#tarot learning
haza8877 · 5 months
A little random information about your soulmate.
The messages here are only for reference and entertainment. Tarot can't predict 100% of everything in your life exactly. Your fate is up to you. I hope you can enjoy this reading.
Pile 1 -> Pile 2 -> Pile 3
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Pile 1
(10 of cups, 10 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 7 of swords)
Maybe your soulmate will also be your future partner . They're people who've had career success, financial stability. Or maybe they were born into a family with good financial background (even maybe they're rich). They have almost complete life. But I can see that they're also going through a hard time, maybe they've been hurt in the past and that pain is still hanging on to them. They can be a person who can't let go of the past, a nostalgic person. But deep inside, they always crave a happy home. Maybe because the past trauma is not healed yet, it's hard for them to open up to the people around them. They always separate themselves from others, perhaps for fear of getting hurt again. Pain comes with desire, and I think that the more painful and hurtful something makes us, the more we desire it. I feel like the soulmate of Pile 1 is always eager to build a home of their own, they want to have a strong and stable love.
Have you met or known each other?
( the tower)
No. You haven't met yet. They're going through a major change in their lives. This may be a difficult time, but it's also very important in their journey. And I think you and them aren't ready to meet at this time. They need to change and let go of the past before they meet you.
Extra: (oracle)
yeah, like I said, this person still has unresolved wounds. They have a lot of emotions but are also too stubborn. They know they are hurting but don't admit that they will be weak at times. They need to "surrender" and accept the changes that are coming to life. Just let everything flow, don't resist and try to swim against the current. When you and them meet each other, you will realize that you both have many things in common and that your relationship is harmonious.
- A successful and financially stable/ Or from a rich family.
- Lots of reason ( But also sensitive)
- Maybe extrovertable
- May like to keep pets ( maybe a dog)
- Many air and water signs (a few earth signs)
Pile 2
(king of swords, page of pentacles, 5 of cups rx, 5 of wands)
They're difficult and rational people. They live with rules and don't want anyone to break the rules they set. They're logical, intelligent, and good at communicating. Seems like a workaholic. For them, everything needs to be planned and under their control. I have a feeling that they carry the energy of a leader, they can be the team leader in a team, either a manager or even a boss. Well, I wouldn't want to be their employees, because they'd be a very difficult boss, hahahaha, jkd, But they're great leaders and very ambitious. They're the kind of people who are responsible and trustworthy. People around them will usually listen to their advice. They can lead others with their experiences. I also noticed that they had experienced failures and injuries in the past, which seemed to be too naive to face life at the time. They are like young bird learning to fly for the first time and then they fall several times before they can "master the sky" like they do now. They are also highly competitive. it seems their environment demands it.
Have you met or known each other?
(ace of pentacles)
I'll say yes. Or if it's not, it'll be very soon. You two can meet when you are starting a new project or job. They may also be your colleagues or boss.
Extra: (oracle)
Deep down, they're people who care a lot about family and traditional values. They want to be strong so they can protect and take care of the people they love. They are the type of people who aim for stability and certainty. they have their pride. Sometimes they're a little conservative. But overall, this is someone you can trust.
- Can be introverted
- Good communicated ability
- Workaholic
- Knowledgeable, experienced, mature, logic
- Conservative and controlling
- Loyal, confident, creative
- Many earth signs, water signs and air signs
Pile 3
( knight of cups, the hanged man, judgment, 10 of wands)
They are emotional, delicate and gentle. They are easy to sympathize and understand what others want. I feel they are people with artistic tendencies. Their creativity and artistic sensation are very good. Maybe their work relates to creativity or art. They are the type of person who will devote themselves to others and what they love. Maybe they have a spiritual ability or have faith in a religion.They are also a thorough consideration when having problems in life. However, it seems they are too much emotional and sensitive, so sometimes they are quite difficult to make decisions or choose something. They have the soul of an artist, they like the freedom and they are also dreamer. But I feel like they have a lot of responsibility in life, and they're really tired of it. They often sacrifice their own interests for others, which in turn leads to them taking on responsibilities that make them unable to be free.
