#tcc spoilers
bruhman745 · 1 year
BMan!! I hope ur doing ok I'm so sorry i would've screamed here sooner if it weren't 4 the Horrors. Im in sneak 100 mode rn so i got time. Ok ok, so u said it was 1900s au in the tag over on ao3, is it like historically with like wars or aesthetically like with the settings and architecture and fashion? Also where does scar get his trinkets and stuff ? I've been L👀king at this silly little man for a while but after the pearls spoke my curiosity blew up more. How long has grian known mumbo and scar here, in this life. How did he meet them? Does scar know about the past life dream thingys, has he been holding back all his feelings and knowledge this whole time?!! OOOUGH ur au is haunting my brain bman is such a good concept fr!! -🪹
HI!! i am doing Alright I have also been experiencing some Horrors, so that's why it's taken so long to answer this!! sorry!! also, im just gonna separate this by questions u asked cuz this is gonna get RAMBLY
is it like historically with like wars or aesthetically like with the settings and architecture and fashion?
it's mostly architecture and fashion! it's meant to take the technology of the era, the style, and some of the social norms of the time. it's also set in the UK, which makes Scar stick out even more :)
Also where does scar get his trinkets and stuff ?
Scar's day job is something like an interior decorator, so he likes to "help" his clients get rid of their "ugly" things by offering to take them off their hands a lot. he also just. does a lot of pawning and trading in his free time. the decorating is his job, but the scamming is just a passion project and an excuse to see a certain someone
How long has grian known mumbo and scar here, in this life. How did he meet them?
(doing both of these in one) In this life, Grian met Mumbo when he showed up and started his little fix-em-up operation across the street a couple months ago, and he's known Scar for about two years now since he started his own little antiquing business and Scar started coming into the shop to try and pawn off junk. Grian thought Mumbo was charming, if not a bit odd, and brought him a few old parts and pieces of some machines he's found just as a welcome gift. Mumbo didn't seem to recognize any of them, but hey! neither did he, so he figured they were just a little past their time.
Does scar know about the past life dream thingys, has he been holding back all his feelings and knowledge this whole time?!!
don't know if i can answer this right now, but he doesn't... know about the dreams, per say, but he has been holding some things back. that's all I'll say, for now.
ANYWAYS wonderful hearing from you!!!!!! i've had to take a bit of a break from working on VDA for now because i'm getting ready to graduate and move out and blah blah blah,,, but i think i'll have some time to keep going here soon enough!! this story,,, ough im not giving up on it im too invested in my own goddamn plotline
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aura-can-draw · 3 months
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maybe I'm just over thinking this but
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partywithponies · 4 months
Eras of tumblr lore that no-one ever talks about:
Shoplifting discourse
The True Crime Community and the Teacher Crush Community fighting over ownership of the tag "tcc" and each thinking the other was The Worst (spoiler: both were pretty bad)
Jupitearth (and other humanised planets ships as well)
tumblr user francieum
tumblr user forfuturereferenceonly
Cole Sprouse and the social experiment
Mr Mint
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netherfeildren · 7 months
what do the gods' names in chapters mean? i've been trying to think but it's been hard to make out a connection between the chapter's content and the particular deity
they're kind of vague and not entirely accurate I suppose and to be honest, but I will try and provide my own convoluted explanations for why I chose them!
apollo: the cassandra was a priestess in the greek myths dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never believed. in tcc our mc harps a lot on her belief that she always knows how a thing will end, most especially in reference to her relationship with din, leading to the implication that she believes the relationship is meant to end in disaster. din is a little bit like her Apollo in her mind, this figure she meets who she sees as like the end all be all of goodness, a man with a whole sun inside of him (Apollo being the god of the sun, wasn't I clever with that? :] ) who she feels she knows she'll never be able to keep. choosing Apollo for the first chapter just seemed obvious to me when thinking of his connection to the Cassandra.
prometheus: I kind of saw her as giving din a gift when she heals him in chapter 2. prometheus gave humans the gift of fire, she gave him the gift of life. prometheus is later punished by zeus for his theft and as the story progresses you'll see that her story follows a similar pattern. but that's ALL I'LL SAY ABOUT THAT!
