#terabytes are professionals
dendrobium-writes · 13 days
I was taught that blood leaving my body was bad. Moreso, my brain knew it intuitively. Whenever I saw blood, alarm bells would ring. 'Something has gone wrong!' The troops would shout.
Today, I go to have blood extracted.
I enjoy watching the process. The application of the tourniquet, the preparation of the vial, the sticking of the syringe. And the flowing of that sweet red aqua vitae.
Liquid gigabytes, terabytes. All about me. And about how to best improve my circumstances flow from my arm. The information is analyzed by computers and professionals, whose whole job is to know things about blood.
And condensed into less than 1000 words, in a message sent to me.
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gusty-wind · 9 months
For the last 50 years, the United States military has enjoyed air superiority over essentially every other nation on the planet. In addition to good-ol’ American ingenuity and freedom to create, this superiority was created and is maintained by the government’s support of ongoing research and development to maintain that superiority. The research and development process for new fighter jets can take decades, as with the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). China has always lagged significantly behind the United States in this department, but they’ve recently made major strides.
A significant factor in China’s progress comes as a result of the 2015 acquisition of Henniges Automotive, a Michigan company whose anti-vibration (stealth) technology is used on the F-35 (stealth) fighter, by Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), the state-owned entity that produces fighter jets for the Chinese military.
Guess whose company partnered with AVIC in that acquisition? That’s right -- Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and Chris Heinz’s BHR.
As a refresher: BHR is a Chinese venture capital firm in which Rosemont Seneca Thornton (the Biden/Heinz/Archer/Bulger partnership) owned a 30 percent stake, and which is majority-owned and controlled by the state-owned Bank of China. (Hunter Biden still owns 10 percent through his Skaneateles, LLC entity.)
For the 2015 transaction a wholly-owned subsidiary of AVIC, AVIC Auto, partnered with BHR to acquire Henniges, with AVIC Auto owning 51 percent and BHR owning 49 percent -- meaning that the Chinese government-owned military manufacturer ended up with a controlling interest in Henniges.
The Chinese government and military have attempted for decades to catch up to the aforementioned US military superiority, by any means necessary. At the time of the sale, U.S. government officials -- and the public, through Edward Snowden – were aware that China had hacked “terabytes” of data, including F-35 technology, and made use of it in their J-20 fighter. By acquiring Henniges and their anti-vibration technology, AVIC could put that technology directly to use in the Chinese military jets.
In a press release announcing the deal Daen Lu, described as chairman of Henniges Automotive, said (emphasis added):
“This acquisition represents a long-term, strategic investment by AVIC Auto to sustain and grow the Henniges business, while keeping the successful leadership, culture, benefits and contracts associated with the company intact. We are excited about this acquisition, and look forward to the addition of their significant expertise and the benefits it will bring to both of our companies.”
Yes, we’re sure AVIC looked forward to the significant expertise Henniges brought to the table. And who is Daen Lu? A Bloomberg profile describes him as both the Chairman of the Board of Henniges Automotive and as Chairman of AVIC Capital Co., LTD. So, was he on the board of Henniges before the acquisition, or was he inserted by AVIC?
BHR’s press release shares similar sentiments. In a March 2016 interview, BHR CEO Jonathan Li characterized the Henniges transaction as BHR’s “typical business model”:
Henniges [an automotive equipment manufacturer acquired last year] is our typical business model. We set up a joint venture with AVIC -- they own 51% and we own 49% – and did the acquisition together. AVIC has industry experience, operations in China, and it knew Henniges well. As a financial investor, we use our international network and our professionalism. While the AVIC is very experienced in international acquisitions, some Chinese companies don’t have the same cross-border experience and so may appreciate what we can offer in this domain.
Xin Wang, a US-educated Canadian attorney who serves as BHR’s Managing Partner, said that by BHR serving as a conduit for the SOE they “can facilitate the transaction.”
Just by virtue of being an SOE there is the perception -- rightly or wrongly – that there will be some cross-cultural issues. Having us and our global resources there as a financial investor, and serving as a conduit, can facilitate the transaction.
A look at the research and development timelines of the F-35 and the J-31 illustrates the advantage that both hacking and the strategic acquisition of Henniges have given the Chinese.
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mudefrau · 2 months
guess who dl'd half a terabyte of professional art courses? not me because that would be very bad and illegal.
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greatamericansatan · 1 year
I Am Pro AI Art, Fuck All Y’all
I don’t think I’d care about this much if it wasn’t for the fact my boyfriend, who has had difficulty feeling artistically liberated due to depression, is excited about art for the first time in ages specifically because of AI.  And if not for the fact he is bothered by the haters.
1)  Look at the numbers.  A huge chunk of the people using AI art tools are professional artists, who see it, correctly, as a tool - one which is no threat to their job.
2)  Nobody who is looking to use AI art instead of paying you was EVER going to pay you, except as a “client from hell“ shitbird.  Anybody who wants something specific and is willing to pay for an artist will STILL pay for an artist.  You are losing fucking nothing.
3)  The mere idea that art isn’t already devalued into the sewer, that art is a viable career, is personally offensive to me.  I’ve tried to connect the dots on commission, I’ve chased those abusive industry jobs.  It’s all bullshit.  There hasn’t been a reasonable way to make a living off art for decades now, save for a rare few people.
If you’re indie, you’re a street corner busker and practically a hobo.  If you live to be old, you will be living off welfare and totally broken.  If you’re not indie, if you got that dream job, you are nearly as exploited and abused as those actors on the casting room couch.
If you’re lucky enough neither of these describe you, you’re a fucking liar perpetuating harmful ideas to all the little babes out treating “artist“ as a dream job.  You are an exception, and so far from the rule you aren’t even living in the same world.
People are coming to you for what you can do, and AI cannot.  Again, you are losing nothing.
4)  Copyright protects nobody but the rich and it’s been this way forever.  Indie artist?  You can’t afford a lawyer, get real.  AI ART WILL REDUCE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.
Let me repeat that.  AI ART WILL REDUCE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.  If you don’t understand this, you do not understand what the technology is actually doing.
As it currently stands, indie artists can do absolutely nothing to protect themselves from thieves because we can’t afford lawyers.  If the infringer is a youtuber with a comments section, treat it as advertisement and drop a link to your art in that comment section.  Legal action?  It just isn’t for you.  It’s for The Man.