Have you met or known each other?
(5 of swords)
Nope. I feel like you and they haven't met yet. They seem to have personal problems that can't be solved. They need to learn to accept what's going on in life that may not go their way. And they need to learn to prioritize themselves. They seem to be struggling with a lot of things in life.
Extra: (oracle)
Wow, I have to emphasize that Pile 3's soulmate is very intuitive and also very sensitive.They're completely immersed in their emotional world. They could be inspirational people. They're like sponges that absorb all emotions from themselves and from others. But they're also passionate, they like to walk their own path, they also like discovery and novelty.
- Maybe extrovertable
- Art, creativity, passion
- Sensitive, intuitive, altruistic, compassionate
- Romantic
- Many signs of water and earth ( have a little sign of Aquarius)
How have you been these days? ❤️Please give me some suggestions about the topics you want to see. Thank you for your interest in my reading ❤️. Love u alllll ❤️🌸🌸🌸💐💐❤️
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archersarrow-tarot · 6 months
✨Reasons For Tarot✨
I have done similar previous posts regarding this same type of information, but I like to redo it from time to time - each time with a few adjustments.🪴🪴
A new perspective on a situation
Seeing into the past
Understanding the present
Guiding the future
Aid in decision-making
Seeing choices available to you
Problem solving
Gain knowledge of ancestors
See into past lives
Dream interpretation
Clarifying goals
Helps develop and strengthen psychic abilities
Story-telling: help create plots, characters, and stories.
A tool that can be used in rituals
Working with energies
Finding your true path
Discover hidden parts of yourself
A oracular tool
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helianthus-tarot · 1 year
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5 ways to incorporate tarot insights into your daily life
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1. Let the imagery and symbols speak to you
Use this method to gain deeper insight into your experiences and notice meaningful coincidence or synchronicity.
For example: If you pulled The Magician and the 'infinity' symbol on the card particularly caught your attention, seeing that symbol again as you went about your day could signify synchronicity; you might want to introspect on the meaning of the symbol in your life further.
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2. Let the card help you visualize
Do 10 minutes meditation where you visualize yourself embodying the characteristics represented in the card you pull.
For example: If you pulled The Chariot, meditate on the area of life that is emotionally challenging and visualize yourself feeling determined not to be distracted by your emotions and push forward. Feel the determination in your body, be The Chariot.
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3. Let the card act as your daily/weekly goal
Do a regular tarot draw (daily or weekly) and make the lesson of the card as a reminder or a goal to achieve for that day/week.
For example: If you pulled Temperance for your weekly draw, 'being patient' and 'focusing on the big picture' might be the mindset and approach you should take in that particular week.
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4. Let the card inspire your creativity
If you do creative work, pull a card and let it inspire you in your creation; create art, design or writing based on the card's theme.
For example: If you pulled The Emperor, you could try creating an art or a fictional story that represented the theme of The Emperor. You could also design objects and your surrounding (eg. your personal gym or room) with the theme of The Emperor.
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5. Let the card guide your intention
Take a card that symbolizes the energy you want to bring to a task and make it your intention before you start the task.
For example: If you were about to do something creative and express yourself, you could take The Sun out of the tarot deck and imagine yourself embodying the quality. Start your task with the positivity and openness of The Sun inside you.
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© 2023 Helianthus Tarot. All rights reserved.
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moranasees · 4 months
Hello, tumblr witches and watchers. My name is Morana and I'm a beginner tarot reader. I'd like to practice my tarot reader skills, so I'll be doing a few free readings.
I will read for the first 5 people who ask me.
I will not do readings for health issues. Please, consult your Earth doctor.
I will not do readings for legal advice.
I will answer one question only per person, so make sure to make a very good question.
I will pull from 1 to 3 cards, following my intuition, to answer said question.
