yourstarvic · 3 years
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Summary: After finding your fiancé you have been with many years cheating on your best friend. You tried to confront them but they never showed up…So what do you do? You drink at the bar trying to figure out what to do. And who else there to help you if not the good looking stranger you met at the bar?
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x Reader
Warnings: Cheating, swear words, angst? alcohol, suggestive content, and more will be added along the way. I’ll make sure to add them at the beginning of the chapters.
Updates: 6:00 PM CT Whenever I can…
Profiles: The Dove & Vultures I The Jackels
Protect You
I say yes
I’m your only friend.
Don’t tell her that!
She looks familiar
A day with a blonde
Revenge Dress
I want to punch you
Baby Carrot
Not my job
First Dance
Untie a Toe
Weird date
Apartment hunting
Late night practice
Pretty lips
Back in time
Why does it still hurt?
Pizza and beer?
Wrong Present
I’m Hungry
The Cake?
I spy...
We have a lot of things to talk about…
Writer’s Block
You’re an idiot
You will not believe this!
I can always ask her | bonus
EVERY detail
Run me over
We need to talk…
I’m a terrible person
2 am
You had Sex.
Not a word.
You can go
He told you?
You didn't tell her?
We have to leave…
Bachelorette Party l Part 2
I was just thinking…
Cold feet
That wasn't supposed to be there...
You've changed
It wasn’t suppose to be like this
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worldnewsinpictures · 3 years
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Firefighters battled the flames of a fire that took over an industrial area in Compton, California, including a bus yard. MshGwl bqDy mwTn swdy qtl fy trky qbl thlth snwt khshqjy w 'mryk tHtrq wlystTy nqdhh.... Do you have an opinion on this? Share it! HERE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/firefighters-battled-flames-industrial #Firefighters #FirefightersCompton #FirefightersComptonCalifornia #Share #ShareHERE #battled #flames #industrial
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ymyura · 6 years
TLに将棋の羽生とフィギュアスケートの羽生が交互に現れる現象 _人人人人人人人人人人_ > スイッチング羽生 <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
劇場版いけないさわでぃさん達ね⊿ $SWDYさんのツイート
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tchen321-blog · 4 years
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joseaesquea · 5 years
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Did you know that 64% of all small business launched in the US since 2018 are started by women? ⁣ ⁣ Did you know that it’s nearly impossible for women entrepreneurs to get funding for our businesses at the early-stages? ⁣ ⁣ Only 1% of companies ever raise venture capital. Women only get around 2% of the at 1% pie. The rates for Women of Color? The number challenges mathematical certainty! ⁣ ⁣ This is #WhyiFundWomen. They have given me a platform to raise money from friends like you to help us grow! ⁣ ⁣ SWDY has done the hard work of keeping our doors open against all odds. It has taken community and hustle. Now that we've proven our dedication, help us grow into our full vision by buying a reward, and/or sharing our campaign. Support WOC businesses. Be part of the change.⁣ Click Link in Bio to support! ⁣ #swdyrocks #ifundwomen #dance #yoga #fitness #wellness #meditation #poledance #polefitness #community #feelgood #travel #growth #hustle #equality #recognize 📸: My very favorite photographer ever, the lovely Ms. @brynnelevy.photo Reposted from @swdythebronx https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hQ9SaJ1bi/?igshid=d94l20jrjj4x
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arabeyaonline · 6 years
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تعليق #قسم #البحوث_المالية علي #أخبار_اليوم الاثنين 11-12-2017 من #شركة #عربية_اون_لاين للوساطة فى #الاوراق_المالية -------------------------------  معدل التضخم الأساسي يتراجع إلى 25.54٪ على أساس سنوي في نوفمبر 2017 أعلن البنك المركزي المصري أن معدل التضخم الأساسي انخفض إلى 25.54٪ على أساس سنوي في نوفمبر 2017، مقارنة مع 30.53٪ في أكتوبر 2017. ووفقا للجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة والإحصاء، انخفض مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين إلى 25.98٪ على أساس سنوي في نوفمبر 2017 مقارنة مع 30.82٪ في أكتوبر 2017. (البنك المركزي المصري)  البنك المركزي: ارتفاع فائض ميزان المدفوعات بنسبة 168٪ خلال الربع الأول من 2017-2018 أظهرت بيانات البنك المركزي أن فائض ميزان المدفوعات خلال الربع الأول 2017-2018 ارتفع بنسبة 168.4٪ على أساس سنوي. وقال البنك المركزي في بيان يوم الأحد 10 ديسمبر إن رصيد الفائض خلال الأشهر الثلاثة المنتهية في سبتمبر 2017 بلغ 5.1 مليار دولار أمريكي مقارنة بفائض بلغ نحو 1.9 مليار دولار أمريكي خلال الفترة المقارنة من العام المالي السابق عام. وقال البنك المركزي أن ارتفاع الفائض خلال الربع الأول من العام المالي الحالي يرجع إلى تراجع العجز في الحساب الجاري بنسبة 65.7٪، بالإضافة إلى تحقيق معاملات حساب رأس المال صافي تدفقات نقدية بلغت نحو 6.2 مليار دولار خلال الفترة. وتشير البيانات إلى أن العجز في الحساب الجاري قد انخفض بنسبة 65.7٪ في الربع الأول من العام المالي الحالي ليصل إلى نحو 1.6 مليار دولار مقارنة مع 4.8 مليار دولار في الفترة المناظرة من العام الماضي. (البنك المركزي المصري)  السويدى تستكمل مفاوضات تخصيص 2 مليون متر فى إثيوبيا قال أحمد السويدى، العضو المنتدب لمجموعة السويدى إليكتريك (SWDY)، رئيس الجانب المصرى بمجالس الأعمال المشتركة مع الصين وإثيوبيا، إنه عقد اجتماع موسع، مع نائب رئيس وزراء إثيوبيا، لاستكمال مناقشات الحصول على 2 مليون متر مربع، لإقامة منطقة صناعية على الاراضى الأثيوبية. ويتفاوض الجانب المصرى منذ أعوام مع إثيوبيا، لإقامة منطقة صناعية مشتركة، بنظام حق الانتفاع، مقابل 10 جنيهات فى العام للمتر شاملة المرافق، ومتاحة للاستثمار فى الأنشطة، وعرضت مجموعة من البنوك فى إثيوبيا تقديم التمويل للمشروعات المصرية بنسبة من %50 إلى %70 من رأس مال المشروع، بحسب تصريحات سابقة لأعضاء المجلس المصرى الإثيوبى. وأشار السويدى ، على هامش مؤتمر أفريقيا 2017، إلى أن المجموعة لديها خطة للتوسع فى مشروعات نقل وتوزيع الكهرباء، فضلًا عن المشاركة فى إقامة محطة رياح فى محافظة أسوان. (آراب فينانس)  أوراسكوم للإتصالات تعتزم إقتراض 250 مليون دولار أمريكي يتوقع نجيب ساويرس، رئيس شركة أوراسكوم للاتصالات والإعلام (OTMT)، الكشف عن المزيد من الاستثمارات خلال العام المقبل. وعزز ساويرس خلال حوار مع وكالة بلومبرج، الإعلان عن استثمارات جديدة خلال 2018 نتيجة إمتلاك الشركة لفائض يقدر بنحو 250 مليون دولار، بالإضافة