AI art is NOT photobashing and does not directly copy anybody’s work.  At most, its results have a level of similarity equivalent to somebody using aspects of an original work for reference, which is something that is not only legal, but something the vast majority of artists do at some point - if not all the fucken time.  And that’s fine!  That’s a tool.
If the hackjobs and MLMs and scammers and exploiters of the artistic industries use AI, they will spend less time directly stealing your art off of the internet.  Right now, that activity is rampant, but when those people catch on to using AI instead?
You will have your shit stolen less often.
5)  These AIs cannot be stealing your art because the dataset is literally too small to be holding your images inside it.  They’re a few gigs, the “every image on the internet” would be many terabytes.   They used art to teach a machine how to place lines, form, value, color, and at this point they are extremely far from perfect.
Aside from endlessly replicated images like the Mona Lisa or the Blue Boy or Pepe, you would find it all but impossible to actually reproduce your art from one.  Even with those, the “reproductions“ will have bizarre variations.
6)  It’s still ableist to oppose an art tool that allows disabled people to be artists.  When my boyfriend had his imagination broken by abuse sustained as a professional artist, he was less able to innovate in his creation for a few years afterward.  The chaos and foolery in AI art can inspire creativity and help heal from that kind of damage, or from the way depression fucks up your ability to create.
And some people who have a vision but have not been able to create due to lacking coordination, or a neurological disability, or whatever?  You can tell them they aren’t real artists, but that makes you the asshole.
7)  A lot of the people opposing AI art are ignorant non-artists who are just riding the terror train of chasing every panic that comes down the pipes.  Of the artists, it’s people who don’t understand what AI actually is doing, or people who are just being elitists.
Some of you just want to limit the number of people who can be artists, by erecting barriers, by excluding.  “You should have to suffer the practice that I did“ is not far from “student loans shouldn’t be forgiven because I had to pay them.“  Think about it.
8)  ART STYLES CANNOT BE COPYRIGHTED AND NEVER HAVE BEEN.  And never should be!  Artistic movements can’t even happen without people being allowed to draw inspiration from the work of others.  Think about it for two seconds, goofballs.
(The only two situations I can think of where somebody successfully took legal action were ones where a company came to an artist to negotiate, were declined, then went on to make a direct copy of their style.  This happened to Don Hertzfeldt with Pop-tarts, and more famously Tom Waits on a number of occasions.  IANAL, but AFAIK nobody has ever been able to make a case that a style rip caused them damages outside of that specific circumstance.)
Anyway, I’ll keep unfollowing catty art bitches and neo-luddites shitting on new tools that help people enjoy creativity.  Let the winnowing continue...
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san-storage-blog · 17 days
The Journey from Legacy SAN Solutions to Cutting-Edge Solutions
Data storage is the beating heart of any enterprise. It's the epicenter where terabytes and petabytes of vital information reside, fueling daily operations, analytics, and strategic decision-making. Within this dynamic field, Storage Area Network (SAN) play a pivotal role, connecting servers to storage devices in a robust, structured manner.
However, the landscape of SAN solutions is in continuous flux, navigating a path from legacy systems to innovative, future-ready platforms that promise enhanced performance, scalability, and security. In this deep-dive exploration, we'll survey the evolution of SAN technology, dissecting the challenges of yesteryears and peering into the future of data storage.
The Dawn of SANs: Legacy Systems and Inherent Limitations
Three decades ago, the advent of SANs unveiled a new era in data storage. Enterprises flocked to this technology, seduced by the promise of centralized storage and improved data management. However, these nascent systems were far from perfect.
Legacy SANs were often cobbled together from disparate elements, resulting in a complex, difficult-to-manage infrastructure. They were also notorious for their lack of flexibility, which hampered rapid scaling, a critical requirement for businesses experiencing growth spurts. Furthermore, the inflexible zoning and low port density imposed by Fibre Channel, the dominant SAN connectivity method at the time, introduced bottlenecks.
Challenges of the Past:
Cost-prohibitive hardware and management solutions
Fibre Channel's restrictions on scalability and agility
Complexity and compartmentalization of data due to zoning
Inadequate performance for modern, data-intensive workflows
Overcoming Legacy Hurdles: Modern Advances in SAN Evolution
Fast forward to the present, and SANs have undergone a metamorphosis, emerging as agile, high-performance platforms tailored to meet the rigorous demands of contemporary enterprises. New technologies have paved the way for SANs' evolution, addressing and mitigating the challenges that once constrained them.
The Technological Leap:
Introduction of iSCSI and FCIP
iSCSI and Fibre Channel over Internet Protocol (FCIP) have democratized SAN connectivity, offering cost-effective and flexible alternatives to traditional Fibre Channel. These protocols leverage existing Ethernet networks, simplifying SAN deployment and reducing the barriers to entry for smaller organizations.
Software-Defined Storage
The advent of Software-Defined Storage (SDS) brought a paradigm shift in SAN management. By decoupling storage resources from proprietary hardware, SDS solutions offer unprecedented levels of flexibility and ease of management. This translates to on-demand scalability and the ability to integrate with diverse hardware ecosystems, a game-changer for enterprises of all sizes.
Flash Storage for High-Performance SANs
Flash storage arrays have redefined the performance benchmark for SANs. By transitioning from disk-based to solid-state drives, enterprises witness exponential improvements in data access speeds and overall system responsiveness. This flash revolution has been a catalyst for swift, data-intensive operations, making storage bottlenecks a relic of the past.
The Role of Virtualization
Virtualization technologies have not only increased hardware utilization within data centers but also played a pivotal role in SAN optimization. Through storage virtualization, IT professionals can abstract physical storage from the server, creating virtual storage pools that can be managed more cohesively and utilized more efficiently.
Automation and AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are now integrated into SAN management tools, enabling predictive analytics that preemptively identify and address storage issues. Automation has streamlined SAN maintenance, allowing for faster error resolution, and ensuring that the network remains optimized for peak performance.
Beyond the Present: Anticipating the Next SAN Frontier
The future of SANs is not one of stasis but a perpetual state of evolution. Looking ahead, we anticipate that SAN solutions will continue to push boundaries, accommodated by emerging technologies and the demands of the digital ecosystem.
