#teaching in korea
bieups · 1 year
(tw: mention of sexual assault/rape)
Sharing this news article about our union's press conference, but making it ~study related~ by breaking down the headline :)
원어민 - native speaker
강사 - instructor (there are a million words for different types of teachers; "영어 원어민 강사" is commonly used for Eng. teachers even if technically we aren't all "강사")
노동 - labor, work
실태 - reality, real condition
증언 - testimony
기자 간담회 - press conference (reporter meeting)
임금 - wage, pay
체불 - default (as in failure to pay wages/loans on time)
다반사 - everyday affair, common occurance [comes from the Hanja 茶飯事, meaning drinking tea & eating meals is an everyday affair]
성폭행 - sexual assault, rape
위협 - threat, intimidation
~까지 - until ___, as far as ___, even, moreover
One thing that makes headlines difficult is they just use a bunch of nouns with a few particles, rather than full sentences with verbs.
원어민 강사 노동 실태 증언 기자 간담회: Press conference to testify about the real labor conditions of native speaking instructors
임금 체불은 다반사, 성폭행 위협까지: Overdue wages are commonplace, even threats of sexual assault
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asirenbyanyothername · 6 months
If youre thinking about teaching in Korea, dont fuckin do it.
Teaching in korea has absolutely ruined korea for me.
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jesslessthanthree · 1 year
Things my kindergarten class in korea says:
Me: is this page easy?
Student 1: so easy!
Student 2: easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Student 3: hard peasy lemon squeezy!
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death2normalcy · 1 year
Omg, I know I haven’t updated since I talked about putting my stuff into storage, which was over a week ago, but things have been so hectic and chaotic that updating on here slipped my mind.
I will give you guys a full update this weekend, because I’m way too tired to do so after work, lol.
But yea, I’m here, I’m teaching, it’s overwhelming.
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One of my favorite things about Korean culture is how they just take their shoes off anywhere
Like, sitting at a restaurant? The bus terminal? The 7/11? The middle of Enlgish class? The shoes come off. And sometimes the socks, too. I love that ♡
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intheyellowandgreen · 2 years
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Luna???? how dare you????? im crying ??????
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quatresnuku · 2 years
So today was my class's turn go to the park and while there we played at the playground for a bit. A couple of boys decided that they were playing police and I aparently was a thief and had to go under slide as jail. My one girl got annoyed at them and tried to protect me and told the other kids in English "Teacher is not a burglar!!!!"
I was just like
A. Where did you learn the word burglar?
B. Yes, I am not a burglar because that word should only be used to describe Bilbo Baggins
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mrlancer · 7 months
Teaching English in Korea is wild. Besides the generally shitty working conditions most of the time (I'm lucky now that I have a good hagwon), but the parents are so crazily involved and pick at every tiny thing you do and think they know how to teach better. Like, I dont want to be that person, but you're telling me, someone who has a Masters degree in English, that the way I've taught a child to answer a question is wrong. The worst part is they don't even speak English themselves.
I hate being that person, and I will listen to criticism and explain what the teaching method is and what our goals are, but when you encourage your child to call me out and tell me I'm wrong in the middle of class when I'm most certainly not, is when you push your luck.
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blmpff · 2 months
Korea will literally release anything and everything BUT a 12 x 45 min series huh
50 x 1ish min? Really??
