oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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Two swan maidens escort Derwin into Eira's frozen fey realm (Atanielle Annyn Noël, for Josepha Sherman's story "Eira," Dragon 93, January 1985)
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silksworn · 7 months
despairing bc my irl friend/ex roommate is starting up his d&d game again after months of hiatus and i. have no desire to really return to the game. i just didn't jive with it. but i also don't want to tell him that :////
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gothimp · 2 months
🔥 your topic is dnd
Curse of strahd should never have been named that, they should have kept it as Ravenloft or something to do with the domains of dread as the name curse of strahd automatically opposes the party to strahd whereas its a much more interesting narrative if the party doesn’t immediately see him as a villain
Bloodhunter is easily the worst class and should not have been added to dnd
Wotc should stop with third party partnerships actually. They are just weak cash grabs and i do not want to see critical role/mtg/rick and morty stuff mixed in with canon dnd material
The cast of critical role is undoubtedly incredibly talented and what they’ve accomplished is exceptional but they have bred a new generation of dnd DMs and players with increasingly bad table habits and if you even mention it the fans think you’re attacking the integrity of the show
🗣️ these are my opinions!!! also i have nothing against critical role fans at all i used to watch and almost all my friends are fans 🗣️
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curvyelf-moved · 1 year
thinking about the swanmay again and yes wotc will be hearing from me re: my emotional distress bc i will be demanding compensation
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swanmay-that-got-away · 2 months
Hi you’re hot wanna kiss? :3
name and place bitch, i'll be there
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captain-mj · 7 months
there's a lot of really good new ideas happening right now but I'm still hoping that graves as a swanmay gets continued, please can I get a little more of hyper-specific shapeshifter angst?
Hey, so I will be honest, I don't like the swan maiden au. I tried, but I don't know if it was how I went about it or just the quality of the writing, but I'm not going to continue it. But! Consider this blanket permission for anyone who wants to use the ideas in it! The only thing I ask is you make Price a different species as I made Alpies up myself and use them original stuff not tied to COD.
Now, to the fun stuff. I do still like Alpie Price and I thought about it and... well. I can deliver this. Graves is just a different kind of shifter! The shifter angst is a lot more Price based as well.
Price sharpened his nails quietly. SpecGru and KorTac were currently in a training exercise with each other. A simple take the flag exercise. He was currently sniping quietly. It was really just a laser gun, but he had picked off quite a few people already.
He didn't like working with KorTac, even in something as low stakes as this, for several reasons. The main one being Graves and Valeria. Also Mace. He didn't like the way Ghost and him stared at each other like they were going to tear each other to shreds.
Mostly, it was Graves. Price bristled at the man no matter how casual the encounter. Something about him got under his skin.
With Farah talking with him, Graves had been around more and more. Ghost, Soap and the Vaqueros were still angry, understandably. But they had found a tense... agreement. Mostly they all ignored it and Graves made himself scarce when possible.
He heard the soft creak of the ground and yanked around, switching to his shotgun. The gun stayed aimed at the doorway carefully.
Some more movement before a small nose poked through the door. It sniffed gently before pulling back. A paw gently pressed in, scrambling at the floor. Price stood up and kept a gun right at them.
A small coyote poked their head in. Giant eyes blinked at him before closing as they sniffed the air.
Price was fairly certain there were shifters other than the bear one. He hesitated and continued to stare at it. The little coyote quickly darted back behind the door.
Price waited for a few minutes before glancing at the window for only a moment.
His sensor went off and he swung back around, seeing Graves confidently staring back at him.
Price immediately felt his ears press flat against his head and snarled. "Dirty trick."
"Got you didn't it?" Graves spun his gun around his finger. "You keep your tufts up so I assumed that's what we were doing."
"Can't exactly get rid of them." Price pointed out.
"Can't change that I'm a shifter then." He grinned, flashing white teeth.
