#tem the alpaca
doopn00p · 1 year
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Daydreaming 💕
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xj-frost · 7 months
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Today is September 21st
And we will never forget this amazing alpaca friend that some of you may like him or dislike him. WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!
Tem belongs to Paru Itagaki (Creator of BEASTARS).
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originalpear · 1 year
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April 2020
Riz got tipsy and is bringing his friend Tem pretty close. :-)
Week six. I don’t know when I made this and I don’t care, really.
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daydreamtoropova · 6 months
I want to talk about ships.
First I want to get out of the way is that I don't understand people who do them in the first place. Sure I might find some of the art and fanstories people make of the ships have cute moments between the characters and all. But I personally like to keep things as canon as possible, because then I know what I'm writing/drawing and I'm not wasting my precious time on something that does not hold up to the actual thing.
Some spoilers for Gravity Falls and Beastars...
Okay so now that that's out of the way, I want to talk about the actual problem. Certain ships and the patterns of problems I see with some of them.
LGBTQ+ Ships:
Gravity Falls BillDip
Nowadays you can see a lot of ships, that much is true. But I want to bring up certain ships like BillDip, a good example of a problematic one. And this is just a bizarre example I could think of being bad. And I'm glad it pretty much stopped being so popular. BillDip takes a timeless extraterrestrial triangle (or mostly I see him portrayed as a non-canon human version) with the most immense powers in the world who is the greatest sworn enemy of originally a canonically average 12-year-old (for most of the series before at the end he turned 13). Do you see the problem here? Sure if you age up the second character it is technically legal to do that... But they still have a great age gap of about a trillion years. Okay... What if you age the first character down? Well, now you have stayed way too far from canon, at this point why not just find another ship that could perfectly accommodate your liking? There are many characters who are all-mighty beings and many characters who are just average in the same universe of the same fandom. And the problem is that they don't even have chemistry. They are the greatest sworn enemies with nothing in common. Bill is manipulative and bad, and Dipper knows that. The only moment Bill is nice to Dipper is when he's trying to manipulate him into possessing his body. They are literally the greatest enemies, not even a single bit of chemistry. And I feel the only reason it was ever shipped is because one of them was male (well a genderless cosmic being, but a male-like side to him) and the other one was too. Not everything that's gay is good.
Beastars Lougosi
But I'm not bitching on all gay ships if you're asking, no. Some are actually backed up by canon and make sense to a certain degree. Let's say the ship Lougosi. This ship takes place in a world of anthropomorphic animals where it's almost forbidden for carnivore animals to interact with herbivores. Louis is a male deer who was the head actor of the drama club. Legosi, a male gray wolf, worked for the sets for the plays of the drama club. Well, Legosi is usually portrayed to have been a dangerous person at first because he is automatically grouped as a carnivore alongside him having a menacing aura. And Louis seemed to not like him at first, where Legosi was the main angering for Louis. So Louis saw Legosi as some kind of antagonist before. There have been moments in the series that suggest a connection between eating and mating inside this universe as many of the characters talk about those things, or those things got mentioned, at the same time. So when Louis just one time grabbed Legosi and asked him to show him his fangs, that might've been an awakening for some people to ship this. It has also been shown throughout the series and is actually one of the main plots, that Legosi is in love with a herbivore (a white dwarf rabbit by the name of Haru to be exact), so the possibility of him liking Louis in this ship is not too far off. Along with Louis actually becomes the boss of a carnivore gang of lions for the black market, where he learns to bond with them and actually eat meat... Right at the end of the series, it is shown that Louis sacrifices a leg to Legosi so that he can become strong and fight the murderer of Tem (an alpaca friend of Legosi) who was Riz (a large brown bear).
It's just that some ships I find seem to not work, no chemistry, and no anything. It just seems that some ships are just for the sake of the LGBTQ+ and its over-representation as some of these awful ships. If you're going to represent the LGBTQ+ community and try to be inclusive, please don't push some of these ships. Sure it's fine I guess if you ship it as a crack ship, but really think about whether you actually ship certain characters together or not. And I'm not saying that the shipping fandom is bad, I just want to bring attention to the bad part I find of it.
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Shittily explain the plot of Beastars?