Emerging Technologies Reshaping SANs:
Next-Generation Protocols
With the introduction of protocols like NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF), the industry is poised for another dramatic shift. NVMe-oF promises to deliver unprecedented levels of performance by extending the NVMe command set across traditional network high-speed Ethernet, thus eliminating latency bottlenecks.
Quantum Storage
Though in its nascent stages, quantum storage represents a tantalizing prospect for the future of data storage. With the potential to offer unparalleled capacity and data-processing speeds, quantum-based SANs could redefine the upper limits of what we consider possible in digital storage, although significant technical hurdles remain.
The Convergence of Edge Computing and SANs
The rise of edge computing places new demands on data storage, requiring SANs to extend their reach beyond the confines of centralized data centers. To address this, SANs will need to become more distributed, capable of serving data to and from edge devices with the same level of efficiency and security that they provide within data center walls.
Reflecting on the Journey
The transformation of SAN solutions is a testament to the industry's ability to innovate in response to the growing needs of modern enterprises. What began as a modest attempt to centralize and standardize storage has evolved into a dynamic and vital component of the global digital infrastructure.
The challenges and advancements that we've witnessed in SAN technology are a microcosm of the broader technological trends shaping the IT industry. They reflect the industry's resilience in the face of adversity and the unyielding march toward more efficient, secure, and powerful solutions.
Organizations that adopt and adapt to these innovations will find themselves well-positioned to capitalize on the data-driven opportunities that lie ahead. SANs, now more than ever, are not just about storage — they are about enabling the future of enterprise technology.
In conclusion, the SAN solutions of tomorrow will be defined by the adaptability, speed, and intelligence that they bring to the table. As we stand on the cusp of a new era in digital transformation, the legacy systems of the past are fading into obsolescence, making way for a new generation of SANs that are not just part of the IT stack but its very foundation.
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govindhtech · 20 days
MSI SPATIUM M580 FROZR PCIe Gen 5 SSD Breaks Records
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MSI SPATIUM M580 FROZR PCIe Gen 5 SSD CHARGE QUICKLY IN ADVANCE The highly awaited SSD behemoth, the SPATIUM M580 FROZR, has arrived, marking the start of a new era in storage performance. MSI is a worldwide pioneer in gaming PC hardware. This SSD is poised to raise the bar for speed and dependability in storage solutions because to its state-of-the-art technology and creative cooling solutions.
New heights with crowning speeds: SPATIUM M580 FROZR In terms of storage performance, the groundbreaking features of the SPATIUM M580 FROZR establish a new standard. This solid-state drive (SSD) achieves mind-blowing read speeds of up to 14.6 GB/s and write speeds of up to 12.7 GB/s, which is up to two times faster transfer rates compared to current PCIe 4.0 SSDs. It is operated through the leading-edge PHISON E26 PCIe Gen 5 control system and has been fitted with sophisticated 3D NAND flash modules for that displaying 232 layers.
Users are able to gain important milliseconds in latency for gaming, content production, and professional applications as a result of this considerable increase in speeds, which is bolstered by a DRAM cache buffer and an SLC Cache. This provides users with lightning-fast data access. The M580 FROZR is further equipped with LPDC ECC and E2E Data Protection, which guarantees the reliability and integrity of the data. Users are able to have faith in the durability and lifespan of the SPATIUM M580 FROZR in 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB versions after straightforward installation since it has a high TBW (Terabytes Written) value and is supported by a thorough 5-year guarantee.
The SPATIUM M580 FROZR is equipped with a novel passive tower heatsink cooler, which is a perfect complement to its astounding performance. Incorporating three heatpipes, also known as CORE pipes, and a multitude of aluminium fins, this cooler is pre-mounted on the solid-state drive (SSD). Its surface area is maximised, which results in increased cooling capabilities and airflow passthrough. This heatsink helps to unleash exceptional performance and maintain maximum storage throughput even when subjected to intense workloads. It does this by lowering operating temperatures by up to 20 degrees Celsius.
Advanced Actiphy-Powered SSD Status Monitoring & Data Backup Software
Within MSI Centre, MSI is offering a sophisticated software solution that includes monitoring of the system state and data backup. When utilising MSI centre, the user is able to see extensive information on the status of the solid-state drive (SSD), which includes the drive’s health, the capacity that has been utilised, and the temperature at which it is now working.
Users who buy and install MSI solid-state drives (SSDs) into their personal computers will now have the opportunity to generate backups thanks to a partnership between MSI and Actiphy, a data backup service that tops the industry worldwide. If you would like to get further information on Actiphy Software or the fully loaded version
Actiphy Software Emphasis on Data Protection: Actiphy highlights how crucial data security is to companies. They see data as the vital component of contemporary firms and take into account factors like data analysis and integration in addition to backup.
Principal Item: ActiveImage Guard: Their flagship item is this one. It is an image-based backup and recovery solution compatible with Linux and Windows computers running in both virtual and physical environments. Your whole hard disc, including the operating system, programmes, and data, may be completely backed up using the software.
Actiphy Features Restore system functions in five minutes after the incident. After a calamity, ActiveImage Protector’s really unique quick recovery technology may shorten the time it takes for your system to recover.
Restore incrementally every five minutes. A quick incremental backup may close the data gap in about five minutes and recover data before virus attacks, hardware damage, or inadvertent file deletion!
Preserve the heterogeneous environment. All of your demands for backup and recovery may be met by a single solution.
Local, remote, and cloud backup copies are all free of charge. Whether local, remote, or cloud-based, ActiveImage Protector offers a free remote copy feature.
Migration, failure recovery, and restoration that are flexible. After a crisis, ActiveImage Protector won’t “get you into trouble.” System recovery might be carried out based on your particular circumstances.
Compression function for deduplication. Duplicate data is removed and compressed to significantly decrease the size of the image file when doing online backups for sectors or discs. This dramatically lowers the demand for backup storage space.
Test your recovery at any time or location. Inadequate test strategies cause the majority of backup and disaster recovery techniques to fail. One of ActiveImage Protector’s special features is the ability to conduct recovery tests anywhere and at any time; most catastrophe recovery plans do not have this option.
FAQS What is the MSI SPATIUM M580 FROZR? PCIe Gen 5 SSDs like the MSI SPATIUM M580 FROZR are built for gamers and professionals that demand rapid storage.
