marcopolorules · 5 years
"Todos los objetos visibles son solamente máscaras de cartón piedra. Pero en cada acontecimiento (en el acto vivo, en lo que se hace sin dudar) alguna cosa desconocida, pero que sigue razonando, hace salir las formas de sus rasgos por detrás de la máscara que no razona."⠀ ⠀ "All visible objects are only masks of stone cardboard. But in each event (in the living act, in what is done without hesitation) something unknown, but that continues to reason, brings out the forms of its features behind the mask that does not reason."⠀ ⠀ Herman Melville⠀ Moby Dick⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #gifart #animatedgif #mograph #visualart #digitalart #digitalart #faceless #defaced #contemporaryart #jesuislesurrealisme #popsurrealism #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealismartcommunity #c4d #cinema4d #mgcollective #mdcommunity #aftereffects #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XtLFGIkp_/?igshid=ffole96eoa4o
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marcopolorules · 5 years
Aunque estés lejos, te contemplo.⠀ Aunque estés lejos, te entregas a mí⠀ En un presente que nada puede destruir.⠀ Rodeas mi vida, eres mi paisaje.⠀ Me envuelves una y otra vez con tu risueña grandeza. (...)⠀ Cuando vuelva a oscurecer,⠀ El cielo de junio iluminará la noche;⠀ Cuando llegue la madrugada, el agudo graznido⠀ De las gaviotas atravesará la niebla que cubre tus olas…⠀ ¡Aunque no hubiera reposado en tus orillas,⠀ No habría dejado de conocer tu grandeza,⠀ Porque la marea de mis sueños⠀ Me lleva hasta tus enormes soledades!⠀ _______________________________________⠀ Even if you are far away, I watch you.⠀ Even though you are far away, you surrender to me⠀ In a present that nothing can destroy.⠀ You surround my life, you are my landscape.⠀ You wrap me over and over again with your smiling grandeur. (...)⠀ When it gets dark again,⠀ The June sky will illuminate the night;⠀ When the dawn arrives, the sharp squawk⠀ From the seagulls you will cross the fog that covers your waves ...⠀ Even if I had not rested on your shores,⠀ I would not have missed your greatness,⠀ Because the tide of my dreams⠀ It takes me to your enormous solitudes!⠀ ⠀ Lou Andreas Salomé⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀ ⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #gifart #visualart #digitalart #digitalcollage #collageart #collage_art #collageartist #collageartwork #collagework #collagecollectiveco #collagecollective #c_expo #contemporarycollage #collage_guild #faceless #contemporaryart #jesuislesurrealisme #popsurrealism #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealismartcommunity #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTjGGWHA67/?igshid=15ngttdsdyrmu
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marcopolorules · 4 years
"Todos los rasgos estaban levemente contraídos: los ojos eran algo oblicuos, la boca parecía un tanto levantada en los extremos y las narices un poco henchidas. Desdén, ironía, crueldad, todo esto sugería aquella cara, que, no obstante, era de increíble belleza. La verdad es que, cuanto más se contemplaba aquella admirable estatua, tanto más se experimentaba el penoso sentimiento de que una hermosura tan maravillosa pudiera aliarse con la ausencia de toda sensibilidad."⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ "All the features were slightly contracted: the eyes were somewhat oblique, the mouth seemed somewhat raised at the ends and the noses a little swollen. Disdain, irony, cruelty, all this suggested that face, which, however, was of incredible beauty. The truth is that the more that admirable statue was contemplated, the more one experienced the painful feeling that such a marvelous beauty could ally itself with the absence of all sensibility."⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Prosper Mérimée⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #gifart #animatedgif #mograph #visualart #digitalart #digitalart #faceless #defaced #jesuislesurrealisme #popsurrealism #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowart #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealismartcommunity #c4d #cinema4d #mgcollective #mdcommunity #aftereffects #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_JLGAI2sS/?igshid=1dn1hmu5uddzf
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marcopolorules · 5 years
Quietud, pereza, languidez, sosiego…⠀ un sol desencajado el suelo dora,⠀ y a su valiente luz deslumbradora⠀ que le ha dejado fascinado y ciego.⠀ _______________________________⠀ Stillness, laziness, languor, calm ...⠀ a sun disengaged the golden ground,⠀ and in his brave dazzling light⠀ That has left him fascinated and blind.⠀ ⠀ Salvador Rueda⠀ Horas de fuego / Hours of fire⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #gifart #animatedgif #mograph #visualart #digitalart #digitalart #faceless #defaced #contemporaryart #jesuislesurrealisme #popsurrealism #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealismartcommunity #c4d #cinema4d #mgcollective #mdcommunity #aftereffects #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zkMzCneov/?igshid=130d4yqm1489y
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marcopolorules · 5 years
"- ¿Y el ensayo sobre el amor? ¿ Lo has escrito?⠀⠀ - Pues no. Yo creo que lo más bonito del amor es precisamente el que sea tan difícil de describir con exactitud. Es como cuando vas de excursión y ves un castillo, o un árbol, a la caída de la tarde, y su espectáculo te emociona, y te quedas absorta ante la línea, ante el color, ante el reflejo de la luz; le añades a su belleza todo el caudal de poesía que llevas en ti, y crees fijarlo para siempre haciéndole una fotografía, y cuando sacas la copia te encuentras con que has fotografiado un paisaje con un árbol, o unos muros, que no te dicen nada; o sea, que todo lo que era hermosura y milagro, lo ha dejado sin impresionar la placa, ¿me comprendes?"⠀ ⠀ "- And the essay on love? Have you written it?⠀⠀ - Well, no. I believe that the most beautiful thing about love is precisely that which is so difficult to describe accurately. It's like when you go hiking and you see a castle, or a tree, at the end of the afternoon, and your show thrills you, and you become absorbed by the line, before the color, before the reflection of the light; you add to his beauty all the wealth of poetry that you carry in you, and you think you fix it forever by taking a photograph, and when you take the copy you find that you have photographed a landscape with a tree, or some walls, that do not tell you anything ; that is, that everything that was beauty and miracle, has left it without impressing the plate, do you understand me?"⠀ ⠀⠀ Edgar Neville⠀ Prohibido en otoño / Prohibited in autumn⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #gifart #animatedgif #mograph #visualart #digitalart #digitalart #faceless #defaced #contemporaryart #jesuislesurrealisme #popsurrealism #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowpopsurrealists #surrealismartcommunity #c4d #cinema4d #mgcollective #mdcommunity #aftereffects #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CqV54nLm8/?igshid=nfydg0n0gh5j
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marcopolorules · 5 years
"Cuando en mi devastado país la primavera decida que ya es tiempo de florecer de nuevo, tendrá el abono de la osamenta humana que dispersó en todos lados la danza de la muerte / When in my devastated country spring decides that it is time to bloom again, it will have the payment of the human bones that scattered the dance of death everywhere."⠀ ⠀ Francisco Morales Santos⠀ & Tata Tsvetkova @taaole (artist)⠀ ⠀ #gif #loop #motion #motiondesign #motiongraphics #animation #gifart #animatedgif #videocollage #digitalcollage #digitalcollageart #collageart #collage_art #collageartist #collageartwork #collagecollectiveco #c_expo #collagemaker #contemporarycollage #collage_guild #collagetash #photocollage #surrealart #surrealism #popsurrealism #beautifulbizarre #jesuislesurrealisme #marcopolorules #tatatsvetkova https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_y_OXnLcV/?igshid=ediklhqyan24
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