#that wouldnt be great image for young kids &teens that've had a parent like dat
thaliasthunder · 3 years
What are your thoughts on simons relationship with his dad. I’m rewatching for the 5th time lol. And I just don’t know where they’ll go with it in the second season (because they will get a second season). It seems like throughout the first season he’s genuinely trying to do better by his kids but I dunno, thoughts?
i'm kinda reticent about micke tbh, he seemed nice when he's sober but i can't blame sara for being mad at simon for bringing him into their lives again (i know it was not on purpose but still) cuz we, as the public, still don't know how he's like when he's drunk (i mean what if he's aggressive or shit) and having an alcoholic parent can be very traumatic & i want simon, sara n linda to be safe so,, i'll just wait to see how they fix that thing if they (the yr team) do want micke to be a present father again
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