How fast is the SPATIUM M580 FROZR? Its sequential read and write rates are 14.6 and 12.7 GB/s, faster than any PCIe Gen 4 SSD.
What is the warranty on the SPATIUM M580 FROZR? MSI warranties the SPATIUM M580 FROZR for 5 years.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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roamnook · 29 days
New Report: 73M raised by Zama in Series A, Stellar Cyber deployed by RSM US, ThreatHunter.ai halts 100s of attacks in 48 hours, Aembit integrates with CrowdStrike. [https://securityboulevard.com/updates]
Bringing New Information to the Table | RoamNook Blog
Bringing New Information to the Table
Welcome to the RoamNook blog! We are excited to share with you some groundbreaking new information that will revolutionize the way you think about technology and its impact on our lives. In this article, we will dive deep into key facts, hard information, numbers, and concrete data to bring you the most objective and informative content possible.
The Power of Data
Data has become the currency of the digital age. In today's interconnected world, organizations and individuals alike generate and consume vast amounts of data on a daily basis. This data holds immense potential for driving innovation, personalization, and optimized decision making. However, harnessing the true power of data requires a thorough understanding of its nuances and the ability to extract meaningful insights from it.
At RoamNook, we specialize in helping businesses leverage data to fuel their digital growth. Our team of experts provides IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing services to help organizations unlock the value of their data and stay ahead in the competitive landscape. But before we delve into the real-world applications of data-driven technologies, let's take a closer look at the hard facts that underpin this industry.
Understanding the Numbers
In the era of big data, the numbers associated with data generation and consumption are truly mind-boggling. Consider this: according to a recent study, the total amount of data generated worldwide in 2020 reached a staggering 59 zettabytes (1 zettabyte equals 1 billion terabytes). This figure is projected to grow to a mind-blowing 175 zettabytes by 2025.
But what does this mean in practical terms? Well, let's put it into perspective. If you were to store 175 zettabytes of data on standard 1TB hard drives and stack them on top of each other, the resulting stack would reach a height of approximately 22 million kilometers, which is more than twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This enormous volume of data holds immense potential for organizations to gain insights and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and innovation.
The Real-World Applications
Now that we've established the sheer magnitude of data generation and consumption, let's explore some real-world applications of data-driven technologies.
One such application is in the field of healthcare. With the advent of electronic health records and wearable devices, healthcare providers now have access to vast amounts of patient data. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, medical professionals can identify patterns and trends in this data to diagnose diseases earlier, personalize treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes.
Another industry that has greatly benefited from data-driven technologies is finance. With the rise of fintech, organizations have access to unprecedented amounts of financial data. This wealth of information enables them to develop sophisticated risk models, improve fraud detection, and provide personalized financial recommendations to their customers.
These are just a few examples of how data-driven technologies are transforming industries and improving lives. At RoamNook, we are at the forefront of this digital revolution, helping organizations harness the power of data and drive digital growth.
In conclusion, data has become the lifeblood of the digital age. The numbers speak for themselves, with data generation and consumption reaching unprecedented levels. The real-world applications of data-driven technologies are vast and far-reaching, from healthcare to finance and beyond.
RoamNook is here to help you navigate this data-driven landscape and tap into the immense potential of digital growth. Whether you need IT consultation, custom software development, or digital marketing services, our expert team is ready to assist you. Visit our website at https://www.roamnook.com to learn more and start your journey towards data-driven success.
Source: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/03/top-10-cybersecurity-assessment-companies-in-2024/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiusJSRpYKFAxVDF1kFHYXYAlsQxfQBegQIBRAC&usg=AOvVaw2aRC_6yBmfbVsCsrqKd1T6
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devildigitalyt · 1 month
 Best Data Science Training Institution in Hyderabad
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Best Data Science Training Institution in Hyderabad is one of the pillars of data wisdom in data processing. Data wisdom is distinguished from data masterminds throughout the disquisition and processing. Data mining, data categorization and clustering, data modeling, and summarizing perceptivity obtained from data are some of the procedures used to induce useful data.
  Data Science Course is a field that combines field knowledge, programming experience, and mathematics, and statistics knowledge to prize useful perceptivity from data. Machine literacy algorithms are applied to figures, textbooks, prints, videotapes, audio, and other data to produce artificial intelligence( AI) systems that can perform tasks that would typically bear mortal intelligence. As a result, these systems induce perceptivity that judges and business druggies can use to induce meaningful marketable value.
The first stage of the data wisdom channel workflow is data prisoner, birth, and entry into the system.
The coming stage, which is inversely important, is data analysis. Data scientists work on exploratory and conformational work, retrogression, prophetic analysis, qualitative analysis, and textbook mining, among other effects, at this position. There's no similar thing as cookie-knife data wisdom at this stage if done rightly.
Data Science Jobs and Salary During the final stage, the data scientist shares his or her findings. This includes data visualization, data reporting, colorful business intelligence tools, and aiding associations, policymakers, and others in making better opinions.
Data scientists collect and analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data. The job of a data scientist entails a combination of computer knowledge, statistics, and mathematics. They restate the results of data analysis, processing, and modeling into actionable plans for businesses and other institutes.
Data scientists are logical professionals who identify patterns and manage data using their knowledge of technology and social wisdom. They break business problems by combining assiduity knowledge, contextual insight, and doubt of established hypotheticals.
A mortal body can induce 2 Terabytes of data every day. This data also includes heart rate, stress position, brain exertion, and other fleshly movements. Advanced technology identifies and monitors this large quantum of data. Data wisdom is one of the operations used to gather data from the mortal body. This recorded data tracks the case’s health in colorful forms in the health diligence.
Data drives the entire world, and an estimation states that the volume of data will touch 180 zettabytes( 1 zettabyte equals 1e 9 terabytes) per day by 2025. The statistics say that most countries need data scientists who can help formulate strategic plans to take technology to the coming position.
Who can take up the Course?
Professionals working out on business intellect tools, data warehousing, and narrating tools
Statisticians, Economists, Mathematicians
Software programmers
custom judges
Six Sigma Advisers who have a vulnerability to Statistics
Freshers with sensible logical and well-founded chops
Digital Marketing professionals
Any professional who wishes to frame a career in data analytics
Data Science Course in Hyderabad According to AIM exploration in India, Data wisdom jobs were filled in the time 2021- 22, a47.1 increase in the number of openings. One of the reclamation services associations, Michael Page India’s The Humans Of Data Science, reveals that there will be 1 million job openings by the time 2026 in Data Science.
