#technically pbj?
nursedexy · 6 months
Hello, I just finished the Hat Trick Hearts series by SomewheresSword and ohhhhh my god, it was SO GOOD.
If you like PBJ and you like seeing these boys happy, I highly recommend this series. It's 463,312 words of them being in love and figuring out how that relationship works, both in private and in this heteronormative and monogamy focussed world, and it's very low on angst. It's not pure fluff, there's anxiety and homophobia and dealing with past hurt, but there's no manufactured angst in the relationship, just lots of love and comfort and actual communication! Especially once they get together, which I promise doesn't take too long.
The series is canon divergent from Epikegster, based on the premise that Bitty went to the 2010 Olympics as a figure skater and met (a very sad) Kent there. They became close friends, but only through phonecalls/skype/texting and somehow neither realised that Bitty's captain who he was crushing on was the same guy that Kent had been heartbroken about all these years. So when Kent shows up and sees them taking selfies together, the night goes very differently. Despite this divergence, the series still includes a lot of canon moments, before eventually moving past where the comic ends and folowing these boys for many more years.
I'll link to the fist fic, if the idea of commiting to the whole series is too daunting, you could technically just read this and have a satisfying (and happy) ending in about 90k words. Or just start here and enjoy the journey!
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fandom-trash-xl · 2 months
Super-Gen Kiddos Headcanon Handful
Decided to pop out a batch of headcanons for the lovely little kid trio, Pan, Bulla, and Kuriza. Still sticking with Super-Gen Kiddos as their collective name although I do have a few other ideas like using their initials, PBK, then realizing it's sounds like PBJ and coming up with the cute little Peanut Butter and Chestnuts. Always open to hear thoughts and get asks about them.
Also, I'm getting timelining and stuff figured out, so I thought I'd lay out birthday months and stuff too.
Birthday: Early May, Age 779 (Taurus)
Pan enjoys going to get her hair cut. She likes her hair fairly short and she gets uncomfortable if her hair is too long for too long. One time, she tried to get Bulla to cut her hair with a pair of craft scissors under the guise of them playing hair salon- both got in trouble.
With Gohan as a father, a lot of big scientific words get thrown around in the house. She'll attempt to use them herself and often mispronounces them with absolute confidence.
Pan inherits her Grandpa Goku's smile.
Birthday: Early October, Age 780 (Libra)
Bulla's middle name was a consolation for Vegeta not getting his chance at a Saiyan name. If he had gotten his way with the first name, she would've been Eschalot II, the first Eschalot being his late mother, Queen Vegeta. Unfortunately, Bulla doesn't have good associations with the name, as 90% of the time it's used, she's in trouble.
While Bulla is the type to want to keep her pretty little dresses and jumpers free of dirt, she can also be the type to be absolutely rough if she's having enough fun. She's scraped elbows and knees and occasionally chipped or lost teeth from not paying attention to where she's going and tripping over herself. What sets her apart from tomboy Pan is the quarter-Saiyan is mindful of her limits, while Bulla can be plain stubborn.
Birthday: Late February ("Second Month of the First Galactic Quarter" in space), Age 782 (Pisces)
Technically, Kuriza does have a traditional Arcosian name (in other words, a cold pun) but the once half-serious little nickname of "Kuriza" (chestnut Frieza) became so embedded in even Frieza's mind that the initial name has been practically lost to time and old documents. It's unknown if Kuriza even knows his real name.
Kuriza often has trouble talking at points (losing his voice or going non-verbal), but he knows how to sign to get communication across. Bulla knows how to as well (thank goodness for plot convenience galactic standards) simply as something she learned in schooling, so she can understand and respond back. Pan doesn't however and thinks the two are communicating in some secret code behind her back.
Kuriza is somewhat of a savant in a few regards, not only in terms of his latent ki abilities, but he also reads very well and very quickly from a young age.
Kuriza has a feeling that the Briefs' cat, Scratch, doesn't like him, as the cat quietly growls at him when he passes by. The same thing happens with Frieza, so there may be some connection.
Pan can lift Kuriza off the ground a bit to help him see over things as a little height boost. She usually doesn't wait for an answer if he actually wants the help.
