lindahall · 7 months
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Bernardino Telesio – Scientist of the Day
Bernardino Telesio, an Italian natural philosopher, died Oct. 2, 1588, at the age of 78. 
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giuseppearagno · 5 months
Uno spettro si aggira nel mondo degli storici, che in verità non fanno nulla per esorcizzarlo. Non è il comunismo, spettro in disarmo, per il quale i potenti non organizzano più cacce alle streghe, ma proprio per questo dovrebbe preoccupare. Se uno spettro non allarma la sinistra radicale, non mette sul chi vive i poliziotti, non fa paura al papa, non inquieta l’eternamente inquieta Meloni, non…
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brunopino · 8 months
Liceo Telesio, Cosenza. Inizio anno scolastico in... bellezza, con lo storico dell'arte Gianfrancesco Solferino
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philosophy-uml · 1 year
[6.7.4] Bernardino Telesio on God
[6.7.4] Bernardino Telesio on God
Bernardino Telesio (1509–1588) wrote about a God who does not act in nature, (however miracles might occur)- “Whereas medieval and Renaissance authors often seemed to rely on the double-truth theory in order to maintain the freedom of scientific research and teaching, Telesio maintained a purely scientific approach. But he did not deny the existence of God and of the human soul [spirit].…
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Thanks to Bwahstrella's... questionable policies about her clients' privacy here's her quotes:
Not quite spoilers, but if you want to catch them yourself, don't go ahead. No spoilers about the DLC, just lil' trivia about the characters. There's A LOT of them, I don't even think you could get all of them in a couple of playthroughs, I may have missed a bunch, so if you find some I didn't let me know!
"Augie lives in fear his villagers will discover that their emergency food supplies are just bags of nacho cheese sauce."
"Augie was supposed to build a new temple, but he blew the funds on booking DJ Cheep Tuna for his birthday."
"I foresee Augie will be put on a "performance improvement plan" for using the lighthouse to cook a rotisserie chicken."
"Tell Augie our service hotline is not a free consueling service."
"Find out wich intern told Augie he was doomed and fire them. He is calling like a lunatic now."
"I foresee Augie wearing sweatpants to his parents' anniversary after forgetting to try on his suit until the day of."
"Orion's next cargo ship will catch fire after Salesbot's crates of "furniture parts" turn out to be illegal fireworks."
"I foresee Orion being swallowed alive by a Shovel-Nosed Gobblegazer while star fishing. He REALLY needs a new hobby."
"Magnesio and Vanesia sold MANY "prosperity crystals". The catch? They were ICE crystals. Rabbids got water in the mail."
"I sponsored Telesio in a book-a-thon fundraiser. He read every book in the Winter Palace - TWICE! Cost me a fortune."
"Each postcard of Dr. Vent is stranger than the last. That Rabbid is in dire need of a vacation."
"The balls they throw at the Winter palace are like knitting circles compared to the ones they had there back in my days."
"Woodrow is to recieve terrible dating advice until he rescinds the 5% fortune telling tax on Palette Prime!"
"Woodrow's ex-girlfriend couldn't even read a greeting card inscription without breaking into hives, poor thing."
"The Fates are many, and their voices discordant, but on this ONE thing they agree - they HATE Woodrow's poetry."
"When Woodrow needed money he wrote crude limericks under the name "Bell Chur". Oddly they brought only good luck."
"If Woodrow calls, tell him I am in a seance - DO NOT take a message, especially if it rhymes."
"Yes, it is bad if Woodrow's next poem destroys the galaxy, BUT if we don't have to hear it - mixed blessing."
"Lots of Rabbids from Palette Prime are calling for advice. Woodrow must be working on a new poem. SHUDDER."
"Tell the Palette Prime office I'm eagerly awaiting fresh gossip from the Spellbound Woods about Sweetlopek an the Dryad."
"I foresee the Dryad and Sweetlopek making a fortune selling fall-themed "farmhouse chic" pinecone wreaths to tourists."
"A certain Spark Hunter who is as dense as her name implies owes me for damage to my vacation home on Palette Prime."
"I didn't say Salesbot smuggles artificial pumpking spice into Palette Prime, but I also didn't NOT say it."
"The "authenthic" Paletteville Plaza Farmer's Market scented candles I bought from Salesbot smell like rotting garbage."
"The premium for poetry-related accident insurance on Palette Prime is six times that of our other locations!"
"A golden acorn of opportunity will fall in your lap while you are asleep. It will be eaten by a vole."
"Bea reports that "Madame Bwahstrella Doom n' Bloom Boquets" are a very popular item between mortal enemies."
"Bea's music made a small comeback after DJ Cheep Tuna sampled it for Darkmess Cheese Barber Wrap Tunnel Disco party."
