daisys-reality · 2 years
ʟᴀᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞?
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How to choose a picture: Try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to.
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
4oC, JUSTICE, 4oW in REV
hello pile one<3 Guys don’t worry too much. The transition is already happening behind the scenes! But I see you feeling a bit of discomfort because of this transition. Things have ‘slowed down’ in your 3D - at least that’s how it appears to you. But the universe or rather the law works in fact really quickly for you. You might feel bored or dissatisfied with your everyday life. You may feel disengaged, apathetic or unmotivated – maybe life has become dull. Are you disappointed that it takes ‘so long’? Don’t worry, you feeling closed off from the world is the work of your higher self/of yourself. You’re meant to take the time to reevaluate how your dream life shall look like - to find that deeper meaning or sense of direction. You might want to manifest that picture perfect life everyone wants to have right now but is that really what you truly want? Use your discernment to decide on what is truly important to you, and don't be afraid to say ‘no’ to mainstream things that are just hyped on social media that don't align with your future path. At this time you are turning your attention and your energy internally, to realign to this new phase of your life. You want to be grounded within when you start your new life. While you may need to decline some very alluring opportunities, you do so knowing you will be in a better position to say ‘yes’ to the opportunities that are a better fit for you!
This is a very important step for you and you know that you need to be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing ‘consequences’. Try to be aware of the impact your decisions will have on your well-being and the well-being of others. Choose consciously by connecting with your inner guidance system (your intuition) and asking for the answer that is most in alignment with the highest good of all. Search within until you find the place where you can stand in integrity and strength. As you explore your truth, try to be aware of what you believe to be true and what you believe to be fair and ethical. It may not be as clear-cut as you think, so prepare to challenge yourself and to explore new territories of your belief system.
Right now it might be hard for you to stay so private about your plans and the hard work you’ve put in. Try to reward yourself every now and then - there is no need to wait to be happy! Make yourself happy now, your dream life is being custom-made for you right now and you will very soon be able to enjoy it! - Everything is going as planned, nothing can stop your manifestations! So just take care of yourself, create inner balance, sleep enough and do things you enjoy until then! You going through a great transition so make sure that your feeling ok <3
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
Hello pile two <3 I see you facing ‘challenging’ decisions regarding your dream life, but you are unclear about which option to take. You might have two or more possibilities in your mind right now that may seem equally good – or equally bad – and you are stumped about which will lead you to the best outcome. You know you need to make a change or transition in your life but are reluctant to do so. I know it’s really annoying when you’re stuck with a difficult decision and afraid to proceed but this indecisiveness and lack of ‘action’ (mental action) may make the situation worse in a way - stagnation/delaying your dream life. You may hope that the issue will go away on its own and you won’t need to wrangle with this difficult decision. Or you may try to fool yourself into thinking you can put up with it, even when you know deep in your heart it is time to move on. It is natural to want to avoid discomfort, but sometimes you must push beyond your comfort zone so you can evolve as a person. That discomfort can be a positive sign that growth is happening, so feel into that energy and let it encourage you to keep moving forward and expanding yourself.
You know it’s not the manifestations that take a long time - no, manifestation can be instant but it’s us or rather our mind that sometimes needs time to grow into that state in which we are able to receive those manifestations. Try to practice more patience (for yourself) and don’t be too hard on yourself. You are like a delicate little seedling that can grow into a strong tree who can withstand any storms. Give yourself time to grow and space to unfold/evolve into your highest version. Don’t cling stubbornly onto something (or someone) that might not serve you - you or your life might even turn out into something ‘better’ (for you), you’re just not aware of these possibilities yet! Keep an open mind on how your dream life can turn out but stay overall persistent with the fact that you only deserve the best.
Use both your head (your mind and the intellect) and your heart (your feelings and intuition) to choose the path that is most in alignment with your higher self. It’s important that you make a decision once you feel that you have all the needed information. Right now you’re asked to be more critical overall and I feel like you should focus more on your dream life - it seems your daily life is quite hectic. For example, lay down, listen to your favorite songs and think about how your dream life shall look like, imagine yourself living it, let your thoughts flow -you might come up with different scenarios that are more fulfilling. While deciding to manifest something, ask yourself who does benefit from it the most? Remember, your goal is to be happy - not anyone else but YOU - so what would make you truly happy? Think about it. I see a bit of turmoil deep within you, blocked emotions or anxiety maybe? I think your words sometimes contradict your actions in a way. Be careful with who you involve yourself with and with who you want to involve yourself with from now on.
If you struggle in your 3D with your finances, relationships or with your health right now - I see this quickly coming to an end! (spoiler alert: I see you being that independant, skilled, wealthy and attractive queen/king hehe) Again, the message comes in strongly that you cling onto something right now that is not ideal nor the best for your growth - please try to keep your eyes open for other possibilities and potential issues. You know that certain break-ups or separations are a part of life - sometimes we’re clinging onto people or situationships (friendships?) out of emotional attachment that aren’t serving us anymore, but something better and emotionally more fulfilling is waiting for us out there. Try to accept this and don’t resist the change.
Something that might help you, is to work on finding closure with your 3D. Make a clean cut (emotionally) and leave it behind (mentally). Maybe even show gratitude towards yourself like ’I’m grateful that I was able to withstand all that I went through and I’m ready now to move on to something better.’ Wherever you are on your journey, know that only YOU can find the keys to your solution and only you can find it WITHIN yourself (- in other words: you are the key to everything). Get in touch with your feminine side regardless of gender (elegance, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing yourself and others), connect with people who make you feel good and connect more with nature to ground your energy and to be in flow with the earth. For example, take a trip to your favorite natural setting, be it a forest, beach, mountain or lake, and sit for a couple of minutes, hours or even days to breathe in the energy that surrounds you while marveling in the beauty of your surroundings. Allow yourself the time and the space to enter a different frame of mind. When you do this, you can reach higher planes of consciousness!
Connect with your senses through taste, touch, sound, smell and sight that maybe remind you of your dream life. Draw on these senses to experience pleasure and deep fulfillment! Treat yourself to a day spa, enjoy a fine restaurant or spend more time with people you love. Discover different approaches to expressing yourself creatively, be it through painting, music, drama or other art forms (that may enable you to access this hidden part of yourself). Also, you might feel a strong urge to nurture and care for others, from a place of loving compassion and support and in doing so you, too, receive benefit!
Surround yourself with life’s pleasures to feel comfort. You are in a period of growth, in which all you have dreamed of is now coming to fruition !! You are the creator of all, you gave birth to all those things, now be ready to receive them.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
7oP, PAGEoC, 6oS,
Hello pile three <3 I see you thinking a lot about your dream life and you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort into this ‘long term project’ of yours. On this journey, you had to learn to focus your efforts where they are most important and you worked hard at nurturing this idea/thought (of your dream life) in your mind. While you may feel impatient with the ‘slower progress’, I want you to know that if you keep at it, all your goals will come into fruition!
I think right now it’s important that you practice what you’ve learned - don’t overdo it, if you're tired because you keep exhausting yourself, try to focus on only the most important aspects. You might be the type to do things intensively but in that way you won't be able to keep doing that for long, you will exhaust yourself until you stop completely. The key here is balance! You don’t need to listen to subliminals, meditate all day long, think about your dream life 24/7 or be perfect, no. It’s about learning to persist in a way that you can keep up with for a long time. It’s your personal journey. You are not necessarily looking for quick wins. You might also want to make sure you are putting your attention on the right areas instead of wasting time and effort on tasks that will not deliver any value. Be careful of activities in your daily life that just drain your energy and make it hard for you to keep up with the things you love/that are important to you. Maybe try to step back from your day-to-day operations and look at the bigger picture. You know, your dream life is already being custom-made for you RIGHT NOW. Celebrate what you have created and assess your progress so far. Are you on track? Are you focused on the right tasks for your goal?
To be honest, you might actually be quite frustrated right now, you may even feel concerned that your efforts will go unrewarded. But darling, I promise you, what I see here is that you’ve made GREAT progress so far - even if you can’t ‘see’ it right now. Nothing you did was wasted effort, okay?
Keep going but in a way that is sustainable for you. Because I see that your manifestations will come to you out of the blue!! You will be kinda surprised but deep down you will have known that it was the right time. You’re meant to stay open and be ready to embrace anything coming your way, okay? It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised, i promise you. Be ready to dream the impossible dream, and explore the magic of your fullest potential, even if it seems out of reach right now! Prepare your mind and trust your intuition. Try to look for synchronicities and signs (ex. angel numbers), they will guide you on your path - tho they may come from unexpected places, or they may not even make sense to your rational mind. It is like following ‘intuitive breadcrumbs’ – one intuitive clue leads you to the next thing, and the next, and the next. And before you know it, you have found yourself in a place of full alignment, happiness and bliss - living your dream life. All by trusting your intuition and going with the flow!
I don't know what your current life looks like right now and what exactly you’re going through but I see you leaving behind a tumultuous situation (life), and moving towards a more peaceful and supportive environment. As of right now, you are in a state of transition. At times you might still feel sad to leave behind what is so familiar to you. However, you know this move is essential for your growth and personal development. The sadness over what you ‘lose’ or release will soon be replaced by greater mental clarity and a renewed acceptance of change. You are heading towards a much better position in life, as long as you are willing to evolve and shed whatever you no longer need. Do not dwell on what gets left behind. Instead, use this as an opportunity for changing your beliefs about yourself, moving away from whom you used to be and towards whom you want to be.
