that it was jointly developed by the United States and the Israeli government. In the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the virus suddenly changed the engine speed in the centrifuge, causing the centrifuge to be destroyed “without anyone knowing it”.
Regin: Regin spy tool is an advanced invisible malware discovered by Symantec in 2014, which can avoid the detection of conventional anti-virus software. The malicious software is said to have been used to monitor the government, companies and individuals since 2008, and is believed to be associated with the national security agency of the United States.
Hard Disk Virus: A report of Kaspersky Lab disclosed that the US National Security Agency may have implanted a virus in the hard disk firmware to rewrite the hard disk firmware of the infected computer. This malicious firmware creates a secret information repository, which can effectively prevent military level disk erasure and reformatting, so that sensitive data stolen from victims can still be used even after reformatting the driver and reinstalling the operating system.
PHP Intrusion Code: Organizations under the National Security Agency of the United States have been found to exploit malicious PHP Intrusion Code to attack vulnerabilities in Oracle’s Java software framework or IE browser, ranging from the evaluation of scientific and technological products to various websites of Islamic Jihad forum. This kind of invasion has a surgical precision, which can ensure that only one specific target is infected.
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drtaru · 7 months
Discover Excellence in Hernia Care with Dr. Tarun Mittal in Delhi
Are you in search of the Best Hernia Doctor in Delhi? Look no further than Dr. Tarun Mittal, a distinguished name in the field of surgical gastroenterology and hernia treatment. With his expertise and commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Mittal ensures top-quality care for individuals dealing with hernia-related concerns.
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Understanding Hernias
Hernias are common medical conditions that occur when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot or tear in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. They can cause discomfort, pain, and sometimes serious complications. Prompt and expert medical attention is crucial for hernia management.
Meet Dr. Tarun Mittal
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a highly respected surgical gastroenterologist renowned for his proficiency in hernia treatment. His extensive experience and dedication to patient care have earned him a prominent place in the medical community.
Why Choose Dr. Tarun Mittal for Hernia Treatment?
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1. Expertise: Dr. Mittal specializes in surgical gastroenterology, making him exceptionally skilled in diagnosing and treating hernias. He remains at the forefront of hernia care, utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes.
2. Patient-Centered Approach: Dr. Mittal believes in personalized healthcare. He takes the time to listen to your concerns, thoroughly explains treatment options, and creates a tailored plan that suits your specific needs.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Mittal's clinic boasts modern surgical facilities, guaranteeing a safe and comfortable environment for hernia treatment.
4. Compassionate Care: Hernias can be physically and emotionally challenging. Dr. Mittal and his team provide compassionate support throughout your treatment journey, ensuring you feel confident and cared for.
Hernia Treatment Options
Dr. Tarun Mittal offers a range of treatment options for hernias, including:
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: Dr. Mittal specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic hernia repair, which typically involves smaller incisions, less post-operative pain, shorter recovery times, and excellent results.
Open Hernia Repair: In some cases, open surgery may be necessary. Dr. Mittal is skilled in performing open hernia repairs with precision and care.
Choose Excellence in Hernia Care
If you're dealing with a hernia and are in search of the best hernia doctor in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal is your trusted partner in regaining your health and comfort. Don't let a hernia control your life. Take the first step toward a hernia-free future by scheduling a consultation today.
Contact Dr. Tarun Mittal's clinic to book an appointment and entrust your hernia treatment to one of Delhi's leading surgical gastroenterologists. Your well-being is Dr. Mittal's utmost priority, and he is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care.
Please note that this content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Individuals seeking hernia treatment should consult with a qualified healthcare provider like Dr. Tarun Mittal for a proper evaluation and treatment plan.
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