Bulla feels bad for Kuriza not having a traditional Earth childhood like she does (ex. for awhile, Kuriza's birthday isn't celebrated with much fanfare back in space; Bulla's sure to help change that), so she often gives him presents when she finds out something she considers sad that he's missing out on- stuff like manga, toys, etc. from her own room, on an absolute whim.
The sets of visual encyclopedias that Gohan bought for Pan have travelled full circle through the friend group. Bulla borrows them because she likes the illustrations of "pretty things" like flowers, butterflies, stars, etc., then they end up lent to Kuriza to sate his little Earth science fascinations. Eventually, they make their way back to the Son household.
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shriggisick · 1 year
Susanne 🥗💚 and Breanna Foodly! 🍞🍴
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Susanne and Breanna are both food based mutants, and even if they aren't technically related, they're pretty much sisters for unlife! They attend Monster High and both are known for making the most frightfully amazing dishes at the school! Susanne's vegetable and fruit based meals, of course are a favorite of vampire vegan Draculaura's! Breanna also makes the tastiest sandwiches of all kinds! She loves helping with the school's food drives and other events with them!
Susanne's fashion combines a few punk trends with a cozy touch! Greens and blues are her go to colors for clothing choices.
For Breanna, she enjoys dressing in nice pastels with a pretty light brown as her base clothing color. She sometimes uses certain sandwiches for outfit inspiration, like for example her basic look is inspired by a PBJ sandwich!
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pollenallergie · 11 months
pls recommend meals that i can make in a dorm room, preferably ones that don’t need a microwave. somehow i managed to bring a mini fridge and a kettle, but no microwave… (pls don’t say PBJ sandwiches, i’ve had so many since i got here that i’m honestly starting to get sick of them). i have breakfast pretty much covered, i’m mostly just looking for lunch & dinner. there’s a dining hall here, but i only get dinner for the free (technically not for free, but dinner costs are including in housing costs) and tbh sometimes they have food that i simply do not like (they only ever have like two or three options because it’s summer so there’s hardly anyone here).
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mystic-mikey · 2 years
Okay but like hear me out on this
Topping of choice + cheese + sauce + bread = pizza
Peanut butter + Jelly + bread = openface pbj
What’s stopping the pizza from being called an open-faced italian flatbreaded sandwich?
What’s stopping the hot-dog being a german taco?
Whats stopping cereal being cold morning soup?
- ☢️
The classifications we give them?? A lot of these things come from different cultures, and calling a food from one culture the form of something else from another culture totally disrespects both. Fuck your "technicalities" food isn't taxonomy. Food is culture, they come from the people who made them based on what they had around them. We might call basics the same thing, even if they're fundamentally different, but not whole dishes. There's a lot of overlap, but we call these things different words based on where they came from for a reason. You can also call ketchup a smoothie but if you do that I will kill you. I'm not going to argue over technicalities and explain to you exactly what makes a hot dog a hot dog because that's stupid and a waste of time. Punch yourself.
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 11 months
Drake meets a cowboy (my first pbj event!)
“You'd think that such a large city like New York would make it easy to stalk prey.”
“What?” asked the man at the bar, confused.
“You also wouldn't believe how many times I've gotten maced.” The vampire shook his head. “One lady even had a pair of brass knuckles.” The vampire continued. “She punched me in the face. How am I supposed to strike fear in people’s hearts with a missing fang?”
The man at the bar inched away slowly. The vampire huffed and turned back to his drink, sulking.
“I’ll have a beer. And get him another of whatever he’s drinking.” A man in a cowboy hat shambled up beside the vampire.
“A bit early for comic con, isn’t it? Who’re you supposed to be? John Wayne?”
“Very funny.” The cowboy took his beer bottle, toasting silently with his new companion. “And you’re, what? Twilight sparkle?”
“That’s a horse.” The vampire said mildly.
“Technically, she’s an allicorn.” The cowboy replied, without a hint of embarrassment. “My daughter is a fan.” He took a drink.
“I’m a vampire. And no I don’t sparkle.”
“And I’m a cowboy. We clear that up yet?”