Price growled and hit the sensor, hearing the countdown. "Right. Well, I'll go and find a new spot. Supposed to practice right?" His countdown hit 0 and he "revived".
Graves shot him again.
Price paused, staring at him. He hit the sensor. "Funny." He stood up, stretching. Ignoring Graves, he brushed past him and went down the stairs. As soon as his timer hit zero, Graves hit him again.
Graves then followed him. "So. Your main thing is a sniper?"
"Yep." Price stared at him and right as his own timer went to zero, he shot Graves. "Now, we're even."
Graves laughed. It was... nice. Most shifters had features of their creatures afterwards. Big bulk for Bears. Mocking laughing for Hyenas. But with Graves, there was nothing obvious. His eyes were completely different. Maybe the way his hair stuck up was similar to coyote ears, but it was tenuous at best. "Damn. You shot me."
Price's lip twitched but he mostly ignored him.
They went back and forth, every time the timer hit zero, they'd rush to shoot each other.
Price mistakenly smiled with his teeth, flashing a mouthful of sharp fangs.
Graves looked and paused, his smile dropping.
Price closed his mouth with a click.
"Can you not... put those away?" Graves was being careful. His choice of words and softened tone made Price bristle, even though it was clearly genuine.
"No. They're stuck." Price clicked his teeth and closed his mouth again. "Always there."
Graves nodded. "Must get annoying."
"Bite my tongue a lot." Price joked.
"I meant people like me looking." Graves looked in his eyes and the air heated up. Price could hear his heartbeat. See the warmth of his body. He blinked rapidly to get rid of it.
Price shrugged. "You're not too bad. i'm more than used to people staring."
"I think you have better things to stare at."
Before Price could ask what that possibly meant, there was a whistle indicating it was over and Graves shifted and ran off. His tail stuck straight up to draw attention to himself in case Mila or Oz saw him.
Price stared at him, feeling something funny in his chest.
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goldammerchen · 20 days
happy easfsdtr, here something about eggs—nothing explicit, but it is about oviposition so lets call it mature at the very least. also sad themes like unborn [bird] child and child [bird] death.
this is something i will only insinuate in the current fic, to leave more for later. spoilers!
last chapter mentioned the children of the harpies, and in the next of chapter rode and gil will have a brief encounter with them, and rode learns they are more bird than half-person in their current forms: in fact they look like giant raptor-vulture birds. after it happens, gil will imply that one of them could be his, but there is no way to know after multiple feather moulting and color changes. little after they fledge, they leave for [number] years, and not all of them will return.
[for prequel/sequel, story of 2 clutches] so, gil and feliks first nest, [number] years ago. they were young, and could even have had it a year or two sooner but there was a literal war. both were nervious, and still shacken from the war... feliks to the point of task paralysis (won't be described that way obv), when he had the responsibility of the making of the nest and looking after gil. the more anxious feliks got, the more (scared) gil yelled him, which obviously didn't help. thankfully they recieved some help, but after the first egg, while gil was running a fever. of a clutch of 3, one never hatched, while another didn't survive for too long. third one was a male harpy chick, that are much less frequent, making their survival important. older harpies didn't trust the young parents, so the chick was taken away for a while. said chick stopped to eat until was reunited with the parents.
after the chick [who's obviously NAME] fledges, a lot of things happen, including feliks joining a fucking convent with a different name for a while?! their boyfriend leaving left tolys and gil aimless. both flirted with swan maidens / swanmays(?), especially with one named natallia and another ivan... things went better with one than with the other, way better.
flash forward [SPOILERS:] to after rode basically joining the polycule, it was time for them to have the next nest. but, this feliks is going to help a couple of Iesbians. gil is allowed to bring a new mate, and using the excuse the instructions were too vague, he brings three, tolys (they finally get along), and the friends he made in the war, antonio and francis. tolys is used to harpies customs, often being with one or another, meanwhile antonio and francis not so much, and they will be stuck in the mountains for at least a few months. in addition, the mino and the satyr are long-lived races, and will live even longer than tolys that has an average lifespan. serious-anxious werewolf, existentialism [also term to avoid] satyr, and a carefree taur, being under the talon (lol) of a harpy that hopes everything will be perfect this time. after the fun part, and after eggs are laid (also fun part), doubts begin. no, fran and toño weren't there only for sex, however perhaps didn't take as seriously being parents—harpies leaving and then maybe returning makes easier to take things lightly.
hope that if i write this, i tell both events back and forth(?). gnight!