psyche: goddess of the soul - I felt like they kind of bared their souls to each other a little bit in this chapter. he gives her his name, she tells him about the force, about her inability to have children, they share a lot with each other and connect intimately in a way they'd not connected during their previous encounter. also also, in metamorphoses, psyche's given a series of trials she must face to be with eros, a little bit like our mc will have to face as well, even if those tribulations are of her own making :)
aite: my favorite choice thus far!!!!!! actually, and fyi, it's origin is supposed to be simply 'ate' but I didn't like the way that looked aesthetically and felt it might be confusing or something and that people would think it was like "to eat" bc that's probably what I would have thought without prior research but whatever anyways. goddess of mischief - our girl is very mischievous, that's pretty much it lol their sparring and chasing in that chapter was so funny to me, so provoking. it seemed apt. also aite was known to lead men to their ruin sooooooo will she lead din to his ruin? who knows
morpheus: god of dreams (shoutout dream of the endless) simply chosen for the dream sequence at the start of the chapter. I have nothing but horny excuses on my mind that's it
sisyphus: he cheated death and was punished by hades for it, forced to push a boulder up a hill only to fail once he neared the end, repeating the action for all eternity. I'm trying to instill a sense of the same mistakes repeated over and over again and trying to break free of that pattern. she's attacked, cheats death - or capture, and what's going to happen now? is she going to repeat the same actions - mistakes - that she's always made before din? she's very sisyphus-like over all I think
and... spoiler alert! the next chapter is titled hysminai - the personification of battle
so yes :) that's all! thank you so much for the question, I have so been waiting to share all my thoughts and reasonings on this actually hehe :)
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beu-ytr · 1 month
Resenha de "Manual de assassinato para boas garotas" de Holly Jackson
*com um pouquinho de spoiler
Eu li "Manual de assassinato para boas garotas" em um dia.
A algumas semanas atrás eu estava na maior seca de livros possíveis, eu tava sem grana e sem nenhum livro pra ler. Ou seja, eu estava enlouquecendo
Num surto psicótico decidi dar uma chance para livros que normalmente eu não olharia nem duas vezes, e foi assim que eu me trombei com essa belezinha aqui
A história do livro gira em torno da personagem Pippa que tem um nome super esquisito que me incomodou o livro inteiro enfim
Nossa protagonista está fazendo um projeto de escola (projeto esse que nunca é realmente aprofundado, pelo desempenho e força de vontade da protagonista poderia ser uma espécie de TCC, mas ao mesmo tempo ela ainda está no ensino médio então eu não sei)
neste projeto ela decide investigar um crime que aconteceu na cidade dela há 5 anos atrás, em que uma adolescente foi assassinada e seu namorado, que foi declarado culpado sem muitas provas, cometeu suicidio
Ela faz amizade com o irmão do suspeito falecido para recuperar a sua honra e decifrar a verdade por trás desse caso.
Que livro bobinho, galera. A história é bem criativa, tenho que admitir, mas ao mesmo tempo também é muito rasa. E pelo tempo que foi gastado listando os suspeitos pelo crime, a revelação do que realmente aconteceu foi, no mínimo, desinteressante e broxante
Falando nos suspeitos, a autora fez um truque aqui que não pegou muito bem comigo. Ela se esforçou bastante para que todos os personagens que não fossem principais fossem considerados suspeitos pelo menos uma vez na história, provavelmente pra suspender o suspense e deixar a revelação no final mais chocante
No meu ponto de vista, ela exagerou um tiquinho na dose. Chegou um ponto na história, de que até EU mataria a vítima de tão babaca e desgraçada que ela era
Sério, a autora deixou tão bem claro o tipo de ser humano desprezivel que a defunta era, que eu não me senti minimamente triste pela morte dela, na verdade eu quase celebrei
Falando sobre a morte, meu deus que derrota. Tantas inconsistências e tantos questionamentos, que eu nem tive paciência de ir até o final pedi logo um spoiler só pra saber como termina
Esse livro tem muitos pontos soltos, a morte da defunta principal não faz sentido, muitas linhas de tempo abandonadas no meio da história e muito exagero em todos os sentidos
Mas agora não se preocupe telespectador, porque eu fisguei um Dostoiesvki muahahaha, em breve trarei resenhas e comentários.
Inclusive terminarei a saga da Srta. Peregrine em breve também, estou pensando em até ler os últimos dois livros só pra completar a saga aqui
Obrigado pela atenção e até a próxima
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booklovershouse · 2 months
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Oieee, booklovers!
Q eu amo booktags (e sequestro da rede vizinha) vcs já sabem, ent aqui estamos pra mais uma :)
O pior é que eu tô sentindo que vou chorar com isso aqui kkkkkkk ai mds (*me perguntando pq foi q resolvi fazer esse negócio*)
🩵| Um livro que te fez chorar horrores
Só isso aqui já dava pra fazer um TCC, pq tem vários livros q me fizeram chorar pra caramba - especialmente quando meus personagens favoritos/crushs morreram e parece que levaram uma parte minha junto -, mas irei me conter e não dar spoiler de nada.
