#that wife
What's your take on this line-
"You were my whole world. Being Mary Watson was the only life worth living. Thank you."
I've always thought that it's a classic example of inconsistent characterization.
(I love your stories btw. Specially the HLV fix-its.)
So, I just wrote you a whole long comment in response to the comment you just left on my fic Stand-in, haha! It got me on a Mary rant and therefore perfectly poised to come and answer this.
Without putting too fine a point on it, my take is that this line is utter bullshit. Nothing about that scene is consistent with Mary's previous characterization, as you so rightly said. What we saw was:
-a character who made a career in killing for personal gain. Not principle, not national loyalty, just money. She at no point in the canon expressed any remorse for that.
-a character whose cover story ("doctor's wife", mother of a newborn, etc) was getting boring for her, bait that she rises to in showing off her shooting skills to Sherlock in HLV.
-a character who "loved" this life so much that she ran away the instant shit hit the fan, refusing Sherlock's help and instead attacking him a second time, leaving behind an infant child as well as John, just as she abandoned her AGRA teammates to torture and death without even having the decency to confirm that they were beyond rescue.
-a character who knew that her time with John was up. There was that unvarnished moment of truth after he and Sherlock went to get her, finding her due to John having already known that she would attack Sherlock and planting a tracking device in the USB key, where she says "I liked Mary" and he says "I do, too. Or I used to." (Paraphrasing very loosely there!)
That does not add up to Mary ("Mary") finding this life with John the "only life worth living", or even a sustainable life. She was bored. She had endless loose ends left behind, just like her own teammate. She had consequences waiting for her, and ran away from them - maybe to spare John and Rosie from having to face them, but she was never willing to try honesty in the first place, try telling John her real name, even (you can BET it wasn't her criminal alias of Rosamunde... no one could be that stupid!). She wasn't willing to, say, turn herself in, face the consequences of any of her actions, express any regret for anything she'd ever done to anyone, no holds barred.
My theory is that she chose her own out. She knew that John didn't love her anymore (I mean, he was already thinking of cheating and you can also bet that Mary checked his phone...) and she decided to fake a moment of "redemption" to throw division between him and Sherlock, by trying to somehow make the deliberate choices of two other people Sherlock's fault. It's bizarre logic, and I'm not even going to touch on the writing aspect here. Mary knew her time was up, so she pulled her signature move and ran away from it all, one last time. She was a coward who never thought she needed to answer for her own actions or apologize for them - and let's be clear: she did. Mary was an absolutely horrendous human being. Her entire relationship with John was lies and more lies. No one in the CANON liked her - there was a double-sided list of people who hate her among her OWN WEDDING GUESTS, which is quite something. She killed people for a living and she felt just fine about abandoning these teammates that were like "family" to her in favour of blithely starting a whole new life without a second thought for anything she'd ever done.
So yeah: it was a bullshit line. One last piece of the final cover story of who knows how many.
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alltingfinns · 2 years
The Empty Hearse part II
This is when they started the running gag of “at least he remembers that Lestrade’s first name begins with a G”. Before this I just figured he learned Lestrade had a first name and that would be that.
Honestly I’m pretty bad with names too.
Ahh, the hug he didn’t get from John.
Who is awake at night.
Sherlock’s lucky mrs Hudson didn’t bonk him on the head with the sauce pan.
Yet another ridiculous theory. (Once again dependent on no Moriarty corpse.)
The giggling. The crummy photo print stapled on a terrible dummy. Amazing!
And the very not canon ship that “is just as plausible” as the sherlolly kiss.
Also the slash fan is the one objecting to the hat. (Hat = public image based on misconception. Introduced in the same episode as Irene Adler, who is buried in public misconceptions.) Because she does take it seriously. So while she gets it wrong, she’s still closer to the truth than Anderson.
Mary reading John’s blog like:
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Seriously, she’s reading John’s (heterosexual flat matey) description of Sherlock like she’s devouring a harlequin novel.
“Don’t read that!” Someone feeling exposed?
I understand John’s annoyance with her. She’s complaining about “six months of bristly kisses” but until last night he had no idea she disliked it. So she’s the one making it about Sherlock.
She’s very pointedly needling him about Sherlock. It all looks very innocent and cute and almost supportive, until you put it in the larger context.
John has good reason to be mad at Sherlock and want to keep his distance. He has a lot to process and she should be supporting him in that or at least not poke an open wound. Yet she seems to be taking Sherlock’s side, seemingly trying to push for reconciliation when John is vulnerable.
We later learn that she is a masterclass manipulator. This ties back into the failed proposal scene when she rearranged his carefully prepared words. She is needling him about his relationship to Sherlock, explicitly comparing it to their relationship. Basically she’s feeding John’s paranoia about how obvious his devotion to Sherlock is, which activates his “no homo” reflex. “Or I’ll marry you.”