How to Become A Data Scientist?
There are numerous paths to start your trip as a data scientist, but for all intents and purposes, one must at least earn a bachelor’s degree in computer wisdom, information technology, or statistics. Without a degree or council education, it's nearly impossible to launch a career in any field. Still, to start your career in data wisdom, you must take up an analytics course from a well-reputed training institute like Digital Devil IT and gain the precious chops and instruments demanded. Digital Devil IT is the right destination to kick-start your data wisdom trip!!
What Differently Is Needed?
An existent should retain specific sphere/ sector/ assiduity knowledge and learn applicable generalities to strike the right nail. still, the Business Analytics Data Science/ Data Analytics instrument course is also available in Digital Devil IT- Data Science Training Institution in Hyderabad
Web inventors who wish to learn Web Analytics
Hunt Machine Optimisation experts who wish to learn Social Media Analytics and Website Analytics
Deals and Marketing professionals who wish to learn Marketing Analytics, client Analytics, Twitter Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Social Media Analytics, and Data Collection Tools
Human coffers professionals who wish to learn Workforce Analytics
Healthcare professionals who wish to learn Healthcare Data Analytics
Data Scientist Training and Placement
Being a premier Data Science guiding institute in Hyderabad provides expansive placement backing for scholars who successfully clear the Data Analytics Certification course. Along with abstract literacy, the campaigners are given exposure to case study shops, live commerce sessions, assiduity-driven contests, live systems and assignments, and assiduity webinars. Our teachers give you one- on- one career guidance – from capsule erecting, conducting mock interviews, and stropping your Interview chops to cracking interviews successfully and landing the job. Through a range of substantiated programs offered via classroom and online platforms, we help you crop as “ Assiduity-ready ” professionals. Upon successful completion of our program, campaigners can work as elderly Judges, Data Judges, Business intelligence Professionals, Data directors, and more.
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shereen1 · 1 month
Expand Your Storage Horizons with External Hard Drives: Discover the Finest Selection at HW-Egypt
Take control of your digital storage needs and expand your capacity with external hard drives, the essential storage solution for individuals, businesses, and data enthusiasts. At HW-Egypt, we present a curated selection of external hard drives designed to provide secure, reliable, and convenient storage options for your files, documents, media, and more. In this article, we invite you to explore the advantages of external hard drives and discover the diverse range of choices available at HW-Egypt to elevate your storage capabilities.
Benefits of External Hard Drives:
1. Additional Storage Space:
External hard drives provide additional storage space to accommodate your growing collection of data, files, images, videos, and documents. With capacities ranging from gigabytes to terabytes, external hard drives at HW-Egypt offer ample space to store and organize your digital content.
2. Data Security and Backup:
Ensure the safety and security of your important data with external hard drives that offer backup solutions and data protection features. Regularly back up your files to prevent data loss and safeguard your information against unexpected events using reliable external hard drives.
3. Portability and Convenience:
Enjoy portability and convenience with external hard drives that allow you to carry your data wherever you go. Compact and lightweight, external hard drives are ideal for students, professionals, travelers, and anyone who needs quick storage solutions for their digital files.
4. Versatile Connectivity Options:
External hard drives come equipped with versatile connectivity options, including USB, Thunderbolt, and wireless capabilities, providing seamless integration with a variety of devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, and smart TVs. Enjoy fast data transfer speeds and easy file access using external hard drives at HW-Egypt.
Why Choose External Hard Drives from HW-Egypt:
1. Extensive Range of External Hard Drives:
Explore a diverse range of external hard drives at HW-Egypt, featuring leading brands and models renowned for their quality, reliability, and performance. Whether you require a portable hard drive, a rugged external drive, or a network-attached storage (NAS) solution, HW-Egypt has the ideal option for your storage requirements.
2. Expert Consultation and Support:
Our team of storage experts at HW-Egypt is dedicated to providing expert consultation and support to help you choose the right external hard drive that aligns with your storage needs. Whether you need assistance regarding capacity, connectivity, or backup solutions, our team is here to assist you in making an informed decision.
3. Customer Satisfaction and Service:
At HW-Egypt, customer satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to deliver exceptional service, prompt assistance, and reliable support to ensure a smooth experience with your chosen external hard drive. Trust HW-Egypt for high-quality products, expert guidance, and dedicated customer service that exceeds expectations.
Enhance your storage capabilities and streamline your data management with external hard drives from HW-Egypt, the trusted source for reliable, secure, and convenient storage solutions. Explore the range of external hard drives available at HW-Egypt and unlock a world of additional storage space, data security, portability, and versatility that caters to your diverse storage needs. Trust HW-Egypt to be your partner in expanding your storage horizons with high-performance external hard drives designed to empower your digital lifestyle and storage capacity with ease and efficiency.
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d00xle · 2 months
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update on why tf i basically have been not posting any art for like half a year.
so basically apparently eminem from the last summer robin post i made, fucking flung that shit to my computer too hard and broak my computer! (I needed to replace my hard drive and basically i never did it until i needed to) all my files are fine by the looks of it but the BIGGEST THING WAS I NEVER FUCKING BACKED UP MY CLIP BRUSHES APPARENTLY. IT JUST FLEW OVER MY HEAD. luckily right before my hard drive decided it's time, I did backup all my other files.
so i'm going to impart some tech tips that I have learned, and you should look up more information about because I'm not a professional. If your on mac look into versions of these that run/ work with your system.
BACK UP UR FILES!! yes very basic but have u backed up recently? if not back that shit up RIGHT NOW (or asap). And are you sure you have everything backed up? For those that do selective backups; did you start using a new program or other thing that may have created new files? Are you sure you got those assets that's under your nose and dont realize they're not backed up because you use them everyday?
Back up your system! if you're on windows look up how to a make a Windows ISO/media creation tool. This basically makes a copy of your windows recovery that came with your computer so you don't have to reinstall drivers and whatnot and can ensure a factory reset. So if the windows recovery environment ever fails (WHICH IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME) you can pop that sucker in and run from there and do what may need to be done. This can even boot your system from the flash drive so it can get hot since it's just a lil guy!