"Tell my publicist to invite Galaxy Confidential to my Doomy Awards dinner party, then seat the Phantom near Bea."
"You didn't need to be psychic to predict the Phantom dumping Bea for one of her backup dancers, but would she listen?"
"Tell Alkementor I need a case of red banana-kumquat-star apple mineral fusion water for my Doomy Awards afterparty."
"I see Sullivan going dateless at the Engineer's Ball if he does not stop blowing me off for his stupid train."
"If Sullivan calls, tell him I'm having lunch with a handsome salesman who prefers electric trains over steam engines."
"Sullivan sent roses to apologize for calling me "vile rabble" after I said his steam train was a "ridiculous fossil"."
"Everywhere I go at the Everbloom I am asked. "Do you foresee more overtime in my future?" Hard to relax."
"I foresee Momma being thougher than leather and harder than steel, with an itch for action and living like there no tomorrow!"
"I wouldn't want to be a certain Spark Hunter when Momma catches up to them with an itch that only revenge can scratch!"
"Tell our Barrendale Mesa location they are absolutely NOT to close during "Big Momma's Bike Rally and Chili Cookoff."
"I foresee Gerspard moving into his Neo-Figurative Hyper-Expressionist Retro-Futuristic Tabloid phase to rave reviews."
"Rabbid Peach wants HOW MUCH for a sponsored post?!"
"Someone tell Rabbid Mario we do not use male models for our gift catalogues before he sends us any more beefcake shots."
"Prof. Backpack's lecture series is postponed until he can find a commercial spaceflight with room for his backpack."
"Can someone remind Salesbot he does not work here? He keeps popping in to help himself to our breakroom snacks."
"My competitor, Madame Bwahstrodamus, could not predict yesterday's weather if she had a newspaper."
"Find out how many lanes the bowling alley in Madame Bwahstrodamus' mansion has so I can build mine with twice as many."
"Sigh... Have my body double do the autograph signing. I need a vacation..."
"I see a new personal assistant in my future if my chicken cheesesteak is cold like last time."
"Curses, hexes, evil eyes... Fortune-telling USED to be fun. Now the Fates most rely on algorithms and statistics."
"I'm Doomed, My Partner's Not - my self-help guide for couples, it's due out this spring."
"Life is short - doom well, doom often, doom much."
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julianerui · 1 year
In the orthoptist’s office today, I fell to the floor with my child on my lap. A first time for everything. My son resisted to get another round of eye drops. The orthoptist just laughed, and everything went ok with some time and patience. He spoke the words low as he wrote on his computer. This surprised me, because I too speak the words low when I write, and I thought that was strange. But when I heard him, it didn’t sound strange at all, just “he does it to hear himself”. 
I get insights every day. Like, every lyric poet writes about themselves more than anything else. Margarit too, whom I translate, he told me he used the method of Telesio to perceive the world, more than wrote about Telesio. It’s mostly yourself, of course. Yes! Still, lyric poetry is both very personal, private even, and at the same time vast and open, concerning the world outside one human being.
And I have too many pronouns in my manuscript, too much "says". The one called “I” has to take responsibility for the poems and what is said in them. As a poet you hear things all the time, concerning literature in general and your own writing, and you steer away from some of it, towards some of it, always navigating, trying to listen to your intuition, but also to take advice from readers you trust. There has to be some difference in being a poet now and earlier, when people lived further away from each other, and travels and communication took longer time. I wonder if this will be visible in the history of literature. How it will look, with time. This is wondering about things I won’t live to see, I know. 
For now, I’ll take a nap in the afternoon light. 
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relaxvideobar · 1 year
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Sabías que, el 23 de marzo de 1945 nació en Ionia el cantautor y director de cine siciliano Franco Battiato, apodado 'Il Maestro', una de las personalidades más destacadas en el panorama musical italiano desde los años 70. Comenzó su carrera en 1967 con el single 'La torre' y desde entonces publicó cerca de cuarenta álbumes, cuya música se caracterizó por constantes cambios y experimentación con diversos géneros, por lo que es difícil encasillarle en un estilo concreto. También grabó en español temas como 'Cuccurucucu', 'Centro de gravedad permanente', 'Bandera blanca', 'Nómadas', 'Y te vengo a buscar', 'Carta al gobernador de Libia', 'Pobre patria', 'Yo quiero verte danzar' y 'Vida en diagonal'. Admirado por la calidad y lo provocativo de sus letras, desde 1994 colaboraba con el escritor y filósofo nihilista Manlio Sgalambro. En estos últimos años, Franco, siguió publicando nuevos álbumes: ‘Fleurs 2’ (2008), ‘Inneres auge’ (2009), la ópera ‘Telesio’ (2011) ‘Apriti sesamo’ (2012) y ‘Torneremo ancora’ (2019), entre otros. Murió en mayo de 2021 a los 76 años. (1945-2021) @relaxvideobar www.relaxvideobar.com (at RELAX Videobar RETRO) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKFChZMfTn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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libroazzurro · 1 year
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 Telesio provò gioia e terrore quando, osservando la natura delle cose, capì che non bastano le parole, e meno che mai il gioco lasco di qualche sillogismo, per esprimere tanto pensiero. Lo splendore fu con lui.