الي السعي نحو إقتراض ذات المبلغ لتمويل الاستثمارات ا��جديدة. وتدرس أوراسكوم للإتصالات، البدء في إقامة مشروعات عقارية وسكنية وفي مصر، وإقامة مشروعات تعدينية في النيجر وموريتانيا. كما تخطط الشركة لاستثمار 30 مليون دولار، لإقامة مشروعين زراعيين في كوت ديفوار خلال 2018، بالإضافة الي مشروع في ذات المجال في مالي وبوركينا فاسو والسودان وجنوب السودان. (آراب فينانس)  وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية يعلن نجاح عملية التشغيل التجريبي لحقل ظهر و البدء في ضخ الغاز من الحقل أعلن وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية يوم الأحد 10 ديسمبر أن عملية التشغيل للشعلتين في محطة المعالجة البرية في حقل ظهر كانت ناجحة. وأضاف الوزير أن هذا يأتي في إطار المرحلة الأولى للإنتاج من الحقل، التي يقدر إنتاجها 350 مليون قدم مكعب غاز / يوم. وشرح أن إجراءات تنفيذ المشروع تتفق تماما مع برنامج زمني محدد وسوف يبدأ الإنتاج قبل نهاية هذا العام وسيتم الانتهاء من أعمال المرحلة الأولى وسوف يزداد الإنتاج تدريجيا حتى منتصف 2018. (موقع مباشر)  أشار وزير قطاع الأعمال العام أشرف الشرقاوي إلى أن التفاوض على إنتاج سيارة مصرية في مراحله النهائية وقال وزير قطاع الأعمال العام إن وزارته في المراحل الأخيرة من المفاوضات لتطوير سيارة مصرية جديدة مع شركة عالمية. وقال في تصريح لوكالة الانباء الشرق الأوسط ان "الوزارة لا تزال في مرحلة المفاوضات فيما يتعلق بالجانب المالي لتطوير السيارة المصرية وانتاجها". وتشمل الاتفاقية مع الشركة الدولية التزامها بالتسويق والاستفادة من فرص التصدير في الأسواق الخارجية بسبب عدم وجود خبرة لدى شركة النصر للسيارات في مجال التسويق في الخارج. وستتمتع السيارة المصرية بقدرة 1500C C لتتناسب مع الأسرة المصرية، وستكون قادرة على المنافسة في السوق، بالإضافة إلى توفر قطع الغيار بأسعار مناسبة. (مباشر)  وزير قطاع الأعمال العام - أشرف الشرقاوي - تقديم المشورة للشركات الاستشارية لإعداد دراسة لإعادة هيكلة القومية للأسمنت (NCEM.CA) قال وزير قطاع الأعمال العام إن وزارته طلبت من عدد من المكاتب الاستشارية إعداد دراسة جدوى تشمل إعادة هيكلة الشركة الوطنية للأسمنت. وقالت وكالة الانباء الشرق الأوسط ان أشرف الشرقاوي اعلن امس الأحد انه تم وضع خطة لوقف نزيف خسائر القومية لللأسمنت ووصف الوضع الحالي للشركة بأنها "كارثة". (مباشر)  الأهلى كابيتال تستحوذ على العالمية للثروة الحيوانية بقيمة مليار جنيه كشف خالد بدوى، الرئيس التنفيذى لشركة «الأهلى كابيتال» عن الاستحواذ على الشركة «العالمية للثروة الحيوانية» المملوكة للبنك الأهلى المصرى بقيمة مليار جنيه. أضاف فى تصريحات خاصة، أن شركته تهدف من تلك العملية لتنفيذ مشروع صناعى على المزرعة التابعة لـ«العالمية» والبالغ مساحتها 600 فدان بمنطقة أبو رواش بالسادس من أكتوبر، باستثمارات مبدئية تُقدر بـ 3 مليارات جنيه خلال فترة زمنية تتراوح بين 3- 4 سنوات. أشار إلى أن شركته انتهت من بيع نصف حصتها بشركة المصرية للمنتجعات السياحية والبالغ إجماليها 9% لأحد المستثمرين المحليين، متوقعًا الانتهاء من بيع كامل حصتها خلال الشهر الجارى (آراب فينانس).  إيديتا توقع مذكرة مع ديسلو لإنشاء شركة في المغرب بـ 10 مليون دولار أمريكي أعلنت شركة إيديتا للصناعات الغذائية (EFID)، عن إبرام مذكرة تفاهم مع ديسلوج جروب المغربية، لإنشاء شركة لصناعة وتوزيع بعض منتجات إيديتا في المغرب. وتم الإتفاق علي أن تمتلك إيديتا حصة أغلبية بنسبة 51% في المشروع المشترك مع ديسلو التي تعتبر أحدي الشركات الرائدة في توزيع السلع الاستهلاكية سريعة الدوران، بحسب بيان للبورصة المصرية. وقدرت الاستثمارات المبدئية للمشروع بحوالي 10 مليون دولار أمريكي. وتعزز إيديتا بموجب هذه المذكرة خطة التوسع الأقليمية، وموقفها كشركة رائدة في سوق الأغذية الخفيفة المعبأة آلياً. الجدير بالذكر، بأن الشركة الجديدة ستكون تحت أسم "إيديتا للصناعات الغذائية - المغرب". (آراب فينانس)  يستهدف المجلس التصديرى للصناعات الغذائية، مضاعفة الصادرات المصرية لكندا، بداية من العام المقبل يستهدف المجلس التصديرى للصناعات الغذائية، مضاعفة الصادرات المصرية لكندا، بداية من العام المقبل، عن طريق التواجد بالسوق الكندية، وتنظيم مشاركة الشركات المصرية فى معرض "سيال كندا" فى الفترة من 2 - 4 مايو المقبل، والترويج للمنتجات الغذائية المصرية هناك، ورفع وعي الشركات المصرية بأهمية السوق الكندية، وكيفية اختراقها من خلال توفير بيانات تسويقية متخصصة فى سلع الصناعات الغذائية. وقد نظم المجلس يوم أمس الأحد, بالتعاون مع جهاز التمثيل التجارى، ندوة متخصصة عن السوق الكندية، وأنماط الاستهلاك وقنوات التوزيع بمشاركة وفد من مكتب "تيسير" التجارة الكندى وبحضور عدد من الشركات المصرية أعضاء المجلس . وأكدت إحصائيات المجلس أن حجم الصادرات المصرية من المواد الغذائية لكندا بلغ نحو 9.4 مليون دولار فقط فى عام 2016 وحوالى 8 ملايين دولار فى الفترة من يناير حتى أكتوبر الماضيين من 2017 ، بينما تبلغ الواردات الكندية من الأغذية نحو 31 مليار دولار سنويا. (جريدة المال) ---------------------------------------------- تم إعداد هذا التقرير بواسطة إدارة البحوث بالشركة من مصادر متوفرة و متاحة للجميع علما بأن هذا التقرير لا يجب أن يعتد به كحافز للشراء أو البيع أو إتخاذ أية قرارات إستثمارية و أن ما به من آراء و معلومات في إعتقادنا إنها عادلة و دقيقة وقت نشرها. و إن إدارة البحوث لا تتحمل أي مسئولية نتيجة لأية خسائر ناتجة عن إستخدام المعلومات الواردة في هذا التقرير في إتخاذ أية قرارات إستثمارية. برجاء العلم بأن تلك التوصية هي طبقا للتحليل المالي والذي يدرس القيمة العادلة للسهم، آخذا في الإعتبار أرباح الشركة على المدى الطويل ويمكن أن تتعارض هذه التوصية مع توصية التحليل الفني والتي لا تأخذ في الإعتبار إلا الطلب والعرض اللحظي في البورصة. ------------------------------- للاستفسار عن الاستثمار فى #البورصة_المصرية اتصل بنا كل ايام الاسبوع وفى كل وقت: من داخل مصر phone: 01028433301 phone: 01062659261 من خارج مصر phone: +201028433301 phone: +201062659261 whatsapp : +201028433301 http://bit.ly/2A94mfg
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jayquophi · 7 years
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I can't keep cool... Because the queen is +1 today. Happy birthday swdy @mayacole21
0 notes
sebby-jay · 9 years
Since When Do You Smoke? || Semmett
Somewhere between Wynn drilling you with questions for thirty minutes straight and being told that the television in the rec room is broken, you decide that rolling blunts on the roof is the perfect way to spend your day. Honestly, even if he hadn't been interrogated about his last escapade, or the rec room was playing Rush Hour again, Sebastian would probably still choose to get high. He had technically been "clean" for the past month - one month, four days, and eight hours to be exact - but he didn't consider smoking blunts breaking his streak. To him, it was like an alcoholic drinking a glass of wine every now and then, harmless and relaxing. Of course, if Wynn were to find out, that metaphor wouldn't stand a chance and he's certain he would be spending a few days in solitary as a result.