A'ight, bet.
Socially awkward wolf socially awkwards himself into a polyamorous relationship.
Dramatic twink deer dramatically twinks his way into becoming head of a lion Yakuza.
Domme rabbit is so done with both of these idiots, but does not control who she loves.
Best boi is sad, also may have a crush on socially awkward wolf and secretly writes 500k childhood friends to lovers fanfic.
Less socially awkward wolf is having strange and confusing new feelings about rabbit girl. Also twink deer and socially awkward wolf.
Holder of the only brain cell in the series is a himbo panda doctor who treats his patients by beating the shit out of them. Hey, there's only 1 brain cell.
Who's this? It's an alpaca. Is the alpaca important? Well yes, but actually no. Whoops, mystery dude just ate the alpaca. Bye, alpaca.
Lion Yakuza guy just tried to eat dramatic twink deer. Other lion yakuza guy shot him. He's dead now. Or just sleeping, and it was only a tranquiliser dart, depending on how much you like him. Either way, he's not around anymore.
Socially awkward wolf dressed in drag and flirted with dramatic twink deer. I can hear domme rabbit screaming in frustration in the background.
Hey, who's this? It's a sheep. Is the sheep important? Well no, but actually yes. Pretty boy sheep is horny all the time. And he likes having sex, too. Anyway, the sheep is flirting with socially awkward wolf. Oh, and there's a bear. No, not that kind, get your head out the gutter.
Socially awkward wolf and daddy bear are having a "my muscles are bigger than yours" stand-off. Pretty boy sheep has no time for them.
Whoops, socially awkward wolf and pretty boy sheep just told daddy bear they know he killed the alpaca. Whose name is Tem, apparently. Now daddy bear has apparently killed pretty boy sheep, and is fighting socially awkward wolf under a bridge.
Except that gets put on hold for a hot minute, because guess who? It's dramatic twink deer! And he's telling socially awkward wolf to put his meat in wolf's mouth. Daddy bear is understandably disturbed by this, and calls the fight off because they made the whole thing so weird.
Daddy bear: "I can excuse eating my best friend, but I draw the line at you eating your best friend!"
Pretty boy sheep is alive! And he called the cops. Now daddy bear's in jail, but it's okay, pretty boy sheep is going to visit him. And there's a possibility that some of those are conjugal visits, depending who you ask.
Despite the homoerotic consensual foot-eating that socially awkward wolf and dramatic twink deer engaged in, the latter is now marrying some random woman we've never heard of. Also, his shitty dad is dead. Or in a coma, but close enough.
Domme rabbit and girl wolf are having homoerotic wall-pinning encounters. That's enough of that, though. Let's see what sad labrador is doing.
He's eating onions and wearing socially awkward wolf's clothes. He is not handling this breakup well, and they weren't even a couple.
His roommates stage an intervention, and they visit socially awkward wolf, who has dropped out of high school to become Batman. Or WolfBatman, I guess.
WolfBatman reunites with his estranged grandpa, and then gets involved in hunting down a serial killer. There's a bunch of characters added here, but they're all NPCs with side-quests, so like any true gamer, WolfBatman ignores them.
WolfBatman is ripping his teeth out to apologise for...being a wolf? Weird. Anyway, we meet asshole horse! Asshole horse is a horse. He's also an asshole. But he's hot, despite being the same age as WolfBatman's grandpa, so we forgive him.
Now we meet a fruity hybrid. His name is Melon. He wears Hawaiian shirts. That tracks. His interests include candlelit dinners, long walks on the beach, and murder. He shoots WolfBatman, but apparently WolfBatman (and all hybrids?) have magic anti-bullet powers, so he survives.
Sad labrador is going to have a whole new bunch of things to be sad about. Meanwhile, dramatic twink deer is now CEO deer, and is vomiting at the thought of having sex with his wife. He goes on to talk publically about how much he loves the taste of meat in his mouth, but is hustled off stage quickly before he can ask WolfBatman to call him some time.
Whoops, it's the final countdown...wait, no, confrontation. WolfBatman, asshole horse, CEO deer and the lion yakuza, plus some of the NPCs from earlier, have all gathered for a day of depravity. Unfortunately, this is not as fun as it sounds.
