#terfs don’t interact
starshields · 1 year
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living through major historical events Sure Is Something
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morepeachyogurt · 1 year
“For identities like gay or lesbian or transgender to be visible and distinct, how many other complex and unnamed identities have to be silenced and erased? Does the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered movement's noun-list approach really solve any- thing? Or do we add to it each minority the dominant culture names next so it can regulate and stigmatize it?
It is not enough to have pride in our identities, or to be inclusive. It is time for us to start looking upstream and questioning how these identities were produced. How does homosexual iden- tity actually require an antecedent heterosexuality? Does an identity based on sexual or affectional or gendered practice make any rational sense? Does not our willingness to inhabit queer identities legitimize the notion that every body ought to be socially defined by its potential contribution to procreation?
I will defend anyone's wish to call themselves drag, transexual, transgender, gay, bi, tri, or quad. For me, these are not natural iden- tities but simply political categories we are forced to inhabit when we do certain things with our bodies. And it is my larger agenda to fight this cultural machinery which categorizes, stigmatizes, and then marginalizes minorities, rather than to fight for the rights of one particular category over another.”
Read My Lips: Sexual Subversions and the End of Gender by Riki Wilchins
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lucidmagic · 2 years
Just want to let anybody know that if I accidentally reblogged a post from a Terf/RadFem/Exclusionist it’s because I didn’t know. I mostly reblog stuff from my phone where I don’t have computer extensions to let me know which blog is trans/nb safe. If I happen to do so please politely send me an ask! I promise it won’t be a big deal and I’ll make sure to delete the post as soon as I can!
My blog will always be a trans/nb safe space.
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peoplevsbirds · 1 year
terfs are so deeply weird and stupid. like i don’t understand how you are going to examine the privilege that men have and recognize that women have been historically oppressed, without also recognizing that trans women have been historically oppressed but have always sided with cis women? cishet men are the ones they are actually afraid of, but they let themselves be swindled by conservative ideology and they still think that they are on the side that is going to help cis women. bestie, the people you are making allies with are the same ones taking away your rights. How can you not see this?
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raccoonfriday · 2 years
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drake-the-incubus · 2 years
Trans women are women. They’re beautiful and women.
They deserve to be uplifted.
I hope they go through nice things today or whenever the post is seen by them. They deserve that.
Don’t add, “reblogging to piss a TERF off”. You shouldn’t be reblogging positivity for trans women just to piss people off, you should do it to uplift trans women.
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adhd-languages · 1 year
This blog is pro-trans. Fucking love trans people. If there are any TERFs following me, get lost.
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guys reblog this post and guess jk rowling’s death date
December 15th, 2023
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jenjensd · 1 year
I’m so fed up of the TERFs commenting on posts and purposefully misgendering people. They won’t even give Brianna the dignity she deserves. In death she is only “male” or “he” or “a boy” and they say such awful things about her. She was a fucking human being. She was a young girl who lost her life. Don’t you Fucking dare push your transphobic bullshit by deadnaming and misgendering her. Especially now.
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loooongfurby4444 · 4 months
OMG, all the terfs when people talk about AFAB and women’s issues. Like bro wtf, who invited you?
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gyngar · 2 years
To trans people;
Why is it ok for people to still engage with things like five nights at Freddys, where the creator is a horrible person who donated to anti lgbt and conservative charities, but it’s not ok to engage with Harry Potter, regardless of what you think about jk Rowling?
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This Hogwarts legacy situation has shown me that so many people have no idea what “death of the artist” means
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Honestly finding it funny the “gender critical” witches on tumblr are doing their absolute best to use their spirituality to preserve their ignorance. Like …. Hmmm wonder what that’s reminiscent of
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lucidmagic · 1 year
transwomen are men and if they were really women you wouldnt have to be screaming it 100 times . also kill yourself
Tough words coming from someone on anon. Come off anon, don’t be shy, I won’t bite. Let everyone know who these statements come from.
Regardless, go fuck yourselves with a cactus.
Trans women are women. Trans men are men. And they are valid. No amount of kys aimed at me will change that.
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dreamlanddoll · 8 months
“if the patriarchy is real then explain why men are expected to go to war and why men can’t speak up about their own domestic abuse and why male victims of sexual violence are never taken seriously” my guy, my dude, you literally just explained what patriarchy is.
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philsmeatylegss · 10 months
Terfs realize there’s an insanely large difference between fascist governments and abusive people who use Islam as an excuse to violate and suppress women’s voices and regular Muslim people who just want to live a regular life challenge. Terfs realize Islam is a religion that highly emphasizes peace and the traditions Muslims do often help them connect with that feeling of peace challenge. Terfs realize most Muslim women want to cover up as it makes them more comfortable and saying they shouldn’t cover up is anti women challenge. Terfs realize that no one, including other Muslims, wants women to be oppressed and abused and believe women should have the choice as to if they want to cover up or not challenge. Terfs realize condemning Islam and equating it to abuse and oppression makes you xenophobic challenge. Terfs realize abused and oppressed Muslim women shouldn’t have their stories exploited to make a point challenge.
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