This one is a bit different, make a system image back up/recovery and put it in the same flash drive as the ISO. Basically this takes a snapshot of your current system and cryo freezes it, and if the case something does happen to your system image (*points at self*) you can load that and run it like normal basically. I haven't done this yet but from what I read any new files, images, videos, etc. made after this backup will get deleted since they weren't present when you made the back up. "That's sounds dumb why would I do that?" Well this is for the case where you don't want to reinstall your programs and lose any settings/preferences. I'm not sure how large these files are but if possible I would have a first system image backup and then have a second one that you continually refresh every so often.
Windows has an automatic file backup program called the windows file history so I'd look up on how to set that up. Along with that look up on setting up a system restore point. This is some registry back up or something, there is an option for it in the recovery environment so the more back ups the merrier. I did have this but I didn't have the system image to support it or something.
Last thing to do inside your system: get a program called crystal disk, look it even has anime girl themes (not ai as far as I can tell) and she even talks to you when you tap her WOW! This tells you the health status of your hard drive. (the heart of your computer that stores all your files). It tells you information about your hard drive whether you have an SSD (newer, electronically stores data, silent) or HDD (classic, spinning mechanical disk, makes noise while spinning). HDD will start showing wear over time (and in my case it in fact did notify me about it) but SSD, though they are more hip and cool and fast they will NOT tell you when it's going to give out! so check crystal disk every so often and make sure the health of your computer is in top shape. Another important thing to note a bout SSD, is that there is a thing called Terabytes Written (TBW) and there's only a limited amount of data that can be written onto an SSD, so crystal disk will be your best friend because it can tell you how much has been used.
Now, this isn't really necessary, you need a second flash drive for this, but it's just a cool tool to have. It's a mini operating system that runs on a flash drive that comes with a bunch of recovery tools. and you can see all the files on hard drives that are connected to the same motherboard, I was able to check if my drawings were okay with this. It's called Hiren’s BootCD PE. There's also a linux version (LinuxLive USB) but it doesn't have that much from what I saw. They both work on any system I believe.
if you have a store bought computer tower/laptop (and i mean big brands not custom builds you can buy, probably ask the manufacture weather this applies) THE windows license key is build INTO the motherboard, because it's OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) . So if you do have to completely wipe your hard drive or swap it out even, windows won't ask for a product key when reinstalling windows (well it didn't in my case). why do I say this? because if you're not the type of person to get your hands dirty so to speak, and decide to take it to a repair shop THEY SHOULDN'T TELL YOU YOU NEED TO PURCHASE A WINDOWS LICENSE. which is like $100+ on top of the service fee.
LAST THING! if you see this shit 👇 DO NOT TAKE IT LIGHTLY! THE TIME IS COMING TO SWITCH HARD DRIVES! yes it may do a process and then everything is running hunky dory after, but don't be fooled! It can do that only so many times until the system breaks! And if you don't have back ups of system things like me, well, then, you're not going to get any help wherever you go or ask.
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All in all, it's always best to have backups externally rather than just relying on processes your computer does on it's own. okay im just gonna put wth happened under a read more but I hope this can help someone or motivate or even remind them to DO. YOUR. BACKUPS. A S A P
wow ur so secy for clicking that read more
anyways. So I was getting these notifications exponentially periodically about having to restart because my drive errors. It would do a check disk on the boot loader and then everything would run fine. One hot day my computer suddenly went to BIOS mode(?) while I was looking away (still don't know why) and it worked for a few more days but one day I got this notification again and I was like hhmmm smth seems a bit fishy about this. So I backup my important data and restarted. And thus I entered the system repair loop. I did all sorts of commands that I could find but to no avail. Let me be clear my BCD was the thing that was fucked up (files are OKAY!!!!!) but maybe there were some bad sectors who knows, but no one believed in me! but I saw my files for myself! I do want to revive that hard drive some day but for now I have to leave it as it is. It was scary doing all this stuff because I hadn't really done this kind of stuff in a few years, especially not on my own computer (I was in a computer repair club a while back). So the final blow was when I found a video that explained in detail on how to format your boot loader partition. And. well.... I made it much much worse. now it doesn't even recognize that there's an OS. 💀
But then a thought popped up in my head, "did I back up my clip brushes? The ones I made, not the stuff I downloaded?" The answer was no. I checked and checked for my clip brushes and I could not find them. I went to ask around about certain files structures for clip. I used hiren to search for said folders but either it's search function didn't work well or it was just slow since i was running on a 2.0 USB. I was just very hazy on the whole thing and knew the only way around this was to actually get on my own computer with the same OS and I had to use an old of clip set up I had because of reasons. And so, the horrors began (continued?) and I was starting school back up and it was quite a ride. The whole time aside from all the other shit was me just missing using my computer and my silly brushes.
So come this month, I put on my big girl boots and swapped my hard drive. I still wasn't sure how this windows product key thing was going to work,since I couldn't find a clear answer and didn't know if my computer was an OME, but there was only one way to find out. And it worked! A weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I still needed to find my mcfreaking clip brushes!!!!!! I tried the folders name search and it didn't yield me promising results. Someone did give me the name of some .json files to look up and i did get something! i went into the source folder and this thang had VERY promising results considering how filled it was. I popped that sucker into clip and BAM THERE SHE WAS! ALL MY BABY GIRLS JUST AS I LEFT THEM!! it even saved the last colors I used lol.