“That can’t be your profession.”
“Why not?” The cowboy asked, curious.
“Well we’re in the city for starters. No cows here.” The vampire said.
“”Ah.” Said the cowboy. “Well cowboys don’t always herd cows you know? Cattle herding is actually my side job.”
“And your main job is?”
The cowboy smiled. He finished his beer. “Monster hunting.”
“Ah.” Said the vampire. “That would be a problem wouldn’t it.”
The cowboy ordered another beer. “As I recollect it was a cowboy that killed your vampire daddy..”
“Never say that again. “
“Hit a sore spot did I?”
“No, I just never want to hear the words vampire daddy In the same sentence again. “ the vampire said. “And Dracula was more than my sire.” He flashed a cold, fanged smile at the cowboy. “He was my birth father as well.”
“How does that work?” Asked the cowboy.
“When a mommy vampire and a daddy vampire love each other very much—“
“I’ve heard enough.” He paused. “I thought you said you never wanted to hear that phrase again.”
“Only I’m allowed to use it.” The vampire sighed. He drained the last of his drink. “So what now? Do we do this right here? Right now? Destroying the bar and racking up witnesses?”
“Please don’t.” Said the man behind the bar. “I have a family.”
The vampire gave the cowboy a look as if to say ‘see?’ The cowboy sighed.
“I’m not going to kill you. Wasn’t planning on it.”
“Now that’s a lie.”
“Ok so i lied.” The cowboy admitted. “Haven’t you ever changed your mind before?”
“What did it? My good looks? My stunning personality?”
“The fact that you’re drinking a strawberry daiquiri with a curly straw and a little umbrella. You obviously aren’t the monster that’s been hunting in this town.”
The vampire was impressed. “You got all that from a strawberry daquiri?”
“Actually I got it from the airplane ticket you dropped on your way in here.” The cowboy said. “You just got in an hour ago.”
“I was on vacation. Sue me.” The cowboy raised an eyebrow. “Okay don’t actually sue me.” The vampire said. “I like Hawaii. They have coconuts.”
“You can buy coconuts at the grocery store.”
“The ones in Hawaii taste better.”
The cowboy sighed again. “Are you in, or not?”
“You really are lacking in manners, you know.” The vampire tsked. “You haven’t introducers yourself, you threaten to kill me, and now you want me to join you on, what? Some poorly explained suicide mission?”
The cowboy’s cheeks reddened and he ducked his head, hiding his eyes. “I bought you a drink, didn’t I?”
The vampire clicked his tongue. “Ulterior motives. I’m interested.” The cowboy hesitated. “Go on.”
The cowboy pulled a pencil out of his pocket, and scribbled on the bar napkin. “Meet me at this address.” He said. “Tomorrow. There’s too many ears here.”
The vampire looked at the napkin, then looked up and around. The bar was nearly empty, save for an old man in the corner and a young couple a few chairs down. He tucked the napkin away. With a grim, if dramatic nod, the cowboy turned and left the bar. The vampire ordered a daquiri for the road and left a tip. Maybe he should’ve stayed in Miami.
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kidrat · 1 year
Tag 10 people you want to know better Tagged by @en-theos (thank u!)
song stuck in my head: uuuuh nge opening I think? I've never watched more than bits and pieces of the start of the show tho lmao
last song I listened to: technically just sleep lofi but before that I was listening to a Karen Jonz so last song 'peças quebradas' by her
favorite color: been on a green kick for a while, really like bright emerald tones / Houseplant Colour. generally a big fan of blue too, especially sky blues and vivid + pale + cool blues.