Sebastian quietly shut his door behind him and rushed over to his desk. When Sebastian first got his hands on his stash, he spent hours trying to figure out a good hiding spot. He couldn't hide it in his dresser, his clothes would reck of marijuana. Then he thought about his pillowcase or under his mattress, but if he was ever caught, the nurses would definitely check there first. He couldn't hide it in his desk, because he didn't need his room to smell dank twenty-four hours a day. And he wasn't about to ask someone else to keep it for him, he didn't trust a single fucker there (minus four patients, but he wasn't going to get them in trouble). So, he came up with the next best thing: he went to the art room and grabbed all the paper he could without looking suspicious. He also stole a pair of scissors, but returned them later. He cut open his soccer ball, put his weed inside, and stuffed the ball with paper. He can't play with it anymore, but when he wants to smoke, he simply unwraps the tape and grabs his stash.
Grabbing the soccer ball in its entirety, Sebastian made his way to the stairs and began his journey upward. Excitement began to boil up in his chest as he double-stepped the last few steps. He just wanted to light up, watch the clouds, and breath in the ocean air. Pushing open the door to the roof, Sebastian grinned as his eyes met with a clear, blue sky. "Fuck yes," he breathed out as he headed for the edge of the rooftop. Taking a seat, he began unwrapping his soccer ball, until he heard footsteps. Sebastian froze as his head snapped up. "I can explain!" He blurted out, sweat gathering on the bridge of his nose.
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yourstarvic · 3 years
That was the feeling Atsumu had when he sat in (L/n)’s office, looking at the desk as he gulped. Feeling the harsh look the man was giving to him, Atsumu couldn’t feel but feel regret for what he did with you.
Atsumu doesn’t regret being with you, nor does he regret getting you pregnant. The only thing he did regret was when he was last here in the building with you. The things he said and did. He remembered back to that day, remembering how satisfied he was when he said those things to you in front of the cheater's face, seeing how much his face flared with anger. But now? He regrets it. Seeing how angry the man was and how much he now dislike Atsumu, he regrets it. He wouldn’t have cared that he saw the interaction but now knowing he is your father, Atsumu wished he could redo that moment.
Taking a deep breath, Atsumu looked up at him with a pale face, “Y-You’re her father…”
“I am,” He glared at the faux blonde, making Atsumu whimpered at the answer. “And you got my precious daughter pregnant. My baby girl, pregnant.”
“If it helps,” Atsumu gulped with his voice cracking. “She enjoys calling me daddy…”
Your father slammed his hands down on the desk, making Atsumu jumped in his seat as he yelped, crying inside his head as he thought, “I want (Y/n)!”
With Hana arrived at your apartment, you and your mother went to a small cafe nearby your apartment building to have tea. Your eyes were wide and your mouth dropped when you heard Hana telling your mother stories about Atsumu and how he was before he met you. You kept trying to secretly tell her to stop, seeing how your mother was pretending to be amused but she wouldn’t get the hint.
I have a bad feeling she isn’t going to like him now…
“Just how many…Women… Has he slept with?” Your mother asked Hana, narrowing her eyes a bit.
“Funny you should say that!” Hana laughed, thinking back on a memory and telling her.
Yup… She doesn’t like him…
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“Lister here,” Your father gritted his teeth, staring down Atsumu. “I don’t like you. My ex-wife doesn’t like you as well. You’re not likable.”
“My ma says I’m likable,” Atsumu muttered to him before tightening his lips when he saw your father’s glare harden.
“For some reason, my sweet, innocent, perfect daughter likes you,” He huffed, moving to open one of his desk drawers and grabbed something. Slamming it in front of Atsumu, he sighed. “And I refuse my grandchild to be a bastard.”
Staring at the red velvet box with wide eyes, he then lifted his head to stare at your father and then back at the box, and the once more at your father. “W-What?”
“Tonight,” Your father sat on his chair, “you are coming to have dinner with us. I had to pull a few strings but it will be at (Y/n)’s favorite restaurant, the one you and your friends got her banned from.”
“She said she was okay…”
“And there,” Your father ignored him. “Is where you are going to propose to her.”
“As in marriage?”
“Husband and wife?”
“And I have to ask her tonight?”
“That’s what I told you.”
“Right…” Atsumu gulped. “I think it’s best if I talk to her about this. Ya know…Since we just got together and all and don’t want to rush things.”
“This is the only time you are going to get my permission to marry her,” Your father said sternly.
“I’ll ask her tonight,” Atsumu smiled at him with fear in his eyes, reaching over to grab the small box. Slowly opening it, he saw a beautiful ring staring back at him, shining beautifully.
“It used to be her mother’s,” Your father started to explain. “But when we divorced, she wanted me to have. She has my ring. We told each other whoever (Y/n) ends up with we would give her and him our rings. We hoped our rings wouldn’t meet the same fate as us and always stay together.”
“Thank ya,” Atsumu stared at the rings with a small smile, feeling happy your father was giving him his blessing.
“But this doesn’t mean you have my blessing,” Your father narrowed his eyes, noticing Atsumu's smile. Seeing how it instantly disappeared with those words, your father instantly smiled but quickly turned into a straight line.
“I see…”
“But,” Your father sighed, making Atsumu look at your father with hope. “You make my daughter happy. She talks highly of you. And you are sticking around, as much as I don’t like it, I will have to get used to you.”
“She talks about me?” Atsumu smirked, only taking that one piece of information.
“You can go now,” Your father said plainly. “And don’t tell anyone about me being (Y/n)’s father.”
“See ya,” Atsumu grabbed the box as he got up from his chair. “Dad?”
“Never call me that.”
“Gotcha ya,” Atsumu tightens his lips in a firm line before walking out of his office. Closing the door behind him, he nodded at the secretary, who gave him a smile and a wave. Putting the ring in his pocket, Atsumu felt heavy carrying it.