Instead of an orgy, there is murder. Or attempted murder, at least. Fruity hybrid tries to kill WolfBatman, but rolls a Nat 1 and ends up shooting himself instead. WolfBatman is sad about Fruity hybrid's death. He's the only one.
We jump to several months or years in the future, it's not clear when. WolfBatman and CEO deer have been named Beastars, which is supposed to mean something, but they kind of forgot to tell us what it means. Domme rabbit and girl wolf are still waiting for them to pull their heads out their asses. Sad labrador is less sad, but still hasn't had his back blown out by WolfBatman like he wanted.
We're told this is a happy ending, despite WolfBatman drowning in angst and CEO deer being trapped in a loveless marriage. I disagree, but unfortunately I have no power to change the ending.
Unless I use fanfiction. A lot of people do that. It's usually a thinly-veiled excuse to have their favourite characters smooching. It's a good excuse.
Anyway, that was Beastars.
Amazing ♥️
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mygwenchan · 2 years
Things I'd like to see in the last episode of KP:
Kim receives a bitch slap from Porchay
Both Tankhun and Kim are absolutely unhinged bat shit crazy guns blazing killer machines (I know it won't happen, at least not with Tankhun, but one can dream)
Tankhun calls his father an idiot
Vegas is an emotional mess in front of everyone. Also includes, but is not limited to: esthetically messy hair, pretty tears and a half-choked "Pete, don't leave me, please..."
The look on everyone's face when Pete decides he is on Vegas' side now
Unhinged Pete with a gun (he's the best sniper among all of them, I just know it)
Khun Korn and Khun Gun both receive a bitch slap from basically everyone
Khun Gun apologizes to Vegas, then gets shot and dies in Vegas' arms. Pete kicks his lifeless corpse for good measure
Porchay curses and everyone is shocked about it
Arm and Pol confess their love to each other in the midst of the gunfight
Kinn apologizes to Pete for forgetting him
Porsche and Kinn find out that Chay and Kim are dating. Porsche gives Kim the "If you hurt Chay, I'm gonna end you" conversation
Everyone finds out they're cousins, but they don't really care
The look on Kinn's face when he realizes that Pete and Vegas love each other (I think Porsche probably already knows)
Time, Tem and Tay throuple
Big is not dead. He's on an alpaca farm now, living his best life with his new hunky boyfriend
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lexyblip · 1 year
Todays riztem thoughts
Even with Tem Riz can be quite reserved, so at the start of their relationship Riz has to work a lot on communication. Even now he probably struggles with letting Tem know his discomfort but Tem recognises certain body language and knows how to subtlety help out
Riz’s family have no issue with Riz and Tem’s relationship. Tems parents on the other hand… well
Tem doesn’t have many ties to traditional Alpaca practises, but he does know how to knit some traditional clothing which Riz thinks he looks cute in. Riz on the other hand has a lot of bear culture in him and Tem is enthusiastic to experience it even if hiking up a mountain and scratching your back against trees is a bit tiring
After Tem recognises his tendency to “aethiest in a fox hole” with carnivores (before him and Riz get together) he becomes very committed to standing up to any bigots or people who treat carnivores badly. This leads to him actually falling out with Carl and being a bit of a target for bullying by other herbivores. However he stays committed and Riz gives him a lot of support. Plus it turns out there are many who support him so he gains new friends too!
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anime-of-the-day · 1 year
Women's History Month Themed Anime of the Day: Beastars
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Released: 2019
Beastarts is set in an anthropomorphic society, basically animals are like people. However, their society's largest divide is over what they eat: herbivores vs carnivores. Because of this, there is a great mistrust between these groups, especially when the alpaca Tem is found dead by predatory attack. Now every carnivore is suspected, and every herbivore is on guard. But finding the actual killer might be harder than it seems, especially for Legoshi, our pensive main character.
