#tama x yomi
desbravandookp · 2 years
Lista de Akumas do KaizokuProject
(Feito em: 21/06/2022 e atualizado em 04/04/2023 por Perospero) Atualmente há 62 akumas no mi no jogo
Akuma | Usuário | Tier Original
A Ami Ami no Mi (Fruta da Rede) | Largo | Tier 3 Atsu Atsu no Mi (Fruta do Calor) | Don Accino | Tier 3 Awa Awa no Mi (Fruta do Sabão) | Kalifa | Tier 3
B Baku Baku no Mi (Fruta da Comilança) | Wapol | Tier 0 Bara Bara no Mi (Fruta da Separação) | Buggy | Tier 3 Bari Bari no Mi (Fruta da Barreira) | Bartolomeo | Tier 2 Beta Beta no Mi (Fruta do Muco) | Trébol | Tier 3 Bomu Bomu no Mi (Fruta da Bomba) | Gem – Mr. 5 | Tier 3 Buki Buki no Mi (Fruta da Arma) | Baby 5 | Tier 2
D Doa Doa no Mi (Fruta da Porta) | Blueno | Tier 2 Doku Doku no Mi (Fruta do Veneno) | Magellan | Tier 1 Doru Doru no Mi (Fruta da Vela) | Galdino | Tier 3 F
Fude Fude no Mi (Fruta do Pincel) | Kurozumi Kanjuro | Tier 0
G Gasha Gasha no Mi (Fruta da Assimilação) | Douglas Bullet | Tier 0 Gasu Gasu no Mi (Fruta do Gás) | Caesar Clown | Tier 2 Gol Gol no Mi (Fruta do Ouro) | Gild Tesoro | Tier 2 Gomu Gomu no Mi (Fruta da Borracha) | Monkey D. Luffy | Tier 3 Goro Goro no Mi (Fruta da Eletricidade) | Enel | Tier 1 Gura Gura no Mi (Fruta do Terremoto) | Barba Branca — Edward Newgate | Tier 1
H Hana Hana no Mi (Fruta da Flor) | Nico Robin | Tier 3 Hebi Hebi no Mi Model Anaconda (Fruta da Cobra Modelo Anaconda) | Boa Sandersonia | Tier 2 Hie Hie no Mi (Fruta do Gelo) | Aokiji — Kuzan | Tier 1 Hito Hito no Mi (Fruta do Humano) | Tony Tony Chopper | Tier 1 Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu (Fruta do Humano, Modelo Buda) | Sengoku | Tier 1 Hobi Hobi no Mi (Fruta do Brinquedo) | Sugar | Tier 3 Horo Horo no Mi (Fruta do Vazio) | Perona | Tier 3 Horu Horu no Mi (Fruta do Hormônio) | Emporio Ivankov | Tier 0
I Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami (Fruta do Cão, Modelo Lobo Divino) - Tier 0 | Yamato Ito Ito no Mi (Fruta do Fio) | Donquixote Doflamingo — Doffy | Tier 1 J Jiki Jiki no Mi (Fruta do Magnetismo) | Eustass D. Kid | Tier 0
K Kage Kage no Mi (Fruta da Sombra) | Gecko Moria | Tier 3 Kibi Kibi no Mi (Fruta do Milhete) | Tama | Tier 0 Kilo Kilo no Mi (Fruta do Peso) | Miss Valentine | Tier 3 Kira Kira no Mi (Fruta do Brilho) | Jozu | Tier 1
M Magu Magu no Mi (Fruta do Magma) | Akainu | Tier 1 Mane Mane no Mi (Fruta do Clone) | Kurozumi Higurashi, Bonclay — Mr. 2, Bentham | Tier 0 Mera Mera no Mi (Fruta do Fogo) | Portgas D. Ace, Sabo | Tier 1 Mero Mero no Mi (Fruta do Amor) | Boa Hancock | Tier 2 Mochi Mochi no Mi (Fruta do Moti) | Charlotte Katakuri | Tier 0 Moku Moku no Mi (Fruta da Fumaça) | Smoker | Tier 2
N Neko Neko no Mi, Model Leopard (Fruta do Gato, Modelo Leopardo) | Rob Lucci | Tier 3 Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Fruta da Pata) | Kuma | Tier 1 Noko Noko no Mi (Fruta do Cogumelo) | Musshuru, Wapol | Tier 2 Noro Noro no Mi (Fruta da Lentidão) | Foxy | Tier 3
O Ope Ope no Mi (Fruta da Operação) | Trafalgar D. Law | Tier 2
P Pika Pika no Mi (Fruta da Luz) | Kizaru | Tier 1
R Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus (Fruta do Dragão, Modelo Alossauro) | X Drake | Tier 0
S Soru Soru no Mi (Fruta da Alma) | Carmel, Big Mom — Charlotte Linlin | Tier 2 Suna Suna no Mi (Fruta da Areia) | Crocodile | Tier 2 Supa Supa no Mi (Fruta do Corte) | Mr. 1 — Daz Bonez | Tier 3
T Toge Toge no Mi (Fruta do Espinho) | Miss Double Finger — Zala | Tier 3 Toki Toki no Mi (Fruta do Tempo) | Kozuki Toki | Tier 0 Tori Tori no Mi, Model Phoenix (Fruta do Pássaro, Modelo Fênix) | Marco | Tier 0
U Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu (Fruta do Peixe, Modelo Dragão Azul) | Kaidou | Tier 0 Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison (Fruta da Vaca, Modelo Bisão) | Dalton | Tier 0 Ushi Ushi no Mi model Giraffe (Fruta da Vaca, Modelo Girafa) | Kaku | Tier 2 Uta Uta no Mi (Fruta da Canção) | Uta | Tier 0
W Wara Wara no Mi (Fruta da Palha) | Basil Hawkins | Tier 0
Y Yami Yami no Mi (Fruta da Escuridão) | Barba Negra — Marshall D. Teach | Tier 0 Yomi Yomi no Mi (Fruta da Ressureição) | Brook | Tier 2 Yuki Yuki no Mi (Fruta da Neve) | Monet | Tier 1