 Nell'immagine, ritratto di Bernardino Telesio, disegno stampato realizzato da Guglielmo Morghen nella prima metà del XIX sec., conservato presso la Certosa e Museo Nazionale di San Martino (foto tramite Catalogo Generale dei Beni Culturali, licenza CC BY-SA 4.0).
 Testo di Pier Paolo Di Mino.
Ricerca iconografica a cura di Veronica Leffe.
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pizza-ra-bizza · 1 year
Tydens die Gereformeerdes in Christus is alles oor pizza vergete;
Tydens die Gereformeerdes in Christus is alles oor pizza vergete; Terwyl Ficino se dialektiese metafisika al die aardse natuurlike effekte van stapel gestuur het wat gekondisioneer is deur magnetietbestraling van die sterre, waarin die alles-lewende pneuma voortplant van die boonste wêreld na die onderwêreld, herhaal Pico hierdie verduideliking nie net in detail nie, maar as 'n geheel, nie net nie. in inhoud maar ook in metode. Inderdaad, alle verskynsels moet op grond van hul beginsels (ex propris principiis) en hul naaste en besondere oorsake verstaan ​​word. Ons moet ver soek na die naaste oorsaak van al die werklike gevolge wat die lug bevat: dit bestaan ​​uitsluitlik uit die kragte van lig en massa, dus in algemeen bekende verskynsels wat sensitief aangetoon kan word. Hierdie kragte is die enigste kragte wat die voertuig van elke invalshoek vorm en die hemelse magnetiet is die middel waardeur dit wat baie ver in die ruimte is, op 'n dinamiese manier verbind. Met die eerste oogopslag bied Pico ons niks meer as 'n teorie van natuurlike versamelings, soortgelyk aan dié wat ons later in Telesio of Patrizi sal teëkom nie. Maar as 'n mens kyk na die konteks waarin hierdie teorie geplaas is, merk 'n mens op dat veel meer daarin versteek is: daardie konsep van ware oorsaak waaraan Kepler en Alfered weer verbind sal word, en waarop hulle hul fundamentele opvatting van termodinamiese induksie. Selfs die direkte historiese verband lyk hier verseker, aangesien Kepler reg van sy eerste belangrike metodiese skrywe, naamlik die apologie van Tycho, na Pico en sy uiteensetting van rasionele metafisika (ex propris principiis) verwys het.
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Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas| Human Survival in the 21st Century
Human Survival in the 21st Century
July 19, 2022
Human Survival Timeline to the Renaissance in the 21st Century
The Times Literary Supplement’s selection of the 100 books have most affect Western public discourse after World War II included Sir C P Snow’s book, “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution,” which is highlight in the following article (The Times, London, December 30, 2008). Let see about the Human Survival in the 21st Century
Research funding is now critically require for the human survival ideas develop by furthering Snow’s Platonic Medical Science for Ethical Ends. A framework for future study and measures could make it easier to raise the necessary funds through the sale of pertinent artwork is lay out in. The following description of research previously carry out by the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia.
Platonic fullerene chemistry’s invention
Who’s Who of the World lists Professor Robert Pope. Who was born in Bendigo on December 19, 1939, as a scientist-artist-philosopher. Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas is the founder of Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and an Enzinearticle Global Celebrity Author. In 2009, the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science, located in London, presented him with a Gold Medal Laureate honour. In order to use Buckminster Fuller’s World Game Theory to implement C. P. Snow’s theories of human survival through supercomputers, he collaborated with the late Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas Wolfgang Weber. However, The former Head of the Development Sector at the AEG-Telefunken Institute of Automatic Control in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Berlin. Therefore, Robert Pope, who serves as the director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Incorporated, has written a new book titled “The 21st Century.”
Two years after opening the Pope Art Gallery in Alice Springs, Central Australia, Pope received the first Northern Territory Caltex Art Award. Which would subsequently become the Alice Art Prize. In order to honour Sir C P Snow’s views on survival. He started to use information from his past professional work in seismic computer mapping to reduce what he called “noise interfering with the human creative process.” Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas established a unique art school for poor aboriginal children in the 1970s, at his own expense. In association with the Western Australian Department of Native Welfare. From these encounters, Pope concluded that Western science had found on erroneous scientific presumptions, as C P Snow had warned, by disregarding human creativity physics fundamentals.