three favorite foods: there's these rlly good beef brisket noodles from a pho place in the city centre that i have romantic feelings for. been enjoying pbj sandwiches recently too which is random because I never ate them growing up. also ice cream, especially swedish glace chocolate stuff
last thing(s) I googled: lol after the song question I went and googled how you pronounce the letter ç in brazilian portuguese (like an 's' apparently)
dream trip: I don't really desire travel. like it doesn't rlly occur to me so I dont have hypothetical trips i think about? HOWEVER i am excited to go to london w some online friends this month! and to go on a canal boat long weekend w other friends later in summer
tagging @aplpaca @larvamotif @hardoncaulfield @facelessoldgargoyle @nitrosplicer @tyrannuspitch @finelythreadedsky @vracious @thoodleoo @orpheuscas
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pinerdj · 2 years
Kvr deal sonic charge
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Kvr deal sonic charge full#
Kvr deal sonic charge free#
It is designed with one goal in mind: to inspire and invigorate composers, sound-designers, and artists to push the boundaries of what is possible in cutting edge sound-design. Kaleidoscope is a tool that offers ultimate control over musical organization in both of these domains and adds a third axis of creative control we like to call spatial choreography. The organization occurs in two axes: time and frequency. Kaleidoscope is both an effects processor as well as a content generator, meaning that it is possible to synthesize completely new sounds without any input sound or MIDI performance data as well as to transform incoming audio signals in other-worldly manners. In simplistic terms, Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound! Technically speaking, Kaleidoscope is a massively parallel bank of physically modeled resonators that can be tuned completely arbitrarily with scientific precision and dynamically modulated over time by over two million points of automation. It's a trip! Kaleidoscope is the ultimate sound-design tool and creative effects toy! It is an entirely new class of visual audio effects processors and is one of the most unique generative signal processing tools to come to market in recent history. Precedence 1.5 and Breeze 2.5 are part of the new PBJ Spatial Mixing Environment Pack, as well as the Perfect Storm 3.5 Pack. In its most recent version, it has also grown to become one of the most powerful spatial tools on the market! Breeze 2.5 introduces a completely novel Distance-Link DSP mode, where the entire algorithm retunes itself based on instrument position, effectively producing a different set of impulse responses for an infinite number of positions within the virtual room. The end result is an incredible sense of hyper-realistic 3D space and specific localization of each instrument within this space.īreeze 2.5 is an industry-leading algorithmic reverb that is ultra-efficient, simple to use, and most importantly sounds absolutely sublime. It then positions this image within a virtual stage, giving mix engineers ultra precise control over left-to-right and front-to-back placement. It creates an organically modulating stereo-image that produces an instantaneous sense of width, depth, and presence similar to stereo microphone techniques used in acoustic spaces. Precedence 1.5 is a psychoacoustic stereo positioning tool. We hope it may help augment general knowledge of spatial mixing topics and assist producers and engineers to make even more engaging audio creations where listeners can truly feel emersed in the music. It's our way of giving something back to an industry we are passionate about.
Kvr deal sonic charge free#
Vector is a free gift to the audio community.
Kvr deal sonic charge full#
It also displays large numerical values for the long term averages together with more instantaneous values to instantly give you a full and accurate picture of exactly what is happening in your mix spatially. Vector displays a large, beautifully-crafted Lissajous phase-meter together with long-term average level, phase, and panning meters. It allows you to confidently expand your mix in any spatial direction with advanced psychoacoustic spatialization tools such as 2CAudio's Precedence 1.5 and PBJ System, while also maintaining awareness of mono-compatibility for legacy playback systems. It helps you to detect and avoid spatial threats such as extreme anti-phase while avoiding false positives that are sometimes given by other tools. Vector is a spatial image analysis tool that helps producers and engineers make more informed decisions during mixing and mastering.
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Julieta: What did you guys do last night?
Mirabel: All I remember is that I pushed Antonio in a shopping cart for 15 blocks, then we realized we left Camilo downtown.
Pepa: Did you go back and get him?
Isabela: Nah, we went to a karaoke bar instead. So worth it!
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crudeinourtrading · 3 years
After a series of rallies and consolidations, it seems PBJ is showing signs of an upward trend.
Watch the video as Chris explains:
How to place a Fibonacci Extension.
What does ‘putting in a bottom’ mean in the market?
How does a bull flag form?
0 notes
songzhong · 3 years
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I love wine and was talking to my friend who plays Diluc and doesn’t know things about alcohol and was like. Why not just copy paste that too and make a really basic 101 of wine for Diluc RPers who don’t drink ? It is a bit vulgar as it tries to relate to people who just do not drink so they can picture it on their take on characters. ANYONE IS MORE THAN WELCOME TO REBLOG THIS or idk share this with your DILUC RPERS/LOVERS if you liked it ! Let’s get to it.