Enfim, vou de O Diário de Anne Frank, pq é uma tortura ler sabendo o que vai acontecer no final e ainda mais que foi tudo real. Sério.
💙| Um livro que você sofreu para terminar
As Novas Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes - O Caso Hentzau.
Isso aqui foi logo depois de terminar a saga inteira do Sherlock. Esse livro é tão ruim que parecia ter 1000 páginas ao invés de apenas 164, achei que não fosse acabar nunca! Parece O Príncipe e o Mendigo misturado com um Sherlock do Paraguai 🤡
🩵| Um livro com final trágico
A Menina que Roubava Livros. Eu amo muito esse livro, gosto de tudo nele, mas é triste demais. Pra vcs terem uma ideia, cheguei a reescrever o final, esperando melhorar alguma coisa.
💙| Um livro incrível que você não queria que acabasse
Não é exatamente um livro, mas sim a saga do Sherlock. Sei que tem bastante coisa, mas não foi o suficiente kkkkkkk
🩵| Personagem que mais sofreu em sua opinião
Levana. Em "Levana - A Rainha mais Bela", a gente vê como foi que ela se transformou na vilã de As Crônicas Lunares. Ao mesmo tempo, você não sente a mínima vontade de passar pano pra ela, pq tudo que ela sofreu, fez igual ou pior depois.
💙| Um vilão que te fez perder os cabelos
Não queria voltar para a Marissa Meyer, mas não li quase nada com vilões, então, ✨Ace Anarquia✨. E, de novo, não vou dar spoilers. Se quiserem uma explicação, vão ler Renegados kkkkkk
🩵| Um casal que sofre para ficar juntos
Cath e Jest de Sem Coração. Apesar de que o destino do Jest foi, em parte, culpa da Cath ~ digo "em parte" pq meio que já estava "destinado", não sei se outra decisão dela mudaria alguma coisa.
💙| Um casal que te fez sofrer por não combinar
Eadlyn e Kyle de A Herdeira. Até hj sofro com esse casal, queria muito que eles ficassem juntos e terminei o livro na base do ódio :)
Enfim gnt, é isso kkkkkkk
Bjs e boas leituras <333
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acacia-may · 1 year
(Spoilers for ASOUE Netflix ahead and some book spoilers as well)
So I am absolutely loving these asks about [Netflix] Jacques and Olivia (Thank you so much, friends! 💖), but I feel bad for my anon-friends because I am sensing a sort of hesitant, nervous, making-sure-we-all-know-this-is-for-NETFLIX-Jacques x Olivia-so-this-ask-is-justified kind of energy which I can completely understand given the circumstances, however, I am the absolute last person who would ever, ever, a whole page of 'ever's judge anybody about this ship in particular. 😅 (Or maybe I'm off base here, and my anon-friends just really, really don't like the idea of Book Jacques x Book Olivia and want to be sure to differentiate? Which is a fair point too!)
Regardless, I feel it is time to come to come clean with you all about me, Jacques Snicket, and Olivia Caliban...
Jacques x Olivia was my ASOUE crackship before the Netflix series was released!
Maybe it was the drama™️ of it all? (A/N: Gotta love that sweet, sweet angst) Or this feeling I got while reading The Carnivorous Carnival that they had history maybe as good friends, maybe as something more, who knows? (A/N: It's the vibes) Maybe I took one (1) specific line from Olivia's whole 'confession' sequence in TCC, ran with it to the hinterlands of my mind and created an angsty betrayal subplot that had no business existing in the first place? (A/N: I did. I did do this. Pretty sure it was L.S.'s intention, right? Just kidding…) Whatever the reason (A/N: those are all the reasons, literally in the preceding sentences), I crack-shipped this for years prior to Netflix, and I will present the following texts from an exchange with my sister "Jackalope" (A/N: her nickname is a meme-y reference to ASOUE actually) as evidence that I was on board for this ship all the way back in the dark ages of February of 2018 when the trailer for Season 2 dropped...
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(A/N: My sisters and I took these screenshots at the time & saved them as proof of this phenomenon so I was able to find them more easily that you might think 😅)
And well, my friends, (as I'm sure we all know), I am happy to say he did so much more than just sit in that car with her...
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(Image from Shipping Wiki which I didn't know was a thing until just now! Glad that Jacques x Olivia is included there 💕 Image brightened up/edited by me)
After both of my sisters teased me mercilessly about even entertaining the possibility of Jacques and Olivia as a crackship, I cannot express to you my utter joy and delight in watching their Netflix counterparts fall deeply in love and be given this incredible romance storyline! I was so blessed and so vindicated, and I literally screamed when the kiss happened. Meanwhile, my sisters were watching in total shock like "I can't believe you actually predicted this!" 😂 We literally had to pause the episode after the kiss because everyone in the room just needed a moment to collect themselves (myself included).