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anime-re-views · 2 years
Beastars - A Really Good Commentary on  Society (Review)
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Seasons 1 and 2, Spoilers kind of
TW: Mentions of rape, hate crimes, oppression, abuse, violence
General Info (from MAL): 
Genres: Anthropomorphic, Drama, Psychological, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
Episodes: 12 per season (24 total)
Runtime per episode: 22~ minutes
Season: Fall 2019
Studio: Orange
Rating: R
Streaming Services: Netflix
Summary I guess:
Legoshi is a high schooler in a world of civilized anthropomorphic animals. Carnivores and herbivores co-exist, but there is tension between them. At Legoshi’s school, Cherryton Academy, the murder of Tem the alpaca spikes this tension between the school’s students. Legoshi and Tem were on stage crew for the drama club. One night, Louis sneaks into the auditorium to train asTem’s replacement for an upcoming play. Legoshi has lookout duty. But that night, he has an encounter with Haru, a white dwarf rabbit. As his feelings grow for Haru, his predatory instincts blur the line between a feeling of love, or a feeling of hunger towards Haru. He is forced to confront his true nature, and experience the real world first-hand. 
Story: 8/10 - many of the themes in the anime are very relatable to me, from the feelings of in-humanness (or whatever the animal equivalent of that is), feeling constantly unsafe, being hurt by those you trust, and feeling unwanted. Legoshi was a very relatable character to me for a while, lying low and being afraid of your “true” self. I love how the use of animals portrays our society wonderfully, at least in the way I interpret it. I interpret the carnivores as being a metaphor for the majority, privileged, straight, cisgender, white men. And the herbivores represent everyone else, minorities, unprivileged/lower class, queer and trans people, people of color, and women. I see carnivores attacks as metaphors for hate crimes or rape. I’m not saying Legoshi attempted to rape or hate crime Haru or anything, but what I’m trying to allude to is the “urge” some men have to “take control” of a weaker individual, as my therapist put it once. Maybe I’m interpreting this wrong, I’m mostly using my experiences in life as a viewpoint for this anime. I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, to be honest, but that’s how I see it. I do think some plot points seemed a little forced, and the second season was kind of boring so, 8/10 from me
Characters: 8/10 - Like I said earlier, Legoshi is very relatable to me, most of his struggles are lowkey relatable to my own. I do like Legoshi as a character, he isn’t like the generic male self-insert protagonist I keep seeing. Yeah he’s quiet and awkward, but he makes it work. I liked most characters, especially the drama club members, seeing them interact was pretty fun. The only character I really didn’t like was Juno. She was very annoying and made me uncomfortable, mostly because she reminds me of someone who abused me.
Art: 10/10 - There’s not much to say, but I absolutely ADORE how they animated this and the way it looks. For the longest time I couldn’t tell if it was 3D or 2D and it’s just so cool to me how they managed to pull the “3D looking like 2D” look off. 
Sound: 10/10 - The voice acting was solid. The part that really gets me is the INTROS. They are both so incredibly good, absolute bops. Especially the second one. It introduced me to YAOSOBI and I love their songs.
Overall: 9/10 - Sometimes the story felt a little weak, but aside from that Beastars was SO GOOD. I’m super excited for season 3. Go watch Beastars it’s on Netflix
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alstroemeriaxamare · 2 years
Okay, I don't know whether this is allowed or not, but...Riz/Tem/Pina/Me, Tem lives (I don't know how, maybe Riz actually spoke to a doctor before going cold turkey on his meds and got sense knocked into him by a certain panda...). Either way, everyone's alive and happy. Melon tripped on the sidewalk and got hit by a bus or someting, idk.
8) what does your f/o’s voice sound like? was it different than you expected? if they don’t have speaking parts, what do you imagine them to sound like? 
Riz - Completely the opposite of what I expected, a bear that big I expected would have this deep, growly voice. Riz is the most soft-spoken bear you'll ever meet. Unless in the bedroom, and you ask him to do so. Then he'll get 'grizzly'. Most times, though, his voice is super soft.
Tem - Almost exactly what I would expect, very blunt and to the point, almost sotto voce at times. Alpacas tend not to beat around the bush, or at least they're stereotyped as such, and Tem lives up to that reputation. If you're being an idiot, it doesn't matter how big you are, he'll call you out on it.