This really is a guide that gives up quick basics so you can really flavor your RP threads with this even without being an expert !
Thank you @noctuxcellus​ for the cute Diluc and wine bottle icon, this post is dedicated to you ~.
Red wine is full bodied and heavier. Think like drinking a natural juice vs a cheaper concentrate. It's thick and has a strong sweet flavor. So it pairs well with meat as the fat brings out the unique flavors and appetizers or by itself because of the fancy flavor profile.
White wine is more acidic. Think as like drinking clear light limonade vs that thicker fruit juice. It is lighter on the palate and is more about subtly complementing a dish than being the star of the show. Think about how PBJ sandwiches and other type of food like this are not the same at all because one cancels the other's less pleasant aftertaste. White wine goes well with seafood dishes as it clears the mouth from the fishy aftertaste and pasta so your meal doesnt feel as heavy.
Grapes are typically what are used to make wine. However, nearly anything can be turned to wine or mixed in with the grapes.
There's a large debate about also making drinks which dilute wine, whether it is like innovative or absolutely unethical.
Wine are put in barrels and ferment that you surely know. What happens is that just like coffee or pulled noodles, the taste and texture will be entirely different depending of the altitude, the pressure in the barrel, the wood used for the barrel, the amount of fruit juice put in the barrel, what the fruits are, the soil the fruit grew in and what they were given, the humidity of the basement they are put in and its light exposure, the materials the building they are in is made of and the local climate.
This makes for wine to become extremely expensive and sought after when being recognized because it means you just cannot get it anywhere else, with all those parameters being a heavily guarded trade secret.
The Ragnvindr wine is also legally protected from what I got since merchants who tried to reproduce the wine were called out as impostors from saying they are selling Mondstadt wine. If it wasn’t legally protected, anyone who uses the same fermentation techniques as in Mondstadt could call it Mondstadt wine. However, the Ragnvindr family probably paid extra to whatever is the wine guild of Teyvat so their label can only be put on bottles made by them and in the region of Mondstadt. This simply raise the price A LOT due tot the exclusivity and greatly helps Mondstadt economy which relies on the winery.
An example of something legal protection in real life alcohol trade like this would be:
Scotch and Whisky are the same thing. Only you cannot call your whisky a scotch if you didnt make it in Scotland.
Just like you cannot call all sparkling wine Champagne unless your brew comes and has been officially labeled by the Champagne region in France.
You probably know indirectly the mainstream notoriety of champagne because to celebrate people never say they’re getting sparkling wine. They get champagne. The clever marketing makes it so people assume that sparkling wine is of a lesser quality than champagne. It is often due to people who make sparkling wine knowing it wont sell unless they make it champagne so they pay hard to have it approved. (technically the label of champagne has been loosened but for our purpose I won’t go about it)
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Diluc can 100% run the winery without liking wine himself since he is knowledgeable about it and can differentiate a good or bad brew even if it is not to his personal liking, thus I imagine his distaste increasing because once his scientist brewers say "Ok this passed all the requirements time for the boss to approve it".
When you sample one you dont drink it. You gurgle and spit it. So Diluc doesn’t have to ever get drunk or even actually drink any wine.
Ideally when sampling wine, you have an empty stomach and have drank crystal water to not have any bias during tasting. You smell it, shake it to bring out the aroma. Then you slurp it in. Hard. Loudly. Because you want the liquid to coat all your tongue and stick to the back of your throat. You then gurgled it a bit around and then spit it out. Rince your mouth and repeat the process.
By doing so an expert sommelier can identify multiple parameters in wine (which ones is a constantly different depending on how the wine is processed) like which fermentation process the drink went under, the fruits in it, its age, etc. because they are so good they can identify each layers of how the wine was made. Compared to lets say a casual drinker who didn’t do all that tasting stuff and can just tell the fruits. The tasting process may sounds and look funny to others, but it is a highly respected practice that is not exaggerated in its process.