This all builds on the metaphorical facial hair of the episode; John becoming more determined to marry her now because if he doesn’t, everyone will know.
He still shaves it off though.
I love this scene with Mycroft. It is so fucking meta!!
But also I just automatically laugh when the “intellectual master strategist chess game” is revealed be operation!
“Oh bugger!” “Oopsie!”
This series is where these two are their most siblingy.
“Can’t handle a broken heart, how very telling”
Oh Sherlock
You don’t even know
But you will
You will
“I’m the smart one” is such a sibling thing. It took me forever to realize that my older brother wasn’t smarter than me, he was just better than me at some things. I didn’t realize how much better I was than him at math for one thing, so finding that out helped a lot.
Sherlock is like a new convert that wants to spread the message of the joys of friendship.
Mrs Hudson. If there’s anything that can make me doubt, it’s the passing of Una Stubbs. It’s just hard to imagine even one more episode without her.
Sherlock is just passing the time. Basically he’s bored without John. And maybe he’s hoping that Mary will “talk him around”
Making deductions without even meaning to is a family trait it seems. (Not genetically, more like enforced habits.)
“I’ve written a blog on the varying tensile strengths of different natural fibers”
Mrs Hudson may be sarcastic, but as a mechanical engineer who knits, I do have a crying need for this blog.
And now the final point Sherlock was building up.
“Why would anyone mind?”
Also the callback to “how would you know” cements it even further that, at least up until including ASiB, Sherlock’s not had sex. He’s basically turning the words around, which only makes sense if they made a direct hit in the first place.
Look I just need older queer virgin representation. It’s important to me. (And by older, I literally mean anyone past their twenties, which isn’t even old. It’s just treated as too old when it comes too sex and lack of experience in it.)
That cheeky wink to mrs Hudson.
“Undescended testicles.” So balls that haven’t dropped?
I kind of love this trope of two conversations = one dialogue through smash cut.
And now Molly becomes the unquestionably definitive John mirror: literally taking his place.
Solve crimes = date. So very much a mirror.
Also note how Molly, who we learn is engaged, eagerly jumps at the chance of dating Sherlock. A reminder that this is what John would do if certain pesky things like internalized biphobia and society weren’t in the way.
“You’re not being John, you’re being yourself.” She may be a John mirror, but she’s a) her own character and b) not actually John.
People call this version of Sherlock Holmes an unrelenting asshole. But personally I love his refreshing honesty. He’s not interested in the money he could be paid for dragging out the case with the rich husband who embezzled himself to have an affair. Recommending a divorce lawyer for the wife in the same breath he deduced the scumbag.
John just watching the clock tick. Even after Mary’s needling that morning, he’s still counting the seconds until he can go see Sherlock.
Also I feel this next scene corrects one big problem I had with the original version of A Case of Identity: by having Sherlock make the confrontation in front of the victim.
Say what the fuck ever you will about BBC Sherlock, at least they gave this woman the closure that Doyle never gave her.
Also the wrath in his glance to Molly. Sherlock will not suffer assholes that manipulate their stepdaughters. (Could have used more horsewhip, but the victim getting closure is far more important.)
Interesting choice to turn the titles into porn parodies.
Also John just immediately assuming it’s Sherlock.
Why are you thinking that Sherlock would pose as a patient to peddle porn to you, John? Why is that your immediate conclusion?
John? Why does an old man showing you his porn collection make you think that your old heterosexual flat mate is pranking you? John?
I love how overly obviously staged it is.
Yes, Sherlock, you clearly need to analyze this fully clothed skeleton sitting upright by a desk to determine it’s a hoax.
John’s voice in his head.
“How I did it” by Jack the Ripper.
Classic! Everyone loves putting Sherlock Holmes up to solving the most famous unsolved case in London’s history. But this highlights why it always falls flat, the case is still unsolved and attempts to come up with a solution to it will inevitably feel wrong somehow.
Of course the idea of Jack writing an OJ style tell all book, hiding it in a secret compartment in the desk and then just die…
Again, Anderson, the one with the incredibly out there theory/sherlolly fanfic. Just saying.
“You forgot to put your collar up” highlighting that Sherlock does it for John’s sake.
“Why indeed, John.”
Molly getting some really mixed signals here.
Hmm. In Sherlock’s mind being different doesn’t rule out friendships, but romance seem fantastical. How very telling.
“Nothing on any map.” Except later you’re going to be like, oh yeah, no there’s one place.
That’s some damn good resolution on the surveillance.
Instruction to the editor: Go nuts on this sequence. Pretend you’re making a fan made music video.
John oscillating on the pavement.