On the way to the elevators, Atsumu was stopped by two people in the hallway. One scanned him up and down with a sly smile while the other glared at him. Ignoring the girl, Atsumu smirked at Haru, “Do ya mind? I got to do somethin’.”
“What?” Haru scoffed. “Going to hit a ball around.”
“I could,” Atsumu shrugged. “Or go get drinks with some friends. Oh-Sorry. Ya don’t know what friends are! Forgot ya don’t have any. Well, friends are-”
“I know what friends are,” Haru sneered. “Why are you here?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Atsumu sent a wink at him. “But I should get going…Ever since doll got pregnant… she’s been horny a lot. Especially since I’m the one who can keep her satisfied.”
“Why you-”
“Later!” Atsumu laughed, bumping his shoulder with Haru’s as he walked past.
“Wait!” Rieko called out, running after him and grabbing his wrist to stop him. Atsumu stopped and quickly took his wrist away from her hands, giving her an annoyed look. Her smiled slightly faltered but she was determined to keep the flirty appearance and a sultry voice. “I was hoping you can join me… (Y/n) has done so much for the wedding I want to get her a gift, so-”
“‘M busy,” Atsumu interrupted.
“I never told you when,” She laughed, trying to hide her hurt.
“‘Kay and?” Atsumu asked.
“But this is for (Y/n),” Rieko tried to persuade with a flutter of her eyelashes. “And I want to know the man who got my best friends pregnant."
“Ya ain’t her best friends,” Atsumu scoffed, “and I don’t want to be with ya. Leave me alone bitch.”
Walking away, Atsumu smiled as he heard her angry huff as she stomped away. Continuing his journey to the elevator, Atsumu took out his phone and texted his teammates an alarming message.
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“What do you think happened?” Bokuto asked, worried laced in his voice.
“I’m not sure,” Hinata gulped, racing close behind Bokuto and Sakusa.
“That idiot probably did something stupid,” Sakusa opened the door to the bar, allowing Bokuto and Hinata to enter before he, himself rushed inside. Rushing inside, they quickly made their way to their original booth. There they spotted Atsumu, seated as he drank his glass of water.
“What happened?” Bokuto said in a rush as he arrived at the table, the three of them looking at Atsumu worriedly.
“Good ya here!” Atsumu smiled. “Ya would not believe what happened to me!”
Creasing his eyebrows together, Hinata sat down, “You said there was an emergency?”
“You said it was life or death,” Sakusa gritted his teeth, sneering at him as he sat down.
“It is!” Atsumu whined, “I meet (Y/n)’s, dad!”
“Oh,” Was the three of them said.
“And ya won’t believe who her dad is!” Atsumu exclaimed.
Gasping at him, Bokuto leaned in with wide eyes, “Who?”
“Ya know the CEO guy?” Atsumu explained, “The one those scums work at?”
“Yeah,” Sakusa nodded his head.
“No,” Bokuto and Hinata shoot their head.
With a deep sigh, Atsumu tried to explain it once again, “Ya know… (L/n) Cooperation? (F/n) (L/n)? Tall guy? Kinda scary? Those scums work for him?”
Connecting the dots, Bokuto and Hinata mouthed dropped as they looked at him with a shocked expression, “That’s her dad!”
“That’s her dad!” Atsumu yelled back, grabbing something from his pockets and placing it on the table, “And guess what he gave me!”
The three looked at the velvet box with wide eyes. Looking at it than looking back at him, back at the box, and back at him. “Is that,” Sakusa gulped. “A ring?”
“Not just any ring,” Atsumu laughed in panic. “Her mother’s ring! Her mother’s!
“I didn’t know you were going to propose to her!” Bokuto said with a smile. “Do you know when? Do you know how?”
“I don’t want to get married!” Atsumu looked at him in panic.
“Yikes,” Hinata pursed his lips together and shake his head disappointedly. “(Y/n) isn’t going to like that.”
“I meant not now!” Atsumu corrected himself. “Course I want to marry her! But we going to have a kid!”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Sakusa said with sarcasm. “Don’t want to rush things.”
“Exactly!” Atsumu agreed with him, missing the sarcasm in his voice and eye roll.
“Then don’t propose to her?” Hinata suggested.
“Her dad said I have to,” Atsumu gulped, “this is my only chance to get his blessin’… and I kinda want his blessin’ especially since he hates me…”
“Well,” Bokuto tried to comfort him, “look at the bright side…”
Atsumu stared at him waiting for him to finish what he was saying but Bokuto just continues to stare back at him. “What’s the bright side?”
“Oh,” Bokuto scratched the back of his head nervously. “I thought you were going to think of a bright side…”
“So when is he going to make you do it?” Sakusa asked.
“Tonight at six,” Atsumu chuckled. “And I need ya help.”
“Anything,” Hinata said.
“I need ya to make sure I don’t drink,” Atsumu said seriously. “‘M panicking right now and I just ordered a bunch of drinks.”
“But you’re drinking water…” Sakusa pointed.
“All right,” A waiter came by with a tray of drinks, “here you go, you guy! Enjoy!”
With the small arrangement of drinks on the table, Atsumu looked down at them and back at the three as the three looked at them and back at him. “Miya,” Sakusa warned, “no.”
“Ya ain’t the boss of me,” Atsumu quickly said, grabbing a shot glass and drank it. Slamming the empty glass, he tried to reach for another but Hinata and Bokuto tried to stop him. With either of them on both sides of him, one trying to hold him back and the other trying to stop bring the lips of the glass to his mouth, three of them yelled at each other. While Sakusa pinched the bridge of his nose, all he did was took a deeply disappointed sigh, not surprised by Atsumu’s action.
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“This is not good,” Bokuto stared at Atsumu’s drunken state.
“(Y/n) isn’t going to like this…” Hinata cringed.
“Did I hear ya say my doll's name?” Atsumu hiccuped. “Cause I have ya know hic, she is my hic women! That sexy, beautiful, amazin’ girl is mine. MINE! And have ya hear her say my name? It’s said so amazin’! Especially when she moanin’ it hehe and all whiny and-”
“Can someone please shut him up,” Sakusa asked?
“Um guys,” Hinata showed them the time on his phone, “isn’t Atsumu supposed to meet (Y/n)?”
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Sitting in your favorite restaurant, you smiled at your parents, “Is there someone we’re waiting for?”
“Your boyfriend,” Your father replied, browsing through the menu.
“Atsumu?” You gulped. “You invited him?”
“We did,” Your mother smiled at you. “Your father even met him earlier today.”
“You met him!” You yelled at your father in panic.
“What’s wrong with meeting him?” Your father looked at you in disbelief. “It’s not like I met him before!”
“Yeah but…” You gulped, placing a hand on your belly, “I wanted to do the introductions…”
“He’s running a bit late isn’t he?” Your mother said worriedly, “I hope he’s not lost…”
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Your father rolled his eyes.
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“We need to get him sober,” Sakusa told them as he drove the car. “Keep giving him water.”
“But what if he needs to pee when he’s proposing?” Hinata said worriedly.
“Then that’s his problem.”
“We need bread!” Bokuto shouted, “Bread can help… I think…”
“There’s a bakery right there!” Hinata pointed out of the window.
“But we late,” Atsumu mumbled, “her dad gonna kill me!”