When asking your question, please, leave your name initials and your birthday for identification only. Like: - AB, MM/DD/YYYY
Ps: English is not my first language.
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pinkpicket · 1 year
One of the most interesting things i learned recently about understanding the cards of tarot better, is to associate each card with a certain people and situations. Because understanding a living 3D being is easier ( even if it is on the surface level) than understanding just a card. So personally what i did was pull a card for each of my friends(asked tarot which card represents this person?) and what i do is try to associate the qualities of that person to that tarot card not vice versa bc here I'm not doing a reading on my friends instead I'm just trying to understand that card on a more personal level, so one of my friends got king of pentacles but another got queen of pentacles, and looking at these two people i can easily spot the difference between these two cards. So the king of pentacles( as in my friend) comes from a very well off family but he also is the type to be veryyy proud of what he has and likes to brag( tbh all his stories are just him going out, traveling, and dining at the best restaurants but i don't judge i love that dude to the core of my being lmao) and he's also VERY fond of women like bro worships them (which like hell ya king 🥹) while the other guy (the one that got queen of pentacles) is wayyyy more reserved and literally has no social media presence whatsoever and the only thing they both have in common in the stability they have at home but here queen of pentacles is way more gentle and hates bragging, very much minds her (his) business and sooo much more appreciative of everything he has and way more low key. This is all so interesting bc personally I would've never looked at queen and king of pentacles in that light. So for all tarot readers try it. It's crazy how much more u will learn this way.
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esotericawakenings · 2 months
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Check out the video on Rumble with the link above or click HERE.
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thapsyrensays · 1 year
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Basically 😂 that tower be fuckin y’all heads up. Remember that the tower isn’t always inherently negative— it’s just shocking, disruptive, and destabilizing.
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essseateatarot · 4 months
Ace of Pentacles “Tap into new opportunities and material potential.”
Our journey begins with the Ace of Pentacles, a symbol of new beginnings, material abundance, and the potential for prosperity. Like a fertile seed planted in rich soil, this card represents the promise of growth and tangible success. It invites us to open ourselves to new opportunities, allowing our efforts to yield fruitful results. The Ace of Pentacles lays the foundation for our material journey, setting the stage for the transformative experiences to come.
Numerological Meaning: New beginnings, material potential, abundance. Astrological Correspondence: Earth in Earth.
Two of Pentacles “A careful balance of resources and priorities.”
As we progress to the Two of Pentacles, we encounter the power of balance and resource management. This card signifies the need to juggle various responsibilities and priorities in our material lives. It represents a period of adaptability and resourcefulness, where careful planning and flexibility are essential. The Two of Pentacles invites us to find harmony amidst the demands of our practical endeavors, allowing us to navigate our material world with grace and efficiency.
Numerological Meaning: Balance, adaptability, resource management. Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter in Capricorn.
Three of Pentacles “Cultivate your skills and collaborative success.”
Moving forward, we reach the Three of Pentacles, a card that radiates with the energy of collaboration, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of mastery. This card symbolizes the power of teamwork and the value of honing our skills to achieve tangible success. It signifies the joy found in shared accomplishments, where each individual’s contribution plays a vital role in the overall achievement. The Three of Pentacles reminds us of the importance of diligence and collaboration in our pursuit of excellence.
Numerological Meaning: Collaboration, craftsmanship, mastery. Astrological Correspondence: Mars in Capricorn.
Four of Pentacles “It’s time to embrace stability and financial security.”
As our journey continues, we encounter the stabilizing energies of the Four of Pentacles. This card depicts a figure holding onto pentacles, symbolizing a desire for stability and a sense of financial security. It encourages us to take practical steps towards safeguarding our resources and ensuring our material well-being. The Four of Pentacles prompts us to find a balance between financial responsibility and the enjoyment of life’s comforts.
Numerological Meaning: Stability, financial security, resourcefulness. Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Capricorn.
Five of Pentacles “Endure through adversity and seek support.”