Now, where was this formidable folder that caused me so much trouble and heartache? It was in some random ass folder in my documents. I don't know why tf it was there but I do have a vague memory of one day scrolling through my documents folder and in a flash I accidentally moved something. What was it? I couldn't tell. well must be nothing important. And clip continued to work fine, but yeah my important folder was the thing that got hit. -_-💧 I feel so dumb and like I wasted my time but whatever, everything works fine now and my mood has been improved tenfold 😊
moral of the story: stay strong! believe in yourself no matter what people say! I believe in you! Elbow grease can do wonders sometimes. ALSO BACKUPS ARE MORE THAN JUST USER FILES
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omkarpatel · 2 months
Efficiency and Accuracy: Streamlining Workflows with Laboratory Informatics
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Laboratory Informatics: Driving Efficiency and Enabling Discovery Laboratory informatics has transformed the way life science research is conducted in laboratories across the world. With advanced software and data management tools, laboratories are able to streamline workflows, gain insights from vast amounts of data, and accelerate the discovery process like never before. In this article, we will explore how laboratory informatics is empowering research and driving efficiency at every step of the scientific process. Managing Sample and Instrument Data One of the biggest challenges labs face is keeping track of the vast amounts of sample and instrument data they generate on a daily basis. With experiments producing terabytes of raw data and thousands of samples to monitor, manual tracking methods quickly become inefficient and error-prone. Laboratory informatics solutions help address this through integrated laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery Once sample and instrument data is securely archived, laboratory informatics enables robust data analysis and knowledge discovery. Integrated data management platforms aggregate petabytes of heterogeneous data types - from genomic sequences to clinical records. Sophisticated analytics and machine learning algorithms then mine these data lakes for novel insights. Regulatory Compliance and Quality Management As life sciences expand globally, ensuring rigorous compliance with regulations has become imperative. Laboratory informatics provides a centralized platform to implement and monitor quality management systems. Electronic batch records, instrument maintenance logs, document controls and audit trails help demonstrate adherence to ISO standards, GxP guidelines, and data integrity practices. Collaboration and Mobility With laboratory workflows increasingly distributed across multiple sites, laboratory informatics is key to facilitating collaboration in research networks. Cloud-based platforms allow secure, role-based access to integrated data and analytics from any location. Researchers can share protocols, review results, and participate in project discussions without being co-located. Transformation Through Informatics Integration As laboratories continue optimizing operations and maximizing the value of data assets, fully integrated informatics platforms will become standard. Individual point solutions for LIMS, ELN, scientific data management, and analytics are converging into unified laboratory execution systems. These platforms will absorb a wider array of data types beyond the traditional domain of ‘omics to include patient records, clinical trials data, sensor and IoT feeds. In conclusion, laboratory informatics has emerged as a core enabling technology for scientific research and development in the digital era. By integrating analytics, automation and mobility solutions, informatics is empowering laboratory professionals to maximize productivity, accelerate discoveries, and truly transform science. As data volumes and interconnectedness grow exponentially, those laboratories that most strategically leverage informatics will be best positioned to solve our world’s most pressing challenges.
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sparkouttech · 2 months
What is big data and what is its importance?
Big data helps companies make decisions more quickly, efficiently and without complications, in addition to identifying new business opportunities.
Big data describes large volumes of data, difficult or impossible to process through traditional methods, which are used to obtain ideas and make better business decisions. No matter what sector they belong to, it is increasingly common for Colombian companies to resort to the analysis of their data to help them opt for smarter strategic moves, but what is big data and what is its importance?
This term big data, refers to data sets or combinations of data sets whose volume, variability and speed of growth make it difficult to capture, manage, process or analyze them in a conventional way within the time necessary to that are useful.
Defining at what size a data set is considered big data is not very clear and continues to change with technological advances, but most analysts and professionals refer this way to packages that start at 30-50 terabytes and They can reach several petabytes .
What is the importance of big data ?
What makes big data so useful to companies is the fact that it provides answers to questions they didn't even know they had, giving them a point of reference. With that much information, the data can be generated or tested as the organization sees fit.y
Searching for trends within data allows organizations to make decisions more quickly, smoothly and efficiently . Additionally, it allows them to eliminate problem areas before they destroy their profits or reputation.
This analysis also helps organizations identify new opportunities , which, in turn, leads to smarter business moves, more efficient operations, higher profits, and happier customers. Although each sector presents different benefits, in general the information obtained from data analysis allows :
Reduce costs. Big data technologies and cloud-based analytics bring significant cost advantages when it comes to storing large amounts of data and identifying more efficient ways of doing business.
Detect fraudulent behavior.
Make smart decisions and reduce their time. The speed of analysis, mixed with the ability to examine new data sources, means organizations can make decisions based on what they have learned.
Determine the root causes of failures, problems and defects in almost real time.
Develop new products. With the ability to assess customers' needs and satisfaction comes the power to give them what they want. This means that it is possible to create new items to respond to those requirements.
Optimize offers. Big data makes it possible to predict how buyers will behave in the future based on their past behaviors, so you can set informed offers and save money.
Generate coupons for customers at the point of sale based on their purchasing habits.
Have a greater knowledge of the market.
Competition monitoring. Big data provides greater insight into and anticipation of competition.
Information in real time. Outdated information has no applicable value in the present and even less in the future, which is why the daily data collection provided by these software development services allows for feedback almost at the moment.
Areas of application of big data
Marketing and sales
The data allows us to know the tastes, preferences and behaviors of customers, as well as using predictive models so that organizations can know the acceptance of their products.
Customer satisfaction in this industry can be difficult to measure, particularly in a timely manner. Big data analytics gives custom software development company the ability to collect customer data, apply analytics, and identify potential issues on the spot before it's too late .
Professional teams can make use of big data to define the strategies to use in each match, prevent player injuries and know the preferences of the fans.
Health care
Patient records, histories, health plans, insurance information, genetic coding and other types of information can be difficult to manage, but they are full of key information. Its analysis facilitates diagnoses or treatment options almost immediately.
Some telephone operators use this custom software development services to implement strategies that reduce portability and attract new customers.
The use of data allows traffic flows to be optimized based on information that arrives in real time, social networks and the weather. Thanks to big data , traffic signals and traffic lights can act automatically to minimize traffic jams .
As you can see, currently the use of tools and languages ​​such as Python, R, Spark, Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, Redis, Power BI, Qlik Sense and Tableau, among others, is essential for companies, public organizations and institutions , since they help in matters ranging from decision making to increasing productivity.
Big data has very broad applications and organizations must take advantage of them to stay ahead in the business world . The data is there, but if it is not analyzed and used, an important window of opportunity to increase competitiveness and grow is being wasted.
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ssdrive · 3 months
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In the fast-paced world of data storage, the demand for high-capacity SSDs continues to escalate. When it comes to 4TB SSDs, users are looking for expansive storage coupled with lightning-fast speeds. In 2024, several standout SSDs are making waves, providing a perfect synergy of capacity and performance.