Pina - Sailors will blush, and suburban housewives will clutch their pearls. Sheep have a reputation for either being very very quiet, or very very loud. Pina just dropped the quietness and added extra loud. The only one of the group that will swear in public without bothering whether there are children around, and catches dirty looks for it a lot. They also have a habit of ignoring social mores when it suits them, so jeans and a sundress aren't an uncommon combo, even if it gets some odd looks. Has called Riz 'babygirl' repeatedly, because he enjoys seeing him blush. If Riz is an introvert, Pina is the extrovert that takes him under his wing (metaphorically).
It's totally allowed! You want a harem? You get one. You want poly? Hell yeah.
I love voices, a good voice is just so 👌👌👌
I love how well you all seem to balance one another out. I bet it's never boring!
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astroimages · 3 months
ASSINE AGORA O SPACE TODAY PLUS PREMIUM, APENAS R$29,00 POR MÊS, MENOS DE 1 REAL POR DIA!!! https://spacetodayplus.com.br/premium/ Há uma galáxia lá fora, sem estrelas aparentes, mas em grande parte repleta de matéria escura. O que é isso que você diz? Uma galáxia sem estrelas? Isso não é uma impossibilidade? Não necessariamente, de acordo com os astrónomos que o encontraram e estão a tentar explicar porque é que parece não ter estrelas. “O que sabemos é que é uma galáxia incrivelmente rica em gás”, disse Karen O'Neil, do Observatório Green Bank, uma astrónoma que estuda este objeto galáctico primordial. “Não está a demonstrar a formação de estrelas como esperávamos, provavelmente porque o seu gás é demasiado difuso.” O'Neil e uma equipe de colegas encontraram este objeto estranho e aparentemente sem estrelas chamado J0613+52, enquanto faziam um levantamento do céu. Seu alvo era um conjunto de galáxias chamadas de “Low Surface Brightness” (LSBG). Eles usaram o Green Bank Telescope, o Arecibo Telescope (antes de seu fim prematuro) e o Nançay Radio Telescope para observar 350 desses objetos escuros e difusos. . A ideia era pesquisá-los e determinar seu conteúdo de gás e massas dinâmicas. J0613+52 não era um dos alvos originais da equipe. Em vez disso, eles se depararam com isso enquanto tentavam descobrir por que alguns dos dados do Green Bank e do Nançay não correspondiam, segundo O'Neil. “O GBT foi acidentalmente apontado para as coordenadas erradas e encontrou este objeto”, explicou ela, observando que esta galáxia era nova e desconhecida. Não há galáxias num raio de 112 parsecs, o que o torna um alvo bastante isolado. Curiosamente, com base nas suas observações, a equipa descobriu que J0613+52 tem aproximadamente as mesmas características de massa e conteúdo de gás que uma espiral normal. No entanto, não tem estrelas. Isso representa um mistério que eles gostariam de resolver. O tipo de galáxia representado por J0613+52 é estranho quando comparado com tipos mais familiares, como as espirais cheias de estrelas e as elípticas. Por um lado, é uma galáxia anã com formato irregular. Sem nenhuma estrela óbvia, está bastante escuro. O que há de mais incomum em objetos como este é que a matéria escura parece dominar suas composições. Se J0613+52 for como os outros, poderá ter até 95% de matéria escura restringindo o hidrogénio gasoso neutro que podemos detectar. Então, por que não há estrelas em J0613+52? O'Neil o descreve como um anão “não evoluído”. Isso ocorre porque o componente neutro do gás hidrogênio é muito difuso e muito espalhado. LSBG geralmente têm menos gravidade e isso torna difícil formar estrelas por conta própria. Então, eles evoluem muito gradualmente. Se começarem a converter gás em estrelas, levará muito tempo para que isso aconteça. Alguns astrônomos sugerem que os LSBG são objetos de formação tardia no tempo cósmico. Isso pode explicar a presença deste em tempos relativamente “modernos”. Além disso, J0613+52 fica muito longe de quaisquer galáxias vizinhas para interagir gravitacionalmente com elas. Isso significa que eles não podem desencadear a formação de estrelas através de possíveis fusões ou colisões. “J0613+52 parece não ser perturbado e subdesenvolvido”, disse ela. “Esta pode ser a nossa primeira descoberta de uma galáxia próxima composta de gás primordial.” Isso significa que seu conteúdo de gás permanece praticamente inalterado ao longo do tempo. Na sua apresentação na AAS, O'Neil destacou que serão necessários instrumentos de alta sensibilidade para explorar J0613+52 e compreender as suas características. Há uma nova prestes a ser instalada no Green Bank, chamada ALPACA (Advanced L-Band Phased Array Camera for Astronomy). Assim que estiver instalado e funcionando, o ALPACA ampliará o campo de visão do telescópio, permitindo aos astrônomos investigar mais profundamente J0613+52 e outras galáxias de baixo brilho superficial como esta. FONTE: https://www.universetoday.com/165279/a-primordial-dark-matter-galaxy-found-without-stars/ #GALAXIES #DARKMATTER #UNIVERSE
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doopn00p · 1 year
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Some stupid riz/tem doodles (and an opm reference)
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xj-frost · 2 years
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Yesterday was September 21st and it was Tem's birthday.