Also, you’re being asked to reflect on any emotional or mental baggage you may carry as you move from one phase to the next. This heavy weight from the past you’re carrying as you move forward is slowing your personal/mental growth a bit down - it’s nothing extreme though. Try to decide what you need to take with you and what you can leave behind. I mentioned it in the other piles too, it’s not the manifestations that take a long time - manifestations can be instant but it’s us or rather our mind that sometimes needs time to grow into that state in which we are able to receive those manifestations. You’re very close, go with the flow, listen to your intuition and don't exhaust yourself.
-> check out my other pac readings
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© daisys-reality
623 notes · View notes
daisys-reality · 2 years
ʟᴀᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰?
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Hey everyone~ I did a new pick a card reading for you guys. As the last ones were reality shifting related, I wanted to do one about law of assumption or more exactly about your manifestation journey! I hope you enjoy it! <3
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How to choose a picture: Try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to.
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༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
spider -> camel, oyster
Hello pile one, I see you wanting to choose your own destiny, desiring control over everything and creating your own life. You strive for variety, you might often change your approach or ‘method’ and try to find out what works ‘better’. Your perseverance is definitely unmatched and there are not many people as reasonable as you. Also, you can be very patient. You are often focused only on your benefits and on how you can get the most out of things/relationships etc. You are in the energy of creating and I see you planning a lot and working hard. As your energy seems to be boundless, you almost never tire which consequently makes it hard for you to find the right time to properly rest - ‘Maybe that wasn’t enough, I should keep on working’ kinda mindset - your mind might be still full of energy but your body can’t keep up and you often don’t notice that or just don’t acknowledge it, so it’s important that you learn to rest inbetween the work. I see you often keeping a calm facade, and so the people around you often don’t see that you’re struggling within which might have led to you not receiving so much help or care from others/your family in your childhood.
Instead of being result-oriented, you should try to be more process oriented. Your mind is thinking about the future/your future life that you strive for but because of that you’re often not ‘living in the end’ - you subconsciously assume that your desires lay in the future and that you still need to work hard for them - which is not true! Those assumptions of yours are the problem. You’re not aware that your desires are already there! You just need to become conscious of them! You worked hard all your life, now it’s the time to enjoy yourself. You pressure your mind to constantly make progress because you still subconsciously think you’re not doing enough or that you’re not enough…please try to deal with your self worth issues. Don’t be scared of having your dream life, you deserve all of your desires! You’re so powerful and meant to live an abundant life. When you feel discouraged, try to use your creativity in a playful way.
You’re advised to be in a more laid back and overall content energy. You are so self-reliant, capable of anything and you have enough nourishment within you to handle any challenge with ease. Release all your fears. As I said before the period of struggling is over, you have mastered it, now is the time to enjoy your dream life on cloud 9. Even in the face of negative things in your 3D, keep calm and just ignore it! I know you are a problem solver and a bit of a control freak BUT YOU DON’T NEED TO FIX ANYTHING IN YOUR 3D! Ignore it, focus more on the reality you want to see right this moment. Take responsibility for your reactions - keep them in check and don’t give the 3D you power! Create balance within you and be at peace. Also, don’t forget to drink enough water!
Again, I want you to keep your focus on your 4D/your imagination. Don’t take your inner gifts for granted - even the cards say that you’re a powerful manifestor! Spirit says you shouldn’t be shy to ask for more! Dream big! Be greedy! You deserve it after all this time! Please don’t doubt your worth or your ability ( I think the root of your ‘problems’ is your self concept/you self worth)
Ask yourself ‘what is it that I have been hesitant to share?’ - Reveal your inner treasures, the world is waiting to see you. Try to feel how blessed you are! You are the creator of your reality! Make yourself aware of that fact!
Messages for you from my angel tarot deck:
seven of action, four of abundance, nine of emotions
“You’re being called upon to claim your personal power! Feel confident, as your angels will give you the strength to say no when it’s the right thing to do for yourself. Your struggle may actually stem from an unresolved inner conflict, rather than a conflict with others or with your surroundings. “
“It’s time to reflect upon your relationship with money. Are you spending it too freely, or are you holding on to it too tightly? This can also relate to how you give of yourself to others. Is your heart open, or are you holding back? Your hard work and wise investment will bring great success!”
“This is a magical time in your life when wishes are granted and dreams come true. It may seem that good luck is following you, but actually these happy times are just your reward for being a loving and wonderful person. Your angels are asking you to enjoy your life and have more fun!”
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
fox -> vulture
Hello pile two, I see you having tremendous potential - you’re very unique. I think it's not very difficult for you to deceive and blackmail someone for your own benefit, but in all you do, there is beauty and unobtrusiveness. It is impossible not to love or not be fascinated by someone as charming as you. Your whole energy is bright and very attractive! I think you’re someone who does not trust others easily, I see you persistently checking a person before trusting them. I think trusting for example in your manifesting abilities or having faith in your wishes coming true might also be something you’re struggling with. You might also tend to be easily influenced by the people around you - involving yourself with someone who thinks negatively about LOA could easily affect you. So be careful with that.
I know you’re very smart and a quick learner, you can easily understand other people and their point of view and you can easily adapt to new situations - which is great! You guys might be the ones who share those epiphany moments on loa blogs.
You seem to be a maximalist, i.e. you think that if one does something, they should do it efficiently and sensibly. And this goes also for LOA stuff. You might be the type to read a lot of neville's work or watch many loa videos on youtube because you’re eager to broaden your perspective on manifesting. But be careful with hyperfocusing.
You might often be very confused after overconsuming information - you might sometimes feel overwhelmed and in turn become unsure of your identity and your mindset - feeling lost. And you seem like someone who doesn't do well once they ‘slip away’. So, it’s important that you always stay true to yourself and to connect with your loved ones once in a while.
You might need to leave behind the ‘tumultuous water’ to reach a future that is calm and promising. Don’t obsess with loa content and be careful with over-consumption. Blind consuming doesn’t bring you far if you don’t take the time to think about your new attained knowledge before researching more information. Give your mind space and time to process everything and to develop your own opinion and therefore your own assumptions. Try to become more stable and independent - try to find your own path. Stop second-guessing and decide what you want to think/assume and commit to it. Establish your own values. Be abit more egoistic and unconventional. Others don’t need to understand you or agree with your way of thinking and with your way of manifesting. Seperate yourself from others and from the idea that ‘just because something worked for someone more doesn’t mean it will be the same for you’, I see you constantly changing up your way of manifesting and questioning it and then researching for a new ‘method’ - you researched enough. You know all you need to know. Keep it simple and commit for once. Stop being active on the internet and spend some time with yourself to make mental progress! Even though you ‘look for useful information’, you’re constantly distracting your mind which makes it hard for you to charge down a straight clear path to success.
Be more patient, let the universe work for you - If you persist and stay patient the universe will do all the work behind the scenes till it manifests in your 3D. If something starts to seem like a mistake or tragedy, know that it might be a blessing in disguise. Don’t give up. Focus on creating balance within. Once you're stable and balanced within, nothing can sweep you off your feet anymore! Try to learn from your mistakes and release all the information you don’t need anymore to clear your mind.
Messages for you from my angel tarot deck:
a win-win solution, ten of thought, manifest your dreams
“There’s strength in diversity. By blending the ideas of other people with your own, you can often come up with a solution that’s magnificent! Start by focusing on the aspects that everyone agrees upon, and then open your mind to compromise and work together. Stay balanced and seek out a moderate approach. ”
“A situation that’s been troubling you has come to an end, and you can breathe a sigh of relief. With the challenging times behind you, you can now move on. It’s important to fully let go at this juncture. Someone in your life or you may now finally be free of his or her addictions or codependency issues.”
“You’re ready to go! There is no need for additional preparation. Take the first steps toward the changes you desire - even if they are small steps. Notice signs that guide you in the right direction, as well as resources and support that miraculously appear. ”
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
tarantula -> peacock
Hello pile three, you might not really see it that way but you are actually very compassionate and kind. You care deeply about the feelings and well-being of others. You are a very good listener and you can gain a tremendous amount of insight into other people’s problems and concerns. I think you are just very sensitive to other people’s emotional states, and you can sometimes be too emotional for their own good. I think you felt drawn to this pile because the person showed strong emotions (anger) which you can relate too. You seem to respond quickly to the needs of others and which often leads you to put everyone else’s needs before your own. You overall seem to be a bit anxious - you might be very irritable towards potential ‘dangers’, quickly reverting to being defensive.