“Then might as well be later,” Sakusa mumbled, safely pulling the car over and allowing Hinata to go fetch some bread.
Moments later Hinata came rushing back, handing the bag of bread to Atsumu as he got in the car. Once the door was closed, Sakusa safely drove away and headed to the restaurant. Looking inside the bag, Atsumu frown when he spotted the bread, “Milk bread? Who eats milk bread? Only weak people like milk bread.”
“That’s not true!” Hinata frowned at him, “I know someone who isn’t weak and likes milk bread!”
“Yeah,” Atsumu chomped on the bread, “who?”
“This setter I knew! He’s an amazing setter-”
“Setter!” Atsumu screeched, making everyone in the car cringe at how high his voice had gotten. “What setter? Ya cheating on me?”
“It’s not like that Atsumu!”
“Then what is it?” Atsumu teared up.
“It was a one-time thing!”
“Do ya still think of him?”
“Atsumu, you can’t ask that…”
“Do ya!”
“… Sometimes…”
“I knew it!” Atsumu cried on Bokuto's shoulder. “Ya want him!”
As Hinata tried to explain himself and Atsumu crying in Bokuto's shoulder in the back seat, Sakusa stared at the road with a dead look.
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“Finally we’re here!” Bokuto cheered, walking into the restaurant with everyone.
“How does Atsumu look?” Hinata asked.
“Drunk,” Sakusa chuckled, seeing how messy Atsumu looked.
“What are you guys doing here?” They heard a familiar voice sneer at them. “And what’s wrong with Atsumu?”
“Hana,” Sakusa blinked at her. “What are you doing here?”
“I asked you first,” She countered back, crossing her arms.
“Atsumu got drunk and we’re trying to help him propose,” Sakusa explained. “You?”
“(Y/n)’s mother invited me to spy on Atsumu proposing to (Y/n)…” Hana chuckled.
“You knew he was going to propose and you weren’t going to invite us?” Sakusa said in disbelief.
“You knew too but you didn’t tell me either!” Hana countered back.
“Truce,” Hana agreed. “Also did you know (L/n) is (Y/n)’s, dad?”
“We just found out,” Hinata said. “But can we focus on Atsumu?”
Walking up to the blonde, Hana patted his cheeks harshly, “Listen here, Miya. You are about to propose to (Y/n) in front of everyone. Get yourself together or I swear I am going to tear off your balls and make sure you never get (Y/n) pregnant again. Un Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Atsumu gulped.
“Good!” Hana smiled, pointing in the direction where you and your parents are, “Go get her!”
Seeing Atsumu take a deep breath, he marched up to your table. Watching him walking, Bokuto tore his eyes away and looked at the hostess, “How's the ribeye here?”
“Between you and me,” The hostess said honestly, “it’s trash.”
“That’s sad,” Bokuto pouted.
Arriving at the table, Atsumu gulped as he felt you and your parent's eyes on him. “(Y/n),” Atsumu said with a hiccup. “I know we only stared datin’ and we are goin’ have a kid. But I see myself with ya.”
“Have you been drinking?” You asked, noting the strong stench of alcohol coming from him. You felt a bit worried for him when you saw in the corner of your eye your parents are looking at him in disappointment.
“A little bit but! I was hopin’,” Atsumu went on one knee, grabbing the box from his pocket and opening it to show you. “Will ya marry me?”
“Tsumu…” You gasped, looking at the engagement ring with wide eyes. “No.”
“No?” Atsumu asked, before smiling, placing the ring on the table. “Yes! She said no! She said-wait… What ya mean no?”
“We are having a kid Atsumu,” You laughed at him. “And we just started dating… I don’t want to rush things.”
“That’s what I’ve been sayin’!” Atsumu laughed with you, reaching to hold your face in his hands and kissing you. Breaking away from the kiss, the two of you smiled at each other, “So… What do ya say? Want to have “we didn’t get engaged” sex?”
Hearing your father cleared his throat, remind Atsumu that he was still there, his face instantly paled. Slowly looking over, he saw your father glaring daggers at him while your mother had a smile that was secretly threatening.
“I lost my appetite,” Your father said, rising from his seat.
“Sadly,” Your mother frowned as she followed her ex-husband's action. “I did as well.”
“I’ll give you a ride,” Your father said. “And sweetie… Good luck with him.”
“Thanks, Dad,” You smiled at him as Atsumu stay frozen. “I’ll talk to you later?”
“Of course,” Your mother smiled before walking with your father out of the restaurant.
As they left, Atsumu let out a whine, as you chuckled at him. The rest of the group came laughing at Atsumu as they watch the events. “That was hilarious,” Hana laughed, taking one of the seats.
“It was,” Sakusa chuckled, seating next to her.
“Wished we got that on video,” Bokuto crackled, sitting down at the table as well with Hinata following their actions, too busy laughing to say another.
“Shut it!” Atsumu yelled at them, moving to take his seat next to you. “Stop talking ‘bout it!”
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"You gave him my ring.”
“I did,” Your father responded.
“You like him don’t you?” Your mother smirked at him.
“He makes her happy,” Your father nodded. “Happier she’s ever been.”
“Remember when you wanted to give the ring to Haru?” She laughed.
“Don’t remind me,” He rolled his eyes. “I was going to until he started work at the company and find out about his affair. I wanted to fire him so badly but (Y/n) was against it.”
“But now?”
“She’s got a plan,” Your father smirked at her. “She got your brains.”
“And my beauty,” Your mother laughed.
“You know,” Your father turned to your mother with a smirk, “she doesn’t have to know.”
“She doesn’t,” Your mother laughed before they both dived in and kissed each other.
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NOTES: hey guys! Hoped ya'll enjoyed it! I honestly loved writing this chapter but the two are going to be hilarious!
TAGLIST: @girlyluke @reina-de-tay @bloody-bella @gothkaoru @freaksnque @kayleighbeccaa @itoshibaby @missalienqueen @90s-belladonna  @ntimacy @persyhange @loser-keiji @lilith412426 @fandomatakeover18 @bbdaydreams @sillyanimedream @noya-kinnie @itzlally @fayeimara @izmeaweeboo @zukoslosthishonor @camcam1617 @karlitaburrito @sakusaakiyoomii @strcwberrieswine @sunavf @tanakasimpcorner @sakusasimpbot @random-fandom-girl-24 @rintarovibes @matsunshine @moon-esque @marifujioka @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @criesinpisces​ @pluviophilefangirl​ @jojowantstocry​ @vintagexparker @tropicsoda @erinoikawa @namyari @encrytpta @art-junkie-13 @sakusasbitch @wixlch @anime-meme-sanctuary @seijohoe @osakisrose @bakugouswh0r3 @sumebreaks
323 notes · View notes
yourstarvic · 3 years
Taking a deep breath in as you felt your body slowly waking from your peaceful sleep. As you slowly blinked awake, you were expected to meet Atsumu’s chest to snuggle to. But instead, you were met his pillow and felt his lips on your belly, hearing small whispers.
“Looks like we woke up mama,” You felt Atsumu smiled at your belly. Looking down, you saw the shirt you were wearing was up to your chest, Atsumu leaving a few kisses on your stomach as you moved your hand and gently run your hands through your fingers with a loving smile painted on your lips. “We’ll talk later angel, Imma miss ya,” Atsumu whispered with one last tendered kiss on your belly.