*another note: harpies have 4 genders lmao, anything out the boxes will be considered weird but its whatever as long reproduction happens, so no that part isn't great.
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Prestige Classes
In D&D 3.5, there are almost 300 prestige classes. Shouldn't they all be converted to D&D 5e subclasses? No. No they should not. And yet, here we are. Some prestige classes are ... weird and so might be converted to something other than a subclass, if at all.
A breakdown is below the cut.
Core Subclasses
Arcane Archer
Arcane Trickster
Dragon Disciple
Dwarven Defender
Eldritch Knight
Horizon Walker
Mystic Theurge
Red Wizard
Fist of Zuoken
Illithid Slayer
Psion Uncarnate
War Mind
Complete Champion
Fist of the Forest
Forest Reeve
Holt Warden
Mythic Exemplar
Ordained Champion
Paragnostic Apostle
Paragnostic Initiate
Sanctified One
Squire of Legend
Complete Mage
Abjurant Champion
Eldritch Disciple
Eldritch Theurge
Enlightened Spirit
Holy Scourge
Lyric Thaumaturge
Master Specialist
Nightmare Spinner
Ultimate Magus
Unseen Seer
Wild Soul
Complete Psionic
Anarchic Initiate
Ebon Saint
Ectopic Adept
Flayerspawn Psychic
Illumine Soul
Storm Disciple
Zerth Cenobite
Complete Scoundrel
Avenging Executioner
Battle Trickster
Cloaked Dancer
Combat Trapsmith
Fortune's Friend
Gray Guard
Magical Trickster
Master of Masks
Psibond Agent
Spellwarp Sniper
Uncanny Trickster
Complete Warrior
Bear Warrior
Dark Hunter
Darkwood Stalker
Drunken Master
Exotic Weapon Master
Eye of Gruumsh
Frenzied Berserker
Gnome Giant-Slayer
Halfling Outrider
Hulking Hurler
Hunter of the Dead
Invisible Blade
Knight of the Chalice
Knight Protector
Master of the Unseen Hand
Master Thrower
Nature’s Warrior
Occult Slayer
Order of the Bow Initiate
Purple Dragon Knight
Rage Mage
Reaping Mauler
Tattooed Monk
Thayan Knight
War Chanter
Ebonmar Infiltrator
Crimson Scourge
Urban Savant
Beast Heart Adept
Dungeon Lord
Ashworm Dragoon
Lord of Tides
Sand Shaper
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu
Scorpion Heritor
Walker in the Waste
Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lolth
Eye of Lolth
Insidious Corrupter
Fiendish Codex II
Hellfire Warlock
Book of Exalted Deeds
Anointed Knight
Apostle of Peace
Beloved of Valarian
Celestial Mystic
Champion of Gwynharwyf
Defender of Sealtiel
Emissary of Barachiel
Exalted Arcanist
Fist of Raziel
Initiate of Pistis Sophia
Lion of Talisid
Prophet of Erathaol
Risen Martyr
Sentinel of Bharrai
Slayer of Domiel
Stalker of Kharash
Sword of Righteousness
Troubadour of Stars
Vassal of Bahamut
Dragon Magic
Diamond Dragon
Dragon Descendant
Dragon Lord
Hand of the Winged Masters
Pact-bound Adept
Swift Wing
Wyrm Wizard
Miniatures Handbook
Bonded Summoner
Dragon Samurai
Havoc Mage
Skullclan Hunter
Tactical Soldier
War Hulk
Tome of Battle
Bloodclaw Master
Bloodstorm Blade
Deepstone Sentinel
Eternal Blade
Jade Phoenix Mage
Master of Nine
Ruby Knight Vindicator
Shadow Sun Ninja
Deep Diviner
Drow Judicator
Illithid Body Tamer
Imaskari Vengeance Taker
Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess
Prime Underdark Guide
Sea Mother Whip
Vermin Keeper
Yathchol Webrider
Agent Retriever
Cosmic Descryer
Divine Emissary
Epic Infiltrator
Guardian Paramount
High Proselytizer
Legendary Dreadnought
Perfect Wight
Union Sentinel
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iomona-art · 1 year
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Swanmay WIP
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clove-pinks · 2 years
Journal entry 2 - Lieutenant David Price
This is the second character journal entry of Lieutenant David Price for @mostshipshape, a 6-week experimental Age of Sail RPG run by @cadmusfly. Mister Price has now switched to a personal journal in the privacy of his standing bed-place, although duty takes precedence.