In the realm of the Five of Pentacles, we confront the challenging aspects of financial hardship and adversity. This card portrays figures facing a harsh winter landscape, symbolizing the need for resilience and seeking support during difficult times. It invites us to acknowledge our challenges, while also recognizing the potential for growth and assistance that may come from reaching out to others. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that even in times of scarcity, there is an opportunity for resilience and the emergence of newfound strength.
Numerological Meaning: Hardship, resilience, seeking support. Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Taurus.
Six of Pentacles “Give and receive assistance with balance and fairness.”
Continuing our journey, we encounter the Six of Pentacles, a card that evokes the energy of generosity, abundance, and the joy of giving and receiving. This card reminds us of the interconnectedness of abundance and encourages us to share our resources with an open heart. The Six of Pentacles invites us to find fulfillment in acts of kindness and to recognize the prosperity that comes from a spirit of generosity. It encourages us to cultivate a sense of abundance that extends beyond ourselves.
Numerological Meaning: Generosity, abundance, reciprocity. Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Taurus.
Seven of Pentacles “Cultivate patience and assess the progress of your efforts.”
As we delve deeper into the Pentacles suit, we encounter the Seven of Pentacles, a card that unveils the power of patience, diligence, and long-term planning. This card represents a figure tending to a garden, symbolizing the need for nurturing our endeavors and allowing them to grow over time. The Seven of Pentacles urges us to trust the process of growth and to invest our efforts wisely, knowing that our patient persistence will lead to abundant harvests in the future.
Numerological Meaning: Patience, diligence, long-term planning. Astrological Correspondence: Saturn in Taurus.
Do you like this content? Subscribe to the Ess Sea Tea Tarot for more. Embrace the magic 🪄
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onyxtides · 2 years
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Journal update! The font has been changed and bottom graphics have been updated! I just submitted this to Llewelyn and Red Feather publishing, but you can still buy the digital copy via my Etsy shop : HollowedPumpkin! If you want this in a physical copy message directly, I can see about making a physical copy for you.
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veritasss5 · 6 months
Taror spread: say how good and powerful is the person
In reality: shit person and act as shit.
Tarot fucking told me their potentials. That’s why the how you ask the question is very important.
I don’t care their potentials, I care if they can act as decent human being.
This happened to me quite a few times. I don’t want to have empathy for useless people.
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haza8877 · 4 months
What are your strengths?
Hello everyone, I've been quite busy these past few days to update my new reading. I'm back today and I'm going to give you a short reading, hopefully you'll enjoy it. 
Pile 1 -> Pile 2 -> Pile 3
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Pile 1
(the hermit)
The strength of Pile 1 is independence and maturity. I have a feeling you'd rather work alone than collaborate with others. You have depth and love to immerse yourself in your inner world. This helps you have a high self-awareness. You don't like crowded places, you don't like parties, you're autonomous and you like to spend time alone studying things. That's why you're somewhat more mature than your peers. I feel like you are always trusted by people around you and asked for advice. 
What do you need to do to develop your strengths? 
(8 of swords)
The advice for you to develop your strengths is to expand your safety zone. Because you're independent people who like to work alone, you live in your own world and think that your judgment-based judgments are right. I feel like sometimes you're "stuck" with your thoughts or fears that haunt you. The advice is to look at the world outside, not just live inside, balance between inside and outside. You're like a hibernating bear, now is the time to "wake up" to welcome spring and see the world. 
Pile 2
(2 of pentacles)
Your strength is the flexible change in every situation in life. You always know what's important to choose at different times. It makes it easier for you to adapt to changes. You are an easy person to integrate in new environments. When you encounter ups and downs in life, you know when to move on and when to stop. I have a feeling you might enjoy overcoming challenges? It's like you just take a potato out of the oven and it's hot, and you take it with your bare hands and juggle it back and forth, not put it down, and as the potato cools down, you enjoy it.  
