winns-stuff · 2 years
Okay this is petty to say, but it’s late and I was thinking about Lore Olympus heading into it’s new episodes and I just… I don’t get it. All the plots are kinda done and over with if you think about it, toxic girlfriend is gone, kronos is dead, no more college, no more TGEOM, no more controlling mom, and no AOW storyline. What will be left is Apollo, marriage, babies and you can easily just give that one or a few episodes because let’s be fr, Rachel did that with the whole 10 year thing. Everything is gonna be dealt with without any character development or any real message. This is supposedly a feminist story yet it depicts the story of a young girl falling for an older much richer and powerful man and the young girl leaving everything she loves and everyone she loves to be with this man after three weeks just to marry and have kids. I don’t know about you guys but I just don’t want to see Persephone become a housewife, I don’t want her to be just a baby maker for Hades and before you even say anything let’s be real that’s where this story is going you may not like how I say it but I’m saying this in the nicest way I possibly can. Persephone is literally just there to “fix Hades”, give him kids, and be with him so he won’t be lonely. He’s so dependent on her emotionally that he physically doesn’t know what to do with himself, a lot of people mistake that for love but in the context of their relationship I see it as desperation.
Hades has always been desperate. Desperate to be like his brothers, to have a queen, to have a wife, to not be lonely. He’d literally pick anyone to be his wife at this point if he hadn’t met Persephone because we’ve seen him trying to flirt with women before, it’s always giving escort and no I don’t mean to sound like I’m shaming escorts or anything that’s pretty dumb seeming as they’re literally doing a job but in this context the women he’s choosing aren’t escorts they’re just unlucky women who have to deal with him. He pays them and buys them gifts and everything and gives them everything they have just so they’ll stay with him. I’ve been noticing that, and then once he finds another young woman he does the same thing. That man is so utterly pathetic it’s scary, if you’re ever going to get into a relationship you should at the very least deal with very huge behavioral problems, for example Hades’ temper, something doesn’t go his way he riots like a child or you disagree with him and he’s upset, you give him criticism and he’s rushing out in the rain. You see what I’m getting at? Hades isn’t a very suitable person because he expects the woman in the relationship to be able to fix himself for him, to make all his problems go away, to deal with him at his ugliest and everything when he can’t even comfort and help Persephone when she confessed to him, or Minthe when she was getting insulted (badly might I add) by his own family to his face. He doesn’t even try being there yet those women are gonna have to bend over backwards to please him or he’ll go find someone else to whine to. Hades is pathetic and I despise him immensely, I hate him with the passion of a thousand suns and I wanna make that intensely clear to anyone who comes across this page for the first time. He was never a good person and he can’t even better his ways for Persephone.
Anyways, that’s the end of this rant. I’m a little eager for Saturday since I have a few things I wanna say about the episode but yeah, school is back in session as most of you know and I am running out of rants and even some appreciations. I believe I was going to appreciate Artemis next though so I’ll just use this post to remind me whenever I get the chance. But as I always say these are completely meaningless I don’t want anyone taking this seriously, I’m just stating my thoughts and opinions and if you agree with it that’s great and if you don’t that’s great too. By the way, this isn’t to bash Hades Lovers or anything if you like the man I don’t want you to back down from him just because I, a random teen on the internet, said something about it. If he’s your type he’s your type and this wasn’t a bash or anything so hopefully it doesn’t seem like it if it does I’m very sorry.
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jennrypan · 1 year
I dont draw for a long ass time and I shit out lore olympus art-- lmao
I mean honestly, me drawing Zeus as a come back is..on brand even if its Lore Olympus Zeus--
I just think, a lot more people should be..idk unimpressed with Hades and Persephone cuz what exactly have they done to help the Underworld since the time skip??
Like..not everyone needs to love them?? Like a list of the people who didnt care for Hades and Persephones relationship; Thanatos, Minthe, Artemis, Demeter, Hestia. But now suddenly Thanatos' issues were forgotten despite Hades NOT apologizing and making his issues Thanatos', Minthe..got turned into a plant and shes irrelevant now, Artemis is also irrelevant but shes just chill with it now cuz sure, Demeter is..now completely a villain cuz ya know..of course she is, and Hestia despite being apparently wishy washy and not wanting to choose sides or something and being more focused on Tgeom..or whatever its called, shes suddenly all on board??
