nia313 · 1 year
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20221102。金幣皇后 Queen of pentacles 。累積學習並遵守自然法則❤。 ========================= 在物質的經營上,請讓愛與情感流動、感受、表達。 ========================= 1、務實 2、擁有資產的女人 3、正在累積財富的階段 4、偏理性、物質面思考 5、灌注感受📚 =========================== #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #queenofpentacles #真心相信 #母愛 #繁榮 #安定 #maternallove #prosperous #settled (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcEG61y6FW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Morning Tarot 22-11-16
my phone kept buzzing so i needed some background music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t91-jd3gDE it’s gloomy outside, real fall weather after being too warm for months. -------------------------- 1. Energy of the day: VI The Lovers difficult card, very focused on romantic/sexual relationships, that are not currently part of my life. Choosing to see it as seeking beauty in truth and wisdom, the real world behind the illusions of innocence might seem scary but there is truth, beauty, love and freedom to be found here. 2. Challenges: The Knight of Swords ruthlessness, striving towards a goal without respect for who might be hurt. the person hurt would probably be me, i was trying to do more work today, this sounds like a warning to not overdo it 3. What/Who can help: 4 of Staves joyful celebration, a ritual, a holiday. a friend of mine is celebrating his birthday tonight, focusing on others happiness, not thinking about myself for a bit will help with not hurting myself while overworking 4. Something to keep in mind: XI Justice Balance, rightful consequences, restoration, facing reality. i like how justice and the lovers play off each other. were the lovers invite us to seek truth, justice commands it, gives no choice. but we can also only do justice when we have bitten into the fruit of wisdom and seen the truth. It is a reminder that there are more steps than being a passive observant of reality, a call to action, to do the right thing and call out injustice when we see it. more personal, i’m going to see my mother today so this is a reminder for me to not accept hurt and guilt she puts on me, but to defend what is just
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997799 · 4 years
7 Chakras Tarot Spread
So i had some more time this morning so i decided to do a more in depth tarot reading for myself 🌿🌾💫
Root, something i need to cultivate: Reversed 4 of Pentacles,re-evaluating what is important to me in terms of material possession, material objects will not bring me true happiness and unconscious spending is bringing more anxiety than joy.
Sacral, guilt/shame i need to release: King of cups, remaining emotionally mature when faced with negative energy and holding mastery over the realm of emotion - the guilt i need to release is likely in the fact i was not always as emotionally mature as i am today and i should make peace with the mistakes I made to move on
Solar, how i can feel more confident: Queen of Swords - feel empowered by my intellect, unbiased judgement and occasional detachment of emotions from serious situations - although this may intimidate some i can be assured they will come around to my ways.
Heart, how can i practice self care: Queen of pentacles, finding a healthy balance between home and work, maintain a compassionate attitude when dealing with others and deal with issues as they arise.
Throat, something i need to say : Reversed Stregnth, tune into your energy levels, inner stregnth and self confidence - how can you bring these aspects back to balance, also in shadow form, explosive behaviour - learn how to channel this without harming others or yourself
3rd Eye, how can i connect to my inner wisdom: Reversed page of swords, let go of fear when it comes to sharing your thoughts and opinions, yet do not make promises you cannot keep. Do not act hastily or overly ask questions, be conscious how you may come across
Crown, a message from the universe: 5 of pentacles, you may feel isolated and alone - help is nearby but do not focus on your problems so much as to ignore it, you focus on what you lack rather than your abundance - be careful not to manifest your fears
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I'm really tired but
Today's thoughts, today's health, today's feelings
That three of swords is accurate. Today has been shit and I am emotionally drained.
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marcio0515 · 2 years
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#tarotbook #tarotbomb #tarotdiary #tarotporwhatsap https://www.instagram.com/taroclaro/p/CXI4Vx6rHHO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kikituriya · 4 years
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Reveal pile 4 - diamond . . . #pickacard #pickacrystal #pickapilereading #tarotpickacard #tarotreadersofig #dailyreading #daylyoracle #tarotandoraclereading #soulreading #soulmessages #freetarot #tarotdiary #spiritguide #spiritualawakening #tarotreaders #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #modernwitchtarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CDETGmVlJNj/?igshid=cyjbkyklx5g8