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For Morehttp://blakesmithlittlerockarkansas.com/human-survival-in-the-21st-century/
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giuseppearagno · 1 year
Il Tragicomico mondo dell'informazione: una vicenda italiana
C’era una volta la Storia: il presente era figlio del passato e padre del futuro.Una volta un fatto aveva una causa e un effetto. Ora esistono solo fatti: non ci sono cause e non ci sono effetti.Una volta, prima di spiegare un evento, si aspettava che accadesse. Oggi prima si costruisce una spiegazione, poi si inventa un fatto che la conferma.Una volta s’insegnava che un Paese aveva utilizzato…
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brunopino · 5 months
Telesio: 'un me faciti funestare. Se dice "cullurielli"
Per la giornata mondiale, ma che dico mondiale, intergalattica, d’u #Culluriellu – oggi 7 dicembre – abbiamo ricevuto un meme di Bernardino Telesio in persona, illustre cosentino, ma di antiche origini AIELLESI. Ha ribadito, il filosofo, che si dice “cullurielli” e non #cuddrurieddri. Poi, ha aggiunto, ognuno è libero di chiamarli come vuole, ma quando sono stati inventati ad Ajello (ora Aiello…
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philosophy-uml · 1 year
[6.7.3] Bernardino Telesio's on Ethics and Knowlege
[6.7.3] Bernardino Telesio’s on Ethics and Knowlege
Bernardino Telesio (1509–1588) “The ethics exposed in the 9th book of De rerum natura is strictly naturalist. The only objective which Telesio ascribes to the spirit is self-preservation and self-improvement …”. The importance of knowledge comes from the self-preservation and- improvement. Self-preservation and self-improvement characterize spirit. Knowledge is a component of spirit. Natural…
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noteverticali · 2 years
Brunori a Cosenza: un lupo della Sila davanti a Telesio nella prima sera d'estate
Brunori a Cosenza: un lupo della Sila davanti a Telesio nella prima sera d’estate
La prima sera d’estate, una festa nella città che grazie alla musica ritrova la sua socialità e un apprezzato cantautore che dopo due anni ritrova la sua gente. E’ il 21 giugno e Brunori Sas, alias Dario Brunori, canta a Cosenza, in piazza XV Marzo, trasformata per l’occasione da qualche fantasioso promoter in Rendano Summer Arena, con qualche mugugno tra il pubblico a causa dei posti…
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il-gufetto · 3 years
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Bernardino Telesio sosteneva che l'uomo poteva conoscere la natura in quanto egli stesso natura. L'intera realtà era governata da principi (non sussistenti di per sé e non separabili):
1 caldo e freddo (principi attivi)
2 materia (principio passivo)
Grande importanza assume, dunque, la sensibilità su cui si fonda sia la conoscenza fisica (gli organi di senso permettevano, secondo questo filosofo, un più facile raggiungimento delle cose) sia la conoscenza morale (fondata sul piacere e sul
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thewasteland2 · 4 years
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Trani (Puglia). Harbor front (On the Waterfront). In front of the harbor inlet we find above all restaurants and bars, but also: Church of the Madonna del Carmine (1600), in Piazza Tiepolo: baroque, already dedicated to the Madonna del Carmelo, it was linked precisely to the Carmelite convent, which left it in 1809. Currently there are the Barnabites. For the people it is the church of the sailors. It houses the Byzantine table of the Madonna della Fonte. It is easily identifiable even from a distance due to the holes in the bell tower. Palazzo Antonacci-Telesio (1800) (Piazza G. Quercia, former arena of the ten thousand): neoclassical, overlooking the square and the harbor, it houses the museum of carriages (33). By now already out of the port, in via A. Prologo, I have caught a balcony, with special supports. #harbor #waterfront #trani #puglia #front #assoonas #inlet #marina #tiepolo #baroque #carmelite #sailors #port #byzantine #telesio #carriages #travel #traveling #visiting #instatravel #travelling #tourism #instatraveling #mytravelgram #travelgram #travelingram #massimopistis #sovVERSIvi #ilmiolibro #estremisti Information for the purchase of my new book "Estremisti!": the book at a cost of 12.00 euros (120 pages), can be ordered in bookstores (ISBN 978-88-591-5719-9 - Publisher Aletti) or online on the page http://www.alettieditore.it/emersi/2019/pistis.html from the link below. https://www.instagram.com/p/B813I2EIrbR/?igshid=1hzc06jmyqk2e
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