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marymekpop · 1 year
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you need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong
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etudelingo · 19 hours
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Tradycyjnie hangul miał o wiele więcej liter i konstrukcji niż obecnie ale (na szczęście) wyszły one z użycia. Oto niektóre z nich: Początkowe spółgłoski: ᄀ, ᄁ, , ᄂ, ᄓ, ᄔ, ᄕ, ᄖ, , , , ᄃ, ᄗ, ᄄ, , ꥠ, ꥡ, ꥢ, ꥣ, ᄅ,ꥤ, ꥥ, ᄘ, ꥦ, ꥧ, ᄙ, ꥨ, ꥩ, ꥪ, ꥫ, ꥬ, ꥭ, ꥮ, ᄚ, ᄛ, ᄆ, ꥯ, ꥰ, ᄜ, ꥱ, ᄝ, ᄇ, ᄞ, ᄟ, ᄠ, ᄈ, ᄡ, ᄢ,ᄣ, ᄤ, ᄥ, ᄦ, ꥲ, ᄧ, ᄨ, ꥳ, ᄩ, ᄪ, ꥴ, ᄫ, ᄬ, ᄉ, ᄭ, ᄮ, ᄯ, ᄰ, ᄱ, ᄲ, ᄳ, ᄊ, ꥵ, ᄴ, ᄵ, ᄶᄷ, ᄸ, ᄹ, ᄺ, ᄻ, ᄼ, ᄽ, ᄾ, ᄿ, ᅀ, ᄋ, ᅁ, ᅂ, ꥶ, ᅃ, ᅄ, ᅅ, ᅆ, ᅇ, ᅈ, ᅉ, ᅊ, ᅋ, ꥷ, ᅌ, ᄌ,ᅍ, ᄍ, ꥸ, ᅎ, ᅏ, ᅐ, ᅑ, ᄎ, ᅒ, ᅓ, ᅔ, ᅕ, ᄏ, ᄐ, ꥹ, ᄑ, ᅖ, ꥺ, ᅗ, ᄒ, ꥻ, ᅘ, ᅙ, ꥼ, Środkowe samogłoski: ᅡ, ᅶ, ᅷ, , ᅢ, ᅣ, ᅸ, ᅹ, , ᅤ, ᅥ, ᅺ, ᅻ, ᅼ, ᅦ, ᅧ, , ᅽ, ᅾ,ᅨ, ᅩ, ᅪ, ᅫ, , , ᅿ, ᆀ, ힰ, ᆁ, ᆂ, ힱ, ᆃ, ᅬ, ᅭ, ힲ, ힳ, ᆄ, ᆅ, ힴ, ᆆ, ᆇ, ᆈ, ᅮ, ᆉ, ᆊ, ᅯ,ᆋ, ᅰ, ힵ, ᆌ, ᆍ, ᅱ, ힶ, ᅲ, ᆎ, ힷ, ᆏ, ᆐ, ᆑ, ᆒ, ힸ, ᆓ, ᆔ, ᅳ, ힹ, ힺ, ힻ, ힼ, ᆕ, ᆖ, ᅴ, ᆗ, ᅵ,ᆘ, ᆙ, ힽ, ힾ, ힿ, ퟀ, ᆚ, ퟁ, ퟂ, ᆛ, ퟃ, ᆜ, ퟄ, ᆝ, ᆞ, ퟅ, ᆟ, ퟆ, ᆠ, ᆡ, ᆢ Końcowe spółgłoski: ᆨ, ᆩ, ᇺ, ᇃ, ᇻ, ᆪ, ᇄ, ᇼ, ᇽ, ᇾ, ᆫ, ᇅ, ᇿ, ᇆ, ퟋ, ᇇ, ᇈ, ᆬ, ퟌ, ᇉ, ᆭ,ᆮ, ᇊ, ퟍ, ퟎ, ᇋ, ퟏ, ퟐ, ퟑ, ퟒ, ퟓ, ퟔ, ᆯ, ᆰ, ퟕ, ᇌ, ퟖ, ᇍ, ᇎ, ᇏ, ᇐ, ퟗ, ᆱ, ᇑ, ᇒ, ퟘ, ᆲ, ퟙ, ᇓ,ퟚ, ᇔ, ᇕ, ᆳ, ᇖ, ᇗ, ퟛ, ᇘ, ᆴ, ᆵ, ᆶ, ᇙ, ퟜ, ퟝ, ᆷ, ᇚ, ퟞ, ퟟ, ᇛ, ퟠ, ᇜ, ퟡ, ᇝ, ᇞ, ᇟ, ퟢ, ᇠ,ᇡ, ᇢ, ᆸ, ퟣ, ᇣ, ퟤ, ퟥ, ퟦ, ᆹ, ퟧ, ퟨ, ퟩ, ᇤ, ᇥ, ᇦ, ᆺ, ᇧ, ᇨ, ᇩ, ퟪ, ᇪ, ퟫ, ᆻ, ퟬ, ퟭ, ퟮ, ퟯ, ퟰ,ퟱ, ퟲ, ᇫ, ퟳ, ퟴ, ᆼ, ᇰ, ᇬ, ᇭ, ퟵ, ᇱ, ᇲ, ᇮ, ᇯ, ퟶ, ᆽ, ퟷ, ퟸ, ퟹ, ᆾ, ᆿ, ᇀ, ᇁ, ᇳ, ퟺ, ퟻ, ᇴ, ᇂ,ᇵ, ᇶ, ᇷ, ᇸ
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jesslessthanthree · 1 year
Things my kindergarten class in korea says:
Student, named Harry, softly hitting himself in the face: Teacher! Harry is hitting me!