MASTER sommeliers are very sought after in restaurants. To get your master sommelier credentials you need to go through a LOT of wine tasting. Identify the label of the bottle, its ingredients, describe the aroma accurately, which region it was made it, etc. All of this blindly. If you miss one, you’re out. Some people spend years and years preparing for evaluations process to be selected amongst other candidates as a master sommelier. When you get your credential ? Massive bucks. It could definitely be valid to say that Diluc got a master sommelier credential due to the high importance and respect of his family winery heritage.
MASTER sommeliers are highly respected since there are so very few, since you can be a sommelier randomly in a restaurant and just not be too good. In our world, Master sommeliers make 150K a year, making them one of the top earners industry experts.
A sommelier's job is to evaluate wine from the industry brewing it and/or restaurant. When you go to a high end restaurant and ask for wine, the sommelier, who can be found in the wine cellar at times visible when sitting at the restaurant to show off the selection, will come to your table and give you a recommendation based on your meal. He also is the one who decide which brews the restaurant will serve according to the menu. He's an expert the owner hires.
A very vulgar way people who dont know about it call a sommelier someone who just drinks wine and tell you which bottle you should buy even if you cannot tell the difference between two.  That is what you have Master sommeliers. You KNOW they are the REAL experts who know their shit spend all their life mastering the aspects of wine.
Kaeya never spat the wine when sampling, he always swallowed it and got drunk. ( Its always a meme in the tasting industry just like ice cream tasters who eat it instead of spitting it. Or actors who always eat their food on set even after the 15th take instead of spitting with everyone in the bucket. )
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dragonwolfe22 · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me @ianthe-is-a-bitch-and-i-love-her <3
3 Ships: Phlint (Clint/Coulson), Polly/Maladict, Thief Juice (Parker/Hardison/Eliot)
1st Ship: Spirk. It was the early 2010s when I finally was introduced to fanfiction, and being a solid star trek fan...
Last Movie: Spider Man 1 (Tobey Maguire) that I watched with my partner. I find Willem Dafoe compelling and sexy.
Currently Reading: A coworker's paper for the ESA conference. For fun reading, I just bought a copy of @natalieironside 's "In the Court of the Nameless Queen" that I'm looking forward to!
Currently Watching: The Legend of Vox Machina and A Starstruck Odyssey (Sundry Sydney you have my heart and soul).
Currently Consuming: nothing :( I really want a PBJ though
Last Song Listened To: Hayloft II - Mother Mother. OOPH
Currently Craving: PBJ. And cheezits. God I miss cheezits. And that chicken soup in a can with twisty noodles that you can only get in the US?
Fave Color: Black? And deep teals and green blues.
Sweet/salty/savory: Usually sweet. Can never get enough fruit. At the moment it's been a salty/savory kind of month.
Currently Working On: soooo many things.
I have ANOTHER dnd character that I've been writing background scenes for, and I'm hashing out some mechanical implications with the DM
I keep poking at all the story ideas I'm working on, but I've been seized by a new one with a werewolf and a vampire (yes I know, very original, but hear me out: very proper gentleman werewolf sees a very feral not in control little dude and goes "oh. This one's mine. Ok" and proceeds to make questionable decisions. Feral little dude undergoes a handful of My Fair Lady moments that don't stick, but that's ok and they love each other and it's Gay and maybe Gendery. It's very compelling to me).
I technically have 90% of the WangXian smut written and I am trying to clean that up and post it. So that I become a fic writer in fact and not theory.
I've almost finished hand sewing an entire pirate shirt (4 buttons left). I may cry when it's done.
And in brickspace I am learning to use a Scanning Electron Microscope! Very fun.
Tagging @noandpickles, @adragonsshadow, @trans-mando, @kore888, @rue-finley-kazoo, and @mumblingpizza if any of you want :) And anyone else who wants to play, I'm tagging you too!