I see that you try to be patient with manifesting… almost in a compulsive way. Like you seem to have that mindset of ‘everything I’m asking for is coming to fruition behind the scenes. And therefore, I just have to step back and allow it all to take hold of a solid foundation/to manifest in the 3D’ - which is a good approach to manifesting ngl! However, I think you have unconsciously developed this fear that moving too soon might create instability that in turn will undermine all of your hard work - which is not true! Of course a certain amount of patience is important but you should not wait to start living your life! Nothing can ruin your manifestations and the effort you’ve put into this. Please release this fear. Please get this ‘divine timing’-mindset out of your mind! There is no divine timing in LOA. You're holding yourself back. I don’t know if you had negative experiences as a child because you were too impatient and so developed this habit of forcing yourself to be patient ALL THE TIME to not get disappointed in yourself/hurt or for disappointing/hurting others but please release this fear!! Don’t get lost in waiting - there is no perfect time you have to wait for. You want your desires, right? You want to live your stable dream life, right?? You have waited enough. Claim your desires right this moment! Are you not tired of waiting? If you want you could affirm things like ‘Because I’m so impatient for my desires, the 3D always conforms instantly.’ - make use of your impatience and your strong emotions! There is nothing bad or wrong about it. Trust your intuition.
Release all the resentment, inner conflict and past pain within your psyche. Make use of your ability to adapt to new situations. Try to increase your level of acceptance… of yourself, of the past, your current situation and of your desired future. Accept it all. Be confident! No one will criticize you for being too extreme or for being greedy! It’s your reality and you have all the right to be greedy for what you want and deserve!! Feel that you are an unrivaled individual. Put yourself first. Power and beauty resides within you and extends outward indefinitely!
You need to claim your success. See yourself as a warrior, rebel against all that has held you back or oppressed you! Seek your own path and the recognition for your deeds. Praise yourself, hype yourself up- you can never have enough confidence! There WON'T come a time that crushes your ego again if you choose to stand up for your desires. This is your life and you can manifest whatever you want!
There is an indomitable force within you that you suppressed all this time - make use of it now. Against all odds, stand up for what you believe in, and be willing to fight to the ‘bitter end’. There won’t be any bitter end but once you have this kind of mindset and this immense courage and resolve you will make great progress in your manifestation journey!
You’re allowed to be optimistic and enthusiastic about the life you manifest. Please release any fears of missing out. Remember that you are in control and you’ll always be in control. Be kind and show yourself compassion.
Messages for you from my angel tarot deck:
a happy change, five of thought, healer of thought, four of thought
“Your angels have heard your prayers and have banded together to create real and joyful changes in your life. Events begin to move forward, and great progress will now be possible. You may need to make some rapid decisions due to the suddenness of activity. Be confident, and trust the guidance you receive.”
“The path you were on seemed like the right one, but now you’ve run into a challenge. There is a better direction for you that will make you much happier in the end. Changes are necessary so that you can get back on track. Avoid negative people who are draining, or who bring unwanted drama into your life.”
“It’s time to clean up your life! Get rid of anything that clutters your space or makes you disorganized. People who take from you but don’t give back should be released as well! You or another person involved in this situation is wise, insightful and caring; has a wonderful sense of humor and offers a lot of life experience.”
“Spend some time in nature listening for guidance from your angels and your own inner voice, because overanalyzing the situation won’t provide the answers you’re seeking. Consider taking a vacation or a small break to help you rejuvenate and become clear on what your next step should be. Meditations can be very helpful.”
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
hummingbird -> bat
Hello pile four, you have this positive and light energy around you. You seem to be someone very curious who loves to learn. You might overall prefer it to be surrounded by light energy. You’re eager to manifest your desired life and I think you are a bit reckless in the way you want to claim your desires. You might just have a hot temper and be a bit arrogant - I see you getting pushy and sharp with your words when things don’t go the way you want them to.
I think you often get impatient and forcefully try to rush things while not even fully committing to your desires. You need to be more concentrated on where you want to go in life. Are you not willing to put in the ‘work’? Where is your determination and ambition? It’s kinda weird, on one hand you just expect things to happen but on the other hand you have this indifference/apathy going on where I’m starting to wonder if you don’t really want the things you claim as ‘your desires’... mhm…Are you not taking this seriously? Are you taking yourself seriously?... I think beneath this carefree facade, you’re being extremely anxious and quite pessimistic - I am not sure if you are even aware of that.
Staying naïve and ignoring this issue won’t get you anywhere - you need to start dealing with your ‘darkness’. You’re not only deceiving others, you're deceiving yourself too. I think you have pushed this part of you aside for too long already. Acknowledge your dark side and start taking responsibility for it. Focus more on the subtle things around you and within you. It’s time to close this chapter of ignoring the depth of your existence. It might be uncomfortable for you at first. Well, but it will cause some things to prosper and others to fade to make life easier for you. Move on, no more lingering in the past/old story! There needs to be some kind of ending/closure before you can start your new life. Sometimes you need to explore certain depths because keeping things on a surface level will make you repeat your mistakes. And I’m sure you don’t want that. Be more self aware and stop the unconscious self-loathing - try changing your perspective. Become aware of your unhealthy habits and thinking patterns! Reclaim your power as a whole being. Disregarding a part of you or yourself in general will make you weak and decrease your overall confidence.
Embrace your true form! Enjoy time with yourself and with your loved ones once in a while. Practice self care and take care of your vitality, love yourself the way you need. So that you can get rid of this subtle gloomy energy around you!
Messages for you from my angel tarot deck:
nine of thought, inner strength, seven of abundance, six of thought,
“Stop being so hard on yourself, and turn your thoughts toward positivity. There is no need to worry! Anticipating the worst isn’t helpful. Know that heaven will provide a solution. If you’re experiencing sleepless nights or anxiety over a challenge in your life, release the problem to your angels.”
“You have great courage and kindness. You may not realize how strong and powerful you are but there’s no problem you can’t solve. The compassion you so freely give to others must also be given to yourself. Stand strong in your convictions if the right answer to tell someone is no.”
“Have patience! Sometimes dreams grow slowly. Don’t worry. The hard work you’ve invested will bring about a bountiful harvest. This is a good time to prepare, because things will soon move forward quickly. Use this time to rest and plan.”
"Peaceful times, great happiness and emotional fulfillment are on the horizon! Harmony with those you love is assured. The storms have passed, and now you can see that your destination is within sight. The stress in your life will begin to fade away, allowing for happier times.”
-> check out my other pac readings
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© daisys-reality
614 notes · View notes
daisys-reality · 2 years
ᴠᴏɪᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝?
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This reading kind of turned into motivational talk lol. I hope it helps you somehow!😅 [I'm sorry I didn't proof read it, please excuse any dumb mistakes</3] If you liked this, feel free to message me other PAC ideas!
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what is the void state? It's a state of pure consciousness. It's usually reached through meditation. The void is within you, hence you are the void. You can manifest anything through the void state. - click here for more information
how to choose a picture: try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to. (You can choose more than one picture.)
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༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have many earth and fire placements in your chart, I also got strong jupiter and mercury energy)
hello my pile 1 people <3 You guys are surely very earthy but inside you there is fiery passion. You are stable and secure or at least that’s what you’re working towards. You are independant and quite resourceful. You value material things and it’s also something you need to feel emotionally better. You like to be generous to other people and provide for others. But for that you need to be in a stable position, right? Also, I’m sure you dislike sudden or unexpected things - it might trigger you in some way. You are maybe the type who takes a bit longer to finish certain things because you wanna make sure that everythings is done correctly and ‘perfectly’. And ofc it’s ok to not hurry yourself especially on this manifestation journey but don't let your need for control get too you head. I feel like your surroundings might be a little chaotic, so try to create your own calm place in the center of this chaotic energy. It also seems like you are a fair and just person who likes to protect others and yourself. Your energy is very expanding and I also think you’ve been quite lucky in your life even though you might not see it that way. Often, you want to understand the bigger picture of life and that’s also why you might be into spirituality and have great faith. Other people might not notice it that well but I think you have a racing mind. Also, you surely are quite intelligent. You might have a great desire to share your ideas and to communicate with others as well as educating yourself on all kinds of topics and collecting knowledge in general. From the outside, you might always seem calm and content but with sparkling eyes. You can endure anything. You know how to nourish yourself (even though this might stem from being neglected as a child). I think when you are not feeling good, you might neglect yourself a bit - like not drinking enough water/being dehydrated etc - and you might just lack vitality to do anything. Going on a small trip, just walking around nature or just having a change of scenery might help you in those times to get your energy back.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
As I mentioned before, you seem a bit like an overthinker and perfectionist.You may feel as though you’re restricted by the circumstances you find yourself in, but that’s just an illusion. Make a promise to yourself to refuse to be stuck in a situation that’s making you unhappy. Don’t wait for someone to come to the rescue when you can free yourself! The difficult times you went through helped you to transform and to get you mentally to the ‘place’ you are now. Surely, you've been hurt and betrayed in the past and even though you just wanna escape all of it as fast as possible you gotta realize that you or rather your higher self/consciousness  chosed all these situations to help you grow and transform and for you to realize who you are and what you really need and want in your life. You’ve been prepared to make the decision for what kind of life you really want and what kind of person you really want to be. If you still have ‘childhood trauma’ (even if it seems small to you), you should think about where it stems from and how you can let go of it. Of course it won’t be easy but let me tell you YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH! Don’t let other people and their past deeds hold you back. You don’t need that! You are so powerful! Don’t overthink things. You tend to doubt your skills and power. Please don’t do that - You are a queen/king! All this overthinking, these doubts and the old patterns from your childhood hold you back. It makes your mind infertile! I want you to put yourself on top of everything, you are your own main priority. Please nourish yourself! A healthy mind and body will help you. You might have already heard that before but try to ignore the 3D if it’s as shitty as it feels! Don’t mind it! You should make yourself feel loved and proud - that is important! Trust yourself and in your power! Everything will work out perfectly! Just stay committed to what you want and what you definitely deserve !!  You’re being called upon to claim your personal power! Feel confident about yourself and this journey! Your angels/guides/spirits (whatever you believe in) will give you strength to say no when it’s the right thing to do for yourself. On a side note, your struggle may actually stem from an unresolved inner conflict, rather than a conflict with others. So, try to resolve this. Work on your mindset - like tell yourself how much you value yourself with all your quirks etc. and that you deserve everything - guilt has no place here! Your past is over - you’ve learned from it - so it’s done. Close this chapter. Your new journey/life can begin now - so claim your power! As I said before, even if things take longer for you - I assure you you will totally master this!