Its just..boring that no one seems to..have any ill opinion on this very..annoying couple. Just ugh, I was rooting for them and now I cant stand them
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minthe-lover · 1 year
i reaaaally don’t like how the only people who shame persephone for not being in tgoem are women. in lo tgoem symbolizes purity culture. persephone was told all her life that she’ll be a part of tgoem. this could have been a clever way of dissecting how young women are often taught the importance of virginity/purity, but of course rs fucks it up. why r the only characters that force persephone into being pure female characters? don’t get me wrong, internalized misogyny exists. there are women who shame other women for having sex, but this prejudice wasn’t created by women. it stems from how men view women’s bodies as less “valuable” if other men have “used” them. and don’t even get me started on how shitty it is that the three main tgoem goddesses are gay. what is rs trying to say here? that lesbians aren’t having real sex? that they try to brainwash women into staying away from men? i don’t get it lol if u want to write a story about critiquing purity culture, you’d have more male characters voicing their harmful opinions on virginity and how their biases impact the female characters. you’d have your main character explore their understanding of sex (and not just straight sex..purity culture impacts queer ppl too)
Oh yeah it's really weird and it mainly stems from rs like fucked up view of purity culture. Cause it's clear she only sees it as "women shouldn't have sex" and the hight of it is like nuns who are celibate when it reality purity culture is "women shouldn't want enjoy or have sex before married, they should only have sex with their husband and only for children and still never show any want or interested"
Having the tgeom a women's organization which is shown to act alot like a charity be the hight of purity culture while never having anyone besides women effect purity culture.. it's just fucked up. Because this is a system of sexism... Christ we have persephone say that Demeter wants her in tgoem so Zeus can't marry her off without consent. That's a horrible fucked up thing that is like much worse then an organization of women who don't have sex?
But it's never mentioned!! Zeus is played to be a asshole and an idiot but is never properly called out for the shit he doesnto anyone besides Persephone and hades. Like Christ it's so easy to switch the story to fix that.. have Zeus married women off at a young age to "keep them pure" that would make a much better point then any story about queer women grooming children.
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olympusduck · 2 years
Hello everyone! This is the lore olympus duck where I share my personal opinions and analysis and critique lore olympus. Please know i don't mean hurt to anyone and everyone is entitled to have their own opinion.
Ps. My english isn't the best sorry
In chapter 186 we see hades and persephone on their little vacation trip and persephone says " I could make a heir if you wanted ". I understand many people see it as persephone loving hades and wanting to have children but I found it personally a bit odd.
1. Persephone is 19 years old , i understand some people don't see the age gap as a big deal but I always wish the author would have made her older like 1000 or smt. Persephone is really just starting her life and getting a bit of freedom. And had it been smoothly her life in olympus she would be studying but her school life only lasted a few chapters.
2. Has there been a moment before where persephone expressed she wanted a child before. She may have not thought of having one due to her always pushed into tgeom . I wish we could have seen more of persephone's life in olympus without hades.
3. Didn't she have a pregnancy scare a while ago ago ? Sure this time it would be with someone she's apparently comfortable with but I feel realistically she would be nervous or scared of having one .
4.i don't like how it seems persephone is just going to be hades chance of having a child. I wish persephone would be more than that. Also persephone is so confusing one minute she's a girlboss but the other she's naive and a child . I am glad we got to see ares . Please Rachel let's see our other side characters too . Lmk what I can do for more analyst's and better the. Gn and take care all
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starklore · 4 years
Every time I read “tgeom” my brain confuses it with “mgtow” and spits out “goddesses going their own way”
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Color anon here - I think RS made Artemis purple simply because Zeus and Apollo are (cause Apollo is her twin) but yeah it doesn't make much sense considering the tgoem. feels like RS didnt really think the whole "purple = high libido". I think also someone asked if Artemis was ace (not in terms of actual myth because itd be a bit strange to 'headcanon' gods sexualities) but in terms of her as an lo character cause I think a lot of people saw her as aro/ace and I think this is also where RS had that ~spectacular~ answer of artemis is gay, (much in the same way Hestia and Athena are where they were ace but "turned' gay over time).
And with the whole tgeom plot... Feels rather ace and lesbophobic, what with RS saying Hestia and Athena (and perhaps Artemis) "turned" gay rather than deciding the previous label didnt work for them and the implication that I guess lesbians are only fit in LO society if their virgins forever / hide their relationships (which could be an interesting plot line if RS was competent as a writer except I'm pretty sure in ancient greece you didnt have to hide being gay in a herternormative society like you would now). And Persephone our resident straight character 'bravely' leaves the organization she claims she was "groomed" for with pictures of Hestia in the flashback. Lovely implications all around.
It’s insane that the group of supposed lesbians in the comic “groomed” Persephone to being one of them. It’s very very damaging and it’s genuinely disgusting that that’s the implications in the first place, lesbians have gone through too much shit especially with certain types of straight women being terrified of being “turned out” by them and it’s incredibly insensitive to keep this narrative going in the first place. Being a lesbian doesn’t mean that you’re just on the prowl for every woman you see just like being gay doesn’t mean you’re trying to force yourself onto men, it’s ridiculous that no one ever told her or even addressed it. She has editors and artists yet none of them realized how very weird and borderline homophobic this whole thing is? Being bi doesn’t just automatically mean you can’t ever be homophobic or transphobic and I really do feel like this should be addressed.
But I do agree with you on everything you said, the implications are all over the place and very very weird.
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