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Tagged by @zalie Thanks bud ^_^
1. When is your birthday? October 27th
2. What’s your favorite color? I'm not sure to be honest, it changes with how I'm feeling or what I'm looking at, lately red
3. What’s your lucky number? 42
4. Do you have any pets? I do!!! I have a yellow lab. He's the best <3
5. How tall are you? 5"5
6. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I believe 17
7. Favorite song? Oof loaded question I have too many haha At the moment I really adore 'Sweet Hibiscus Tea' by Penelope Scott
8. Favorite movie? Why must you make me choose??? I'd have to say Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy. 'That still only counts as one' ;)
9. What’s your ideal partner? Someone who gets me that I get too
10. Do you want children? Maybe. I'm only 21 and honestly haven't thought about it much
11. Have you gotten in trouble with the law? I have not
12. What color socks are you wearing? ...invisible...I'm barefoot haha
13. Bath or shower? Shower, hands down
14. Favorite type of music? Most everything. I really like bedroom pop or indie music though
15. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 1/2
16. What position do you sleep in? Usually on my stomach or on my side
17. What do you not like when you’re sleeping? Being too warm
18. What do you have for breakfast? I usually don't eat it, but when I do its a PBJ on toast
19. Have you ever tried archery? I have! We had to do it in gym class, but I'd like to learn again
20. Favorite fruit? Ooooh it's a tie between Peaches and Honeycrisp apples
21. Favorite swear word? I don't swear much, but probably 'F*cknuggets'
22. Do you have any scars? Surprisingly no. The one that should have would be tiny and I can't see it
23. Are you a good liar? I'm not, and I don't like to lie
24. What’s your personality type? ENFP I think, but everything was down the middle so who knows haha
25. What’s your favorite type of girl? She knows
26. Left or right handed? Right Handed
27. Favorite food? Hmmm Pizza? I don't really have favorites, but I do love me some Cadbury Creme Eggs
28. Are you clean or messy? Very clean, but I can be messy
29. Favorite foreign food? Does spaghetti count? I'm American, everything's technically from other cultures
30. How long does it take for you to get ready? Maybe 20 mins, but sometimes an hour or so
31. Most used phrase? Oh dear/oh balls
32. Are you a good singer? I think I'm alright
33. Do you sing to yourself? Near constantly
34. Biggest fear? Hurting/losing/bothering the people I care about...and sharks...it's the teeth
35. Do you like long hair or short hair? I like either
36. Are you into gossip? Not really
37. Extrovert or introvert? Ambivert
38. Fave school subject? Music, art, or history. In college: music, film, and psych...I liked anatomy and literature too though
39. What makes you nervous? Many things, I've got anxiety my dudes
40. Who was your first real crush? I would say probably my best friend. I didn't get crushes a lot, but I really liked him. We're both gay now :D
41. How many piercings do you have? I had two in my earlobes but I took 'em out. Kinda want them back though...and maybe more...
42. How fast can you run? Fairly. I used to be real fast (softball player) but I've slowed down a bit
43. What makes you angry? Injustice, bullying, people coming after my people
44. Do you like your own name? I do. It's unique
45. What are your weaknesses? Probably my arms hehehe I dunno, my over-analysis/over-thinking and impatience
46. What are your strengths? I'm kind and understanding
47. What is the color of your bedspread? Brown, white, and blues
48. Color of your room? Surf blue and white
I'll tag @lespressobean0415 @zuko-the-turtleduck @claracaboozle and anyone else who'd like to join in
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rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @haroldtheyre-thespians thank you!
Name/nickname: Colleen
Gender: lesbian
Star sign: gemini
Height: 5'5″ ish (a lil shorter maybe)
Time: 6:29 pm
Birthday: june 12
Favorite bands: The Highwomen (do they count as a band... i think technically they are a “super group” haha
Favorite solo artists: Idina Menzel
Song stuck in my head: Restless - Gabourel
Last movie I watched: We’re the Millers
Last show: I Love Dick (look i’m having a kathryn hahn meltdown. there are actually queer characters in that show tho so it wasn’t a complete waste of time)
When did I create this blog: 2012
What I post: whatever TV shows and actresses i’m currently being gay about
Other blogs: i have a sideblog where i post my fanfic... it’s @lightningmaystrike but i don’t really advertise it here much haha
Last thing I googled: Sessions Live
Do I get asks: sometimes! I seem to be getting a little more than usual lately which is fun
Why I chose my url: because back in 2012 I saw a quote on K Cheno’s twitter bio that i liked and decided to make a url based on it.