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have many water and air placements in your chart, I also got strong sagittarius and neptune energy)
hello my pile 2 people <3 You guys - let me tell you - are beautiful inside out !! You are the type who often undergoes great change and transformation. You seem very versatile. Even though ‘change’ might not be something you're extremely comfortable with, you seem extra patient and kind during those times - especially to yourself. Tho it’s totally fine to let solid friends and activities (you enjoy) support you during those times. On a side note, committing to one daily routine (a meal, practice, meditating, affirming) done at the same place and time will do wonders for lifting your spirit.  You’re the type to become very ‘fragile’ and really frustrated (with yourself and your life) when you’re out of balance. Your energy seems so graceful and cheerful.You might like interacting with others and you’re charming, friendly, optimistic, talkative, persuasive and maybe also a bit impulsive. I think freedom and beauty might be important to you and your life. You also seem creative like an artist and you surely inspire other people (just by being you or with you creations). However, you might also easily get distracted by new things and get bored of the old ones. You seem quick to adapt to new situations and are quite innovative. I think you have a strong drive and you kinda want to stand out from the crowd. You might like the ‘going with the flow’ lifestyle. You are a perceiver and are always motivated to look around to discover your own individuality while finding your place in the world. You might often ask yourself ‘how can I be true to myself?’. I think you usually try to be honest with yourself and with the rest of the world. You are powerful in your own way. It’s important to slow down from time to time so that you can perceive the depth as well as the breadth of the situation. Also, I think you should be careful with ‘careless unkindness’. You are quite a complex person. You have a great imagination, compassion (and I also think psychic experiences). You might have issues with sacrifice and obligation. Also balancing between giving and resenting might be an issue for you. I do think you value yourself and do some kind of healing and energy cleansing. You are the type of person who is forgiving and who needs to connect, to understand and to be understood, who values intimacy and creative expression. You try to speak your truth with kindness and compassion and that makes you so sweet.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Mhm.. I think there are some blocked emotions that create some problems here. I feel like you are ignoring what your intuition is trying to tell you. Deep down you know exactly what the problem is. There is something beautiful and useful in dark reflection and sorrowful emotions; but these emotions turn ugly when they rot and fester to become self-pity and martyrdom. I feel like you are a bit blind or oblivious to the gifts around at this time. Try to become more aware.  Be brave and rise above the suction of self-pity; avoid wallowing in indulgent sorrow. I think you already have inflicted enough self-suffering on yourself. You are manifesting but at this time you’ve become a little stagnant. There is some inner resistance - you are blocking the peace and the fulfillment that you yearn for, and yet it seems like you feel like you must deny yourself. Please do not think like that! You know what the right decision is for you! And you deserve EVERYTHING you want ! YOu are eNouGH ! Do not miss your opportunity because you’re wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself. Open your arms and receive the gifts waiting for you!! Turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you. At this time, it’s better for you to not let everyone know what is going on in your head. Also, boundaries … it’s time to set them. Small areas of ugliness are blinding you to the greater beauty that is your rightful environment. I think social media especially seems to negatively affect you. Try to set some boundaries with social media or try to avoid using it for some time. Protecting yourself is very important because you seem easily influenced by the energy around you. Think about who you really should allow access to your space and energy and who you shouldn’t allow it. Avoid negative people who are draining, or who bring unwanted drama into your life. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Do not suffer because of some fools but also do not let your heart become hardened by others’ cruelty. Have compassion for their wounded souls - and yet set firm boundaries. Be soft but strong. Changes are necessary so that you can get back on track. While being on this journey, try to withdraw from this ‘world’. Follow your intuition and don’t think too long about what to do. In addition, I want you to know that releasing the past can seem like a challenge, but it can also be liberating. Your angels/guides (whatever you believe in) will help you let go so that you can fly higher than ever before. You need to actively allow this situation to lead you to a more joyful life. You can change your life by changing your thoughts as you already know! Sometimes you may feel as though your way is blocked but often that’s just an illusion. You could easily free yourself from the obstacles that you’re so focused on by choosing a different path. Turn your thoughts away from negativity, and instead envision more often the other possibilities or desired scenarios of your desired outcome etc. You need to actively choose your own freedom. Of course, your past shaped you into who you are at this time. But ask yourself about your past and how it influenced you and in which way. Now, is that what you really want to keep being? And if not, just release everything you don’t really need anymore. It will make you so much happier. Everyone has their own journey and they are all different and that’s ok. I know you’ll find your own way!
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have virgo or pisces placements in your chart, I also got strong saturn/earth energy)
hello pile three :D You seem like the type who has lots of responsibilities going on. But you also demand respect. I think that’s important to you. You are protective especially of your close family/friends. You might also be quite humanitarian and might like helping people through teaching or advising them/sharing your knowledge and experiences. You are really reliable. You have a brave and almost fearless side to you. It might be hard for you when people close to you don’t share the same opinion or values as you - especially when it’s about something that is really important to you. It almost feels like betrayal lol. There is some kind of duality. You seem to have reckless/rebellious aims while still following traditional/conservative values. Which might sometimes even confuse yourself. You might have been the type who worked hard to make their parents proud, genuinely looked up to them and who wanted to follow their footsteps as a child. But over time you worked on finding yourself and building up your own identity. And you soon noticed that more and more clashes appeared in the way you and your parents approach life and it might have become really difficult for you to (emotionally) differentiate yourself from your family/parents.
You are also impulsive and prone to spontaneous actions. Because you don’t want a dull life. YOu easily get bored and it makes you feel hopeless sometimes so you often eagerly look for new stimulation in all parts of your life. When out of balance you might become judgmental and dominating. You should practice tolerance and more as well as letting go. You seem to be good at analyzing and focusing especially when everything seems chaotic around you - like you can just shut out all distractions. You might be quite detail-oriented at times. But it also leads you to pettiness and obsessiveness. You should avoid being overly critical. I feel like you grew up in a judgmental environment and you thought their critical/judgy behavior comes with being mature, so you developed that trait as well because you wanted to grow up fast. You always push yourself to set and achieve goals to create a secure life. You might have faced many challenges but you’ve also learned a lot of things because of them. I feel like you also have a creative and intuitive side to you which might have been a bit neglected in your childhood. You have a strong belief system and are usually very passionate about them (that’s why it feels like betrayal when other people disagree lol) You might actually be very aware of the ‘unseen’ and of other people’s emotions. This might be overwhelming at times. You should maybe employ simple energetic protection techniques and avoid destructive escapism !!
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Mhm it feels like there is an important decision that you’ve been putting off. I feel like you know which choice you should make, but you’re procrastinating so you don’t upset someone else ? You are avoiding something important. There seems to be still a lot of chaos in your head. You haven’t released the past yet. You are still too stuck on the old story. As I said before, you struggle with letting certain stuff go and I think the problem lies in your self-worth… like your ‘identity’ seems to be attached to your past. PLease work on that. You are You! Ofc the past shaped you but your inner self is still the same… it’s just oppressed by all these limiting belief systems of society and by those of your family. In order to free yourself you need to honor your (physical) self more! A loving relationship with yourself will help you stand on your own two feet. You are strong enough! You won’t lose yourself when releasing the past, you will just step into your power - into your true self! PLease don’t neglect your body! I feel like poor eating, excess of ‘toxic substances’ and dragging yourself through things you don’t really enjoy are a theme here - and that’s punishing yourself and not celebrating yourself !? Why are you abusing your own body? :( Don’t put anything in your body that is not worthy of your god/goddess status!! Quality over quantity is the key at this time - awaken to your sacred self. Meditating and listening to ‘god state’ subliminals might help you as well as lots of selfcare! Also, you should be selective about who you let into your space. Ask yourself what is and what isn’t worthy of yourself. You deserve being treated in an honorable and respectful way not just by others but by yourself too. Furthermore, you seem to overthink things too much. I got the message “Friction and resistance in the circuits of your brain have now confused you into thinking the pain and tension is in the world around you when, really, it’s all in your head.” That was a clear message lmao. Free yourself from other people's opinions and take this time to be quiet and to reflect.The only thing standing in your way is you. The light of a busy mind can be beautiful, but in order to reveal its best achievements, times of darkness and rest are essential. Let go of your worries and fears for a while and let the world/your reality balance itself around you.Your inside is infinite, and your physical form is the gateway. You are drawing close to the start of something new/ a rebirth. But in order for that to happen reflection and reevaluation is required !! Look back on your past, reevaluate it and move on to bigger and better things! It all depends on you, nothing stands in your way anymore. Great progress will now be possible. You may need to make rapid decisions due to the suddenness of activity. Be confident and trust the guidance you receive.The last card I got for you is the ‘successful completion - dreams coming true’ card.So don’t worry too much, you are really close<3
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
𓆸 What kind of person are you?