 What do you need to do to develop your strengths? 
(page of swords)
The advice for pile 2 is to learn from the difficult situations and problems that you encounter in life. Because you already have flexibility and adaptability, you also need to develop more ability to learn from difficult circumstances. Sometimes you're "throwed" at problems and challenges, but don't worry, that's the training the universe wants you to overcome. Always ask questions." What am I going to learn from this situation?" "Why is it happening?" "How am I going to deal with it?". Also, use your mind to assess and analyze those problems. 
Pile 3
(5 of wands)
I see that you in Pile 3 are very competitive people, which is also your strength. Competitiveness can help you constantly try and grow in life and especially work.  However, you know, too competitive sometimes makes people around you feel you are too eager to win and selfish. So. Use this strength wisely and appropriately. In addition, I also feel that you will learn and grow well in a competitive environment. You know what you'll learn from it. 
What do you need to do to develop your strengths? 
(wheel of fortune)
Hmmm, the advice for pile 3 to develop strength is to always broaden your horizons. Whether you're a competitive person or are often faced with competing or conflicting situations, that advice is to broaden your horizons in such situations. Look at the problem as a whole to understand why it happens, simply because it needs to happen. Also, understand that difficulties or unexpected things happen for a reason. Maybe it's destined to perfect your path ahead. Maybe at a difficult time, you won't be able to see the overall picture the universe is creating for you, but always believe in the future and the universe. 
Thank you for your interest in my readings. Your support has motivated me to release more posts. If you have any interesting topics, please recommend for me. Thank you again and love you allllll 🌸🌸❤️❤️❤️💐💐
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archersarrow-tarot · 8 months
Tarot Numerology
potential, beginnings, new energy, opportunity.
choices, balance, duality, options, partnerships
interaction, group, collaboration, expression, growth
stability, foundation, planning, stationery
change, conflict, release, adaptability, challenge
support, reward, healing, harmony
reflection, assessment, decisiveness
movement, action, progression, accomplishment
completion, manifestation, attainment
end of a cycle, karma, transform, renewal
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bewitchrry · 2 years
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TUESDAY READING - 23.08.2022
Standard three card pull, with two extras as a path card (two of swords) was pulled, plus an oracle card bc I was feeling it. PLEASE NOTE: I won’t be doing deep dives like this all the time, but sometimes I like to write it all out because I am really still learning to interpret. Anything that isn’t mine is in italics! 
And yes, I used a skirt as a table cloth. It’s called making use of what you have.
Okay! Here we go! 
The Hierophant, reversed: Questioning certain ‘traditions’. The pull to think for oneself is strong, but you’re constantly challenged to keep within the status quo and colour between the lines. Sometimes this leads to being the ‘yes man’ despite thinking you’re the boss. “Learning to live by your own rules, while still listening to your own conscience, will bring you freedom from oppression. It will open your mind and expand your horizons in a positive way.”
Two Of Swords (pathway): [difficult] choices ahead. Often met with that feeling of insecurity or being unsure of what you’re doing is ‘right’ for you. [B’s note: I will often pull two extra cards to indicate a ‘path’, to try and give some clarity in the reading!]
PATH ONE: PAGE OF CUPS: A time to release and show emotions that you may have been holding onto for some time, but haven’t really found an avenue to express them in. There’s a fear here, about speaking up and speaking out, or about creating something that might damage the ‘ego’. This is the sign that it’s absolutely okay to have a fresh start and create something that symbolises the true you. If you’re looking for an answer to a question, the best you will get is a maybe.
PATH TWO: THREE OF PENTACLES: If you’re looking for the easy path, this is it. You’ve already seen success and this is the card that tells you to keep persevering and not give up. “Successful projects usually require different kinds of expertise, and at this moment, the Three of Pentacles means that all the skills required are coming together. In short, you are enjoying enjoying working together as part of a team, and also in the initial success of this bigger project.” If you’re looking for an answer to a question, the best you will get is a yes, but with a warning: are people telling you what you want to hear, or are they being genuine?