Also, society stepping in to prevent him from seeing Sherlock/getting the date Molly was angling for.
“Fancy some chips?” Oh god. TLD feels. I can’t.
Did he fuck the chippy guy? It’s one thing to say something that could be innuendo, but it’s the little smile when he says it. Again, I personally prefer him being a virgin. Not because I feel he should be “saved” for John, but because media actually exploring virginity in relation to queerness is interesting to me. But I will not deny reality as it is presented to me.
Plus I’m not sure Sherlock should be trusted with a power drill.
Sherlock does care for Molly.
“Not all the men you fall for can turn out be sociopaths.” “Maybe it’s just my type.”
John mirror.
Also. Foreshadowing.
Remember to check your bonfire stacks for hedgehogs before lighting them up.
Mary sees it’s a skip code. Could probably solve it herself. But she takes it to Sherlock. Because it’s her job. (Also, pretty sure Magnussen confirmed that it wasn’t him at a time when he had no reason to lie about it.) This is something else, this is what she was employed for. Maybe. Honestly, I’m still working out her motivation, because I don’t think her potential employer would care for some of her later choices.
Dropping the chips = saving John is what Sherlock will save his own life for.
Get yourself someone who will step out in traffic to hijack a motorbike for you.
I love how Sherlock thinks in vectors.
Always listen to little kids when they say cryptic shit. That’s when it matters.
This scene illustrates the difference between Sherlock and Mary.
To quote: “Should I ever marry, Watson, I should hope to inspire my wife with some feeling which would prevent her from being walked off by a housekeeper when my corpse was lying within a few yards of her.”
Basically, the trained assassin/fiancee is standing off to the side while the supposed “sociopath” is diving into the fire to dig out John.
Stay tuned for part III after I handle my Duolingo.
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bigwizardhat · 3 months
my cat stopping me from petting her
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whatalphamenwant · 14 days
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indra-sexygirl · 2 months
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Because perfect boobs…
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Role reversal AU
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crabanarchy · 1 year
i miss cd drives. how could you just take her pussy away. likes its nothing
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teathattast · 4 months
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ladysqueakinpip · 4 months
guys hot uquiz was just discovered but I'm taking it about 100 yrs too late. anyways everyone share how wifeable you are.
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fandomsandfeminism · 11 months
Yall wanna hear a kinda funny, kinda sad story about my grandmother and hetero-normativity?
Ok, so... when my grandmother was in her 50s (I was an infant), she met a woman at the Unitarian Church. And, as can happen when you meet your soul mate, this event made it impossible for her to deny parts of herself that she had fiercely hidden her whole life.
All the drama- their affair being found out, the divorce with my grandfather, the court battle over who got the house, happened while I was a baby. Even in my earliest memories, it's just Mama Jo and Oma, and my grandfather lived elsewhere (first his own apartment, then a nursing home, then with us.)
But here's the thing- no one ever explained any of this to me. No one ever sat down and was like "hey, Rosie, so do you know what a lesbian is?" It was the 90s. It was Texas. I think my mom was still kinda processing all this, and just assumed that like... I was gonna figure it out. Don't mention it, let it just be normal. Like I think my mom thought that if she explained the situation, she would be making it weird? I dunno.
But like. In the 90s, in all the movies I had seen and books I had read, do you know how many same sex couples I had seen? Like. 0. Do you know how many "platonic best friend/roommates" I had seen? A lot. I had no context, is what I'm saying.
I literally thought this was a Golden Girls, roommates, besties situation until I was like...I dunno, 11? 12?
It was actually their parrot, an African Grey named Spike, imitating my grandmothers voice saying "Johanna, honey, it's getting late", that triggered the MIND BLOWN moment as I realized that *there's only one master bedroom and it only has 1 waterbed* when all the pieces finally clicked.
Anyway. I think it's a real important thing for kids to know queer people exist, for a lot of reasons, but also because kids can be clueless and it's embarrassing to have your grandmother be outted by a parrot because everyone just thought you'd figure it out on your own.
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Anyway, here is my grandma and her wife, my Oma, after they moved to Albuquerque to be artsy gay cowboys and live their best life. They helped run a "Lesbian Dude Ranch" out there (basically just with funding and financial support. As Oma has explained "traditionally, most lesbians don't have a lot of money" so they wrote the checks and let the younger ladies actually run the ranch.)
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sabertoothwalrus · 17 days
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chilchuck voice my wife
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emaarusovaa · 13 days
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Good morninggg❤️
SOURCE: 🔴 www.ema-rusova.com🔞
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hotbabesusa · 5 months
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Want to see if my unicorn can shoot water
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bagool-the-wizard · 5 months
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Somebody ate a hole in the flour.
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Any idea who it could be?
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indra-sexygirl · 2 months
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