(you might have leo/libra/cancer placements in your chart, I also got strong moon,venus and fire energy)
hello pile 4 <3 For you guys, I get the feeling that you are my visionary pile -slightly eccentric but very creative. You seem to be young at heart, well cultured and you seem to have an undying curiosity about life. You really are a delight for everyone around you and you seem to open their minds - like you inspire them and things just seem to make sense. You might like traveling and expanding your worldview while having a blast. You might also be the type to contribute to global health through environmental or volunteer work. You are usually very enthusiastic and I think quite fashion-forward. When in a bad mood, you might be very pouty and just feel super worn out. I think traveling or creating art might lift your mood in those times. Also, I think your mood changes quite often and randomly. And you might go through many changes and transformations, especially emotionally. You might be emotionally quite intelligent and your intuition seems to be strong as well. You might enjoy reminiscing about the past or dwelling in your imagination. Your energy is very fluid and adaptable. But you also have a passionate/fiery side to you. You have leadership qualities but I feel like you are often too shy to accept the spotlight. You have ambition and when you set something to your mind, you will make it happen. This dedication inspires some and intimidates others. I think people actually respect you alot. But not many really know you that much about you. You might give off aloof vibes and be hard to access … (funnily while writing down your pile my computer completely shut off randomly and I had internet problems and then shortly afterwards I heard weird noises in my room and I was so distracting by it because I am alone at home lol anyways I started wondering if I shouldn’t do you pile like wtf that never happened before but I decided to finish it as good as i can sooo coming back to the main topic… ) Not only are you fashion-forward I also think you really enjoy beauty and love related things. You might actually be quite the beauty <3 Also, your possessions, your money and your ideals seem to be important to you and are things you value very much.
𓆸 So, what is stopping you? What is the problem?
Ask yourself more often ‘how can I shine?’ and gather all your courage and confidence and create your own reality. You seem to lack confidence a bit. The theme of your journey is: taking your rightful place. You deserve all your desires. Don’t doubt yourself! You have the right to live your desired life or manifest your wishes. Don’t feel bad for it. You might feel a deep longing for something meaningful in your life. In your heart, you know that there’s more ‘out there’ waiting for you - and it’s true! It may be time to switch careers, or to move to a new home or city, or to initiate other important changes. If you planned to manifest those things through the void but started questioning if you should really do that. Let me tell you: DO WHAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU, AND SEEK OUT YOUR MAGICAL NEW LIFE !! Keep going! You might struggle with saying no to others and with prioritizing yourself. But you already have great courage and kindness inside you. You may not realize how strong and powerful you are, there is no problem in this world/reality that you can’t solve !! The compassion you so freely give to others must also be given to yourself! Stand strong in your convictions if the right answer to tell someone is no. It’s true that you have to make a sacrifice in order to move into the next creative expression of self - manifesting your desired life. But you are strong enough. The message I got for you pile 4 is ‘Honor your mystical and creative force’. You are the type to want to express your creativity in relationships, music, art and even food. And you should totally do that because it will empower you! You may feel restricted and powerless at this time but these are things that you have imposed on yourself. While on your void state journey, you may face a difficult decision of some sort, but you must release those constraints/limiting beliefs/issues before doing so. Be honest with yourself. I feel like you struggle with being authentic. You might avoid having to deal with your darker side and your subconscious issues- I feel like you try to ignore them or just avoid facing them. Take some time out, make yourself comfortable and have some deep talk with yourself OR just be in silence with yourself and let your thoughts flow and observe them if talking to yourself is too hard for you. Or you could write it all down, burn it (please stay safe lol) and affirm you new beliefs - especially regarding your void concept. I feel like that might help you alot. Also, it seems like you may have recently experienced a crushing failure or betrayal/back-stabbing that brought you to your knees. However, you should be mindful of not making yourself into a martyr because of it. Release any kind of victim mindset. Just know that you might have hit rock bottom - but from here on out there’s nowhere else to go but up. I can tell you from the messages I got for you that even though it feels like a waiting game for you at this time, opportunities/manifestations are lining up around you. I want you to merge with the flow of life, trust it in all its light and dark times on your journey. They have brought you to this point. Maybe unbeknownst to you, you are perfectly ready for this - trust your efforts and recognise the signs of serendipity occuring around you. You are where you are meant to be, doing what you are meant to be doing. You are growing in abundance and opportunity - you awakened fresh potential. Your circumstances (energetically) seem to be really good at this time! Use this chance no matter what! The planning period is over, it’s time to put your plans into action. Open the doors of opportunity to broaden your scope. Start thinking long term and be ready to embrace change!!
-> check out my other pac readings
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© daisys-reality
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daisys-reality · 2 years
Hi daisy, does inducing a specific brainwave help in manifesting faster?
Yes! It's not necessary but some of those "brainwaves" help you to get in a state where your logical side of the brain shuts down and your subconscious takes over - which helps you be really in tune with what you're affirming and visualizing and it also helps you to detach from the 3D. I hope my explanation makes sense.
The posts I linked in this post make it pretty clear I think. Idk if they were hard to understand but I can try to summarize it for you.
As you can see here in the graphic below there are 6 types of brainwaves. Those are the waves your brain naturally sends out when you're in the respective state (described in the pic).
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If you listen to those types of waves (through binaural beats in yt) you kinda manipulate your brain into getting into a certain state.
For now, you can ignore the beta and gamma waves. For manifesting and shifting, usually only alpha waves, theta waves, delta waves and epsilon waves are talked about as they help with relaxation/detachment/reduced consciousness.
From what was said in the other two posts:
Theta and alpha waves seem the best for manifesting.
Delta waves the best for entering the void state.
Epsilon waves the best for shifting realities.
But of course everyone is different and they may work differently on you.
The anon in this post also described their method or rather how they use those waves for manifesting/entering the void and for shifting:
Sitting down comfortable.
Lighting up a candle in front of you.
Putting on the specific waves you want to listen to.
Breathing deeply in and out and calming down.
Focusing on the flame.
Starting affirming when you reached a trance like state.
I hope that helped you understand it more!
- daisy 🌼
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daisys-reality · 2 years
ᴠᴏɪᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐨 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞?
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hey everyone :) this PAC is kinda the second part of my other void state PAC. Some of you guys wanted more advice (?) I guess 😅 Check out part one if you haven't already :)
I will use my wild unknown animal spirit deck to find out what kind of energy you should tune into to ‘fasten up’ your journey.
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what is the void state? It's a state of pure consciousness. It's usually reached through meditation. The void is within you, hence you are the void. You can manifest anything through the void state.
how to choose a picture: try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to. (You can choose more than one picture.)
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༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
What kind of energy could help you?
Hello pile one :) for you guys I got the lion spirit, the bat spirit and the raccoon spirit.
Being in a state of patience and calmness because you know it will happen. Make use of your excitement/passion/fiery energy. Be brave and courageous, use your true leadership qualities - it’s your life so you should take the lead. Working on self-transformation and dedicating your life to personal and spiritual growth. Treat yourself and your body with respect. Establish a quiet confidence about yourself and about your abilities/ability to enter the void state. Embody regal energy like a lion. Demand respect from others - don’t let yourself be pushed around. Don’t overshare, keep only a few people close by, give off ‘hard to access’ or aloof vibes towards others/strangers (the people close to you will know your warm-hearted side). Creating peace and strength within you is important. Don’t waste your energy or resources and be precise. (Self) mastery and knowing that nothing is unavailable for you - no matter where you are on your journey. Be careful with being too hard on yourself - don’t withdraw from life too much - you should still do joyful activities from time to time! Daily meditation as well as spending time with your friends and enjoying yourself could help you lighten up your energy. Getting into the void state should come easily to you - don’t make this too difficult or serious - keep it (the energy) light, Establish inner peace and strength. Be sure of yourself!
Being night active or using the nighttime and the early mornings to affirm or visualize might be useful. The nighttime makes your inner mind more creative and powerful. Become aware or subtle changes in your life (that you created) and the underlying forces surrounding it. Coming to peace with your past, detaching (emotionally) from the 3D while experiencing swift moments in your life that encourage you to move on. No more lingering in the past. Every night a day comes to its end and every morning a new day starts, journaling or using a diary might be useful for you - writing down what happened that day and letting go of it. Make peace with yourself every night before sleeping. Accept what happens in your 3D - adapt to it (in that moment) and then adjust your mind to it (affirming what you really want/what you want to be different). Don't obsess over the 3D. Stop reminiscing about the past. Go through a rebirth - watching the sunrise might help you. See yourself changing by every moment that passes. Go with the flow, take everything in moderation and don’t stretch yourself too thin. The need for balance is really strong here! Be careful with restlessness, blocked emotions, indecisiveness and any kind of excess.