Following: 854
Followers: 2,641
Average hours of sleep: idk probably like 6-7... I used to be better at getting 8 but hmm
Lucky number: I always liked 12 and 21
Instruments: piano/keyboard, saxophone, guitar, drums, a tiny bit of flute
What am I wearing: jeans, a plaid shirt, a maroon bomber jacket... yes i am a lesbian.
Dream trip: New York City to Broadway babyyyy
Favorite food: chocolate
Nationality: united states of american
Last book I read: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (yes i have not read anything since then... and yes i’m still only half way through Gideon the Ninth)
Top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: look. I still want the wizarding world to be real. so some version of a magical world but that’s not built on transphobia and racism. I would also like to live in the world of Artemis Fowl that also has cool magic and fairies and shit. (not the movie version the books. and only books 1-5 count everything after that fucked up the world building too much). oh i get to put three... hmmmm something with dragon riders but i dunno which version.
Favorite color: lately i think it’s been purple cuz i just keep buying purple and wine colored clothes.
not tagging 20 people but @middle-aged-women-trash @gabi-the-sag-mess @rosalie-starfall @justkes @holdwine @pbj-at-the-roadside-cafe @spacedust-sapphic idk anyone else who wants to do it.
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khashanakalashtar · 3 years
Top 5 Fics of 2020
Tagged by @the-lincyclopedia to post my five favorite works I made this year.
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!  
1. All My Underdogs - This was such a labor of love. It’s a sequel to New Face of Failure, which was an OMGCP Reverse Bang piece. By the time I was writing it, I was mostly out of the check please fandom, but I wanted to get this idea out, and it took ages. Everyone else into pbj appeared to have left the fandom too, as it got way less attention than the other major works I’ve written for that, but it makes me smile. It involved making a piece of art, and also getting with @maramcgregor to create an actual program capable of winning bronze in the 2010 Olympics specifically, neither of which were actually required of me, but I can’t stand to half-ass a fic. Kent and the sunglasses, or the pie crust—it gets me every time. This was one of those fics where you just have a moment in your head that you’re writing to get to, and it’s Kent striking the final pose. That image was in my head for weeks.
2. Disrespect - I wrote this after getting comparatively badly triggered and being something of a mess about it for a couple days. Knowing everything I put in the story didn’t help, but somehow, writing it did. It was my first ATLA fic, I was completely unknown in the fandom, and I expected like, a handful of kudos and a comment or two. It blew most of my previous stats out of the water and was the first fic I’ve ever had break 1000 kudos. People poured into the comments to thank me and gush about it, and I’m a slut for attention, so I made it into a series and here we are 44k later. Technically it falls second to last in the series, but I’m leaving it at the beginning because it’s still the best written and I have no shame.
3. Love - Part 10 of disrespect!verse and probably the one I reread most often. There’s just something about Iroh and Zuko’s arcs that hits just right. Zuko has to comfort his loved ones with actual words, and that’s so not his love language, but dammit, he’s going to try.
4. Principle - Part 11 of disrespect!verse. Jet is sassy, and horny for Zuko and really mad about it, and I think I handled him all right. Also there definitely isn’t enough parkour Zuko in fic. “Zuko runs up the goddamn wall and Jet hates him even more” lives in my head rent free.
5. Control - Part 8 of disrespect!verse. This one took a lot of very careful balancing between empathizing with Azula and not letting her off the hook, and the comments seem to think I did it well. You don’t see a lot of Azula going through the getting better process, and I wanted to show that. It just closely edges out Closure, which comes right after and picks up all the same threads.
Tagging @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning , @sword-and-stars, @zukka-soulmates, and @maramcgregor
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buckbylightning · 4 years
Karolina dean, maddie buckley, pbj
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite | i don't only know her name bc i know she's gay and has rainbow powers and dated julie power but that's it 😔
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
bj 💐
who? | only know their name technically nobody knows his name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite | i have never seen a man i love more | please watch this show
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