I'm sorry if I didn't make his birthday present yesterday. I was very busy at my work. So my apology for not doing it very sooner. But we will never forget this amazing alpaca friend that some of you may like him or dislike him. WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Tem belongs to Paru Itagaki (Creator of BEASTARS).
Beastars Manga is published by Viz Media.
Beastars Anime is produced by Orange Studios.
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gabinetedafarofa · 7 months
🍗 NOTÍCIAS COM FAROFA (ou sem) 06/10/2023
SEXTOU com informação!
Dá aquele RT maroto aí!
- Desmatamento nos biomas brasileiros cresceu 22,3% em 2022.
- Rebeca Andrade é prata no individual geral do mundial de ginástica.
- Oktoberfest é suspensa devido a inundações e deslizamentos em Santa Catarina.
- Controladores de voo prometem greve a partir de segunda (9).
- Janja alimentou emas nascidas no Alvorada e equipe do presidente Lula alfineta Bolsonaro no X: “Elas vão crescer livres e sem risco de serem ameaçadas com cloroquina”
- Círio de Nazaré tem início e imagem peregrina percorre as ruas na Grande Belém. 
- Bob Jeff recorre de decisão de Xandão que o manteve preso.
- Rio Grande (RS) ainda está se reerguendo da quebra da indústria naval. 
- Parlamentares governistas afirmam ser remota chance de PEC do Plasma ir para votação no Senado. 
- Secretário Nacional de Segurança Pública, Tadeu Alencar, afirma que investigação de assasinato de médicos no Rio de Janeiro tenha todo empenho do Ministério da Justiça.
- Na Inglaterra, uniformes que marcam contorno de corpos de atletas gera discussão sobre a hiperssexualização de mulheres no esporte.
- Mont Blanc, montanha mais alta da França, encolheu 2,22 metros com redução do gelo causada pelas mudanças climáticas. 
- Jornalista argentino é acusado de racismo após jogo da Libertadores entre Palmeiras e Boca Juniors. 
- Jarras de vinho de 5 mil anos são encontradas na tumba da rainha egípcia Merneith. 
- Rússia afirma que avião dos Estados Unidos voo próximo ao seu espaço aéreo e enviou caça para escoltá-los para longe.
- Xenofobia contra brasileiros se intensifica em Portugal.
- Narges Mohammadi recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz. A ativista, presa no Irã, lidera a luta histórica contra a repressão de mulheres no país. 
- Governo do Peru fecha cerco com prática de cobrança por selfies com lhamas e alpacas.
- China planeja ampliar a estação espacial e ser alternativa à Nasa. 
- Na Noruega, família encontra tesouro viking ao vasculhar quintal.
- Belo e Denilson terão 15 dias para explicar à Justiça acordo realizado para pagamento de dívida.
- Eliminatórias entre Brasil x Argentina será no Maracanã.
- Jojo Todynho afirma que perdeu 10 quilos após bariátrica.
- Bilionário brasileiro fecha ponto turístico em Fernando de Noronha para celebrar casamento. 
- Show de Maiara e Maraísa no Tocantins tem tiroteio, pânico e correria. 
- Mavie, filha de Bruna Biancardi e Neymar, nasce em uma maternidade de São Paulo.
- TikToker Xehli G diz que venda de fotos de pés pagam seu pré-vestibular para medicina.