Slowly moving up, Atsumu hovered over you as he placed a loving kiss on your lips as you smiled. Moving his lips away, he nudged his nose with yours, “Mornin’, did I wake you up?”
You let out a hum as you pecked his lips with yours, wrapping your arms around his neck, taking a deep breath as you looked into his eyes. “Were you talking to the baby?”
“Think ya mean babies,” Atsumu smirked at you, leaning his head down and nuzzled your neck. “My swimmers are strong. Wouldn’t be surprised if we have three in there.”
“Oh really?” You chuckled, smiling as you felt him leave a trail of kisses on your neck.
“Yeah,” Atsumu smiled in your neck before lifting his head up to look at you. “I already know how they gonna look like.”
“How are they going to look like?” You smiled, looking at him in amusement as you listened to him.
“They gonna have ya eyes,” Atsumu imagined the children, looking at you with a childlike smile. “And my good look, of course.”
“What about my good looks?” You pouted at him.
Kissing your pouted lips, Atsumu chuckled, “Ya are beautiful but I’m the better looking in this relationship.”
“I really hope they don’t have your ego,” You teased him, laughing when you saw him rolled his eyes. Taking a deep breath, you moved your hands down to hold his biceps as you looked at him softly, “You really aren’t scared?”
“Did ya forget what I told ya?” Atsumu laid his forehead against yours. “With ya, I’m never scared.”
“Yeah,” You shrugged, patting his bicep with your thumb and had a small smile when you noticed he started to flex. “But isn’t it too soon… I’m mean… It’s just…”
“Ya scared doll?” Atsumu asked, slowly moving to sit up and helped to raise you.
“A little bit,” You bit your lip, avoiding his eyes. “I know I want kids and I want this but… What if I’m not good enough?
“Not good enough?” He scoffed at you, bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks and making you look at him. “Ya more than enough doll. I’m not the one good enough. Ya carrying my kids in ya! Ya amazin’ doll. Ya going to be a great ma.
“Really?” You smiled at him.
“Really,” Atsumu kissed you, lingering his lips on yours to know he meant every word. Slowly breaking away, Atsumu whispered, “We’re in this together.
“We are,” You giggled, feeling warm by his words.
“And ya going to be so hot,” Atsumu smirked, moving his head to the valley of your breast and nuzzled them. “They gonna get bigger and I can’t wait for to-OW!”
Slapping his head away, you let out a sigh in disappointment as you shooked your head and got out of the bed, “I’m going to take a shower. Don’t follow me.”
“But doll!” Atsumu whined, rubbing the back of his head as he sat on the bed with a pout. “I want to take a shower with ya!”
As you walked to the bathroom, Atsumu bounced back on the bed with a pout, thinking how to join you. But not more than ten seconds, you slowly opened the door, making Atsumu picked his head up with a smirk as he looked at you. “They missed you,” You mumbled, placing a hand on your stomach. “They want you to shower with me.”
“Do they?” Atsumu got out of bed, stretching his arms behind his head as he walked up to you. “Are they the only ones that missed me?”
Atsumu only smirked, bring his hands to your waist and pulling you close to him. Dipping his head, he planted a tender kiss on your lips. Quickly melting in his arms, you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carefully pushed the two of you back in the bathroom and closing the door with his foot, slowly undressing you.
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“That was a good shower,” Atsumu smirked, walking out of the bathroom with a smug look, while you trailed behind him. You had a peaceful look on your face as you hold tightly to the towel that was wrapped around you, walking to your vanity. Reaching to get your blow dryer to dry your hair as you listened to Atsumu. Seeing him walk up to you and stand behind you, your eyes didn’t leave his stomach, watching his abs as he walked. “We should take a bath next time. Both of us laying in there, hot water around us and your hot body around me and squeezing-”
Atsumu and you both tensed and looked at each other with wide-eyes when you both heard a loud bang in your apartment. “Is someone in the apartment?…”
Quickly getting out of the chair, you and Atsumu rushed to put on clothes as you whispered shout at him, “Did you invited Hinata or Bokuto?”
“No!” Atsumu whispered shouted back at you, pulling his pants up, “Maybe it’s Hana?”
“No,” You shooked your head as you finished putting on your clothes. “She was supposed to come over later! She had something important this morning. Maybe it’s Sakusa?”
Both of you both paused as you walked to the door, chuckling as you both knew there was no way Sakusa would break into your apartment. Hearing another loud noise, both of you stopped and quickly rushed where the sound came from. Running towards the kitchen, the two of you slowed down when you got close, hearing someone was humming. Putting you behind him, you both entered the kitchen and saw a woman humming a soft tune as she swayed in front of the oven.
“Mom?” You said out loud, knowing who it was.
“Mom?” Atsumu repeated, looking at you and the women weirdly.
Hearing you calling out to her, she quickly turned around and smile at you, and walked up to you with her arms stretched out, “Hi sweetie! Oh, I missed you!”
Hugging her back, you creased your eyebrows, “What are you doing here?”
Breaking away from the hug, she laughed, “You’re father told me you were pregnant!”
“He told you?” You gasped, looking at her in shock. “Does that mean!”
“We aren’t getting back together,” Your moth rolled her eyes as she chuckled seeing your pout. Turning her head to look at Atsumu, her smile widens at his confused stare. “And you must be Miya Atsumu. I don’t see why her father doesn’t like you, you look like an amazing man.”
“Her dad doesn’t like me?” Was all Atsumu took from what she said.
“Oh, don’t mind that,” She laughed waving it off. “It’s so good to finally meet you! And so happy you are with my daughter!”
“It’s nice to meet ya too,” Atsumu smiled at her, trying to forget what he heard earlier. “I can see where doll got her beauty.”
“A flirt,” Your mother hummed, eying you. “I like to get to know you better. I hope you know how to cook?”
“A bit,” Atsumu smiled.
“Perfect,” She clapped her hands heading to the counter. “I left my bags by the elevators, (Y/n) can you take them to where I’ll be staying? Atsumu you come over here and help me!”
Letting out a sigh, you gave Atsumu a smile before going to get her bags. With you gone, Atsumu went to stand next to your mother, seeing she was chopping something. “So… What do ya need-”
“Listen here,” She quickly turned around, pointing the knife at him with a glare. “I know what the son of a bitch Haru and that slut Rieko did. I can only imagine what kind of pain she went through. And I heard things about you and your playboy ways. With you getting my daughter pregnant you better take good care of her. Understood? Because you should be more scared of me and not my ex-husband.”
“Y-Yeah,” Atsumu gulped.
“Now go get dress,” Your mother smiled at him, patting the knife gently on his chest and making him tense. “You have a meeting with (L/n).”
“H-How do you-”
“I know everything,” She cooed, going back to chopping. “And don’t tell (Y/n).”
“I-I, O-Okay…”
“So mom,” You arrived back to the kitchen, noting how scared Atsumu looked. “How long are you staying?”
“Just for a few days,” Your mother gave you an innocent smile. “But you know… It’s a shame that Atsumu was telling me he has a meeting to go to…”
“You do?” You turned to him, noting how he gulped.
“Yup,” His voice cracked, nodding his head. “I got a meeting.”
“I tried to ask him if he could reschedule,” Your mother pouted. “But he said his manager told him this was an important meeting… And I really wanted to know more about him…”
“Oh,” You nodded, “I see…Do you have to leave now?”