Becoming aware about your skills and talents and being creative will help you. Playing an instrument or other creative stuff might light up your energy. You need to be tenacious about what you want. Resolve inner issues around your self image and about the concept of ‘success’ - you don’t need to work hard to be successful. You are worthy enough. You might need to be shadowy about your plans (your manifesting journey)/keeping it to yourself. Know when to wear a ‘mask’ - sometimes it might work in your favor and other times it might limit your creativity. Manifesting equals being a creator and an artist - that’s the energy you should tune into. Detach from other people’s perception of you and from their expectations of you - ask yourself ‘Do I want to be like that or do I want to be more than that?’ and ‘What if I’m ready to grow into something more?’. You need to resolve that ‘creative ego fear’ - don’t fear being creative and don’t fear stepping in your power. Don’t starve your creative side either. Don't fear competition and let feelings of jealousy go - you are already on top, right? :) Don't give up! Hold your ground. If you're feeling inadequate for your (big) dreams or overwhelmed at times - you need to connect with yourself more! Ask yourself 'Who am I?' and 'Who do I want to be?' - compare your answers and change what doesn't make you feel fulfilled and complete. Stability within is what will make you the most powerful person. <3
-> check out my other pac readings :)
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
What kind of energy could help you?
Hey pile two~ for you guys I got the oyster spirit, the hummingbird spirit and the nightingale spirit.
Much like pile one, being patient but at the same time focused and determined on your goal is important. Anything an oyster personality puts their mind to - they achieve with grace and charm. Don’t take your inner gifts for granted. It’s okay to sometimes withdraw to protect yourself but be careful with overprotectiveness.. Don’t be shy or doubtful - listen to your heart/your inner child - what it wants is what you really need. Keep certain things a secret not because you're shy about it but because you realize that some people are not able to deal with those things respectfully. You have so much potential, creativity and a powerful imagination - it’s important to reveal those inner treasures. Ask yourself ‘what is it that I have been hesitant to share?’ - the world is waiting to see you shine brightly: Being in the energy of feeling blessed, being generous with yourself and mastering your skills might help you. You might see yourself as soft and delicate but you have a strong shell to protect yourself. The oyster lives in a turbulent environment of ocean currents yet it’s peaceful and adaptable. And It has the ability to take the sand and grit and irritants in its life and transform it into a pearl - very magical and so are you. Become aware of the magical side of you! Get in touch with your feminine and sensual side. Embody empress and queen of cups energy - but be careful of emotional drainage or insecurity. Embrace nature and beauty to lighten up your energy. Become stable and secure within.
Be positive and enthusiastic about your life, yourself and about the void state. Be full of energy - know where to get your energy back or know what to do to lighten up when you're lacking energy - and do those things daily for nourishment and rejuvenation. Spending time in nature, using your creativity and exploring spirituality are helpful. Be in the knowing that you can’t go wrong - tell yourself ‘I KNOW where I’m going with my life and I KNOW that I’m doing everything right.’. Create sweet moments in your life, appreciate the small things - change your mind so that you only notice the positive things and ignore anything that would get you into a bad mood - just be delusional! It will definitely work in your favor :) The hummingbird is very smart and curious and it loves to learn - embody that energy. Don’t shy away from things that spark your curiosity! Try to be careful about becoming pushy/insistent or sharp (with your words) towards others and yourself (especially when failed attempts happen). Be gentle and caring with yourself, appreciate your own complexity, follow your intuition. Be in a child-like (not childish!) energy - and take a child-like approach to manifesting and to the void-state - ‘How would you think about the void state if you were a child?’. People might have told you a dozen times that things aren’t logical or don’t make sense - forget what those people tried to put in your mind! - Tell yourself ‘nothing is illogical’ and ‘everything makes perfectly sense’. Know that the world around you is full of abundance and vitality, giving you plenty of opportunities to achieve wealth - not only in the financial sense but in a holistic one as well. Try to detach from financial worries as much as possible. You don’t want to establish a ‘lack of xx’ energy - be in the energy of prosperity. Be careful of imbalance and trust issues within yourself. Bonding with yourself and your inner child is the best way to make you unstoppable. <3
Become comfortable with the concept of being otherworldly and feel it. Even if you think that you seem ‘average and unnoticeable’ like the nightingale (please DON’T - you're a magical beauty !!!) know that you have so much more magic within you than others! You guys are special and powerful - embody that energy. Writing/composing and singing might help you and also listening to music because it heals your deepest wounds. You need to open the bridge between your heart and your voice - ask yourself ‘Is there something I need to say?’ ‘How long has it been since I sang freely?’ - turn up the music, write it down and let it out. Working on your throat and heart chakra might help as well as speaking freely with kindness and releasing shyness. Listen to your dreams and explore your own darkness and mysticism. Be true to yourself, establish a clear set of values and adjust your life accordingly. I know you can. :)
-> check out my other pac readings :)
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
What kind of energy could help you?
Hello pile three! For you guys, I got the camel spirit, the eagle spirit and the bee spirit.
Being resourceful - What does that mean? If you ask google they say: Think of resourceful people as “full of resources,” or tools for coming up with solutions. They adapt well to new or difficult situations and they are able to think creatively. For example, if a snake gets loose in the pet store, a resourceful person will be able to figure out how to lure it back into its cage again - that’s what you should embody, the camel spirit is independent, they know themself and can handle absolutely anything as it carries a wealth of nourishment (water) within, they are self-reliant and handle any challenge with ease, know that you are capable of anything - it’s all within yourself and the void already surrounds you. Even in the face of heat (judgment or anger) - search within to cool yourself but also the situation down. Know that you are able to bring opposites into balance (fire and water - feelings and intellect etc), be responsible for your own reactions. Keep your emotions under control but don’t bottle them up, don’t run from them and face them head on instead. Deal with your moodiness, when you ‘fail’ at entering the void state, don’t justify why you didn't get into the void state - don’t dwell on it! Just affirm intensely ‘I get into the void every time i try!’ - don’t give the old story any chance. PERSIST - get it into your head that you are capable of entering the void! Be generous with yourself, don’t do negative self-talk. Try to have a fresh yet passionate outlook on the void state. Be spontaneous and just see it as exploring yourself. Get rid of the ‘lack of direction’/’lack of success’ mindset! Don’t be immature or pessimistic. You are not helpless! Tell yourself ‘I KNOW what I’m doing and IT WORKS every single time!’. Make sure that you dehydrate enough. If you feel a lack of vitality try to go outside and just walk around or travel. Try to be in a calm and content energy regarding the void state and don’t lose your spark.
The noble eagle spirit emanates the light of the sun and the sun in tarot represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater. The eagle is a very powerful bird - I think you should tell yourself more often how great and powerful you are - work on your self image/worth. Try to improve your physical and spiritual strength. Anything shitty that occurs in your 3D should make you even more determined to transform. Embody the best and brightest version of yourself. You are stronger than you think. Shine bright and face any ‘challenge’ head on - it doesn't matter how ‘difficult’ anything seems because you are always in control. Don’t try to be controlling or force control in the 3D - that shows that you are in a ‘lack of control’ - instead just KNOW that you are in control - tell yourself that as many times as you need ‘I am in control. I am the creator of my reality. I am in the knowing.’- you don’t need to do anything special - just KNOW. Or rather you subconsciousness needs to know and as you seem to have a stubborn mind, persisting and intense affirming might be necessary.
Again, be in the energy of contentedness and vibrance. Be earnest and hardworking (in regards to persisting and affirming), integrate affirming into your daily life. Be careful with overworking yourself, stop when you feel it starts getting annoying - give yourself enough breaks in between - work steadily and thoughtfully until the final task is complete. See entering the void state as something that can be completed/accomplished - IT'S A FACT. You will enter the void state because you can. Be aware of all the subtleties. Be careful with impatience and perfectionism. Enjoy learning more about yourself. It’s all for the better. Realize that you are ready for healing and for positive change. Learn to forgive (yourself), to forget in order to move on. Be open to change, open your heart and let this period of transformation happen. Allow yourself to have hope for the future, be courageous and generous with yourself. Don’t fear being disappointed (by failed attempts etc) because you will enter the void state anyways, right? So it doesn’t matter :) Are you feeling motivated and restless? Now is the perfect time to act on those feelings, start taking those first steps into making your dreams reality. Show willpower and enthusiasm. When losing focus or motivation - remind yourself why you are doing this. Affirming and stuff like that might seem dull to you, but they will pay off eventually. You must see all your tasks through to the end. Don’t be resistant to change.