Seven bells. Before the middle watch begins I will try my best to narrate the events of this voyage; I will soon have the unenviable honour of responding to fickle winds in a mizzling rain.
Captain Swanmay does not disappoint. If anything the tales their former lieutenant poured into my ear at the Royal Jeorn were too modest. I am happy to report that their seamanship is at least the equal of their conquests in love, however, and when Mr Davies invited our captain to the wardroom my mind was put at ease that they are a thorough sailor, and not too refined to learn their business. We have a strange passenger of inscrutable mien and myself and the other officers are not to disturb this man who is a guest of the captain. I will try to keep my curiosity in check as an example to the ship’s company altho it tries me sorely. The door of our guest’s cabin is securely locked from the outside, is all I could glean, and I caught a severe look from the marine lieutenant for my troubles.
At the same time we are charting a course devilish near the Gallian coast, off Recouvrance. I have my pistols at the ready should we fall in with the Gallians altho I dare say they won’t show themselves so close to Aberfal. What I should like is to exercise the guns-- Pickle has a fine set of teeth for her size, enough to stop a Gallian jaw-- except perhaps that of our cook who is native of that land, to my surprise. There is also a Gallian landsman in the forecastle, so I heard from the midshipmen. I should imagine that Loegrian liberty is more to their liking than revolutionary anarchy. Swanmay is of a mind to give the middies a solid education and I will try my best to steer them right. Whoever is assigned to my watch will be trained in practical seamanship as well as navigation, and I expect many opportunities to make and shorten sail tonight as we wrestle with the elements.
I must ingratiate myself with our gunner Mx Morgan. They seem to know their business well, yet I have not had the opportunity to spend much time with them. Mr Davies was with me when I made to hail them, but they seemed eager to disappear and the first-lieutenant wouldn’t elaborate on why. I don’t want to touch on any sore spots with either of these fine officers and must take care with them. My time grows short even if my new iron pens are fit for writing more. I don’t want to burn more candles than Ms Bynes will supply me--I have already been chastised for my lights altho Mr Davies assures me that the purser is not as stingy as most of her kind.
[Submission for Actions: Lt. Price wants to speak with the Gunner for the purpose of exercising the crew at the guns. @stunsls feel free to involve Price (or keep evading him); also I hope he is using the right title (Mx) for Bryn Morgan. With strong stats in Seamanship and Maritime, Price is capable of managing the ship even in trying conditions. He has a good Command and Charm. His Awareness is not the greatest, however, nor is his low skill in Shadows.]
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mostshipshape · 2 years
Action Report One - "Pickle At Anchor"
Welcome, one, and welcome all, to the inaugural Action Report of Shipshape! Now, I would like to ask you to bear with me as I, your humble Captain's Clerk, being quite an ambitious landlubber, may fumble and make mistakes nautical, historical and otherwise. But this is an experimental voyage, so let us all try our best to make this voyage one to remember!