“Sorry doll,” Atsumu walked up to you, bring you in his arms. “I got to go.”
Leaning his lips close to your ear, Atsumu whispered in panic, “Save me, doll! Ya ma is going to kill me.”
“What are you-”
“Shhh,” Atsumu tightens his hold on you. “She could hear us!”
“He’s right,” Your mother chuckled, making Atsumu yelp, pulling you closer as he stared back at your mother with a scared look on his face. “But you should go get going Atsumu… Don’t want to be late.”
“Y-Yeah,” Atsumu gulped, before whispering to you as he left. “I’m scared. Be careful doll.”
“I will,” You muttered, watching him leave. “Be safe!”
Hearing him leave your apartment, you eyed your mother who smiled at you, “He seems nice! Shame he had to leave though…”
“Mom,” You said disappointedly. “What did you say?”
“Nothing!” She laughed. “But breakfast is almost ready! I want my grandchild to be healthy!”
With a deep sigh, you moved to take a seat at the kitchen island, waiting for your breakfast. As you were waiting, you couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling in your chest, having a feeling something was going to be happy today. But you chose to ignore it, wanting to enjoy your moment with your mother.
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That was the feeling Atsumu had when he sat in (L/n)’s office, looking at the desk as he gulped. Feeling the harsh look the man was giving to him, Atsumu couldn’t help but feel regret for what he did with you.
TAGLIST: @girlyluke @reina-de-tay @bloody-bella @gothkaoru@freaksnque @kayleighbeccaa @itoshibaby @missalienqueen@90s-belladonna  @ntimacy @persyhange @loser-keiji​ @lilith412426​ @fandomatakeover18​ @bbdaydreams​ @sillyanimedream​ @noya-kinnie​ @itzlally​@fayeimara​ @izmeaweeboo​ @zukoslosthishonor​  @camcam1617​@karlitaburrito​ @sakusaakiyoomii​ @strcwberrieswine​ @sunavf​@tanakasimpcorner​ @sakusasimpbot​ @random-fandom-girl-24​@rintarovibes​ @matsunshine​ @moon-esque​ @marifujioka​ @meri-soni-meri-tamanna​ @criesinpisces​ @pluviophilefangirl​ @jojowantstocry​ @vintagexparker​  @tropicsoda​ @erinoikawa​@namyari​  @encrytpta​ @art-junkie-13​ @sakusasbitch​ @wixlch​@anime-meme-sanctuary​ @seijohoe​ @osakisrose​@bakugouswh0r3​ @sumebreaks​
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yourstarvic · 3 years
Looking at yourself in the full-length mirror that was in your closet, you patted the outfit down. It was almost time for the car your father order to arrive. Taking one last look at your outfit, you gave yourself a curt nod to your reflection. Turning around on your heel you were about to leave your closet. “What are you doing here?” You saw Atsumu sulking at the entrance of your closet.
“Don’t want ya to go,” Atsumu muttered with a pout on his lips.
“I’m just going to reject him,” You smiled, placing a hand on his chest, placing a kiss on the corner of his lips.
“Just make sure ya shred his heart into pieces,” Atsumu pecked your lips.
“I will,” You rolled your eyes at him. Taking a big gulp, you gave him a shaky smile, “And when I come back… I need to tell you something…”
“‘Kay,” Atsumu gulped, not liking how serious and worried you sounded.
Smiling at you, the two of you walked out of the room. As you reached your living room, you halt in your steps as you saw everyone, lounging. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We figured Atsumu was going to do something to stop your date,” Bokuto shrugged, not taking his eyes off the television.
Letting out hummed you smiled at them, “Well I’m leaving now. I’ll be back soon. Don’t make a mess while I’m gone, okay?”
“Okay,” The guys mumbled, too focus on the television and making you roll your eyes at them.
“Have fun!” Hana waved at you from the coach.
“I will!” You giggled, walking past them as you told your goodbyes and Atsumu trailing behind you. Clicking on the elevator button, you waited for the elevator to arrive. Smiling at Atsumu, you told him, “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Text me when ya there,” Atsumu looked in your eyes, making you smile at his words. “And if he does anything punch him, ‘kay? You got to punch him. Ya know how to make a fist? Here let me show ya.”
“I know how to make a fist,” You giggled at him. “And I’ll let you know when I’m there.”
Hearing the elevator doors open, you stepped inside of them and gave Atsumu the last smile. “Break his heart!” Atsumu said quickly as the doors closed, smiling as he heard you giggled before the doors fully closed.
With a frown on his face, Atsumu turned around and jumped when he saw everyone standing behind him. “How long were ya standing there?”
“Just now,” Hinata smiled.
“Ready to go?” Hana asked, pressing the elevator button.
“Go where?” Atsumu looked at them weirdly.
“We going to spy on (Y/n)!” Hinata smiled. “Did you really think we were going to stay here?”
“But ya’ll say-”
“We know what we said,” Sakusa rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “But this is a random person.”
“And Suna is someone we trust and know he would treat her right,” Hana nodded. “So ya joining us or not?”
“Yeah,” Atsumu scoffed at her.
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Arriving at the restaurant, you went to the hostess podium. Telling them your name, they smiled at you and escort you to the table. Arriving at the table, you noticed a man already sitting in one of the seats. Seeing you and the hostess walking towards him, he immediately got up from the seat, smiling and thanking the hostess. Grabbing the chair across from where he sat, he opened it and allowed you to sit down. Pushing the chair back in, you thanked him. Quickly going back to his seat, he smiled at you. Taking a deep breath, you decided to break the ice as smoothly as you could.
“This isn’t going anywhere,” You gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry… I’m actually with-”
“Playing hard to get,” The man chuckled at you, “I like that. But at the end of this date, you will want me.”
“Oh no,” You muttered to yourself, before clearing your throat. “So how do you know (L/n)?”
“My company is merging with his and I had to kiss his ass and play the nice guy,” He explained as he rolled his eyes and continued to talk.
Can I sneak out?
The group arrived at the restaurants, seating at the perfect table to see and hear you on your date. They each kept an eye on you as they tried to hide their face in the menus. With a scoff on Atsumu’s face as he glared at the man sitting across from you as he heard what he said to you, “Imma punch him.”
“You’re not punching him,” Hana gritted her death at him. “I am first. And this is your fault.”
“How is the my fault!” Atsumu looked at her with wide eyes.
“Should have told her your feelings,” Hinata sighed as Hana nodded her head in agreement.
“Just so ya know-”
“Shut up and listen,” Sakusa cut him off, glaring at him to stop talking.
The five of them all looked back towards you and listen intensely as the waiter came by. “What would you two like to drink?”
“I’ll take your most expensive whiskey,” The man smirked and winked at you. “And she’ll have your finest scotch.”
“Perfect,” The waiter smiled and nodded their head, “I’ll be right back with those-”
“Actually,” You cut them off. “I’ll take a glass of water please.”
“Okay, I’ll-”
“No, she’ll have a scotch,” He told the waiter.
“I can’t have scotch,” You said sternly at him before looking at the waiter with a polite smile. “A water would be perfect please.”
“(L/n) told me you love scotch so you are getting a scotch,” He huffed. “Honestly, it’s just a glass, you shouldn’t have a problem with-”
“I pregnant,” You yelled loudly in frustration, making the tables nearby turn and look at you. Clearing your throat, you said quietly, “I’m pregnant.”