All of this said, I promise I really do see Netflix Jacques x Netflix Olivia as a completely separate relationship (which I do actually ship to the highest, OTP levels). I am happy to report, however, that though Book Jacques and Book Olivia will always be a total crackship, my sisters did eventually concede it to me and never teased me about it again. And that is just how the story goes, folks. 😁
[A/N: Other fun facts about me, my ASOUE Book Series OTP is Dewey/Kit so as you can imagine, the Netflix series was a very, very good time for me overall, but that is, perhaps, a story for another time...]
TL;DR: I am the real Madame Lulu, and my inbox is always open to discuss any and all iterations of the Jacques Snicket x Olivia Caliban ship no explanation or specifications needed. (A/N: Of course, if you'd like to specify, that is welcomed and up to you. Just letting you all know this ship will never need to be defended or justified to me. We're all friends here 💖). Cheers, associates! 😁
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bruhman745 · 1 year
updated the summary of TCC with a quote from the next chapter that isn't uploaded yet LOL easter egg if anyone wants to look
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
Hey guys, sometimes I put some snippets of Centipede Tango Tek In a DC that I am in, and I wanted to share this...
Oh and..
TW Slightly spoiler for CTT Tango castle of cards chapter 4
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I just wanted to say, I absolutely adore making silly metaphors and I have a crap sense of humor.
(I am writing the last pov of TCC chapter 4, I swear I will try to post it this month)
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mejomonster · 1 year
Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo is SO good I feel like yall downplayed it to me??? Which is an accomplishment since I feel it got recced a Lot. But it was always a "great time but mess" idk maybe it's the kind of mess I love to pieces???
1. Better palace drama than The Crowned Clown (despite me loving that shows lead). Moon Lovers just does way more to characterize the individual princes, wives, princess, queen, and servants. Just overall way more solid nuanced (to the degree screen time allows) characterization in Moon Lovers (the crowned clown preferred atmosphere and main character only focus - which it did well its just not my preference, I prefer how much I care for All the characters in Moon Lovers versus caring for so few in TCC). And way better than The King's Affection in characterization, pacing, plot (but that drama let me down with a solid great premise, good actors, good comedy/serious balance, but plot that dragged then got lost and pacing issues)
2. GREAT MIX OF THE PEAK ROMANCE TROPES I ACTUALLY LIKE, AND ACTION ANGST SUSPENSE. All wrapped up in like I mentioned, excellent characterization. So like first, it's doing like Jade Palace Lock Heart and letting us get to know all the princes and queen and everyone, but unlike JPLH I feel this show is doing a fairly decent job to present pretty much everyone in a sympathetic light? Like if it were JPLH the princess would be pure evil (she'd be well characterized so we'd understand her, but we would not have any reason to care if she's okay) whereas Moon Lovers tries to give us her pov in that she feels powerless and wants to feel in control, wants to prove herself, has a loving family and that makes her naive almost of what power will cost her/require in sacrifice. In JPLH the husband falling for Soo would be evil af in the portrayal. It's emotionally Worse on me here lol in Moon Lovers, cause I actually FEEL his guilt and Soos guilt (versus JPLH where the villains are interesting but they sure af don't regret their cruel choices). So I really enjoy how this angle let's me connect to even the queen and her sons to a degree, in a way other palace dramas of this structure didn't really allow me. AND THEN LIKE I SAID ITS FULL OF TROPES I LOVE TO BITS
I didn't think I'd like Wook, but damn it he keeps getting genuine intimate scenes (also THIS IS HOW YOU BUILD ROMANCES! BY HAVING THE CHARACTERS GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER AND SHARE VULNERABLE HONEST MOMENTS AS THEMSELVES. Which makes this wonderful and not the annoying version where tropes show up like a machine to get the romance key scenes, rather than a cherry on top way to execute what would be a good romantic scene Already because it lets the characters connect. I loved So and Soo talking by the rocks, talking on the cliff as he ate, Wook and Soo talking about fears and killing men, even Wook and his wife get these nice intimate moments they chat alone and vulnerably! Heck even Soo and the young playful prince get a scene like this, and i appreciate it so much for character connection building!)