This week, our weekly poll concerns the weather. It is a short poll, open to both sailors and observers, so do feel free to tell us what you think the weather might be!
In fact, it has been decided: I will respond to inquiries and questions about the current setting, the current Non Player Characters and whatever details are needed to paint a closer picture of the scene. Now, then-
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We begin our tale in the port city of Porttooth, sitting at the mouth of a grand river. Here lies the might of the grand navy of the Loegrian empire, where her power is bolstered by the shipbuilders in the shipyards and where so many famed man o' wars have come and gone.
Not so famed is our HMS Pickle, at anchor. Why, she may not be so sparkling new or brimming with the latest innovations in shipbuilding, but she is beautiful in her own right!
Her new captain has read themself in recently, yes, and you have surely heard of Captain Swanmay and their unbelievable taking of the Chanticleer, and how they have been promoted to Master and Commander and given the command of the Pickle. Since then, they have barely been seen on board, which seems damned strange of them, says the boatswain who served with Swanmay on the Cyclops, considering how particular and… smothering they were. This has raised quite the rumour mill, which has not been quieted by frequent sightings of Swanmay at the Admiralty's office.
And as such, matters on board have been left to the lieutenants, with First Lieutenant Davies nominally in charge while Captain Swanmay appears to be taking care of… other matters.
I do assume that you will be coming on board with your necessary supplies and equipment, but such supplies and equipment will merely be adequate… Unless you decide to spend some money. Easily sourced items you may buy from shops may be found here along with price costs, or you may try to persuade the famously reticent Victualling Yard to provide you with items with a Provisioning or Diplomacy roll.
Or perhaps you would like to enjoy yourself on land before setting forth? The more well connected of you could possibly be attending a ball, maybe even the latest of Poplewell's Debutantes, for they are quite well to-do and have taken their scion's shifting gender as a glorious excuse to throw a ball every week - this week I hear Thanis Poplewell is presenting as a handsome young lady. This may be an opportunity to try a Courtesy roll and to make connections, or to see if you can pick up on any rumours of your new posting.
If that is a little too lavish for you, the taverns and pubs may be more comfortable. Perhaps you are drinking, you might wish to test your Guts to see how well you fare, or perhaps you are looking for rumours and stories of the ship and captain you are to sail with, or rumours of your shipmates - if you are gathering such through companionship and conversation, Courtesy would suit you well, or if you are eavesdropping and skulking, Shadows or Awareness will serve.
Or are you on deck, taking care of the ship as befits your role through the physical work of Maritime or the technical work of Seamanship? There is nothing much wrong with the Pickle except for the fact that some have described her as an old maid, but perhaps with the resources of the port, you can help her shine before she sets sail.
... Maybe you are attempting to find out more about Swanmay. I will not go into so much detail over something I quite disapprove of, but, well, it is your choice if you wish to test your Shadows to sneak after and tail our gallant captain. I do pray that you do not get caught.
Or… is there something else you would like to do at port that I have not outlined? There are a great many things you may do on land that cease to be an option when at sea.
Now, as this is our first Action Report, I will run through a few points of note:
Your submission for your character should be a brief narrative, anything from a single sentence to a paragraph or so, responding to a prompt or the general setting of the Action Report, describing either a specific action that your character is taking and/or detailing your character's general course of action over a period of time.
If the prompt involves a challenge that can be failed, you should specify a specific skill that your character has, and how your character is using that skill to overcome that challenge.
We will resolve challenges through the use of dice. Specifically, two die with six sides each, or 2d6. I will roll these dice and report the results, using random.org or another such website.
The result is the addition of the results of both dice. A roll that results in 2 and 5 will be added to be 7.
A result of 6- is, well, a failure, and I will decide what consequences occur.
A result of 7 - 9 is a success with the possibility of complications.