- Drake afirma que dará pausa na carreira para cuidar da saúde.
- Keith Jefferson, que atuou como Pudgy Ralph em Django Livre, morre aos 53 anos.
- Ricky Tavares e Carol Bresolin anunciam fim de relacionamento. 
As 20 maiores franquias de todos os tempos
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jinwwh · 11 months
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Nome completo: Kim Seok-jin (김석진)
Aniversário: 4 de dezembro de 1992.
Origem: Anyang-Gwangcheon, Coreia do Sul
Altura: 1,79 m
Tipo sanguíneo: O
Quando tinha 15 anos de idade, um olheiro da SM Entertainment (concorrente fortíssima da Big Hit) propôs que Jin fizesse uma audição na companhia. Porém, o garoto pensou que fosse brincadeira e acabou recusando.
Bom, vida que segue e Jin passou a estudar atuação. Isso porque, inicialmente, o coreano tinha a maior ambição em se tornar um ator. Tempos depois, foi a vez de um agente da Big Hit abordá-lo e, em 2012, ele passou a fazer parte da empresa.
Um ponto forte de Jin é sua voz, que já foi até elogiada por outros músicos. Ele também sabe tocar guitarra e fala vários idiomas além do coreano: japonês, inglês e chinês.
Jin se formou em Arte e Atuação na Universidade de Konkuk em 2017, e faz pós-graduação na Hanyang Cyber University.
15 curiosidades sobre o Jin do BTS
1. Sabe-se que Jin vem de uma família rica, mas não gosta de se gabar e mantém sua vida privada longe dos holofotes.
2. Quando era mais novo, seu sonho era ser detetive.
3. Jin quase foi trainee da SM Entertainment! Ele foi abordado por um agente da empresa enquanto andava na rua, mas rejeitou a oferta.
4. Ele é formado em atuação pela Universidade Konkuk, graduado em 2017. Os fãs estão sedentos para vê-lo em um drama ou filme e apoiam seu sonho com a hashtag #ActorJin.
5. No dormitório antigo do Bangtan, Jin era o responsável pela limpeza.
6. Tem o hábito de piscar o olho esquerdo quando está com fome.
7. Tinha um cachorro chamado JJanggu, que infelizmente faleceu em 2017.
8. Jin gosta de mandar beijinhos para suas fãs, e já virou sua marca registrada em shows.
9. Ele é amigo de muitos artistas do k-pop, como Moonbyul (Mamamoo), Ken (VIXX) e Jooheon (Monsta X).
10. Jin também é empresário! Ele abriu o restaurante de comida japonesa Osu Seiro Mushi com seu irmão. Se um dia for à Coreia do Sul, não deixe de visitar!
11. Apaixonado por comida, Jin tem um programa de mukbang, o Eat Jin, uma espécie de transmissão ao vivo onde conversa enquanto come.
12. Jin costumava dizer que sua cor preferida era rosa, e até seu microfone é dessa cor, mas nos últimos anos passou a dizer que gosta mais de azul.
13. Jin ama alpacas! Os fãs costumavam dar pelúcias para ele nos fansigns até que ele se transformou em uma para a BT21, animação do BTS. Agora leva seu RJ de pelúcia para todos os lados e sempre dorme abraçadinho.
14. Um cirurgião plástico sul-coreano, Aum Jae Ho, afirma que o rosto de Jin tem as proporções perfeitas.
15. Jin enfatiza sua mensagem de amor próprio na música Epiphany, um de seus solos mais sensíveis.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
FMK - San, Tem, Pina
Fuck - Pina, he's just not emotionally mature enough to be marriage material. Maybe after he and Riz resolve the UST, they can join me and Tem in poly matrimony.
Marry - Tem, fluffy alpaca boy needs hugs and therapy. Lots of therapy. Like, so much therapy. So does everyone else, tbh, but Tem got killed - although in this case, I guess he got off without dying, although maybe some absolutely horrific scarring? Hm, the angst potential there. Also the potential for kissing each scar individually to reassure him that he is still lovable before going to sleep together...
Kill - San, sorry San but fluffy alpaca needs me.
To be fair, San had...maybe one line.
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