Then there's So. The "she belongs to me" "should I say my person then?" "I'm thinking about how you're not afraid of me" "remember to eat well, and try not to have bad dreams" the fucking meet cute of catching her from falling (that he caused!) Then holding her in his arms on a horse! Now THAT is an action romance trope. My preferred kind of romance lol! Or when the assassin grabs her, and she's scared he doesn't care if she dies, then the assassin dies so HE holds a sword to her, and Wook saves her from him. That's like!!! He's not the villain but because of introductory meetings like THAT he's definitely got the bad boy villain/heroine vibe going on and it is Very Hot
Meanwhile I love playful prince, I think fight prince is interesting, it would be funny as hell to me if one of them makes a serious move on Soo.
Meanwhile I hope the Wook wife gets to marry the younger prince who clearly loves her...
I'm only on ep 4 no spoilers please! I'm enjoying the ride!
Anyway I LOVE this show so far so fucking good best period kdrama ive ever seen
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shogikappa · 1 year
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New game released: Tiny Boss Battles
itch.io: https://tangentg.itch.io/tiny-boss-battles
Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/tinybossbattles/783839
Based on a calculator game of mine that's in turn based on a certain board game, you play JRPG-styled boss battles in this game.
Have some free time? Why not start a boss battle?
Choose a boss and start the battle! Study the bosses' moves and try to beat them! Features an unlockable party member.
Depending on the situation, decide on what the best move is for each turn.
Featuring fairy tale-based characters Alice and Lurlina, and TCC-based character Nguhing.
Download includes an in-game manual with character biographies and a PDF game guide.
A spoiler-free preview of the game guide can be viewed here:
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mul71v3r53-is · 2 years
Day 16: Memory
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Ok so first sorry I haven't done the last couple of days and that this is really low effort I've been focusing on my first TMA for one of my modules and needed a little break by chilling and hanging out with a few friends in VCs and stuff. Also been in more of a writing mood, so I've been working on both Trigger Happy and 404 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sooo...Should I talk about what I drew? •̀.̫•́✧
One more obligatory spoiler warning, just in case you wanna be kept on your toes lmao
I've already said this through Rebirth of a Multiverse, but all my fics are intertwined in some way or another, my Vampverse series (The Creation Chronicles) taking place before everything else I've got going on right now. The Reaper and Fresh in this mini comic are the ones who originated from that first timeline, hence why they react this way when they first meet our Ink.
"But Skye! I thought Reaper hated Ink! Why, if he was so close with Encre, does he feel that way now?!"
Because uh, stuff happens at the end of TCC. I'm not gonna go into it now, but it relates to the original timeline's downfall. Encre developed a lying problem early on, even before he enters his Creation, so Reaper/Mortissimer wasn't let in on certain secrets as new things were discovered over time, despite being the Creator's first Creation with a task.
At the end of TCC, he's not given enough time to process that before the Hyperverse is wiped clean, so, after he escapes the Void (yes, the very same Void our Error got trapped in) for reasons I can't disclose now, he travels his new Multiverse with Fresh/Suave after finding him and they kinda just. Look back on it all in sadness (or as much sadness as Fresh can now emote). Reaper can't vent his biggest frustration though because Fresh still likes and misses Encre (he was friends with him before the Creation was made and later married Jasper so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), so meeting Ink stirred up a lot of unresolved anger, hence his reaction and future hatred.
The carpet being puked on after the big battle in the Omega Timeline was just the icing on the cake in his mind lmao
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jassygay · 11 months
My ocs with the Grinch be like:
Garvin: Yo the gay one, Mr Grinch
Grinch: lil Garfield wtf-
Grinch: if he is Garvin and why did he say “you the gay one, Mr Grinch”?🤨🤨🤨
Billy: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Garvin: *shows him the fan art of Cat in the Hat and Grinch that are gay*
Grinch: …………. Spoiler alert I not straight I bi
Sam-I-Am: you bi, if you bi and why you with Cat in the hat then?
Sam-I-Am: >:O
Sam*TCC*: Nah Jit got roasted💀
Grinch: ofc you not the only character who is gay asf
Kit: Nah Jit roasted again💀 that crazy🐶
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netherfeildren · 4 months
Mommy, I'm scared. I just climbed my way out of book-induced depression and now I don't know when to read the TCC update. It's like touching a door handle when you know it's gonna static shock you. I wanna go through the fucking door! Stop affecting my real-life moods with your writing!!
RAAAHHH first… what book?👀
second, i’m not going to say it’s not bad, buuuuuuuut it could definitely be WORSE! and (spoiler) there is a big meaningful exchange of three very important little words at the end so there is that :) i think it’s emotional but not necessarily sad !
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santiagogarcia · 3 years
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Tiffany Haddish and Oscar Isaac THE CARD COUNTER (2021) dir. Paul Schrader
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