The path comes down to this: do you want to be known for genuine, creative work that has you challenging yourself, or do you want to be known for the status quo, where you know people will respond in the way they always do? OR, are you like the two of swords: blindfolded and hoping that whatever decision you are asked to make just disappears?
The Chariot: the chariot calls for being assertive and courageous. Having faith in oneself - knowing who you are and what you stand for -be bold in expressing your desires and laying down your boundaries; otherwise, you will not get your way. “Now isn’t the time to be passive in the hope that things will work out in your favour. Take focused action and stick to the course, no matter what challenges may come your way – because, believe me, there will be challenges. You may be pulled in opposite directions and find your strength and conviction tested. Others may try to block you, distract you, or drag down the pursuit of your goal. But The Chariot is an invitation to draw upon your willpower and home in on what’s essential to you, so you can push past the obstacles in your way.”
B’s TAKE: I’m getting a lot of personal conflict. Simply put: people are asking a lot of you right now, be it in professional settings or personal settings, and chances are you haven’t been able to express what you want, or create what you want, or work how you want. In these instances, for me, I ask myself: who am I doing this for? At the end of the day if you’re not doing things for you, then you can’t do it for others. The natural progression of sharing yourself with others is to learn about yourself first, and that takes time. It’s easy to be someone else, to put on a mask and just go, but you give up so much of who you are in the process, and that’s the difference between doing something [and being someone] you love versus doing and being someone you think everyone else will love. 
The Hell Train: "Too late, this unavoidable confrontation is a long time coming. Toot toot bitch, it’s here.” Translation: if you were looking for a sign to look deep and hard at your actions, at your life and yourself (or in relationships, be it platonic or romantic): this is it. It won’t be an easy one, but it has to be done. It’s now or never.
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divinetarotblog · 1 year
Simplify your tarot learning journey with our easy-to-follow ebook! Discover the basics, master the techniques, and unlock the secrets of tarot in no time. Say goodbye to overwhelming tarot guides and hello to a clear and concise understanding. Get your copy now! ✨
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tarotindabox · 2 years
Light and shadow of my personality.
My light is the Hierophant and my shadow is the Hermit. Two cards, two major arcana, and what a serious combination!I am a guru-transmitter of knowledge, and at the same time I am an introverted and ascetic "monk".
Yes, I admit that I always have the risk of becoming too closed in my own little world of precious accumulated knowledge, I can isolate myself for a long time in my endless search for myself. And I always need to make sure that I do not find myself in a state of "I will not exchange communication with myself for communication with others." Because, in my case, it can lock me into self-satisfying detachment and aloofness. Me, who has the light of personality - the Hierophant, the one who is ready to give the keys of wisdom, who shares knowledge.
My hermit in the shadow will say, "May only I know about it," my Hierophant in the light will say, "May everyone who wants to be enlightened know about it." And this is how light and shadow coexist with each other. It's great that I don't have a Hierophant in the shadow, otherwise I would go everywhere and impose my "sermons" on everyone, I would teach everyone how to live,even those who did not ask for it. And so, I never impose myself! I help those and interact with those who want this, who are ready, who have chosen me and turned to me. Even though I don't deal with all questions as my free will has not been canceled either.
Both, as a combination, these two arcana very well show my interest in Vedic philosophy, yoga, asceticism, etc. And I live not only by transferring knowledge, but also by constantly acquiring and updating it, otherwise you can figuratively turn out to be a hermit not in the "mountains", but in a stagnant "swamp".
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tarotpathways · 12 days
Lesson #12
Lesson 12: Creating Your Own Tarot Spread Lesson 12: Creating Your Own Tarot Spread focuses on the creative and intuitive process of designing tarot spreads that are tailored to specific questions, situations, or areas of exploration. This lesson encourages you to step into your power as a reader, using your knowledge and intuition to craft spreads that resonate deeply with you and your…
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