The waiter looking at you with wide eyes awkwardly, not knowing what to do in this situation while the man’s face paled. Taking a deep breath, you gave him a tight lip smile as you nudged your head towards the exit, “You can go now.”
Without saying a word, the man instantly got up from his seat and ran away from the table with relief. You rolled your eyes at him, turning to the waiter with an apologetic smile. You were about to apologize but a voice behind you made you jump up from your seat and looked behind you at him. “You’re pregnant?”
You stared at him with wide eyes, your heart racing in your chest as you took a sharp inhale. Taking a big gulp, you saw in the corner of your eye the group staring at you in shock and Sakusa nodded his head at you, silently giving your encouragement. Taking a shaky breath, you gave him a fleeting smile as you nodded your head. “I am.”
Ignoring the restaurant's stares, you noticed Atsumu's face change into a different emotion. You felt tears welling in your eyes as you blinked them away, not liking how nervous and scared you were that you couldn’t tell what emotion he was feeling. With wobbly lips, you looking down at the ground taking a deep breath before looking back at him, wetting your suddenly dry lips. “I was going to tell you. I was just scared… I know you said you want to have kids with me and all that but it was too early. I was scared that you suddenly would think you didn’t want that life… You wouldn’t want that life with me.”
Placing your hands over your belly, you nod your head determinedly as you said, “And if you realize that then I’m taking care of them myself. If you want to be part of their life then-”
“Them?” Atsumu asked, taking steps towards you.
With your lips tugging upwards as you thought of the baby in your belly, you gulped before you nodded, “In my head I picture twins… Since you are a twin and I just thought there was a high chance of having twins you know…A boy and a girl…”
Atsumu was now standing in front of you, looking down at you as you blinked your eyes and trying to hold back the tears. “Say something,” Your voice cracked. “You always have something so why don’t you have anything to say-”
“You’re beautiful,” Atsumu whispered to you.
“W-What?” You breathed out, suddenly feeling a bit more at ease.
“You’re beautiful,” Atsumu smiled at you, slowly cupping your cheeks in his hands and leaning down to place a small kiss on your lip. Your eyes instantly widened as you felt his lips on yours. But you instantly closed them, allowing the tears to fall as you melt, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer to you.
Slowly breaking away, Atsumu smiled down at you as he wiped away his tears as moved his lips to kiss your forehead. Blinking at him, you asked him softly, “Aren’t you scared.”
“With you,” Atsumu nudged his nose with yours. “I’m never scared.”
With a wide smile, you laid your forehead against his, “We are going to have a baby.”
“We are going to have babies,” Atsumu chuckled as he heard you giggled.
“So um,” The waiter interrupted, “do you still want the water?”
“I can’t believe you two!” Hana yelled as she walked up to you and Atsumu with everyone following her. “I don’t know if I should be happy or mad.”
“I want a kid!” Bokuto said thoughtfully. “I and Keiji would make great parents!”
“Can I be an uncle?” Hinata asked with a hopeful look.
“Be happy about it,” You giggled. “Bokuto, you two would be wonderful fathers, and Hinata of course you can be an uncle.”
“I’m glad I can finally stop having to pretend I didn’t know,” Sakusa sighed in relief.
“Ya knew?” Atsumu looked at him in bewilderment.
“I y the pregnancy test,” Sakusa shrugged, “and you told about the two of sleeping together.”
“You knew!” Hana whined at her boyfriend. “And you didn’t tell me!”
“You said I couldn’t keep a secret,” Sakusa smirked, “told you I could keep a secret.”
“Jerk,” Hana muttered as she crossed her arms and leaned her body against his as Sakusa wrapped an arm around her.
“So um,” The waiter cut in the conversation. “Will you all dining in with us tonight?”
“Actually,” You smiled apologetically, “we’re going to do home… Sorry for all the trouble.”
“You’re good,” They smiled. “Have a good night!”
Walking out of the restaurant, your hands were intertwined with Atsumu’s. Raising your entwined hands together, Atsumu placed a tender kiss on your hands as you smiled at him. Atsumu smiled back, bring you close as the two of you followed the group down the sidewalk, both of you feeling happy and excited for what will come in the upcoming months.
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NOTES: Hey guys! I'm going to start posting once a week for know on!
TAGLIST: @girlyluke @reina-de-tay @bloody-bella @gothkaoru @freaksnque @kayleighbeccaa @itoshibaby @missalienqueen @90s-belladonna @ntimacy @persyhange @loser-keiji @lilith412426 @fandomatakeover18 @bbdaydreams @sillyanimedream @noya-kinnie @itzlally @fayeimara @izmeaweeboo @zukoslosthishonor @camcam1617 @karlitaburrito @sakusaakiyoomii @strcwberrieswine @sunavf @tanakasimpcorner @sakusasimpbot @random-fandom-girl-24 @rintarovibes @matsunshine @moon-esque @marifujioka @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @criesinpisces​ @pluviophilefangirl​ @jojowantstocry​ @vintagexparker @tropicsoda @erinoikawa @namyari @encrytpta @art-junkie-13 @sakusasbitch @wixlch @anime-meme-sanctuary @seijohoe @osakisrose @bakugouswh0r3 @sumebreaks
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yourstarvic · 3 years
But will you tell us how the exchange went between y/n and suna?
I mean. Kuroo's was pretty funny. But I'm sure suna's will be real nice.
Okay so… This is what I would image would happen...
Suna sat next to you, sliding your drink in front of you as he said, "Are You My Appendix? Because I Have A Funny Feeling In My Stomach That Makes Me Feel Like I Should Take You Out."
"That's terrible," You giggled at him.
"Yeah," Suna chuckled, "I instantly regretted it when I said it."
"I can tell," You hummed.
"But I noticed you and piss hair been arguing," Suna took a sip, looking at you curiosity over the rim of his glass.
You hummed as you looked down, tracing the rim of your glass with your finger. "You noticed?"
"It's kinda hard not to noticed when you call each other a prude and whore," Suna smirked, noticing how you smiled in embarrassment. "But you are right, he is a bit of a whore."
"He is isn't he?" You smiled at him.
"You know," Suna hummed, leaning his head a bit close to your ear as he noticed Atsumu coming to sit in the booth. "I can show you some blackmail material to get back at him."
You bit your lip, shivering a bit as he whispered in your ear. With a nod of your head, Suna took out his phone and looked directly at Atsumu as he talked to you, "Ya going to love these doll."
Atsumu eye twitched at the nickname Suna called you. Not liking it was the nickname he gave you, not him. He should be the only one calling you that. With your below rested on the table, your body facing the side and your chin resting on the palm of your hand, you glanced your eyes at him and sticked your tongue out with a glare to annoy him. With you quickly look back at Suna's screen and giggling at something as he whispered in your ear, Atsumu grabbed his drink and chugged it, wanting the pain in his chest to disappear.
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yourstarvic · 2 years
I’m low-key thinking making one of the chapters for So…what do ya say be an epilogue with multiple chapters as a small sequel but idk
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yourstarvic · 3 years
The latest chapter broke my heart
Oh! I hope the future chapters will help fix it!
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yourstarvic · 3 years
I’m sorry I had to join the fun and say this:
Your readers 🤝 SunaRin
Stealing Y/n from Miya twins
That is all 😌
but honestly…👀 Suna is 🥵🥵🥵
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