Samsung 870 QVO: A Capacity Marvel
The Samsung 870 QVO stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to pushing storage boundaries. With a capacious 4TB storage, this SSD caters to users with extensive multimedia libraries, large datasets, and demanding applications. Beyond its sheer capacity, the 870 QVO leverages Samsung's QLC technology, ensuring a perfect blend of affordability and efficiency. With read speeds reaching 560 MB/s and write speeds at 530 MB/s, it delivers a reliable and responsive storage solution for a variety of use cases.
Crucial MX500: Balancing Performance and Reliability
Crucial's MX500 series has consistently earned praise for its reliable performance, and the 4TB variant is no exception. With read speeds up to 560 MB/s and write speeds reaching 510 MB/s, the MX500 ensures swift data access. What sets it apart is its focus on durability, featuring advanced features like hardware-based encryption and power-loss immunity. This makes the MX500 a robust choice for users seeking both performance and data security in a capacious 4TB SSD.
WD Black SN750: Gaming and Beyond
Western Digital's Black SN750 series has carved a niche for itself in the gaming community, and the 4TB version continues this trend. With read speeds of up to 3,470 MB/s and write speeds at 3,000 MB/s, it caters to gamers with extensive libraries. The sleek design and optimized firmware contribute to a responsive gaming experience, making the WD Black SN750 a preferred choice for those seeking both speed and substantial storage in a single package.
In conclusion, the best 4TB SSDs in 2024 exemplify the evolution of storage technology, meeting the demands of users who require expansive storage without compromising on performance. Whether you're a content creator handling large projects, a professional managing substantial datasets, or a gamer with a massive library, these SSDs offer a robust and efficient solution. As the storage landscape continues to evolve, these 4TB SSDs stand as powerful symbols of what is achievable in the realm of high-capacity, high-performance storage.
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devleader · 3 months
Boost your code performance by ditching exceptions.
The benchmarks show it - throwing exceptions can tank your performance. But it's also something that I've had to work through many times in my professional career.
After having written many parsers for unstructured data (digital forensics is a ton of fun!), you learn that poorly formatted data isn't exceptional... it's just not what you want. You also learn how slow it is to throw exceptions when you're churning through terabytes of data.
Check out the full video: https://youtu.be/47xt3gI5Ea8
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poddar123 · 22 days
Highly Paid Careers in AI
AI is in high demand across various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, technology, and more. The increasing need for AI solutions and expertise presents ample job opportunities. With a mission to empower students with the best opportunities to explore the fastest-growing sectors, Poddar International College, one of the best College in Jaipur provides best education in BCA and MCA along with other courses.
The highly paid AI jobs are given as following:
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers are at the intersection of software engineering and data science. They leverage big data tools and programming frameworks to create production-ready scalable Data Science models that can handle terabytes of real-time data. Machine learning engineer jobs are best for anyone with a background that combines data science, applied research and software engineering.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists collect data, analyze it, and glean insights for a wide range of purposes. They use various technology tools, processes, and algorithms to extract knowledge from data and identify meaningful patterns. This could be as basic as identifying anomalies in time-series data or complex as predicting future events and making recommendations. 
Business Intelligence Developer
Business intelligence (BI) developers process complex internal and external data to identify trends. For instance, in a financial services company, this could be someone monitoring stock market data to help make investment decisions. In a product company, this could be someone monitoring sales trends to inform distribution strategy. However, unlike a data analyst, business intelligence developers do not create the reports themselves. They are typically responsible for designing modeling, and maintaining complex data in highly accessible cloud-based data platforms for business users to use the dashboards.
Poddar International College provides good exposure with industries and organizes many Workshops and Seminars to enhance their professional knowledge of technical fields like IT.
Research Scientist
The Research Scientist role is one of the most academically-driven AI careers. They ask new and creative questions to be answered by AI. They are experts in multiple disciplines in artificial intelligence, including mathematics, machine learning, deep learning and statistics. Like data scientists, researchers are expected to have a doctoral degree in computer science. Hiring organizations expect research scientists to have extensive knowledge and experience in computer perception, graphical models, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing.
Poddar International College conducts an annual IT event ‘TechnoTrack’ where IT students get an opportunity to display their IT skills.
Big Data Architect
Big Data Architects develop ecosystems that enable various business verticals and technologies to communicate effectively. Compared to data scientists, this role can feel more involved, as big data engineers and architects typically are tasked with planning, designing, and developing big data environments on Hadoop and Spark systems. Most companies prefer professionals with a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Computer Science or related fields.
The Faculty of Mathematics at Poddar International College is simply outstanding and proficient and the students have bright prospects as they have good placements here.
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xaltius · 3 months
From Numbers to Narratives: Unleash Your Inner Data Detective with Data Science Training
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The world is swimming in data – a vast ocean of insights waiting to be unearthed. And who better to dive in than a data scientist? These modern-day explorers aren't just number crunchers; they're storytellers, wielding algorithms and statistics like enchanted blades to unlock the secrets hidden within terabytes of information. But before you embark on this thrilling quest, you need the right map – and that's where data science training comes in.
Think of it like this: Imagine standing before a mountain of data, unsure where to begin. Data science training equips you with the tools and techniques to climb that mountain, revealing breathtaking landscapes of knowledge and uncovering valuable treasures amidst the seemingly chaotic landscape.
Here's why data science training is your passport to a data-driven adventure:
Level Up Your Skills: Master essential tools like Python, R, SQL, and machine learning algorithms. Become fluent in the language of data analysis.
From Novice to Ninja: Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned professional, find the perfect training program to take your skills to the next level.
Unleash Your Inner Detective: Hone your analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Learn to ask the right questions, connect the dots, and uncover hidden patterns.
Make a Real Impact: Apply your newfound knowledge to solve real-world problems. From optimizing business processes to predicting healthcare trends, your skills can make a tangible difference.
Unlock Career Opportunities: Data science is booming! Equip yourself with the skills and certifications employers crave, opening doors to exciting career paths in diverse industries.
But don't get intimidated by the jargon! Data science training comes in all forms, from bite-sized online courses to immersive bootcamps and prestigious university programs. Find the path that suits your learning style and pace, whether you're a weekend warrior or a full-time adventurer.
Remember, data science is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the continuous learning mindset, stay updated with the latest trends and technologies, and never stop exploring the ever-evolving world of data.
Check out Xaltius's data science training programs! We offer a range of options to empower you with the skills and knowledge to transform raw data into powerful insights.
Start your data science training journey today and become the data explorer you were meant to be!
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