-> check out my other pac readings :)
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© daisys-reality
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daisys-reality · 2 years
if you want to learn a bit more about BRAINWAVES/BINAURAL BEATS and want to use them to help you manifest/enter the void state/shift realities:
-> xx, xx, xx (my summary of those posts)
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daisys-reality · 2 years
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daisys-reality · 2 years
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I took some time off of tumblr and other distracting social media and spend some time with my family (haven't seen them for a long time) to calm my mind down for a bit and to let my thoughts run freely.
yesterday night I read these posts on tumblr -> XX, XX, XX, XX (100% recommended)
And it helped me sooo freaking much!! I was so happy and peaceful yesterday and sleeped really well and even today, I feel like nothing can stop me or run my mood!!! I feel so different rn and it only took like 1 1/2 days and some tumblr posts lol (feeling like a clown rn...why didn't I do this earlier🧍‍♀️)
Tbh I don't feel like I need the void anymore...like.. I really feel like I can just manifest just waking up to my ideal life without the void rn
I feel so excited for my life and everything... this is unreal😭🔥
Please do yourself a favour and work on your self concept !!!
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daisys-reality · 2 years
I heard that you can talk to your higher self while you're in a void state. Are you also planning to? If so, can you also tell me how?
small disclaimer: spirituality x law of assumption - anyone can have different beliefs because everyone has their own reality. you can still believe in spirituality while being into LOA!
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Well anon it depends on what belief system you have...
What is "your higher self" for you? I often read that people call it just their future self which is not really how I personally would see it.
If you ask google, it says:
"Higher self is a term associated with multiple belief systems, but its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self."
- and that's what I believe as well. It's above the concept of time and knows past, present and future. A higher being, a higher consciousness. It's your real self - the 'you' you lost connection with more and more while being on this earth, living within this society and "growing up".
Funnily, when you're into Law Of Assumption you start to learn that you ARE GOD or rather an 'eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being' (see what I did there) and you need to release all limiting beliefs (of yourself). So, in a way if you're saying that you need to step into your power in the Loa community it means to step into your higher self.
Before being into LOA I used to talk to my higher self (and to my spirits) while doing tarot readings to advise me on this journey called life. Nowadays, I don't talk to my "higher self" anymore because I AM my higher self (at least that's what I'm working on being right now), so it doesn't make sense to me anymore to talk to it. I am the higher being and I am the creator of this reality, right?
While we're on this topic, I see my spirit 'guides' like other high level beings who support me like friends. Wether they already went through these earthly struggles or always have been in their power, they are equal beings to me (=my higher self) but a bit more knowledgeable/wiser than me :)
I never thought about using the void state that way. As I explained it above, I wouldn't want to to talk to my higher self in the void state. But talking to my spirit guides might be fun. But you could also just script meeting them in one of your DRs or having a DR mainly for spending time with you're spirit guides if I think about it🤔 Ok my mind is running wild again haha
But regarding your question "Can you tell me how?"...
It's not that complicated. Once you're in the void just affirm or imagine that your higher self is here (in the void) with you... like you don't need to do more than that. Don't make it too complicated!
I remember someone affirming in the void that the void is pink and it became pink right away in front of their "eyes", and it has been pink ever since. You are the void and you can change it as you like. If you want your higher self to be with you in the void, you can just make it that way.
- daisy 🌼
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daisys-reality · 2 years
ʟᴀᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴍᴇᴍᴇꜱ
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daisys-reality · 2 years
Heard you are considering manifesting powers,, here's a list of suggestions. If you're unfamiliar with any, the powerlisting wiki has descriptions, examples, and applications of each. You remind me of reality warping based powers inherently, on a side note.
— absolute wish
— alternate self communication
— author authority
— autopotence
— biokinesis
— boundary manipulation
— causality manipulation
— choicifery
— complete arsenal
— creation / destruction
— dual warping
— healing
— imagination manifestation
— logic manipulation
— mentifery
— meta chronokinesis
— metapotence
— opposites shuffling
— personal domain
— perspective manipulation
— pocket dimension creation
— quantum foam manipulation
— quantum string manipulation
— reality warping
— rule transcendence
— self transcendence
— solipsism
— vector manipulation
— video game physics
— voicifery
— xenopsychic reality warping
✧.* S U P E R P O W E R S *.✧
wow anon this is so cool, thanks for sending this! reading the list kinda reminded me of eye of the future - they always made subliminals for supernatural powers on yt and the discriptions were always so detailed and full of complicated words lol
actually when I said I'm thinking of manifesting 'superpowers' I already had 3 things in mind !! tho I can see why you thought about reality wraping (manipulating) based powers but I technically already have them with my manifesting and reality shifting abilities 😅
the abilities I thought about manifesting were:
1. I wanted to manifest healing abilities! - you also have this on the list. I want to be able to heal something by holding my hands over it... like they do in naruto but without the whole chakra thingy lol. I don't want to be immortal here in my CR per se (when I'm old, I'm probably just gonna shift to a new reality and claim that reality as my new cr!) but with my healing abilities I could do something about any wounds or illnesses and I can help the people around me as well!!
2. idk exactly how to name the second ability but I want to be able to create something like 'mini portals' with my hands but not to enter them! I want to use them like a screen - to show other people in my CR something from my DRs or from my memory OR to 'visualize' my thoughts - when I have something in my mind I can just show them it instead of explaining it! whenever I experience sth cool I always want to share it with someone so badly cuz talking about it is the most fun !! But that's a bit difficult with reality shifting unless u do group shifting yk ... I could for example show how the reality looks like or certain scenarios from DR to my friends or family... that would be really nice
3. telekinesis! I don't really want to use this for something big... you know I'm really clumsy, I would probably use them to stop something (or someone lol) from falling down or to move stuff closer to me when I'm too lazy to get up lmao. Or I could maybe use this to make myself fly!
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but your list is very interesting! tbh I didn't know what most of the names stand for but I looked them up. most of them talk about the same thing (changing something by will without limits) in my opinion. but as you took the time to list all these things, I will also try to comment all of them too! I will also add the meanings of these powers so you guys don't have to look them all up like I did :')
alternative universe communication [communicating with people (mainly yourself) from alternative universes] - it's interesting but that would mean i would directly talk to my clones and idk how i would feel about that ??
absolut wish powers [granting, controlling and manipulating wishes] - it's kinda like perfect manifesting abilities.
imagination manifestation = manifesting lol (based on law of assumption ofc).
mantifery [manipulating reality through mind power alone] - we already do that :')
logic manipulation [manipulating the rules of logic] - there is no logic in the world anyways - humans that don't even know manifesting or reality shifting define the word 'logic', so how reliable is that?
author authority [being the author of your reality] goes hand in hand with manifesting (changing your reality how you like) and shifting (scripting what you want to experience in your desired realities) in my opinion. The same goes for biokinesis [manipulation of anatomy, physiology and internal body processes], autopotence [being omnipotent over oneself], self transcendence [being able to go beyond one's limits], boundary manipulation [being able to manipulate anything without limits], causality manipulation [manipulation of the relationship of cause and effect], opposites shuffling [changing opposites/making anything the opposite of anything else], creation/destruction, reality wraping [manipulating reality], dual wraping [rationally and irrationally manipulating reality], personal domain [ruling over a certain realm or aspect], rule transcendence [power to surpass the rules of reality], quantum foam manipulation [manipulating the the smallest level of foundation of reality, from which existence and dimensions emerges], quantum string manipulation [bending reality by altering the 'quantum strings' which make up reality], pocket dimensions creation [creating small personal worlds which the user has control over] and metapotence [the power to do anything], in my opinion they all kinda talk about the same thing = being able to change (create, destroy, alter) something without limits. for manifesting there are already no limits!! if you're good at manifesting you can change your whole being, (take on any from or give yourself any abilities) or change your environment/reality to how you like, 'create' your own realities and decide how things work so yeah...
choicifery [changing the future or reality through a set of options] - I don't find that appealing - I'm not comfortable with things being set in stone and with my decisions having a lasting/permanent effect in this world (that's why I love law of assumption because it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want and to change it afterwards if it isn't satisfying enough)
complete arsenal [possessing all powers] - is also not something for me, I don't want to be some kind omnipotent being in my CR - I mean I technically already am one but I don't really want to make use of all my powers if you know what I mean, I just want to live a chill and simple life and I just want a few special powers that are useful/efficient and make my life in my CR more comfortable or are just fun :') (like healing abilities, wings, making plants bloom or sth like that)
metachronokenesis [manipulating time in all realities] - ex. manifesting slowing down time or shifting back in time and things like that already make that possible...
perspective manipulation [manipulating the perspective of oneself or others about anything, so that they view reality to their liking rather than the 'true' state of reality itself. All the concepts like time, space, causality exist only because they are perceived to exist, so are these at the user's hand to be controlled, turning subjective interpretation into reality] - wow isn't that what law of assumption teaches!? (= 'you're the creator of your own reality and whatever you assume to be true will become true')
solipsism [altering anything that can be related to the user or is connected to them from memory or their knowledge] - the ability to revise things or change them is already possible with manifesting
vector manipulation [manipulating matter and energy through vectors - like averting an attack and sending it off into another direction] - I don't think I need that in my CR... It's only seems useful if you're in a reality where you have to fight a lot... like in a dragon ball reality or something 😂
video game physics [ability to alter the law of physics to mimic any and all video games] - mhm in my opinion it makes more sense to shift to a video game reality instead of manifesting this ability
voicifery [ability to affect reality with the power of one's voice] - power affirming lmao...
xenopsychic reality warping [manipulating reality based on the mind of others] - idk how that would be useful for me?... naah I don't think I need that in my CR
still, thank you very much anon for thinking about what I might like and for taking your time writing this down!!! as I already said I'm more interested in simple/specific abilities (healing, invisibility, wings, making flowers bloom, talking to animals or stuff like that). my desired realities are already crazy enough, in my CR I just want to have fun and chill :')
- daisy 🌼
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daisys-reality · 2 years
how to embody the state of consciousness as someone who already has their desires?