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pezsolartarot · 4 years
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🅒🅐🅡🅣🅐 🅓🅔🅛 🅓🅘🅐 • 🅒🅤🅐🅣🅡🅞 🅓🅔 🅒🅞🅟🅐🅢 • Estructuras firmes y orden al mundo emocional. Aquello sobre lo que no teníamos control, le damos su tiempo para que se acomode en su lugar. Se evalúa que sirve para crear algo sólido y que se descarta. Estamos encaminados a un amor real, de una confianza y una intimidad establecida. • Para lecturas privadas 👉🏽 MD • ¡𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓼! • #pezsolartarot #tarotforyou #tarotdiary #consejo #mysticaltarot #foryou #argentina https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJbMTSHt7q/?igshid=1j136xk8jqnxx
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221101。權杖十 Ten of wands。語言霸凌非常要不得,只能說我們不是在同一磁場🤭,作好自己的本份囉😏。 ========================= 所有的事都得自己完成,承擔所有的責任和壓力,事情都往自己身上攬,要學習輕鬆走到終點!把不該屬於自己的責任丟回到他人身上,讓每個人為自己負起責任。 ========================= 1、壓力 2、內心有想要守護的人 3、想一步登天 4、埋頭苦幹📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #tenofwands #真心相信 #疲累 #壓力 #努力 #tired #pressure #workhard (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZWMPES06X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221028。#1 魔術師 The Magician。前方的挑戰種種,都是讓自己更精進。靜下心來,再繼續前進❤,上帝永遠陪伴在身邊🥰。 ========================= 您擁有輕鬆創造出想要一切的能力!您只需要回到自己的心中,相信自己就是人生的創造者,神奇之道就會開展。 ========================= 1、開創 2、創意 3、向外學習的動力 4、活潑 5、好奇 6、探索 7、無限 8、創造📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #大牌 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #真心相信 #1 #themagician #觀察 #開始 #創造 #observe #start #create (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPCNUhyNDm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221027。#15 魔鬼 The Devil。不斷審視自己,這份工作的價值在哪?我能從中學習到什麼?不斷修正調整自己,是要更精進自己❤。 ========================= 別抱怨生活中的不如意是別人造成、是無法改變、是迫於無奈的。因為這些都是您自己的選擇!都是您心甘情願,為了滿足自己心中渴望與需要所做的決定。現在您可以正視它、接納它,因為您隨時可以離開這個枷鎖。 ========================= 1、小心周邊的事情有詐 2、上天對我們的考驗和試驗 3、不正當的慾望 4、受到不良的誘惑 5、正財、偏財、事業轉正 6、短暫的勝利 7、物質慾望📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #15 #thedevil #真心相信 #慾望 #沈溺 #物質 #desire #fetters #dote #substance (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMeUNtSouQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221026。錢幣六 Six of pentacles。不超過自己能力範圍內,平常心看待❤。 ========================= 算計衡量,以回饋及表現當作物質酬賞之標準。 ========================= 1、施與受 2、物質上的施捨及幫助 3、表地位的不均等 4、感情方面,易被包養 5、物質平衡📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #sixofpentacles #真心相信 #慈善 #慷慨 #理財 #施舍 #施與受 #benevolent #financialmanagement #generous #giveincharity (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJ5O7zSIar/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221025。權杖8 Eight of wands。每日完成一小部分,日積月累,也是一個收穫❤。 ========================= 想完成的事情循序漸進,也象徵忙到不見人影。在忙碌的生活中,常常忘記留時間給自己,忘記照顧自己的心情與健康。也或許沒多留時間給家人,請多關注自己與家人,別讓事情占滿了你的生活。 ========================= 1、自由 2、迅速,有計劃性 3、壓力大 4、多貴人 5、行動面的力量,再成長 6、與海外發展有關 7、循序漸進📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #eightofwands #真心相信 #迅速 #驟變 #抵達 #旅行 #訊息 #speedy #abruptchange #arrive #trip #message (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkHShWsy8kH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221024。#1 魔術師 The Magician。適時靜心,讓自己回歸原點,不斷修正調整自己,相信自然法則的不變原理❤。 ========================= 您擁有輕鬆創造出想要一切的能力!您只需要回到自己的心中,相信自己就是人生的創造者,神奇之道就會開展。 ========================= 1、開創 2、創意 3、向外學習的動力 4、活潑 5、好奇 6、探索 7、無限 8、創造📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #大牌 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #真心相信 #1 #themagician #觀察 #開始 #創造 #observe #start #create (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEvBn4yR4b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221023。權杖國王 King of wands。學習調整果斷。拋開束縛,勇敢向前❤。 =========================== 準備要起身,但是目前行動是靜止停滯的。您已準備好了,請當下拿出執行力,將行動付諸實行。 =========================== 1、慢慢穩定的特質 2、開創的特性 3、有企圖心 4、起身執行 =========================== #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #kingofwands #真心相信 #穩重 #堅毅 #steady #ironman (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkCbLaNS1Ln/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221022。聖杯八 Eight of cups。上帝曾為我關掉一扇門,而也為我開啟另一扇窗❤,一切的遇見都是最美麗的安排❤,感恩學習一切💯。 ========================= 夜以繼日地往前努力,在既有的基礎之上更加努力前進、追求更好的品質,可回顧自己已有的努力成果。 ========================= 1、追尋心中想要的目標 2、要換工作 3、訂立一個確定的目標、努力執行 4、追求品質📚 ========================= #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #eightofcups #真心相信 #找尋 #安寧 #拋棄 #不滿足 #行動 (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_zm6LSJX0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nia313 · 1 year
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20221021。聖杯騎士 Knight of cups。學習不受環境影響,能心靜止心,戲看人生❤。 =========================== 騎士帶著全然的愛與熱情要出發,但馬匹裏足不前、疲累,不敢跨河。心有餘而力不足的表現。多休息,多照顧自己的感覺,確認自己是否真的準備好要前進。 =========================== 1、浪漫多情 2、多才多藝 3、貴人緣 4、受歡迎 5、不切實際 6、重視感性;缺乏理性 7、暫緩腳步📚 =========================== #塔羅日記 #韋特 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #tarotwaite #knightofcups #真心相信 #considerate #handsome(在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj9BN8zSTNk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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