A result of 10+ is a straightforward success. In addition to that, depending on what was rolled for, perhaps you will be rewarded with a possible +1 to a future roll, if that challenge is connected to the result of this challenge. Examples include the success on procuring a dress uniform affecting a future Courtesy roll to impress someone.
Skill and Measures contribute to your roll as so: Stat of 0: -1 Stat of 1: 0 Stat of 2-3: +1 Stat of 4-5: +2 Stat of 6: +3
For the moment, you will be able to attempt one of these challenges per week, specifying a skill that you may or may not have (and of course you may try to roll a skill that you do not have). The result will be outlined in the next week's Action Report.
You may submit these to me via any medium, but here is a link to the submission box for ease. You may even revise your action, at least up to the deadline.
And as stated, I will answer asks about the scene, the setting, the NPCs and what the NPCs are doing.
One more thing-
This is completely optional, but if you would like, I heartily encourage you to write - to create a character's journal, or if another player character is willing, to interact with them through missives or conversations. I am happy to publish these on this blog if these are submitted to me.
If you would like me to contact another player for you, I am happy to do so. Please keep in mind the code of conduct and remember that players are not obliged to interact with each other.
And so we conclude our first Action Report, but oh, thank you all for the enthusiasm you have displayed, and it is my utmost pleasure to be scribing your adventures.
And so I remain your most obedient servant~
Subscription List:
@clove-pinks @sailorpants @stunsls @rhaill @linnadhiell @contemporarypotato @gniew777
Painting from Portsmouth Museum
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I'm in my Fontaine/Neuvillette fever right now and considering I'm also writing a new d&d campaign lots of ideas are swirling around in my head like atoms colliding with each other, creating new ideas.
So, I made a Fontaine related quest starring Traveler, Neuvillette and bunch of other characters.
Im tagging @lunargrapejuice to obsess with me.
There's an island in a huge lake northwest of Fontaine. This island is fabled to inhabit a mysterious secret order that protected wilderness from evil, called Swan Maidens or Swanmays for short. These warriors of nature possessed many mysterious abilities, such as being able to take the form of a swan and speak with animals. Only good-willed females were permitted to join the order. The order had additional requirements for the recruits, such as being able to speak Sylvan and the ability to speak with animals. The initiate must have performed a great deed for another swanmay before being accepted into the order. When they were officially part of the order, they received a feathered token that allowed them to change forms.
Now to the island itself. Most of it is being held together by roots of a massive elder tree that also serves as headquarters for Swanmays and was planted by the first Swanmay and founder of the order.
Once every hundred years the Elder tree produces a seed that is used to replenish energy of the Elder tree, which in turn is the only living non-petrified ley-line blossom, and as such it's crucial for the entire Teyvat to preserve the elder tree.
Now when the infodump is over, it's time for the plot of the quest itself. The magic seed was stolen, the Elder tree is dying and as such the whole island is falling apart. The prime suspect for the theft is a high ranking member of Swanmays, the Black Swan. Without the seed, the restoration ceremony cannot take place, and therefore, the life force of the island, and the world will fade away. The leader of the order, White Swan, has sent a request on the mainland to hold an investigation and trial for the thief. Neuvilette is setting foot on this island, along with traveler, of course.
Upon arriving, the traveler meets an eccentric tailor, who claims to be a famous fashion designér in Fontaine. He possesses a Geo Vision and as such, is capable of fixing the cracks appearing all around the island with his magical giant needle.
The tailor proclaims he doesn’t know how to reach the Elder tree, so he gives traveler White Swan's letter. By fixing the bridge, the traveler and tailor travel to the Elder tree, where Elise the White Swan meets them and explains the situation. She also gives a traveler amulet that can stun Black Swan temporarily. Traveler begins to investigate the area and is attacked by a large monster, but the tailor saves them just in time. (This would be small boss battle in which you test run the tailors character)
Traveler sees Black Swan, but before they can talk, the Swan creates a new crack, blocking the path. Traveler manages to get across and follow Black Swan into the waterfall where she has her secret hideout. There they find the magic seed inside. Once taken, the Black Swan confronts the traveler, saying only members of the Swanmays can touch the seed. Using the amulet on Black Swan, the traveler makes an escape and returns seed to Elise to begin the ceremony.