Z Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth (Fruta do Elefante Modelo Mamute) | Jack | Tier 1 Zushi Zushi no Mi (Fruta do Som de Pisões Fortes) | Issho – Fujitora | Tier 0
  Fighting Style: Atualmente: 11 fighting styles
Fighting Style: Chopper | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Eustass Kid | Tier 0 (RETIRADO)
Fighting Style: Franky | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Jinbe | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Kaidou | Tier 0 (RETIRADO)
Fighting Style: Monkey D. Garp | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Nami | Tier 2
Fighting Style: Nami New World | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Roronoa Zoro | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Sanji | Tier 2
Fighting Style: Silvers Rayleigh | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Vergo | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Usopp | Tier 2
Preço akuma
T0 Existente, Desvinculada – 600 créditos T0 Personalizada, Vinculada – 600 Créditos T0 Existente, Vinculada – 320 créditos
Para comprar uma akuma basta ir no Suporte e solicitar.
Ps: Há jogadores que colecionam akumas e pagam caro por akumas de tier original.
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yurianimemangaworld · 4 years
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curestardust · 3 years
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if you want: girls playing baseball but the production of this is really bad bruv so I’d strongly suggest skipping this 
TAMAYOMI which looks like any shitty mobile game anime adaptation is actually adapted from a manga which is probably the most shocking thing about all this. It features 10 members of a high school female baseball club with the main focus on two childhood friends Tama and Yomi (lol).
Now, listen, from experience, sports anime with female main characters are usually pretty bad quality. But this one in the ART department is just... oh my god. I don’t think you can find 2 frames of the same character where their proportions are the same. It truly felt like the team put all their effort into the 4 second long key frame of a focus shot on the pitchers’ thighs and ass as they lift their legs and that’s it. Boom, budget all gone. Besides the completely inconsistent faces and body shapes, the art as a whole is more than subpar. The animation is a bit better. 
The sport.. I know baseball is big in Japan and all but we don’t get an explanation of the rules or anything else and are just thrown right into specific terminology. It’s not that big of a problem by the end when you’ve more or less figured out what is what but it’s confusing in the beginning. 
For what it’s worthm TAMAYOMI is actually at least 95% just baseball. Not particularly exciting baseball, nor well executed but it actually shows the sport at least (the bar is low).
Honestly, the score for this should be much worse but the fucked up frames were really funny to me, I actually learnt something about this sport, there is no unnecessary “I’m leaving the team!!!” drama, Yomi’s approach to the sport was quite relatable to me and the final match actually got me a tiny bit excited.
That said, I don’t recommend this AT ALL. There is just nothing this anime could offer to anyone.
[4/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | There was actual money spent on this
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kitsukyouno · 4 years
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They will never reach the big leagues.
It was correct ending like a short sport serie should had but since the structure come from Kirara Magazine is probably will take far more time for the team had a medium result a last.
Good that Yoshino x Ibuki relationship grown up so much to receive a tribute in the end.
Tama and Yomi will homerun all night
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thisizaraisu · 4 years
What are your favorite ships BESIDES Tama X Yomi
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