Hey anon! The state of consciousness as someone who already has their desires equals the living in the end/wish fulfilled state of mind.
There are endless posts here on Tumblr about this state like this, this, this or this.
Basically, the goal is to be laid-back, confident and content because you already know you have your dream life.
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An example for what you could do is using affirmations (like 'I already have all my desires') that indicate a conscious acknowledgement of you having your desires.
Use them until you notice yourself becoming comfortable with the fact that you have your desires, until it feels normal to you to have your desires and not unrealistic or so far away.
Detach emotionally from your desires. You shouldn't be desperate for something you already have, right? Therefore, no stressing, no pressure to put in more 'work', no waiting for something to arrive, no trying/wishing to manifest! - all of this indicates lack (of your desires)! Creation is finished. It is already done. You already are at the end of your journey. You already have it all. Don't fantasize about some kind of future where you’re going to have results , think of your desired present moment with all your desires!
You have your desires right now. Acknowledging that mentally! Stop any thoughts that contradict/ imply that you’re not at the end. (mental diet)
Persist in that mindset and you will 'see' your manifestations coming into fruition!
- daisy 🌼
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daisys-reality · 2 years
ʟᴀᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴍᴇᴍᴇꜱ
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daisys-reality · 2 years
hey!! every night i have been trying to go to the void and i feel like i can get in - i feel the symptoms like someone’s pulling me up and my eye starts to twitch and some parts of my body starts to itch. surely it must mean i’m going into the void but the problem is everynight i try to hold it but it is SOOOO uncomfortable. is it supposed to be uncomfortable? and the eye twitch like crazy and i have to hold it shut tight. and i have to scratch or have to open my eyes. should i let this uncomfortableness take me for once for the better or is there something i can do to go through it without being uncomfortable.
small disclaimer: only take what resonates. It's your reality and you decide what works and what doesn't.
As I said in this post I haven't entered the void yet. I tried to enter the void for some time too when I first got into loa in the beginning of this year (I was doing it kinda half-heartedly because I didn't really know that much about it). And I'll tell you, I was so annoyed by these symptoms as well. My eyes would also twitch like a mf and it would be so hard to keep them shut😭 It stressed me out and I would always be unable to sleep after trying to enter the void. I focused too much on trying till I was so tired of it.
That's when I realized I approached this the wrong way🤠
I tried to read more into it and into what other people have been doing. That's also when I saw that some people here were able to manifest they dream live overnight as well without the void which motivated me a lot !! I then decided to focus more on "conscious manifesting" (as I like to call it) instead of using the void method. And I'm pretty comfortable with that right now (although I still plan on entering void in the future).
But back to your situation... As I reflected on my past attempts, I realized that trying to enter the void directly (through meditation) was just not for me at that time...ok sounds like a limiting belief here but why should you do something that makes you uncomfortable? Ofc I saw people saying 'you can just affirm that those symptoms don't happen' (which you can!) but I was a freaking beginner at that time and I was already overwhelmed with trying the void method itself.
I personally think you don't need to change (affirm) everything for it to work for you, you sometimes just need to 'work around it' so that it's comfortable for you. We don't want to overcomplicate it.
So what can you do? There are many people who only set the intention to enter the void and affirm for some time before going to sleep WITH the expectations to wake up in the void. After falling asleep, they wake up in the void. -> the 'waking up in the void' method
What you are doing is trying to enter the void through meditation and many struggle with 'letting go' while going through those symptoms. (But I'm not saying it's impossible! It's as effective and possible as the other method.)
I think you are at a point where you believe you need to feel these shitty symptoms to get closer to the void. Which is not true! It's not meant to feel uncomfortable! I want you to take a step back and only focus on saturating your mind with new assumptions. Forget every 'failed' attempt.
You're stressed out by weird symptoms rn because your body can't handle your plans lol. The signals you're body is sending out mean 'Wtf are you doing?? Stop that sh*t.' You're body is not working with you rn but against you - and we don't want that.
For the 'waking up in the void method' (for the other one too), you kinda "need" to be at ease with the concept 'void' itself and you are the void !!
So, for the time being I would advise you to build up your self-trust (helpp is that a word?). There is a reason why people say 'Work on your self concept!'.
-> First of all, try to be in tune with yourself. Meditate (not to enter the void but to clear your mind and to let you thoughts run freely), listen to your inner voice, let your emotions run freely, listen to your intuition and follow your instincts! Get to know yourself better and get more comfortable with being you. Get comfortable with being! Tell yourself randomly 'I am' and feel what it does to you!
-> You need to built up faith in yourself. Tell yourself more 'I trust myself.', 'I'm confident in myself.', 'Whatever I do, I do it right.' 'Everything always works out in my favour.' As I said in this post it's important that we trust ourselves because our subconscious is us. And how can you trust your subconscious, if you can't trust yourself? (That's why u keep trying harder and harder and then you start doubting your ability to enter the void. WHICH WE DON'T WANT!) Telling yourself the above mentioned affirmations will boost your faith overtime and so will your trust in yourself. Also, practicing 'setting intentions' and fulfilling it throughout your day will help you increase your trust in yourself! (-> I recommend reading this post about it)
Ofc you have the choice to do and believe whatever you want, as it's your reality and you decide what works for you. But I would recommend you to stop the whole void stuff for some time (2-3 days are enough!), and just work on and with yourself. It will work wonders I promise you!!
Once you have 'complete faith' in yourself (it's an exaggeration, remember you decide when you're ready), try out the 'wake up in the void method'. Don't stress yourself out, make it enjoyable!
Every time you lay in bed say you're fav affirmation about the void and tell yourself 'I wake up in the void every night'. Visualize being in the void state and imagine yourself having waked up in the void every night the last days/weeks/whatever. (But remember: keep it short! Don't overdo it. You know you will wake up in the void anyway, so it's not necessary, right? You don't want It to become hard work or stressful!) After doing some of the things above go to sleep (without worries pls).
As I said before, it's important to make it enjoyable and comfortable for you, so that your body will feel comfortable with it too. Be in state of knowing and get used to it! It doesn't matter how much time is passing! Time isn't real and once you enter the void you can just revise the past so it doesn't matter !!
In this society we get used to neglecting ourselves and as result we lose the connection to ourselves and become mentally ill. (which is not ok btw) That's why we often need to find the way back to ourselves first before we're comfortable with things like loa/void state or even reality shifting that are based purely on ourselves.
I wish you luck on your journey. I understand your struggles right now but I know you capable of doing this❤️
- daisy 🌼
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daisys-reality · 2 years
I saw people in the loa community arguing about using crystals or believing in the existence of other gods or in astrology/tarot etc 'why are you believing this??? blabla why are giving you're power away?'
boiii let me tell you something you can believe whatever you want... I thought we all agreed on this one....
If you choose to believe (assume) that you will find only the right messages through tarot or other divination practices or if you choose to believe that those crystals will have the specific effect or that you can rely on some deity because they are powerful and helpful whatever YOU CAN DO THAT. You are choosing how to live your life.
Just because we know about manifesting doesn't mean we all should live a perfect life as a supreme being in some kind of heaven space for fu*ks sake. Not everyone wants 'your type of perfect life' - everyone has a different view on what a perfect life looks like to begin with!
If you want to experience love drama before finding the one or live a simple live and not that one of a millionaire because it brings you more joy or emotional fulfillment, you have all the right to do that!!
No one should tell you how to live your life. And you shouldn't need to justify your likes and beliefs.
Just do it.
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daisys-reality · 2 years
i’ve been struggling with unwanted negative thoughts and visualizations due to anxiety and having an overly anxious mind, i’ve been wanting to know if affirming the opposite/regardless of those negative thoughts and visualizations will still make me capable of manifesting my desire?
Oh dear, manifesting is a innate ability of yours! No one can take this from you, okay? You will always be able to manifest no matter what. Please don't think too much into it, the more you think about this the less good you feel about yourself :/
Even with doubts and negative thoughts you can manifest your desires! Nothing can mess with your manifestations!!!
But dealing with those things (negative thoughts) might be better because if you have the chance to feel better, you should take it, right? It's your journey and why should you feel bad during it? So you can use affirmation/mental diet to get actively get rid of these things and to calm your mind but just know that you don't need to feel bad about yourself if you don't find the energy to that!
You have the ability to change your circumstances that's why we tell you all what you can do about negativity and doubts because no one wants you guys to feel bad about yourself. But it's not necessary to do something about those struggles because you can manifest regardless! And once you get this into your head, you will be unstoppable and your doubts/negative disposition will fade away without you even noticing!
"The power you hold doesn't care about time, fear or doubts."
"Everything is already under your control. Nothing can happen that you don’t allow."
I wish you the best anon! You can do this, I'm sure of it!💞
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- daisy 🌼
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