However, unbeknownst to the traveler, Elise is plotting to use the Elder tree as a beacon for elemental power to absorb. Elise attacks travelers and uses the seed to make herself more powerful. She encompasses herself in chrysalis, where she can become the next archon. Traveler is saved by Black Swan who explains to them that there's still hope, for a man was trapped in prison under the lake a few days ago and that he may be able to help.
Traveler disables many traps to reach prison, upon doing so, meets Siegfried. Traveler destroys the wicked enchantments and removes the force crystal. On the way out of prison Elise confronts them, now a grotesque monster. She attempts to kill everyone, but the force crystal stuns her long enough for the three to escape to Black Swan's hideout. Siegfried needs potion to recover so Black Swan tasks the traveler with making healing potion. (This is a small quest in which the traveler collects a number of plants and earns a recipe for new potion) Once Siegfried receives the healing potion, the three can walk outside the hideout, the Black Swan is taken by Elise. Siegfried suggests they should find the Swan archives, where all answers are hidden.
They key to the archive is hidden in Graves of one of the Swan princesses. Traveler finds two pieces of an ancient Swan scroll while sleuthing. Using the scroll to rule out graves, traveler finds the key in Odette's tomb, which only has her armor, for she was exiled. (There traveler receives five Swan artifacts) The tailor falls from above from one of the cracks, and traveler cuts him out of vines. He angrily states that the princess took his magic needle and threw him off the throne room. Siegfried admits that his greatsword was stolen as well.
Using a key from Odette's coffin, the entrance to the archives opens. In an ancient stone tablet, the traveler learns that there's a way to ať least temporarily stop the corruption - the swanmay talisman, similar to one used against the Black Swan. Siegfried says that if they can get Elise on the top of the Elder tree, then the talisman should work. This leads Siegfried and traveler to lead to the Swan guardhouse where all the talisman are stored.
The Black Swan (Odile) is already inside the house and says she barely managed to escape Elise's clutches. They find the talisman and go to the Elder tree to meet with Siegfried and tailor.
They activate an elevator to reach the top of the tree, but Siegfried says they need enchanted weapons to defeat Elise. So the Four of them depart to take their weapons back and forge an arrow imbued with the talisman. There is an epic battle on top of the Elder tree, with Elise inside a resin golem. With Siegfried , tailor and traveler deflecting Elise's blows, Odile shoots the arrow and Elise plummets to her death.
Lady Furina gets her powers back, but Odile was gravely injured during the fight. Lady Furina declares she shall restore her for "she has carried her curse as proudy as any crown". In gratitude, Furina also offers to promote Odile to be the next Swan princess. Odile's interactions with traveler decide whether she chooses to accept the position of Swan princess or she will travel Teyvat as the Swanmay ambassador.
Thus, traveler, Siegfried, tailor and Black Swan defeated the monstrosity that Elise had become and saved Furina. The corruption wrought on the Elder tree was healed. Its canopy was once again crowned green, its withering branches sprang life anew.
Yet, deep in the earth of the Elder tree still bear scars. They will serve as a reminder of what becomes when balance is disturbed, even by those with noble intentions.
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hybbart · 2 years
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Turned the swanmay into a rival to my crow fae ballerino. Tentative name Charmant, he’s a minor prince  who studied under the same teacher.
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gothimp · 1 year
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🦢 🦀 💧 ☀️ { x }
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curvyelf-moved · 1 year
i’ve been curvyelf for years and my tags revolve around it but also the url swanmays is available and im sweating
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swanmay-that-got-away · 3 months
do you have an anilist?
I sure do fam
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