Me: Harry! Stop hitting Harry!
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death2normalcy · 1 year
Okay, it's the weekend. So, I'll tell you about my week. I'm not going to go into super detail, so if there is something I don't touch up on, and your curious, just message me and I'll respond eventually, lol.
So, my official teaching week is Monday through Thursday, Fridays are mainly for prep, although I have to teach one kindergarten class and attend a meeting. Prep is a lot, though, and takes me pretty much the whole day. I also have to go in at 9:30am on Fridays, instead of 12:30pm, like every other day.
Monday through Thursday's are kind of like this: From 12:30pm to 3:00pm, I am at the kindergarten. I teach 2 classes, and I observe a class. I also have a little prep time first. At 3:00, I have to head over to the main school, about a 10 minute walk, and get ready for my other classes. Each day is different, and no 2 weeks are the same. It's very hard to explain this without you guys full seeing the way the schedule works, but yea. Also, the students we have on M/W are different from the ones we have on T/Th. And the week is broken up into M/T and W/Th. See, confusing. So, for instance, I may have class 1C3 on Monday and Tuesday. But the students on each day are completely different. And then, I may not even have that class W/Th. I think I have the hang of that part, but I know it's confusing for a lot of people, lol.
I am responsible for teaching grammar, which..for the younger kids is fine. But for the older ones, I'm learning right along side them, lol. Most of the kids have been polite and great, some of the younger ones have been loud and can't focus, and the older ones are nice, but very tired (understandable, they take so many classes, plus regular school). Even if it does get frustrating when they don't listen, I don't blame them. This is an after school thing, so they've already had a full day of school, then multiple classes with us, it's a lot.
I think I definitely still need to get the hang of being an engaging teacher, although the school has been very understanding that I am new and will need time to adjust.
So, there are also going to be some days where I have a couple vacant periods, where I have no students. Those are prep time. Sometimes, I may not, like this coming Thursday, which is going to be straight classes all day, and just..a lot, lol.
Classes end at 8:15pm, then I have to clean 2 of the classrooms and have them checked and then I'm free to go. After a 25 minute walk home, I can finally relax.
So, those are my typical days. On the weekends, I can do whatever I want, obviously, and once I get more settled, I'll definitely do more exploring.
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I just realized that my outfits are all just variations of the same thing lol
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studynzblog · 1 month
Unlock Your Teaching Career: Navigating the Teaching Council NZ
Navigate the Teaching Council NZ requirements with ease, guided by NZ Study Advisers. Our expert team ensures seamless registration, paving the way for your teaching career. Contact us at +6493790219 for personalized assistance and embark on your journey towards educational excellence.
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noonaracha · 1 month
Saw your url and it made me so freaking happy bc i was shamed on this very site 3 days ago for "pushing 40" (at the age of 32) and liking stray kids. But noonaracha sounds cool af and I'm really happy you're here.
Aw I’m glad it made you happy because it also is self-validating hehe
Like….. adult k-pop stans exist. The idols are adults?! Chan is probably closer to your age than these kiddos but anyway…
Also I would say many many users on Stayblr are 18+. Don’t let those fringe haters get you down. You are welcome here <3
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